1 # The following dictionary lists all names marked up as ``code`` in
2 # the rest documentation. It specifies how it should be marked up in
3 # LaTeX. Running mkpydoc.py writes missing entried into the
4 # 'missing.py' file, which should be used to update this specs:
21 'c_longlong': 'class',
22 'c_ulonglong': 'class',
31 'LibraryLoader': 'class',
34 'BigEndianStructure': 'class',
35 'BigEndianUnion': 'class',
36 'LittleEndianStructure': 'class',
37 'LittleEndianUnion': 'class',
60 # arguments (from inline code fragments)
77 'LoadLibrary': 'method',
80 'load_library': 'method',
81 'load_version': 'method',
83 'from_address': 'method',
84 'from_param': 'method',
87 '__getattr__': 'method',
88 '__getitem__': 'method',
97 '__ctype_be__': 'member',
98 '__ctype_le__': 'member',
99 '__ctypes_from_outparam__': 'member',
100 '_as_parameter_': 'member',
101 '_b_base_': 'member',
102 '_b_needsfree_': 'member',
106 '_objects': 'member',
110 'PyString_FromString': 'function',
111 'PyString_FromStringAndSize': 'function',
112 'PyUnicode_FromWideString': 'function',
114 'DllCanUnloadNow()': 'function',
115 'FormatError': 'function',
116 'GetLastError()': 'function',
118 'memmove': 'function',
119 'memset': 'function',
122 'CFUNCTYPE': 'function',
123 'WINFUNCTYPE': 'function',
126 'create_string_buffer()': 'function',
134 'c_int.__ctype_be__': 'code',
144 'WindowsError': 'class',