Misc refactoring
[dormin.git] / xff.ml
1 type offsets =
2 { off1 : int
3 ; symstrpos : int
4 ; symstr : int
5 ; sec : int
6 ; sym : int
7 ; off2 : int
8 ; secstrpos : int
9 ; secstr : int
12 type section =
13 { name : string
14 ; len : int
15 ; off : int
18 type xff =
19 { size : int
20 ; entry : int
21 ; offsets : offsets
22 ; sections : section array
25 let sbufplus sbuf pos =
26 let s, pos' = sbuf in
27 s, pos' + pos
30 let sbufpos (_, pos) = pos;;
32 let sbufblt sbuf ~src_pos ~dst ~dst_pos ~len =
33 let (src, pos) = sbuf in
34 let src_pos = src_pos + pos in
35 StringLabels.blit
36 ~src
37 ~dst
38 ~src_pos
39 ~dst_pos
40 ~len
43 let sbuferr sbuf pos msg =
44 let p = sbufpos sbuf in
45 let s = Printf.sprintf "%08x(%08x): %s" p (p+pos) msg in
46 failwith s
49 let r32 sbuf pos =
50 let s, pos1 = sbuf in
51 let rb pos2 = Char.code (String.get s (pos + pos1 + pos2)) in
52 let w0 = (rb 0) lor ((rb 1) lsl 8)
53 and w1 = (rb 2) lor ((rb 3) lsl 8) in
54 let u = Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int w1) 16
55 and l = Int32.of_int w0 in
56 Int32.logor u l
59 let r16 sbuf pos =
60 let s, pos1 = sbuf in
61 let rb pos2 = Char.code (String.get s (pos + pos1 + pos2)) in
62 (rb 0) lor ((rb 1) lsl 8)
65 let r16s sbuf pos =
66 let v = r16 sbuf pos in
67 v - ((v land 0x8000) lsl 1)
70 let rchar sbuf pos =
71 let s, pos1 = sbuf in
72 String.get s (pos + pos1)
75 let r8 sbuf pos =
76 let s, pos1 = sbuf in
77 Char.code (String.get s (pos + pos1))
80 let rint sbuf pos =
81 let i32 = r32 sbuf pos in
82 Int32.to_int i32
85 let rfloat sbuf pos =
86 let i32 = r32 sbuf pos in
87 Int32.float_of_bits i32
90 let checkc sbuf n c =
91 let s, pos = sbuf in
92 let c' = String.get s (pos+n) in
93 c' = c
96 let check32 sbuf n i32 =
97 let i32' = r32 sbuf (n*4) in
98 i32' = i32
101 let checklist cf sbuf l =
102 let rec f n = function
103 | [] -> true
104 | e :: rest when cf sbuf n e -> f (n+1) rest
105 | _ -> false
107 f 0 l
110 let checkstr cf sbuf s =
111 let l = String.length s in
112 let rec f = function
113 | 0 -> true
114 | n when cf sbuf (l-n) s.[l-n] -> f (n-1)
115 | _ -> false
120 let cmp sbuf = function
121 | `chars s -> checkstr checkc sbuf s
122 | `dwords l -> checklist check32 sbuf l
125 let rcstrtabent sbuf pos at =
126 let (src, pos1) = sbuf in
127 let begpos = pos1 + pos + at in
128 let endpos = String.index_from src begpos '\000' in
129 let len = endpos - begpos in
130 let dst = String.create len in
131 StringLabels.blit
132 ~src
133 ~dst
134 ~src_pos:begpos
135 ~dst_pos:0
136 ~len
141 let roffsets sbuf pos =
142 let ri n = rint sbuf (pos + n*4) in
143 { off1 = ri 0
144 ; symstrpos = ri 1
145 ; symstr = ri 2
146 ; sec = ri 3
147 ; sym = ri 4
148 ; off2 = ri 5
149 ; secstrpos = ri 6
150 ; secstr = ri 7
154 let rstrpos sbuf pos count =
155 let r n = rint sbuf (pos + n*4) in
156 Array.init count r
159 let rsection sbuf offs secstrpos index =
160 let secpos = offs.sec + index*8*4 in
161 let len = rint sbuf (secpos + 2*4)
162 and off = rint sbuf (secpos + 7*4)
163 and name = rcstrtabent sbuf offs.secstr (Array.get secstrpos index) in
164 { name = name
165 ; len = len
166 ; off = off
170 let rxff ic =
171 let s = String.create 0x50 in
172 let sbuf = (s, 0) in
173 let () = really_input ic s 0 0x50 in
174 let rc n = String.get s n in
176 if rc 0 <> 'x' || rc 1 <> 'f' || rc 2 <> 'f' ||
177 (let c = rc 3 in not (c == '2' || c == '\000'))
178 then
179 failwith "Not an xff"
182 let size = rint sbuf (5*4)
183 and entry = rint sbuf (19*4)
184 and seccount = rint sbuf (16*4) in
186 let sbuf =
187 let s' = String.create size in
188 let () = really_input ic s' 0x50 (size-0x50) in
189 StringLabels.blit
190 ~src:s
191 ~src_pos:0
192 ~dst:s'
193 ~dst_pos:0
194 ~len:0x50
196 (s', 0)
199 let offsets = roffsets sbuf 0x50 in
201 let secstrpos = rstrpos sbuf offsets.secstrpos seccount in
202 let sections = Array.init seccount (fun n -> rsection sbuf offsets secstrpos n) in
203 { size = size
204 ; entry = entry
205 ; offsets = offsets
206 ; sections = sections
207 }, sbuf
210 let test path =
211 let ic = open_in_bin path in
212 let r = rxff ic in
213 close_in ic;
217 let index_path = ref "index/index";;
218 let base_path = ref None;;
220 let index =
221 lazy
223 let ic = open_in_bin !index_path in
224 let l = input_value ic in
225 close_in ic;
230 let test2 name =
231 let (path, off, len) =
232 let rec find = function
233 | [] -> failwith ("can't find " ^ name)
234 | (path, h) :: rest ->
236 let off, len = Hashtbl.find h name in
237 path, off, len
238 with Not_found ->
239 find rest
241 find (Lazy.force index)
243 let path =
244 match !base_path with
245 | Some base -> Filename.concat base (Filename.basename path)
246 | None -> path
248 if false then Format.eprintf "%s %s %08x %d@." name path off len;
249 let ic = open_in_bin path in
250 seek_in ic off;
251 let (_, (s, _)) as r = rxff ic in
252 close_in ic;
253 Slice.add name s;