Add flag to indicate that the NIC does not have power control capability.
[dragonfly.git] / lib / libncurses / libncurses / Makefile
1 # $DragonFly: src/lib/libncurses/libncurses/Makefile,v 1.11 2005/12/06 02:22:23 corecode Exp $
3 LIB= ncurses
5 .include "../"
14 ${NCURSESDIR}/include/
16 CFLAGS+= -I${NCURSESDIR}/ncurses/
20 ncurses_def.h:
21 sh ${NCURSESDIR}/include/ ${NCURSESDIR}/include/ncurses_defs > ${.TARGET}
22 curses.h: curses.head curses.tail
23 cat ${.CURDIR}/../include/curses.head >$@
24 sh ${NCURSESDIR}/include/ $(TERMINFO_CAPS) >>$@
25 cat ${NCURSESDIR}/include/curses.wide >>$@
26 cat ${NCURSESDIR}/include/curses.tail >>$@
27 term.h: MKterm.h.awk ncurses_cfg.h
28 awk -f ${.CURDIR}/../include/MKterm.h.awk ${TERMINFO_CAPS} > $@
29 sh ${NCURSESDIR}/include/ ${.CURDIR}/../include/ncurses_cfg.h $@
30 hashsize.h:
31 sh ${NCURSESDIR}/include/ ${TERMINFO_CAPS} >$@
32 parametrized.h:
33 sh ${NCURSESDIR}/include/ ${TERMINFO_CAPS} >$@
34 init_keytry.h: make_keys keys.list
35 ./make_keys keys.list > $@
37 make_keys: ${NCURSESTINFODIR}/make_keys.c names.c ncurses_def.h
40 keys.list:
41 sh ${NCURSESTINFODIR}/ ${TERMINFO_CAPS} | sort > $@
43 names.c codes.c:
45 cat namehdr boolnames boolfnames numnames numfnames strnames strfnames nameftr >names.c
46 cat namehdr boolcodes numcodes strcodes codeftr >codes.c
47 comp_captab.c: make_hash
48 sh ${NCURSESTINFODIR}/MKcaptab.awk awk ${TERMINFO_CAPS} > $@
50 make_hash: ${NCURSESTINFODIR}/comp_hash.c
53 make_hash: hashsize.h ncurses_def.h curses.h
55 expanded.c:
56 sh ${NCURSESSERIALDIR}/ "${CC}" -E ${CFLAGS} > $@
57 fallback.c:
58 sh ${NCURSESTINFODIR}/ /usr/share/terminfo ${NCURSESDIR}/misc/terminfo.src >$@
59 lib_gen.c: curses.h
60 sh ${NCURSESBASEDIR}/ "${CC} -E ${CFLAGS}" awk generated <curses.h >$@
61 lib_keyname.c: keys.list
62 awk -f ${NCURSESBASEDIR}/MKkeyname.awk keys.list > $@
63 unctrl.c:
64 echo | awk -f ${NCURSESBASEDIR}/MKunctrl.awk >$@
66 CLEANFILES= curses.h ncurses_def.h term.h hashsize.h parametrized.h comp_captab.c
67 CLEANFILES+= namehdr boolnames boolfnames numnames numfnames strnames strfnames nameftr
68 CLEANFILES+= codes.c init_keytry.h numcodes strcodes boolcodes codeftr make_keys names.c
69 CLEANFILES+= make_hash expanded.c fallback.c lib_gen.c lib_keyname.c unctrl.c keys.list
71 SRCS= \
72 curses.h \
73 ncurses_def.h \
74 term.h \
75 hashsize.h \
76 parametrized.h \
77 init_keytry.h
79 # Base
80 SRCS+= \
81 define_key.c \
82 key_defined.c \
83 keybound.c \
84 keyok.c \
85 lib_addch.c \
86 lib_addstr.c \
87 lib_beep.c \
88 lib_bkgd.c \
89 lib_box.c \
90 lib_chgat.c \
91 lib_clear.c \
92 lib_clearok.c \
93 lib_clrbot.c \
94 lib_clreol.c \
95 lib_color.c \
96 lib_colorset.c \
97 lib_delch.c \
98 lib_delwin.c \
99 lib_dft_fgbg.c \
100 lib_echo.c \
101 lib_endwin.c \
102 lib_erase.c \
103 lib_flash.c \
104 lib_freeall.c \
105 lib_getch.c \
106 lib_getstr.c \
107 lib_hline.c \
108 lib_immedok.c \
109 lib_inchstr.c \
110 lib_initscr.c \
111 lib_insch.c \
112 lib_insdel.c \
113 lib_instr.c \
114 lib_isendwin.c \
115 lib_leaveok.c \
116 lib_mouse.c \
117 lib_move.c \
118 lib_mvwin.c \
119 lib_newterm.c \
120 lib_newwin.c \
121 lib_nl.c \
122 lib_overlay.c \
123 lib_pad.c \
124 lib_printw.c \
125 lib_redrawln.c \
126 lib_refresh.c \
127 lib_restart.c \
128 lib_scanw.c \
129 lib_screen.c \
130 lib_scroll.c \
131 lib_scrollok.c \
132 lib_scrreg.c \
133 lib_set_term.c \
134 lib_slk.c \
135 lib_slkatr_set.c \
136 lib_slkatrof.c \
137 lib_slkatron.c \
138 lib_slkatrset.c \
139 lib_slkattr.c \
140 lib_slkclear.c \
141 lib_slkcolor.c \
142 lib_slkinit.c \
143 lib_slklab.c \
144 lib_slkrefr.c \
145 lib_slkset.c \
146 lib_slktouch.c \
147 lib_touch.c \
148 lib_ungetch.c \
149 lib_vline.c \
150 lib_wattroff.c \
151 lib_wattron.c \
152 lib_winch.c \
153 lib_window.c \
154 memmove.c \
155 nc_panel.c \
156 resizeterm.c \
157 safe_sprintf.c \
158 tries.c \
159 version.c \
160 vsscanf.c \
161 wresize.c
163 # Serial
164 SRCS+= \
165 hardscroll.c \
166 hashmap.c \
167 lib_mvcur.c \
168 lib_tstp.c \
169 lib_twait.c \
170 lib_vidattr.c \
171 tty_update.c
173 # Tinfo
174 SRCS+= \
175 access.c \
176 add_tries.c \
177 alloc_entry.c \
178 alloc_ttype.c \
179 captoinfo.c \
180 comp_error.c \
181 comp_expand.c \
182 comp_hash.c \
183 comp_parse.c \
184 comp_scan.c \
185 doalloc.c \
186 free_ttype.c \
187 getenv_num.c \
188 home_terminfo.c \
189 init_keytry.c \
190 lib_acs.c \
191 lib_baudrate.c \
192 lib_cur_term.c \
193 lib_data.c \
194 lib_has_cap.c \
195 lib_kernel.c \
196 lib_longname.c \
197 lib_napms.c \
198 lib_options.c \
199 lib_print.c \
200 lib_raw.c \
201 lib_setup.c \
202 lib_termcap.c \
203 lib_termname.c \
204 lib_tgoto.c \
205 lib_ti.c \
206 lib_tparm.c \
207 lib_tputs.c \
208 lib_ttyflags.c \
209 name_match.c \
210 parse_entry.c \
211 read_entry.c \
212 setbuf.c \
213 strings.c \
214 write_entry.c
216 # Trace
217 SRCS+= \
218 lib_trace.c \
219 lib_traceatr.c \
220 lib_tracebits.c \
221 lib_tracechr.c \
222 lib_tracedmp.c \
223 lib_tracemse.c \
224 trace_buf.c \
225 trace_tries.c \
226 trace_xnames.c \
227 varargs.c \
228 visbuf.c \
230 # Widechar
231 SRCS+= \
232 charable.c \
233 lib_add_wch.c \
234 lib_box_set.c \
235 lib_cchar.c \
236 lib_erasewchar.c \
237 lib_get_wch.c \
238 lib_get_wstr.c \
239 lib_hline_set.c \
240 lib_in_wch.c \
241 lib_in_wchnstr.c \
242 lib_ins_wch.c \
243 lib_inwstr.c \
244 lib_pecho_wchar.c \
245 lib_slk_wset.c \
246 lib_unget_wch.c \
247 lib_vid_attr.c \
248 lib_vline_set.c \
249 lib_wacs.c \
250 lib_wunctrl.c
252 # Generated
253 SRCS+= \
254 codes.c \
255 comp_captab.c \
256 expanded.c \
257 fallback.c \
258 lib_gen.c \
259 lib_keyname.c \
260 names.c \
261 unctrl.c
263 # Use instead of read_termcap.c.
264 # From our old libtermcap.
265 SRCS+= termcap.c
267 SYMLINKS+=libncurses.a ${LIBDIR}/libcurses.a
268 SYMLINKS+=libncurses.a ${LIBDIR}/libtinfo.a
269 SYMLINKS+=libncurses.a ${LIBDIR}/libmytinfo.a
270 SYMLINKS+=libncurses.a ${LIBDIR}/libtermlib.a
271 SYMLINKS+=libncurses.a ${LIBDIR}/libtermcap.a
272 .if !defined(NOPIC)
273 # no need for major at all, it's an ld-time redirection only
274 ${SHLIBDIR}/
275 ${SHLIBDIR}/
276 ${SHLIBDIR}/
277 ${SHLIBDIR}/
278 ${SHLIBDIR}/
279 .endif
280 .if !defined(NOPROFILE)
281 SYMLINKS+=libncurses.a ${PROFLIBDIR}/libcurses.a
282 SYMLINKS+=libncurses.a ${PROFLIBDIR}/libtermcap.a
283 SYMLINKS+=libncurses.a ${PROFLIBDIR}/libtermlib.a
284 SYMLINKS+=libncurses.a ${PROFLIBDIR}/libmytinfo.a
285 SYMLINKS+=libncurses.a ${PROFLIBDIR}/libtinfo.aa
286 .endif
288 INCS= term.h ${.CURDIR}/../include/termcap.h \
289 ${.CURDIR}/../include/unctrl.h curses.h
290 INCSLINKS=curses.h ${INCLUDEDIR}/ncurses.h
292 .include <>