1 # $FreeBSD: src/share/misc/iso639,v 2002/02/06 20:59:18 wollman Exp $
2 # $DragonFly: src/share/misc/iso639,v 1.4 2008/11/13 21:09:48 swildner Exp $
4 # ISO 639-2 language codes
6 # From http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/ :
8 # The Library of Congress has been designated the ISO 639-2/RA for the
9 # purpose of processing requests for alpha-3 language codes comprising the
10 # International Standard, Codes for the representation of names of
11 # languages -- Part 2: alpha-3 code. The ISO 639-2/RA receives and reviews
12 # applications for requesting new language codes and for the change of
13 # existing ones according to criteria indicated in the standard. It
14 # maintains an accurate list of information associated with registered
15 # language codes, processes updates of registered language codes, and
16 # distributes them on a regular basis to subscribers and other parties.
18 # This is the official site of the ISO 639-2 Registration Authority and thus
19 # is the only one authorized by ISO. If you have questions concerning ISO
20 # 639-2 please contact us at:
23 # Network Development and MARC Standards Office
24 # Washington, DC 20540-4402
25 # E-mail: iso639-2@loc.gov
26 # Phone: +1 202 707 6237
27 # FAX: +1 202 707 0115
29 # For general discussion about ISO language codes, write to: iso639@dkuug.dk
31 # a2: ISO 639-1 Alpha-2 code
32 # bib: ISO 639-2/B bibliographic code
33 # term: ISO 639-2/B terminology code
42 afa afa Afro-Asiatic (Other)
50 alg alg Algonquian languages
51 alt alt Southern Altai
53 ang ang English, Old (ca.450-1100)
55 apa apa Apache languages
57 arc arc Official Aramaic (700-300 BCE)
62 art art Artificial (Other)
66 ath ath Athapascan languages
67 aus aus Australian languages
72 az aze aze Azerbaijani
73 bad bad Banda languages
74 bai bai Bamileke languages
81 bat bat Baltic (Other)
86 ber ber Berber (Other)
97 btk btk Batak languages
104 cai cai Central American Indian (Other)
107 cau cau Caucasian (Other)
109 cel cel Celtic (Other)
117 chn chn Chinook jargon
121 cu chu chu Church Slavic
124 cmc cmc Chamic languages
128 cpe cpe Creoles and pidgins, English based (Other)
129 cpf cpf Creoles and pidgins, French-based (Other)
130 cpp cpp Creoles and pidgins, Portuguese-based (Other)
132 crh crh Crimean Tatar
133 crp crp Creoles and pidgins (Other)
135 cus cus Cushitic (Other)
140 day day Land Dayak languages
142 den den Slave (Athapascan)
147 dra dra Dravidian (Other)
148 dsb dsb Lower Sorbian
150 dum dum Dutch, Middle (ca.1050-1350)
155 egy egy Egyptian (Ancient)
159 enm enm English, Middle (1100-1500)
170 fiu fiu Finno-Ugrian (Other)
173 frm frm French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)
174 fro fro French, Old (842-ca.1400)
175 frr frr Northern Frisian
176 frs frs Eastern Frisian
177 fy fry fry Western Frisian
183 gem gem Germanic (Other)
192 gmh gmh German, Middle High (ca.1050-1500)
193 goh goh German, Old High (ca.750-1050)
198 grc grc Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
199 el gre ell Greek, Modern (1453-)
217 hsb hsb Upper Sorbian
224 ii iii iii Sichuan Yi
225 ijo ijo Ijo languages
227 ie ile ile Interlingue
229 ia ina ina Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)
230 inc inc Indic (Other)
231 id ind ind Indonesian
232 ine ine Indo-European (Other)
235 ira ira Iranian (Other)
236 iro iro Iroquoian languages
241 jpr jpr Judeo-Persian
246 kl kal kal Kalaallisut
249 kar kar Karen languages
256 khi khi Khoisan (Other)
257 km khm khm Central Khmer
260 rw kin kin Kinyarwanda
269 krc krc Karachay-Balkar
271 kro kro Kru languages
286 lt lit lit Lithuanian
289 lb ltz ltz Luxembourgish
291 lu lub lub Luba-Katanga
295 luo luo Luo (Kenya and Tanzania)
297 mk mac mkd Macedonian
300 mh mah mah Marshallese
306 map map Austronesian (Other)
313 mga mga Irish, Middle (900-1200)
316 mis mis Uncoded languages
317 mkh mkh Mon-Khmer (Other)
322 mno mno Manobo languages
326 mul mul Multiple languages
327 mun mun Munda languages
331 myn myn Mayan languages
333 nah nah Nahuatl languages
334 nai nai North American Indian
338 nr nbl nbl Ndebele, South
339 nd nde nde Ndebele, North
345 nic nic Niger-Kordofanian (Other)
347 nn nno nno Norwegian Nynorsk
348 nb nob nob Bokmål, Norwegian
354 nub nub Nubian languages
355 nwc nwc Classical Newari
361 oc oci oci Occitan (post 1500)
367 ota ota Turkish, Ottoman (1500-1928)
368 oto oto Otomian languages
369 paa paa Papuan (Other)
376 peo peo Persian, Old (ca.600-400 B.C.)
378 phi phi Philippine (Other)
383 pt por por Portuguese
384 pra pra Prakrit languages
385 pro pro Provençal, Old (to 1500)
387 qaa-qtz qaa-qtz Reserved for local use
392 roa roa Romance (Other)
402 sai sai South American Indian (Other)
403 sal sal Salishan languages
404 sam sam Samaritan Aramaic
411 sem sem Semitic (Other)
412 sga sga Irish, Old (to 900)
413 sgn sgn Sign Languages
417 sio sio Siouan languages
418 sit sit Sino-Tibetan (Other)
419 sla sla Slavic (Other)
422 sma sma Southern Sami
423 se sme sme Northern Sami
424 smi smi Sami languages (Other)
434 son son Songhai languages
435 st sot sot Sotho, Southern
441 ssa ssa Nilo-Saharan (Other)
449 syc syc Classical Syriac
470 tog tog Tonga (Nyasa)
471 to ton ton Tonga (Tonga Islands)
478 tup tup Tupi languages
480 tut tut Altaic (Other)
494 vi vie vie Vietnamese
497 wak wak Wakashan languages
502 wen wen Sorbian languages
511 ypk ypk Yupik languages
516 znd znd Zande languages
519 zxx zxx No linguistic content