Sync basetools' source and binary files with r1707 of the basetools project.
[edk2.git] / BaseTools / Source / C / GenFv / GenFv.c
1 /** @file
3 Copyright (c) 2007 - 2009, Intel Corporation
4 All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
5 are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
6 which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
12 Module Name:
14 GenFv.c
16 Abstract:
18 This contains all code necessary to build the GenFvImage.exe utility.
19 This utility relies heavily on the GenFvImage Lib. Definitions for both
20 can be found in the Tiano Firmware Volume Generation Utility
21 Specification, review draft.
23 **/
26 // File included in build
28 #include <stdio.h>
29 #include <string.h>
30 #include <stdlib.h>
31 #include "GenFvInternalLib.h"
34 // Utility Name
36 #define UTILITY_NAME "GenFv"
39 // Utility version information
43 #define GENFV_UPDATE_TIME " updated on 2008/11/21"
49 Version (
52 /*++
54 Routine Description:
56 Displays the standard utility information to SDTOUT
58 Arguments:
60 None
62 Returns:
64 None
66 --*/
73 Usage (
76 /*++
78 Routine Description:
80 Displays the utility usage syntax to STDOUT
82 Arguments:
84 None
86 Returns:
88 None
90 --*/
93 // Summary usage
95 fprintf (stdout, "\nUsage: %s [options]\n\n", UTILITY_NAME);
98 // Copyright declaration
99 //
100 fprintf (stdout, "Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.\n\n");
103 // Details Option
105 fprintf (stdout, "Options:\n");
106 fprintf (stdout, " -o FileName, --outputfile FileName\n\
107 File is the FvImage or CapImage to be created.\n");
108 fprintf (stdout, " -i FileName, --inputfile FileName\n\
109 File is the input FV.inf or Cap.inf to specify\n\
110 how to construct FvImage or CapImage.\n");
111 fprintf (stdout, " -b BlockSize, --blocksize BlockSize\n\
112 BlockSize is one HEX or DEC format value\n\
113 BlockSize is required by Fv Image.\n");
114 fprintf (stdout, " -n NumberBlock, --numberblock NumberBlock\n\
115 NumberBlock is one HEX or DEC format value\n\
116 NumberBlock is one optional parameter.\n");
117 fprintf (stdout, " -f FfsFile, --ffsfile FfsFile\n\
118 FfsFile is placed into Fv Image\n\
119 multi files can input one by one\n");
120 fprintf (stdout, " -s FileTakenSize, --filetakensize FileTakenSize\n\
121 FileTakenSize specifies the size of the required\n\
122 space that the input file is placed in Fvimage.\n\
123 It is specified together with the input file.\n");
124 fprintf (stdout, " -r Address, --baseaddr Address\n\
125 Address is the rebase start address for drivers that\n\
126 run in Flash. It supports DEC or HEX digital format.\n\
127 If it is set to zero, no rebase action will be taken\n");
128 fprintf (stdout, " -a AddressFile, --addrfile AddressFile\n\
129 AddressFile is one file used to record boot driver base\n\
130 address and runtime driver base address. And this tool\n\
131 will update these two addresses after it relocates all\n\
132 boot drivers and runtime drivers in this fv iamge to\n\
133 the preferred loaded memory address.\n");
134 fprintf (stdout, " -m logfile, --map logfile\n\
135 Logfile is the output fv map file name. if it is not\n\
136 given, the will be the default map file name\n");
137 fprintf (stdout, " -g Guid, --guid GuidValue\n\
138 GuidValue is one specific capsule guid value\n\
139 or fv file system guid value.\n\
140 Its format is xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx\n");
141 fprintf (stdout, " --FvNameGuid GuidValue is the Fv Name Guid value.\n\
142 Its format is xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx\n");
143 fprintf (stdout, " --capflag CapFlag Capsule Reset Flag can be PersistAcrossReset,\n\
144 or PopulateSystemTable or InitiateReset or not set\n");
145 fprintf (stdout, " --capheadsize HeadSize\n\
146 HeadSize is one HEX or DEC format value\n\
147 HeadSize is required by Capsule Image.\n");
148 fprintf (stdout, " -c, --capsule Create Capsule Image.\n");
149 fprintf (stdout, " -p, --dump Dump Capsule Image header.\n");
150 fprintf (stdout, " -v, --verbose Turn on verbose output with informational messages.\n");
151 fprintf (stdout, " -q, --quiet Disable all messages except key message and fatal error\n");
152 fprintf (stdout, " -d, --debug level Enable debug messages, at input debug level.\n");
153 fprintf (stdout, " --version Show program's version number and exit.\n");
154 fprintf (stdout, " -h, --help Show this help message and exit.\n");
157 UINT32 mFvTotalSize;
158 UINT32 mFvTakenSize;
161 main (
162 IN int argc,
163 IN char **argv
165 /*++
167 Routine Description:
169 This utility uses GenFvImage.Lib to build a firmware volume image.
171 Arguments:
173 FvInfFileName The name of an FV image description file or Capsule Image.
175 Arguments come in pair in any order.
176 -I FvInfFileName
178 Returns:
180 EFI_SUCCESS No error conditions detected.
181 EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the input parameters is invalid.
182 EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES A resource required by the utility was unavailable.
183 Most commonly this will be memory allocation
184 or file creation.
185 EFI_LOAD_ERROR GenFvImage.lib could not be loaded.
186 EFI_ABORTED Error executing the GenFvImage lib.
188 --*/
190 EFI_STATUS Status;
191 CHAR8 *InfFileName;
192 CHAR8 *AddrFileName;
193 CHAR8 *MapFileName;
194 CHAR8 *InfFileImage;
195 UINT32 InfFileSize;
196 CHAR8 *OutFileName;
197 CHAR8 ValueString[_MAX_PATH];
198 BOOLEAN CapsuleFlag;
199 BOOLEAN DumpCapsule;
200 MEMORY_FILE AddrMemoryFile;
201 FILE *FpFile;
202 EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER *CapsuleHeader;
203 UINT64 LogLevel, TempNumber;
204 UINT32 Index;
206 InfFileName = NULL;
207 AddrFileName = NULL;
208 InfFileImage = NULL;
209 OutFileName = NULL;
210 MapFileName = NULL;
211 InfFileSize = 0;
212 CapsuleFlag = FALSE;
213 DumpCapsule = FALSE;
214 FpFile = NULL;
215 CapsuleHeader = NULL;
216 LogLevel = 0;
217 TempNumber = 0;
218 Index = 0;
219 mFvTotalSize = 0;
220 mFvTakenSize = 0;
221 Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
223 SetUtilityName (UTILITY_NAME);
225 if (argc == 1) {
226 Error (NULL, 0, 1001, "Missing options", "No input options specified.");
227 Usage ();
228 return STATUS_ERROR;
232 // Init global data to Zero
234 memset (&mFvDataInfo, 0, sizeof (FV_INFO));
235 memset (&mCapDataInfo, 0, sizeof (CAP_INFO));
237 // Set the default FvGuid
239 memcpy (&mFvDataInfo.FvFileSystemGuid, &mEfiFirmwareFileSystem2Guid, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
242 // Parse command line
244 argc --;
245 argv ++;
247 if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-h") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--help") == 0)) {
248 Version ();
249 Usage ();
250 return STATUS_SUCCESS;
253 if (stricmp (argv[0], "--version") == 0) {
254 Version ();
255 return STATUS_SUCCESS;
258 while (argc > 0) {
259 if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-i") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--inputfile") == 0)) {
260 InfFileName = argv[1];
261 if (InfFileName == NULL) {
262 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Input file can't be null");
263 return STATUS_ERROR;
265 argc -= 2;
266 argv += 2;
267 continue;
270 if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-a") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--addrfile") == 0)) {
271 AddrFileName = argv[1];
272 if (AddrFileName == NULL) {
273 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Address file can't be null");
274 return STATUS_ERROR;
276 argc -= 2;
277 argv += 2;
278 continue;
281 if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-o") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--outputfile") == 0)) {
282 OutFileName = argv[1];
283 if (OutFileName == NULL) {
284 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Output file can't be null");
285 return STATUS_ERROR;
287 argc -= 2;
288 argv += 2;
289 continue;
292 if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-r") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--baseaddr") == 0)) {
293 Status = AsciiStringToUint64 (argv[1], FALSE, &TempNumber);
294 if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
295 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "%s = %s", argv[0], argv[1]);
296 return STATUS_ERROR;
298 mFvDataInfo.BaseAddress = TempNumber;
299 mFvDataInfo.BaseAddressSet = TRUE;
300 argc -= 2;
301 argv += 2;
302 continue;
305 if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-b") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--blocksize") == 0)) {
306 Status = AsciiStringToUint64 (argv[1], FALSE, &TempNumber);
307 if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
308 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "%s = %s", argv[0], argv[1]);
309 return STATUS_ERROR;
311 if (TempNumber == 0) {
312 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Fv block size can't be be set to zero");
313 return STATUS_ERROR;
315 mFvDataInfo.FvBlocks[0].Length = (UINT32) TempNumber;
316 DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, "FV Block Size", "%s = 0x%llx", EFI_BLOCK_SIZE_STRING, (unsigned long long) TempNumber);
317 argc -= 2;
318 argv += 2;
319 continue;
322 if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-n") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--numberblock") == 0)) {
323 Status = AsciiStringToUint64 (argv[1], FALSE, &TempNumber);
324 if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
325 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "%s = %s", argv[0], argv[1]);
326 return STATUS_ERROR;
328 if (TempNumber == 0) {
329 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Fv block number can't be set to zero");
330 return STATUS_ERROR;
332 mFvDataInfo.FvBlocks[0].NumBlocks = (UINT32) TempNumber;
333 DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, "FV Number Block", "%s = 0x%llx", EFI_NUM_BLOCKS_STRING, (unsigned long long) TempNumber);
334 argc -= 2;
335 argv += 2;
336 continue;
339 if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-f") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--ffsfile") == 0)) {
340 if (argv[1] == NULL) {
341 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Input Ffsfile can't be null");
342 return STATUS_ERROR;
344 strcpy (mFvDataInfo.FvFiles[Index], argv[1]);
345 DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, "FV component file", "the %uth name is %s", (unsigned) Index + 1, argv[1]);
346 argc -= 2;
347 argv += 2;
349 if (argc > 0) {
350 if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-s") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--filetakensize") == 0)) {
351 if (argv[1] == NULL) {
352 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Ffsfile Size can't be null");
353 return STATUS_ERROR;
355 Status = AsciiStringToUint64 (argv[1], FALSE, &TempNumber);
356 if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
357 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "%s = %s", argv[0], argv[1]);
358 return STATUS_ERROR;
360 mFvDataInfo.SizeofFvFiles[Index] = (UINT32) TempNumber;
361 DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, "FV component file size", "the %uth size is %s", (unsigned) Index + 1, argv[1]);
362 argc -= 2;
363 argv += 2;
366 Index ++;
367 continue;
370 if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-s") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--filetakensize") == 0)) {
371 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option", "It must be specified together with -f option to specify the file size.");
372 return STATUS_ERROR;
375 if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-c") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--capsule") == 0)) {
376 CapsuleFlag = TRUE;
377 argc --;
378 argv ++;
379 continue;
382 if (stricmp (argv[0], "--capheadsize") == 0) {
384 // Get Capsule Image Header Size
386 Status = AsciiStringToUint64 (argv[1], FALSE, &TempNumber);
387 if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
388 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "%s = %s", argv[0], argv[1]);
389 return STATUS_ERROR;
391 mCapDataInfo.HeaderSize = (UINT32) TempNumber;
392 DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, "Capsule Header size", "%s = 0x%llx", EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER_SIZE_STRING, (unsigned long long) TempNumber);
393 argc -= 2;
394 argv += 2;
395 continue;
398 if (stricmp (argv[0], "--capflag") == 0) {
400 // Get Capsule Header
402 if (argv[1] == NULL) {
403 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Option value is not set", "%s = %s", argv[0], argv[1]);
404 return STATUS_ERROR;
406 if (strcmp (argv[1], "PopulateSystemTable") == 0) {
408 } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "PersistAcrossReset") == 0) {
410 } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "InitiateReset") == 0) {
412 } else {
413 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "%s = %s", argv[0], argv[1]);
414 return STATUS_ERROR;
416 DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, "Capsule Flag", argv[1]);
417 argc -= 2;
418 argv += 2;
419 continue;
422 if (stricmp (argv[0], "--capguid") == 0) {
424 // Get the Capsule Guid
426 Status = StringToGuid (argv[1], &mCapDataInfo.CapGuid);
427 if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
428 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "%s = %s", EFI_CAPSULE_GUID_STRING, argv[1]);
429 return STATUS_ERROR;
431 DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, "Capsule Guid", "%s = %s", EFI_CAPSULE_GUID_STRING, argv[1]);
432 argc -= 2;
433 argv += 2;
434 continue;
437 if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-g") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--guid") == 0)) {
439 // Get the Capsule or Fv Guid
441 Status = StringToGuid (argv[1], &mCapDataInfo.CapGuid);
442 if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
443 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "%s = %s", EFI_GUID_STRING, argv[1]);
444 return STATUS_ERROR;
446 memcpy (&mFvDataInfo.FvFileSystemGuid, &mCapDataInfo.CapGuid, sizeof (EFI_GUID));
447 mFvDataInfo.FvFileSystemGuidSet = TRUE;
448 DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, "Capsule Guid", "%s = %s", EFI_CAPSULE_GUID_STRING, argv[1]);
449 DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, "FV Guid", "%s = %s", EFI_FV_FILESYSTEMGUID_STRING, argv[1]);
450 argc -= 2;
451 argv += 2;
452 continue;
455 if (stricmp (argv[0], "--FvNameGuid") == 0) {
457 // Get Fv Name Guid
459 Status = StringToGuid (argv[1], &mFvDataInfo.FvNameGuid);
460 if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
461 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "%s = %s", EFI_GUID_STRING, argv[1]);
462 return STATUS_ERROR;
464 mFvDataInfo.FvNameGuidSet = TRUE;
465 DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, "FV Name Guid", "%s = %s", EFI_FV_NAMEGUID_STRING, argv[1]);
466 argc -= 2;
467 argv += 2;
468 continue;
471 if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-p") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--dump") == 0)) {
472 DumpCapsule = TRUE;
473 argc --;
474 argv ++;
475 continue;
478 if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-m") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--map") == 0)) {
479 MapFileName = argv[1];
480 if (MapFileName == NULL) {
481 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Map file can't be null");
482 return STATUS_ERROR;
484 argc -= 2;
485 argv += 2;
486 continue;
489 if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-v") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--verbose") == 0)) {
490 SetPrintLevel (VERBOSE_LOG_LEVEL);
491 VerboseMsg ("Verbose output Mode Set!");
492 argc --;
493 argv ++;
494 continue;
497 if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-q") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--quiet") == 0)) {
498 SetPrintLevel (KEY_LOG_LEVEL);
499 KeyMsg ("Quiet output Mode Set!");
500 argc --;
501 argv ++;
502 continue;
505 if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-d") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--debug") == 0)) {
506 Status = AsciiStringToUint64 (argv[1], FALSE, &LogLevel);
507 if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
508 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "%s = %s", argv[0], argv[1]);
509 return STATUS_ERROR;
511 if (LogLevel > 9) {
512 Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Debug Level range is 0-9, current input level is %d", (int) LogLevel);
513 return STATUS_ERROR;
515 SetPrintLevel (LogLevel);
516 DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, "Debug Mode Set", "Debug Output Mode Level %s is set!", argv[1]);
517 argc -= 2;
518 argv += 2;
519 continue;
523 // Don't recognize the parameter.
525 Error (NULL, 0, 1000, "Unknown option", "%s", argv[0]);
526 return STATUS_ERROR;
529 VerboseMsg ("%s tool start.", UTILITY_NAME);
532 // check input parameter, InfFileName can be NULL
534 if (InfFileName == NULL && DumpCapsule) {
535 Error (NULL, 0, 1001, "Missing option", "Input Capsule Image");
536 return STATUS_ERROR;
538 VerboseMsg ("the input FvInf or CapInf file name is %s", InfFileName);
540 if (!DumpCapsule && OutFileName == NULL) {
541 Error (NULL, 0, 1001, "Missing option", "Output File");
542 return STATUS_ERROR;
544 if (OutFileName != NULL) {
545 VerboseMsg ("the output file name is %s", OutFileName);
549 // Read boot and runtime address from address file
551 if (AddrFileName != NULL) {
552 VerboseMsg ("the input address file name is %s", AddrFileName);
553 Status = GetFileImage (AddrFileName, &InfFileImage, &InfFileSize);
554 if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
555 return STATUS_ERROR;
558 AddrMemoryFile.FileImage = InfFileImage;
559 AddrMemoryFile.CurrentFilePointer = InfFileImage;
560 AddrMemoryFile.Eof = InfFileImage + InfFileSize;
563 // Read the boot driver base address for this FV image
565 Status = FindToken (&AddrMemoryFile, OPTIONS_SECTION_STRING, EFI_FV_BOOT_DRIVER_BASE_ADDRESS_STRING, 0, ValueString);
566 if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) {
568 // Get the base address
570 Status = AsciiStringToUint64 (ValueString, FALSE, &TempNumber);
571 if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
572 Error (NULL, 0, 2000, "Invalid parameter", "%s = %s", EFI_FV_BOOT_DRIVER_BASE_ADDRESS_STRING, ValueString);
573 return STATUS_ERROR;
575 mFvDataInfo.BootBaseAddress = TempNumber;
576 DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, "Boot driver base address", "%s = %s", EFI_FV_BOOT_DRIVER_BASE_ADDRESS_STRING, ValueString);
580 // Read the FV runtime driver base address
583 if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) {
585 // Get the base address
587 Status = AsciiStringToUint64 (ValueString, FALSE, &TempNumber);
588 if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
589 Error (NULL, 0, 2000, "Invalid parameter", "%s = %s", EFI_FV_RUNTIME_DRIVER_BASE_ADDRESS_STRING, ValueString);
590 return STATUS_ERROR;
592 mFvDataInfo.RuntimeBaseAddress = TempNumber;
593 DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, "Runtime driver base address", "%s = %s", EFI_FV_RUNTIME_DRIVER_BASE_ADDRESS_STRING, ValueString);
597 // free the allocated memory space for addr file.
599 free (InfFileImage);
600 InfFileImage = NULL;
601 InfFileSize = 0;
605 // Read the INF file image
607 if (InfFileName != NULL) {
608 Status = GetFileImage (InfFileName, &InfFileImage, &InfFileSize);
609 if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
610 return STATUS_ERROR;
614 if (DumpCapsule) {
615 VerboseMsg ("Dump the capsule header information for the input capsule image %s", InfFileName);
617 // Dump Capsule Image Header Information
619 CapsuleHeader = (EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER *) InfFileImage;
620 if (OutFileName == NULL) {
621 FpFile = stdout;
622 } else {
623 FpFile = fopen (OutFileName, "w");
624 if (FpFile == NULL) {
625 Error (NULL, 0, 0001, "Error opening file", OutFileName);
626 return STATUS_ERROR;
629 fprintf (FpFile, "Capsule %s Image Header Information\n", InfFileName);
630 fprintf (FpFile, " GUID %08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X\n",
631 (unsigned) CapsuleHeader->CapsuleGuid.Data1,
632 (unsigned) CapsuleHeader->CapsuleGuid.Data2,
633 (unsigned) CapsuleHeader->CapsuleGuid.Data3,
634 (unsigned) CapsuleHeader->CapsuleGuid.Data4[0],
635 (unsigned) CapsuleHeader->CapsuleGuid.Data4[1],
636 (unsigned) CapsuleHeader->CapsuleGuid.Data4[2],
637 (unsigned) CapsuleHeader->CapsuleGuid.Data4[3],
638 (unsigned) CapsuleHeader->CapsuleGuid.Data4[4],
639 (unsigned) CapsuleHeader->CapsuleGuid.Data4[5],
640 (unsigned) CapsuleHeader->CapsuleGuid.Data4[6],
641 (unsigned) CapsuleHeader->CapsuleGuid.Data4[7]);
642 fprintf (FpFile, " Header size 0x%08X\n", (unsigned) CapsuleHeader->HeaderSize);
643 fprintf (FpFile, " Flags 0x%08X\n", (unsigned) CapsuleHeader->Flags);
644 fprintf (FpFile, " Capsule image size 0x%08X\n", (unsigned) CapsuleHeader->CapsuleImageSize);
645 fclose (FpFile);
646 } else if (CapsuleFlag) {
647 VerboseMsg ("Create capsule image");
649 // Call the GenerateCapImage to generate Capsule Image
651 for (Index = 0; mFvDataInfo.FvFiles[Index][0] != '\0'; Index ++) {
652 strcpy (mCapDataInfo.CapFiles[Index], mFvDataInfo.FvFiles[Index]);
655 Status = GenerateCapImage (
656 InfFileImage,
657 InfFileSize,
658 OutFileName
660 } else {
661 VerboseMsg ("Create Fv image and its map file");
662 if (mFvDataInfo.BaseAddress != 0) {
663 VerboseMsg ("FvImage Rebase Address is 0x%llX", (unsigned long long) mFvDataInfo.BaseAddress);
666 // Call the GenerateFvImage to generate Fv Image
668 Status = GenerateFvImage (
669 InfFileImage,
670 InfFileSize,
671 OutFileName,
672 MapFileName
677 // free InfFileImage memory
679 if (InfFileImage != NULL) {
680 free (InfFileImage);
684 // update boot driver address and runtime driver address in address file
686 if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS && AddrFileName != NULL) {
687 FpFile = fopen (AddrFileName, "w");
688 if (FpFile == NULL) {
689 Error (NULL, 0, 0001, "Error opening file", AddrFileName);
690 return STATUS_ERROR;
692 fprintf (FpFile, OPTIONS_SECTION_STRING);
693 fprintf (FpFile, "\n");
694 if (mFvDataInfo.BootBaseAddress != 0) {
696 fprintf (
697 FpFile,
698 " = 0x%llx\n",
699 (unsigned long long)mFvDataInfo.BootBaseAddress
701 DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, "Updated boot driver base address", "%s = 0x%llx", EFI_FV_RUNTIME_DRIVER_BASE_ADDRESS_STRING, (unsigned long long) mFvDataInfo.BootBaseAddress);
703 if (mFvDataInfo.RuntimeBaseAddress != 0) {
705 fprintf (
706 FpFile,
707 " = 0x%llx\n",
708 (unsigned long long)mFvDataInfo.RuntimeBaseAddress
710 DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, "Updated runtime driver base address", "%s = 0x%llx", EFI_FV_RUNTIME_DRIVER_BASE_ADDRESS_STRING, (unsigned long long) mFvDataInfo.RuntimeBaseAddress);
712 fclose (FpFile);
715 if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) {
716 DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, "The Total Fv Size", "%s = 0x%x", EFI_FV_TOTAL_SIZE_STRING, (unsigned) mFvTotalSize);
717 DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, "The used Fv Size", "%s = 0x%x", EFI_FV_TAKEN_SIZE_STRING, (unsigned) mFvTakenSize);
718 DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, "The space Fv size", "%s = 0x%x", EFI_FV_SPACE_SIZE_STRING, (unsigned) (mFvTotalSize - mFvTakenSize));
721 VerboseMsg ("%s tool done with return code is 0x%x.", UTILITY_NAME, GetUtilityStatus ());
723 return GetUtilityStatus ();