add correct [Depex] section.
[edk2.git] / DuetPkg / PciRootBridgeNoEnumerationDxe / PciRootBridgeNoEnumeration.inf
1 #/*++\r
2 \r
3 # Copyright (c) 2005 - 2009, Intel Corporation                                                         \r
4 # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials                          \r
5 # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License         \r
6 # which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at        \r
7 #                                            \r
8 #                                                                                           \r
11 #\r
12 #  Module Name:\r
13 #\r
14 #  Abstract:\r
15 #\r
16 #--*/\r
19 [Defines]\r
20   INF_VERSION                    = 0x00010005\r
21   BASE_NAME                      = PcatPciRootBridge\r
22   FILE_GUID                      = 0F7EC77A-1EE1-400f-A99D-7CBD1FEB181E\r
23   MODULE_TYPE                    = DXE_DRIVER\r
24   VERSION_STRING                 = 1.0\r
25   EDK_RELEASE_VERSION            = 0x00020000\r
26   EFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION      = 0x00020000\r
28   ENTRY_POINT                    = InitializePcatPciRootBridge\r
30 [Packages]\r
31   MdePkg/MdePkg.dec\r
32   DuetPkg/DuetPkg.dec\r
33   IntelFrameworkPkg/IntelFrameworkPkg.dec\r
35 [LibraryClasses]\r
36   UefiDriverEntryPoint\r
37   UefiLib\r
38   MemoryAllocationLib\r
39   UefiBootServicesTableLib\r
40   DebugLib\r
41   BaseMemoryLib\r
42   DevicePathLib\r
43   HobLib\r
45 [Sources.common]\r
46   PcatPciRootBridge.h\r
47   PcatPciRootBridge.c\r
48   PcatPciRootBridgeDevicePath.c\r
49   PcatPciRootBridgeIo.c\r
50   DeviceIo.h\r
51   DeviceIo.c\r
53 [Sources.ia32]\r
54   Ia32/PcatIo.c\r
55   \r
56 [Sources.x64]\r
57   X64/PcatIo.c\r
59 [Sources.ipf]\r
60   Ipf/PcatIo.c\r
62 [Protocols]\r
63   gEfiPciRootBridgeIoProtocolGuid\r
64   gEfiDeviceIoProtocolGuid\r
65   gEfiCpuIoProtocolGuid\r
67 [Guids]\r
68   gEfiPciOptionRomTableGuid\r
69   gEfiPciExpressBaseAddressGuid\r
71 [Depex]\r
72   gEfiCpuIoProtocolGuid\r