Support multiple animations
[dormin.git] /
1 type cmd = | Char of char | Draw;;
2 type func = cmd -> func_ret
3 and helpfunc = (unit -> (string * string * string) list)
4 and func_ret = Func of (func * helpfunc)
6 let nmo_name = ref None
7 let anb_names = ref []
8 let skb_name = ref None
9 let mipmaps = ref false
10 let slerp_step = ref 1.0
12 type view =
13 { mutable w : int
14 ; mutable h : int
15 ; mutable rotx : float
16 ; mutable roty : float
17 ; mutable rotz : float
18 ; mutable zoom : float
19 ; mutable center : (float * float * float)
20 ; mutable radial_scale : float
21 ; mutable func : func list
22 ; mutable helpfunc : helpfunc list
23 ; mutable persp : bool
24 ; mutable last_time : float
25 ; mutable animated : bool
26 ; mutable dumpchan : out_channel Lazy.t
27 ; mutable dodump : bool
28 ; mutable aincr : float
29 ; mutable roteye: bool
30 ; mutable sphere : bool
31 ; mutable help : bool
32 ; mutable x : int
33 ; mutable y : int
34 ; mutable mtype : [`none|`zoom|`rotate|`move]
35 ; mutable transl : (float * float * float)
36 ; mutable alpha : float
37 ; mutable ambient : float
38 ; mutable diffuse : float
41 let view =
42 { w = 0; h = 0
43 ; rotx = 0.0; roty = 0.0; rotz = 0.0
44 ; center = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
45 ; radial_scale = 0.0
46 ; zoom = 1.0
47 ; func = []
48 ; helpfunc = []
49 ; persp = true
50 ; last_time = 0.0
51 ; animated = false
52 ; dumpchan = lazy (open_out_bin "dump.rgb")
53 ; dodump = false
54 ; aincr = 3.0
55 ; roteye = true
56 ; sphere = false
57 ; help = false
58 ; x = 0
59 ; y = 0
60 ; mtype = `none
61 ; transl = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
62 ; alpha = 0.04
63 ; ambient = 1.3
64 ; diffuse = 0.5
68 let deg2rad deg = deg /. 180.0 *. acos ~-.1.;;
70 let center_and_radial_scale (minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz) =
71 let xc = (maxx +. minx) /. 2.0 in
72 let yc = (maxy +. miny) /. 2.0 in
73 let zc = (maxz +. minz) /. 2.0 in
74 let rs =
75 let rs = maxx -. minx in
76 let rs = max rs (maxy -. miny) in
77 let rs = max rs (maxz -. minz) in
80 if false
81 then (
82 Format.eprintf "x (% f, % f)@." minx maxx;
83 Format.eprintf "y (% f, % f)@." miny maxy;
84 Format.eprintf "z (% f, % f)@." minz maxz;
85 Format.eprintf "c (% f, % f, % f)@." xc yc zc;
86 Format.eprintf "rs %f@." rs;
88 ((xc, yc, zc), rs)
91 let help () =
92 let font = Glut.BITMAP_HELVETICA_18 in
93 let draw_string x y s =
94 GlPix.raster_pos ~x ~y ();
95 String.iter (fun c -> Glut.bitmapCharacter ~font ~c:(Char.code c)) s
97 GlMat.mode `projection;
98 GlMat.push ();
99 GlMat.load_identity ();
100 GlMat.mode `modelview;
101 GlMat.push ();
102 GlMat.load_identity ();
103 GlMat.ortho
104 ~x:(0.0, float view.w)
105 ~y:(0.0, float view.h)
106 ~z:(-1., 1.)
109 Gl.disable `depth_test;
110 Gl.disable `alpha_test;
112 GlDraw.polygon_mode `both `fill;
113 Gl.enable `blend;
114 GlFunc.blend_func `src_alpha `one_minus_src_alpha;
115 GlDraw.color (0., 0., 0.) ~alpha:0.3;
116 GlDraw.rect (0., 0.) (float view.w, float view.h);
117 Gl.disable `blend;
119 GlDraw.color (1., 1., 1.);
120 let rec loop row = function
121 | [] -> ()
122 | (s, s2, s3) :: rest ->
123 let y = view.h - row * 18 - 2 in
124 let x = if row = 1 then 0.0 else 5.0 in
125 draw_string (x+.5.0) (float y) s;
126 draw_string (x+.105.0) (float y) s2;
127 draw_string (x+.345.0) (float y) s3;
128 loop (row+1) rest
130 let help =
131 let onoff b = if b then "on" else "off" in
132 let angles =
133 Printf.sprintf "% f, % f, % f" view.rotx view.roty view.rotz
135 [("Keys (h toggles this screen):", "", "")
136 ;"e", "toggle eye/model rotation", if view.roteye then "eye" else "model"
137 ;"a", "toggle animation", onoff view.animated
138 ;"o", "toggle bounding sphere", onoff view.sphere
139 ;"d", "dump images to dump.rgb", onoff view.dodump
140 ;"q, ESC", "quit", ""
141 ;"z,x,arrows", "rotate", angles
142 ;"0,9", "zoom", Printf.sprintf "%f" view.zoom
143 ;"1,2", "go to first/last pose", ""
144 ;"< , >", "decrease/increase alpha", Printf.sprintf "%1.2f" view.alpha
145 ;"[ , ]", "decrease/increase slerp step", Printf.sprintf "%2.1f" !slerp_step
146 ;"3,4", "decrease/increase ambient", Printf.sprintf "%2.1f" view.ambient
147 ;"5,6", "decrease/increase diffuse", Printf.sprintf "%2.1f" view.diffuse
148 ;"","",""
151 let help =
152 List.fold_left (fun accu hf -> accu @ hf ()) help view.helpfunc
154 loop 1
155 (help @
156 ["", "", ""
157 ;"Move mouse while holding left button pressed to rotate model", "", ""
158 ;"Move mouse while holding right button pressed to zoom", "", ""
159 ;"Move mouse while holding left button and shift pressed to move model", "", ""
160 ;"",
161 (let tx, ty, tz = view.transl in
162 Printf.sprintf "translation % f, % f, % f" tx ty tz),
167 Gl.enable `depth_test;
168 Gl.enable `alpha_test;
169 GlMat.pop ();
170 GlMat.mode `projection;
171 GlMat.pop ();
174 let display () =
175 GlClear.color (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) ~alpha:1.0;
176 GlClear.clear [`color; `depth];
177 GlDraw.color (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
178 GlFunc.alpha_func `greater view.alpha;
180 if view.sphere then (
181 let cx, cy, cz = in
182 let cx = and cy = and cz = in
183 GlDraw.line_width 1.0;
184 GlMat.mode `modelview;
185 GlMat.push ();
186 GlMat.translate3 (cx, cy, cz);
187 GlDraw.polygon_mode `back `line;
188 GlDraw.polygon_mode `front `line;
189 Gl.disable `texture_2d;
190 GluQuadric.sphere ~radius:(0.7*.view.radial_scale) ~stacks:25 ~slices:25 ();
191 GlMat.pop ();
194 List.iter (fun f -> ignore (f Draw)) view.func;
195 if then help ();
196 Glut.swapBuffers ();
198 if view.dodump then (
199 let pix = 0 0 view.w view.h `rgb `ubyte in
200 let raw = GlPix.to_raw pix in
201 let pitch = view.w * 3 in
202 let size = view.h * pitch in
203 let s = Raw.gets_string raw 0 size in
204 let dc = Lazy.force view.dumpchan in
205 let rec loop pos =
206 let pos = pos - pitch in
207 if pos < 0 then ()
208 else (
209 output dc s pos pitch;
210 loop pos
213 loop size;
217 let get_eye_and_up () =
218 if not view.roteye
219 then
220 (0.0, 0.0, 2.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
221 else
222 let q =
223 let rx = deg2rad view.rotx
224 and ry = deg2rad view.roty
225 and rz = deg2rad view.rotz in
226 Qtr.from_euler rz ~-.ry rx
228 let v = Qtr.apply q (Vec.make 0.0 0.0 2.0) in
229 let u = Qtr.apply q (Vec.make 0.0 1.0 0.0) in
230 Vec.elts v, Vec.elts u
233 let setup w h =
234 view.w <- w;
235 view.h <- h;
236 GlDraw.viewport 0 0 w h;
238 let rs = view.zoom /. view.radial_scale in
240 GlMat.mode `projection;
241 GlMat.load_identity ();
242 GlMat.translate3 view.transl;
243 GluMat.perspective
244 ~fovy:45.0
245 ~aspect:(float w /. float h)
246 ~z:(0.1, 10.)
249 GlMat.mode `modelview;
250 GlMat.load_identity ();
252 let eye, up = get_eye_and_up () in
253 GluMat.look_at
254 ~eye
255 ~center:(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
259 if not view.roteye then (
260 GlMat.rotate ~angle:view.rotx ~x:1.0 ();
261 GlMat.rotate ~angle:view.roty ~y:~-.1.0 ();
262 GlMat.rotate ~angle:view.rotz ~z:1.0 ();
265 GlMat.scale3 (, rs, rs);
266 GlMat.translate3;
269 let reshape ~w ~h =
270 setup w h;
273 let allfunc cmd =
274 let f, h =
275 List.split (
276 (fun f -> let Func (fr, hf) = f cmd in fr, hf) view.func
279 view.func <- f;
280 view.helpfunc <-h;
283 let idle () =
284 let deadline = view.last_time +. 0.04 in
285 let currtime = Unix.gettimeofday () in
286 if deadline > currtime
287 then
288 let _ = [] [] [] (deadline -. currtime) in
289 view.last_time <- Unix.gettimeofday ()
290 else
291 view.last_time <- view.last_time +. 0.04
293 allfunc (Char 'n');
294 Glut.postRedisplay ();
297 let keyboard ~key ~x ~y =
298 begin match Char.chr key with
299 | '\027' | 'q' -> exit 0
300 | '9' -> view.zoom <- view.zoom +. 0.05
301 | '0' -> view.zoom <- view.zoom -. 0.05
302 | 'z' -> view.roty <- view.roty +. view.aincr
303 | 'x' -> view.roty <- view.roty -. view.aincr
304 | 'd' -> view.dodump <- not view.dodump
305 | 'e' -> view.roteye <- not view.roteye
306 | 'o' -> view.sphere <- not view.sphere;
307 | 'h' -> <- not
308 | 'a' ->
309 if view.animated
310 then (
311 view.animated <- false;
312 Glut.idleFunc None
314 else (
315 view.animated <- true; view.
316 last_time <- Unix.gettimeofday ();
317 Glut.idleFunc (Some idle)
319 | 'f' | 'b' when not view.animated -> allfunc (Char (Char.chr key))
320 | '<' -> view.alpha <- max (view.alpha -. 0.01) 0.0;
321 | '>' -> view.alpha <- min (view.alpha +. 0.01) 1.0;
322 | '[' -> slerp_step := max (!slerp_step -. 0.1) 0.0;
323 | ']' -> slerp_step := min (!slerp_step +. 0.1) 1.0;
324 | '3' -> view.ambient <- view.ambient -. 0.1;
325 | '4' -> view.ambient <- view.ambient +. 0.1;
326 | '5' -> view.diffuse <- view.diffuse -. 0.1;
327 | '6' -> view.diffuse <- view.diffuse +. 0.1;
328 | c -> allfunc (Char c)
329 end;
330 setup view.w view.h;
331 Glut.postRedisplay ();
334 let special ~key ~x ~y =
335 begin match key with
336 | Glut.KEY_LEFT -> view.rotz <- view.rotz +. view.aincr
337 | Glut.KEY_RIGHT -> view.rotz <- view.rotz -. view.aincr
338 | Glut.KEY_UP -> view.rotx <- view.rotx -. view.aincr
339 | Glut.KEY_DOWN -> view.rotx <- view.rotx +. view.aincr
340 | _ -> ()
341 end;
342 setup view.w view.h;
343 Glut.postRedisplay ();
346 let motion ~x ~y =
347 let dx = (x - view.x) in
348 let dy = (y - view.y) in
349 view.x <- x;
350 view.y <- y;
351 match view.mtype with
352 | `move ->
353 let x, y, z = view.transl in
354 let dx = float dx /. 100.0
355 and dy = float dy /. 100.0 in
356 view.transl <- (x +. dx, y -. dy, z);
357 setup view.w view.h;
358 Glut.postRedisplay ();
359 | `rotate ->
360 view.rotx <- view.rotx +. float dy;
361 view.roty <- view.roty -. float dx;
362 setup view.w view.h;
363 Glut.postRedisplay ();
364 | `zoom ->
365 view.zoom <- view.zoom +. (float dy /. 50.);
366 setup view.w view.h;
367 Glut.postRedisplay ();
368 | `none ->
372 let mouse ~button ~state ~x ~y =
373 if button = Glut.LEFT_BUTTON
374 then (
375 if state = Glut.DOWN
376 then (
377 view.x <- x;
378 view.y <- y;
379 view.mtype <-
380 if Glut.getModifiers () = Glut.active_shift
381 then `move else `rotate;
383 else view.mtype <- `none;
385 else if button = Glut.RIGHT_BUTTON
386 then (
387 if state = Glut.DOWN
388 then (
389 view.x <- x;
390 view.y <- y;
391 view.mtype <- `zoom;
393 else view.mtype <- `none;
397 let main () =
398 let w = 704
399 and h = 576 in
400 let _ = Glut.init Sys.argv in
401 let () = Glut.initDisplayMode ~depth:true ~double_buffer:true () in
402 let () = Glut.initWindowSize w h in
403 let _ = Glut.createWindow "rend (press 'h' to get help)" in
404 Gl.enable `depth_test;
405 Gl.enable `alpha_test;
406 let () = Glut.displayFunc display in
407 let () = Glut.reshapeFunc reshape in
408 let () = Glut.keyboardFunc keyboard in
409 let () = Glut.specialFunc special in
410 let () = Glut.mouseFunc mouse in
411 let () = Glut.motionFunc motion in
412 allfunc (Char '\000');
413 let () = Glut.mainLoop () in
417 let add_func func =
418 view.func <- func :: view.func;
421 let init minmax =
422 let (cx, cy, cz), rs = center_and_radial_scale minmax in
423 <- (,,;
424 view.radial_scale <- rs;
427 let _ =
428 let setsome r s = r := Some s in
429 let spec =
430 ["-slice", Arg.String Slice.openslice, "<path> of file to slice data to"
431 ;"-index", Arg.Set_string Xff.index_path, "<path> of index"
432 ;"-base", Arg.String (setsome Xff.base_path), "<directory> base"
433 ;"-sstep", Arg.Set_float slerp_step, "<float> slerp step"
434 ;("-skb", Arg.String (setsome skb_name),
435 "<name> use specified skb instead of guessing")
436 ;"-mipmaps", Arg.Set mipmaps, " use mipmaps"
439 Arg.parse (Arg.align spec)
440 (fun s ->
441 if !nmo_name != None
442 then anb_names := s :: !anb_names
443 else nmo_name := Some s;
445 "Usage: dormin [options] model.nmo [animation.anb ...]"