‘dput.dput’: Convert ‘print’ statements to ‘sys.stdout.write’ calls.
[dput.git] / dput / dput.py
1 #! /usr/bin/python2
2 # -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
4 # dput/dput.py
5 # Part of ‘dput’, a Debian package upload toolkit.
7 # Copyright © 2015 Ben Finney <ben+debian@benfinney.id.au>
8 # Copyright © 2008–2013 Y Giridhar Appaji Nag <appaji@debian.org>
9 # Copyright © 2006–2008 Thomas Viehmann <tv@beamnet.de>
10 # Copyright © 2000–2005 Christian Kurz <shorty@debian.org>
12 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 # (at your option) any later version.
17 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 # GNU General Public License for more details.
22 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
23 # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
24 # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
26 """ dput — Debian package upload tool. """
28 import os
29 import os.path
30 import sys
31 import string
32 import textwrap
33 import re
34 import signal
35 import subprocess
36 import pwd
37 import stat
38 import email.parser
39 from hashlib import md5, sha1
40 import importlib
41 import pkgutil
43 # Now import our modules
44 import ConfigParser
46 app_library_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
48 from .helper import dputhelper
51 debug = 0
54 def import_upload_functions():
55 """ Import upload method modules and make them available. """
56 upload_methods = {}
58 package_name = "methods"
59 modules_path = os.path.join(app_library_path, package_name)
60 modules_found = [
61 name for (__, name, ispkg) in
62 pkgutil.iter_modules([modules_path])
63 if not ispkg]
64 if debug:
65 sys.stdout.write("D: modules_found: %r\n" % modules_found)
66 for module_name in modules_found:
67 module = importlib.import_module("{package}.{module}".format(
68 package=".".join(["dput", package_name]),
69 module=module_name))
70 if debug:
71 sys.stdout.write("D: Module: %s (%r)\n" % (module_name, module))
72 method_name = module_name
73 if debug:
74 sys.stdout.write("D: Method name: %s\n" % method_name)
76 upload_methods[method_name] = module.upload
78 return upload_methods
81 def parse_changes(chg_fd):
82 """ Parse the changes file. """
83 check = chg_fd.read(5)
84 if check != '-----':
85 chg_fd.seek(0)
86 else:
87 # found a PGP header, gonna ditch the next 3 lines
88 # eat the rest of the line
89 chg_fd.readline()
90 # Hash: SHA1
91 chg_fd.readline()
92 # empty line
93 chg_fd.readline()
94 if not chg_fd.readline().find('Format') != -1:
95 chg_fd.readline()
96 changes_text = chg_fd.read()
97 changes = email.parser.HeaderParser().parsestr(changes_text)
98 if 'files' not in changes:
99 raise KeyError("No Files field in upload control file")
100 for a in changes['files'].strip().split('\n'):
101 if len(a.split()) != 5:
102 sys.stderr.write("Invalid Files line in .changes:\n %s\n" % a)
103 sys.exit(1)
104 return changes
107 def read_configs(extra_config, debug):
108 """ Read configuration settings from config files.
110 :param extra_config: Filesystem path of config file to read.
111 :param debug: If true, enable debugging output.
112 :return: The resulting `ConfigParser` instance.
114 Read config files in this order:
115 * If specified on the command line, only read `extra_config`.
116 * Otherwise, read ‘/etc/dput.cf’ then ‘~/.dput.cf’.
117 The config parser will layer values.
120 config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
122 config.set('DEFAULT', 'login', 'username')
123 config.set('DEFAULT', 'method', 'scp')
124 config.set('DEFAULT', 'hash', 'md5')
125 config.set('DEFAULT', 'allow_unsigned_uploads', '0')
126 config.set('DEFAULT', 'allow_dcut', '0')
127 config.set('DEFAULT', 'distributions', '')
128 config.set('DEFAULT', 'allowed_distributions', '')
129 config.set('DEFAULT', 'run_lintian', '0')
130 config.set('DEFAULT', 'run_dinstall', '0')
131 config.set('DEFAULT', 'check_version', '0')
132 config.set('DEFAULT', 'scp_compress', '0')
133 config.set('DEFAULT', 'default_host_main', '')
134 config.set('DEFAULT', 'post_upload_command', '')
135 config.set('DEFAULT', 'pre_upload_command', '')
136 config.set('DEFAULT', 'ssh_config_options', '')
137 config.set('DEFAULT', 'passive_ftp', '1')
138 config.set('DEFAULT', 'progress_indicator', '0')
139 config.set('DEFAULT', 'delayed', '')
141 if extra_config:
142 config_files = (extra_config,)
143 else:
144 config_files = ('/etc/dput.cf', os.path.expanduser("~/.dput.cf"))
145 fd = None
146 for config_file in config_files:
147 try:
148 fd = open(config_file)
149 except IOError as e:
150 if debug:
151 sys.stderr.write(
152 "%s: %s, skipping\n" % (e.strerror, config_file))
153 continue
154 if debug:
155 sys.stdout.write(
156 "D: Parsing Configuration File %s\n" % config_file)
157 try:
158 config.readfp(fd)
159 except ConfigParser.ParsingError as e:
160 sys.stderr.write("Error parsing config file:\n%s\n" % str(e))
161 sys.exit(1)
162 fd.close()
163 if fd is None:
164 sys.stderr.write(
165 "Error: Could not open any configfile, tried %s\n"
166 % (', '.join(config_files)))
167 sys.exit(1)
168 # only check for fqdn and incoming dir, rest have reasonable defaults
169 error = 0
170 for section in config.sections():
171 if config.get(section, 'method') == 'local':
172 config.set(section, 'fqdn', 'localhost')
173 if (
174 not config.has_option(section, 'fqdn') and
175 config.get(section, 'method') != 'local'):
176 sys.stderr.write(
177 "Config error: %s must have a fqdn set\n" % section)
178 error = 1
179 if not config.has_option(section, 'incoming'):
180 sys.stderr.write(
181 "Config error: %s must have an incoming directory set\n"
182 % section)
183 error = 1
184 if error:
185 sys.exit(1)
187 return config
190 hexStr = string.hexdigits
193 def hexify_string(string):
194 """ Convert a string of bytes to hexadecimal text representation. """
195 char = ''
196 ord_func = ord if isinstance(string, str) else int
197 for c in string:
198 char += hexStr[(ord_func(c) >> 4) & 0xF] + hexStr[ord_func(c) & 0xF]
199 return char
202 def checksum_test(filename, hash):
203 """ Generate a checksum for a file.
205 Currently supports md5, sha1. ripemd may come in the future.
208 try:
209 file_to_test = open(filename, 'rb')
210 except IOError:
211 sys.stdout.write("Can't open %s\n" % filename)
212 sys.exit(1)
214 if hash == 'md5':
215 hash_type = md5
216 else:
217 hash_type = sha1
219 check_obj = hash_type()
221 while 1:
222 data = file_to_test.read(65536)
223 if len(data) == 0:
224 break
225 check_obj.update(data)
227 file_to_test.close()
228 checksum = hexify_string(check_obj.digest())
230 return checksum
233 def check_signature(filename):
234 """ Verify the GnuPG signature on a file. """
235 gnupg_path = "/usr/bin/gpg"
236 if os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
237 if os.access(gnupg_path, os.X_OK):
238 gnupg_argv = [
239 gnupg_path,
240 "--status-fd", "1",
241 "--verify", "--batch", filename]
242 gnupg_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(
243 gnupg_argv, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
244 gnupg_output = gnupg_subprocess.stdout.read()
245 if gnupg_output.count('[GNUPG:] GOODSIG'):
246 sys.stdout.write("Good signature on %s.\n" % filename)
247 elif gnupg_output.count('[GNUPG:] BADSIG'):
248 sys.stdout.write("Bad signature on %s.\n" % filename)
249 sys.exit(1)
250 elif gnupg_output.count('[GNUPG:] ERRSIG'):
251 sys.stdout.write(
252 "Error verifying signature on %s.\n" % filename)
253 sys.exit(1)
254 elif gnupg_output.count('[GNUPG:] NODATA'):
255 sys.stdout.write("No signature on %s.\n" % filename)
256 sys.exit(1)
257 else:
258 sys.stdout.write(
259 "Error in finding signature verification status.\n")
260 else:
261 sys.stdout.write(
262 "Can't verify signature on %s without GnuPG\n" % filename)
263 sys.stdout.write(
264 "If you are still using PGP, please read this:\n"
265 "http://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/pgp2x.html\n")
266 sys.exit(1)
267 else:
268 sys.stdout.write("Can't read %s\n" % filename)
269 sys.exit(1)
272 def check_upload_variant(changes, debug):
273 """ Check if this is a binary_upload only or not. """
274 binary_upload = 0
275 if 'architecture' in changes:
276 arch = changes['architecture']
277 if debug:
278 sys.stdout.write("D: Architecture: %s\n" % arch)
279 if arch.find('source') < 0:
280 if debug:
281 sys.stdout.write("D: Doing a binary upload only.\n")
282 binary_upload = 1
283 return binary_upload
286 def verify_signature(
287 host, changes_file, dsc_file,
288 config, check_only, unsigned_upload, binary_upload, debug):
289 """ Check the signature on the two files given via function call.
291 :param host: Configuration host name.
292 :param changes_file: Filesystem path of upload control file.
293 :param dsc_file: Filesystem path of source control file.
294 :param config: `ConfigParser` instance for this application.
295 :param check_only: If true, no upload is requested.
296 :param unsigned_upload: If true, allow an unsigned upload.
297 :param binary_upload: If true, this upload excludes source.
298 :param debug: If true, enable debugging output.
299 :return: ``None``.
302 if debug:
303 sys.stdout.write("D: .changes-File: %s\n" % changes_file)
304 sys.stdout.write("D: .dsc-File: %s\n" % dsc_file)
305 if ((check_only or config.getboolean(host, 'allow_unsigned_uploads') == 0)
306 and not unsigned_upload):
307 sys.stdout.write("Checking signature on .changes\n")
308 check_signature(changes_file)
309 if not binary_upload:
310 sys.stdout.write("Checking signature on .dsc\n")
311 check_signature(dsc_file)
314 def source_check(changes, debug):
315 """ Check if a source tarball has to be included in the package or not. """
316 include_orig = include_tar = 0
317 if 'version' in changes:
318 version = changes['version']
319 if debug:
320 sys.stdout.write("D: Package Version: %s\n" % version)
321 # versions with a dash in them are for non-native only
322 if version.find('-') == -1:
323 # debian native
324 include_tar = 1
325 else:
326 if version.find(':') > 0:
327 if debug:
328 sys.stdout.write("D: Epoch found\n")
329 epoch, version = version.split(':', 1)
330 pos = version.rfind('-')
331 upstream_version = version[0:pos]
332 debian_version = version[pos + 1:]
333 if debug:
334 sys.stdout.write(
335 "D: Upstream Version: %s\n" % upstream_version)
336 sys.stdout.write("D: Debian Version: %s\n" % debian_version)
337 if (
338 debian_version == '0.1' or debian_version == '1'
339 or debian_version == '1.1'):
340 include_orig = 1
341 else:
342 include_tar = 1
343 return (include_orig, include_tar)
346 def verify_files(
347 path, filename, host,
348 config, check_only, check_version, unsigned_upload, debug):
349 """ Run some tests on the files to verify that they are in good shape.
351 :param path: Directory path of the upload control file.
352 :param filename: Filename of the upload control file.
353 :param host: Configuration host name.
354 :param config: `ConfigParser` instance for this application.
355 :param check_only: If true, no upload is requested.
356 :param check_version: If true, check the package version
357 before upload.
358 :param unsigned_upload: If true, allow an unsigned upload.
359 :param debug: If true, enable debugging output.
360 :return: A collection of filesystem paths of all files to upload.
363 file_seen = include_orig_tar_gz = include_tar_gz = binary_only = 0
364 files_to_upload = []
366 name_of_file = filename
368 change_file = os.path.join(path, name_of_file)
370 if debug:
371 sys.stdout.write(
372 "D: Validating contents of changes file %s\n" % change_file)
373 try:
374 chg_fd = open(change_file, 'r')
375 except IOError:
376 sys.stdout.write("Can't open %s\n" % change_file)
377 sys.exit(1)
378 changes = parse_changes(chg_fd)
379 chg_fd.close
381 # Find out if it's a binary only upload or not
382 binary_upload = check_upload_variant(changes, debug)
384 if binary_upload:
385 dsc_file = ''
386 else:
387 dsc_file = None
388 for file in changes['files'].strip().split('\n'):
389 # filename only
390 filename = file.split()[4]
391 if filename.find('.dsc') != -1:
392 if debug:
393 sys.stdout.write("D: dsc-File: %s\n" % filename)
394 dsc_file = os.path.join(path, filename)
395 if not dsc_file:
396 sys.stderr.write("Error: no dsc file found in sourceful upload\n")
397 sys.exit(1)
399 # Run the check to verify that the package has been tested.
400 try:
401 if config.getboolean(host, 'check_version') == 1 or check_version:
402 version_check(path, changes, debug)
403 except ConfigParser.NoSectionError as e:
404 sys.stderr.write("Error in config file:\n%s\n" % str(e))
405 sys.exit(1)
407 # Verify the signature of the maintainer
408 verify_signature(
409 host, change_file, dsc_file,
410 config, check_only, unsigned_upload, binary_upload, debug)
412 # Check the sources
413 (include_orig_tar_gz, include_tar_gz) = source_check(changes, debug)
415 # Check md5sum and the size
416 file_list = changes['files'].strip().split('\n')
417 hash_to_use = config.get('DEFAULT', 'hash')
418 for line in file_list:
419 (check_sum, size, section, priority, file) = line.split()
420 file_to_upload = os.path.join(path, file)
421 if debug:
422 sys.stdout.write("D: File to upload: %s\n" % file_to_upload)
423 if checksum_test(file_to_upload, hash_to_use) != check_sum:
424 if debug:
425 sys.stdout.write(
426 "D: Checksum from .changes: %s\n" % check_sum)
427 sys.stdout.write(
428 "D: Generated Checksum: %s\n" %
429 checksum_test(file_to_upload, hash_to_use))
430 sys.stdout.write(
431 "Checksum doesn't match for %s\n" % file_to_upload)
432 sys.exit(1)
433 else:
434 if debug:
435 sys.stdout.write(
436 "D: Checksum for %s is fine\n" % file_to_upload)
437 if os.stat(file_to_upload)[stat.ST_SIZE] != int(size):
438 if debug:
439 sys.stdout.write("D: size from .changes: %s\n" % size)
440 sys.stdout.write(
441 "D: calculated size: %s\n"
442 % os.stat(file_to_upload)[stat.ST_SIZE])
443 sys.stdout.write(
444 "size doesn't match for %s\n" % file_to_upload)
446 files_to_upload.append(file_to_upload)
448 # Check filenames
449 for file in files_to_upload:
450 if file[-12:] == '.orig.tar.gz' and not include_orig_tar_gz:
451 if debug:
452 sys.stdout.write("D: Filename: %s\n" % file)
453 sys.stdout.write("D: Suffix: %s\n\n" % file[-12:])
454 sys.stdout.write(
455 "Package includes an .orig.tar.gz file although"
456 " the debian revision suggests\n"
457 "that it might not be required."
458 " Multiple uploads of the .orig.tar.gz may be\n"
459 "rejected by the upload queue management software.\n")
460 elif (
461 file[-7:] == '.tar.gz' and not include_tar_gz
462 and not include_orig_tar_gz):
463 if debug:
464 sys.stdout.write("D: Filename: %s\n" % file)
465 sys.stdout.write("D: Suffix: %s\n" % file[-7:])
466 sys.stdout.write(
467 "Package includes a .tar.gz file although"
468 " the version suggests that it might\n"
469 "not be required."
470 " Multiple uploads of the .tar.gz may be rejected by the\n"
471 "upload queue management software.\n")
473 distribution = changes.get('distribution')
474 allowed_distributions = config.get(host, 'allowed_distributions')
475 if distribution and allowed_distributions:
476 if debug:
477 sys.stdout.write(
478 "D: Checking: distribution %s matches %s\n"
479 % (distribution, allowed_distributions))
480 if not re.match(allowed_distributions, distribution):
481 raise dputhelper.DputUploadFatalException(
482 "Error: uploading files for distribution %s to %s"
483 " not allowed."
484 % (distribution, host))
486 if debug:
487 sys.stdout.write("D: File to upload: %s\n" % change_file)
488 files_to_upload.append(change_file)
490 return files_to_upload
493 def print_config(config, debug):
494 """ Print the configuration and exit. """
495 sys.stdout.write("\n")
496 config.write(sys.stdout)
497 sys.stdout.write("\n")
500 def create_upload_file(package, host, fqdn, path, files_to_upload, debug):
501 """ Write the log file for the upload.
503 :param package: File name of package to upload.
504 :param host: Configuration host name.
505 :param fqdn: Fully-qualified domain name of the remote host.
506 :param path: Filesystem path of the upload control file.
507 :param debug: If true, enable debugging output.
508 :return: ``None``.
510 The upload log file is named ‘basename.hostname.upload’, where
511 “basename” is the package file name without suffix, and
512 “hostname” is the name of the host as specified in the
513 configuration file.
515 For example, uploading ‘foo_1.2.3-1_xyz.deb’ to host ‘bar’
516 will be logged to ‘foo_1.2.3-1_xyz.bar.upload’.
518 The upload log file is written to the
519 directory containing the upload control file.
522 # only need first part
523 base = os.path.splitext(package)[0]
524 logfile_name = os.path.join(path, base + '.' + host + '.upload')
525 if debug:
526 sys.stdout.write("D: Writing logfile: %s\n" % logfile_name)
527 try:
528 if os.access(logfile_name, os.R_OK):
529 logfile_fd = open(logfile_name, 'a')
530 else:
531 logfile_fd = open(logfile_name, 'w')
532 except IOError:
533 sys.stderr.write("Could not write %s\n" % logfile_name)
534 sys.exit(1)
536 for file in files_to_upload:
537 entry_for_logfile = (
538 'Successfully uploaded ' + os.path.basename(file) +
539 ' to ' + fqdn + ' for ' + host + '.\n')
540 logfile_fd.write(entry_for_logfile)
541 logfile_fd.close()
544 def run_lintian_test(changes_file):
545 """ Run lintian on the changes file and stop if it finds errors. """
547 if os.access(changes_file, os.R_OK):
548 if os.access("/usr/bin/lintian", os.R_OK):
549 old_signal = signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
550 sys.stdout.write("Package is now being checked with lintian.\n")
551 if dputhelper.check_call(
552 ['lintian', '-i', changes_file]
553 ) != dputhelper.EXIT_STATUS_SUCCESS:
554 sys.stdout.write(
555 "\n"
556 "Lintian says this package is not compliant"
557 " with the current policy.\n"
558 "Please check the current policy and your package.\n"
559 "Also see lintian documentation about overrides.\n")
560 sys.exit(1)
561 else:
562 signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, old_signal)
563 return 0
564 else:
565 sys.stdout.write(
566 "lintian is not installed, skipping package test.\n")
567 else:
568 sys.stdout.write("Can't read %s\n" % changes_file)
569 sys.exit(1)
572 def guess_upload_host(path, filename, config):
573 """ Guess the host where the package should be uploaded to.
575 :param path: Directory path of the upload control file.
576 :param filename: Filename of the upload control file.
577 :param config: `ConfigParser` instance for this application.
578 :return: The hostname determined for this upload.
580 This is based on information from the upload control
581 (‘*.changes’) file.
584 non_us = 0
585 distribution = ""
586 dist_re = re.compile(r'^Distribution: (.*)')
588 name_of_file = filename
589 changes_file = os.path.join(path, name_of_file)
591 try:
592 changes_file_fd = open(changes_file, 'r')
593 except IOError:
594 sys.stdout.write("Can't open %s\n" % changes_file)
595 sys.exit(1)
596 lines = changes_file_fd.readlines()
597 for line in lines:
598 match = dist_re.search(line)
599 if match:
600 distribution = match.group(1)
602 # Try to guess a host based on the Distribution: field
603 if distribution:
604 for section in config.sections():
605 host_dists = config.get(section, 'distributions')
606 if not host_dists:
607 continue
608 for host_dist in host_dists.split(','):
609 if distribution == host_dist.strip():
610 if debug:
611 sys.stdout.write(
612 "D: guessing host %s"
613 " based on distribution %s\n"
614 % (section, host_dist))
615 return section
617 if len(config.get('DEFAULT', 'default_host_main')) != 0:
618 sys.stdout.write(
619 "Trying to upload package to %s\n"
620 % config.get('DEFAULT', 'default_host_main'))
621 return config.get('DEFAULT', 'default_host_main')
622 else:
623 sys.stdout.write(
624 "Trying to upload package to ftp-master"
625 " (ftp.upload.debian.org)\n")
626 return "ftp-master"
629 def dinstall_caller(filename, host, fqdn, login, incoming, debug):
630 """ Run ‘dinstall’ for the package on the remote host.
632 :param filename: Debian package filename to install.
633 :param host: Configuration host name.
634 :param fqdn: Fully-qualified domain name of the remote host.
635 :param login: Username for login to the remote host.
636 :param incoming: Filesystem path on remote host for incoming
637 packages.
638 :param debug: If true, enable debugging output.
639 :return: ``None``.
641 Run ‘dinstall’ on the remote host in test mode, and present
642 the output to the user.
644 This is so the user can see if the package would be installed
645 or not.
648 command = [
649 'ssh', '%s@%s' % (login, fqdn),
650 'cd', '%s' % incoming,
651 ';', 'dinstall', '-n', '%s' % filename]
652 if debug:
653 sys.stdout.write(
654 "D: Logging into %s@%s:%s\n" % (login, host, incoming))
655 sys.stdout.write("D: dinstall -n %s\n" % filename)
656 if dputhelper.check_call(command) != dputhelper.EXIT_STATUS_SUCCESS:
657 sys.stdout.write(
658 "Error occured while trying to connect, or while"
659 " attempting to run dinstall.\n")
660 sys.exit(1)
663 def version_check(path, changes, debug):
664 """ Check if the caller has installed the package also on his system.
666 This is for testing purposes before uploading it. If not, we
667 reject the upload.
670 files_to_check = []
672 # Get arch
673 dpkg_proc = subprocess.Popen(
674 'dpkg --print-architecture',
675 stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
676 shell=True, close_fds=True)
677 (dpkg_stdout, dpkg_stderr) = (dpkg_proc.stdout, dpkg_proc.stderr)
678 dpkg_architecture = dpkg_stdout.read().strip()
679 dpkg_stdout.close()
680 dpkg_stderr_output = dpkg_stderr.read()
681 dpkg_stderr.close()
682 if debug and dpkg_stderr_output:
683 sys.stdout.write(
684 "D: dpkg-architecture stderr output:"
685 " %r\n" % dpkg_stderr_output)
686 if debug:
687 sys.stdout.write(
688 "D: detected architecture: '%s'\n" % dpkg_architecture)
690 # Get filenames of deb files:
691 for file in changes['files'].strip().split('\n'):
692 filename = os.path.join(path, file.split()[4])
693 if filename.endswith('.deb'):
694 if debug:
695 sys.stdout.write("D: Debian Package: %s\n" % filename)
696 dpkg_proc = subprocess.Popen(
697 'dpkg --field %s' % filename,
698 stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
699 shell=True, close_fds=True)
700 (dpkg_stdout, dpkg_stderr) = (dpkg_proc.stdout, dpkg_proc.stderr)
701 dpkg_output = dpkg_stdout.read()
702 dpkg_stdout.close()
703 dpkg_fields = email.parser.HeaderParser().parsestr(dpkg_output)
704 dpkg_stderr_output = dpkg_stderr.read()
705 dpkg_stderr.close()
706 if debug and dpkg_stderr_output:
707 sys.stdout.write(
708 "D: dpkg stderr output:"
709 " %r\n" % dpkg_stderr_output)
710 if (
711 dpkg_architecture
712 and dpkg_fields['architecture'] not in [
713 'all', dpkg_architecture]):
714 if debug:
715 sys.stdout.write(
716 "D: not install-checking %s due to arch mismatch\n"
717 % filename)
718 else:
719 package_name = dpkg_fields['package']
720 version_number = dpkg_fields['version']
721 if debug:
722 sys.stdout.write(
723 "D: Package to Check: %s\n" % package_name)
724 if debug:
725 sys.stdout.write(
726 "D: Version to Check: %s\n" % version_number)
727 files_to_check.append((package_name, version_number))
729 for file, version_to_check in files_to_check:
730 if debug:
731 sys.stdout.write("D: Name of Package: %s\n" % file)
732 dpkg_proc = subprocess.Popen(
733 'dpkg -s %s' % file,
734 stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
735 shell=True, close_fds=True)
736 (dpkg_stdout, dpkg_stderr) = (dpkg_proc.stdout, dpkg_proc.stderr)
737 dpkg_output = dpkg_stdout.read()
738 dpkg_stdout.close()
739 dpkg_fields = email.parser.HeaderParser().parsestr(dpkg_output)
740 dpkg_stderr_output = dpkg_stderr.read()
741 dpkg_stderr.close()
742 if debug and dpkg_stderr_output:
743 sys.stdout.write(
744 "D: dpkg stderr output:"
745 " %r\n" % dpkg_stderr_output)
746 if 'version' in dpkg_fields:
747 installed_version = dpkg_fields['version']
748 if debug:
749 sys.stdout.write(
750 "D: Installed-Version: %s\n" % installed_version)
751 if debug:
752 sys.stdout.write(
753 "D: Check-Version: %s\n" % version_to_check)
754 if installed_version != version_to_check:
755 sys.stdout.write(
756 "Package to upload is not installed, but it appears"
757 " you have an older version installed.\n")
758 else:
759 sys.stdout.write(
760 "Uninstalled Package. Test it before uploading it.\n")
761 sys.exit(1)
764 def execute_command(command, type, debug=False):
765 """ Run a command that the user-defined in the config_file.
767 :param command: Command line to execute.
768 :param type: String specifying which type of command: 'pre' or 'post'.
769 :param debug: If true, enable debugging output.
770 :return: ``None``.
773 if debug:
774 sys.stdout.write("D: Command: %s\n" % command)
775 if subprocess.call(command, shell=True):
776 raise dputhelper.DputUploadFatalException(
777 "Error: %s upload command failed." % type)
780 def check_upload_logfile(
781 changes_file, host, fqdn,
782 check_only, call_lintian, force_upload, debug):
783 """ Check if the user already put this package on the specified host.
785 :param changes_file: Filesystem path of upload control file.
786 :param host: Configuration host name.
787 :param fqdn: Fully-qualified domain name of the remote host.
788 :param check_only: If true, no upload is requested.
789 :param call_lintian: If true, a Lintian invocation is requested.
790 :param force_upload: If true, don't check the upload log file.
791 :param debug: If true, enable debugging output.
792 :return: ``None``.
795 uploaded = 0
796 upload_logfile = changes_file[:-8] + '.' + host + '.upload'
797 if not check_only and not force_upload:
798 if not os.path.exists(upload_logfile):
799 return
800 try:
801 fd_logfile = open(upload_logfile)
802 except IOError:
803 sys.stdout.write("Couldn't open %s\n" % upload_logfile)
804 sys.exit(1)
805 for line in fd_logfile.readlines():
806 if line.find(fqdn) != -1:
807 uploaded = 1
808 if uploaded:
809 sys.stdout.write(
810 "Package has already been uploaded to %s on %s\n"
811 % (host, fqdn))
812 sys.stdout.write("Nothing more to do for %s\n" % changes_file)
813 sys.exit(0)
816 def make_usage_message():
817 """ Make the program usage help message. """
818 text = textwrap.dedent("""\
819 Usage: dput [options] [host] <package(s).changes>
820 Supported options (see man page for long forms):
821 -c: Config file to parse.
822 -d: Enable debug messages.
823 -D: Run dinstall after upload.
824 -e: Upload to a delayed queue. Takes an argument from 0 to 15.
825 -f: Force an upload.
826 -h: Display this help message.
827 -H: Display a list of hosts from the config file.
828 -l: Run lintian before upload.
829 -U: Do not write a .upload file after uploading.
830 -o: Only check the package.
831 -p: Print the configuration.
832 -P: Use passive mode for ftp uploads.
833 -s: Simulate the upload only.
834 -u: Don't check GnuPG signature.
835 -v: Display version information.
836 -V: Check the package version and then upload it.
837 """)
838 return text
841 def main():
842 """ Main function, no further comment needed. :) """
844 global debug
846 check_version = config_print = force_upload = 0
847 call_lintian = no_upload_log = config_host_list = 0
848 ftp_passive_mode = 0
849 preferred_host = ''
850 config_file = ''
851 dinstall = False
852 check_only = False
853 unsigned_upload = False
854 delay_upload = None
855 simulate = False
857 progname = dputhelper.get_progname()
858 version = dputhelper.get_distribution_version()
860 # Parse Command Line Options.
861 (opts, args) = dputhelper.getopt(
862 sys.argv[1:],
863 'c:dDe:fhHlUopPsuvV', [
864 'debug', 'dinstall', 'check-only',
865 'check-version', 'config=', 'force', 'help',
866 'host-list', 'lintian', 'no-upload-log',
867 'passive', 'print', 'simulate', 'unchecked',
868 'delayed=', 'version'])
869 for option, arg in opts:
870 if option in ('-h', '--help'):
871 sys.stdout.write(make_usage_message())
872 return
873 elif option in ('-v', '--version'):
874 sys.stdout.write("{progname} {version}\n".format(
875 progname=progname, version=version))
876 return
877 elif option in ('-d', '--debug'):
878 debug = 1
879 elif option in ('-D', '--dinstall'):
880 dinstall = True
881 elif option in ('-c', '--config'):
882 config_file = arg
883 elif option in ('-f', '--force'):
884 force_upload = 1
885 elif option in ('-H', '--host-list'):
886 config_host_list = 1
887 elif option in ('-l', '--lintian'):
888 call_lintian = 1
889 elif option in ('-U', '--no-upload-log'):
890 no_upload_log = 1
891 elif option in ('-o', '--check-only'):
892 check_only = True
893 elif option in ('-p', '--print'):
894 config_print = 1
895 elif option in ('-P', '--passive'):
896 ftp_passive_mode = 1
897 elif option in ('-s', '--simulate'):
898 simulate = True
899 elif option in ('-u', '--unchecked'):
900 unsigned_upload = True
901 elif option in ('-e', '--delayed'):
902 if arg in map(str, range(16)):
903 delay_upload = arg
904 else:
905 sys.stdout.write(
906 "Incorrect delayed argument,"
907 " dput only understands 0 to 15.\n")
908 sys.exit(1)
909 elif option in ('-V', '--check_version'):
910 check_version = 1
912 # Always print the version number in the debug output
913 # so that in case of bugreports, we know which version
914 # the user has installed
915 if debug:
916 sys.stdout.write(
917 "D: {progname} {version}\n".format(
918 progname=progname, version=version))
920 # Try to get the login from the enviroment
921 if 'USER' in os.environ:
922 login = os.environ['USER']
923 if debug:
924 sys.stdout.write("D: Login: %s\n" % login)
925 else:
926 sys.stdout.write("$USER not set, will use login information.\n")
927 # Else use the current username
928 login = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
929 if debug:
930 sys.stdout.write("D: User-ID: %s\n" % os.getuid())
931 sys.stdout.write("D: Login: %s\n" % login)
933 # Start Config File Parsing.
934 config = read_configs(config_file, debug)
936 if config_print:
937 print_config(config, debug)
938 sys.exit(0)
940 if config_host_list:
941 sys.stdout.write(
942 "\n"
943 "Default Method: %s\n"
944 "\n" % config.get('DEFAULT', 'method'))
945 for section in config.sections():
946 distributions = ""
947 if config.get(section, 'distributions'):
948 distributions = (
949 ", distributions: %s" %
950 config.get(section, 'distributions'))
951 sys.stdout.write(
952 "%s => %s (Upload method: %s%s)\n" % (
953 section,
954 config.get(section, 'fqdn'),
955 config.get(section, 'method'),
956 distributions))
957 sys.stdout.write("\n")
958 sys.exit(0)
960 # Process further command line options.
961 if len(args) == 0:
962 sys.stdout.write(
963 "No package or host has been provided, see dput -h\n")
964 sys.exit(0)
965 elif len(args) == 1 and not check_only:
966 package_to_upload = args[0:]
967 else:
968 if not check_only:
969 if debug:
970 sys.stdout.write(
971 "D: Checking if a host was named"
972 " on the command line.\n")
973 if config.has_section(args[0]):
974 if debug:
975 sys.stdout.write("D: Host %s found in config\n" % args[0])
976 # Host was also named, so only the rest will be a list
977 # of packages to upload.
978 preferred_host = args[0]
979 package_to_upload = args[1:]
980 elif (
981 not config.has_section(args[0])
982 and not args[0].endswith('.changes')):
983 sys.stderr.write("No host %s found in config\n" % args[0])
984 if args[0] == 'gluck_delayed':
985 sys.stderr.write("""
986 The delayed upload queue has been moved back to
987 ftp-master (aka ftp.upload.debian.org).
988 """)
989 sys.exit(1)
990 else:
991 if debug:
992 sys.stdout.write("D: No host named on command line.\n")
993 # Only packages have been named on the command line.
994 preferred_host = ''
995 package_to_upload = args[0:]
996 else:
997 if debug:
998 sys.stdout.write("D: Checking for the package name.\n")
999 if config.has_section(args[0]):
1000 sys.stdout.write("D: Host %s found in config.\n" % args[0])
1001 preferred_host = args[0]
1002 package_to_upload = args[1:]
1003 elif not config.has_section(args[0]):
1004 sys.stdout.write("D: No host %s found in config\n" % args[0])
1005 package_to_upload = args[0:]
1007 upload_methods = import_upload_functions()
1009 # Run the same checks for all packages that have been given on
1010 # the command line
1011 for package_name in package_to_upload:
1012 # Check that a .changes file was given on the command line
1013 # and no matching .upload file exists.
1014 if package_name[-8:] != '.changes':
1015 sys.stdout.write(
1016 "Not a .changes file.\n"
1017 "Please select a .changes file to upload.\n")
1018 sys.stdout.write("Tried to upload: %s\n" % package_name)
1019 sys.exit(1)
1021 # Construct the package name for further usage.
1022 path, name_of_package = os.path.split(package_name)
1023 if path == '':
1024 path = os.getcwd()
1026 # Define the host to upload to.
1027 if preferred_host == '':
1028 host = guess_upload_host(path, name_of_package, config)
1029 else:
1030 host = preferred_host
1031 if config.get(host, 'method') == 'local':
1032 fqdn = 'localhost'
1033 else:
1034 fqdn = config.get(host, 'fqdn')
1036 # Check if we already did this upload or not
1037 check_upload_logfile(
1038 package_name, host, fqdn,
1039 check_only, call_lintian, force_upload, debug)
1041 # Run the change file tests.
1042 files_to_upload = verify_files(
1043 path, name_of_package, host,
1044 config, check_only, check_version, unsigned_upload, debug)
1046 # Run the lintian test if the user asked us to do so.
1047 if (
1048 call_lintian or
1049 config.getboolean(host, 'run_lintian') == 1):
1050 run_lintian_test(os.path.join(path, name_of_package))
1051 elif check_only:
1052 sys.stdout.write(
1053 "Warning: The option -o does not automatically include \n"
1054 "a lintian run any more. Please use the option -ol if \n"
1055 "you want to include running lintian in your checking.\n")
1057 # don't upload, skip to the next item
1058 if check_only:
1059 sys.stdout.write("Package checked by dput.\n")
1060 continue
1062 # Pre-Upload Commands
1063 if len(config.get(host, 'pre_upload_command')) != 0:
1064 type = 'pre'
1065 command = config.get(host, 'pre_upload_command')
1066 execute_command(command, type, debug)
1068 # Check the upload methods that we have as default and per host
1069 if debug:
1070 sys.stdout.write(
1071 "D: Default Method: %s\n"
1072 % config.get('DEFAULT', 'method'))
1073 if config.get('DEFAULT', 'method') not in upload_methods:
1074 sys.stdout.write(
1075 "Unknown upload method: %s\n"
1076 % config.get('DEFAULT', 'method'))
1077 sys.exit(1)
1078 if debug:
1079 sys.stdout.write(
1080 "D: Host Method: %s\n" % config.get(host, 'method'))
1081 if config.get(host, 'method') not in upload_methods:
1082 sys.stdout.write(
1083 "Unknown upload method: %s\n"
1084 % config.get(host, 'method'))
1085 sys.exit(1)
1087 # Inspect the Config and set appropriate upload method
1088 if not config.get(host, 'method'):
1089 method = config.get('DEFAULT', 'method')
1090 else:
1091 method = config.get(host, 'method')
1093 # Check now the login and redefine it if needed
1094 if (
1095 len(config.get(host, 'login')) != 0 and
1096 config.get(host, 'login') != 'username'):
1097 login = config.get(host, 'login')
1098 if debug:
1099 sys.stdout.write(
1100 "D: Login %s from section %s used\n" % (login, host))
1101 elif (
1102 len(config.get('DEFAULT', 'login')) != 0 and
1103 config.get('DEFAULT', 'login') != 'username'):
1104 login = config.get('DEFAULT', 'login')
1105 if debug:
1106 sys.stdout.write("D: Default login %s used\n" % login)
1107 else:
1108 if debug:
1109 sys.stdout.write(
1110 "D: Neither host %s nor default login used. Using %s\n"
1111 % (host, login))
1113 incoming = config.get(host, 'incoming')
1115 # if delay_upload wasn't passed via -e/--delayed
1116 if delay_upload is None:
1117 delay_upload = config.get(host, 'delayed')
1118 if not delay_upload:
1119 delay_upload = config.get('DEFAULT', 'delayed')
1121 if delay_upload:
1122 if int(delay_upload) == 0:
1123 sys.stdout.write("Uploading to DELAYED/0-day.\n")
1124 if incoming[-1] == '/':
1125 first_char = ''
1126 else:
1127 first_char = '/'
1128 incoming += first_char + 'DELAYED/' + delay_upload + '-day'
1129 delayed = ' [DELAYED/' + delay_upload + ']'
1130 else:
1131 delayed = ''
1133 # Do the actual upload
1134 if not simulate:
1135 sys.stdout.write(
1136 "Uploading to %s%s (via %s to %s):\n"
1137 % (host, delayed, method, fqdn))
1138 if debug:
1139 sys.stdout.write("D: FQDN: %s\n" % fqdn)
1140 sys.stdout.write("D: Login: %s\n" % login)
1141 sys.stdout.write("D: Incoming: %s\n" % incoming)
1142 progress = config.getint(host, 'progress_indicator')
1143 if not os.isatty(1):
1144 progress = 0
1145 if method == 'ftp':
1146 if ':' in fqdn:
1147 fqdn, port = fqdn.rsplit(":", 1)
1148 else:
1149 port = 21
1150 ftp_mode = config.getboolean(host, 'passive_ftp')
1151 if ftp_passive_mode == 1:
1152 ftp_mode = 1
1153 if debug:
1154 sys.stdout.write("D: FTP port: %s\n" % port)
1155 if ftp_mode == 1:
1156 sys.stdout.write("D: Using passive ftp\n")
1157 else:
1158 sys.stdout.write("D: Using active ftp\n")
1159 upload_methods[method](
1160 fqdn, login, incoming,
1161 files_to_upload, debug, ftp_mode,
1162 progress=progress, port=port)
1163 elif method == 'scp':
1164 if debug and config.getboolean(host, 'scp_compress'):
1165 sys.stdout.write("D: Setting compression for scp\n")
1166 scp_compress = config.getboolean(host, 'scp_compress')
1167 ssh_config_options = [
1168 y for y in (
1169 x.strip() for x in
1170 config.get(host, 'ssh_config_options').split('\n'))
1171 if y]
1172 if debug:
1173 sys.stdout.write(
1174 "D: ssh config options:"
1175 "\n "
1176 + "\n ".join(ssh_config_options)
1177 + "\n")
1178 upload_methods[method](
1179 fqdn, login, incoming,
1180 files_to_upload, debug, scp_compress,
1181 ssh_config_options)
1182 else:
1183 upload_methods[method](
1184 fqdn, login, incoming,
1185 files_to_upload, debug, 0, progress=progress)
1186 # Or just simulate it.
1187 else:
1188 for file in files_to_upload:
1189 sys.stdout.write(
1190 "Uploading with %s: %s to %s:%s\n"
1191 % (method, file, fqdn, incoming))
1193 # Create the logfile after the package has
1194 # been put into the archive.
1195 if not simulate:
1196 if not no_upload_log:
1197 create_upload_file(
1198 name_of_package, host, fqdn, path,
1199 files_to_upload, debug)
1200 sys.stdout.write("Successfully uploaded packages.\n")
1201 else:
1202 sys.stdout.write("Simulated upload.\n")
1204 # Run dinstall if the user asked us to do so.
1205 if debug:
1206 sys.stdout.write("D: dinstall: %s\n" % dinstall)
1207 sys.stdout.write(
1208 "D: Host Config: %s\n"
1209 % config.getboolean(host, 'run_dinstall'))
1210 if config.getboolean(host, 'run_dinstall') == 1 or dinstall:
1211 if not simulate:
1212 dinstall_caller(
1213 name_of_package, host, fqdn, login, incoming, debug)
1214 else:
1215 sys.stdout.write("Will run dinstall now.\n")
1217 # Post-Upload Command
1218 if len(config.get(host, 'post_upload_command')) != 0:
1219 type = 'post'
1220 command = config.get(host, 'post_upload_command')
1221 execute_command(command, type, debug)
1223 return
1226 if __name__ == '__main__':
1227 try:
1228 main()
1229 except KeyboardInterrupt:
1230 sys.stdout.write("Exiting due to user interrupt.\n")
1231 sys.exit(1)
1232 except dputhelper.DputException as e:
1233 sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % e)
1234 sys.exit(1)
1237 # Local variables:
1238 # coding: utf-8
1239 # mode: python
1240 # End:
1241 # vim: fileencoding=utf-8 filetype=python :