LaTeX writer: simplify handling of the "reference_label" customization setting.
[docutils.git] / docutils / test / functional / expected / buggy_mathml_ttm.html
1 <!DOCTYPE html>
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7 <title>buggy-maths</title>
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15 <p>Test &quot;math-output: mathml ttm&quot;.</p>
16 <p>There is &quot;<math xmlns="">
17 <mrow><mi mathvariant="italic">&lambda;</mi><mi mathvariant="italic">&omega;</mi><mi mathvariant="italic">&tau;</mi><mi mathvariant="italic">&sigmav;</mi></mrow></math>&quot; to math.</p>
18 <table>
19 <tbody>
20 <tr><td><p>Das ist nicht lustig.</p></td>
21 <td><p>Dafür das</p></td>
22 <td><p>hier</p></td>
23 </tr>
24 <tr><td><pre class="math problematic">
25 So \isses
26 </pre>
27 </td>
28 <td></td>
29 <td></td>
30 </tr>
31 </tbody>
32 </table>
33 <aside class="system-message">
34 <p class="system-message-title">System Message: WARNING/2 (<span class="docutils literal">buggy-maths</span>, line 9)</p>
35 <p>TeX to MathML converter `ttm` failed:</p>
36 <p class="pre-wrap">Unknown command \isses in equation, Line 1.</p>
37 </aside>
38 <p>Das ist <span class="math problematic">\ein</span> Fehler.</p>
39 <aside class="system-message">
40 <p class="system-message-title">System Message: WARNING/2 (<span class="docutils literal">buggy-maths</span>, line 13)</p>
41 <p>TeX to MathML converter `ttm` failed:</p>
42 <p class="pre-wrap">Unknown command \ein in equation, Line 1.</p>
43 </aside>
44 <pre class="math problematic">
45 \int_{-\infty} 3 \sin x} \phy \, d\gamma
46 </pre>
47 <aside class="system-message">
48 <p class="system-message-title">System Message: WARNING/2 (<span class="docutils literal">buggy-maths</span>, line 15)</p>
49 <p>TeX to MathML converter `ttm` failed:</p>
50 <p class="pre-wrap">Unknown command \phy in equation, Line 1.
51 Error! Fatal! Negative closure count, line:1.</p>
52 </aside>
53 <aside class="sidebar">
54 <p class="sidebar-title">nebenbemerkung</p>
55 <p>noch was <span class="math problematic">\sqrt[2]</span></p>
56 <aside class="system-message">
57 <p class="system-message-title">System Message: WARNING/2 (<span class="docutils literal">buggy-maths</span>, line 19)</p>
58 <p>TeX to MathML converter `ttm` returned no MathML.</p>
59 </aside>
60 </aside>
61 <pre class="math problematic">
62 \sqrt[2]
63 </pre>
64 <aside class="system-message">
65 <p class="system-message-title">System Message: WARNING/2 (<span class="docutils literal">buggy-maths</span>, line 21)</p>
66 <p>TeX to MathML converter `ttm` failed:</p>
67 <p class="pre-wrap">Unknown command \end in equation, Line 3.
68 Unknown command \end in equation, Line 3.</p>
69 </aside>
70 <p>2-zeilig mit align:</p>
71 <pre class="math problematic">
72 s_i &amp; = 3 \\
73 s_j + 3 &amp;
74 </pre>
75 <aside class="system-message">
76 <p class="system-message-title">System Message: WARNING/2 (<span class="docutils literal">buggy-maths</span>, line 25)</p>
77 <p>TeX to MathML converter `ttm` failed:</p>
78 <p class="pre-wrap">Unknown or ignored environment: \begin{align*} Line 1.</p>
79 </aside>
80 </main>
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82 </html>