Fix #338: re.sub() flag argument at wrong position.
[docutils.git] / sandbox / paultremblay / other / complete_tei.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
2 <TEI xmlns="" version="5.0">
3 <!--
5 =================
6 Complete Examples
7 =================
9 Last updated: July 12, 2004
11 This XML document lists all examples of citations and references in TEI.
12 As a work in progress, it is not yet completed.
15 Status
16 ======
19 I have combed the 14th edition of *The Chicago Manual of Style* and the
20 3rd edition of the MLA handbook to get as many challenging examples as I cold.
21 I have not made it through either reference manual; I stopped with journals. I 
22 intend to add works when I have time.
24 Many citations for books and some journals have been entered. These categories
25 are covered:
27 * authors with pseudonyms.
28 * anonymous authors
29 * more than one author
30 * authors and editors, editors, compilers, and any of mix of these.
31 * author in the title (important for some types of reference systems).
32 * works that require the responsibility statement to be spelled out.
33 * republished books (I am to happy with how I have marked up these entries).
34 * multiple publishers.
35 * journals with continuous and non-contious pagination.
36 * articles published in journals in installments.
37 * articles first published in books.
44 -->
45   <teiHeader>
46     <fileDesc>
47       <titleStmt>
48         <title>Bibliographic Examples</title>
49       </titleStmt>
50       <publicationStmt>
51         <distributor>none</distributor>
52       </publicationStmt>
53       <sourceDesc>
54         <p>no source--a manuscript</p>
55       </sourceDesc>
56     </fileDesc>
57   </teiHeader>
58   <text>
59     <body>
60         <!--An example of a complete citation
61         I've dealt very little with citations, since most of this document contatins
62         references to works.-->
63       <p>
64         <cit>
65           <bibl>
67             <ref target="Eliot" type="bib"/>
68             <biblScope type="pageStart">99</biblScope>
69             <biblScope type="pageEnd">103</biblScope>
70           </bibl>
71           <bibl>
73             <ref target="EliotG" type="bib"/>
74             <biblScope type="page">127</biblScope>
75           </bibl>
76         </cit>
77       </p>
79       <!--This div element is optiona.
80       If an author used this element in this way, and if he had several works
81       with the same author, he would not have to enter the author each time.
82       Instead he could make a reference to the author here.-->
83       <div type="biblNames">
84         <listBibl>
85           <bibl id="eliot">
86             <persName>
87               <foreName>
88                 <name type="initial">T</name>Thomas</foreName>
89               <foreName>
90                 <name type="initial">S</name>Sterling</foreName>
91               <surname>Eliot</surname>
92             </persName>
93             <note type="desc">I included the optional first and middle name 
94                 along with the initials just for thoroghness. Processors
95                 can choose what to ignore. However, T.S. Eliot is really known
96                 by his initials, and  processor needs to know this information.
97                   </note>
98           </bibl>
99         </listBibl>
100       </div>
102       <div type="bibli">
103         <listBibl>
104           <biblStruct id="Eliot" rend="book">
105             <monogr>
106               <author>
107                 <link targets="eliot"/>
108               </author>
109               <title level="m">Four Quartets</title>
110               <imprint>
111                 <pubPlace>London</pubPlace>
112                 <publisher>Faber and Faber</publisher>
113                 <date value="1982-01-10">1944</date>
114               </imprint>
115             </monogr>
116             <note type="source">
117               <ref target="Chicago">530</ref>
118             </note>
119           </biblStruct>
121           <biblStruct id="Blackfoot" rend="book">
122             <monogr>
123               <author>
124                 <persName>
125                   <foreName>Emery</foreName>
126                   <surname>Blackfoot</surname>
127                 </persName>
128               </author>
129               <title level="m">Chance Encounters</title>
130               <imprint>
131                 <pubPlace>Boston</pubPlace>
132                 <publisher>Serendipity Press</publisher>
133                 <date>1987</date>
134               </imprint>
135             </monogr>
136             <note type="source">
137               <ref target="Chicago">531</ref>
138             </note>
139             <note type="desc">Simple one author entry</note>
140           </biblStruct>
142           <biblStruct id="Unwin" rend="book">
143             <monogr>
144               <author>
145                 <persName>
146                   <foreName>Liam</foreName>
147                   <foreName>
148                     <name type="initial">P</name>
149                   </foreName>
150                   <surname>Unwin</surname>
151                 </persName>
152               </author>
153               <author>
154                 <persName>
155                   <foreName>Joseph</foreName>
156                   <surname>Galloway</surname>
157                 </persName>
158               </author>
159               <title level="m">Peace in Ireland</title>
160               <imprint>
161                 <pubPlace>Boston</pubPlace>
162                 <publisher>Stronghope Press</publisher>
163                 <date>1990</date>
164               </imprint>
165             </monogr>
166             <note type="source">
167               <ref target="Chicago">531</ref>
168             </note>
169             <note type="desc">Simple entry with two authors.</note>
170           </biblStruct>
172           <biblStruct id="Adams" rend="book">
173             <monogr>
174               <author>
175                 <persName>
176                   <foreName>Henry</foreName>
177                   <surname>Adams</surname>
178                 </persName>
179               </author>
180               <title level="m">
181                 <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Education of Henry Adams: An Autobiography</title>
182                   <note type="authorInTitle"></note>
183               <imprint>
184                 <pubPlace>Boston</pubPlace>
185                 <publisher>Houghton Miffline</publisher>
186                 <date>1918</date>
187                 <biblScope type="pages">163-65</biblScope>
188               </imprint>
189             </monogr>
190             <note type="source">
191               <ref target="Chicago">532 (15.89)</ref>
192             </note>
193             <note type="desc">The author is in the tile of the work.</note>
194           </biblStruct>
196           <biblStruct id="Cline" rend="multivolume-book">
197             <monogr>
198               <author>
199                 <persName>
200                   <foreName>
201                     <name type="initial">C</name>
202                   </foreName>
203                   <foreName>
204                     <name type="initial">L</name>
205                   </foreName>
206                   <surname>Cline</surname>
207                 </persName>
208               </author>
209               <title level="m">
210                 <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Letters of
211                  George Meredith</title>
212               <imprint>
213                 <pubPlace>Oxford</pubPlace>
214                 <publisher>Clarendon Press</publisher>
215                 <date>1970</date>
216                 <biblScope type="pages">125</biblScope>
217               </imprint>
218               <extent><num>3</num>volumes</extent>
219             </monogr>
220             <series>
221             </series>
222             <note type="source">
223               <ref target="Chicago">533 (15.89)</ref>
224             </note>
225             <note type="desc">In this case, the editor would appear first
226                 because it is prominent.
227             </note>
228           </biblStruct>
230           <biblStruct id="Doe" rend="book">
231             <monogr>
232               <author>
233                 <persName type="anonymous">
234                   <foreName>Jane</foreName>
235                   <surname>Doe</surname>
236                 </persName>
237               </author>
238               <title level="m">
239                 <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Burden of Anonymity.</title>
240               <imprint>
241                 <pubPlace>Nowhere</pubPlace>
242                 <publisher>Nonesuch Press</publisher>
243                 <date>1948</date>
244               </imprint>
245             </monogr>
246             <note type="source">
247               <ref target="Chicago">533 (15.90)</ref>
248             </note>
249           </biblStruct>
251           <biblStruct id="EliotG" rend="book">
252             <monogr>
253               <author>
254                 <persName type="pseudonym">
255                   <foreName>George</foreName>
256                   <surname>Eliot</surname>
257                 </persName>
258               </author>
259               <title level="m">Middlemarch <title level="m">Norton Critical Editions</title>
260               </title>
261               <imprint>
262                 <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
263                 <publisher>W. W. Norton</publisher>
264                 <date>1977</date>
265               </imprint>
266             </monogr>
267             <note type="source">
268               <ref target="Chicago">534 (15.93)</ref>
269             </note>
270             <note type="desc">An author so-well known by her pseudonym that a 
271                 real name is not needed.</note>
272           </biblStruct>
275           <biblStruct id="LeCarr&#233;" rend="book">
276             <monogr>
277               <author>
278                 <persName type="pseudonym">
279                   <surname>Le Carr&#233;</surname>
280                   <foreName>John</foreName>
281                 </persName>
282                 <persName>
283                   <foreName>David John Moore</foreName>
284                   <surname>Cornwell</surname>
285                 </persName>
286               </author>
287               <title level="m">
288                 <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Quest for Karla</title>
289               <imprint>
290                 <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
291                 <publisher>Knopf</publisher>
292                 <date>1982</date>
293               </imprint>
294             </monogr>
295             <note type="source">
296               <ref target="Chicago">534 (19.93)</ref>
297             </note>
298             <note type="desc">An author with a real name and the pseudonym. </note>
299           </biblStruct>
301           <biblStruct id="Tortelli" rend="book">
302             <monogr>
303               <author>
304                 <persName>
305                   <foreName>Anthony</foreName>
306                   <foreName>
307                     <name type="initial">B</name>
308                   </foreName>
309                   <surname>Tortelli</surname>
310                 </persName>
311               </author>
312               <title level="m">Sociology Approaching the Twenty-first Century</title>
313               <imprint>
314                 <pubPlace>Los Angeles</pubPlace>
315                 <publisher>Peter and Sons</publisher>
316                 <date>1991</date>
317               </imprint>
318             </monogr>
319             <note type="source">
320               <ref target="Chicago">535 (15.96)</ref>
321             </note>
322           </biblStruct>
324           <biblStruct id="Gianakakos" rend="book">
325             <monogr>
326               <respStmt>
327                 <resp>translator</resp>
328                 <resp>
329                   <persName>
330                     <foreName>Peter</foreName>
331                     <surname>Gianakakos</surname>
332                   </persName>
333                   <persName>
334                     <foreName>William</foreName>
335                     <surname>Poweska</surname>
336                   </persName>
337                 </resp>
338               </respStmt>
339               <title level="m">Studies of Transformation in Eastern Europe</title>
340               <imprint>
341                 <pubPlace>Buffalo, N.Y.</pubPlace>
342                 <publisher>Touser and Blinken</publisher>
343                 <date>1991</date>
344               </imprint>
345             </monogr>
346             <note type="desc">Note that the persName must go in the resp element.
347                 This seems a bit awkward. The TEI webpage states that each respStmt
348                 element should have one resp element and one name element. However, 
349                 I want to list all names within the persName element for easy processing.
351                 I could use a link element and point to a name, as I did with T.S. 
352                 Eliot. Howevr, that might not really prove any clearer.
354             </note>
355           </biblStruct>
358           <biblStruct id="Santos" rend="book">
359             <monogr>
360               <respStmt>
361                 <resp>compiler</resp>
362                 <resp>
363                   <persName>
364                     <foreName>Santos</foreName>
365                     <surname>Manuel</surname>
366                   </persName>
367                 </resp>
368               </respStmt>
369               <title level="m">
370                 <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Collected works of Henrietta Kahn</title>
371               <imprint>
372                 <pubPlace>Boston</pubPlace>
373                 <publisher>I. J. Filbert</publisher>
374                 <date>1989</date>
375               </imprint>
376             </monogr>
377             <note type="source">
378               <ref target="Chicago">535 (15.96)</ref>
379             </note>
380             <note type="desc">The compiler takes the place of the author.</note>
381           </biblStruct>
383           <biblStruct id="Mill" rend="book">
384             <monogr>
385               <author>
386                 <persName>
387                   <foreName>John</foreName>
388                   <foreName>Stuart</foreName>
389                   <surname>Mill</surname>
390                 </persName>
391               </author>
392               <author>
393                 <persName>
394                   <foreName>John</foreName>
395                   <foreName>
396                     <name type="initial">M</name>
397                   </foreName>
398                   <surname>Robinson</surname>
399                 </persName>
400               </author>
401               <author>
402                 <persName>
403                   <foreName>Jack</foreName>
404                   <surname>Stillinger</surname>
405                 </persName>
406               </author>
407               <title level="m">Autobiography and Literary Essays</title>
408               <imprint>
409                 <pubPlace>Toronto</pubPlace>
410                 <publisher>University of Toronto Press</publisher>
411                 <date>1980</date>
412               </imprint>
413             </monogr>
414             <note type="source">
415               <ref target="Chicago">535 (15.97)</ref>
416             </note>
417             <note type="desc">Editors along with author. The author appears first.</note>
418           </biblStruct>
420           <biblStruct id="Cort&#225;" rend="book">
421             <monogr>
422               <author>
423                 <persName>
424                   <foreName>Julio</foreName>
425                   <surname>Cort&#225;</surname>
426                 </persName>
427               </author>
428               <respStmt>
429                 <resp>translator</resp>
430                 <resp>
431                   <persName>
432                     <foreName>Paul</foreName>
433                     <surname>Blackburn</surname>
434                   </persName>
435                 </resp>
436               </respStmt>
437               <title level="m">Cronopios and Famas</title>
438               <imprint>
439                 <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
440                 <publisher>Random House, Pantheon Books</publisher>
441                 <date>1969</date>
442               </imprint>
443             </monogr>
444             <note type="source">
445               <ref target="Chicago">535 (15.97)</ref>
446             </note>
447             <note type="desc">Tranlsator with author. Author appears first.</note>
448           </biblStruct>
450           <biblStruct id="Chaucer" rend="book">
451             <monogr>
452               <title level="m">Chaucer Life-Records</title>
453               <respStmt>
454                 <resp>edited by Martin M. Crow and Clair C.Olson from materials compiled by John M. Manly and Edith Rickert, witt he assistance of Lilian J. Redstone and others.</resp>
455                 <resp>
456                 </resp>
457               </respStmt>
458               <imprint>
459                 <pubPlace>London</pubPlace>
460                 <publisher>Oxford University Press</publisher>
461                 <date>1996</date>
462               </imprint>
463             </monogr>
464             <note type="source">
465               <ref target="Chicago">536 (15.98)</ref>
466             </note>
467             <note type="desc">The responisiblity material must be spelled out.
468                 The book appears first in the entry.</note>
469           </biblStruct>
471           <biblStruct id="EliotT2" rend="book">
472             <monogr>
473               <author>
474                 <link targets="eliot"/>
475               </author>
476               <author>
477                 <persName>
478                   <foreName>Ezra</foreName>
479                   <surname>Pound</surname>
480                 </persName>
481               </author>
482               <title level="m">Literary Essays</title>
483               <imprint>
484                 <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
485                 <publisher>New Directions</publisher>
486                 <date>1953</date>
487               </imprint>
488             </monogr>
489             <note type="source">
490               <ref target="Chicago">536 (15.99)</ref>
491             </note>
492             <note type="desc">The editor replaces the author in importance and so appears first.</note>
493           </biblStruct>
495           <biblStruct id="Nichols" rend="book">
496             <monogr>
497               <respStmt>
498                 <resp>editor and translator</resp>
499                 <resp>
500                   <persName>
501                     <foreName>Nichols</foreName>
502                     <foreName>
503                       <name type="initial">J</name>
504                     </foreName>
505                     <surname>Fred</surname>
506                   </persName>
507                 </resp>
508               </respStmt>
509               <title level="m">An Anthology of Neo-Latin Poetry</title>
510               <imprint>
511                 <pubPlace>New Haven</pubPlace>
512                 <publisher>Yale UP</publisher>
513                 <date>1979</date>
514               </imprint>
515             </monogr>
516             <note type="source">
517               <ref target="Gibaldi">95 (4.5.2)</ref>
518             </note>
519             <note type="desc">Example of an Anthology.</note>
520           </biblStruct>
522           <biblStruct id="Chicago" rend="book">
523             <monogr>
524               <title level="m">
525                 <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Chicago Manual of Style</title>
526               <edition>14th</edition>
527               <imprint>
528                 <pubPlace>Chicago</pubPlace>
529                 <publisher>The University of Chicago Press</publisher>
530                 <date value="1993-01-10">1993</date>
531               </imprint>
532             </monogr>
533           </biblStruct>
535           <biblStruct rend="book" id="Schweitzer">
536             <monogr>
537               <author>
538                 <persName>
539                   <foreName>Albert</foreName>
540                   <surname>Schweitzer</surname>
541                 </persName>
542               </author>
543               <respStmt>
544                 <resp>translator</resp>
545                 <resp>
546                   <persName>
547                     <foreName>Ernest</foreName>
548                     <surname>Newman</surname>
549                   </persName>
550                 </resp>
551               </respStmt>
552               <title level="m">J.S. Bach</title>
553               <imprint>
554                 <pubPlace/>
555                 <publisher/>
556                 <date>1911</date>
557               </imprint>
558             </monogr>
559             <monogr rend="reprint">
560               <imprint>
561                 <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
562                 <publisher>Dover Publication</publisher>
563                 <date>1966</date>
564               </imprint>
565             </monogr>
566             <note type="source">
567               <ref target="Chicago">562 (15.179)</ref>
568             </note>
569             <note type="desc">A reprinted book originally printed a long time ago.
570                 I must rely on the "rend" attribute. I would rather a better way.
572             </note>
573           </biblStruct>
575           <biblStruct id="Small" rend="book">
576             <monogr>
577               <author>
578                 <persName>
579                   <foreName>Robert</foreName>
580                   <surname>Small</surname>
581                 </persName>
582               </author>
583               <title level="m">
584                 <seg type="nonfiling">An </seg>Account of the Astronomical Discoveries of Kepler</title>
585               <imprint>
586                 <pubPlace/>
587                 <publisher/>
588                 <date>1804</date>
589               </imprint>
590             </monogr>
591             <monogr rend="reprint">
592               <note type="reprint">with a foreword by William D. Stahlman</note>
593               <imprint>
594                 <pubPlace>Madison</pubPlace>
595                 <publisher>University of Wisconsin Press</publisher>
596                 <date>1964</date>
597               </imprint>
598             </monogr>
599             <note type="source">
600               <ref target="Chicago">562 (15.180)</ref>
601             </note>
602             <note type="desc">A reprinted book originally printed a long time ago, with a new foreword.
603                 I had to use a note element with the type of repring. However, this work-around won't work.
604                 The MLA style would just need to know that a foreward has been added; it would not add 
605                 the "with a foreward" text.
606             </note>
607           </biblStruct>
609           <biblStruct id="Audsley" rend="multivolume-book">
610             <monogr>
611               <author>
612                 <persName>
613                   <foreName>George</foreName>
614                   <foreName>Ashdown</foreName>
615                   <surname>Audsley</surname>
616                 </persName>
617               </author>
618               <title level="m">The Art of Organ Building</title>
619               <imprint>
620                 <pubPlace/>
621                 <publisher/>
622                 <date>1905</date>
623                 <biblScope type="vols">2</biblScope>
624               </imprint>
625             </monogr>
626             <monogr rend="reprint">
627               <note type="reprint">2 vols. in 1</note>
628               <imprint>
629                 <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
630                 <publisher>Dover Publications</publisher>
631                 <date>1964</date>
632                 <biblScope type="vols">1</biblScope>
633               </imprint>
634             </monogr>
635             <note type="source">
636               <ref target="Chicago">562 (15.180)</ref>
637             </note>
638             <note type="desc">A reprinted book originally printed a long time ago, 
639                 which has been condensed to one volume.
640                 As in the previous entry, the way I entered this information is too weak.
641             </note>
642           </biblStruct>
644           <biblStruct id="Harris" rend="book">
645             <monogr>
646               <author>
647                 <persName>
648                   <foreName>Neil</foreName>
649                   <surname>Harris</surname>
650                 </persName>
651               </author>
652               <title level="m">
653                 <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Artist in American Society: The Formative Years, 1790-1860</title>
654               <imprint>
655                 <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
656                 <publisher>George Braziller</publisher>
657                 <date>1966</date>
658               </imprint>
659             </monogr>
660             <monogr rend="reprint">
661               <imprint>
662                 <pubPlace>Chicago</pubPlace>
663                 <publisher>Phoenix Books</publisher>
664                 <date>1982</date>
665               </imprint>
666             </monogr>
667             <note type="source">
668               <ref target="Chicago">562 (15.181)</ref>
669             </note>
670             <note type="desc">A book reprinted from one originally printed recently.</note>
671           </biblStruct>
673           <biblStruct id="WPA" rend="book">
674             <monogr>
675               <title level="m">New Jersey: A Guide to Its Past and Present</title>
676               <imprint>
677                 <pubPlace/>
678                 <publisher/>
679                 <date>1939</date>
680               </imprint>
681             </monogr>
682             <monogr rend="reprint">
683               <title level="m">
684                 <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>WPA Guide to 1930s New Jersey</title>
685               <imprint>
686                 <pubPlace>New Brunswick</pubPlace>
687                 <publisher>Rutgers UP</publisher>
688                 <date>1986</date>
689               </imprint>
690             </monogr>
691             <note type="source">
692               <ref type="Gibaldi">111 (4.5.14)</ref>
693             </note>
694             <note type="desc">Republished book with a changed title</note>
695           </biblStruct>
697           <biblStruct id="ALA" rend="book">
698             <monogr>
699                 <author>
700                     <orgName type="association">American Library Association</orgName>
701                 </author>
702               <title level="m">Intellectual Freedom Manual</title>
703               <edition>2nd</edition>
704               <imprint>
705                 <pubPlace>Chicago</pubPlace>
706                 <publisher>ALA</publisher>
707                 <date>1983</date>
708               </imprint>
709             </monogr>
710             <note type="source">
711               <ref target="Gibaldi">100 (4.5.6)</ref>
712             </note>
713             <note type="desc">Corporate author.</note>
714           </biblStruct>
716           <biblStruct id="Duff" rend="book">
717             <monogr>
718               <author>
719                 <persName>
720                     <foreName><name type="initial">J</name></foreName>
721                   <foreName>Wight</foreName>
722                   <surname>Duff</surname>
723                 </persName>
724               </author>
725               <author>
726                 <persName>
727                     <foreName><name type="initial">A</name></foreName>
728                   <foreName>
729                     <name type="initial">M</name>
730                   </foreName>
731                   <surname>Duff</surname>
732                 </persName>
733               </author>
734               <title level="m">
735                 <seg type="nonfiling">A </seg>Literary History of Rome: From the Origins to the Close of the Golden Age</title>
736               <edition>3</edition>
737               <imprint>
738                 <pubPlace>London</pubPlace>
739                 <publisher>Benn</publisher>
740                 <date>1953</date>
741               </imprint>
742             </monogr>
743             <monogr rend="reprint">
744               <imprint>
745                 <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
746                 <publisher>Barnes</publisher>
747                 <date>1967</date>
748               </imprint>
749             </monogr>
750             <note type="source">
751               <ref target="Gibaldi">116 (4.5.20)</ref>
752             </note>
753             <note type="desc">This appears under the part on multiple publishers, though it appears to be a republished book?</note>
754           </biblStruct>
756           <biblStruct id="Shelley" rend="book">
757             <monogr>
758               <author>
759                 <persName>
760                   <foreName>Percy</foreName>
761                   <foreName>Bysshe</foreName>
762                   <surname>Shelley</surname>
763                 </persName>
764               </author>
765               <author>
766                 <persName>
767                   <foreName>Timoty</foreName>
768                   <surname>Webb</surname>
769                 </persName>
770               </author>
771               <title level="m">Selected Poems</title>
772               <imprint>
773                 <pubPlace>London</pubPlace>
774                 <publisher>Dent</publisher>
775                 <date>1977</date>
776                 <pubPlace>Totowa</pubPlace>
777                 <publisher>Rowman</publisher>
778               </imprint>
779             </monogr>
780             <note type="source">
781               <ref target="Gibaldi">117 (4.5.20)</ref>
782             </note>
783             <note type="desc">Mulitiple publishers. The second date is not 
784                 required because it should be the same as the first?</note>
785           </biblStruct>
787           <biblStruct id="Brock" rend="journal">
788             <analytic>
789               <author>
790                 <persName>
791                   <foreName>Dan</foreName>
792                   <foreName>
793                     <name type="initial">W</name>
794                   </foreName>
795                   <surname>Brock</surname>
796                 </persName>
797               </author>
798               <title level="a">
799                 <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Value of prolonging Human Life</title>
800             </analytic>
801             <monogr>
802               <title level="m">Philosophical Studies</title>
803               <imprint>
804                 <date>1986</date>
805                 <date rend="month">May</date>
806                 <biblScope type="volume">50</biblScope>
807                 <biblScope type="pages">401-26</biblScope>
808               </imprint>
809             </monogr>
810             <note type="source">
811               <ref target="Gibaldi">129 (4.7.3)</ref>
812             </note>
813             <note type="desc">Journal with continual pagination.</note>
814           </biblStruct>
816           <biblStruct id="Gerontion" rend="journal">
817             <analytic>
818               <author>
819                 <persName>
820                   <foreName>Thomas</foreName>
821                   <surname>Gerontion</surname>
822                 </persName>
823               </author>
824               <title level="a">Further Reflections of an <title level="a">Old Man in a Dry Month</title>
825               </title>
826             </analytic>
827             <monogr>
828               <title level="m">Norton Review</title>
829               <imprint>
830                 <date>1990</date>
831                 <date rend="month">April</date>
832                 <biblScope type="volume">24</biblScope>
833                 <biblScope type="pages">95-100</biblScope>
834               </imprint>
835             </monogr>
836             <note type="source">
837               <ref target="Chicago">572 (15.220)</ref>
838             </note>
839             <note type="desc">Title with title within title.</note>
840           </biblStruct>
842           <biblStruct id="Mills" rend="journal">
843             <analytic>
844               <author>
845                 <persName>
846                   <foreName>Judith</foreName>
847                   <surname>Mills</surname>
848                 </persName>
849               </author>
850               <title level="a">Packaging the Client</title>
851               <title type="installments" level="a">Parts 1 and 2</title>
852             </analytic>
853             <monogr>
854               <title level="m">Public Relations Review</title>
855               <imprint>
856                 <date>1990</date>
857                 <biblScope type="volume">14</biblScope>
858                 <biblScope type="issue">3</biblScope>
859                 <biblScope type="pages">95-102</biblScope>
860               </imprint>
861             </monogr>
862             <monogr rend="installments">
863               <imprint>
864                 <date>1990</date>
865                 <biblScope type="volume">14</biblScope>
866                 <biblScope type="issue">4</biblScope>
867                 <biblScope type="pages">43-52</biblScope>
868               </imprint>
869             </monogr>
870             <note type="source">
871               <ref target="Chicago">573 (15.222)</ref>
872             </note>
873             <note type="desc">Article published in installments.</note>
874           </biblStruct>
876           <biblStruct id="Patrick" rend="journal">
877             <analytic>
878               <author>
879                 <persName>
880                   <foreName>Elizabeth</foreName>
881                   <foreName>Nelson</foreName>
882                   <surname>Patrick</surname>
883                 </persName>
884               </author>
885               <title level="a">
886                 <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>Black Experience in Southern Nevada</title>
887               <title type="installments" level="a">Parts 1 and 2</title>
888             </analytic>
889             <monogr>
890               <title level="m">Nevada Historical Society Quarterly</title>
891               <imprint>
892                 <date>1979</date>
893                 <date rend="season">Summer</date>
894                 <biblScope type="volume">22</biblScope>
895                 <biblScope type="pages">128-140</biblScope>
896               </imprint>
897             </monogr>
898             <monogr rend="installments">
899               <imprint>
900                 <date>1979</date>
901                 <date rend="season">Fall</date>
902                 <biblScope type="volume">22</biblScope>
903                 <biblScope type="pages">209-20</biblScope>
904               </imprint>
905             </monogr>
906             <note type="source">
907               <ref target="Chicago">573 (15.222)</ref>
908             </note>
909             <note type="desc">Article published in installments.</note>
910             <note type="desc">Should look like: Patrick, Eliabeth Nelson. &quot;The Black Experience in Southern Nevada.&quot; Parts 1 and 2. *Nevada Historical Society Quarterly* 22 (summer/fall 1979): 128-40, 209-20.</note>
911           </biblStruct>
913           <biblStruct id="McKeon" rend="journal">
914             <analytic>
915               <author>
916                 <persName>
917                   <foreName>Richard</foreName>
918                   <nameLink>Mc</nameLink>
919                   <surname>Keon</surname>
920                 </persName>
921               </author>
922               <title level="a">Dialogue and Controversy in Philosophy</title>
923             </analytic>
924             <monogr>
925               <title level="m">Philosophy and Phenomenological Research</title>
926               <imprint>
927                 <date>1955</date>
928                 <biblScope type="volume">17</biblScope>
929                 <biblScope type="pages">143-63</biblScope>
930               </imprint>
931             </monogr>
932             <monogr rend="first-in-book">
933               <title level="m">Entretiens philosophiques d'Ath&#232;nes</title>
934               <imprint>
935                 <pubPlace>Athens</pubPlace>
936                 <publisher>Institut International de Philosophie</publisher>
937                 <date>1955</date>
938                 <biblScope type="pages">161-178</biblScope>
939               </imprint>
940             </monogr>
941             <note type="source">
942               <ref target="Chicago">573 (15.223)</ref>
943             </note>
944             <note type="desc">Article originally published in a book.</note>
945           </biblStruct>
948           <biblStruct id="Med" rend="book">
949             <monogr>
950               <respStmt>
951                 <resp>American Medical Association</resp>
952                 <resp>
953                   <persName>
955                   </persName>
956                 </resp>
957               </respStmt>
958               <title level="m">
959                 <seg type="nonfiling">The </seg>American Medical Association Family Medical Guide</title>
960               <imprint>
961                 <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
962                 <publisher>Random</publisher>
963                 <date>1987</date>
964               </imprint>
965             </monogr>
966             <note type="source">
967               <ref target="Gibaldi">100 (4.5.6)</ref>
968             </note>
969             <note type="desc">Corporate author.</note>
970           </biblStruct>
972           <biblStruct id="Photo" rend="book">
973             <monogr>
974               <title level="m">Encyclopedia of Photography</title>
975               <imprint>
976                 <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
977                 <publisher>Crown</publisher>
978                 <date>1984</date>
979               </imprint>
980             </monogr>
981             <note type="source">
982               <ref target="Gibaldi">100 (4.5.6)</ref>
983             </note>
984             <note type="desc">Example of an anonymous book.</note>
985           </biblStruct>
991           <biblStruct id="Gibaldi" rend="book">
992             <monogr>
993               <author>
994                 <persName>
995                   <foreName>Joseph</foreName>
996                   <surname>Gibaldi</surname>
997                 </persName>
998               </author>
999               <author>
1000                 <persName>
1001                   <foreName>Walter</foreName>
1002                   <foreName>
1003                     <name type="initial">S</name>
1004                   </foreName>
1005                   <surname>Achtert</surname>
1006                 </persName>
1007               </author>
1008               <title level="m">MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers</title>
1009               <imprint>
1010                 <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
1011                 <publisher>The Modern Language Association of America</publisher>
1012                 <date>1988</date>
1013               </imprint>
1014             </monogr>
1015           </biblStruct>
1017         </listBibl>
1018       </div>
1019     </body>
1020   </text>
1021 </TEI>