*** empty log message ***
[emacs.git] / lisp / calc / calc-prog.el
1 ;;; calc-prog.el --- user programmability functions for Calc
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: David Gillespie <daveg@synaptics.com>
6 ;; Maintainer: Jay Belanger <belanger@truman.edu>
8 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
10 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
12 ;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
13 ;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
14 ;; unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
15 ;; License for full details.
17 ;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
18 ;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
19 ;; GNU Emacs General Public License. A copy of this license is
20 ;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
21 ;; can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
22 ;; file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
23 ;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
25 ;;; Commentary:
27 ;;; Code:
29 ;; This file is autoloaded from calc-ext.el.
31 (require 'calc-ext)
32 (require 'calc-macs)
35 (defun calc-equal-to (arg)
36 (interactive "P")
37 (calc-wrapper
38 (if (and (integerp arg) (> arg 2))
39 (calc-enter-result arg "eq" (cons 'calcFunc-eq (calc-top-list-n arg)))
40 (calc-binary-op "eq" 'calcFunc-eq arg))))
42 (defun calc-remove-equal (arg)
43 (interactive "P")
44 (calc-wrapper
45 (calc-unary-op "rmeq" 'calcFunc-rmeq arg)))
47 (defun calc-not-equal-to (arg)
48 (interactive "P")
49 (calc-wrapper
50 (if (and (integerp arg) (> arg 2))
51 (calc-enter-result arg "neq" (cons 'calcFunc-neq (calc-top-list-n arg)))
52 (calc-binary-op "neq" 'calcFunc-neq arg))))
54 (defun calc-less-than (arg)
55 (interactive "P")
56 (calc-wrapper
57 (calc-binary-op "lt" 'calcFunc-lt arg)))
59 (defun calc-greater-than (arg)
60 (interactive "P")
61 (calc-wrapper
62 (calc-binary-op "gt" 'calcFunc-gt arg)))
64 (defun calc-less-equal (arg)
65 (interactive "P")
66 (calc-wrapper
67 (calc-binary-op "leq" 'calcFunc-leq arg)))
69 (defun calc-greater-equal (arg)
70 (interactive "P")
71 (calc-wrapper
72 (calc-binary-op "geq" 'calcFunc-geq arg)))
74 (defun calc-in-set (arg)
75 (interactive "P")
76 (calc-wrapper
77 (calc-binary-op "in" 'calcFunc-in arg)))
79 (defun calc-logical-and (arg)
80 (interactive "P")
81 (calc-wrapper
82 (calc-binary-op "land" 'calcFunc-land arg 1)))
84 (defun calc-logical-or (arg)
85 (interactive "P")
86 (calc-wrapper
87 (calc-binary-op "lor" 'calcFunc-lor arg 0)))
89 (defun calc-logical-not (arg)
90 (interactive "P")
91 (calc-wrapper
92 (calc-unary-op "lnot" 'calcFunc-lnot arg)))
94 (defun calc-logical-if ()
95 (interactive)
96 (calc-wrapper
97 (calc-enter-result 3 "if" (cons 'calcFunc-if (calc-top-list-n 3)))))
103 (defun calc-timing (n)
104 (interactive "P")
105 (calc-wrapper
106 (calc-change-mode 'calc-timing n nil t)
107 (message (if calc-timing
108 "Reporting timing of slow commands in Trail"
109 "Not reporting timing of commands"))))
111 (defun calc-pass-errors ()
112 (interactive)
113 ;; The following two cases are for the new, optimizing byte compiler
114 ;; or the standard 18.57 byte compiler, respectively.
115 (condition-case err
116 (let ((place (aref (nth 2 (nth 2 (symbol-function 'calc-do))) 15)))
117 (or (memq (car-safe (car-safe place)) '(error xxxerror))
118 (setq place (aref (nth 2 (nth 2 (symbol-function 'calc-do))) 27)))
119 (or (memq (car (car place)) '(error xxxerror))
120 (error "foo"))
121 (setcar (car place) 'xxxerror))
122 (error (error "The calc-do function has been modified; unable to patch"))))
124 (defun calc-user-define ()
125 (interactive)
126 (message "Define user key: z-")
127 (let ((key (read-char)))
128 (if (= (calc-user-function-classify key) 0)
129 (error "Can't redefine \"?\" key"))
130 (let ((func (intern (completing-read (concat "Set key z "
131 (char-to-string key)
132 " to command: ")
133 obarray
134 'commandp
136 "calc-"))))
137 (let* ((kmap (calc-user-key-map))
138 (old (assq key kmap)))
139 (if old
140 (setcdr old func)
141 (setcdr kmap (cons (cons key func) (cdr kmap))))))))
143 (defun calc-user-undefine ()
144 (interactive)
145 (message "Undefine user key: z-")
146 (let ((key (read-char)))
147 (if (= (calc-user-function-classify key) 0)
148 (error "Can't undefine \"?\" key"))
149 (let* ((kmap (calc-user-key-map)))
150 (delq (or (assq key kmap)
151 (assq (upcase key) kmap)
152 (assq (downcase key) kmap)
153 (error "No such user key is defined"))
154 kmap))))
157 ;; math-integral-cache-state is originally declared in calcalg2.el,
158 ;; it is used in calc-user-define-variable.
159 (defvar math-integral-cache-state)
161 ;; calc-user-formula-alist is local to calc-user-define-formula,
162 ;; calc-user-define-compostion and calc-finish-formula-edit,
163 ;; but is used by calc-fix-user-formula.
164 (defvar calc-user-formula-alist)
166 (defun calc-user-define-formula ()
167 (interactive)
168 (calc-wrapper
169 (let* ((form (calc-top 1))
170 (arglist nil)
171 (is-lambda (and (eq (car-safe form) 'calcFunc-lambda)
172 (>= (length form) 2)))
173 odef key keyname cmd cmd-base cmd-base-default
174 func calc-user-formula-alist is-symb)
175 (if is-lambda
176 (setq arglist (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (nth 1 x)))
177 (nreverse (cdr (reverse (cdr form)))))
178 form (nth (1- (length form)) form))
179 (calc-default-formula-arglist form)
180 (setq arglist (sort arglist 'string-lessp)))
181 (message "Define user key: z-")
182 (setq key (read-char))
183 (if (= (calc-user-function-classify key) 0)
184 (error "Can't redefine \"?\" key"))
185 (setq key (and (not (memq key '(13 32))) key)
186 keyname (and key
187 (if (or (and (<= ?0 key) (<= key ?9))
188 (and (<= ?a key) (<= key ?z))
189 (and (<= ?A key) (<= key ?Z)))
190 (char-to-string key)
191 (format "%03d" key)))
192 odef (assq key (calc-user-key-map)))
193 (unless keyname
194 (setq keyname (format "%05d" (abs (% (random) 10000)))))
195 (while
196 (progn
197 (setq cmd-base-default (concat "User-" keyname))
198 (setq cmd (completing-read
199 (concat "Define M-x command name (default: calc-"
200 cmd-base-default
201 "): ")
202 obarray 'commandp nil
203 (if (and odef (symbolp (cdr odef)))
204 (symbol-name (cdr odef))
205 "calc-")))
206 (if (or (string-equal cmd "")
207 (string-equal cmd "calc-"))
208 (setq cmd (concat "calc-User-" keyname)))
209 (setq cmd-base (and (string-match "\\`calc-\\(.+\\)\\'" cmd)
210 (math-match-substring cmd 1)))
211 (setq cmd (intern cmd))
212 (and cmd
213 (fboundp cmd)
214 odef
215 (not
216 (y-or-n-p
217 (if (get cmd 'calc-user-defn)
218 (concat "Replace previous definition for "
219 (symbol-name cmd) "? ")
220 "That name conflicts with a built-in Emacs function. Replace this function? "))))))
221 (while
222 (progn
223 (setq cmd-base-default
224 (if cmd-base
225 (if (string-match
226 "\\`User-.+" cmd-base)
227 (concat
228 "User"
229 (substring cmd-base 5))
230 cmd-base)
231 (concat "User" keyname)))
232 (setq func
233 (concat "calcFunc-"
234 (completing-read
235 (concat "Define algebraic function name (default: "
236 cmd-base-default "): ")
237 (mapcar (lambda (x) (substring x 9))
238 (all-completions "calcFunc-"
239 obarray))
240 (lambda (x)
241 (fboundp
242 (intern (concat "calcFunc-" x))))
243 nil)))
244 (setq func
245 (if (string-equal func "calcFunc-")
246 (intern (concat "calcFunc-" cmd-base-default))
247 (intern func)))
248 (and func
249 (fboundp func)
250 (not (fboundp cmd))
251 odef
252 (not
253 (y-or-n-p
254 (if (get func 'calc-user-defn)
255 (concat "Replace previous definition for "
256 (symbol-name func) "? ")
257 "That name conflicts with a built-in Emacs function. Replace this function? "))))))
259 (if (not func)
260 (setq func (intern (concat "calcFunc-User"
261 (or keyname
262 (and cmd (symbol-name cmd))
263 (format "%05d" (% (random) 10000)))))))
265 (if is-lambda
266 (setq calc-user-formula-alist arglist)
267 (while
268 (progn
269 (setq calc-user-formula-alist
270 (read-from-minibuffer "Function argument list: "
271 (if arglist
272 (prin1-to-string arglist)
273 "()")
274 minibuffer-local-map
276 (and (not (calc-subsetp calc-user-formula-alist arglist))
277 (not (y-or-n-p
278 "Okay for arguments that don't appear in formula to be ignored? "))))))
279 (setq is-symb (and calc-user-formula-alist
280 func
281 (y-or-n-p
282 "Leave it symbolic for non-constant arguments? ")))
283 (setq calc-user-formula-alist
284 (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
285 (or (cdr (assq x '((nil . arg-nil)
286 (t . arg-t))))
287 x))) calc-user-formula-alist))
288 (if cmd
289 (progn
290 (require 'calc-macs)
291 (fset cmd
292 (list 'lambda
294 '(interactive)
295 (list 'calc-wrapper
296 (list 'calc-enter-result
297 (length calc-user-formula-alist)
298 (let ((name (symbol-name (or func cmd))))
299 (and (string-match
300 "\\([^-][^-]?[^-]?[^-]?\\)[^-]*\\'"
301 name)
302 (math-match-substring name 1)))
303 (list 'cons
304 (list 'quote func)
305 (list 'calc-top-list-n
306 (length calc-user-formula-alist)))))))
307 (put cmd 'calc-user-defn t)))
308 (let ((body (list 'math-normalize (calc-fix-user-formula form))))
309 (fset func
310 (append
311 (list 'lambda calc-user-formula-alist)
312 (and is-symb
313 (mapcar (function (lambda (v)
314 (list 'math-check-const v t)))
315 calc-user-formula-alist))
316 (list body))))
317 (put func 'calc-user-defn form)
318 (setq math-integral-cache-state nil)
319 (if key
320 (let* ((kmap (calc-user-key-map))
321 (old (assq key kmap)))
322 (if old
323 (setcdr old cmd)
324 (setcdr kmap (cons (cons key cmd) (cdr kmap)))))))
325 (message "")))
327 (defun calc-default-formula-arglist (form)
328 (if (consp form)
329 (if (eq (car form) 'var)
330 (if (or (memq (nth 1 form) arglist)
331 (math-const-var form))
333 (setq arglist (cons (nth 1 form) arglist)))
334 (calc-default-formula-arglist-step (cdr form)))))
336 (defun calc-default-formula-arglist-step (l)
337 (and l
338 (progn
339 (calc-default-formula-arglist (car l))
340 (calc-default-formula-arglist-step (cdr l)))))
342 (defun calc-subsetp (a b)
343 (or (null a)
344 (and (memq (car a) b)
345 (calc-subsetp (cdr a) b))))
347 (defun calc-fix-user-formula (f)
348 (if (consp f)
349 (let (temp)
350 (cond ((and (eq (car f) 'var)
351 (memq (setq temp (or (cdr (assq (nth 1 f) '((nil . arg-nil)
352 (t . arg-t))))
353 (nth 1 f)))
354 calc-user-formula-alist))
355 temp)
356 ((or (math-constp f) (eq (car f) 'var))
357 (list 'quote f))
358 ((and (eq (car f) 'calcFunc-eval)
359 (= (length f) 2))
360 (list 'let '((calc-simplify-mode nil))
361 (list 'math-normalize (calc-fix-user-formula (nth 1 f)))))
362 ((and (eq (car f) 'calcFunc-evalsimp)
363 (= (length f) 2))
364 (list 'math-simplify (calc-fix-user-formula (nth 1 f))))
365 ((and (eq (car f) 'calcFunc-evalextsimp)
366 (= (length f) 2))
367 (list 'math-simplify-extended
368 (calc-fix-user-formula (nth 1 f))))
370 (cons 'list
371 (cons (list 'quote (car f))
372 (mapcar 'calc-fix-user-formula (cdr f)))))))
375 (defun calc-user-define-composition ()
376 (interactive)
377 (calc-wrapper
378 (if (eq calc-language 'unform)
379 (error "Can't define formats for unformatted mode"))
380 (let* ((comp (calc-top 1))
381 (func (intern
382 (concat "calcFunc-"
383 (completing-read "Define format for which function: "
384 (mapcar (lambda (x) (substring x 9))
385 (all-completions "calcFunc-"
386 obarray))
387 (lambda (x)
388 (fboundp
389 (intern (concat "calcFunc-" x))))))))
390 (comps (get func 'math-compose-forms))
391 entry entry2
392 (arglist nil)
393 (calc-user-formula-alist nil))
394 (if (math-zerop comp)
395 (if (setq entry (assq calc-language comps))
396 (put func 'math-compose-forms (delq entry comps)))
397 (calc-default-formula-arglist comp)
398 (setq arglist (sort arglist 'string-lessp))
399 (while
400 (progn
401 (setq calc-user-formula-alist
402 (read-from-minibuffer "Composition argument list: "
403 (if arglist
404 (prin1-to-string arglist)
405 "()")
406 minibuffer-local-map
408 (and (not (calc-subsetp calc-user-formula-alist arglist))
409 (y-or-n-p
410 "Okay for arguments that don't appear in formula to be invisible? "))))
411 (or (setq entry (assq calc-language comps))
412 (put func 'math-compose-forms
413 (cons (setq entry (list calc-language)) comps)))
414 (or (setq entry2 (assq (length calc-user-formula-alist) (cdr entry)))
415 (setcdr entry
416 (cons (setq entry2
417 (list (length calc-user-formula-alist))) (cdr entry))))
418 (setcdr entry2
419 (list 'lambda calc-user-formula-alist (calc-fix-user-formula comp))))
420 (calc-pop-stack 1)
421 (calc-do-refresh))))
424 (defun calc-user-define-kbd-macro (arg)
425 (interactive "P")
426 (or last-kbd-macro
427 (error "No keyboard macro defined"))
428 (message "Define last kbd macro on user key: z-")
429 (let ((key (read-char)))
430 (if (= (calc-user-function-classify key) 0)
431 (error "Can't redefine \"?\" key"))
432 (let ((cmd (intern (completing-read "Full name for new command: "
433 obarray
434 'commandp
436 (concat "calc-User-"
437 (if (or (and (>= key ?a)
438 (<= key ?z))
439 (and (>= key ?A)
440 (<= key ?Z))
441 (and (>= key ?0)
442 (<= key ?9)))
443 (char-to-string key)
444 (format "%03d" key)))))))
445 (and (fboundp cmd)
446 (not (let ((f (symbol-function cmd)))
447 (or (stringp f)
448 (and (consp f)
449 (eq (car-safe (nth 3 f))
450 'calc-execute-kbd-macro)))))
451 (error "Function %s is already defined and not a keyboard macro"
452 cmd))
453 (put cmd 'calc-user-defn t)
454 (fset cmd (if (< (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)
455 last-kbd-macro
456 (list 'lambda
457 '(arg)
458 '(interactive "P")
459 (list 'calc-execute-kbd-macro
460 (vector (key-description last-kbd-macro)
461 last-kbd-macro)
462 'arg
463 (format "z%c" key)))))
464 (let* ((kmap (calc-user-key-map))
465 (old (assq key kmap)))
466 (if old
467 (setcdr old cmd)
468 (setcdr kmap (cons (cons key cmd) (cdr kmap))))))))
471 (defun calc-edit-user-syntax ()
472 (interactive)
473 (calc-wrapper
474 (let ((lang calc-language))
475 (calc-edit-mode (list 'calc-finish-user-syntax-edit (list 'quote lang))
477 (format "Editing %s-Mode Syntax Table. "
478 (cond ((null lang) "Normal")
479 ((eq lang 'tex) "TeX")
480 (t (capitalize (symbol-name lang))))))
481 (calc-write-parse-table (cdr (assq lang calc-user-parse-tables))
482 lang)))
483 (calc-show-edit-buffer))
485 (defvar calc-original-buffer)
487 (defun calc-finish-user-syntax-edit (lang)
488 (let ((tab (calc-read-parse-table calc-original-buffer lang))
489 (entry (assq lang calc-user-parse-tables)))
490 (if tab
491 (setcdr (or entry
492 (car (setq calc-user-parse-tables
493 (cons (list lang) calc-user-parse-tables))))
494 tab)
495 (if entry
496 (setq calc-user-parse-tables
497 (delq entry calc-user-parse-tables)))))
498 (switch-to-buffer calc-original-buffer))
500 ;; The variable calc-lang is local to calc-write-parse-table, but is
501 ;; used by calc-write-parse-table-part which is called by
502 ;; calc-write-parse-table. The variable is also local to
503 ;; calc-read-parse-table, but is used by calc-fix-token-name which
504 ;; is called (indirectly) by calc-read-parse-table.
505 (defvar calc-lang)
507 (defun calc-write-parse-table (tab calc-lang)
508 (let ((p tab))
509 (while p
510 (calc-write-parse-table-part (car (car p)))
511 (insert ":= "
512 (let ((math-format-hash-args t))
513 (math-format-flat-expr (cdr (car p)) 0))
514 "\n")
515 (setq p (cdr p)))))
517 (defun calc-write-parse-table-part (p)
518 (while p
519 (cond ((stringp (car p))
520 (let ((s (car p)))
521 (if (and (string-match "\\`\\\\dots\\>" s)
522 (not (eq calc-lang 'tex)))
523 (setq s (concat ".." (substring s 5))))
524 (if (or (and (string-match
525 "[a-zA-Z0-9\"{}]\\|\\`:=\\'\\|\\`#\\|\\`%%" s)
526 (string-match "[^a-zA-Z0-9\\]" s))
527 (and (assoc s '((")") ("]") (">")))
528 (not (cdr p))))
529 (insert (prin1-to-string s) " ")
530 (insert s " "))))
531 ((integerp (car p))
532 (insert "#")
533 (or (= (car p) 0)
534 (insert "/" (int-to-string (car p))))
535 (insert " "))
536 ((and (eq (car (car p)) '\?) (equal (car (nth 2 (car p))) "$$"))
537 (insert (car (nth 1 (car p))) " "))
539 (insert "{ ")
540 (calc-write-parse-table-part (nth 1 (car p)))
541 (insert "}" (symbol-name (car (car p))))
542 (if (nth 2 (car p))
543 (calc-write-parse-table-part (list (car (nth 2 (car p)))))
544 (insert " "))))
545 (setq p (cdr p))))
547 (defun calc-read-parse-table (calc-buf calc-lang)
548 (let ((tab nil))
549 (while (progn
550 (skip-chars-forward "\n\t ")
551 (not (eobp)))
552 (if (looking-at "%%")
553 (end-of-line)
554 (let ((pt (point))
555 (p (calc-read-parse-table-part ":=[\n\t ]+" ":=")))
556 (or (stringp (car p))
557 (and (integerp (car p))
558 (stringp (nth 1 p)))
559 (progn
560 (goto-char pt)
561 (error "Malformed syntax rule")))
562 (let ((pos (point)))
563 (end-of-line)
564 (let* ((str (buffer-substring pos (point)))
565 (exp (save-excursion
566 (set-buffer calc-buf)
567 (let ((calc-user-parse-tables nil)
568 (calc-language nil)
569 (math-expr-opers math-standard-opers)
570 (calc-hashes-used 0))
571 (math-read-expr
572 (if (string-match ",[ \t]*\\'" str)
573 (substring str 0 (match-beginning 0))
574 str))))))
575 (if (eq (car-safe exp) 'error)
576 (progn
577 (goto-char (+ pos (nth 1 exp)))
578 (error (nth 2 exp))))
579 (setq tab (nconc tab (list (cons p exp)))))))))
580 tab))
582 (defun calc-fix-token-name (name &optional unquoted)
583 (cond ((string-match "\\`\\.\\." name)
584 (concat "\\dots" (substring name 2)))
585 ((and (equal name "{") (memq calc-lang '(tex eqn)))
586 "(")
587 ((and (equal name "}") (memq calc-lang '(tex eqn)))
588 ")")
589 ((and (equal name "&") (eq calc-lang 'tex))
590 ",")
591 ((equal name "#")
592 (search-backward "#")
593 (error "Token '#' is reserved"))
594 ((and unquoted (string-match "#" name))
595 (error "Tokens containing '#' must be quoted"))
596 ((not (string-match "[^ ]" name))
597 (search-backward "\"" nil t)
598 (error "Blank tokens are not allowed"))
599 (t name)))
601 (defun calc-read-parse-table-part (term eterm)
602 (let ((part nil)
603 (quoted nil))
604 (while (progn
605 (skip-chars-forward "\n\t ")
606 (if (eobp) (error "Expected '%s'" eterm))
607 (not (looking-at term)))
608 (cond ((looking-at "%%")
609 (end-of-line))
610 ((looking-at "{[\n\t ]")
611 (forward-char 2)
612 (let ((p (calc-read-parse-table-part "}" "}")))
613 (or (looking-at "[+*?]")
614 (error "Expected '+', '*', or '?'"))
615 (let ((sym (intern (buffer-substring (point) (1+ (point))))))
616 (forward-char 1)
617 (looking-at "[^\n\t ]*")
618 (let ((sep (buffer-substring (point) (match-end 0))))
619 (goto-char (match-end 0))
620 (and (eq sym '\?) (> (length sep) 0)
621 (not (equal sep "$")) (not (equal sep "."))
622 (error "Separator not allowed with { ... }?"))
623 (if (string-match "\\`\"" sep)
624 (setq sep (read-from-string sep)))
625 (setq sep (calc-fix-token-name sep))
626 (setq part (nconc part
627 (list (list sym p
628 (and (> (length sep) 0)
629 (cons sep p))))))))))
630 ((looking-at "}")
631 (error "Too many }'s"))
632 ((looking-at "\"")
633 (setq quoted (calc-fix-token-name (read (current-buffer)))
634 part (nconc part (list quoted))))
635 ((looking-at "#\\(\\(/[0-9]+\\)?\\)[\n\t ]")
636 (setq part (nconc part (list (if (= (match-beginning 1)
637 (match-end 1))
639 (string-to-int
640 (buffer-substring
641 (1+ (match-beginning 1))
642 (match-end 1)))))))
643 (goto-char (match-end 0)))
644 ((looking-at ":=[\n\t ]")
645 (error "Misplaced ':='"))
647 (looking-at "[^\n\t ]*")
648 (let ((end (match-end 0)))
649 (setq part (nconc part (list (calc-fix-token-name
650 (buffer-substring
651 (point) end) t))))
652 (goto-char end)))))
653 (goto-char (match-end 0))
654 (let ((len (length part)))
655 (while (and (> len 1)
656 (let ((last (nthcdr (setq len (1- len)) part)))
657 (and (assoc (car last) '((")") ("]") (">")))
658 (not (eq (car last) quoted))
659 (setcar last
660 (list '\? (list (car last)) '("$$"))))))))
661 part))
663 (defun calc-user-define-invocation ()
664 (interactive)
665 (or last-kbd-macro
666 (error "No keyboard macro defined"))
667 (setq calc-invocation-macro last-kbd-macro)
668 (message "Use `M-# Z' to invoke this macro"))
670 (defun calc-user-define-edit ()
671 (interactive) ; but no calc-wrapper!
672 (message "Edit definition of command: z-")
673 (let* ((key (read-char))
674 (def (or (assq key (calc-user-key-map))
675 (assq (upcase key) (calc-user-key-map))
676 (assq (downcase key) (calc-user-key-map))
677 (error "No command defined for that key")))
678 (cmd (cdr def)))
679 (when (symbolp cmd)
680 (setq cmdname (symbol-name cmd))
681 (setq cmd (symbol-function cmd)))
682 (cond ((or (stringp cmd)
683 (and (consp cmd)
684 (eq (car-safe (nth 3 cmd)) 'calc-execute-kbd-macro)))
685 (let* ((mac (elt (nth 1 (nth 3 cmd)) 1))
686 (str (edmacro-format-keys mac t))
687 (kys (nth 3 (nth 3 cmd))))
688 (calc-edit-mode
689 (list 'calc-edit-macro-finish-edit cmdname kys)
690 t (format (concat
691 "Editing keyboard macro (%s, bound to %s).\n"
692 "Original keys: %s \n")
693 cmdname kys (elt (nth 1 (nth 3 cmd)) 0)))
694 (insert str "\n")
695 (calc-edit-format-macro-buffer)
696 (calc-show-edit-buffer)))
697 (t (let* ((func (calc-stack-command-p cmd))
698 (defn (and func
699 (symbolp func)
700 (get func 'calc-user-defn)))
701 (kys (concat "z" (char-to-string (car def))))
702 (intcmd (symbol-name (cdr def)))
703 (algcmd (substring (symbol-name func) 9)))
704 (if (and defn (calc-valid-formula-func func))
705 (let ((niceexpr (math-format-nice-expr defn (frame-width))))
706 (calc-wrapper
707 (calc-edit-mode
708 (list 'calc-finish-formula-edit (list 'quote func))
710 (format (concat
711 "Editing formula (%s, %s, bound to %s).\n"
712 "Original formula: %s\n")
713 intcmd algcmd kys niceexpr))
714 (insert (math-showing-full-precision
715 niceexpr)
716 "\n"))
717 (calc-show-edit-buffer))
718 (error "That command's definition cannot be edited")))))))
720 ;; Formatting the macro buffer
722 (defun calc-edit-macro-repeats ()
723 (goto-char calc-edit-top)
724 (while
725 (re-search-forward "^\\([0-9]+\\)\\*" nil t)
726 (setq num (string-to-int (match-string 1)))
727 (setq line (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position)))
728 (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
729 (kill-line 1)
730 (while (> num 0)
731 (insert line "\n")
732 (setq num (1- num)))))
734 (defun calc-edit-macro-adjust-buffer ()
735 (calc-edit-macro-repeats)
736 (goto-char calc-edit-top)
737 (while (re-search-forward "^RET$" nil t)
738 (delete-char 1))
739 (goto-char calc-edit-top)
740 (while (and (re-search-forward "^$" nil t)
741 (not (= (point) (point-max))))
742 (delete-char 1)))
744 (defun calc-edit-macro-command ()
745 "Return the command on the current line in a Calc macro editing buffer."
746 (let ((beg (line-beginning-position))
747 (end (save-excursion
748 (if (search-forward ";;" (line-end-position) 1)
749 (forward-char -2))
750 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
751 (point))))
752 (buffer-substring beg end)))
754 (defun calc-edit-macro-command-type ()
755 "Return the type of command on the current line in a Calc macro editing buffer."
756 (let ((beg (save-excursion
757 (if (search-forward ";;" (line-end-position) t)
758 (progn
759 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
760 (point)))))
761 (end (save-excursion
762 (goto-char (line-end-position))
763 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
764 (point))))
765 (if beg
766 (buffer-substring beg end)
767 "")))
769 (defun calc-edit-macro-combine-alg-ent ()
770 "Put an entire algebraic entry on a single line."
771 (let ((line (calc-edit-macro-command))
772 (type (calc-edit-macro-command-type))
773 curline
774 match)
775 (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
776 (kill-line 1)
777 (setq curline (calc-edit-macro-command))
778 (while (and curline
779 (not (string-equal "RET" curline))
780 (not (setq match (string-match "<return>" curline))))
781 (setq line (concat line curline))
782 (kill-line 1)
783 (setq curline (calc-edit-macro-command)))
784 (when match
785 (kill-line 1)
786 (setq line (concat line (substring curline 0 match))))
787 (setq line (replace-regexp-in-string "SPC" " SPC "
788 (replace-regexp-in-string " " "" line)))
789 (insert line "\t\t\t")
790 (if (> (current-column) 24)
791 (delete-char -1))
792 (insert ";; " type "\n")
793 (if match
794 (insert "RET\t\t\t;; calc-enter\n"))))
796 (defun calc-edit-macro-combine-ext-command ()
797 "Put an entire extended command on a single line."
798 (let ((cmdbeg (calc-edit-macro-command))
799 (line "")
800 (type (calc-edit-macro-command-type))
801 curline
802 match)
803 (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
804 (kill-line 1)
805 (setq curline (calc-edit-macro-command))
806 (while (and curline
807 (not (string-equal "RET" curline))
808 (not (setq match (string-match "<return>" curline))))
809 (setq line (concat line curline))
810 (kill-line 1)
811 (setq curline (calc-edit-macro-command)))
812 (when match
813 (kill-line 1)
814 (setq line (concat line (substring curline 0 match))))
815 (setq line (replace-regexp-in-string " " "" line))
816 (insert cmdbeg " " line "\t\t\t")
817 (if (> (current-column) 24)
818 (delete-char -1))
819 (insert ";; " type "\n")
820 (if match
821 (insert "RET\t\t\t;; calc-enter\n"))))
823 (defun calc-edit-macro-combine-var-name ()
824 "Put an entire variable name on a single line."
825 (let ((line (calc-edit-macro-command))
826 curline
827 match)
828 (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
829 (kill-line 1)
830 (if (member line '("0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"))
831 (insert line "\t\t\t;; calc quick variable\n")
832 (setq curline (calc-edit-macro-command))
833 (while (and curline
834 (not (string-equal "RET" curline))
835 (not (setq match (string-match "<return>" curline))))
836 (setq line (concat line curline))
837 (kill-line 1)
838 (setq curline (calc-edit-macro-command)))
839 (when match
840 (kill-line 1)
841 (setq line (concat line (substring curline 0 match))))
842 (setq line (replace-regexp-in-string " " "" line))
843 (insert line "\t\t\t")
844 (if (> (current-column) 24)
845 (delete-char -1))
846 (insert ";; calc variable\n")
847 (if match
848 (insert "RET\t\t\t;; calc-enter\n")))))
850 (defun calc-edit-macro-combine-digits ()
851 "Put an entire sequence of digits on a single line."
852 (let ((line (calc-edit-macro-command))
853 curline)
854 (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
855 (kill-line 1)
856 (while (string-equal (calc-edit-macro-command-type) "calcDigit-start")
857 (setq line (concat line (calc-edit-macro-command)))
858 (kill-line 1))
859 (insert line "\t\t\t")
860 (if (> (current-column) 24)
861 (delete-char -1))
862 (insert ";; calc digits\n")))
864 (defun calc-edit-format-macro-buffer ()
865 "Rewrite the Calc macro editing buffer."
866 (calc-edit-macro-adjust-buffer)
867 (goto-char calc-edit-top)
868 (let ((type (calc-edit-macro-command-type)))
869 (while (not (string-equal type ""))
870 (cond
871 ((or
872 (string-equal type "calc-algebraic-entry")
873 (string-equal type "calc-auto-algebraic-entry"))
874 (calc-edit-macro-combine-alg-ent))
875 ((string-equal type "calc-execute-extended-command")
876 (calc-edit-macro-combine-ext-command))
877 ((string-equal type "calcDigit-start")
878 (calc-edit-macro-combine-digits))
879 ((or
880 (string-equal type "calc-store")
881 (string-equal type "calc-store-into")
882 (string-equal type "calc-store-neg")
883 (string-equal type "calc-store-plus")
884 (string-equal type "calc-store-minus")
885 (string-equal type "calc-store-div")
886 (string-equal type "calc-store-times")
887 (string-equal type "calc-store-power")
888 (string-equal type "calc-store-concat")
889 (string-equal type "calc-store-inv")
890 (string-equal type "calc-store-dec")
891 (string-equal type "calc-store-incr")
892 (string-equal type "calc-store-exchange")
893 (string-equal type "calc-unstore")
894 (string-equal type "calc-recall")
895 (string-equal type "calc-let")
896 (string-equal type "calc-permanent-variable"))
897 (forward-line 1)
898 (calc-edit-macro-combine-var-name))
899 ((or
900 (string-equal type "calc-copy-variable")
901 (string-equal type "calc-declare-variable"))
902 (forward-line 1)
903 (calc-edit-macro-combine-var-name)
904 (calc-edit-macro-combine-var-name))
905 (t (forward-line 1)))
906 (setq type (calc-edit-macro-command-type))))
907 (goto-char calc-edit-top))
909 ;; Finish editing the macro
911 (defun calc-edit-macro-pre-finish-edit ()
912 (goto-char calc-edit-top)
913 (while (re-search-forward "\\(^\\| \\)RET\\($\\|\t\\| \\)" nil t)
914 (search-backward "RET")
915 (delete-char 3)
916 (insert "<return>")))
918 (defvar calc-edit-top)
919 (defun calc-edit-macro-finish-edit (cmdname key)
920 "Finish editing a Calc macro.
921 Redefine the corresponding command."
922 (interactive)
923 (let ((cmd (intern cmdname)))
924 (calc-edit-macro-pre-finish-edit)
925 (let* ((str (buffer-substring calc-edit-top (point-max)))
926 (mac (edmacro-parse-keys str t)))
927 (if (= (length mac) 0)
928 (fmakunbound cmd)
929 (fset cmd
930 (list 'lambda '(arg)
931 '(interactive "P")
932 (list 'calc-execute-kbd-macro
933 (vector (key-description mac)
934 mac)
935 'arg key)))))))
937 (defun calc-finish-formula-edit (func)
938 (let ((buf (current-buffer))
939 (str (buffer-substring calc-edit-top (point-max)))
940 (start (point))
941 (body (calc-valid-formula-func func)))
942 (set-buffer calc-original-buffer)
943 (let ((val (math-read-expr str)))
944 (if (eq (car-safe val) 'error)
945 (progn
946 (set-buffer buf)
947 (goto-char (+ start (nth 1 val)))
948 (error (nth 2 val))))
949 (setcar (cdr body)
950 (let ((calc-user-formula-alist (nth 1 (symbol-function func))))
951 (calc-fix-user-formula val)))
952 (put func 'calc-user-defn val))))
954 (defun calc-valid-formula-func (func)
955 (let ((def (symbol-function func)))
956 (and (consp def)
957 (eq (car def) 'lambda)
958 (progn
959 (setq def (cdr (cdr def)))
960 (while (and def
961 (not (eq (car (car def)) 'math-normalize)))
962 (setq def (cdr def)))
963 (car def)))))
966 (defun calc-get-user-defn ()
967 (interactive)
968 (calc-wrapper
969 (message "Get definition of command: z-")
970 (let* ((key (read-char))
971 (def (or (assq key (calc-user-key-map))
972 (assq (upcase key) (calc-user-key-map))
973 (assq (downcase key) (calc-user-key-map))
974 (error "No command defined for that key")))
975 (cmd (cdr def)))
976 (if (symbolp cmd)
977 (setq cmd (symbol-function cmd)))
978 (cond ((stringp cmd)
979 (message "Keyboard macro: %s" cmd))
980 (t (let* ((func (calc-stack-command-p cmd))
981 (defn (and func
982 (symbolp func)
983 (get func 'calc-user-defn))))
984 (if defn
985 (progn
986 (and (calc-valid-formula-func func)
987 (setq defn (append '(calcFunc-lambda)
988 (mapcar 'math-build-var-name
989 (nth 1 (symbol-function
990 func)))
991 (list defn))))
992 (calc-enter-result 0 "gdef" defn))
993 (error "That command is not defined by a formula"))))))))
996 (defun calc-user-define-permanent ()
997 (interactive)
998 (calc-wrapper
999 (message "Record in %s the command: z-" calc-settings-file)
1000 (let* ((key (read-char))
1001 (def (or (assq key (calc-user-key-map))
1002 (assq (upcase key) (calc-user-key-map))
1003 (assq (downcase key) (calc-user-key-map))
1004 (and (eq key ?\')
1005 (cons nil
1006 (intern
1007 (concat "calcFunc-"
1008 (completing-read
1009 (format "Record in %s the algebraic function: "
1010 calc-settings-file)
1011 (mapcar (lambda (x) (substring x 9))
1012 (all-completions "calcFunc-"
1013 obarray))
1014 (lambda (x)
1015 (fboundp
1016 (intern (concat "calcFunc-" x))))
1017 t)))))
1018 (and (eq key ?\M-x)
1019 (cons nil
1020 (intern (completing-read
1021 (format "Record in %s the command: "
1022 calc-settings-file)
1023 obarray 'fboundp nil "calc-"))))
1024 (error "No command defined for that key"))))
1025 (set-buffer (find-file-noselect (substitute-in-file-name
1026 calc-settings-file)))
1027 (goto-char (point-max))
1028 (let* ((cmd (cdr def))
1029 (fcmd (and cmd (symbolp cmd) (symbol-function cmd)))
1030 (func nil)
1031 (pt (point))
1032 (fill-column 70)
1033 (fill-prefix nil)
1034 str q-ok)
1035 (insert "\n;;; Definition stored by Calc on " (current-time-string)
1036 "\n(put 'calc-define '"
1037 (if (symbolp cmd) (symbol-name cmd) (format "key%d" key))
1038 " '(progn\n")
1039 (if (and fcmd
1040 (eq (car-safe fcmd) 'lambda)
1041 (get cmd 'calc-user-defn))
1042 (let ((pt (point)))
1043 (and (eq (car-safe (nth 3 fcmd)) 'calc-execute-kbd-macro)
1044 (vectorp (nth 1 (nth 3 fcmd)))
1045 (progn (and (fboundp 'edit-kbd-macro)
1046 (edit-kbd-macro nil))
1047 (fboundp 'edmacro-parse-keys))
1048 (setq q-ok t)
1049 (aset (nth 1 (nth 3 fcmd)) 1 nil))
1050 (insert (setq str (prin1-to-string
1051 (cons 'defun (cons cmd (cdr fcmd)))))
1052 "\n")
1053 (or (and (string-match "\"" str) (not q-ok))
1054 (fill-region pt (point)))
1055 (indent-rigidly pt (point) 2)
1056 (delete-region pt (1+ pt))
1057 (insert " (put '" (symbol-name cmd)
1058 " 'calc-user-defn '"
1059 (prin1-to-string (get cmd 'calc-user-defn))
1060 ")\n")
1061 (setq func (calc-stack-command-p cmd))
1062 (let ((ffunc (and func (symbolp func) (symbol-function func)))
1063 (pt (point)))
1064 (and ffunc
1065 (eq (car-safe ffunc) 'lambda)
1066 (get func 'calc-user-defn)
1067 (progn
1068 (insert (setq str (prin1-to-string
1069 (cons 'defun (cons func
1070 (cdr ffunc)))))
1071 "\n")
1072 (or (and (string-match "\"" str) (not q-ok))
1073 (fill-region pt (point)))
1074 (indent-rigidly pt (point) 2)
1075 (delete-region pt (1+ pt))
1076 (setq pt (point))
1077 (insert "(put '" (symbol-name func)
1078 " 'calc-user-defn '"
1079 (prin1-to-string (get func 'calc-user-defn))
1080 ")\n")
1081 (fill-region pt (point))
1082 (indent-rigidly pt (point) 2)
1083 (delete-region pt (1+ pt))))))
1084 (and (stringp fcmd)
1085 (insert " (fset '" (prin1-to-string cmd)
1086 " " (prin1-to-string fcmd) ")\n")))
1087 (or func (setq func (and cmd (symbolp cmd) (fboundp cmd) cmd)))
1088 (if (get func 'math-compose-forms)
1089 (let ((pt (point)))
1090 (insert "(put '" (symbol-name cmd)
1091 " 'math-compose-forms '"
1092 (prin1-to-string (get func 'math-compose-forms))
1093 ")\n")
1094 (fill-region pt (point))
1095 (indent-rigidly pt (point) 2)
1096 (delete-region pt (1+ pt))))
1097 (if (car def)
1098 (insert " (define-key calc-mode-map "
1099 (prin1-to-string (concat "z" (char-to-string key)))
1100 " '"
1101 (prin1-to-string cmd)
1102 ")\n")))
1103 (insert "))\n")
1104 (save-buffer))))
1106 (defun calc-stack-command-p (cmd)
1107 (if (and cmd (symbolp cmd))
1108 (and (fboundp cmd)
1109 (calc-stack-command-p (symbol-function cmd)))
1110 (and (consp cmd)
1111 (eq (car cmd) 'lambda)
1112 (setq cmd (or (assq 'calc-wrapper cmd)
1113 (assq 'calc-slow-wrapper cmd)))
1114 (setq cmd (assq 'calc-enter-result cmd))
1115 (memq (car (nth 3 cmd)) '(cons list))
1116 (eq (car (nth 1 (nth 3 cmd))) 'quote)
1117 (nth 1 (nth 1 (nth 3 cmd))))))
1120 (defun calc-call-last-kbd-macro (arg)
1121 (interactive "P")
1122 (and defining-kbd-macro
1123 (error "Can't execute anonymous macro while defining one"))
1124 (or last-kbd-macro
1125 (error "No kbd macro has been defined"))
1126 (calc-execute-kbd-macro last-kbd-macro arg))
1128 (defun calc-execute-kbd-macro (mac arg &rest prefix)
1129 (if calc-keep-args-flag
1130 (calc-keep-args))
1131 (if (and (vectorp mac) (> (length mac) 0) (stringp (aref mac 0)))
1132 (setq mac (or (aref mac 1)
1133 (aset mac 1 (progn (and (fboundp 'edit-kbd-macro)
1134 (edit-kbd-macro nil))
1135 (edmacro-parse-keys (aref mac 0)))))))
1136 (if (< (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)
1137 (execute-kbd-macro mac (- (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
1138 (if calc-executing-macro
1139 (execute-kbd-macro mac arg)
1140 (calc-slow-wrapper
1141 (let ((old-stack-whole (copy-sequence calc-stack))
1142 (old-stack-top calc-stack-top)
1143 (old-buffer-size (buffer-size))
1144 (old-refresh-count calc-refresh-count))
1145 (unwind-protect
1146 (let ((calc-executing-macro mac))
1147 (execute-kbd-macro mac arg))
1148 (calc-select-buffer)
1149 (let ((new-stack (reverse calc-stack))
1150 (old-stack (reverse old-stack-whole)))
1151 (while (and new-stack old-stack
1152 (equal (car new-stack) (car old-stack)))
1153 (setq new-stack (cdr new-stack)
1154 old-stack (cdr old-stack)))
1155 (or (equal prefix '(nil))
1156 (calc-record-list (if (> (length new-stack) 1)
1157 (mapcar 'car new-stack)
1158 '(""))
1159 (or (car prefix) "kmac")))
1160 (calc-record-undo (list 'set 'saved-stack-top old-stack-top))
1161 (and old-stack
1162 (calc-record-undo (list 'pop 1 (mapcar 'car old-stack))))
1163 (let ((calc-stack old-stack-whole)
1164 (calc-stack-top 0))
1165 (calc-cursor-stack-index (length old-stack)))
1166 (if (and (= old-buffer-size (buffer-size))
1167 (= old-refresh-count calc-refresh-count))
1168 (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
1169 (delete-region (point) (point-max))
1170 (while new-stack
1171 (calc-record-undo (list 'push 1))
1172 (insert (math-format-stack-value (car new-stack)) "\n")
1173 (setq new-stack (cdr new-stack)))
1174 (calc-renumber-stack))
1175 (while new-stack
1176 (calc-record-undo (list 'push 1))
1177 (setq new-stack (cdr new-stack)))
1178 (calc-refresh))
1179 (calc-record-undo (list 'set 'saved-stack-top 0)))))))))
1181 (defun calc-push-list-in-macro (vals m sels)
1182 (let ((entry (list (car vals) 1 (car sels)))
1183 (mm (+ (or m 1) calc-stack-top)))
1184 (if (> mm 1)
1185 (setcdr (nthcdr (- mm 2) calc-stack)
1186 (cons entry (nthcdr (1- mm) calc-stack)))
1187 (setq calc-stack (cons entry calc-stack)))))
1189 (defun calc-pop-stack-in-macro (n mm)
1190 (if (> mm 1)
1191 (setcdr (nthcdr (- mm 2) calc-stack)
1192 (nthcdr (+ n mm -1) calc-stack))
1193 (setq calc-stack (nthcdr n calc-stack))))
1196 (defun calc-kbd-if ()
1197 (interactive)
1198 (calc-wrapper
1199 (let ((cond (calc-top-n 1)))
1200 (calc-pop-stack 1)
1201 (if (math-is-true cond)
1202 (if defining-kbd-macro
1203 (message "If true.."))
1204 (if defining-kbd-macro
1205 (message "Condition is false; skipping to Z: or Z] ..."))
1206 (calc-kbd-skip-to-else-if t)))))
1208 (defun calc-kbd-else-if ()
1209 (interactive)
1210 (calc-kbd-if))
1212 (defun calc-kbd-skip-to-else-if (else-okay)
1213 (let ((count 0)
1215 (while (>= count 0)
1216 (setq ch (read-char))
1217 (if (= ch -1)
1218 (error "Unterminated Z[ in keyboard macro"))
1219 (if (= ch ?Z)
1220 (progn
1221 (setq ch (read-char))
1222 (cond ((= ch ?\[)
1223 (setq count (1+ count)))
1224 ((= ch ?\])
1225 (setq count (1- count)))
1226 ((= ch ?\:)
1227 (and (= count 0)
1228 else-okay
1229 (setq count -1)))
1230 ((eq ch 7)
1231 (keyboard-quit))))))
1232 (and defining-kbd-macro
1233 (if (= ch ?\:)
1234 (message "Else...")
1235 (message "End-if...")))))
1237 (defun calc-kbd-end-if ()
1238 (interactive)
1239 (if defining-kbd-macro
1240 (message "End-if...")))
1242 (defun calc-kbd-else ()
1243 (interactive)
1244 (if defining-kbd-macro
1245 (message "Else; skipping to Z] ..."))
1246 (calc-kbd-skip-to-else-if nil))
1249 (defun calc-kbd-repeat ()
1250 (interactive)
1251 (let (count)
1252 (calc-wrapper
1253 (setq count (math-trunc (calc-top-n 1)))
1254 (or (Math-integerp count)
1255 (error "Count must be an integer"))
1256 (if (Math-integer-negp count)
1257 (setq count 0))
1258 (or (integerp count)
1259 (setq count 1000000))
1260 (calc-pop-stack 1))
1261 (calc-kbd-loop count)))
1263 (defun calc-kbd-for (dir)
1264 (interactive "P")
1265 (let (init final)
1266 (calc-wrapper
1267 (setq init (calc-top-n 2)
1268 final (calc-top-n 1))
1269 (or (and (math-anglep init) (math-anglep final))
1270 (error "Initial and final values must be real numbers"))
1271 (calc-pop-stack 2))
1272 (calc-kbd-loop nil init final (and dir (prefix-numeric-value dir)))))
1274 (defun calc-kbd-loop (rpt-count &optional initial final dir)
1275 (interactive "P")
1276 (setq rpt-count (if rpt-count (prefix-numeric-value rpt-count) 1000000))
1277 (let* ((count 0)
1278 (parts nil)
1279 (body "")
1280 (open last-command-char)
1281 (counter initial)
1283 (or executing-kbd-macro
1284 (message "Reading loop body..."))
1285 (while (>= count 0)
1286 (setq ch (read-char))
1287 (if (= ch -1)
1288 (error "Unterminated Z%c in keyboard macro" open))
1289 (if (= ch ?Z)
1290 (progn
1291 (setq ch (read-char)
1292 body (concat body "Z" (char-to-string ch)))
1293 (cond ((memq ch '(?\< ?\( ?\{))
1294 (setq count (1+ count)))
1295 ((memq ch '(?\> ?\) ?\}))
1296 (setq count (1- count)))
1297 ((and (= ch ?/)
1298 (= count 0))
1299 (setq parts (nconc parts (list (concat (substring body 0 -2)
1300 "Z]")))
1301 body ""))
1302 ((eq ch 7)
1303 (keyboard-quit))))
1304 (setq body (concat body (char-to-string ch)))))
1305 (if (/= ch (cdr (assq open '( (?\< . ?\>) (?\( . ?\)) (?\{ . ?\}) ))))
1306 (error "Mismatched Z%c and Z%c in keyboard macro" open ch))
1307 (or executing-kbd-macro
1308 (message "Looping..."))
1309 (setq body (concat (substring body 0 -2) "Z]"))
1310 (and (not executing-kbd-macro)
1311 (= rpt-count 1000000)
1312 (null parts)
1313 (null counter)
1314 (progn
1315 (message "Warning: Infinite loop! Not executing")
1316 (setq rpt-count 0)))
1317 (or (not initial) dir
1318 (setq dir (math-compare final initial)))
1319 (calc-wrapper
1320 (while (> rpt-count 0)
1321 (let ((part parts))
1322 (if counter
1323 (if (cond ((eq dir 0) (Math-equal final counter))
1324 ((eq dir 1) (Math-lessp final counter))
1325 ((eq dir -1) (Math-lessp counter final)))
1326 (setq rpt-count 0)
1327 (calc-push counter)))
1328 (while (and part (> rpt-count 0))
1329 (execute-kbd-macro (car part))
1330 (if (math-is-true (calc-top-n 1))
1331 (setq rpt-count 0)
1332 (setq part (cdr part)))
1333 (calc-pop-stack 1))
1334 (if (> rpt-count 0)
1335 (progn
1336 (execute-kbd-macro body)
1337 (if counter
1338 (let ((step (calc-top-n 1)))
1339 (calc-pop-stack 1)
1340 (setq counter (calcFunc-add counter step)))
1341 (setq rpt-count (1- rpt-count))))))))
1342 (or executing-kbd-macro
1343 (message "Looping...done"))))
1345 (defun calc-kbd-end-repeat ()
1346 (interactive)
1347 (error "Unbalanced Z> in keyboard macro"))
1349 (defun calc-kbd-end-for ()
1350 (interactive)
1351 (error "Unbalanced Z) in keyboard macro"))
1353 (defun calc-kbd-end-loop ()
1354 (interactive)
1355 (error "Unbalanced Z} in keyboard macro"))
1357 (defun calc-kbd-break ()
1358 (interactive)
1359 (calc-wrapper
1360 (let ((cond (calc-top-n 1)))
1361 (calc-pop-stack 1)
1362 (if (math-is-true cond)
1363 (error "Keyboard macro aborted")))))
1366 (defvar calc-kbd-push-level 0)
1368 ;; The variables var-q0 through var-q9 are the "quick" variables.
1369 (defvar var-q0 nil)
1370 (defvar var-q1 nil)
1371 (defvar var-q2 nil)
1372 (defvar var-q3 nil)
1373 (defvar var-q4 nil)
1374 (defvar var-q5 nil)
1375 (defvar var-q6 nil)
1376 (defvar var-q7 nil)
1377 (defvar var-q8 nil)
1378 (defvar var-q9 nil)
1380 (defun calc-kbd-push (arg)
1381 (interactive "P")
1382 (calc-wrapper
1383 (let* ((defs (and arg (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)))
1384 (var-q0 var-q0)
1385 (var-q1 var-q1)
1386 (var-q2 var-q2)
1387 (var-q3 var-q3)
1388 (var-q4 var-q4)
1389 (var-q5 var-q5)
1390 (var-q6 var-q6)
1391 (var-q7 var-q7)
1392 (var-q8 var-q8)
1393 (var-q9 var-q9)
1394 (calc-internal-prec (if defs 12 calc-internal-prec))
1395 (calc-word-size (if defs 32 calc-word-size))
1396 (calc-angle-mode (if defs 'deg calc-angle-mode))
1397 (calc-simplify-mode (if defs nil calc-simplify-mode))
1398 (calc-algebraic-mode (if arg nil calc-algebraic-mode))
1399 (calc-incomplete-algebraic-mode (if arg nil
1400 calc-incomplete-algebraic-mode))
1401 (calc-symbolic-mode (if defs nil calc-symbolic-mode))
1402 (calc-matrix-mode (if defs nil calc-matrix-mode))
1403 (calc-prefer-frac (if defs nil calc-prefer-frac))
1404 (calc-complex-mode (if defs nil calc-complex-mode))
1405 (calc-infinite-mode (if defs nil calc-infinite-mode))
1406 (count 0)
1407 (body "")
1409 (if (or executing-kbd-macro defining-kbd-macro)
1410 (progn
1411 (if defining-kbd-macro
1412 (message "Reading body..."))
1413 (while (>= count 0)
1414 (setq ch (read-char))
1415 (if (= ch -1)
1416 (error "Unterminated Z` in keyboard macro"))
1417 (if (= ch ?Z)
1418 (progn
1419 (setq ch (read-char)
1420 body (concat body "Z" (char-to-string ch)))
1421 (cond ((eq ch ?\`)
1422 (setq count (1+ count)))
1423 ((eq ch ?\')
1424 (setq count (1- count)))
1425 ((eq ch 7)
1426 (keyboard-quit))))
1427 (setq body (concat body (char-to-string ch)))))
1428 (if defining-kbd-macro
1429 (message "Reading body...done"))
1430 (let ((calc-kbd-push-level 0))
1431 (execute-kbd-macro (substring body 0 -2))))
1432 (let ((calc-kbd-push-level (1+ calc-kbd-push-level)))
1433 (message "Saving modes; type Z' to restore")
1434 (recursive-edit))))))
1436 (defun calc-kbd-pop ()
1437 (interactive)
1438 (if (> calc-kbd-push-level 0)
1439 (progn
1440 (message "Mode settings restored")
1441 (exit-recursive-edit))
1442 (error "Unbalanced Z' in keyboard macro")))
1445 (defun calc-kbd-report (msg)
1446 (interactive "sMessage: ")
1447 (calc-wrapper
1448 (math-working msg (calc-top-n 1))))
1450 (defun calc-kbd-query (msg)
1451 (interactive "sPrompt: ")
1452 (calc-wrapper
1453 (calc-alg-entry nil (and (not (equal msg "")) msg))))
1455 ;;;; Logical operations.
1457 (defun calcFunc-eq (a b &rest more)
1458 (if more
1459 (let* ((args (cons a (cons b (copy-sequence more))))
1460 (res 1)
1461 (p args)
1463 (while (and (cdr p) (not (eq res 0)))
1464 (setq p2 p)
1465 (while (and (setq p2 (cdr p2)) (not (eq res 0)))
1466 (setq res (math-two-eq (car p) (car p2)))
1467 (if (eq res 1)
1468 (setcdr p (delq (car p2) (cdr p)))))
1469 (setq p (cdr p)))
1470 (if (eq res 0)
1472 (if (cdr args)
1473 (cons 'calcFunc-eq args)
1474 1)))
1475 (or (math-two-eq a b)
1476 (if (and (or (math-looks-negp a) (math-zerop a))
1477 (or (math-looks-negp b) (math-zerop b)))
1478 (list 'calcFunc-eq (math-neg a) (math-neg b))
1479 (list 'calcFunc-eq a b)))))
1481 (defun calcFunc-neq (a b &rest more)
1482 (if more
1483 (let* ((args (cons a (cons b more)))
1484 (res 0)
1485 (all t)
1486 (p args)
1488 (while (and (cdr p) (not (eq res 1)))
1489 (setq p2 p)
1490 (while (and (setq p2 (cdr p2)) (not (eq res 1)))
1491 (setq res (math-two-eq (car p) (car p2)))
1492 (or res (setq all nil)))
1493 (setq p (cdr p)))
1494 (if (eq res 1)
1496 (if all
1498 (cons 'calcFunc-neq args))))
1499 (or (cdr (assq (math-two-eq a b) '((0 . 1) (1 . 0))))
1500 (if (and (or (math-looks-negp a) (math-zerop a))
1501 (or (math-looks-negp b) (math-zerop b)))
1502 (list 'calcFunc-neq (math-neg a) (math-neg b))
1503 (list 'calcFunc-neq a b)))))
1505 (defun math-two-eq (a b)
1506 (if (eq (car-safe a) 'vec)
1507 (if (eq (car-safe b) 'vec)
1508 (if (= (length a) (length b))
1509 (let ((res 1))
1510 (while (and (setq a (cdr a) b (cdr b)) (not (eq res 0)))
1511 (if res
1512 (setq res (math-two-eq (car a) (car b)))
1513 (if (eq (math-two-eq (car a) (car b)) 0)
1514 (setq res 0))))
1515 res)
1517 (if (Math-objectp b)
1519 nil))
1520 (if (eq (car-safe b) 'vec)
1521 (if (Math-objectp a)
1523 nil)
1524 (let ((res (math-compare a b)))
1525 (if (= res 0)
1527 (if (and (= res 2) (not (and (Math-scalarp a) (Math-scalarp b))))
1529 0))))))
1531 (defun calcFunc-lt (a b)
1532 (let ((res (math-compare a b)))
1533 (if (= res -1)
1535 (if (= res 2)
1536 (if (and (or (math-looks-negp a) (math-zerop a))
1537 (or (math-looks-negp b) (math-zerop b)))
1538 (list 'calcFunc-gt (math-neg a) (math-neg b))
1539 (list 'calcFunc-lt a b))
1540 0))))
1542 (defun calcFunc-gt (a b)
1543 (let ((res (math-compare a b)))
1544 (if (= res 1)
1546 (if (= res 2)
1547 (if (and (or (math-looks-negp a) (math-zerop a))
1548 (or (math-looks-negp b) (math-zerop b)))
1549 (list 'calcFunc-lt (math-neg a) (math-neg b))
1550 (list 'calcFunc-gt a b))
1551 0))))
1553 (defun calcFunc-leq (a b)
1554 (let ((res (math-compare a b)))
1555 (if (= res 1)
1557 (if (= res 2)
1558 (if (and (or (math-looks-negp a) (math-zerop a))
1559 (or (math-looks-negp b) (math-zerop b)))
1560 (list 'calcFunc-geq (math-neg a) (math-neg b))
1561 (list 'calcFunc-leq a b))
1562 1))))
1564 (defun calcFunc-geq (a b)
1565 (let ((res (math-compare a b)))
1566 (if (= res -1)
1568 (if (= res 2)
1569 (if (and (or (math-looks-negp a) (math-zerop a))
1570 (or (math-looks-negp b) (math-zerop b)))
1571 (list 'calcFunc-leq (math-neg a) (math-neg b))
1572 (list 'calcFunc-geq a b))
1573 1))))
1575 (defun calcFunc-rmeq (a)
1576 (if (math-vectorp a)
1577 (math-map-vec 'calcFunc-rmeq a)
1578 (if (assq (car-safe a) calc-tweak-eqn-table)
1579 (if (and (eq (car-safe (nth 2 a)) 'var)
1580 (math-objectp (nth 1 a)))
1581 (nth 1 a)
1582 (nth 2 a))
1583 (if (eq (car-safe a) 'calcFunc-assign)
1584 (nth 2 a)
1585 (if (eq (car-safe a) 'calcFunc-evalto)
1586 (nth 1 a)
1587 (list 'calcFunc-rmeq a))))))
1589 (defun calcFunc-land (a b)
1590 (cond ((Math-zerop a)
1592 ((Math-zerop b)
1594 ((math-is-true a)
1596 ((math-is-true b)
1598 (t (list 'calcFunc-land a b))))
1600 (defun calcFunc-lor (a b)
1601 (cond ((Math-zerop a)
1603 ((Math-zerop b)
1605 ((math-is-true a)
1607 ((math-is-true b)
1609 (t (list 'calcFunc-lor a b))))
1611 (defun calcFunc-lnot (a)
1612 (if (Math-zerop a)
1614 (if (math-is-true a)
1616 (let ((op (and (= (length a) 3)
1617 (assq (car a) calc-tweak-eqn-table))))
1618 (if op
1619 (cons (nth 2 op) (cdr a))
1620 (list 'calcFunc-lnot a))))))
1622 (defun calcFunc-if (c e1 e2)
1623 (if (Math-zerop c)
1625 (if (and (math-is-true c) (not (Math-vectorp c)))
1627 (or (and (Math-vectorp c)
1628 (math-constp c)
1629 (let ((ee1 (if (Math-vectorp e1)
1630 (if (= (length c) (length e1))
1631 (cdr e1)
1632 (calc-record-why "*Dimension error" e1))
1633 (list e1)))
1634 (ee2 (if (Math-vectorp e2)
1635 (if (= (length c) (length e2))
1636 (cdr e2)
1637 (calc-record-why "*Dimension error" e2))
1638 (list e2))))
1639 (and ee1 ee2
1640 (cons 'vec (math-if-vector (cdr c) ee1 ee2)))))
1641 (list 'calcFunc-if c e1 e2)))))
1643 (defun math-if-vector (c e1 e2)
1644 (and c
1645 (cons (if (Math-zerop (car c)) (car e2) (car e1))
1646 (math-if-vector (cdr c)
1647 (or (cdr e1) e1)
1648 (or (cdr e2) e2)))))
1650 (defun math-normalize-logical-op (a)
1651 (or (and (eq (car a) 'calcFunc-if)
1652 (= (length a) 4)
1653 (let ((a1 (math-normalize (nth 1 a))))
1654 (if (Math-zerop a1)
1655 (math-normalize (nth 3 a))
1656 (if (Math-numberp a1)
1657 (math-normalize (nth 2 a))
1658 (if (and (Math-vectorp (nth 1 a))
1659 (math-constp (nth 1 a)))
1660 (calcFunc-if (nth 1 a)
1661 (math-normalize (nth 2 a))
1662 (math-normalize (nth 3 a)))
1663 (let ((calc-simplify-mode 'none))
1664 (list 'calcFunc-if a1
1665 (math-normalize (nth 2 a))
1666 (math-normalize (nth 3 a)))))))))
1669 (defun calcFunc-in (a b)
1670 (or (and (eq (car-safe b) 'vec)
1671 (let ((bb b))
1672 (while (and (setq bb (cdr bb))
1673 (not (if (memq (car-safe (car bb)) '(vec intv))
1674 (eq (calcFunc-in a (car bb)) 1)
1675 (Math-equal a (car bb))))))
1676 (if bb 1 (and (math-constp a) (math-constp bb) 0))))
1677 (and (eq (car-safe b) 'intv)
1678 (let ((res (math-compare a (nth 2 b))) res2)
1679 (cond ((= res -1)
1681 ((and (= res 0)
1682 (or (/= (nth 1 b) 2)
1683 (Math-lessp (nth 2 b) (nth 3 b))))
1684 (if (memq (nth 1 b) '(2 3)) 1 0))
1685 ((= (setq res2 (math-compare a (nth 3 b))) 1)
1687 ((and (= res2 0)
1688 (or (/= (nth 1 b) 1)
1689 (Math-lessp (nth 2 b) (nth 3 b))))
1690 (if (memq (nth 1 b) '(1 3)) 1 0))
1691 ((/= res 1)
1692 nil)
1693 ((/= res2 -1)
1694 nil)
1695 (t 1))))
1696 (and (Math-equal a b)
1698 (and (math-constp a) (math-constp b)
1700 (list 'calcFunc-in a b)))
1702 (defun calcFunc-typeof (a)
1703 (cond ((Math-integerp a) 1)
1704 ((eq (car a) 'frac) 2)
1705 ((eq (car a) 'float) 3)
1706 ((eq (car a) 'hms) 4)
1707 ((eq (car a) 'cplx) 5)
1708 ((eq (car a) 'polar) 6)
1709 ((eq (car a) 'sdev) 7)
1710 ((eq (car a) 'intv) 8)
1711 ((eq (car a) 'mod) 9)
1712 ((eq (car a) 'date) (if (Math-integerp (nth 1 a)) 10 11))
1713 ((eq (car a) 'var)
1714 (if (memq (nth 2 a) '(var-inf var-uinf var-nan)) 12 100))
1715 ((eq (car a) 'vec) (if (math-matrixp a) 102 101))
1716 (t (math-calcFunc-to-var (car a)))))
1718 (defun calcFunc-integer (a)
1719 (if (Math-integerp a)
1721 (if (Math-objvecp a)
1723 (list 'calcFunc-integer a))))
1725 (defun calcFunc-real (a)
1726 (if (Math-realp a)
1728 (if (Math-objvecp a)
1730 (list 'calcFunc-real a))))
1732 (defun calcFunc-constant (a)
1733 (if (math-constp a)
1735 (if (Math-objvecp a)
1737 (list 'calcFunc-constant a))))
1739 (defun calcFunc-refers (a b)
1740 (if (math-expr-contains a b)
1742 (if (eq (car-safe a) 'var)
1743 (list 'calcFunc-refers a b)
1744 0)))
1746 (defun calcFunc-negative (a)
1747 (if (math-looks-negp a)
1749 (if (or (math-zerop a)
1750 (math-posp a))
1752 (list 'calcFunc-negative a))))
1754 (defun calcFunc-variable (a)
1755 (if (eq (car-safe a) 'var)
1757 (if (Math-objvecp a)
1759 (list 'calcFunc-variable a))))
1761 (defun calcFunc-nonvar (a)
1762 (if (eq (car-safe a) 'var)
1763 (list 'calcFunc-nonvar a)
1766 (defun calcFunc-istrue (a)
1767 (if (math-is-true a)
1773 ;;;; User-programmability.
1775 ;;; Compiling Lisp-like forms to use the math library.
1777 (defun math-do-defmath (func args body)
1778 (require 'calc-macs)
1779 (let* ((fname (intern (concat "calcFunc-" (symbol-name func))))
1780 (doc (if (stringp (car body)) (list (car body))))
1781 (clargs (mapcar 'math-clean-arg args))
1782 (body (math-define-function-body
1783 (if (stringp (car body)) (cdr body) body)
1784 clargs)))
1785 (list 'progn
1786 (if (and (consp (car body))
1787 (eq (car (car body)) 'interactive))
1788 (let ((inter (car body)))
1789 (setq body (cdr body))
1790 (if (or (> (length inter) 2)
1791 (integerp (nth 1 inter)))
1792 (let ((hasprefix nil) (hasmulti nil))
1793 (if (stringp (nth 1 inter))
1794 (progn
1795 (cond ((equal (nth 1 inter) "p")
1796 (setq hasprefix t))
1797 ((equal (nth 1 inter) "m")
1798 (setq hasmulti t))
1799 (t (error
1800 "Can't handle interactive code string \"%s\""
1801 (nth 1 inter))))
1802 (setq inter (cdr inter))))
1803 (if (not (integerp (nth 1 inter)))
1804 (error
1805 "Expected an integer in interactive specification"))
1806 (append (list 'defun
1807 (intern (concat "calc-"
1808 (symbol-name func)))
1809 (if (or hasprefix hasmulti)
1810 '(&optional n)
1811 ()))
1813 (if (or hasprefix hasmulti)
1814 '((interactive "P"))
1815 '((interactive)))
1816 (list
1817 (append
1818 '(calc-slow-wrapper)
1819 (and hasmulti
1820 (list
1821 (list 'setq
1823 (list 'if
1825 (list 'prefix-numeric-value
1827 (nth 1 inter)))))
1828 (list
1829 (list 'calc-enter-result
1830 (if hasmulti 'n (nth 1 inter))
1831 (nth 2 inter)
1832 (if hasprefix
1833 (list 'append
1834 (list 'quote (list fname))
1835 (list 'calc-top-list-n
1836 (nth 1 inter))
1837 (list 'and
1839 (list
1840 'list
1841 (list
1842 'math-normalize
1843 (list
1844 'prefix-numeric-value
1845 'n)))))
1846 (list 'cons
1847 (list 'quote fname)
1848 (list 'calc-top-list-n
1849 (if hasmulti
1851 (nth 1 inter)))))))))))
1852 (append (list 'defun
1853 (intern (concat "calc-" (symbol-name func)))
1854 args)
1856 (list
1857 inter
1858 (cons 'calc-wrapper body))))))
1859 (append (list 'defun fname clargs)
1861 (math-do-arg-list-check args nil nil)
1862 body))))
1864 (defun math-clean-arg (arg)
1865 (if (consp arg)
1866 (math-clean-arg (nth 1 arg))
1867 arg))
1869 (defun math-do-arg-check (arg var is-opt is-rest)
1870 (if is-opt
1871 (let ((chk (math-do-arg-check arg var nil nil)))
1872 (list (cons 'and
1873 (cons var
1874 (if (cdr chk)
1875 (setq chk (list (cons 'progn chk)))
1876 chk)))))
1877 (and (consp arg)
1878 (let* ((rest (math-do-arg-check (nth 1 arg) var is-opt is-rest))
1879 (qual (car arg))
1880 (qqual (list 'quote qual))
1881 (qual-name (symbol-name qual))
1882 (chk (intern (concat "math-check-" qual-name))))
1883 (if (fboundp chk)
1884 (append rest
1885 (list
1886 (if is-rest
1887 (list 'setq var
1888 (list 'mapcar (list 'quote chk) var))
1889 (list 'setq var (list chk var)))))
1890 (if (fboundp (setq chk (intern (concat "math-" qual-name))))
1891 (append rest
1892 (list
1893 (if is-rest
1894 (list 'mapcar
1895 (list 'function
1896 (list 'lambda '(x)
1897 (list 'or
1898 (list chk 'x)
1899 (list 'math-reject-arg
1900 'x qqual))))
1901 var)
1902 (list 'or
1903 (list chk var)
1904 (list 'math-reject-arg var qqual)))))
1905 (if (and (string-match "\\`not-\\(.*\\)\\'" qual-name)
1906 (fboundp (setq chk (intern
1907 (concat "math-"
1908 (math-match-substring
1909 qual-name 1))))))
1910 (append rest
1911 (list
1912 (if is-rest
1913 (list 'mapcar
1914 (list 'function
1915 (list 'lambda '(x)
1916 (list 'and
1917 (list chk 'x)
1918 (list 'math-reject-arg
1919 'x qqual))))
1920 var)
1921 (list 'and
1922 (list chk var)
1923 (list 'math-reject-arg var qqual)))))
1924 (error "Unknown qualifier `%s'" qual-name))))))))
1926 (defun math-do-arg-list-check (args is-opt is-rest)
1927 (cond ((null args) nil)
1928 ((consp (car args))
1929 (append (math-do-arg-check (car args)
1930 (math-clean-arg (car args))
1931 is-opt is-rest)
1932 (math-do-arg-list-check (cdr args) is-opt is-rest)))
1933 ((eq (car args) '&optional)
1934 (math-do-arg-list-check (cdr args) t nil))
1935 ((eq (car args) '&rest)
1936 (math-do-arg-list-check (cdr args) nil t))
1937 (t (math-do-arg-list-check (cdr args) is-opt is-rest))))
1939 (defconst math-prim-funcs
1940 '( (~= . math-nearly-equal)
1941 (% . math-mod)
1942 (lsh . calcFunc-lsh)
1943 (ash . calcFunc-ash)
1944 (logand . calcFunc-and)
1945 (logandc2 . calcFunc-diff)
1946 (logior . calcFunc-or)
1947 (logxor . calcFunc-xor)
1948 (lognot . calcFunc-not)
1949 (equal . equal) ; need to leave these ones alone!
1950 (eq . eq)
1951 (and . and)
1952 (or . or)
1953 (if . if)
1954 (^ . math-pow)
1955 (expt . math-pow)
1958 (defconst math-prim-vars
1959 '( (nil . nil)
1960 (t . t)
1961 (&optional . &optional)
1962 (&rest . &rest)
1965 (defun math-define-function-body (body env)
1966 (let ((body (math-define-body body env)))
1967 (if (math-body-refers-to body 'math-return)
1968 (list (cons 'catch (cons '(quote math-return) body)))
1969 body)))
1971 ;; The variable math-exp-env is local to math-define-body, but is
1972 ;; used by math-define-exp, which is called (indirectly) by
1973 ;; by math-define-body.
1974 (defvar math-exp-env)
1976 (defun math-define-body (body math-exp-env)
1977 (math-define-list body))
1979 (defun math-define-list (body &optional quote)
1980 (cond ((null body)
1981 nil)
1982 ((and (eq (car body) ':)
1983 (stringp (nth 1 body)))
1984 (cons (let* ((math-read-expr-quotes t)
1985 (exp (math-read-plain-expr (nth 1 body) t)))
1986 (math-define-exp exp))
1987 (math-define-list (cdr (cdr body)))))
1988 (quote
1989 (cons (cond ((consp (car body))
1990 (math-define-list (cdr body) t))
1992 (car body)))
1993 (math-define-list (cdr body))))
1995 (cons (math-define-exp (car body))
1996 (math-define-list (cdr body))))))
1998 (defun math-define-exp (exp)
1999 (cond ((consp exp)
2000 (let ((func (car exp)))
2001 (cond ((memq func '(quote function))
2002 (if (and (consp (nth 1 exp))
2003 (eq (car (nth 1 exp)) 'lambda))
2004 (cons 'quote
2005 (math-define-lambda (nth 1 exp) math-exp-env))
2006 exp))
2007 ((memq func '(let let* for foreach))
2008 (let ((head (nth 1 exp))
2009 (body (cdr (cdr exp))))
2010 (if (memq func '(let let*))
2012 (setq func (cdr (assq func '((for . math-for)
2013 (foreach . math-foreach)))))
2014 (if (not (listp (car head)))
2015 (setq head (list head))))
2016 (macroexpand
2017 (cons func
2018 (cons (math-define-let head)
2019 (math-define-body body
2020 (nconc
2021 (math-define-let-env head)
2022 math-exp-env)))))))
2023 ((and (memq func '(setq setf))
2024 (math-complicated-lhs (cdr exp)))
2025 (if (> (length exp) 3)
2026 (cons 'progn (math-define-setf-list (cdr exp)))
2027 (math-define-setf (nth 1 exp) (nth 2 exp))))
2028 ((eq func 'condition-case)
2029 (cons func
2030 (cons (nth 1 exp)
2031 (math-define-body (cdr (cdr exp))
2032 (cons (nth 1 exp)
2033 math-exp-env)))))
2034 ((eq func 'cond)
2035 (cons func
2036 (math-define-cond (cdr exp))))
2037 ((and (consp func) ; ('spam a b) == force use of plain spam
2038 (eq (car func) 'quote))
2039 (cons func (math-define-list (cdr exp))))
2040 ((symbolp func)
2041 (let ((args (math-define-list (cdr exp)))
2042 (prim (assq func math-prim-funcs)))
2043 (cond (prim
2044 (cons (cdr prim) args))
2045 ((eq func 'floatp)
2046 (list 'eq (car args) '(quote float)))
2047 ((eq func '+)
2048 (math-define-binop 'math-add 0
2049 (car args) (cdr args)))
2050 ((eq func '-)
2051 (if (= (length args) 1)
2052 (cons 'math-neg args)
2053 (math-define-binop 'math-sub 0
2054 (car args) (cdr args))))
2055 ((eq func '*)
2056 (math-define-binop 'math-mul 1
2057 (car args) (cdr args)))
2058 ((eq func '/)
2059 (math-define-binop 'math-div 1
2060 (car args) (cdr args)))
2061 ((eq func 'min)
2062 (math-define-binop 'math-min 0
2063 (car args) (cdr args)))
2064 ((eq func 'max)
2065 (math-define-binop 'math-max 0
2066 (car args) (cdr args)))
2067 ((eq func '<)
2068 (if (and (math-numberp (nth 1 args))
2069 (math-zerop (nth 1 args)))
2070 (list 'math-negp (car args))
2071 (cons 'math-lessp args)))
2072 ((eq func '>)
2073 (if (and (math-numberp (nth 1 args))
2074 (math-zerop (nth 1 args)))
2075 (list 'math-posp (car args))
2076 (list 'math-lessp (nth 1 args) (nth 0 args))))
2077 ((eq func '<=)
2078 (list 'not
2079 (if (and (math-numberp (nth 1 args))
2080 (math-zerop (nth 1 args)))
2081 (list 'math-posp (car args))
2082 (list 'math-lessp
2083 (nth 1 args) (nth 0 args)))))
2084 ((eq func '>=)
2085 (list 'not
2086 (if (and (math-numberp (nth 1 args))
2087 (math-zerop (nth 1 args)))
2088 (list 'math-negp (car args))
2089 (cons 'math-lessp args))))
2090 ((eq func '=)
2091 (if (and (math-numberp (nth 1 args))
2092 (math-zerop (nth 1 args)))
2093 (list 'math-zerop (nth 0 args))
2094 (if (and (integerp (nth 1 args))
2095 (/= (% (nth 1 args) 10) 0))
2096 (cons 'math-equal-int args)
2097 (cons 'math-equal args))))
2098 ((eq func '/=)
2099 (list 'not
2100 (if (and (math-numberp (nth 1 args))
2101 (math-zerop (nth 1 args)))
2102 (list 'math-zerop (nth 0 args))
2103 (if (and (integerp (nth 1 args))
2104 (/= (% (nth 1 args) 10) 0))
2105 (cons 'math-equal-int args)
2106 (cons 'math-equal args)))))
2107 ((eq func '1+)
2108 (list 'math-add (car args) 1))
2109 ((eq func '1-)
2110 (list 'math-add (car args) -1))
2111 ((eq func 'not) ; optimize (not (not x)) => x
2112 (if (eq (car-safe args) func)
2113 (car (nth 1 args))
2114 (cons func args)))
2115 ((and (eq func 'elt) (cdr (cdr args)))
2116 (math-define-elt (car args) (cdr args)))
2118 (macroexpand
2119 (let* ((name (symbol-name func))
2120 (cfunc (intern (concat "calcFunc-" name)))
2121 (mfunc (intern (concat "math-" name))))
2122 (cond ((fboundp cfunc)
2123 (cons cfunc args))
2124 ((fboundp mfunc)
2125 (cons mfunc args))
2126 ((or (fboundp func)
2127 (string-match "\\`calcFunc-.*" name))
2128 (cons func args))
2130 (cons cfunc args)))))))))
2131 (t (cons func (math-define-list (cdr exp))))))) ;;args
2132 ((symbolp exp)
2133 (let ((prim (assq exp math-prim-vars))
2134 (name (symbol-name exp)))
2135 (cond (prim
2136 (cdr prim))
2137 ((memq exp math-exp-env)
2138 exp)
2139 ((string-match "-" name)
2140 exp)
2142 (intern (concat "var-" name))))))
2143 ((integerp exp)
2144 (if (or (<= exp -1000000) (>= exp 1000000))
2145 (list 'quote (math-normalize exp))
2146 exp))
2147 (t exp)))
2149 (defun math-define-cond (forms)
2150 (and forms
2151 (cons (math-define-list (car forms))
2152 (math-define-cond (cdr forms)))))
2154 (defun math-complicated-lhs (body)
2155 (and body
2156 (or (not (symbolp (car body)))
2157 (math-complicated-lhs (cdr (cdr body))))))
2159 (defun math-define-setf-list (body)
2160 (and body
2161 (cons (math-define-setf (nth 0 body) (nth 1 body))
2162 (math-define-setf-list (cdr (cdr body))))))
2164 (defun math-define-setf (place value)
2165 (setq place (math-define-exp place)
2166 value (math-define-exp value))
2167 (cond ((symbolp place)
2168 (list 'setq place value))
2169 ((eq (car-safe place) 'nth)
2170 (list 'setcar (list 'nthcdr (nth 1 place) (nth 2 place)) value))
2171 ((eq (car-safe place) 'elt)
2172 (list 'setcar (list 'nthcdr (nth 2 place) (nth 1 place)) value))
2173 ((eq (car-safe place) 'car)
2174 (list 'setcar (nth 1 place) value))
2175 ((eq (car-safe place) 'cdr)
2176 (list 'setcdr (nth 1 place) value))
2178 (error "Bad place form for setf: %s" place))))
2180 (defun math-define-binop (op ident arg1 rest)
2181 (if rest
2182 (math-define-binop op ident
2183 (list op arg1 (car rest))
2184 (cdr rest))
2185 (or arg1 ident)))
2187 (defun math-define-let (vlist)
2188 (and vlist
2189 (cons (if (consp (car vlist))
2190 (cons (car (car vlist))
2191 (math-define-list (cdr (car vlist))))
2192 (car vlist))
2193 (math-define-let (cdr vlist)))))
2195 (defun math-define-let-env (vlist)
2196 (and vlist
2197 (cons (if (consp (car vlist))
2198 (car (car vlist))
2199 (car vlist))
2200 (math-define-let-env (cdr vlist)))))
2202 (defun math-define-lambda (exp exp-env)
2203 (nconc (list (nth 0 exp) ; 'lambda
2204 (nth 1 exp)) ; arg list
2205 (math-define-function-body (cdr (cdr exp))
2206 (append (nth 1 exp) exp-env))))
2208 (defun math-define-elt (seq idx)
2209 (if idx
2210 (math-define-elt (list 'elt seq (car idx)) (cdr idx))
2211 seq))
2215 ;;; Useful programming macros.
2217 (defmacro math-while (head &rest body)
2218 (let ((body (cons 'while (cons head body))))
2219 (if (math-body-refers-to body 'math-break)
2220 (cons 'catch (cons '(quote math-break) (list body)))
2221 body)))
2222 ;; (put 'math-while 'lisp-indent-hook 1)
2224 (defmacro math-for (head &rest body)
2225 (let ((body (if head
2226 (math-handle-for head body)
2227 (cons 'while (cons t body)))))
2228 (if (math-body-refers-to body 'math-break)
2229 (cons 'catch (cons '(quote math-break) (list body)))
2230 body)))
2231 ;; (put 'math-for 'lisp-indent-hook 1)
2233 (defun math-handle-for (head body)
2234 (let* ((var (nth 0 (car head)))
2235 (init (nth 1 (car head)))
2236 (limit (nth 2 (car head)))
2237 (step (or (nth 3 (car head)) 1))
2238 (body (if (cdr head)
2239 (list (math-handle-for (cdr head) body))
2240 body))
2241 (all-ints (and (integerp init) (integerp limit) (integerp step)))
2242 (const-limit (or (integerp limit)
2243 (and (eq (car-safe limit) 'quote)
2244 (math-realp (nth 1 limit)))))
2245 (const-step (or (integerp step)
2246 (and (eq (car-safe step) 'quote)
2247 (math-realp (nth 1 step)))))
2248 (save-limit (if const-limit limit (make-symbol "<limit>")))
2249 (save-step (if const-step step (make-symbol "<step>"))))
2250 (cons 'let
2251 (cons (append (if const-limit nil (list (list save-limit limit)))
2252 (if const-step nil (list (list save-step step)))
2253 (list (list var init)))
2254 (list
2255 (cons 'while
2256 (cons (if all-ints
2257 (if (> step 0)
2258 (list '<= var save-limit)
2259 (list '>= var save-limit))
2260 (list 'not
2261 (if const-step
2262 (if (or (math-posp step)
2263 (math-posp
2264 (cdr-safe step)))
2265 (list 'math-lessp
2266 save-limit
2267 var)
2268 (list 'math-lessp
2270 save-limit))
2271 (list 'if
2272 (list 'math-posp
2273 save-step)
2274 (list 'math-lessp
2275 save-limit
2276 var)
2277 (list 'math-lessp
2279 save-limit)))))
2280 (append body
2281 (list (list 'setq
2283 (list (if all-ints
2285 'math-add)
2287 save-step)))))))))))
2289 (defmacro math-foreach (head &rest body)
2290 (let ((body (math-handle-foreach head body)))
2291 (if (math-body-refers-to body 'math-break)
2292 (cons 'catch (cons '(quote math-break) (list body)))
2293 body)))
2294 ;; (put 'math-foreach 'lisp-indent-hook 1)
2296 (defun math-handle-foreach (head body)
2297 (let ((var (nth 0 (car head)))
2298 (data (nth 1 (car head)))
2299 (body (if (cdr head)
2300 (list (math-handle-foreach (cdr head) body))
2301 body)))
2302 (cons 'let
2303 (cons (list (list var data))
2304 (list
2305 (cons 'while
2306 (cons var
2307 (append body
2308 (list (list 'setq
2310 (list 'cdr var)))))))))))
2313 (defun math-body-refers-to (body thing)
2314 (or (equal body thing)
2315 (and (consp body)
2316 (or (math-body-refers-to (car body) thing)
2317 (math-body-refers-to (cdr body) thing)))))
2319 (defun math-break (&optional value)
2320 (throw 'math-break value))
2322 (defun math-return (&optional value)
2323 (throw 'math-return value))
2329 (defun math-composite-inequalities (x op)
2330 (if (memq (nth 1 op) '(calcFunc-eq calcFunc-neq))
2331 (if (eq (car x) (nth 1 op))
2332 (append x (list (math-read-expr-level (nth 3 op))))
2333 (throw 'syntax "Syntax error"))
2334 (list 'calcFunc-in
2335 (nth 2 x)
2336 (if (memq (nth 1 op) '(calcFunc-lt calcFunc-leq))
2337 (if (memq (car x) '(calcFunc-lt calcFunc-leq))
2338 (math-make-intv
2339 (+ (if (eq (car x) 'calcFunc-leq) 2 0)
2340 (if (eq (nth 1 op) 'calcFunc-leq) 1 0))
2341 (nth 1 x) (math-read-expr-level (nth 3 op)))
2342 (throw 'syntax "Syntax error"))
2343 (if (memq (car x) '(calcFunc-gt calcFunc-geq))
2344 (math-make-intv
2345 (+ (if (eq (nth 1 op) 'calcFunc-geq) 2 0)
2346 (if (eq (car x) 'calcFunc-geq) 1 0))
2347 (math-read-expr-level (nth 3 op)) (nth 1 x))
2348 (throw 'syntax "Syntax error"))))))
2350 (provide 'calc-prog)
2352 ;;; arch-tag: 4c5a183b-c9e5-4632-bb3f-e41a764518b0
2353 ;;; calc-prog.el ends here