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[dokuwiki.git] / .travis.yml
1 language: php
2 sudo: false
3 php:
4   - "nightly"
5   - "7.3"
6   - "7.2"
7   - "7.1"
8   - "7.0"
9   - "5.6"
10 env:
12   - DISABLE_FUNCTIONS="gzopen"
13 matrix:
14   fast_finish: true
15   allow_failures:
16     - php: "nightly"
17 services:
18   - mysql
19   - postgresql
20 notifications:
21   irc:
22     channels:
23         - ""
24     on_success: change
25     on_failure: change
26 install:
27   - php _test/fetchphpunit.php
28 before_script:
29   - test -z "$DISABLE_FUNCTIONS" || echo "disable_functions=$DISABLE_FUNCTIONS" >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/conf.d/travis.ini
30   - cp _test/mysql.conf.php.dist _test/mysql.conf.php
31   - cp _test/pgsql.conf.php.dist _test/pgsql.conf.php
32   - ./_test/phpunit.phar --version
33 script:
34   - cd _test && ./phpunit.phar --verbose --stderr