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6 <title>Test footnote and citation rendering</title>
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11 <div class="document" id="test-footnote-and-citation-rendering">
12 <h1 class="title">Test footnote and citation rendering</h1>
14 <p>Paragraphs may contain footnote references (manually numbered<a class="footnote-reference superscript" href="#id7" id="id1">1</a>, anonymous auto-numbered<a class="footnote-reference superscript" href="#id11" id="id2">3</a>, labeled auto-numbered<a class="footnote-reference superscript" href="#label" id="id3">2</a>, or
15 symbolic<a class="footnote-reference superscript" href="#id12" id="id4">*</a>) or citation references (<a class="citation-reference" href="#cit2002" id="id5">[CIT2002]</a>, <a class="citation-reference" href="#du2015" id="id6">[DU2015]</a>).</p>
16 <dl class="footnote superscript">
17 <dt class="label" id="id7"><span class="superscript">1</span><span class="fn-backref">(<a href="#id1">1</a>,<a href="#id8">2</a>)</span></dt>
18 <dd><p>A footnote contains body elements, consistently indented by at
19 least 3 spaces.</p>
20 <p>This is the footnote's second paragraph.</p>
21 </dd>
22 <dt class="label" id="label"><span class="superscript">2</span><span class="fn-backref">(<a href="#id3">1</a>,<a href="#id9">2</a>)</span></dt>
23 <dd><p>Footnotes may be numbered, either manually (as in<a class="footnote-reference superscript" href="#id7" id="id8">1</a>) or
24 automatically using a &quot;#&quot;-prefixed label. This footnote has a
25 label so it can be referred to from multiple places, both as a
26 footnote reference (<a class="footnote-reference superscript" href="#label" id="id9">2</a>) and as a <a class="reference internal" href="#label">hyperlink reference</a>.</p>
27 </dd>
28 <dt class="label" id="id11"><span class="superscript"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id2">3</a></span></dt>
29 <dd><p>This footnote is numbered automatically and anonymously using a
30 label of &quot;#&quot; only.</p>
31 <p>This is the second paragraph.</p>
32 <p>And this is the third paragraph.</p>
33 </dd>
34 <dt class="label" id="id12"><span class="superscript"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id4">*</a></span></dt>
35 <dd><p>Footnotes may also use symbols, specified with a &quot;*&quot; label.
36 Here's a reference to the next footnote:<a class="footnote-reference superscript" href="#id14" id="id13"></a>.</p>
37 </dd>
38 <dt class="label" id="id14"><span class="superscript"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id13"></a></span></dt>
39 <dd><p>This footnote shows the next symbol in the sequence.</p>
40 </dd>
41 <dt class="label" id="id15"><span class="superscript">4</span></dt>
42 <dd><p>Here's an unreferenced footnote, with a reference to a
43 nonexistent footnote:<a class="footnote-reference superscript" href="#id18" id="id16">5</a>.</p>
44 </dd>
45 </dl>
46 <div class="section" id="citations">
47 <h1>Citations</h1>
48 <dl class="citation">
49 <dt class="label" id="cit2002"><span class="brackets">CIT2002</span><span class="fn-backref">(<a href="#id5">1</a>,<a href="#id17">2</a>)</span></dt>
50 <dd><p>Citations are text-labeled footnotes. They may be
51 rendered separately and differently from footnotes.</p>
52 </dd>
53 <dt class="label" id="du2015"><span class="brackets"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id6">DU2015</a></span></dt>
54 <dd><p><cite>Example document</cite>, Hometown: 2015.</p>
55 </dd>
56 </dl>
57 <p>Here's a reference to the above, <a class="citation-reference" href="#cit2002" id="id17">[CIT2002]</a>.</p>
58 <dl class="footnote superscript">
59 <dt class="label" id="id18"><span class="superscript"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id16">5</a></span></dt>
60 <dd><p>this footnote is missing in the standard example document.</p>
61 </dd>
62 </dl>
63 </div>
64 </div>
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