sem_init.3: Mark up SEM_VALUE_MAX.
[dragonfly.git] / lib / libpthread / Makefile
1 LIBNAME= libpthread
6 SRCS= dummy.c
8 MAN+= \
9 pthread.3 \
10 pthread_atfork.3 \
11 pthread_attr.3 \
12 pthread_attr_get_np.3 \
13 pthread_attr_setaffinity_np.3 \
14 pthread_attr_setcreatesuspend_np.3 \
15 pthread_barrier_destroy.3 \
16 pthread_barrierattr.3 \
17 pthread_cancel.3 \
18 pthread_cleanup_pop.3 \
19 pthread_cleanup_push.3 \
20 pthread_cond_broadcast.3 \
21 pthread_cond_destroy.3 \
22 pthread_cond_init.3 \
23 pthread_cond_signal.3 \
24 pthread_cond_timedwait.3 \
25 pthread_cond_wait.3 \
26 pthread_condattr.3 \
27 pthread_create.3 \
28 pthread_detach.3 \
29 pthread_equal.3 \
30 pthread_exit.3 \
31 pthread_getconcurrency.3 \
32 pthread_getcpuclockid.3 \
33 pthread_getspecific.3 \
34 pthread_getthreadid_np.3 \
35 pthread_join.3 \
36 pthread_key_create.3 \
37 pthread_key_delete.3 \
38 pthread_kill.3 \
39 pthread_main_np.3 \
40 pthread_multi_np.3 \
41 pthread_mutex_destroy.3 \
42 pthread_mutex_getprioceiling.3 \
43 pthread_mutex_init.3 \
44 pthread_mutex_lock.3 \
45 pthread_mutex_timedlock.3 \
46 pthread_mutex_trylock.3 \
47 pthread_mutex_unlock.3 \
48 pthread_mutexattr.3 \
49 pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np.3 \
50 pthread_once.3 \
51 pthread_resume_all_np.3 \
52 pthread_resume_np.3 \
53 pthread_rwlock_destroy.3 \
54 pthread_rwlock_init.3 \
55 pthread_rwlock_rdlock.3 \
56 pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock.3 \
57 pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock.3 \
58 pthread_rwlock_unlock.3 \
59 pthread_rwlock_wrlock.3 \
60 pthread_rwlockattr_destroy.3 \
61 pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared.3 \
62 pthread_rwlockattr_init.3 \
63 pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared.3 \
64 pthread_schedparam.3 \
65 pthread_self.3 \
66 pthread_set_name_np.3 \
67 pthread_setaffinity_np.3 \
68 pthread_setspecific.3 \
69 pthread_sigmask.3 \
70 pthread_spin_init.3 \
71 pthread_spin_lock.3 \
72 pthread_suspend_all_np.3 \
73 pthread_suspend_np.3 \
74 pthread_switch_add_np.3 \
75 pthread_testcancel.3 \
76 pthread_yield.3 \
77 sem_destroy.3 \
78 sem_getvalue.3 \
79 sem_init.3 \
80 sem_open.3 \
81 sem_post.3 \
82 sem_timedwait.3 \
83 sem_wait.3 \
84 sigwait.3
86 MLINKS+= \
87 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_destroy.3 \
88 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_getdetachstate.3 \
89 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_getguardsize.3 \
90 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_getinheritsched.3 \
91 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_getschedparam.3 \
92 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_getschedpolicy.3 \
93 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_getscope.3 \
94 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_getstack.3 \
95 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_getstackaddr.3 \
96 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_getstacksize.3 \
97 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_init.3 \
98 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_setdetachstate.3 \
99 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_setguardsize.3 \
100 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_setinheritsched.3 \
101 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_setschedparam.3 \
102 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_setschedpolicy.3 \
103 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_setscope.3 \
104 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_setstack.3 \
105 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_setstackaddr.3 \
106 pthread_attr.3 pthread_attr_setstacksize.3 \
107 pthread_attr_setaffinity_np.3 pthread_attr_getaffinity_np.3 \
108 pthread_barrierattr.3 pthread_barrierattr_destroy.3 \
109 pthread_barrierattr.3 pthread_barrierattr_getpshared.3 \
110 pthread_barrierattr.3 pthread_barrierattr_init.3 \
111 pthread_barrierattr.3 pthread_barrierattr_setpshared.3 \
112 pthread_barrier_destroy.3 pthread_barrier_init.3 \
113 pthread_barrier_destroy.3 pthread_barrier_wait.3 \
114 pthread_condattr.3 pthread_condattr_destroy.3 \
115 pthread_condattr.3 pthread_condattr_init.3 \
116 pthread_condattr.3 pthread_condattr_getclock.3 \
117 pthread_condattr.3 pthread_condattr_getpshared.3 \
118 pthread_condattr.3 pthread_condattr_setclock.3 \
119 pthread_condattr.3 pthread_condattr_setpshared.3 \
120 pthread_getconcurrency.3 pthread_setconcurrency.3 \
121 pthread_join.3 pthread_timedjoin_np.3 \
122 pthread_multi_np.3 pthread_single_np.3 \
123 pthread_mutex_getprioceiling.3 pthread_mutex_setprioceiling.3 \
124 pthread_mutexattr.3 pthread_mutexattr_destroy.3 \
125 pthread_mutexattr.3 pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling.3 \
126 pthread_mutexattr.3 pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol.3 \
127 pthread_mutexattr.3 pthread_mutexattr_getpshared.3 \
128 pthread_mutexattr.3 pthread_mutexattr_gettype.3 \
129 pthread_mutexattr.3 pthread_mutexattr_init.3 \
130 pthread_mutexattr.3 pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling.3 \
131 pthread_mutexattr.3 pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol.3 \
132 pthread_mutexattr.3 pthread_mutexattr_setpshared.3 \
133 pthread_mutexattr.3 pthread_mutexattr_settype.3 \
134 pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np.3 pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np.3 \
135 pthread_rwlock_rdlock.3 pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock.3 \
136 pthread_rwlock_wrlock.3 pthread_rwlock_trywrlock.3 \
137 pthread_schedparam.3 pthread_getschedparam.3 \
138 pthread_schedparam.3 pthread_setschedparam.3 \
139 pthread_setaffinity_np.3 pthread_getaffinity_np.3 \
140 pthread_spin_init.3 pthread_spin_destroy.3 \
141 pthread_spin_lock.3 pthread_spin_trylock.3 \
142 pthread_spin_lock.3 pthread_spin_unlock.3 \
143 pthread_switch_add_np.3 pthread_switch_delete_np.3 \
144 pthread_testcancel.3 pthread_setcancelstate.3 \
145 pthread_testcancel.3 pthread_setcanceltype.3 \
146 sem_open.3 sem_close.3 \
147 sem_open.3 sem_unlink.3 \
148 sem_wait.3 sem_trywait.3
150 realinstall: linkinstall
151 linkinstall:
152 # Always overwrite existing symlinks. If the user wants the
153 # library to point elsewhere he can set THREAD_LIB in /etc/make.conf.
154 ${LN} -fs thread/lib${THREAD_LIB}.so \
156 ${LN} -fs thread/lib${THREAD_LIB}.a \
159 .include <>