Add a test suite for etags
[emacs.git] / test / etags / erl-src / lines.erl
1 %%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
2 %%% Version 1.0, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
3 %%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
4 %%%
5 %%%
6 %%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
7 %%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
8 %%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
9 %%% under the License.
10 %%%
11 %%% The Original Code is lines-1.0.
12 %%%
13 %%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Telecom
14 %%% AB. Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright (C), 1998, Ericsson
15 %%% Telecom AB. All Rights Reserved.
16 %%%
17 %%% Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
19 %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------
21 %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------
22 %%% File: lines.erl
23 %%% Author : Ulf Wiger <>
24 %%% Description : Efficient array of lines (e.g. for text editor)
25 %%%
26 %%% Modules used : lists
27 %%%
28 %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------
29 %%% Efficient array of lines (e.g. for text editor)
30 %%% allows for append, as well as insert, replace, delete in any position
31 %%% with reasonable access times.
32 %%% Rough benchmarking indicates (on a 440MHz Ultra):
33 %%%
34 %%% NoOfLines Append (uSec) Read (uSec) Delete (uSec)
35 %%% 100 9 7 7
36 %%% 1,000 14 10 11
37 %%% 10,000 22 13 15
38 %%% 100,000 30 16 18
39 %%%
40 %%% Comment on the benchmark: The times for Append and Delete are mean
41 %%% times for "growing file" and "shrinking file", that is, starting from
42 %%% an empty array and inserting 100,000 lines took ca 3 seconds; deleting
43 %%% them took ca 1.8 seconds. The Read test involved accessing all lines
44 %%% in the full array and calculating the mean time.
45 %%%
46 %%% The array doesn't care what goes into each position. In other words,
47 %%% it can be used for any datatype -- not just lines of text.
48 %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------
50 -module(lines).
51 -vsn('1.0').
52 -date('00-03-13').
53 -author('').
55 -export([new/0,
56 count/1,
57 nth/2,
58 append/2,
59 replace/3,
60 insert/3,
61 insert_after/3,
62 delete/2,
63 convert_to_list/1,
64 convert_from_list/1]).
66 -define(BREAK, 10). % how many lines to store in each leaf
68 -define(dbg(Fmt, Args), ok=io:format("~p: " ++ Fmt, [?LINE|Args])).
69 %% new() -> line_array()
71 %% Creates a new line array.
73 new() ->
74 {0, []}.
76 %% line_count(line_array()) -> integer()
78 %% Returns the number of lines stored in the array
80 count({N, _}) ->
83 %% nth(LineNo : integer(), Array : line_array()) -> line()
85 %% Returns the line in position LineNo
87 nth(L, _) when L < 1 ->
88 exit({out_of_range, L});
89 nth(L, {LMax, _}) when L > LMax ->
90 exit({out_of_range, L});
91 nth(L, {LMax, List}) when list(List) ->
92 lists:nth(L, List);
93 nth(L, {LMax, {Left = {LL, _}, Right}}) when L > LL ->
94 nth(L-LL, Right);
95 nth(L, {_, {Left, _}}) ->
96 nth(L, Left).
98 %% append(Line : line(), Array : line_array()) -> line_array().
100 %% Appends Line to the end of Array.
101 %% e.g. append(x, [1,2,3,4]) -> [1,2,3,4,x].
102 %% Returns the modified array.
104 append(Line, {L, List}) when list(List), L < ?BREAK ->
105 {L+1, List ++ [Line]};
106 append(Line, {L, List}) when list(List) ->
107 {L+1, {{L, List}, {1, [Line]}}};
108 append(Line, {L, {Left = {LL1, L1}, Right}}) ->
109 NewRight = append(Line, Right),
110 balance_left(L+1, Left, NewRight).
112 %% replace(LineNo : integer(), Array : line_array(), NewLine : line()) ->
113 %% line_array().
115 %% Replaces the line in position LineNo with NewLine.
116 %% e.g. replace(3, [1,2,3,4], x) -> [1,2,x,4].
117 %% Returns the modified array.
119 replace(Lno, _, _) when Lno < 1 ->
120 exit({out_of_range, Lno});
121 replace(Lno, {L, _}, NewLine) when Lno > L ->
122 exit({out_of_range, Lno});
123 replace(Lno, {L, List}, NewLine) when list(List) ->
124 {L, replace_nth(Lno, List, NewLine)};
125 replace(Lno, {L, {Left={LL1, L1}, Right={LL2, L2}}}, NewLine) when Lno > LL1 ->
126 NewRight = replace(Lno-LL1, Right, NewLine),
127 {L, Left, NewRight};
128 replace(Lno, {L, {Left={LL1,L1}, Right={LL2,L2}}}, NewLine) ->
129 NewLeft = replace(Lno, Left, NewLine),
130 {L, NewLeft, Right}.
132 %% insert(LineNo : integer(), Array : line_array(), NewLine) -> line_array().
134 %% Inserts NewLine *before* the line in position LineNo.
135 %% e.g. insert(3, [1,2,3,4], x) -> [1,2,x,3,4].
136 %% Returns the modified array.
138 insert(Lno, _, _) when Lno < 1 ->
139 exit({out_of_range, Lno});
140 insert(Lno, {L, _}, NewLine) when Lno > L ->
141 exit({out_of_range, Lno});
142 insert(Lno, {L, List}, NewLine) when list(List) ->
143 if L < ?BREAK ->
144 {L+1, insert_nth(Lno, List, NewLine)};
145 true ->
146 NewList = insert_nth(Lno, List, NewLine),
147 {L1, L2} = split_at(?BREAK, NewList),
148 NewL = L+1,
149 {NewL, {{?BREAK, L1}, {NewL-?BREAK, L2}}}
150 end;
151 insert(Lno, {L, {Left={LL,_}, Right}}, NewLine) when Lno > LL ->
152 NewRight = insert(Lno-LL, Right, NewLine),
153 balance_left(L+1, Left, NewRight);
154 insert(Lno, {L, {Left, Right}}, NewLine) ->
155 NewLeft = insert(Lno, Left, NewLine),
156 balance_right(L+1, NewLeft, Right).
158 %% insert_after(LineNo : integer(), Array : line_array(), NewLine) ->
159 %% line_array().
161 %% Inserts NewLine *after* the line in position LineNo.
162 %% e.g. insert(3, [1,2,3,4], x) -> [1,2,3,x,4].
163 %% Returns the modified array.
165 insert_after(Lno, _, _) when Lno < 1 ->
166 exit({out_of_range, Lno});
167 insert_after(Lno, {L, _}, NewLine) when Lno > L ->
168 exit({out_of_range, Lno});
169 insert_after(Lno, {L, List}, NewLine) when list(List) ->
170 if L < ?BREAK ->
171 {L+1, insert_after_nth(Lno, List, NewLine)};
172 true ->
173 NewList = insert_after_nth(Lno, List, NewLine),
174 {L1, L2} = split_at(?BREAK, NewList),
175 NewL = L+1,
176 {NewL, {{?BREAK, L1}, {NewL-?BREAK, L2}}}
177 end;
178 insert_after(Lno, {L, {Left={LL,_}, Right}}, NewLine) when Lno > LL ->
179 NewRight = insert_after(Lno-LL, Right, NewLine),
180 balance_left(L+1, Left, NewRight);
181 insert_after(Lno, {L, {Left, Right}}, NewLine) ->
182 NewLeft = insert_after(Lno, Left, NewLine),
183 balance_right(L+1, NewLeft, Right).
186 %% delete(LineNo : integer(), Array : line_array()) -> line_array().
188 %% Deletes the line in position LineNo.
189 %% e.g. delete(3, [1,2,3,4]) -> [1,2,4].
190 %% Returns the modified array.
192 delete(Lno, _) when Lno < 1 ->
193 exit({out_of_range, Lno});
194 delete(Lno, {N_Tot, _}) when Lno > N_Tot ->
195 exit({out_of_range, Lno});
196 delete(Lno, {N, List}) when list(List) ->
197 {N-1, delete_nth(Lno, List)};
198 delete(Lno, {N, {Left = {N_Left, _}, Right}}) when Lno > N_Left ->
199 case delete(Lno-N_Left, Right) of
200 {0, _} ->
201 case N-1 of N_Left -> ok end, % Assert
202 Left;
203 NewRight ->
204 balance_right(N-1, Left, NewRight)
205 end;
206 delete(Lno, {N, {Left, Right = {N_Right,_}}}) ->
207 case delete(Lno, Left) of
208 {0, _} ->
209 case N-1 of N_Right -> ok end, % Assert
210 Right;
211 NewLeft ->
212 balance_left(N-1, NewLeft, Right)
213 end.
215 convert_to_list({_, List}) when list(List) ->
216 List;
217 convert_to_list({L, {Left, Right}}) ->
218 convert_to_list(Left) ++ convert_to_list(Right).
220 convert_from_list(L) when list(L) ->
221 lists:foldl(fun(Ln, Lsx) ->
222 append(Ln, Lsx)
223 end, new(), L).
225 %%% ===========================================================
226 %%% internal functions
227 %%% ===========================================================
229 replace_nth(1, [H|T], X) ->
230 [X|T];
231 replace_nth(N, [H|T], X) ->
232 [H|replace_nth(N-1, T, X)].
234 insert_nth(1, L, X) ->
235 [X|L];
236 insert_nth(N, [H|T], X) ->
237 [H|insert_nth(N-1, T, X)].
239 insert_after_nth(1, [H|T], X) ->
240 [H,X|T];
241 insert_after_nth(N, [H|T], X) ->
242 [H|insert_after_nth(N-1, T, X)].
244 delete_nth(1, [H|T]) ->
246 delete_nth(N, [H|T]) ->
247 [H|delete_nth(N-1, T)].
249 %% split_at(Pos, List) -> {List1, List2}
250 %% split List into two after position Pos (List1 includes List[Pos])
252 split_at(Pos, L) ->
253 split_at(Pos, L, []).
255 split_at(0, L, Acc) ->
256 {lists:reverse(Acc), L};
257 split_at(Pos, [H|T], Acc) ->
258 split_at(Pos-1, T, [H|Acc]).
261 %% Balancing functions
262 %% Since we know whether we inserted/deleted in the right or left subtree,
263 %% we have explicit balancing functions for each case.
264 %% We rebalance if the number of elements in one sub-subtree exceeds the
265 %% sum of elements in the others.
267 balance_left(N_Tot,
268 Left = {N_Left, _},
269 Right = {N_Right, {RLeft = {N_RLeft, _},
270 RRight = {N_RRight, _}}}) ->
271 NewN_Left = N_Left + N_RLeft,
272 if N_RRight > NewN_Left ->
273 NewLeft = {NewN_Left, {Left, RLeft}},
274 NewRight = RRight,
275 {N_Tot, {NewLeft, NewRight}};
276 true ->
277 {N_Tot, {Left, Right}}
278 end;
279 balance_left(N_Tot, Left, Right) ->
280 {N_Tot, {Left, Right}}.
282 balance_right(N_Tot,
283 Left = {N_Left, {LLeft = {N_LLeft, _},
284 LRight = {N_LRight, _}}},
285 Right = {N_Right, _}) ->
286 NewN_Right = N_Right + N_LRight,
287 if N_LLeft > NewN_Right ->
288 NewLeft = LLeft,
289 NewRight = {NewN_Right, {LRight, Right}},
290 {N_Tot, {NewLeft, NewRight}};
291 true ->
292 {N_Tot, {Left, Right}}
293 end;
294 balance_right(N_Tot, Left, Right) ->
295 {N_Tot, {Left, Right}}.