Update javaEWAH to 1.2.3 and use it directly from Maven central
[egit/eclipse.git] / org.eclipse.egit.target / maven / dependencies.tpd
1 target "dependencies"
3 maven bouncycastle
4         scope = compile
5         dependencyDepth = none
6         missingManifest = error
7         includeSources
9         dependency {
10                 groupId = "org.bouncycastle"
11                 artifactId = "bcpg-jdk18on"
12                 version = "1.73"
13         }
14         dependency {
15                 groupId = "org.bouncycastle"
16                 artifactId = "bcprov-jdk18on"
17                 version = "1.73"
18         }
19         dependency {
20                 groupId = "org.bouncycastle"
21                 artifactId = "bcpkix-jdk18on"
22                 version = "1.73"
23         }
24         dependency {
25                 groupId = "org.bouncycastle"
26                 artifactId = "bcutil-jdk18on"
27                 version = "1.73"
28         }
31 maven javaewah
32         scope = compile
33         dependencyDepth = none
34         missingManifest = error
35         includeSources
37         dependency {
38                 groupId = "com.googlecode.javaewah"
39                 artifactId = "JavaEWAH"
40                 version = "1.2.3"
41         }
44 maven jetty
45         scope = compile
46         dependencyDepth = none
47         missingManifest = error
48         includeSources
50         dependency {
51                 groupId = "org.eclipse.jetty"
52                 artifactId = "jetty-http"
53                 version = "10.0.15"
54         }
55         dependency {
56                 groupId = "org.eclipse.jetty"
57                 artifactId = "jetty-io"
58                 version = "10.0.15"
59         }
60         dependency {
61                 groupId = "org.eclipse.jetty"
62                 artifactId = "jetty-security"
63                 version = "10.0.15"
64         }
65         dependency {
66                 groupId = "org.eclipse.jetty"
67                 artifactId = "jetty-server"
68                 version = "10.0.15"
69         }
70         dependency {
71                 groupId = "org.eclipse.jetty"
72                 artifactId = "jetty-servlet"
73                 version = "10.0.15"
74         }
75         dependency {
76                 groupId = "org.eclipse.jetty"
77                 artifactId = "jetty-util"
78                 version = "10.0.15"
79         }
80         dependency {
81                 groupId = "org.eclipse.jetty"
82                 artifactId = "jetty-util-ajax"
83                 version = "10.0.15"
84         }
85         dependency {
86                 groupId = "jakarta.servlet"
87                 artifactId = "jakarta.servlet-api"
88                 version = "4.0.4"
89         }