HAMMER Utilities: Remove time/transaction-id conversion directives.
[dragonfly.git] / contrib / nvi / ex / ex_cmd.c
1 /*-
2 * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994
3 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
4 * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996
5 * Keith Bostic. All rights reserved.
7 * See the LICENSE file for redistribution information.
8 */
10 #include "config.h"
12 #ifndef lint
13 static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)ex_cmd.c 10.20 (Berkeley) 10/10/96";
14 #endif /* not lint */
16 #include <sys/types.h>
17 #include <sys/queue.h>
19 #include <bitstring.h>
20 #include <limits.h>
21 #include <stdio.h>
23 #include "../common/common.h"
26 * This array maps ex command names to command functions.
28 * The order in which command names are listed below is important --
29 * ambiguous abbreviations are resolved to be the first possible match,
30 * e.g. "r" means "read", not "rewind", because "read" is listed before
31 * "rewind".
33 * The syntax of the ex commands is unbelievably irregular, and a special
34 * case from beginning to end. Each command has an associated "syntax
35 * script" which describes the "arguments" that are possible. The script
36 * syntax is as follows:
38 * ! -- ! flag
39 * 1 -- flags: [+-]*[pl#][+-]*
40 * 2 -- flags: [-.+^]
41 * 3 -- flags: [-.+^=]
42 * b -- buffer
43 * c[01+a] -- count (0-N, 1-N, signed 1-N, address offset)
44 * f[N#][or] -- file (a number or N, optional or required)
45 * l -- line
46 * S -- string with file name expansion
47 * s -- string
48 * W -- word string
49 * w[N#][or] -- word (a number or N, optional or required)
51 EXCMDLIST const cmds[] = {
52 /* C_SCROLL */
53 {"\004", ex_pr, E_ADDR2,
54 "",
55 "^D",
56 "scroll lines"},
57 /* C_BANG */
58 {"!", ex_bang, E_ADDR2_NONE | E_SECURE,
59 "S",
60 "[line [,line]] ! command",
61 "filter lines through commands or run commands"},
62 /* C_HASH */
63 {"#", ex_number, E_ADDR2|E_CLRFLAG,
64 "ca1",
65 "[line [,line]] # [count] [l]",
66 "display numbered lines"},
67 /* C_SUBAGAIN */
68 {"&", ex_subagain, E_ADDR2,
69 "s",
70 "[line [,line]] & [cgr] [count] [#lp]",
71 "repeat the last subsitution"},
72 /* C_STAR */
73 {"*", ex_at, 0,
74 "b",
75 "* [buffer]",
76 "execute a buffer"},
77 /* C_SHIFTL */
78 {"<", ex_shiftl, E_ADDR2|E_AUTOPRINT,
79 "ca1",
80 "[line [,line]] <[<...] [count] [flags]",
81 "shift lines left"},
82 /* C_EQUAL */
83 {"=", ex_equal, E_ADDR1|E_ADDR_ZERO|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
84 "1",
85 "[line] = [flags]",
86 "display line number"},
87 /* C_SHIFTR */
88 {">", ex_shiftr, E_ADDR2|E_AUTOPRINT,
89 "ca1",
90 "[line [,line]] >[>...] [count] [flags]",
91 "shift lines right"},
92 /* C_AT */
93 {"@", ex_at, E_ADDR2,
94 "b",
95 "@ [buffer]",
96 "execute a buffer"},
97 /* C_APPEND */
98 {"append", ex_append, E_ADDR1|E_ADDR_ZERO|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
99 "!",
100 "[line] a[ppend][!]",
101 "append input to a line"},
102 /* C_ABBR */
103 {"abbreviate", ex_abbr, 0,
104 "W",
105 "ab[brev] [word replace]",
106 "specify an input abbreviation"},
107 /* C_ARGS */
108 {"args", ex_args, 0,
110 "ar[gs]",
111 "display file argument list"},
112 /* C_BG */
113 {"bg", ex_bg, E_VIONLY,
115 "bg",
116 "put a foreground screen into the background"},
117 /* C_CHANGE */
118 {"change", ex_change, E_ADDR2|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
119 "!ca",
120 "[line [,line]] c[hange][!] [count]",
121 "change lines to input"},
122 /* C_CD */
123 {"cd", ex_cd, 0,
124 "!f1o",
125 "cd[!] [directory]",
126 "change the current directory"},
127 /* C_CHDIR */
128 {"chdir", ex_cd, 0,
129 "!f1o",
130 "chd[ir][!] [directory]",
131 "change the current directory"},
132 /* C_COPY */
133 {"copy", ex_copy, E_ADDR2|E_AUTOPRINT,
134 "l1",
135 "[line [,line]] co[py] line [flags]",
136 "copy lines elsewhere in the file"},
137 /* C_CSCOPE */
138 {"cscope", ex_cscope, 0,
139 "!s",
140 "cs[cope] command [args]",
141 "create a set of tags using a cscope command"},
143 * !!!
144 * Adding new commands starting with 'd' may break the delete command code
145 * in ex_cmd() (the ex parser). Read through the comments there, first.
147 /* C_DELETE */
148 {"delete", ex_delete, E_ADDR2|E_AUTOPRINT,
149 "bca1",
150 "[line [,line]] d[elete][flags] [buffer] [count] [flags]",
151 "delete lines from the file"},
152 /* C_DISPLAY */
153 {"display", ex_display, 0,
154 "w1r",
155 "display b[uffers] | c[onnections] | s[creens] | t[ags]",
156 "display buffers, connections, screens or tags"},
157 /* C_EDIT */
158 {"edit", ex_edit, E_NEWSCREEN,
159 "f1o",
160 "[Ee][dit][!] [+cmd] [file]",
161 "begin editing another file"},
162 /* C_EX */
163 {"ex", ex_edit, E_NEWSCREEN,
164 "f1o",
165 "[Ee]x[!] [+cmd] [file]",
166 "begin editing another file"},
167 /* C_EXUSAGE */
168 {"exusage", ex_usage, 0,
169 "w1o",
170 "[exu]sage [command]",
171 "display ex command usage statement"},
172 /* C_FILE */
173 {"file", ex_file, 0,
174 "f1o",
175 "f[ile] [name]",
176 "display (and optionally set) file name"},
177 /* C_FG */
178 {"fg", ex_fg, E_NEWSCREEN|E_VIONLY,
179 "f1o",
180 "[Ff]g [file]",
181 "bring a backgrounded screen into the foreground"},
182 /* C_GLOBAL */
183 {"global", ex_global, E_ADDR2_ALL,
184 "!s",
185 "[line [,line]] g[lobal][!] [;/]RE[;/] [commands]",
186 "execute a global command on lines matching an RE"},
187 /* C_HELP */
188 {"help", ex_help, 0,
190 "he[lp]",
191 "display help statement"},
192 /* C_INSERT */
193 {"insert", ex_insert, E_ADDR1|E_ADDR_ZERO|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
194 "!",
195 "[line] i[nsert][!]",
196 "insert input before a line"},
197 /* C_JOIN */
198 {"join", ex_join, E_ADDR2|E_AUTOPRINT,
199 "!ca1",
200 "[line [,line]] j[oin][!] [count] [flags]",
201 "join lines into a single line"},
202 /* C_K */
203 {"k", ex_mark, E_ADDR1,
204 "w1r",
205 "[line] k key",
206 "mark a line position"},
207 /* C_LIST */
208 {"list", ex_list, E_ADDR2|E_CLRFLAG,
209 "ca1",
210 "[line [,line]] l[ist] [count] [#]",
211 "display lines in an unambiguous form"},
212 /* C_MOVE */
213 {"move", ex_move, E_ADDR2|E_AUTOPRINT,
214 "l",
215 "[line [,line]] m[ove] line",
216 "move lines elsewhere in the file"},
217 /* C_MARK */
218 {"mark", ex_mark, E_ADDR1,
219 "w1r",
220 "[line] ma[rk] key",
221 "mark a line position"},
222 /* C_MAP */
223 {"map", ex_map, 0,
224 "!W",
225 "map[!] [keys replace]",
226 "map input or commands to one or more keys"},
227 /* C_MKEXRC */
228 {"mkexrc", ex_mkexrc, 0,
229 "!f1r",
230 "mkexrc[!] file",
231 "write a .exrc file"},
232 /* C_NEXT */
233 {"next", ex_next, E_NEWSCREEN,
234 "!fN",
235 "[Nn][ext][!] [+cmd] [file ...]",
236 "edit (and optionally specify) the next file"},
237 /* C_NUMBER */
238 {"number", ex_number, E_ADDR2|E_CLRFLAG,
239 "ca1",
240 "[line [,line]] nu[mber] [count] [l]",
241 "change display to number lines"},
242 /* C_OPEN */
243 {"open", ex_open, E_ADDR1,
244 "s",
245 "[line] o[pen] [/RE/] [flags]",
246 "enter \"open\" mode (not implemented)"},
247 /* C_PRINT */
248 {"print", ex_pr, E_ADDR2|E_CLRFLAG,
249 "ca1",
250 "[line [,line]] p[rint] [count] [#l]",
251 "display lines"},
252 /* C_PERLCMD */
253 {"perl", ex_perl, E_ADDR2_ALL|E_ADDR_ZERO|
255 "s",
256 "pe[rl] cmd",
257 "run the perl interpreter with the command"},
258 /* C_PERLDOCMD */
259 {"perldo", ex_perl, E_ADDR2_ALL|E_ADDR_ZERO|
261 "s",
262 "perld[o] cmd",
263 "run the perl interpreter with the command, on each line"},
264 /* C_PRESERVE */
265 {"preserve", ex_preserve, 0,
267 "pre[serve]",
268 "preserve an edit session for recovery"},
269 /* C_PREVIOUS */
270 {"previous", ex_prev, E_NEWSCREEN,
271 "!",
272 "[Pp]rev[ious][!]",
273 "edit the previous file in the file argument list"},
274 /* C_PUT */
275 {"put", ex_put,
277 "b",
278 "[line] pu[t] [buffer]",
279 "append a cut buffer to the line"},
280 /* C_QUIT */
281 {"quit", ex_quit, 0,
282 "!",
283 "q[uit][!]",
284 "exit ex/vi"},
285 /* C_READ */
286 {"read", ex_read, E_ADDR1|E_ADDR_ZERO|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
287 "s",
288 "[line] r[ead] [!cmd | [file]]",
289 "append input from a command or file to the line"},
290 /* C_RECOVER */
291 {"recover", ex_recover, 0,
292 "!f1r",
293 "recover[!] file",
294 "recover a saved file"},
295 /* C_RESIZE */
296 {"resize", ex_resize, E_VIONLY,
297 "c+",
298 "resize [+-]rows",
299 "grow or shrink the current screen"},
300 /* C_REWIND */
301 {"rewind", ex_rew, 0,
302 "!",
303 "rew[ind][!]",
304 "re-edit all the files in the file argument list"},
305 #ifdef GTAGS
306 /* C_RTAG */
307 {"rtag", ex_rtag_push, E_NEWSCREEN,
308 "!w1o",
309 "[Rr]ta[g][!] [string]",
310 "edit the file containing the tag"},
311 #endif
313 * !!!
314 * Adding new commands starting with 's' may break the substitute command code
315 * in ex_cmd() (the ex parser). Read through the comments there, first.
317 /* C_SUBSTITUTE */
318 {"s", ex_s, E_ADDR2,
319 "s",
320 "[line [,line]] s [[/;]RE[/;]repl[/;] [cgr] [count] [#lp]]",
321 "substitute on lines matching an RE"},
322 /* C_SCRIPT */
323 {"script", ex_script, E_SECURE,
324 "!f1o",
325 "sc[ript][!] [file]",
326 "run a shell in a screen"},
327 /* C_SET */
328 {"set", ex_set, 0,
329 "wN",
330 "se[t] [option[=[value]]...] [nooption ...] [option? ...] [all]",
331 "set options (use \":set all\" to see all options)"},
332 /* C_SHELL */
333 {"shell", ex_shell, E_SECURE,
335 "sh[ell]",
336 "suspend editing and run a shell"},
337 /* C_SOURCE */
338 {"source", ex_source, 0,
339 "f1r",
340 "so[urce] file",
341 "read a file of ex commands"},
342 /* C_STOP */
343 {"stop", ex_stop, E_SECURE,
344 "!",
345 "st[op][!]",
346 "suspend the edit session"},
347 /* C_SUSPEND */
348 {"suspend", ex_stop, E_SECURE,
349 "!",
350 "su[spend][!]",
351 "suspend the edit session"},
352 /* C_T */
353 {"t", ex_copy, E_ADDR2|E_AUTOPRINT,
354 "l1",
355 "[line [,line]] t line [flags]",
356 "copy lines elsewhere in the file"},
357 /* C_TAG */
358 {"tag", ex_tag_push, E_NEWSCREEN,
359 "!w1o",
360 "[Tt]a[g][!] [string]",
361 "edit the file containing the tag"},
362 /* C_TAGNEXT */
363 {"tagnext", ex_tag_next, 0,
364 "!",
365 "tagn[ext][!]",
366 "move to the next tag"},
367 /* C_TAGPOP */
368 {"tagpop", ex_tag_pop, 0,
369 "!w1o",
370 "tagp[op][!] [number | file]",
371 "return to the previous group of tags"},
372 /* C_TAGPREV */
373 {"tagprev", ex_tag_prev, 0,
374 "!",
375 "tagpr[ev][!]",
376 "move to the previous tag"},
377 /* C_TAGTOP */
378 {"tagtop", ex_tag_top, 0,
379 "!",
380 "tagt[op][!]",
381 "discard all tags"},
382 /* C_TCLCMD */
383 {"tcl", ex_tcl, E_ADDR2_ALL|E_ADDR_ZERO|
385 "s",
386 "tc[l] cmd",
387 "run the tcl interpreter with the command"},
388 /* C_UNDO */
389 {"undo", ex_undo, E_AUTOPRINT,
391 "u[ndo]",
392 "undo the most recent change"},
394 {"unabbreviate",ex_unabbr, 0,
395 "w1r",
396 "una[bbrev] word",
397 "delete an abbreviation"},
398 /* C_UNMAP */
399 {"unmap", ex_unmap, 0,
400 "!w1r",
401 "unm[ap][!] word",
402 "delete an input or command map"},
403 /* C_V */
404 {"v", ex_v, E_ADDR2_ALL,
405 "s",
406 "[line [,line]] v [;/]RE[;/] [commands]",
407 "execute a global command on lines NOT matching an RE"},
408 /* C_VERSION */
409 {"version", ex_version, 0,
411 "version",
412 "display the program version information"},
413 /* C_VISUAL_EX */
414 {"visual", ex_visual, E_ADDR1|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
415 "2c11",
416 "[line] vi[sual] [-|.|+|^] [window_size] [flags]",
417 "enter visual (vi) mode from ex mode"},
418 /* C_VISUAL_VI */
419 {"visual", ex_edit, E_NEWSCREEN,
420 "f1o",
421 "[Vv]i[sual][!] [+cmd] [file]",
422 "edit another file (from vi mode only)"},
423 /* C_VIUSAGE */
424 {"viusage", ex_viusage, 0,
425 "w1o",
426 "[viu]sage [key]",
427 "display vi key usage statement"},
428 /* C_WRITE */
429 {"write", ex_write, E_ADDR2_ALL|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
430 "!s",
431 "[line [,line]] w[rite][!] [ !cmd | [>>] [file]]",
432 "write the file"},
433 /* C_WN */
434 {"wn", ex_wn, E_ADDR2_ALL|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
435 "!s",
436 "[line [,line]] wn[!] [>>] [file]",
437 "write the file and switch to the next file"},
438 /* C_WQ */
439 {"wq", ex_wq, E_ADDR2_ALL|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
440 "!s",
441 "[line [,line]] wq[!] [>>] [file]",
442 "write the file and exit"},
443 /* C_XIT */
444 {"xit", ex_xit, E_ADDR2_ALL|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
445 "!f1o",
446 "[line [,line]] x[it][!] [file]",
447 "exit"},
448 /* C_YANK */
449 {"yank", ex_yank, E_ADDR2,
450 "bca",
451 "[line [,line]] ya[nk] [buffer] [count]",
452 "copy lines to a cut buffer"},
453 /* C_Z */
454 {"z", ex_z, E_ADDR1,
455 "3c01",
456 "[line] z [-|.|+|^|=] [count] [flags]",
457 "display different screens of the file"},
458 /* C_SUBTILDE */
459 {"~", ex_subtilde, E_ADDR2,
460 "s",
461 "[line [,line]] ~ [cgr] [count] [#lp]",
462 "replace previous RE with previous replacement string,"},
463 {NULL},