This commit sets new users to see the DragonFly-tips fortunes instead
[dragonfly.git] / lib / libdevstat / Makefile
1 # $FreeBSD: src/lib/libdevstat/Makefile,v 2001/04/25 10:04:27 ru Exp $
2 # $DragonFly: src/lib/libdevstat/Makefile,v 1.3 2004/01/31 06:56:39 dillon Exp $
4 LIB= devstat
5 SRCS= devstat.c
6 INCS= devstat.h
8 MAN= devstat.3
10 MLINKS+=devstat.3 getnumdevs.3
11 MLINKS+=devstat.3 getgeneration.3
12 MLINKS+=devstat.3 getversion.3
13 MLINKS+=devstat.3 checkversion.3
14 MLINKS+=devstat.3 getdevs.3
15 MLINKS+=devstat.3 selectdevs.3
16 MLINKS+=devstat.3 buildmatch.3
17 MLINKS+=devstat.3 compute_stats.3
18 MLINKS+=devstat.3 compute_etime.3
20 CFLAGS+=-I${.CURDIR} -I${.CURDIR}/../../sys
22 .include <>