Merge pull request #4036 from dokuwiki/issue4033
[dokuwiki.git] / _test / vendor / composer / installed.json
2     "packages": [
3         {
4             "name": "scotteh/php-dom-wrapper",
5             "version": "2.0.3",
6             "version_normalized": "",
7             "source": {
8                 "type": "git",
9                 "url": "",
10                 "reference": "edf37231a9ee609ea947ffaa5ac342a372f18b29"
11             },
12             "dist": {
13                 "type": "zip",
14                 "url": "",
15                 "reference": "edf37231a9ee609ea947ffaa5ac342a372f18b29",
16                 "shasum": ""
17             },
18             "require": {
19                 "ext-libxml": "*",
20                 "ext-mbstring": "*",
21                 "lib-libxml": ">=2.7.7",
22                 "php": ">=7.1.0",
23                 "symfony/css-selector": "^4.0 || ^5.0 || ^6.0"
24             },
25             "require-dev": {
26                 "phpunit/phpunit": "^7.0 || ^8.0 || ^9.0"
27             },
28             "time": "2022-05-14T06:10:52+00:00",
29             "type": "library",
30             "extra": {
31                 "branch-alias": {
32                     "dev-master": "2.0-dev"
33                 }
34             },
35             "installation-source": "dist",
36             "autoload": {
37                 "psr-4": {
38                     "DOMWrap\\": "src/"
39                 }
40             },
41             "notification-url": "",
42             "license": [
43                 "BSD-3-Clause"
44             ],
45             "authors": [
46                 {
47                     "name": "Andrew Scott",
48                     "email": ""
49                 }
50             ],
51             "description": "Simple DOM wrapper to select nodes using either CSS or XPath expressions and manipulate results quickly and easily.",
52             "homepage": "",
53             "keywords": [
54                 "css",
55                 "dom",
56                 "html",
57                 "parser",
58                 "wrapper"
59             ],
60             "support": {
61                 "issues": "",
62                 "source": ""
63             },
64             "install-path": "../scotteh/php-dom-wrapper"
65         },
66         {
67             "name": "symfony/css-selector",
68             "version": "v4.4.44",
69             "version_normalized": "",
70             "source": {
71                 "type": "git",
72                 "url": "",
73                 "reference": "bd0a6737e48de45b4b0b7b6fc98c78404ddceaed"
74             },
75             "dist": {
76                 "type": "zip",
77                 "url": "",
78                 "reference": "bd0a6737e48de45b4b0b7b6fc98c78404ddceaed",
79                 "shasum": ""
80             },
81             "require": {
82                 "php": ">=7.1.3",
83                 "symfony/polyfill-php80": "^1.16"
84             },
85             "time": "2022-06-27T13:16:42+00:00",
86             "type": "library",
87             "installation-source": "dist",
88             "autoload": {
89                 "psr-4": {
90                     "Symfony\\Component\\CssSelector\\": ""
91                 },
92                 "exclude-from-classmap": [
93                     "/Tests/"
94                 ]
95             },
96             "notification-url": "",
97             "license": [
98                 "MIT"
99             ],
100             "authors": [
101                 {
102                     "name": "Fabien Potencier",
103                     "email": ""
104                 },
105                 {
106                     "name": "Jean-François Simon",
107                     "email": ""
108                 },
109                 {
110                     "name": "Symfony Community",
111                     "homepage": ""
112                 }
113             ],
114             "description": "Converts CSS selectors to XPath expressions",
115             "homepage": "",
116             "support": {
117                 "source": ""
118             },
119             "funding": [
120                 {
121                     "url": "",
122                     "type": "custom"
123                 },
124                 {
125                     "url": "",
126                     "type": "github"
127                 },
128                 {
129                     "url": "",
130                     "type": "tidelift"
131                 }
132             ],
133             "install-path": "../symfony/css-selector"
134         },
135         {
136             "name": "symfony/polyfill-php80",
137             "version": "v1.26.0",
138             "version_normalized": "",
139             "source": {
140                 "type": "git",
141                 "url": "",
142                 "reference": "cfa0ae98841b9e461207c13ab093d76b0fa7bace"
143             },
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146                 "url": "",
147                 "reference": "cfa0ae98841b9e461207c13ab093d76b0fa7bace",
148                 "shasum": ""
149             },
150             "require": {
151                 "php": ">=7.1"
152             },
153             "time": "2022-05-10T07:21:04+00:00",
154             "type": "library",
155             "extra": {
156                 "branch-alias": {
157                     "dev-main": "1.26-dev"
158                 },
159                 "thanks": {
160                     "name": "symfony/polyfill",
161                     "url": ""
162                 }
163             },
164             "installation-source": "dist",
165             "autoload": {
166                 "files": [
167                     "bootstrap.php"
168                 ],
169                 "psr-4": {
170                     "Symfony\\Polyfill\\Php80\\": ""
171                 },
172                 "classmap": [
173                     "Resources/stubs"
174                 ]
175             },
176             "notification-url": "",
177             "license": [
178                 "MIT"
179             ],
180             "authors": [
181                 {
182                     "name": "Ion Bazan",
183                     "email": ""
184                 },
185                 {
186                     "name": "Nicolas Grekas",
187                     "email": ""
188                 },
189                 {
190                     "name": "Symfony Community",
191                     "homepage": ""
192                 }
193             ],
194             "description": "Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 8.0+ features to lower PHP versions",
195             "homepage": "",
196             "keywords": [
197                 "compatibility",
198                 "polyfill",
199                 "portable",
200                 "shim"
201             ],
202             "support": {
203                 "source": ""
204             },
205             "funding": [
206                 {
207                     "url": "",
208                     "type": "custom"
209                 },
210                 {
211                     "url": "",
212                     "type": "github"
213                 },
214                 {
215                     "url": "",
216                     "type": "tidelift"
217                 }
218             ],
219             "install-path": "../symfony/polyfill-php80"
220         }
221     ],
222     "dev": true,
223     "dev-package-names": []