add_root fn written
[dmvccm.git] / src /
1 #, with sentence positions between word locations (i<k<j)
3 DEBUG = set(['TODO'])
5 # some of dmv-module bleeding in here... todo: prettier (in inner())
6 NOBAR = 0
7 STOP = (NOBAR, -2)
8 ROOTNUM = -1
10 def debug(string, level='TODO'):
11 '''Easily turn on/off inline debug printouts with this global. There's
12 a lot of cluttering debug statements here, todo: clean up'''
13 if level in DEBUG:
14 print string
17 class Grammar():
18 '''The PCFG used in the I/O-algorithm.
20 Public members:
21 p_terminals
23 Todo: as of now, this allows duplicate rules... should we check
24 for this? (eg. g = Grammar([x,x],[]) where x.prob == 1 may give
25 inner probabilities of 2.)'''
26 def all_rules(self):
27 return self.__p_rules
29 def rules(self, LHS):
30 return [rule for rule in self.all_rules() if rule.LHS() == LHS]
32 # def nums(self):
33 # return self.__numtag
35 def headnums(self):
36 return self.__head_nums
38 def sent_nums(self, sent):
39 return [self.tagnum(tag) for tag in sent]
41 def numtag(self, num):
42 if num == ROOTNUM: # don't want these added to headnums (which we iter through)
43 return 'ROOT'
44 else:
45 return self.__numtag[num]
47 def tagnum(self, tag):
48 if tag == 'ROOT':
49 return ROOTNUM
50 else:
51 return self.__tagnum[tag]
53 def __init__(self, numtag, tagnum, p_rules=[], p_terminals=[]):
54 '''rules and p_terminals should be arrays, where p_terminals are of
55 the form [preterminal, terminal], and rules are CNF_Rule's.'''
56 self.__numtag = numtag
57 self.__tagnum = tagnum
58 self.__head_nums = [k for k in numtag.iterkeys()]
59 self.__p_rules = p_rules # todo: could check for summing to 1 (+/- epsilon)
60 self.p_terminals = p_terminals
65 class CNF_Rule():
66 '''A single CNF rule in the PCFG, of the form
67 LHS -> L R
68 where these are just integers
69 (where do we save the connection between number and symbol?
70 symbols being 'vbd' etc.)'''
71 def __eq__(self, other):
72 return self.LHS() == other.LHS() and self.R() == other.R() and self.L() == other.L()
73 def __ne__(self, other):
74 return self.LHS() != other.LHS() or self.R() != other.R() or self.L() != other.L()
75 def __str__(self):
76 return "%s -> %s %s [%.2f]" % (self.LHS(), self.L(), self.R(), self.prob)
77 def __init__(self, LHS, L, R, prob):
78 self.__LHS = LHS
79 self.__R = R
80 self.__L = L
81 self.prob = prob
82 def p(self, *arg):
83 "Return a probability, doesn't care about attachment..."
84 return self.prob
85 def LHS(self):
86 return self.__LHS
87 def L(self):
88 return self.__L
89 def R(self):
90 return self.__R
92 def inner(i, j, LHS, g, sent, chart):
93 ''' Give the inner probability of having the node LHS cover whatever's
94 between s and t in sentence sent, using grammar g.
96 Returns a pair of the inner probability and the chart
98 For DMV, LHS is a pair (bar, h), but this function ought to be
99 agnostic about that.
101 e() is an internal function, so the variable chart (a dictionary)
102 is available to all calls of e().
104 Since terminal probabilities are just simple lookups, they are not
105 put in the chart (although we could put them in there later to
106 optimize)
109 def O(i,j):
110 return sent[i]
112 def e(i,j,LHS):
113 '''Chart has lists of probability and whether or not we've attached
114 yet to L and R, each entry is a list [p, Rattach, Lattach], where if
115 Rattach==True then the rule has a right-attachment or there is one
116 lower in the tree (meaning we're no longer adjacent).'''
117 if (i, j, LHS) in chart:
118 return chart[i, j, LHS]
119 else:
120 debug( "trying from %d to %d with %s" % (i,j,LHS) , "IO")
121 if i+1 == j:
122 if (LHS, O(i,j)) in g.p_terminals:
123 prob = g.p_terminals[LHS, O(i,j)] # b[LHS, O(s)] in L&Y
124 else:
125 prob = 0.0
126 print "\t LACKING TERMINAL:%s -> %s : %.1f" % (LHS, O(i,j), prob)
127 debug( "\t terminal: %s -> %s : %.1f" % (LHS, O(i,j), prob) ,"IO")
128 # terminals have no attachment
129 return prob
130 else:
131 if (i,j,LHS) not in chart:
132 # by default, not attachment yet
133 chart[i,j,LHS] = 0.0
134 for rule in g.rules(LHS): # summing over rules headed by LHS, "a[i,j,k]"
135 debug( "\tsumming rule %s" % rule , "IO")
136 L = rule.L()
137 R = rule.R()
138 for k in range(i+1, j): # i<k<j
139 p_L = e(i, k, L)
140 p_R = e(k, j, R)
141 p = rule.p()
142 chart[i, j, LHS] += p * p_L * p_R
143 debug( "\tchart[%d,%d,%s] = %.2f" % (i,j,LHS, chart[i,j,LHS]) ,"IO")
144 return chart[i, j, LHS]
145 # end of e-function
147 inner_prob = e(i,j,LHS)
148 if 'IO' in DEBUG:
149 print "---CHART:---"
150 for k,v in chart.iteritems():
151 print "\t%s -> %s_%d ... %s_%d : %.1f" % (k[2], O(k[0]), k[0], O(k[1]), k[1], v)
152 print "---CHART:end---"
153 return [inner_prob, chart]
162 if __name__ == "__main__":
163 print "IO-module tests:"
164 b = {}
165 s = CNF_Rule(0,1,2, 1.0) # s->np vp
166 np = CNF_Rule(1,3,4, 0.3) # np->n p
167 b[1, 'n'] = 0.7 # np->'n'
168 b[3, 'n'] = 1.0 # n->'n'
169 b[4, 'p'] = 1.0 # p->'p'
170 vp = CNF_Rule(2,5,1, 0.1) # vp->v np (two parses use this rule)
171 vp2 = CNF_Rule(2,2,4, 0.9) # vp->vp p
172 b[5, 'v'] = 1.0 # v->'v'
174 g = Grammar({0:'s',1:'np',2:'vp',3:'n',4:'p',5:'v'},
175 {'s':0,'np':1,'vp':2,'n':3,'p':4,'v':5},
176 [s,np,vp,vp2], b)
178 # print "The rules:"
179 # for i in range(0,5):
180 # for r in g.rules(i):
181 # print r
182 # print ""
184 test1 = inner(0,1, 1, g, ['n'], {})
185 if test1[0] != 0.7:
186 print "should be 0.70 : %.3f" % test1[0]
187 print ""
189 test2 = inner(0,3, 2, g, ['v','n','p'], test1[1])
190 if test2[0] != 0.0930:
191 print "should be 0.0930 : %.4f" % test2[0]
192 test2 = inner(0,3, 2, g, ['v','n','p'], test2[1])
193 if test2[0] != 0.0930:
194 print "should be 0.0930 : %.4f" % test2[0]