(tramp-handle-verify-visited-file-modtime): `visited-file-modtime' now
[emacs.git] / lisp / emacs-lisp / testcover.el
1 ;;;; testcover.el -- Visual code-coverage tool
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Jonathan Yavner <jyavner@member.fsf.org>
6 ;; Maintainer: Jonathan Yavner <jyavner@member.fsf.org>
7 ;; Keywords: lisp utility
9 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
11 ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
14 ;; any later version.
16 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
21 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
23 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
24 ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
27 ;;; Commentary:
29 ;; * Use `testcover-start' to instrument a Lisp file for coverage testing.
30 ;; * Use `testcover-mark-all' to add overlay "splotches" to the Lisp file's
31 ;; buffer to show where coverage is lacking. Normally, a red splotch
32 ;; indicates the form was never evaluated; a brown splotch means it always
33 ;; evaluted to the same value.
34 ;; * Use `testcover-next-mark' (bind it to a key!) to jump to the next spot
35 ;; that has a splotch.
37 ;; * Basic algorithm: use `edebug' to mark up the function text with
38 ;; instrumentation callbacks, then replace edebug's callbacks with ours.
39 ;; * To show good coverage, we want to see two values for every form, except
40 ;; functions that always return the same value and `defconst' variables
41 ;; need show only value for good coverage. To avoid the brown splotch, the
42 ;; definitions for constants and 1-valued functions must precede the
43 ;; references.
44 ;; * Use the macro `1value' in your Lisp code to mark spots where the local
45 ;; code environment causes a function or variable to always have the same
46 ;; value, but the function or variable is not intrinsically 1-valued.
47 ;; * Use the macro `noreturn' in your Lisp code to mark function calls that
48 ;; never return, because of the local code environment, even though the
49 ;; function being called is capable of returning in other cases.
51 ;; Problems:
52 ;; * To detect different values, we store the form's result in a vector and
53 ;; compare the next result using `equal'. We don't copy the form's
54 ;; result, so if caller alters it (`setcar', etc.) we'll think the next
55 ;; call has the same value! Also, equal thinks two strings are the same
56 ;; if they differ only in properties.
57 ;; * Because we have only a "1value" class and no "always nil" class, we have
58 ;; to treat as 1-valued any `and' whose last term is 1-valued, in case the
59 ;; last term is always nil. Example:
60 ;; (and (< (point) 1000) (forward-char 10))
61 ;; This form always returns nil. Similarly, `if' and `cond' are
62 ;; treated as 1-valued if all clauses are, in case those values are
63 ;; always nil.
65 (require 'edebug)
66 (provide 'testcover)
69 ;;;==========================================================================
70 ;;; User options
71 ;;;==========================================================================
73 (defgroup testcover nil
74 "Code-coverage tester"
75 :group 'lisp
76 :prefix "testcover-"
77 :version "21.1")
79 (defcustom testcover-constants
80 '(nil t emacs-build-time emacs-version emacs-major-version
81 emacs-minor-version)
82 "Variables whose values never change. No brown splotch is shown for
83 these. This list is quite incomplete!"
84 :group 'testcover
85 :type '(repeat variable))
87 (defcustom testcover-1value-functions
88 '(backward-char barf-if-buffer-read-only beginning-of-line
89 buffer-disable-undo buffer-enable-undo current-global-map deactivate-mark
90 delete-char delete-region ding error forward-char function* insert
91 insert-and-inherit kill-all-local-variables lambda mapc narrow-to-region
92 noreturn push-mark put-text-property run-hooks set-text-properties signal
93 substitute-key-definition suppress-keymap throw undo use-local-map while
94 widen yank)
95 "Functions that always return the same value. No brown splotch is shown
96 for these. This list is quite incomplete! Notes: Nobody ever changes the
97 current global map. The macro `lambda' is self-evaluating, hence always
98 returns the same value (the function it defines may return varying values
99 when called)."
100 :group 'testcover
101 :type 'hook)
103 (defcustom testcover-noreturn-functions
104 '(error noreturn throw signal)
105 "Subset of `testcover-1value-functions' -- these never return. We mark
106 them as having returned nil just before calling them."
107 :group 'testcover
108 :type 'hook)
110 (defcustom testcover-compose-functions
111 '(+ - * / length list make-keymap make-sparse-keymap message propertize
112 replace-regexp-in-string run-with-idle-timer
113 set-buffer-modified-p)
114 "Functions that are 1-valued if all their args are either constants or
115 calls to one of the `testcover-1value-functions', so if that's true then no
116 brown splotch is shown for these. This list is quite incomplete! Most
117 side-effect-free functions should be here."
118 :group 'testcover
119 :type 'hook)
121 (defcustom testcover-progn-functions
122 '(define-key fset function goto-char or overlay-put progn save-current-buffer
123 save-excursion save-match-data save-restriction save-selected-window
124 save-window-excursion set set-default setq setq-default
125 with-output-to-temp-buffer with-syntax-table with-temp-buffer
126 with-temp-file with-temp-message with-timeout)
127 "Functions whose return value is the same as their last argument. No
128 brown splotch is shown for these if the last argument is a constant or a
129 call to one of the `testcover-1value-functions'. This list is probably
130 incomplete! Note: `or' is here in case the last argument is a function that
131 always returns nil."
132 :group 'testcover
133 :type 'hook)
135 (defcustom testcover-prog1-functions
136 '(prog1 unwind-protect)
137 "Functions whose return value is the same as their first argument. No
138 brown splotch is shown for these if the first argument is a constant or a
139 call to one of the `testcover-1value-functions'."
140 :group 'testcover
141 :type 'hook)
143 (defface testcover-nohits-face
144 '((t (:background "DeepPink2")))
145 "Face for forms that had no hits during coverage test"
146 :group 'testcover)
148 (defface testcover-1value-face
149 '((t (:background "Wheat2")))
150 "Face for forms that always produced the same value during coverage test"
151 :group 'testcover)
154 ;;;=========================================================================
155 ;;; Other variables
156 ;;;=========================================================================
158 (defvar testcover-module-constants nil
159 "Symbols declared with defconst in the last file processed by
160 `testcover-start'.")
162 (defvar testcover-module-1value-functions nil
163 "Symbols declared with defun in the last file processed by
164 `testcover-start', whose functions always return the same value.")
166 (defvar testcover-vector nil
167 "Locally bound to coverage vector for function in progress.")
170 ;;;=========================================================================
171 ;;; Add instrumentation to your module
172 ;;;=========================================================================
174 (defun testcover-start (filename &optional byte-compile)
175 "Uses edebug to instrument all macros and functions in FILENAME, then
176 changes the instrumentation from edebug to testcover--much faster, no
177 problems with type-ahead or post-command-hook, etc. If BYTE-COMPILE is
178 non-nil, byte-compiles each function after instrumenting."
179 (interactive "f")
180 (let ((buf (find-file filename))
181 (load-read-function 'testcover-read)
182 (edebug-all-defs t))
183 (setq edebug-form-data nil
184 testcover-module-constants nil
185 testcover-module-1value-functions nil)
186 (eval-buffer buf))
187 (when byte-compile
188 (dolist (x (reverse edebug-form-data))
189 (when (fboundp (car x))
190 (message "Compiling %s..." (car x))
191 (byte-compile (car x))))))
193 ;;;###autoload
194 (defun testcover-this-defun ()
195 "Start coverage on function under point."
196 (interactive)
197 (let* ((edebug-all-defs t)
198 (x (symbol-function (eval-defun nil))))
199 (testcover-reinstrument x)
202 (defun testcover-read (&optional stream)
203 "Read a form using edebug, changing edebug callbacks to testcover callbacks."
204 (let ((x (edebug-read stream)))
205 (testcover-reinstrument x)
208 (defun testcover-reinstrument (form)
209 "Reinstruments FORM to use testcover instead of edebug. This function
210 modifies the list that FORM points to. Result is non-nil if FORM will
211 always return the same value."
212 (let ((fun (car-safe form))
214 (cond
215 ((not fun) ;Atom
216 (or (not (symbolp form))
217 (memq form testcover-constants)
218 (memq form testcover-module-constants)))
219 ((consp fun) ;Embedded list
220 (testcover-reinstrument fun)
221 (testcover-reinstrument-list (cdr form))
222 nil)
223 ((or (memq fun testcover-1value-functions)
224 (memq fun testcover-module-1value-functions))
225 ;;Always return same value
226 (testcover-reinstrument-list (cdr form))
228 ((memq fun testcover-progn-functions)
229 ;;1-valued if last argument is
230 (testcover-reinstrument-list (cdr form)))
231 ((memq fun testcover-prog1-functions)
232 ;;1-valued if first argument is
233 (testcover-reinstrument-list (cddr form))
234 (testcover-reinstrument (cadr form)))
235 ((memq fun testcover-compose-functions)
236 ;;1-valued if all arguments are
237 (setq id t)
238 (mapc #'(lambda (x) (setq id (or (testcover-reinstrument x) id)))
239 (cdr form))
241 ((eq fun 'edebug-enter)
242 ;;(edebug-enter 'SYM ARGS #'(lambda nil FORMS))
243 ;; => (testcover-enter 'SYM #'(lambda nil FORMS))
244 (setcar form 'testcover-enter)
245 (setcdr (nthcdr 1 form) (nthcdr 3 form))
246 (let ((testcover-vector (get (cadr (cadr form)) 'edebug-coverage)))
247 (testcover-reinstrument-list (nthcdr 2 (cadr (nth 2 form))))))
248 ((eq fun 'edebug-after)
249 ;;(edebug-after (edebug-before XXX) YYY FORM)
250 ;; => (testcover-after YYY FORM), mark XXX as ok-coverage
251 (unless (eq (cadr form) 0)
252 (aset testcover-vector (cadr (cadr form)) 'ok-coverage))
253 (setq id (nth 2 form))
254 (setcdr form (nthcdr 2 form))
255 (cond
256 ((memq (car-safe (nth 2 form)) testcover-noreturn-functions)
257 ;;This function won't return, so set the value in advance
258 ;;(edebug-after (edebug-before XXX) YYY FORM)
259 ;; => (progn (edebug-after YYY nil) FORM)
260 (setcar form 'progn)
261 (setcar (cdr form) `(testcover-after ,id nil)))
262 ((eq (car-safe (nth 2 form)) '1value)
263 ;;This function is always supposed to return the same value
264 (setcar form 'testcover-1value))
266 (setcar form 'testcover-after)))
267 (when (testcover-reinstrument (nth 2 form))
268 (aset testcover-vector id '1value)))
269 ((eq fun 'defun)
270 (if (testcover-reinstrument-list (nthcdr 3 form))
271 (push (cadr form) testcover-module-1value-functions)))
272 ((eq fun 'defconst)
273 ;;Define this symbol as 1-valued
274 (push (cadr form) testcover-module-constants)
275 (testcover-reinstrument-list (cddr form)))
276 ((memq fun '(dotimes dolist))
277 ;;Always returns third value from SPEC
278 (testcover-reinstrument-list (cddr form))
279 (setq fun (testcover-reinstrument-list (cadr form)))
280 (if (nth 2 (cadr form))
282 ;;No third value, always returns nil
284 ((memq fun '(let let*))
285 ;;Special parsing for second argument
286 (mapc 'testcover-reinstrument-list (cadr form))
287 (testcover-reinstrument-list (cddr form)))
288 ((eq fun 'if)
289 ;;1-valued if both THEN and ELSE clauses are
290 (testcover-reinstrument (cadr form))
291 (let ((then (testcover-reinstrument (nth 2 form)))
292 (else (testcover-reinstrument-list (nthcdr 3 form))))
293 (and then else)))
294 ((memq fun '(when unless and))
295 ;;1-valued if last clause of BODY is
296 (testcover-reinstrument-list (cdr form)))
297 ((eq fun 'cond)
298 ;;1-valued if all clauses are
299 (testcover-reinstrument-clauses (cdr form)))
300 ((eq fun 'condition-case)
301 ;;1-valued if BODYFORM is and all HANDLERS are
302 (let ((body (testcover-reinstrument (nth 2 form)))
303 (errs (testcover-reinstrument-clauses (mapcar #'cdr
304 (nthcdr 3 form)))))
305 (and body errs)))
306 ((eq fun 'quote)
307 ;;Don't reinstrument what's inside!
308 ;;This doesn't apply within a backquote
310 ((eq fun '\`)
311 ;;Quotes are not special within backquotes
312 (let ((testcover-1value-functions
313 (cons 'quote testcover-1value-functions)))
314 (testcover-reinstrument (cadr form))))
315 ((eq fun '\,)
316 ;;In commas inside backquotes, quotes are special again
317 (let ((testcover-1value-functions
318 (remq 'quote testcover-1value-functions)))
319 (testcover-reinstrument (cadr form))))
320 ((memq fun '(1value noreturn))
321 ;;Hack - pretend the arg is 1-valued here
322 (if (symbolp (cadr form)) ;A pseudoconstant variable
324 (if (eq (car (cadr form)) 'edebug-after)
325 (setq id (car (nth 3 (cadr form))))
326 (setq id (car (cadr form))))
327 (let ((testcover-1value-functions
328 (cons id testcover-1value-functions)))
329 (testcover-reinstrument (cadr form)))))
330 (t ;Some other function or weird thing
331 (testcover-reinstrument-list (cdr form))
332 nil))))
334 (defun testcover-reinstrument-list (list)
335 "Reinstruments each form in LIST to use testcover instead of edebug.
336 This function modifies the forms in LIST. Result is `testcover-reinstrument's
337 value for the last form in LIST. If the LIST is empty, its evaluation will
338 always be nil, so we return t for 1-valued."
339 (let ((result t))
340 (while (consp list)
341 (setq result (testcover-reinstrument (pop list))))
342 result))
344 (defun testcover-reinstrument-clauses (clauselist)
345 "Reinstrument each list in CLAUSELIST.
346 Result is t if every clause is 1-valued."
347 (let ((result t))
348 (mapc #'(lambda (x)
349 (setq result (and (testcover-reinstrument-list x) result)))
350 clauselist)
351 result))
353 (defun testcover-end (buffer)
354 "Turn off instrumentation of all macros and functions in FILENAME."
355 (interactive "b")
356 (let ((buf (find-file-noselect buffer)))
357 (eval-buffer buf t)))
360 ;;;=========================================================================
361 ;;; Accumulate coverage data
362 ;;;=========================================================================
364 (defun testcover-enter (testcover-sym testcover-fun)
365 "Internal function for coverage testing. Invokes TESTCOVER-FUN while
366 binding `testcover-vector' to the code-coverage vector for TESTCOVER-SYM
367 \(the name of the current function)."
368 (let ((testcover-vector (get testcover-sym 'edebug-coverage)))
369 (funcall testcover-fun)))
371 (defun testcover-after (idx val)
372 "Internal function for coverage testing. Returns VAL after installing it in
373 `testcover-vector' at offset IDX."
374 (cond
375 ((eq (aref testcover-vector idx) 'unknown)
376 (aset testcover-vector idx val))
377 ((not (equal (aref testcover-vector idx) val))
378 (aset testcover-vector idx 'ok-coverage)))
379 val)
381 (defun testcover-1value (idx val)
382 "Internal function for coverage testing. Returns VAL after installing it in
383 `testcover-vector' at offset IDX. Error if FORM does not always return the
384 same value during coverage testing."
385 (cond
386 ((eq (aref testcover-vector idx) '1value)
387 (aset testcover-vector idx (cons '1value val)))
388 ((not (and (eq (car-safe (aref testcover-vector idx)) '1value)
389 (equal (cdr (aref testcover-vector idx)) val)))
390 (error "Value of form marked with `1value' does vary.")))
391 val)
395 ;;;=========================================================================
396 ;;; Display the coverage data as color splotches on your code.
397 ;;;=========================================================================
399 (defun testcover-mark (def)
400 "Marks one DEF (a function or macro symbol) to highlight its contained forms
401 that did not get completely tested during coverage tests.
402 A marking of testcover-nohits-face (default = red) indicates that the
403 form was never evaluated. A marking of testcover-1value-face
404 \(default = tan) indicates that the form always evaluated to the same value.
405 The forms throw, error, and signal are not marked. They do not return and
406 would always get a red mark. Some forms that always return the same
407 value (e.g., setq of a constant), always get a tan mark that can't be
408 eliminated by adding more test cases."
409 (let* ((data (get def 'edebug))
410 (def-mark (car data))
411 (points (nth 2 data))
412 (len (length points))
413 (changed (buffer-modified-p))
414 (coverage (get def 'edebug-coverage))
415 ov j item)
416 (or (and def-mark points coverage)
417 (error "Missing edebug data for function %s" def))
418 (when len
419 (set-buffer (marker-buffer def-mark))
420 (mapc 'delete-overlay
421 (overlays-in def-mark (+ def-mark (aref points (1- len)) 1)))
422 (while (> len 0)
423 (setq len (1- len)
424 data (aref coverage len))
425 (when (and (not (eq data 'ok-coverage))
426 (not (eq (car-safe data) '1value))
427 (setq j (+ def-mark (aref points len))))
428 (setq ov (make-overlay (1- j) j))
429 (overlay-put ov 'face
430 (if (memq data '(unknown 1value))
431 'testcover-nohits-face
432 'testcover-1value-face))))
433 (set-buffer-modified-p changed))))
435 (defun testcover-mark-all (&optional buffer)
436 "Mark all forms in BUFFER that did not get completley tested during
437 coverage tests. This function creates many overlays."
438 (interactive "b")
439 (if buffer
440 (switch-to-buffer buffer))
441 (goto-char 1)
442 (dolist (x edebug-form-data)
443 (if (get (car x) 'edebug)
444 (testcover-mark (car x)))))
446 (defun testcover-unmark-all (buffer)
447 "Remove all overlays from FILENAME."
448 (interactive "b")
449 (condition-case nil
450 (progn
451 (set-buffer buffer)
452 (mapc 'delete-overlay (overlays-in 1 (buffer-size))))
453 (error nil))) ;Ignore "No such buffer" errors
455 (defun testcover-next-mark ()
456 "Moves point to next line in current buffer that has a splotch."
457 (interactive)
458 (goto-char (next-overlay-change (point)))
459 (end-of-line))
461 ;;; arch-tag: 72324a4a-4a2e-4142-9249-cc56d6757588
462 ;; testcover.el ends here.