Ok, so I misunderstood the word adjacent all along. Redone now.
[dmvccm.git] / src / dmv.py
1 #### changes by KBU:
2 # 2008-05-24:
3 # - prettier printout for DMV_Rule
4 # - DMV_Rule changed a bit. head, L and R are now all pairs of the
5 # form (bars, head).
6 # - Started on P_STOP, a bit less pseudo now..
8 # 2008-05-27:
9 # - started on initialization. So far, I have frequencies for
10 # everything, very harmonic. Still need to make these into 1-summing
11 # probabilities
13 # 2008-05-28:
14 # - more work on initialization (init_freq and init_normalize),
15 # getting closer to probabilities now.
17 # 2008-05-29:
18 # - init_normalize is done, it creates p_STOP, p_ROOT and p_CHOOSE,
19 # and also adds the relevant probabilities to p_rules in a grammar.
20 # Still, each individual rule has to store both adjacent and non_adj
21 # probabilities, and inner() should be able to send some parameter
22 # which lets the rule choose... hopefully... Is this possible to do
23 # top-down even? when the sentence could be all the same words?
24 # todo: extensive testing of identical words in sentences!
25 # - frequencies (only used in initialization) are stored as strings,
26 # but in the rules and p_STOP etc, there are only numbers.
28 # 2008-05-30
29 # - copied inner() into this file, to make the very dmv-specific
30 # adjacency stuff work (have to factor that out later on, when it
31 # works).
33 # 2008-06-01
34 # - finished typing in inner_dmv(), still have to test and debug
35 # it. The chart is now four times as big since for any rule we may
36 # have attachments to either the left or the right below, which
37 # upper rules depend on, for selecting probN or probA
39 # 2008-06-03
40 # - fixed a number of little bugs in initialization, where certain
41 # rules were simply not created, or created "backwards"
42 # - inner_dmv() should Work now...
44 # 2008-06-04
45 # - moved initialization to harmonic.py
48 # import numpy # numpy provides Fast Arrays, for future optimization
49 import pprint
50 import io
51 import harmonic
53 # non-tweakable/constant "lookup" globals
54 BARS = [0,1,2]
55 RBAR = 1
56 LRBAR = 2
57 NOBAR = 0
58 ROOT = (LRBAR, -1)
59 STOP = (NOBAR, -2)
61 if __name__ == "__main__":
62 print "DMV module tests:"
65 def node(bars, head):
66 '''Useless function, but just here as documentation. Nodes make up
67 LHS, R and L in each DMV_Rule'''
68 return (bars, head)
70 def bars(node):
71 return node[0]
73 def head(node):
74 return node[1]
77 class DMV_Grammar(io.Grammar):
78 '''The DMV-PCFG.
80 Public members:
81 p_STOP, p_ROOT, p_CHOOSE, p_terminals
82 These are changed in the Maximation step, then used to set the
83 new probabilities of each DMV_Rule.
85 Todo: make p_terminals private? (But it has to be changable in
86 maximation step due to the short-cutting rules... could of course
87 make a DMV_Grammar function to update the short-cut rules...)
89 __p_rules is private, but we can still say stuff like:
90 for r in g.all_rules():
91 r.probN = newProbN
93 What other representations do we need? (P_STOP formula uses
94 deps_D(h,l/r) at least)'''
95 def __str__(self):
96 str = ""
97 for r in self.all_rules():
98 str += "%s\n" % r.__str__(self.numtag)
99 return str
101 def h_rules(self, h):
102 return [r for r in self.all_rules() if r.head() == h]
104 def rules(self, LHS):
105 return [r for r in self.all_rules() if r.LHS() == LHS]
107 def sent_rules(self, LHS, sent_nums):
108 "Used in inner_dmv."
109 # We don't want to rule out STOPs!
110 sent_nums.append( head(STOP) )
111 return [r for r in self.all_rules() if r.LHS() == LHS
112 and head(r.L()) in sent_nums and head(r.R()) in sent_nums]
114 def heads(self):
115 '''Not sure yet what is needed here, or where this is needed'''
116 return numtag
118 def deps_L(self, head):
119 # todo test, probably this list comprehension doesn't work
120 return [a for r in self.all_rules() if r.head() == head and a == r.L()]
122 def deps_R(self, head):
123 # todo test, probably this list comprehension doesn't work
124 return [a for r in self.all_rules() if r.head() == head and a == r.R()]
126 def __init__(self, p_rules, p_terminals, p_STOP, p_CHOOSE, p_ROOT, numtag, tagnum):
127 io.Grammar.__init__(self, p_rules, p_terminals, numtag, tagnum)
128 self.p_STOP = p_STOP
129 self.p_CHOOSE = p_CHOOSE
130 self.p_ROOT = p_ROOT
133 class DMV_Rule(io.CNF_Rule):
134 '''A single CNF rule in the PCFG, of the form
135 LHS -> L R
136 where LHS, L and R are 'nodes', eg. of the form (bars, head).
138 Public members:
139 probN, probA
141 Private members:
142 __L, __R, __LHS
144 Different rule-types have different probabilities associated with
145 them:
147 _h_ -> STOP h_ P( STOP|h,L, adj)
148 _h_ -> STOP h_ P( STOP|h,L,non_adj)
149 h_ -> h STOP P( STOP|h,R, adj)
150 h_ -> h STOP P( STOP|h,R,non_adj)
151 h_ -> _a_ h_ P(-STOP|h,L, adj) * P(a|h,L)
152 h_ -> _a_ h_ P(-STOP|h,L,non_adj) * P(a|h,L)
153 h -> h _a_ P(-STOP|h,R, adj) * P(a|h,R)
154 h -> h _a_ P(-STOP|h,R,non_adj) * P(a|h,R)
156 def p(self, adj, *arg):
157 if adj:
158 return self.probA
159 else:
160 return self.probN
162 def p_STOP(self, s, t, loc_h):
163 '''Returns the correct probability, adjacent if we're rewriting from
164 the (either left or right) end of the fragment. '''
165 if self.L() == STOP:
166 return self.p(s == loc_h)
167 elif self.R() == STOP:
168 if not loc_h == s:
169 io.debug( "(%s given loc_h:%d but s:%d. Todo: optimize away!)"
170 % (self, loc_h, s) )
171 return 0.0
172 else:
173 return self.p(t == loc_h)
175 def p_ATTACH(self, r, loc_h, s=None):
176 '''Returns the correct probability, adjacent if we haven't attached
177 anything before.'''
178 if self.LHS() == self.L():
179 if not loc_L == s:
180 io.debug( "(%s given loc_h (loc_L):%d but s:%d. Todo: optimize away!)"
181 % (self, loc_L, s) )
182 return 0.0
183 else:
184 return self.p(r == loc_h)
185 elif self.LHS() == self.R():
186 return self.p(r+1 == loc_h)
188 def bars(self):
189 return bars(self.LHS())
191 def head(self):
192 return head(self.LHS())
194 def __init__(self, LHS, L, R, probN, probA):
195 for b_h in [LHS, L, R]:
196 if bars(b_h) not in BARS:
197 raise ValueError("bars must be in %s; was given: %s"
198 % (BARS, bars(b_h)))
199 io.CNF_Rule.__init__(self, LHS, L, R, probN)
200 self.probA = probA # adjacent
201 self.probN = probN # non_adj
203 @classmethod # so we can call DMV_Rule.bar_str(b_h)
204 def bar_str(cls, b_h, tag=lambda x:x):
205 if(b_h == ROOT):
206 return 'ROOT'
207 elif(b_h == STOP):
208 return 'STOP'
209 elif(bars(b_h) == RBAR):
210 return " %s_ " % tag(head(b_h))
211 elif(bars(b_h) == LRBAR):
212 return "_%s_ " % tag(head(b_h))
213 else:
214 return " %s " % tag(head(b_h))
217 def __str__(self, tag=lambda x:x):
218 return "%s-->%s %s\t[N %.2f] [A %.2f]" % (self.bar_str(self.LHS(), tag),
219 self.bar_str(self.L(), tag),
220 self.bar_str(self.R(), tag),
221 self.probN,
222 self.probA)
230 ###################################
231 # dmv-specific version of inner() #
232 ###################################
233 def locs(h, sent, s=0, t=None):
234 '''Return the locations of h in sent, or some fragment of sent (in the
235 latter case we make sure to offset the locations correctly so that
236 for any x in the returned list, sent[x]==h).'''
237 if t == None:
238 t = len(sent)
239 return [i+s for i,w in enumerate(sent[s:t]) if w == h]
242 def inner_dmv(s, t, LHS, loc_h, g, sent, chart):
243 ''' A rewrite of inner in io.py, to take adjacency into accord.
245 The chart is now of this form:
246 chart[(s,t,LHS, loc_h)]
248 loc_h gives adjacency (along with r and location of other child
249 for attachment rules), and is needed in P_STOP reestimation.
251 Todo: if possible, refactor (move dmv-specific stuff back into
252 dmv, so this is "general" enough to be in io.py)
255 def O(s):
256 return sent[s]
258 sent_nums = [g.tagnum(tag) for tag in sent]
260 def e(s,t,LHS, loc_h, n_t):
261 def tab():
262 "Tabs for debug output"
263 return "\t"*n_t
265 if (s, t, LHS, loc_h) in chart:
266 io.debug("%s*= %.4f in chart: s:%d t:%d LHS:%s loc:%d"
267 %(tab(),chart[(s, t, LHS, loc_h)], s, t,
268 DMV_Rule.bar_str(LHS), loc_h))
269 return chart[(s, t, LHS, loc_h)]
270 else:
271 if s == t:
272 if not loc_h == s:
273 # terminals are always F,F for attachment
274 io.debug("%s*= 0.0 (wrong loc_h)" % tab())
275 return 0.0
276 elif (LHS, O(s)) in g.p_terminals:
277 prob = g.p_terminals[LHS, O(s)] # "b[LHS, O(s)]" in Lari&Young
278 else:
279 # todo: assuming this is how to deal w/lacking
280 # rules, since we add prob.s, and 0 is identity
281 prob = 0.0
282 io.debug( "%sLACKING TERMINAL:" % tab())
283 # todo: add to chart perhaps? Although, it _is_ simple lookup..
284 io.debug( "%s*= %.4f (terminal: %s -> %s_%d)"
285 % (tab(),prob, DMV_Rule.bar_str(LHS), O(s), loc_h) )
286 return prob
287 else:
288 p = 0.0 # "sum over j,k in a[LHS,j,k]"
289 for rule in g.sent_rules(LHS, sent_nums):
290 io.debug( "%ssumming rule %s s:%d t:%d loc:%d" % (tab(),rule,s,t,loc_h) )
291 L = rule.L()
292 R = rule.R()
293 # if it's a STOP rule, rewrite for the same range:
294 if (L == STOP) or (R == STOP):
295 if L == STOP:
296 pLR = e(s, t, R, loc_h, n_t+1)
297 elif R == STOP:
298 pLR = e(s, t, L, loc_h, n_t+1)
299 p += rule.p_STOP(s, t, loc_h) * pLR
300 io.debug( "%sp= %.4f (STOP)" % (tab(), p) )
302 else: # not a STOP, an attachment rewrite:
303 for r in range(s, t):
304 p_h = rule.p_ATTACH(r, loc_h, s=s)
305 if rule.LHS() == L:
306 locs_L = [loc_h]
307 locs_R = locs(head(R), sent_nums, r+1, t+1)
308 elif rule.LHS() == R:
309 locs_L = locs(head(L), sent_nums, s, r+1)
310 locs_R = [loc_h]
311 # see http://tinyurl.com/4ffhhw
312 p += sum([e(s, r, L, loc_L, n_t+1) *
313 p_h *
314 e(r+1, t, R, loc_R, n_t+1)
315 for loc_L in locs_L
316 for loc_R in locs_R])
317 io.debug( "%sp= %.4f (ATTACH)" % (tab(), p) )
318 chart[(s, t, LHS, loc_h)] = p
319 return p
320 # end of e-function
322 inner_prob = e(s,t,LHS,loc_h, 0)
323 if io.DEBUG:
324 print "---CHART:---"
325 for (s,t,LHS,loc_h),v in chart.iteritems():
326 print "%s -> %s_%d ... %s_%d (loc_h:%s):\t%.3f" % (DMV_Rule.bar_str(LHS,g.numtag),
327 O(s), s, O(s), t, loc_h, v)
328 print "---CHART:end---"
329 return [inner_prob, chart]
330 # end of inner_dmv(s, t, LHS, loc_h, g, sent, chart)
332 def inner_sent_dmv(sent, g, chart):
333 '''Possibly there's a more efficient way? Although, non-sentence heads
334 _will_ be ruled out by inner_dmv though.'''
335 for loc_h,h_tag in enumerate(sent):
336 inner_dmv(0, len(sent), ROOT, loc_h, g, chart)
338 if __name__ == "__main__": # Non, Adj
339 _h_ = DMV_Rule((LRBAR,0), STOP, ( RBAR,0), 1.0, 1.0) # LSTOP
340 h_S = DMV_Rule(( RBAR,0),(NOBAR,0), STOP, 0.4, 0.3) # RSTOP
341 h_A = DMV_Rule(( RBAR,0),(LRBAR,0),( RBAR,0), 0.6, 0.7) # Lattach
342 h = DMV_Rule((NOBAR,0),(NOBAR,0),(LRBAR,0), 1.0, 1.0) # Rattach
343 b2 = {}
344 b2[(NOBAR, 0), 'h'] = 1.0
345 b2[(RBAR, 0), 'h'] = h_S.probA
346 b2[(LRBAR, 0), 'h'] = h_S.probA * _h_.probA
348 g_dup = DMV_Grammar([ _h_, h_S, h_A, h ],b2,0,0,0, {0:'h'}, {'h':0})
350 io.DEBUG = 0
351 test0 = inner_dmv(0, 1, (LRBAR,0), 0, g_dup, 'h h'.split(), {})
352 if not "0.120"=="%.3f" % test0[0]:
353 print "Should be 0.120: %.3f" % test0[0]
355 test1 = inner_dmv(0, 1, (LRBAR,0), 1, g_dup, 'h h'.split(), {})
356 if not "0.063"=="%.3f" % test1[0]:
357 print "Should be 0.063: %.3f" % test1[0]
359 test3 = inner_dmv(0, 2, (LRBAR,0), 2, g_dup, 'h h h'.split(), {})
360 if not "0.0462"=="%.4f" % test3[0]:
361 print "Should be 0.0462: %.4f" % test3[0]
368 ##############################
369 # DMV-probabilities, todo: #
370 ##############################
373 def P_CHOOSE():
374 return "todo"
376 def DMV(sent, g):
377 '''Here it seems like they store rule information on a per-head (per
378 direction) basis, in deps_D(h, dir) which gives us a list. '''
379 def P_h(h):
380 P_h = 1 # ?
381 for dir in ['l', 'r']:
382 for a in deps(h, dir):
383 # D(a)??
384 P_h *= \
385 P_STOP (0, h, dir, adj) * \
386 P_CHOOSE (a, h, dir) * \
387 P_h(D(a)) * \
388 P_STOP (STOP | h, dir, adj)
389 return P_h
390 return P_h(root(sent))
393 def P_STOP(STOP, h, dir, adj, g, corpus):
394 '''corpus is a list of sentences s.
396 This is based on the formula where STOP is True... not sure how we
397 calculate if STOP is False.
399 I thought about instead having this:
401 for rule in g.p_rules:
402 rule.num = 0
403 rule.den = 0
404 for sent in corpus:
405 for rule in g.p_rules:
406 for s:
407 for t:
408 set num and den using inner
409 for rule in g.p_rules
410 rule.prob = rule.num / rule.den
412 ..the way I'm assuming we do it in the commented out io-function in
413 io.py. Having sentences as the outer loop at least we can easily just
414 go through the heads that are actually in the sentence... BUT, this
415 means having to go through p_rules 3 times, not sure what is slower.
417 Also, now inner_dmv makes sure it only goes through heads that are
418 actually in the sentence, so that argument falls.
420 oh, and:
421 P_STOP(-STOP|...) = 1 - P_STOP(STOP|...)
425 P_STOP_num = 0
426 P_STOP_den = 0
427 h_tag = g.numtag(h)
428 for sent in corpus:
429 # have to go through _all_ places where h appears in the
430 # sentence...how? how to make sure it _works_?
431 chart = {}
432 inner_sent_dmv(sent, g, chart) #todo current
433 if h_tag in sent:
434 locs_h = locs(h_tag, sent)
436 io.debug( "locs_h:%s, sent:%s"%(locs_h,sent) )
437 for loc_h in locs_h:
438 for s in range(loc_h): # s<loc(h), range gives strictly less
439 for t in range(loc_h, len(sent)):
440 P_STOP_num += chart[(s, t, (LRBAR,h), loc_h)]
441 P_STOP_den += chart[(s, t, (RBAR,h), loc_h)]
443 io.debug( "num/den: %s / %s = %s"%(P_STOP_num, P_STOP_den,P_STOP_num / P_STOP_den))
444 if P_STOP_den > 0.0:
445 return P_STOP_num / P_STOP_den # upside down in article
446 else:
447 return 0.0
451 def testreestimation():
452 testcorpus = [s.split() for s in ['det nn vbd c vbd','det nn vbd c nn vbd pp',
453 'det nn vbd', 'det vbd nn c vbd pp',
454 'det nn vbd', 'det vbd c nn vbd pp',
455 'det nn vbd', 'det nn vbd nn c vbd pp',
456 'det nn vbd', 'det nn vbd c det vbd pp',
457 'det nn vbd', 'det nn vbd c vbd det det det pp',
458 'det nn vbd', 'det nn vbd c vbd pp',
459 'det nn vbd', 'det nn vbd c vbd det pp',
460 'det nn vbd', 'det nn vbd c vbd pp',
461 'det nn vbd pp', 'det nn vbd det', ]]
462 g = harmonic.initialize(testcorpus)
464 h_tag = 'nn'
465 h = g.tagnum(h_tag)
466 print "This will take some time. todo: figure out why it doesn't work"
467 for r in g.h_rules(h):
468 if r.L()==STOP:
469 print r
470 # print "off-set the rule, see what happens:"
471 # r.probN = 0.7
472 # print r
473 for i in range(3):
474 pstophln = P_STOP(True, h, 'L', 'N', g, testcorpus)
475 print "p(STOP|%s,L,N):%s"%(h_tag,pstophln)
477 for r in g.h_rules(h):
478 if r.L()==STOP:
479 print r
480 r.probN = pstophln
481 print r
482 return "todo"
484 def testreestimation_h():
485 _h_ = DMV_Rule((LRBAR,0), STOP, ( RBAR,0), 1.0, 1.0) # LSTOP
486 h_S = DMV_Rule(( RBAR,0),(NOBAR,0), STOP, 0.4, 0.3) # RSTOP
487 h_A = DMV_Rule(( RBAR,0),(LRBAR,0),( RBAR,0), 0.6, 0.7) # Lattach
488 h = DMV_Rule((NOBAR,0),(NOBAR,0),(LRBAR,0), 1.0, 1.0) # Rattach
489 b2 = {}
490 b2[(NOBAR, 0), 'h'] = 1.0
491 b2[(RBAR, 0), 'h'] = h_S.probA
492 b2[(LRBAR, 0), 'h'] = h_S.probA * _h_.probA
494 g_dup = DMV_Grammar([ _h_, h_S, h_A, h ],b2,0,0,0, {0:'h'}, {'h':0})
496 # test3 = inner_dmv(0, 2, (LRBAR,0), 2, g_dup, 'h h h'.split(), {})
497 h_tag = 'h'
498 h = 0
499 print "todo: figure out why it doesn't work"
500 for r in g_dup.h_rules(h):
501 if r.L()==STOP:
502 print r
503 # print "off-set the rule, see what happens:"
504 # r.probN = 0.7
505 # print r
506 for i in range(3):
507 pstophln = P_STOP(True, h, 'L', 'N', g_dup, ['h h h'.split()])
508 print "p(STOP|%s,L,N):%s"%(h_tag,pstophln)
510 for r in g_dup.h_rules(h):
511 if r.L()==STOP:
512 print r
513 r.probN = pstophln
514 print r
515 return "todo"
517 if __name__ == "__main__":
518 io.DEBUG = 0
519 import timeit
520 timeit.Timer("dmv.testreestimation_h()",'''import dmv
521 reload(dmv)''').timeit(1)
522 pass
526 # todo: some more testing on the Brown corpus:
527 # # first five sentences of the Brown corpus:
528 # g_brown = harmonic.initialize([['AT', 'NP-TL', 'NN-TL', 'JJ-TL', 'NN-TL', 'VBD', 'NR', 'AT', 'NN', 'IN', 'NP$', 'JJ', 'NN', 'NN', 'VBD', '``', 'AT', 'NN', "''", 'CS', 'DTI', 'NNS', 'VBD', 'NN', '.'], ['AT', 'NN', 'RBR', 'VBD', 'IN', 'NN', 'NNS', 'CS', 'AT', 'NN-TL', 'JJ-TL', 'NN-TL', ',', 'WDT', 'HVD', 'JJ', 'NN', 'IN', 'AT', 'NN', ',', '``', 'VBZ', 'AT', 'NN', 'CC', 'NNS', 'IN', 'AT', 'NN-TL', 'IN-TL', 'NP-TL', "''", 'IN', 'AT', 'NN', 'IN', 'WDT', 'AT', 'NN', 'BEDZ', 'VBN', '.'], ['AT', 'NP', 'NN', 'NN', 'HVD', 'BEN', 'VBN', 'IN', 'NP-TL', 'JJ-TL', 'NN-TL', 'NN-TL', 'NP', 'NP', 'TO', 'VB', 'NNS', 'IN', 'JJ', '``', 'NNS', "''", 'IN', 'AT', 'JJ', 'NN', 'WDT', 'BEDZ', 'VBN', 'IN', 'NN-TL', 'NP', 'NP', 'NP', '.'], ['``', 'RB', 'AT', 'JJ', 'NN', 'IN', 'JJ', 'NNS', 'BEDZ', 'VBN', "''", ',', 'AT', 'NN', 'VBD', ',', '``', 'IN', 'AT', 'JJ', 'NN', 'IN', 'AT', 'NN', ',', 'AT', 'NN', 'IN', 'NNS', 'CC', 'AT', 'NN', 'IN', 'DT', 'NN', "''", '.'], ['AT', 'NN', 'VBD', 'PPS', 'DOD', 'VB', 'CS', 'AP', 'IN', 'NP$', 'NN', 'CC', 'NN', 'NNS', '``', 'BER', 'JJ', 'CC', 'JJ', 'CC', 'RB', 'JJ', "''", '.'], ['PPS', 'VBD', 'CS', 'NP', 'NNS', 'VB', '``', 'TO', 'HV', 'DTS', 'NNS', 'VBN', 'CC', 'VBN', 'IN', 'AT', 'NN', 'IN', 'VBG', 'CC', 'VBG', 'PPO', "''", '.'], ['AT', 'JJ', 'NN', 'VBD', 'IN', 'AT', 'NN', 'IN', 'AP', 'NNS', ',', 'IN', 'PPO', 'AT', 'NP', 'CC', 'NP-TL', 'NN-TL', 'VBG', 'NNS', 'WDT', 'PPS', 'VBD', '``', 'BER', 'QL', 'VBN', 'CC', 'VB', 'RB', 'VBN', 'NNS', 'WDT', 'VB', 'IN', 'AT', 'JJT', 'NN', 'IN', 'ABX', 'NNS', "''", '.'], ['NN-HL', 'VBN-HL'], ['WRB', ',', 'AT', 'NN', 'VBD', 'PPS', 'VBZ', '``', 'DTS', 'CD', 'NNS', 'MD', 'BE', 'VBN', 'TO', 'VB', 'JJR', 'NN', 'CC', 'VB', 'AT', 'NN', 'IN', 'NN', "''", '.'], ['AT', 'NN-TL', 'VBG-TL', 'NN-TL', ',', 'AT', 'NN', 'VBD', ',', '``', 'BEZ', 'VBG', 'IN', 'VBN', 'JJ', 'NNS', 'CS', 'AT', 'NN', 'IN', 'NN', 'NNS', 'NNS', "''", '.']])
529 # # 36:'AT' in g_brown.numtag, 40:'NP-TL'
531 # io.DEBUG = 0
532 # test_brown = inner_dmv(0,2, (LRBAR,36), g_brown, ['AT', 'NP-TL' ,'NN-TL','JJ-TL'], {})
533 # if io.DEBUG:
534 # for r in g_brown.rules((2,36)) + g_brown.rules((1,36)) + g_brown.rules((0,36)):
535 # L = r.L()
536 # R = r.R()
537 # if head(L) in [36,40,-2] and head(R) in [36,40,-2]:
538 # print r
539 # print "Brown-test gives: %.8f" % test_brown[0]
543 # this will give the tag sequences of all the 6218 Brown corpus
544 # sentences of length < 7:
545 # [[tag for (w, tag) in sent]
546 # for sent in nltk.corpus.brown.tagged_sents() if len(sent) < 7]