Add config header templates to all AC_DEFINE and
[emacs.git] / etc / pl-refcard.tex
1 %&mex
2 %=====================================================================
3 % $Revision: 1.1 $
4 % $Date: 2000/08/21 11:42:52 $
5 %=====================================================================
6 % Reference Card for GNU Emacs version 20 on Unix systems was
7 % translated into Polish language by W{\l}odek Bzyl (
8 % who also added new section on `Dired' and added info about Polish
9 % support in Emacs to section `International Character Sets'.
11 % This file uses macros and fonts defined in the mex format.
12 % These macros and fonts are part of a current WEB2C
13 % distribution of TeX, for example teTeX (unix) fpTeX (windows).
14 % TeTeX comes with texconfig utility which could be used in
15 % particular to generate formats. Just run it and follow instructions.
17 % Note that the original Emacs refcard.tex uses macros and fonts
18 % defined in plain format. This file uses mex format which is
19 % a Polish adaptation of plain.
21 %**start of header
23 \ifx\MeX\undefined
24 \errmessage{This file requires `mex' format to be typeset correctly.
25 See head of this file for the comments how to generate mex format}
26 \endinput
27 \else
28 \prefixing
29 \fi
31 \newcount\columnsperpage
33 % This file can be printed with 1, or 2 columns per page (see below).
34 % Specify how many you want here. Nothing else needs to be changed.
36 \columnsperpage=2
38 % Copyright (c) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
40 % This file is part of GNU Emacs.
42 % GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
43 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
44 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
45 % any later version.
47 % GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
48 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
50 % GNU General Public License for more details.
52 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
53 % along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
54 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
55 % Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
57 % This file is intended to be processed by plain TeX (TeX82).
59 % The final reference card has six columns, three on each side.
60 % This file can be used to produce it in any of three ways:
61 % 1 column per page
62 % produces six separate pages, each of which needs to be reduced to 80%.
63 % This gives the best resolution.
64 % 2 columns per page
65 % produces three already-reduced pages.
66 % You will still need to cut and paste.
67 % Which mode to use is controlled by setting \columnsperpage above.
69 % Author:
70 % Stephen Gildea
71 % Internet:
73 % Thanks to Paul Rubin, Bob Chassell, Len Tower, and Richard Mlynarik
74 % for their many good ideas.
76 % If there were room, it would be nice to see a section on Dired.
78 \def\versionnumber{1.1}
79 \def\year{1999}
81 \def\shortcopyrightnotice{\vskip 1ex plus 2 fill
82 \centerline{\small \copyright\ \year\ Free Software Foundation, Inc.
83 Permissions on back. Version \versionnumber}}
85 \def\copyrightnotice{
86 \vskip 1ex plus 2 fill\begingroup\small
87 \centerline{Copyright \copyright\ \year\ Free Software Foundation, Inc.}
88 \centerline{Wersja \versionnumber{} dla GNU Emacsa 20.3,
89 stycze/n 1999}
90 \centerline{projekt Stephen Gildea}
91 \centerline{t/lumaczenie W/lodek Bzyl}
93 Permission is granted to make and distribute copies of
94 this card provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
95 are preserved on all copies.
97 For copies of the GNU Emacs manual, write to the Free Software
98 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
100 \endgroup}
102 % make \bye not \outer so that the \def\bye in the \else clause below
103 % can be scanned without complaint.
104 \def\bye{\par\vfill\supereject\end}
106 \newdimen\intercolumnskip %horizontal space between columns
107 \newbox\columna %boxes to hold columns already built
108 \newbox\columnb
110 \def\ncolumns{\the\columnsperpage}
112 \message{[\ncolumns\space
113 column\if 1\ncolumns\else s\fi\space per page]}
115 \def\scaledmag#1{ scaled \magstep #1}
117 % This multi-way format was designed by Stephen Gildea October 1986.
118 % Note that the 1-column format is fontfamily-independent.
119 \if 1\ncolumns %one-column format uses normal size
120 \hsize 4in
121 \vsize 10in
122 % \voffset -.7in
123 \font\titlefont=\fontname\tenbf \scaledmag3
124 \font\headingfont=\fontname\tenbf \scaledmag2
125 \font\smallfont=\fontname\sevenrm
126 \font\smallsy=\fontname\sevensy
128 \footline{\hss\folio}
129 \def\makefootline{\baselineskip10pt\hsize6.5in\line{\the\footline}}
130 \else %2 or 3 columns uses prereduced size
131 \hsize 3.2in
132 \vsize 7.95in
133 % \hoffset -.75in
134 % \voffset -.745in
135 \font\titlefont=plbx10 \scaledmag2
136 \font\headingfont=plbx10 \scaledmag1
137 \font\smallfont=plr6
138 \font\smallsy=plsy6
139 \font\eightrm=plr8
140 \font\eightbf=plbx8
141 \font\eightit=plti8
142 \font\eighttt=pltt8
143 \font\eightmi=plmi8
144 \font\eightsy=plsy8
145 \textfont0=\eightrm
146 \textfont1=\eightmi
147 \textfont2=\eightsy
148 \def\rm{\eightrm}
149 \def\bf{\eightbf}
150 \def\it{\eightit}
151 \def\tt{\eighttt}
152 \normalbaselineskip=.8\normalbaselineskip
153 \normallineskip=.8\normallineskip
154 \normallineskiplimit=.8\normallineskiplimit
155 \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height6.5pt depth2.5pt width0pt}
156 \normalbaselines\rm %make definitions take effect
158 \if 2\ncolumns
159 \let\maxcolumn=b
160 \footline{\hss\rm\folio\hss}
161 \def\makefootline{\vskip 2in \hsize=6.86in\line{\the\footline}}
162 \else
163 % \errhelp{You must set \columnsperpage equal to 1, 2, or 3.}
164 % \errmessage{Illegal number of columns per page}
165 \errhelp{\columnsperpage powinna by/c r/owna 1 albo 2.}
166 \errmessage{Niedozwolona liczba kolumn na stronie.}
169 \intercolumnskip=.46in
170 \def\abc{a}
171 \output={% %see The TeXbook page 257
172 % This next line is useful when designing the layout.
173 %\immediate\write16{Column \folio\abc\space starts with \firstmark}
174 \if \maxcolumn\abc \multicolumnformat \global\def\abc{a}
175 \else\if a\abc
176 \global\setbox\columna\columnbox \global\def\abc{b}
177 %% in case we never use \columnb (two-column mode)
178 \global\setbox\columnb\hbox to -\intercolumnskip{}
179 \else
180 \global\setbox\columnb\columnbox \global\def\abc{c}\fi\fi}
181 \def\multicolumnformat{\shipout\vbox{\makeheadline
182 \hbox{\box\columna\hskip\intercolumnskip
183 \box\columnb\hskip\intercolumnskip\columnbox}
184 \makefootline}\advancepageno}
185 \def\columnbox{\leftline{\pagebody}}
187 \def\bye{\par\vfill\supereject
188 \if a\abc \else\null\vfill\eject\fi
189 \if a\abc \else\null\vfill\eject\fi
190 \end}
193 % we won't be using math mode much, so redefine some of the characters
194 % we might want to talk about
195 \catcode`\^=12
196 \catcode`\_=12
198 \chardef\\=`\\
199 \chardef\{=`\{
200 \chardef\}=`\}
202 %\hyphenation{mini-buf-fer}
204 \parindent 0pt
205 \parskip 1ex plus .5ex minus .5ex
207 \def\small{\smallfont\textfont2=\smallsy\baselineskip=.8\baselineskip}
209 % newcolumn - force a new column. Use sparingly, probably only for
210 % the first column of a page, which should have a title anyway.
211 \outer\def\newcolumn{\vfill\eject}
213 % title - page title. Argument is title text.
214 \outer\def\title#1{{\titlefont\centerline{#1}}\vskip 1ex plus .5ex}
216 % section - new major section. Argument is section name.
217 \outer\def\section#1{\par\filbreak
218 \vskip 3ex plus 2ex minus 2ex {\headingfont #1}\mark{#1}%
219 \vskip 2ex plus 1ex minus 1.5ex}
221 \newdimen\keyindent
223 % beginindentedkeys...endindentedkeys - key definitions will be
224 % indented, but running text, typically used as headings to group
225 % definitions, will not.
226 \def\beginindentedkeys{\keyindent=1em}
227 \def\endindentedkeys{\keyindent=0em}
228 \endindentedkeys
230 % paralign - begin paragraph containing an alignment.
231 % If an \halign is entered while in vertical mode, a parskip is never
232 % inserted. Using \paralign instead of \halign solves this problem.
233 \def\paralign{\vskip\parskip\halign}
235 % \<...> - surrounds a variable name in a code example
236 \def\<#1>{{\it #1\/}}
238 % kbd - argument is characters typed literally. Like the Texinfo command.
239 \def\kbd#1{{\tt#1}\null} %\null so not an abbrev even if period follows
241 % beginexample...endexample - surrounds literal text, such a code example.
242 % typeset in a typewriter font with line breaks preserved
243 \def\beginexample{\par\leavevmode\begingroup
244 \obeylines\obeyspaces\parskip0pt\tt}
245 {\obeyspaces\global\let =\ }
246 \def\endexample{\endgroup}
248 % (WB) -- changed macros
250 % key - definition of a key.
251 % \key{description of key}{key-name}
252 % prints the description left-justified, and the key-name in a \kbd
253 % form near the right margin.
254 %\def\key#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\vtop
255 % {\hsize=.75\hsize\rightskip=1em
256 % \hskip\keyindent\relax#1}\kbd{#2}\hfil}}
257 \def\key#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\vbox
258 {\hsize=.75\hsize\rightskip=1em
259 \raggedright
260 \hskip\keyindent\hangindent=1em\strut#1\strut\par}\kbd{\quad#2}\hss}}
262 \newbox\metaxbox
263 \setbox\metaxbox\hbox{\kbd{M-x }}
264 \newdimen\metaxwidth
265 \metaxwidth=\wd\metaxbox
267 % metax - definition of a M-x command.
268 % \metax{description of command}{M-x command-name}
269 % Tries to justify the beginning of the command name at the same place
270 % as \key starts the key name. (The "M-x " sticks out to the left.)
271 %\def\metax#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\hbox to .75\hsize
272 % {\hskip\keyindent\relax#1\hfil}%
273 % \hskip -\metaxwidth minus 1fil
274 % \kbd{#2}\hfil}}
275 \def\metax#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\vbox
276 {\hsize=.74\hsize\rightskip=1em
277 \raggedright
278 \hskip\keyindent\hangindent=1em\strut#1\strut\par}%
279 \hskip-\metaxwidth minus 1fil
280 \kbd{#2}\hss}}
282 % threecol - like "key" but with two key names.
283 % for example, one for doing the action backward, and one for forward.
284 %\def\threecol#1#2#3{\hskip\keyindent\relax#1\hfil&\kbd{#2}\hfil\quad
285 % &\kbd{#3}\hfill\quad\cr}
286 \def\threecol#1#2#3{\hskip\keyindent\relax#1\hfil&\kbd{#2}\hfil\quad
287 &\kbd{#3}\hfill\cr}
288 \def\threecolheader#1#2#3{\threecol#1#2#3\noalign{\smallskip}}
290 % (WB) -- new macros
292 \newdimen\raggedstretch
293 \newskip\raggedparfill \raggedparfill=0pt plus 1fil
294 \def\nohyphens
295 {\hyphenpenalty10000\exhyphenpenalty10000\pretolerance10000}
296 \def\raggedspaces
297 {\spaceskip=0.3333em\relax
298 \xspaceskip=0.5em\relax}
299 \def\raggedright
300 {\raggedstretch=6em
301 \nohyphens
302 \rightskip=0pt plus \raggedstretch
303 \raggedspaces
304 \parfillskip=\raggedparfill
305 \relax}
306 \def\newline{\hfil\break}
308 \hfuzz=3pt
310 %**end of header
313 %\title{GNU Emacs Reference Card}
314 \title{Przegl/ad polece/n GNU Emacsa}
316 \centerline{(dla wersji 20.3)}
318 \section{Uruchamianie Emacsa}
320 %To enter GNU Emacs 20, just type its name: \kbd{emacs}
321 Aby uruchomi/c GNU Emacsa 20, napisz jego nazw/e: \kbd{emacs}
323 %To read in a file to edit, see Files, below.
324 Aby wczyta/c plik do edycji, patrz rozdzia/l {\bf Pliki} poni/zej.
326 \section{Opuszczanie Emacsa}
328 %\key{suspend Emacs (or iconify it under X)}{C-z}
329 \key{tymczasowe zatrzymanie Emacsa}{C-z}
330 %\key{exit Emacs permanently}{C-x C-c}
331 \key{zako/nczenie sesji z Emacsem}{C-x C-c}
333 \section{Pliki}
335 \key{{\bf wczytaj} plik do Emacsa}{C-x C-f}
336 \key{{\bf zapisz} plik na dysk}{C-x C-s}
337 \key{zapisz {\bf wszystkie} pliki}{C-x s}
338 \key{{\bf wstaw} zawarto/s/c innego pliku do bufora}{C-x i}
339 %\key{replace this file with the file you really want}{C-x C-v}
340 \key{zamie/n plik w buforze na inny}{C-x C-v}
341 %\key{write buffer to a specified file}{C-x C-w}
342 \key{zapisz bufor do pliku z podaniem nazwy}{C-x C-w}
343 %\key{version control checkin//checkout}{C-x C-q}
344 \key{kontrola wersji pliku `checkin//checkout'}{C-x C-q}
346 %\section{Getting Help}
347 \section{Uzyskiwanie pomocy}
349 %The help system is simple. Type \kbd{C-h} (or \kbd{F1}) and follow
350 %the directions. If you are a first-time user, type \kbd{C-h t} for a
351 %{\bf tutorial}.
352 Napisz \kbd{C-h} (lub \kbd{F1}) i post/epuj
353 wed/lug dalszych instrukcji. Je/sli jeste/s pocz/atkuj/acym u/zytkownikiem,
354 napisz \kbd{C-u C-h t Polish} aby wywo/la/c {\bf samouczek} Emacsa
355 po polsku.
357 %\key{remove help window}{C-x 1}
358 %\key{scroll help window}{C-M-v}
359 \key{usu/n okno pomocy}{C-x 1}
360 \key{przewi/n okno pomocy}{C-M-v}
362 %\key{apropos: show commands matching a string}{C-h a}
363 %\key{show the function a key runs}{C-h c}
364 %\key{describe a function}{C-h f}
365 %\key{get mode-specific information}{C-h m}
366 \key{apropos: poka/z polecenia zgodne z napisem}{C-h a}
367 \key{poka/z funkcj/e uruchamian/a przez klawisz}{C-h c}
368 \key{opisz funkcj/e}{C-h f}
369 \key{poka/z informacj/e odnosz/ac/a si/e do trybu}{C-h m}
372 %\section{Error Recovery}
373 %\section{Powr/ot do sytuacji wyj/sciowej w przypadku b/l/ed/ow}
374 \section{Usuwanie b/l/ed/ow}
376 %\key{{\bf abort} partially typed or executing command}{C-g}
377 %\metax{{\bf recover} a file lost by a system crash}{M-x recover-file}
378 %\key{{\bf undo} an unwanted change}{C-x u {\rm or} C-_}
379 %\metax{restore a buffer to its original contents}{M-x revert-buffer}
380 %\key{redraw garbaged screen}{C-l}
381 \key{{\bf przerwij} cz/e/sciowo napisane lub\newline wykonywane polecenie}{C-g}
382 \metax{{\bf odzyskaj} plik zgubiony w wyniku\newline za/lamania systemu}
383 {M-x recover-file}
384 \key{{\bf anuluj} niechcian/a zmian/e}{C-x u {\rm lub} C-_}
385 \metax{wczytaj plik wg aktualnej zawarto/sci na dysku}{M-x revert-buffer}
386 \key{uporz/adkuj za/smiecony ekran}{C-l}
388 \shortcopyrightnotice
390 %\section{Incremental Search}
391 \section{Szukanie przyrostowe}
393 %\key{search forward}{C-s}
394 %\key{search backward}{C-r}
395 %\key{regular expression search}{C-M-s}
396 %\key{reverse regular expression search}{C-M-r}
397 \key{szukaj wprz/od//wstecz ({\tt C-f} aby zako/nczy/c)}{C-s//C-r}
398 \key{szukaj wprz/od tekstu zgodnego z~wpisywanym wyra/zeniem regularnym}{C-M-s}
399 \key{szukaj wstecz tekstu zgodnego z~wpisywanym wyra/zeniem regularnym}{C-M-r}
401 %\key{select previous search string}{M-p}
402 %\key{select next later search string}{M-n}
403 %\key{exit incremental search}{RET}
404 %\key{undo effect of last character}{DEL}
405 %\key{abort current search}{C-g}
406 \key{wybierz poprzedni napis}{M-p}
407 \key{wybierz nast/epny napis}{M-n}
408 \key{zako/ncz szukanie przyrostowe}{RET}
409 \key{anuluj rezultat ostatniej poprawki}{DEL}
410 \key{przerwij szukanie}{C-g}
412 %Use \kbd{C-s} or \kbd{C-r} again to repeat the search in either direction.
413 %If Emacs is still searching, \kbd{C-g} cancels only the part not done.
414 Ponowne \kbd{C-s}//\kbd{C-r}, powtarza szukanie wprz/od//wstecz.
415 %If Emacs is still searching, \kbd{C-g} cancels only the part not done.
416 % Patrz wyja/snienie powy/zej.
418 \section{Przemieszczanie kursora}
420 \paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr
421 %\threecol{{\bf entity to move over}}{{\bf backward}}{{\bf forward}}
422 %\threecol{character}{C-b}{C-f}
423 %\threecol{word}{M-b}{M-f}
424 %\threecol{line}{C-p}{C-n}
425 %\threecol{go to line beginning (or end)}{C-a}{C-e}
426 %\threecol{sentence}{M-a}{M-e}
427 %\threecol{paragraph}{M-\{}{M-\}}
428 %\threecol{page}{C-x [}{C-x ]}
429 %\threecol{sexp}{C-M-b}{C-M-f}
430 %\threecol{function}{C-M-a}{C-M-e}
431 %\threecol{go to buffer beginning (or end)}{M-<}{M->}
432 \threecolheader{{\bf przemie/s/c kursor}}{{\bf wstecz}}{{\bf wprz/od}}
433 \threecol{o znak}{C-b}{C-f}
434 \threecol{o s/lowo}{M-b}{M-f}
435 \threecol{o lini/e wy/zej//ni/zej}{C-p}{C-n}
436 \threecol{na pocz/atek//koniec linii}{C-a}{C-e}
437 \threecol{o zdanie}{M-a}{M-e}
438 \threecol{o akapit}{M-\{}{M-\}}
439 \threecol{o stron/e}{C-x [}{C-x ]}
440 \threecol{o s-wyra/zenie}{C-M-b}{C-M-f}
441 \threecol{na pocz/atek//koniec funkcji}{C-M-a}{C-M-e}
442 \threecol{na pocz/atek//koniec bufora}{M-<}{M->}
445 %\key{scroll to next screen}{C-v}
446 %\key{scroll to previous screen}{M-v}
447 %\key{scroll left}{C-x <}
448 %\key{scroll right}{C-x >}
449 %\key{scroll current line to center of screen}{C-u C-l}
450 \key{przewi/n do nast/epnego ekranu}{C-v}
451 \key{przewi/n do poprzedniego ekranu}{M-v}
452 \key{przewi/n w lewo}{C-x <}
453 \key{przewi/n w prawo}{C-x >}
454 \key{umie/s/c lini/e z kursorem na /srodku ekranu}{C-u C-l}
457 %\section{Killing and Deleting}
458 \section{Kasowanie i usuwanie}
460 \paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr
461 %\threecol{{\bf entity to kill}}{{\bf backward}}{{\bf forward}}
462 %\threecol{character (delete, not kill)}{DEL}{C-d}
463 %\threecol{word}{M-DEL}{M-d}
464 %\threecol{line (to end of)}{M-0 C-k}{C-k}
465 %\threecol{sentence}{C-x DEL}{M-k}
466 %\threecol{sexp}{M-- C-M-k}{C-M-k}
467 \threecolheader{{\bf obiekt do skasowania}}{{\bf wstecz}}{{\bf wprz/od}}
468 \threecol{znak (usu/n, nie kasuj)}{DEL}{C-d}
469 \threecol{s/lowo}{M-DEL}{M-d}
470 \threecol{linia (od kursora do ko/nca)}{M-0 C-k}{C-k}
471 \threecol{zdanie}{C-x DEL}{M-k}
472 \threecol{s-wyra/zenie}{M-- C-M-k}{C-M-k}
475 %\key{kill {\bf region}}{C-w}
476 %\key{copy region to kill ring}{M-w}
477 %\key{kill through next occurrence of {\it char}}{M-z {\it char}}
478 \key{kasuj obszar}{C-w}
479 \key{wstaw obszar do `kill ring'}{M-w}
480 \key{kasuj wszystko a/z do wyst/apienia {\it char}}{M-z {\it char}}
482 %\key{yank back last thing killed}{C-y}
483 %\key{replace last yank with previous kill}{M-y}
484 \key{wstaw ostatnio skasowany obiekt}{C-y}
485 \key{zamie/n wstawiony obiekt z uprzednio skasowanym}{M-y}
487 %\section{Marking}
488 \section{Zaznaczanie}
490 %\key{set mark here}{C-@ {\rm or} C-SPC}
491 %\key{exchange point and mark}{C-x C-x}
492 \key{wstaw znacznik w pozycji kursora}{C-@ {\rm or} C-SPC}
493 \key{zamie/n pozycje kursora i znacznika}{C-x C-x}
495 %\key{set mark {\it arg\/} {\bf words} away}{M-@}
496 %\key{mark {\bf paragraph}}{M-h}
497 %\key{mark {\bf page}}{C-x C-p}
498 %\key{mark {\bf sexp}}{C-M-@}
499 %\key{mark {\bf function}}{C-M-h}
500 %\key{mark entire {\bf buffer}}{C-x h}
501 \key{zaznacz s/lowo}{M-@}
502 \key{zaznacz akapit}{M-h}
503 \key{zaznacz stron/e}{C-x C-p}
504 \key{zaznacz s-wyra/zenie}{C-M-@}
505 \key{zaznacz funkcj/e}{C-M-h}
506 \key{zaznacz ca/ly bufor}{C-x h}
508 %\section{Query Replace}
509 \section{Zamiana z zapytaniem}
511 %\key{interactively replace a text string}{M-\%}
512 %\metax{using regular expressions}{M-x query-replace-regexp}
513 \key{zamiana tekstu w trybie interakcyjnym}{M-\%}
514 \key{z u/zyciem wyra/ze/n regularnych}{C-M-\%}
516 %Valid responses in query-replace mode are
517 Odpowiedzi w interakcyjnym trybie zamiany:
519 %\key{{\bf replace} this one, go on to next}{SPC}
520 %\key{replace this one, don't move}{,}
521 %\key{{\bf skip} to next without replacing}{DEL}
522 %\key{replace all remaining matches}{!}
523 %\key{{\bf back up} to the previous match}{^}
524 %\key{{\bf exit} query-replace}{RET}
525 %\key{enter recursive edit (\kbd{C-M-c} to exit)}{C-r}
526 \key{{\bf zamie/n} i wyszukaj nast/epny tekst}{SPC}
527 \key{zamie/n nie przemieszczaj/ac kursora}{,}
528 \key{{\bf nie zamieniaj} i wyszukaj nast/epny tekst}{DEL}
529 \key{wyszukaj i zamie/n wszystkie pozosta/le teksty}{!}
530 \key{{\bf powr/o/c} do poprzedniej zamiany}{^}
531 \key{{\bf zako/ncz} zamian/e interakcyjn/a}{RET}
532 \key{wejd/x do trybu rekursywnej edycji (\kbd{C-M-c} aby zako/nczy/c)}{C-r}
534 %\section{Multiple Windows}
535 \section{Wiele okien}
537 %When two commands are shown, the second is for ``other frame.''
538 Drugie z polece/n dotyczy ,,innej ramki''
540 %\key{delete all other windows}{C-x 1}
541 \key{usu/n pozosta/le okna}{C-x 1}
543 {\setbox0=\hbox{\kbd{0}}\advance\hsize by 0\wd0
544 \paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr
545 %\threecol{split window, above and below}{C-x 2\ \ \ \ }{C-x 5 2}
546 %\threecol{delete this window}{C-x 0\ \ \ \ }{C-x 5 0}
547 \threecol{podziel okno (jedno nad drugim)}{C-x 2\ \ \ \ }{C-x 5 2}
548 \threecol{usu/n okno}{C-x 0\ \ \ \ }{C-x 5 0}
550 %\key{split window, side by side}{C-x 3}
551 \key{podziel okno (jedno obok drugiego)}{C-x 3}
553 \key{przewijaj w innym oknie}{C-M-v}
555 {\setbox0=\hbox{\kbd{0}}\advance\hsize by 2\wd0
556 \paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr
557 %\threecol{switch cursor to another window}{C-x o}{C-x 5 o}
558 %\threecol{select buffer in other window}{C-x 4 b}{C-x 5 b}
559 %\threecol{display buffer in other window}{C-x 4 C-o}{C-x 5 C-o}
560 %\threecol{find file in other window}{C-x 4 f}{C-x 5 f}
561 %\threecol{find file read-only in other window}{C-x 4 r}{C-x 5 r}
562 %\threecol{run Dired in other window}{C-x 4 d}{C-x 5 d}
563 %\threecol{find tag in other window}{C-x 4 .}{C-x 5 .}
564 \threecol{przenie/s kursor do innego okna}{C-x o}{C-x 5 o}
565 \threecol{wybierz bufor w innym oknie}{C-x 4 b}{C-x 5 b}
566 \threecol{poka/z bufor w innym oknie}{C-x 4 C-o}{C-x 5 C-o}
567 \threecol{znajd/x plik i poka/z go w innym oknie}{C-x 4 f}{C-x 5 f}
568 \threecol{jak wy/zej, tylko w trybie do czytania}{C-x 4 r}{C-x 5 r}
569 \threecol{uruchom `Dired' w innym oknie}{C-x 4 d}{C-x 5 d}
570 \threecol{znajd/x definicj/e w innym oknie}{C-x 4 .}{C-x 5 .}
573 %\key{grow window taller}{C-x ^}
574 %\key{shrink window narrower}{C-x \{}
575 %\key{grow window wider}{C-x \}}
576 \key{powi/eksz okno w pionie}{C-x ^}
577 \key{zmniejsz okno w poziomie}{C-x \{}
578 \key{poszerz okno}{C-x \}}
580 %\section{Formatting}
581 \section{Formatowanie}
583 %\key{indent current {\bf line} (mode-dependent)}{TAB}
584 %\key{indent {\bf region} (mode-dependent)}{C-M-\\}
585 %\key{indent {\bf sexp} (mode-dependent)}{C-M-q}
586 %\key{indent region rigidly {\it arg\/} columns}{C-x TAB}
587 \key{wetnij bie/z/ac/a {\bf lini/e} (zale/zne od trybu)}{TAB}
588 \key{wetnij {\bf obszar} (zale/zne od trybu)}{C-M-\\}
589 \key{wetnij {\bf s-wyra/zenie} (zale/zne od trybu)}{C-M-q}
590 \key{wetnij obszar o {\it arg\/} kolumn}{C-x TAB}
592 %\key{insert newline after point}{C-o}
593 %\key{move rest of line vertically down}{C-M-o}
594 %\key{delete blank lines around point}{C-x C-o}
595 %\key{join line with previous (with arg, next)}{M-^}
596 %\key{delete all white space around point}{M-\\}
597 %\key{put exactly one space at point}{M-SPC}
598 \key{wstaw now/a lini/e za kursorem}{C-o}
599 \key{przesu/n cz/e/s/c linii za kursorem w d/o/l }{C-M-o}
600 \key{usu/n puste linie wok/o/l kursora}{C-x C-o}
601 \key{po/l/acz lini/e z poprzedni/a (z {\it arg\/} -- z nast/epn/a)}{M-^}
602 \key{usu/n odst/epy dooko/la kursora}{M-\\}
603 \key{pozostaw dok/ladnie jedn/a spacj/e w pozycji kursora}{M-SPC}
605 %\key{fill paragraph}{M-q}
606 %\key{set fill column}{C-x f}
607 %\key{set prefix each line starts with}{C-x .}
608 \key{wype/lnij akapit}{M-q}
609 \key{ustaw numer kolumny dla trybu wype/lniania}{C-x f}
610 \key{ustaw przedrostek dla ka/zdego nowego wiersza}{C-x .}
612 %\key{set face}{M-g}
613 \key{ustaw czcionk/e}{M-g}
615 %\section{Case Change}
616 \section{Zamiana wielko/sci liter}
618 %\key{uppercase word}{M-u}
619 %\key{lowercase word}{M-l}
620 %\key{capitalize word}{M-c}
621 \key{zamie/n w s/lowie litery ma/le na du/ze}{M-u}
622 \key{zamie/n w s/lowie litery du/ze na ma/le}{M-l}
623 \key{zamie/n pierwsz/a liter/e w s/lowie na du/z/a}{M-c}
625 %\key{uppercase region}{C-x C-u}
626 %\key{lowercase region}{C-x C-l}
627 \key{zamie/n w obszarze litery ma/le na du/ze}{C-x C-u}
628 \key{zamie/n w obszarze litery du/ze na ma/le}{C-x C-l}
630 %\section{The Minibuffer}
631 \section{Minibufor}
633 %The following keys are defined in the minibuffer.
634 % Inne te/z s/a maj/a przypisane funkcje..
636 %\key{complete as much as possible}{TAB}
637 %\key{complete up to one word}{SPC}
638 %\key{complete and execute}{RET}
639 %\key{show possible completions}{?}
640 %\key{fetch previous minibuffer input}{M-p}
641 %\key{fetch later minibuffer input or default}{M-n}
642 %\key{regexp search backward through history}{M-r}
643 %\key{regexp search forward through history}{M-s}
644 %\key{abort command}{C-g}
645 \key{uzupe/lnij tekst o tyle o ile jest to mo/zliwe}{TAB}
646 \key{uzupe/lnij o jedno s/lowo}{SPC}
647 \key{uzupe/lnij i wykonaj}{RET}
648 \key{poka/z mo/zliwe uzupe/lnienia}{?}
649 \key{przywo/laj uprzednio wprowadzony tekst do minibufora}{M-p}
650 \key{przywo/laj nast/epny tekst z~`kill ring' do minibufora}{M-n}
651 \key{wyszukuj wstecz poprzez histori/e wprowadze/n}{M-r}
652 \key{wyszukuj wprz/od poprzez histori/e wprowadze/n}{M-s}
653 \key{przerwij wykonywane polecenie}{C-g}
655 %Type \kbd{C-x ESC ESC} to edit and repeat the last command that used the
656 %minibuffer. Type \kbd{F10} to activate the menu bar using the minibuffer.
657 Napisz \kbd{C-x ESC ESC} aby poprawia/c i wykona/c polecenie,
658 kt/ore ostatnio u/zywa/lo minibufora.
659 Napisz \kbd{F10} aby uaktywni/c menu w minibuforze.
662 \newcolumn
663 %\title{GNU Emacs Reference Card}
664 \title{Przegl/ad polece/n GNU Emacsa}
666 \section{Bufory}
668 %\key{select another buffer}{C-x b}
669 %\key{list all buffers}{C-x C-b}
670 %\key{kill a buffer}{C-x k}
671 \key{wybierz inny bufor}{C-x b}
672 \key{poka/z spis wszystkich bufor/ow}{C-x C-b}
673 \key{skasuj bufor}{C-x k}
675 %\section{Transposing}
676 \section{Przestawianie}
678 %\key{transpose {\bf characters}}{C-t}
679 %\key{transpose {\bf words}}{M-t}
680 %\key{transpose {\bf lines}}{C-x C-t}
681 %\key{transpose {\bf sexps}}{C-M-t}
682 \key{przestaw {\bf znaki}}{C-t}
683 \key{przestaw {\bf s/lowa}}{M-t}
684 \key{przestaw {\bf linie}}{C-x C-t}
685 \key{przestaw {\bf s-wyra/zenia}}{C-M-t}
687 % Removed -- there is no Polish disctionary for ispell.
688 %\section{Spelling Check}
690 %\key{check spelling of current word}{M-\$}
691 %\metax{check spelling of all words in region}{M-x ispell-region}
692 %\metax{check spelling of entire buffer}{M-x ispell-buffer}
694 %\section{Tags}
695 \section{Tags}
697 %\key{find a tag (a definition)}{M-.}
698 %\key{find next occurrence of tag}{C-u M-.}
699 %\metax{specify a new tags file}{M-x visit-tags-table}
700 \key{znajd/x okre/slenie (definicj/e)}{M-.}
701 \key{znajd/x nast/epne wyst/apienie definicji}{C-u M-.}
702 \metax{podaj nowy plik TAGS}{M-x visit-tags-table}
704 %\metax{regexp search on all files in tags table}{M-x tags-search}
705 %\metax{run query-replace on all the files}{M-x tags-query-replace}
706 %\key{continue last tags search or query-replace}{M-,}
707 \metax{wyszukiwanie tekstu zgodnego z~podanym wyra/zeniem regularnym
708 we wszystkich plikach wymienionych w~TAGS}{M-x tags-search}
709 \metax{zamiana z zapytaniem we wszystkich\newline
710 plikach wymienionych w~TAGS}{M-x tags-query-replace}
711 \key{kontynuuj wyszukiwanie lub zamian/e z~zapytaniem
712 w~plikach wymienionych w~TAGS}{M-,}
714 %\section{Shells}
715 \section{Pow/loki}
717 %\key{execute a shell command}{M-!}
718 %\key{run a shell command on the region}{M-|}
719 %\key{filter region through a shell command}{C-u M-|}
720 %\key{start a shell in window \kbd{*shell*}}{M-x shell}
721 \key{wykonaj polecenie pow/loki}{M-!}
722 \key{wykonaj polecenie pow/loki na obszarze}{M-|}
723 \key{filtruj obszar poprzez polecenie pow/loki}{C-u M-|}
724 \key{uruchom pow/lok/e w oknie \kbd{*shell*}}{M-x shell}
726 %\section{Rectangles}
727 \section{Prostok/aty}
729 %\key{copy rectangle to register}{C-x r r}
730 %\key{kill rectangle}{C-x r k}
731 %\key{yank rectangle}{C-x r y}
732 %\key{open rectangle, shifting text right}{C-x r o}
733 %\key{blank out rectangle}{C-x r c}
734 %\key{prefix each line with a string}{C-x r t}
735 \key{zapisz prostok/at do rejestru}{C-x r r}
736 \key{skasuj prostok/at}{C-x r k}
737 \key{wklej prostok/at}{C-x r y}
738 \key{wstaw pusty prostok/at przesuwaj/ac\newline tekst w~prawo}{C-x r o}
739 \key{wyczy/s/c prostok/at}{C-x r c}
740 \key{wstaw napis na pocz/atku ka/zdej linii}{C-x r t}
742 %\section{Abbrevs}
743 \section{Skr/oty}
745 %\key{add global abbrev}{C-x a g}
746 %\key{add mode-local abbrev}{C-x a l}
747 %\key{add global expansion for this abbrev}{C-x a i g}
748 %\key{add mode-local expansion for this abbrev}{C-x a i l}
749 %\key{explicitly expand abbrev}{C-x a e}
750 \key{dodaj skr/ot globalnie}{C-x a g}
751 \key{dodaj skr/ot lokalny dla trybu}{C-x a l}
752 \key{dodaj rozwini/ecie globalne dla skr/otu}{C-x a i g}
753 \key{dodaj rozwini/ecie lokalne dla trybu dla skr/otu}{C-x a i l}
754 \key{rozwi/n teraz skr/ot}{C-x a e}
756 %\key{expand previous word dynamically}{M-//}
757 \key{uzupe/lnij dynamicznie poprzednie s/lowo}{M-//}
759 %\section{Regular Expressions}
760 \section{Wyra/zenia regularne}
762 %\key{any single character except a newline}{. {\rm(dot)}}
763 %\key{zero or more repeats}{*}
764 %\key{one or more repeats}{+}
765 %\key{zero or one repeat}{?}
766 %\key{quote regular expression special character {\it c\/}}{\\{\it c}}
767 %\key{alternative (``or'')}{\\|}
768 %\key{grouping}{\\( {\rm$\ldots$} \\)}
769 %\key{same text as {\it n\/}th group}{\\{\it n}}
770 %\key{at word break}{\\b}
771 %\key{not at word break}{\\B}
772 \key{dowolny znak za wyj/atkiem znaku nowej linii}{. {\rm(kropka)}}
773 \key{zero lub wi/ecej powt/orze/n}{*}
774 \key{jedno lub wi/ecej powt/orze/n}{+}
775 \key{zero lub jedno powt/orzenie}{?}
776 \key{traktuj dos/lownie nast/epny znak
777 (nawet je/sli znak ma specjalne znaczenie) {\it c\/}}{\\{\it c}}
778 \key{alternatywa (`lub')}{\\|}
779 \key{grupowanie}{\\( {\rm$\ldots$} \\)}
780 \key{tekst n-tej grupy}{\\{\it n}}
781 \key{na pocz/atku lub ko/ncu s/lowa}{\\b}
782 \key{nie na pocz/atku i nie na ko/ncu s/lowa}{\\B}
784 \paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr
785 %\threecol{{\bf entity}}{{\bf match start}}{{\bf match end}}
786 %\threecol{line}{^}{\$}
787 %\threecol{word}{\\<}{\\>}
788 %\threecol{buffer}{\\`}{\\'}
789 \threecolheader{{\bf obiekt do por/ownania}}{{\bf pocz/atek}}{{\bf koniec}}
790 \threecol{linia}{^}{\$}
791 \threecol{s/lowo}{\\<}{\\>}
792 \threecol{bufor}{\\`}{\\'}}
793 %\threecol{{\bf class of characters}}{{\bf match these}}{{\bf match others}}
794 %\threecol{explicit set}{[ {\rm$\ldots$} ]}{[^ {\rm$\ldots$} ]}
795 %\threecol{word-syntax character}{\\w}{\\W}
796 %\threecol{character with syntax {\it c}}{\\s{\it c}}{\\S{\it c}}
797 \paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr
798 \threecolheader{{\bf kategoria znak/ow}}{{\bf por/ownaj z}}
799 {{\bf \hbox to 0pt{pozosta/lymi\hss}}}
800 \threecol{podany zbi/or znak/ow}{[ {\rm$\ldots$} ]}{[^ {\rm$\ldots$} ]}
801 \threecol{znak kategorii sk/ladniowej `s/lowo'}{\\w}{\\W}
802 \threecol{znak kategorii sk/ladniowej {\it c}}{\\s{\it c}}{\\S{\it c}}
805 %\section{International Character Sets}
806 \section{Mi/edzynarodowe zestawy znak/ow}
808 %\metax{specify principal language}{M-x set-language-environment}
809 %\metax{show all input methods}{M-x list-input-methods}
810 %\key{enable or disable input method}{C-\\}
811 %\key{set coding system for next command}{C-x RET c}
812 %\metax{show all coding systems}{M-x list-coding-systems}
813 %\metax{choose preferred coding system}{M-x prefer-coding-system}
814 \metax{ustal g/l/owny j/ezyk}{M-x set-language-environment}
815 \metax{wypisz wszystkie metody wprowadzania znak/ow}{M-x list-input-methods}
816 \key{w/l/acz//wy/l/acz metod/e wprowadzania znak/ow}{C-\\}
817 \key{ustal system kodowania dla nast/epnego polecenia}{C-x RET c}
818 \metax{wypisz wszystkie systemy kodowania}{M-x list-coding-systems}
819 \metax{wybierz preferowany system\newline kodowania}{M-x prefer-coding-system}
820 \metax{wybierz metod/e wprowadzania znak/ow}{C-x RET C-\\}
822 Po wybraniu metody wprowadzania znak/ow {\tt polish-slash},\newline
823 ka/zd/a z~liter {\tt /a/c/e/l/n/o/s/x/z//} uzyskamy pisz/ac ciach `{\tt //}'
824 i~odpowiedni znak z~{\tt acelnosxz//}.
826 %\section{Registers}
827 \section{Rejestry}
829 %\key{save region in register}{C-x r s}
830 %\key{insert register contents into buffer}{C-x r i}
831 \key{zapisz obszar do rejestru}{C-x r s}
832 \key{wstaw zawarto/s/c rejestru do bufora}{C-x r i}
834 %\key{save value of point in register}{C-x r SPC}
835 %\key{jump to point saved in register}{C-x r j}
836 \key{zapisz pozycj/e kursora w~rejestrze}{C-x r SPC}
837 \key{przemie/s/c kursor do pozycji zapisanej w~rejestrze}{C-x r j}
839 %\section{Keyboard Macros}
840 \section{Makropolecenia}
842 %\key{{\bf start} defining a keyboard macro}{C-x (}
843 %\key{{\bf end} keyboard macro definition}{C-x )}
844 %\key{{\bf execute} last-defined keyboard macro}{C-x e}
845 %\key{append to last keyboard macro}{C-u C-x (}
846 %\metax{name last keyboard macro}{M-x name-last-kbd-macro}
847 %\metax{insert Lisp definition in buffer}{M-x insert-kbd-macro}
848 \key{{\bf zacznij} definicj/e makropolecenia}{C-x (}
849 \key{{\bf zako/ncz} definicj/e makropolecenia}{C-x )}
850 \key{{\bf wykonaj} ostatnio zdefiniowane makropolecenie}{C-x e}
851 \key{dopisz do definicji ostatniego makropolecenia}{C-u C-x (}
852 \metax{nazwij ostatnie makropolecenie}{M-x name-last-kbd-macro}
853 \metax{wpisz do bufora nazwane\newline makro Lispowe}{M-x insert-kbd-macro}
855 %\section{Info}
856 \section{Info}
858 %\key{enter the Info documentation reader}{C-h i}
859 %\key{find specified function or variable in Info}{C-h C-i}
860 \key{wejd/x w tryb czytania dokumentacji Info}{C-h i}
861 \key{wyszukaj podan/a funkcj/e lub zmienn/a w Info}{C-h C-i}
862 \beginindentedkeys
864 %Moving within a node:
865 Poruszanie si/e w obr/ebie w/ez/la Info:
867 %\key{scroll forward}{SPC}
868 %\key{scroll reverse}{DEL}
869 %\key{beginning of node}{. {\rm (dot)}}
870 \key{przegl/adaj do przodu}{SPC}
871 \key{przegl/adaj do ty/lu}{DEL}
872 \key{na pocz/atek w/ez/la}{. {\rm (kropka)}}
874 %Moving between nodes:
875 Poruszanie si/e pomi/edzy w/ez/lami:
877 %\key{{\bf next} node}{n}
878 %\key{{\bf previous} node}{p}
879 %\key{move {\bf up}}{u}
880 %\key{select menu item by name}{m}
881 %\key{select {\it n\/}th menu item by number (1--9)}{{\it n}}
882 %\key{follow cross reference (return with \kbd{l})}{f}
883 %\key{return to last node you saw}{l}
884 %\key{return to directory node}{d}
885 %\key{go to any node by name}{g}
886 \key{{\bf nast/epny} w/eze/l}{n}
887 \key{{\bf poprzedni} w/eze/l}{p}
888 \key{przenie/s si/e {\bf wy/zej}}{u}
889 \key{wybierz pozycj/e z menu, podaj/ac jej nazw/e}{m}
890 \key{wybierz n-t/a pozycj/e z menu podaj/ac liczb/e~(1-9)}{{\it n}}
891 \key{sprawd/x odsy/lacz (powr/ot z \kbd{l})}{f}
892 \key{powr/o/c do ostatnio przegl/adanego w/ez/la}{l}
893 \key{powr/o/c do skorowidza}{d}
894 \key{wybierz w/eze/l podaj/ac jego nazw/e}{g}
896 %Other:
897 Pozosta/le polecenia:
899 %\key{run Info {\bf tutorial}}{h}
900 %\key{{\bf quit} Info}{q}
901 %\key{search nodes for regexp}{M-s}
902 \key{wywo/laj {\bf samouczek} Info}{h}
903 \key{{\bf zako/ncz} Info}{q}
904 \key{wyszukuj w~w/ez/lach tekst zgodny\newline
905 z~podanym wyra/zeniem regularnym}{M-s}
907 \endindentedkeys
909 %\section{Dired, the Directory Editor}
910 \section{Dired -- edytor katalog/ow}
912 \key{wywo/lanie edytora katalog/ow}{C-x d}
913 \key{ustaw flag/e `D' (do usuni/ecia) na pliku}{d}
914 \key{ustaw flag/e `D' na plikach zapasowych}{\~{}}
915 \key{zdejmij flag/e `D' z pliku}{u}
916 \key{usu/n pliki oznaczone flag/a `D'}{x}
917 \key{uaktualnij zawarto/s/c bufora}{g}
918 \key{wczytaj plik wskazywany przez kursor do bufora}{f}
919 \key{prze/l/acz mi/edzy porz/adkiem alfabetycznym a~porz/adkiem wed/lug
920 daty i~czasu powstania pliku}{s}
922 \metax{wybierz z~bie/z/acego katalogu i~jego podkatalog/ow wszystkie pliki,
923 kt/ore zawieraj/a tekst zgodny z~podanym wyra/zeniem regularnym}
924 {M-x find-grep-dired}
926 %\section{Commands Dealing with Emacs Lisp}
927 \section{Polecenia dotycz/ace j/ezyka Emacs Lisp}
929 %\key{eval {\bf sexp} before point}{C-x C-e}
930 %\key{eval current {\bf defun}}{C-M-x}
931 %\metax{eval {\bf region}}{M-x eval-region}
932 %\key{read and eval minibuffer}{M-:}
933 %\metax{load from standard system directory}{M-x load-library}
934 \key{oblicz {\bf s-wyra/zenie} przed kursorem}{C-x C-e}
935 \key{oblicz aktywn/a {\bf defun}}{C-M-x}
936 \metax{oblicz s-wyra/zenia w {\bf obszarze}}{M-x eval-region}
937 \key{wczytaj {\bf s-wyra/zenie} i oblicz je w~minibuforze}{M-:}
938 \metax{wczytaj bibliotek/e z~katalogu\newline systemowego}{M-x load-library}
940 %\section{Simple Customization}
941 \section{Proste modyfikacje}
943 %\metax{customize variables and faces}{M-x customize}
944 \metax{modyfikowanie warto/sci zmiennych\newline i czcionek}{M-x customize}
946 % The intended audience here is the person who wants to make simple
947 % customizations and knows Lisp syntax.
949 %Making global key bindings in Emacs Lisp (examples):
950 Przyk/lady przypisania klawisza funkcji Emacs Lispu\newline
951 z~wykorzystaniem notacji \kbd{"..."} i~notacji \kbd{[...]}:
953 \beginexample%
954 (global-set-key "\\C-cg" 'goto-line)
955 (global-set-key "\\M-\#" 'query-replace-regexp)
956 \smallskip
957 (global-set-key [?\\C-c ?g] 'goto-line)
958 (global-set-key [?\\M-\#] 'query-replace-regexp)
959 \endexample
961 %\section{Writing Commands}
962 \section{Tworzenie nowych polece/n}
964 \beginexample%
965 (defun \<nazwa-funkcji> (\<argumenty>)
966 "\<dokumentacja>"
967 (interactive "\<wzorzec>")
968 \<tre/s/c funkcji>)
969 \endexample
971 %An example:
972 Przyk/lad:
974 \beginexample%
975 (defun this-line-to-top-of-window (line)
976 % "Reposition line point is on to top of window.
977 %With ARG, put point on line ARG."
978 "Przewi/n lini/e z kursorem do pierwszej linii okna.
979 Z ARG, przewi/n do linii ARG."
980 (interactive "P")
981 (recenter (if (null line)
983 (prefix-numeric-value line))))
984 \endexample
986 %The \kbd{interactive} spec says how to read arguments interactively.
987 %Type \kbd{C-h f interactive} for more details.
988 W funkcji \kbd{interactive} {\it wzorzec\/} opisuje, jak b/ed/a czytane
989 argumenty w trybie interakcyjnym. Szczeg/o/lowy opis uzyskasz
990 przez wywo/lanie \kbd{C-h f interactive}.
992 \copyrightnotice
994 \bye