Ayudas visuales en Ubicaciones.
[ecomupi.git] / index.php
1 <?php
2 /*-----------------------INICIALIZACIÓN-------------------*/
3 error_reporting(E_STRICT | E_ALL);
4 /* Activar compresión de salida */
5 ob_start("ob_gzhandler");
6 /* Para los mapas de google */
7 require_once('include/maps/GoogleMapAPI.class.php');
8 /* Constantes */
9 require_once("include/const.php");
10 /* Controlador principal de la sesión */
11 require_once("include/sesion.php");
12 /* Hacer disponible a todos mi ubicación*/
14 date_default_timezone_set ('America/El_Salvador');
15 ini_set("memory_limit","128M");
17 /*-----------------------INCLUSIONES-------------------*/
18 /* CODIGO */
19 /*Para procesar PDF's*/
20 require_once ('include/dompdf/dompdf_config.inc.php');
21 /*Para manejo de catorcenas */
22 require_once ('include/fecha.php');
23 /* CONTENIDO */
24 /*Constructores de Menús, etc.*/
25 require_once("contenido/sub.php");
26 require_once("contenido/usuario.php");
27 require_once("contenido/ayuda+contacto.php");
28 require_once("contenido/usuario+recuperar_clave.php");
29 require_once("contenido/usuario+info.php");
30 require_once("contenido/usuario+ingresar.php");
31 require_once("contenido/usuario+registrar.php");
32 require_once("contenido/usuario+editar.php");
33 require_once("contenido/global+404.php");
34 require_once("contenido/global+estadisticas.php");
35 require_once("contenido/admin+reportes.php");
36 require_once("contenido/mupis+ubicaciones.php");
37 require_once("contenido/mupis+mupis.php");
38 require_once("contenido/mupis+pantallas.php");
39 require_once("contenido/mupis+pedidos.php");
40 require_once("contenido/mupis+calles.php");
41 require_once("contenido/mupis+eventos.php");
42 require_once("contenido/admin+comentarios.php");
43 require_once("contenido/mapa+referencias.php");
45 <!-- Este comentario activa "quirks mode" en Internet Explorer ;) - Vlad.-->
46 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
47 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xml:lang="es" lang="es">
48 <head>
49 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
50 <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-type" content="text/css" />
51 <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-type" content="text/javascript" />
52 <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="es" />
53 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="estilo.css" />
54 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="include/chrometheme/chromestyle.css" />
55 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
56 <link rel="start" href="/" />
57 <title><? echo _NOMBRE_; ?> - Servicio publicitario</title>
58 <meta name="keywords" content="MUPI, Publicidad, El Salvador" />
59 <meta name="description" content="MUPI es un servicio publicitario." />
60 <script src="include/jquery-1.3.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
61 <script type="text/javascript" src="include/tooltip.js"></script>
62 <script type="text/javascript" src="include/chromejs/chrome.js">
63 /***********************************************
64 * Chrome CSS Drop Down Menu- (c) Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (www.dynamicdrive.com)
65 * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
66 * Visit Dynamic Drive at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code
67 ***********************************************/
68 </script>
69 <script>
70 function grayOut(vis, options) {
71 // Pass true to gray out screen, false to ungray
72 // options are optional. This is a JSON object with the following (optional) properties
73 // opacity:0-100 // Lower number = less grayout higher = more of a blackout
74 // zindex: # // HTML elements with a higher zindex appear on top of the gray out
75 // bgcolor: (#xxxxxx) // Standard RGB Hex color code
76 // grayOut(true, {'zindex':'50', 'bgcolor':'#0000FF', 'opacity':'70'});
77 // Because options is JSON opacity/zindex/bgcolor are all optional and can appear
78 // in any order. Pass only the properties you need to set.
79 var options = options || {};
80 var zindex = options.zindex || 10;
81 var opacity = options.opacity || 50;
82 var opaque = (opacity / 100);
83 var bgcolor = options.bgcolor || '#000000';
84 var dark=document.getElementById('darkenScreenObject');
85 if (!dark) {
86 // The dark layer doesn't exist, it's never been created. So we'll
87 // create it here and apply some basic styles.
88 // If you are getting errors in IE see: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/927917
89 var tbody = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
90 var tnode = document.createElement('div'); // Create the layer.
91 tnode.style.position='absolute'; // Position absolutely
92 tnode.style.top='0px'; // In the top
93 tnode.style.left='0px'; // Left corner of the page
94 tnode.style.overflow='hidden'; // Try to avoid making scroll bars
95 tnode.style.display='none'; // Start out Hidden
96 tnode.id='darkenScreenObject'; // Name it so we can find it later
97 tbody.appendChild(tnode); // Add it to the web page
98 dark=document.getElementById('darkenScreenObject'); // Get the object.
100 if (vis) {
101 // Calculate the page width and height
102 if( document.body && ( document.body.scrollWidth || document.body.scrollHeight ) ) {
103 var pageWidth = document.body.scrollWidth+'px';
104 var pageHeight = document.body.scrollHeight+'px';
105 } else if( document.body.offsetWidth ) {
106 var pageWidth = document.body.offsetWidth+'px';
107 var pageHeight = document.body.offsetHeight+'px';
108 } else {
109 var pageWidth='100%';
110 var pageHeight='100%';
112 //set the shader to cover the entire page and make it visible.
113 dark.style.opacity=opaque;
114 dark.style.MozOpacity=opaque;
115 dark.style.filter='alpha(opacity='+opacity+')';
116 dark.style.zIndex=zindex;
117 dark.style.backgroundColor=bgcolor;
118 dark.style.width= pageWidth;
119 dark.style.height= pageHeight;
120 dark.style.display='block';
121 } else {
122 dark.style.display='none';
125 </script>
126 <!--[if IE 6]>
127 <style type="text/css">
128 /* some css fixes for IE browsers */
129 html {overflow-y:hidden;}
130 body {overflow-y:auto;}
131 #bg {position:absolute; z-index:-1;}
132 #container {position:static;}
133 </style>
134 <![endif]-->
135 </head>
136 <body>
137 <div id="cargando"><img src="loader.gif"> Por favor espere...<hr /></div>
138 <script>grayOut(true)</script>
139 <div id="container">
140 <table style="border:0">
141 <tr>
142 <td style="border:0">
143 <?php CONTENIDO_mostrar_logo(); ?>
144 </td>
145 <td width="100px" style="border:0">
146 <?php echo IMAGEN ("ECO.gif","Eco Mupis", "200px", "150px"); ?>
147 </td>
148 </tr>
149 </table>
150 <br />
152 global $session;
153 if ( $session->logged_in ) {
154 echo INICIAR_MENUES();
157 <div id="container">
158 <div id="content">
159 <?php CONTENIDO_mostrar_principal(); ?>
160 </div>
161 <div class="clear"></div>
162 <?php
163 global $session;
164 if ( $session->logged_in && $session->isAdmin() ) {
165 echo '<div id="abajo">';
166 CONTENIDO_en_linea();
167 echo '</div>';
170 <div class="clear"></div>
171 </div>
172 </div>
173 </div>
174 </body>
175 </html>
176 <?php ob_flush(); flush(); ?>
177 <script>
178 window.setTimeout(function() {
179 $("#cargando").html("")
180 grayOut(false)
181 }, 100);
182 </script>