Allow inserting non-BMP characters
[emacs.git] / test / src / data-tests.el
1 ;;; data-tests.el --- tests for src/data.c
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
7 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 ;; (at your option) any later version.
12 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
17 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
20 ;;; Commentary:
22 ;;; Code:
24 (require 'cl-lib)
26 (ert-deftest data-tests-= ()
27 (should-error (=))
28 (should (= 1))
29 (should (= 2 2))
30 (should (= 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9))
31 (should (= most-negative-fixnum (float most-negative-fixnum)))
32 (should-not (= most-positive-fixnum (+ 1.0 most-positive-fixnum)))
33 (should-not (apply #'= '(3 8 3)))
34 (should-error (= 9 9 'foo))
35 ;; Short circuits before getting to bad arg
36 (should-not (= 9 8 'foo)))
38 (ert-deftest data-tests-< ()
39 (should-error (<))
40 (should (< 1))
41 (should (< 2 3))
42 (should (< -6 -1 0 2 3 4 8 9 999))
43 (should (< 0.5 most-positive-fixnum (+ 1.0 most-positive-fixnum)))
44 (should-not (apply #'< '(3 8 3)))
45 (should-error (< 9 10 'foo))
46 ;; Short circuits before getting to bad arg
47 (should-not (< 9 8 'foo)))
49 (ert-deftest data-tests-> ()
50 (should-error (>))
51 (should (> 1))
52 (should (> 3 2))
53 (should (> 6 1 0 -2 -3 -4 -8 -9 -999))
54 (should (> (+ 1.0 most-positive-fixnum) most-positive-fixnum 0.5))
55 (should-not (apply #'> '(3 8 3)))
56 (should-error (> 9 8 'foo))
57 ;; Short circuits before getting to bad arg
58 (should-not (> 8 9 'foo)))
60 (ert-deftest data-tests-<= ()
61 (should-error (<=))
62 (should (<= 1))
63 (should (<= 2 3))
64 (should (<= -6 -1 -1 0 0 0 2 3 4 8 999))
65 (should (<= 0.5 most-positive-fixnum (+ 1.0 most-positive-fixnum)))
66 (should-not (apply #'<= '(3 8 3 3)))
67 (should-error (<= 9 10 'foo))
68 ;; Short circuits before getting to bad arg
69 (should-not (<= 9 8 'foo)))
71 (ert-deftest data-tests->= ()
72 (should-error (>=))
73 (should (>= 1))
74 (should (>= 3 2))
75 (should (>= 666 1 0 0 -2 -3 -3 -3 -4 -8 -8 -9 -999))
76 (should (>= (+ 1.0 most-positive-fixnum) most-positive-fixnum))
77 (should-not (apply #'>= '(3 8 3)))
78 (should-error (>= 9 8 'foo))
79 ;; Short circuits before getting to bad arg
80 (should-not (>= 8 9 'foo)))
82 (ert-deftest data-tests-max ()
83 (should-error (max))
84 (should (= 1 (max 1)))
85 (should (= 3 (max 3 2)))
86 (should (= 666 (max 666 1 0 0 -2 -3 -3 -3 -4 -8 -8 -9 -999)))
87 (should (= (1+ most-negative-fixnum)
88 (max (float most-negative-fixnum) (1+ most-negative-fixnum))))
89 (should (= 8 (apply #'max '(3 8 3))))
90 (should-error (max 9 8 'foo))
91 (should-error (max (make-marker)))
92 (should (eql 1 (max (point-min-marker) 1))))
94 (ert-deftest data-tests-min ()
95 (should-error (min))
96 (should (= 1 (min 1)))
97 (should (= 2 (min 3 2)))
98 (should (= -999 (min 666 1 0 0 -2 -3 -3 -3 -4 -8 -8 -9 -999)))
99 (should (= most-positive-fixnum
100 (min (+ 1.0 most-positive-fixnum) most-positive-fixnum)))
101 (should (= 3 (apply #'min '(3 8 3))))
102 (should-error (min 9 8 'foo))
103 (should-error (min (make-marker)))
104 (should (eql 1 (min (point-min-marker) 1)))
105 (should (isnan (min 0.0e+NaN)))
106 (should (isnan (min 0.0e+NaN 1 2)))
107 (should (isnan (min 1.0 0.0e+NaN)))
108 (should (isnan (min 1.0 0.0e+NaN 1.1))))
110 (defun data-tests-popcnt (byte)
111 "Calculate the Hamming weight of BYTE."
112 (if (< byte 0)
113 (setq byte (lognot byte)))
114 (setq byte (- byte (logand (lsh byte -1) #x55555555)))
115 (setq byte (+ (logand byte #x33333333) (logand (lsh byte -2) #x33333333)))
116 (lsh (* (logand (+ byte (lsh byte -4)) #x0f0f0f0f) #x01010101) -24))
118 (ert-deftest data-tests-logcount ()
119 (should (cl-loop for n in (number-sequence -255 255)
120 always (= (logcount n) (data-tests-popcnt n))))
121 ;;
122 (should (= 11 (logcount 9727)))
123 (should (= 8 (logcount 9999))))
125 ;; Bool vector tests. Compactly represent bool vectors as hex
126 ;; strings.
128 (ert-deftest bool-vector-count-population-all-0-nil ()
129 (cl-loop for sz in '(0 45 1 64 9 344)
130 do (let* ((bv (make-bool-vector sz nil)))
131 (should
132 (zerop
133 (bool-vector-count-population bv))))))
135 (ert-deftest bool-vector-count-population-all-1-t ()
136 (cl-loop for sz in '(0 45 1 64 9 344)
137 do (let* ((bv (make-bool-vector sz t)))
138 (should
139 (eql
140 (bool-vector-count-population bv)
141 sz)))))
143 (ert-deftest bool-vector-count-population-1-nil ()
144 (let* ((bv (make-bool-vector 45 nil)))
145 (aset bv 40 t)
146 (aset bv 0 t)
147 (should
148 (eql
149 (bool-vector-count-population bv)
150 2))))
152 (ert-deftest bool-vector-count-population-1-t ()
153 (let* ((bv (make-bool-vector 45 t)))
154 (aset bv 40 nil)
155 (aset bv 0 nil)
156 (should
157 (eql
158 (bool-vector-count-population bv)
159 43))))
161 (defun mock-bool-vector-count-consecutive (a b i)
162 (cl-loop for i from i below (length a)
163 while (eq (aref a i) b)
164 sum 1))
166 (defun test-bool-vector-bv-from-hex-string (desc)
167 (let (bv nchars nibbles)
168 (dolist (c (string-to-list desc))
169 (push (string-to-number
170 (char-to-string c)
172 nibbles))
173 (setf bv (make-bool-vector (* 4 (length nibbles)) nil))
174 (let ((i 0))
175 (dolist (n (nreverse nibbles))
176 (dotimes (_ 4)
177 (aset bv i (> (logand 1 n) 0))
178 (cl-incf i)
179 (setf n (lsh n -1)))))
180 bv))
182 (defun test-bool-vector-to-hex-string (bv)
183 (let (nibbles (v (cl-coerce bv 'list)))
184 (while v
185 (push (logior
186 (lsh (if (nth 0 v) 1 0) 0)
187 (lsh (if (nth 1 v) 1 0) 1)
188 (lsh (if (nth 2 v) 1 0) 2)
189 (lsh (if (nth 3 v) 1 0) 3))
190 nibbles)
191 (setf v (nthcdr 4 v)))
192 (mapconcat (lambda (n) (format "%X" n))
193 (nreverse nibbles)
194 "")))
196 (defun test-bool-vector-count-consecutive-tc (desc)
197 "Run a test case for bool-vector-count-consecutive.
198 DESC is a string describing the test. It is a sequence of
199 hexadecimal digits describing the bool vector. We exhaustively
200 test all counts at all possible positions in the vector by
201 comparing the subr with a much slower lisp implementation."
202 (let ((bv (test-bool-vector-bv-from-hex-string desc)))
203 (cl-loop
204 for lf in '(nil t)
205 do (cl-loop
206 for pos from 0 upto (length bv)
207 for cnt = (mock-bool-vector-count-consecutive bv lf pos)
208 for rcnt = (bool-vector-count-consecutive bv lf pos)
209 unless (eql cnt rcnt)
210 do (error "FAILED testcase %S %3S %3S %3S"
211 pos lf cnt rcnt)))))
213 (defconst bool-vector-test-vectors
214 '(""
217 "0F"
218 "F0"
219 "00000000000000000000000000000FFFFF0000000"
220 "44a50234053fba3340000023444a50234053fba33400000234"
221 "12341234123456123412346001234123412345612341234600"
222 "44a50234053fba33400000234"
223 "1234123412345612341234600"
224 "44a50234053fba33400000234"
225 "1234123412345612341234600"
226 "44a502340"
227 "123412341"
228 "0000000000000000000000000"
231 (ert-deftest bool-vector-count-consecutive ()
232 (mapc #'test-bool-vector-count-consecutive-tc
233 bool-vector-test-vectors))
235 (defun test-bool-vector-apply-mock-op (mock a b c)
236 "Compute (slowly) the correct result of a bool-vector set operation."
237 (let (changed nv)
238 (cl-assert (eql (length b) (length c)))
239 (if a (setf nv a)
240 (setf a (make-bool-vector (length b) nil))
241 (setf changed t))
243 (cl-loop for i below (length b)
244 for mockr = (funcall mock
245 (if (aref b i) 1 0)
246 (if (aref c i) 1 0))
247 for r = (not (= 0 mockr))
248 do (progn
249 (unless (eq (aref a i) r)
250 (setf changed t))
251 (setf (aref a i) r)))
252 (if changed a)))
254 (defun test-bool-vector-binop (mock real)
255 "Test a binary set operation."
256 (cl-loop for s1 in bool-vector-test-vectors
257 for bv1 = (test-bool-vector-bv-from-hex-string s1)
258 for vecs2 = (cl-remove-if-not
259 (lambda (x) (eql (length x) (length s1)))
260 bool-vector-test-vectors)
261 do (cl-loop for s2 in vecs2
262 for bv2 = (test-bool-vector-bv-from-hex-string s2)
263 for mock-result = (test-bool-vector-apply-mock-op
264 mock nil bv1 bv2)
265 for real-result = (funcall real bv1 bv2)
266 do (progn
267 (should (equal mock-result real-result))))))
269 (ert-deftest bool-vector-intersection-op ()
270 (test-bool-vector-binop
271 #'logand
272 #'bool-vector-intersection))
274 (ert-deftest bool-vector-union-op ()
275 (test-bool-vector-binop
276 #'logior
277 #'bool-vector-union))
279 (ert-deftest bool-vector-xor-op ()
280 (test-bool-vector-binop
281 #'logxor
282 #'bool-vector-exclusive-or))
284 (ert-deftest bool-vector-set-difference-op ()
285 (test-bool-vector-binop
286 (lambda (a b) (logand a (lognot b)))
287 #'bool-vector-set-difference))
289 (ert-deftest bool-vector-change-detection ()
290 (let* ((vc1 (test-bool-vector-bv-from-hex-string "abcdef"))
291 (vc2 (test-bool-vector-bv-from-hex-string "012345"))
292 (vc3 (make-bool-vector (length vc1) nil))
293 (c1 (bool-vector-union vc1 vc2 vc3))
294 (c2 (bool-vector-union vc1 vc2 vc3)))
295 (should (equal c1 (test-bool-vector-apply-mock-op
296 #'logior
298 vc1 vc2)))
299 (should (not c2))))
301 (ert-deftest bool-vector-not ()
302 (let* ((v1 (test-bool-vector-bv-from-hex-string "FFFF3"))
303 (v2 (test-bool-vector-bv-from-hex-string "0000C"))
304 (v3 (bool-vector-not v1)))
305 (should (equal v2 v3))))
307 ;; Tests for variable bindings
309 (defvar binding-test-buffer-A (get-buffer-create "A"))
310 (defvar binding-test-buffer-B (get-buffer-create "B"))
312 (defvar binding-test-always-local 'always)
313 (make-variable-buffer-local 'binding-test-always-local)
315 (defvar binding-test-some-local 'some)
316 (with-current-buffer binding-test-buffer-A
317 (set (make-local-variable 'binding-test-some-local) 'local))
319 (ert-deftest binding-test-manual ()
320 "A test case from the elisp manual."
321 (with-current-buffer binding-test-buffer-A
322 (let ((binding-test-some-local 'something-else))
323 (should (eq binding-test-some-local 'something-else))
324 (set-buffer binding-test-buffer-B)
325 (should (eq binding-test-some-local 'some)))
326 (should (eq binding-test-some-local 'some))
327 (set-buffer binding-test-buffer-A)
328 (should (eq binding-test-some-local 'local))))
330 (ert-deftest binding-test-setq-default ()
331 "Test that a setq-default has no effect when there is a local binding."
332 (with-current-buffer binding-test-buffer-B
333 ;; This variable is not local in this buffer.
334 (let ((binding-test-some-local 'something-else))
335 (setq-default binding-test-some-local 'new-default))
336 (should (eq binding-test-some-local 'some))))
338 (ert-deftest binding-test-makunbound ()
339 "Tests of makunbound, from the manual."
340 (with-current-buffer binding-test-buffer-B
341 (should (boundp 'binding-test-some-local))
342 (let ((binding-test-some-local 'outer))
343 (let ((binding-test-some-local 'inner))
344 (makunbound 'binding-test-some-local)
345 (should (not (boundp 'binding-test-some-local))))
346 (should (and (boundp 'binding-test-some-local)
347 (eq binding-test-some-local 'outer))))))
349 (ert-deftest binding-test-defvar-bool ()
350 "Test DEFVAR_BOOL"
351 (let ((display-hourglass 5))
352 (should (eq display-hourglass t))))
354 (ert-deftest binding-test-defvar-int ()
355 "Test DEFVAR_INT"
356 (should-error (setq gc-cons-threshold 5.0) :type 'wrong-type-argument))
358 (ert-deftest binding-test-set-constant-t ()
359 "Test setting the constant t"
360 (with-no-warnings (should-error (setq t 'bob) :type 'setting-constant)))
362 (ert-deftest binding-test-set-constant-nil ()
363 "Test setting the constant nil"
364 (with-no-warnings (should-error (setq nil 'bob) :type 'setting-constant)))
366 (ert-deftest binding-test-set-constant-keyword ()
367 "Test setting a keyword constant"
368 (with-no-warnings (should-error (setq :keyword 'bob) :type 'setting-constant)))
370 (ert-deftest binding-test-set-constant-nil ()
371 "Test setting a keyword to itself"
372 (with-no-warnings (should (setq :keyword :keyword))))
374 ;; More tests to write -
375 ;; kill-local-variable
376 ;; defconst; can modify
377 ;; defvar and defconst modify the local binding [ doesn't matter for us ]
378 ;; various kinds of special internal forwarding objects
379 ;; a couple examples in manual, not enough
380 ;; variable aliases
382 ;; Tests for watchpoints
384 (ert-deftest data-tests-variable-watchers ()
385 (defvar data-tests-var 0)
386 (let* ((watch-data nil)
387 (collect-watch-data
388 (lambda (&rest args) (push args watch-data))))
389 (cl-flet ((should-have-watch-data (data)
390 (should (equal (pop watch-data) data))
391 (should (null watch-data))))
392 (add-variable-watcher 'data-tests-var collect-watch-data)
393 (setq data-tests-var 1)
394 (should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var 1 set nil))
395 (let ((data-tests-var 2))
396 (should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var 2 let nil))
397 (setq data-tests-var 3)
398 (should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var 3 set nil)))
399 (should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var 1 unlet nil))
400 ;; `setq-default' on non-local variable is same as `setq'.
401 (setq-default data-tests-var 4)
402 (should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var 4 set nil))
403 (makunbound 'data-tests-var)
404 (should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var nil makunbound nil))
405 (setq data-tests-var 5)
406 (should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var 5 set nil))
407 (remove-variable-watcher 'data-tests-var collect-watch-data)
408 (setq data-tests-var 6)
409 (should (null watch-data)))))
411 (ert-deftest data-tests-varalias-watchers ()
412 (defvar data-tests-var0 0)
413 (defvar data-tests-var1 0)
414 (defvar data-tests-var2 0)
415 (defvar data-tests-var3 0)
416 (let* ((watch-data nil)
417 (collect-watch-data
418 (lambda (&rest args) (push args watch-data))))
419 (cl-flet ((should-have-watch-data (data)
420 (should (equal (pop watch-data) data))
421 (should (null watch-data))))
422 ;; Watch var0, then alias it.
423 (add-variable-watcher 'data-tests-var0 collect-watch-data)
424 (defvar data-tests-var0-alias)
425 (defvaralias 'data-tests-var0-alias 'data-tests-var0)
426 (setq data-tests-var0 1)
427 (should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var0 1 set nil))
428 (setq data-tests-var0-alias 2)
429 (should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var0 2 set nil))
430 ;; Alias var1, then watch var1-alias.
431 (defvar data-tests-var1-alias)
432 (defvaralias 'data-tests-var1-alias 'data-tests-var1)
433 (add-variable-watcher 'data-tests-var1-alias collect-watch-data)
434 (setq data-tests-var1 1)
435 (should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var1 1 set nil))
436 (setq data-tests-var1-alias 2)
437 (should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var1 2 set nil))
438 ;; Alias var2, then watch it.
439 (defvar data-tests-var2-alias)
440 (defvaralias 'data-tests-var2-alias 'data-tests-var2)
441 (add-variable-watcher 'data-tests-var2 collect-watch-data)
442 (setq data-tests-var2 1)
443 (should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var2 1 set nil))
444 (setq data-tests-var2-alias 2)
445 (should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var2 2 set nil))
446 ;; Watch var3-alias, then make it alias var3 (this removes the
447 ;; watcher flag).
448 (defvar data-tests-var3-alias 0)
449 (add-variable-watcher 'data-tests-var3-alias collect-watch-data)
450 (defvaralias 'data-tests-var3-alias 'data-tests-var3)
451 (should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-var3-alias
452 data-tests-var3 defvaralias nil))
453 (setq data-tests-var3 1)
454 (setq data-tests-var3-alias 2)
455 (should (null watch-data)))))
457 (ert-deftest data-tests-local-variable-watchers ()
458 (with-no-warnings
459 (defvar-local data-tests-lvar 0))
460 (let* ((buf1 (current-buffer))
461 (buf2 nil)
462 (watch-data nil)
463 (collect-watch-data
464 (lambda (&rest args) (push args watch-data))))
465 (cl-flet ((should-have-watch-data (data)
466 (should (equal (pop watch-data) data))
467 (should (null watch-data))))
468 (add-variable-watcher 'data-tests-lvar collect-watch-data)
469 (setq data-tests-lvar 1)
470 (should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 1 set ,buf1))
471 (let ((data-tests-lvar 2))
472 (should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 2 let ,buf1))
473 (setq data-tests-lvar 3)
474 (should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 3 set ,buf1)))
475 (should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 1 unlet ,buf1))
476 (setq-default data-tests-lvar 4)
477 (should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 4 set nil))
478 (with-temp-buffer
479 (setq buf2 (current-buffer))
480 (setq data-tests-lvar 1)
481 (should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 1 set ,buf2))
482 (let ((data-tests-lvar 2))
483 (should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 2 let ,buf2))
484 (setq data-tests-lvar 3)
485 (should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 3 set ,buf2)))
486 (should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 1 unlet ,buf2))
487 (kill-local-variable 'data-tests-lvar)
488 (should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar nil makunbound ,buf2))
489 (setq data-tests-lvar 3.5)
490 (should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 3.5 set ,buf2))
491 (kill-all-local-variables)
492 (should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar nil makunbound ,buf2)))
493 (setq-default data-tests-lvar 4)
494 (should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 4 set nil))
495 (makunbound 'data-tests-lvar)
496 (should-have-watch-data '(data-tests-lvar nil makunbound nil))
497 (setq data-tests-lvar 5)
498 (should-have-watch-data `(data-tests-lvar 5 set ,buf1))
499 (remove-variable-watcher 'data-tests-lvar collect-watch-data)
500 (setq data-tests-lvar 6)
501 (should (null watch-data)))))