3 Here is the procedure for doing a new release of prest.
6 Make sure the program passes the regression tests.
8 To create a new release:
10 (1) Check everything into SVN (including the relevant parts
11 of the regression tests and/or documentation).
12 (2) Figure out what the new release version should be, where the
13 version number has at least two and up to three parts::
15 <major-revision>.<minor-revision>.<bug-fix>
17 (3) Write up a set of release notes that describe the new release at a
18 high level (e.g., "Fixes bug CDCpp19332") and add to the top of the
19 file ",ReleaseNotes" in the top-level prest directory so that the
20 release notes occur in reverse chronological order (most recent first)
21 in the file. Check in ",ReleaseNotes" using the high-level description
22 you just wrote as the CVS change log.
24 (4) Create a tags directory for the release. It is recommended to use
25 a "prest-" followed by two digits for each part of the revision
26 number with periods between; e.g., version 1.2.3 would use tag
29 svn cp <URL_ROOT>/trunk/prest <URL_ROOT>/tags/<tag>
31 where the ``<URL_ROOT>`` for docutils is ::
33 svn+ssh://<user>@svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/docutils
35 (5) Go to some scratch location for building the release (the build
36 directory) and delete the previous release (if present).
37 (6) Check out the release tag using the command ::
39 svn co <URL_ROOT>/tags/<tag>
41 (7) Change to the subdirectory <tag> and make sure the
46 in RELEASE has been updated to reflect to reflect the tags/<tag>
51 The prest executable figures out what its release number is by
52 the numbers in the subdirectory under the tags directory in its
53 path. If you do not check out one of the release tags, prest
54 will use "-unreleased-" as its version number.
56 (8) If a tarball is desired, create the tarball now, before
57 configuring and building anything.
59 (9) Build the prest executables and run the regression tests::
65 (10) Build the documentation::
68 (11) Install everything::
71 (12) Delete prest recursively from your build directory. ::
74 (13) Move any xswats fixed by the release to the "R" (resolved) state.