Use DokuWiki's own deprecation reporters
[dokuwiki.git] / .travis.yml
1 language: php
2 sudo: false
3 php:
4   - "nightly"
5   - "7.2"
6   - "7.1"
7   - "7.0"
8   - "5.6"
9 env:
11   - DISABLE_FUNCTIONS="gzopen"
12 matrix:
13   fast_finish: true
14   include:
15     - php: hhvm
16       sudo: true
17       dist: trusty
18       group: edge # until the next update
19       addons:
20         apt:
21           packages:
22             - mysql-server-5.6
23             - mysql-client-core-5.6
24             - mysql-client-5.6
25       services:
26         - mysql
27         - postgresql
28       env: DISABLE_FUNCTIONS=
29   allow_failures:
30     - php: "hhvm"
31     - php: "nightly"
32   exclude:
33     - php: "hhvm"
34       env: DISABLE_FUNCTIONS="gzopen"
35 notifications:
36   irc:
37     channels:
38         - ""
39     on_success: change
40     on_failure: change
41 install:
42   - wget -O ~/.phpenv/versions/hhvm/bin/phpunit
43   - chmod 755 ~/.phpenv/versions/hhvm/bin/phpunit
44 before_script:
45   # Disable the HHVM JIT for faster Unit Testing
46   - if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION = hhv* ]]; then echo 'hhvm.jit = 0' >> /etc/hhvm/php.ini; fi
47   - if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION != hhv* ]]; then test -z "$DISABLE_FUNCTIONS" || echo "disable_functions=$DISABLE_FUNCTIONS" >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/conf.d/travis.ini; fi
48   - cp _test/mysql.conf.php.dist _test/mysql.conf.php
49   - cp _test/pgsql.conf.php.dist _test/pgsql.conf.php
50 script: cd _test && phpunit --verbose --stderr