Sync sysperf with some random stuff, and add a cld instruction tester.
[dragonfly.git] / lib / libfetch / http.errors
1 # $FreeBSD: src/lib/libfetch/http.errors,v 1.5 2001/05/23 18:52:02 des Exp $
2 # $DragonFly: src/lib/libfetch/http.errors,v 1.3 2007/08/05 21:48:12 swildner Exp $
4 # This list is taken from RFC 2068.
6 100 OK          Continue
7 101 OK          Switching Protocols
8 200 OK          OK
9 201 OK          Created
10 202 OK          Accepted
11 203 INFO        Non-Authoritative Information
12 204 OK          No Content
13 205 OK          Reset Content
14 206 OK          Partial Content
15 300 MOVED       Multiple Choices
16 301 MOVED       Moved Permanently
17 302 MOVED       Moved Temporarily
18 303 MOVED       See Other
19 304 OK          Not Modified
20 305 INFO        Use Proxy
21 307 MOVED       Temporary Redirect
22 400 PROTO       Bad Request
23 401 AUTH        Unauthorized
24 402 AUTH        Payment Required
25 403 AUTH        Forbidden
26 404 UNAVAIL     Not Found
27 405 PROTO       Method Not Allowed
28 406 PROTO       Not Acceptable
29 407 AUTH        Proxy Authentication Required
30 408 TIMEOUT     Request Time-out
31 409 EXISTS      Conflict
32 410 UNAVAIL     Gone
33 411 PROTO       Length Required
34 412 SERVER      Precondition Failed
35 413 PROTO       Request Entity Too Large
36 414 PROTO       Request-URI Too Large
37 415 PROTO       Unsupported Media Type
38 416 UNAVAIL     Requested Range Not Satisfiable
39 417 SERVER      Expectation Failed
40 500 SERVER      Internal Server Error
41 501 PROTO       Not Implemented
42 502 SERVER      Bad Gateway
43 503 TEMP        Service Unavailable
44 504 TIMEOUT     Gateway Time-out
45 505 PROTO       HTTP Version not supported
46 999 PROTO       Protocol error