100x speed increase: yay! but how to do pCHOOSE?
[dmvccm.git] / src / junk.py
2 # todo: some more testing on the Brown corpus:
3 # # first five sentences of the Brown corpus:
4 # g_brown = harmonic.initialize([['AT', 'NP-TL', 'NN-TL', 'JJ-TL', 'NN-TL', 'VBD', 'NR', 'AT', 'NN', 'IN', 'NP$', 'JJ', 'NN', 'NN', 'VBD', '``', 'AT', 'NN', "''", 'CS', 'DTI', 'NNS', 'VBD', 'NN', '.'], ['AT', 'NN', 'RBR', 'VBD', 'IN', 'NN', 'NNS', 'CS', 'AT', 'NN-TL', 'JJ-TL', 'NN-TL', ',', 'WDT', 'HVD', 'JJ', 'NN', 'IN', 'AT', 'NN', ',', '``', 'VBZ', 'AT', 'NN', 'CC', 'NNS', 'IN', 'AT', 'NN-TL', 'IN-TL', 'NP-TL', "''", 'IN', 'AT', 'NN', 'IN', 'WDT', 'AT', 'NN', 'BEDZ', 'VBN', '.'], ['AT', 'NP', 'NN', 'NN', 'HVD', 'BEN', 'VBN', 'IN', 'NP-TL', 'JJ-TL', 'NN-TL', 'NN-TL', 'NP', 'NP', 'TO', 'VB', 'NNS', 'IN', 'JJ', '``', 'NNS', "''", 'IN', 'AT', 'JJ', 'NN', 'WDT', 'BEDZ', 'VBN', 'IN', 'NN-TL', 'NP', 'NP', 'NP', '.'], ['``', 'RB', 'AT', 'JJ', 'NN', 'IN', 'JJ', 'NNS', 'BEDZ', 'VBN', "''", ',', 'AT', 'NN', 'VBD', ',', '``', 'IN', 'AT', 'JJ', 'NN', 'IN', 'AT', 'NN', ',', 'AT', 'NN', 'IN', 'NNS', 'CC', 'AT', 'NN', 'IN', 'DT', 'NN', "''", '.'], ['AT', 'NN', 'VBD', 'PPS', 'DOD', 'VB', 'CS', 'AP', 'IN', 'NP$', 'NN', 'CC', 'NN', 'NNS', '``', 'BER', 'JJ', 'CC', 'JJ', 'CC', 'RB', 'JJ', "''", '.'], ['PPS', 'VBD', 'CS', 'NP', 'NNS', 'VB', '``', 'TO', 'HV', 'DTS', 'NNS', 'VBN', 'CC', 'VBN', 'IN', 'AT', 'NN', 'IN', 'VBG', 'CC', 'VBG', 'PPO', "''", '.'], ['AT', 'JJ', 'NN', 'VBD', 'IN', 'AT', 'NN', 'IN', 'AP', 'NNS', ',', 'IN', 'PPO', 'AT', 'NP', 'CC', 'NP-TL', 'NN-TL', 'VBG', 'NNS', 'WDT', 'PPS', 'VBD', '``', 'BER', 'QL', 'VBN', 'CC', 'VB', 'RB', 'VBN', 'NNS', 'WDT', 'VB', 'IN', 'AT', 'JJT', 'NN', 'IN', 'ABX', 'NNS', "''", '.'], ['NN-HL', 'VBN-HL'], ['WRB', ',', 'AT', 'NN', 'VBD', 'PPS', 'VBZ', '``', 'DTS', 'CD', 'NNS', 'MD', 'BE', 'VBN', 'TO', 'VB', 'JJR', 'NN', 'CC', 'VB', 'AT', 'NN', 'IN', 'NN', "''", '.'], ['AT', 'NN-TL', 'VBG-TL', 'NN-TL', ',', 'AT', 'NN', 'VBD', ',', '``', 'BEZ', 'VBG', 'IN', 'VBN', 'JJ', 'NNS', 'CS', 'AT', 'NN', 'IN', 'NN', 'NNS', 'NNS', "''", '.']])
5 # # 36:'AT' in g_brown.numtag, 40:'NP-TL'
7 # io.DEBUG = []
8 # test_brown = inner(0,2, (LRBAR,36), g_brown, ['AT', 'NP-TL' ,'NN-TL','JJ-TL'], {})
9 # if 1 in io.DEBUG:
10 # for r in g_brown.rules((2,36)) + g_brown.rules((1,36)) + g_brown.rules((0,36)):
11 # L = r.L()
12 # R = r.R()
13 # if head(L) in [36,40,-2] and head(R) in [36,40,-2]:
14 # print r
15 # print "Brown-test gives: %.8f" % test_brown
19 # this will give the tag sequences of all the 6218 Brown corpus
20 # sentences of length < 7:
21 # [[tag for (w, tag) in sent]
22 # for sent in nltk.corpus.brown.tagged_sents() if len(sent) < 7]
26 ##############################
27 # from dmv #
28 ##############################
29 def prune2(s,t,LHS,loc_h, ichart,tree):
30 '''TODO '''
31 newichart = {}
32 def prune2_helper(s,t,LHS,loc_h):
33 newichart[(s,t,LHS,loc_h)] = ichart[(s,t,LHS,loc_h)]
34 for d in tree[s,t,LHS,loc_h]:
35 prune2_helper(d[0],d[1],d[2],d[3])
37 prune2_helper(s,t,LHS,loc_h)
38 return newichart
40 def prune(s,t,LHS, g, sent_nums, ichart):
41 '''Removes unused subtrees with positive probability from the
42 ichart.
44 Unused := any and all mothers (or grandmothers etc.) have
45 probability 0.0'''
46 def prune_helper(keep,s,t,LHS,loc_h):
47 keep = keep and ichart[(s,t,LHS,loc_h)] > 0.0
48 for rule in g.sent_rules(LHS, sent_nums):
49 L = rule.L()
50 R = rule.R()
51 if R==STOP:
52 if (s,t,L,loc_h) in ichart:
53 prune_helper(keep, s,t, L,loc_h)
54 elif L==STOP:
55 if (s,t,R,loc_h) in ichart:
56 prune_helper(keep, s,t, R,loc_h)
57 else:
58 for r in xrange(s,t):
59 for loc_L in locs(head(L), sent_nums, s, r):
60 if (s,r,rule.L(),loc_L) in ichart:
61 prune_helper(keep, s ,r,rule.L(),loc_L)
62 for loc_R in locs(head(R), sent_nums, r+1, t):
63 if (r+1,t,rule.R(),loc_R) in ichart:
64 prune_helper(keep,r+1,t,rule.R(),loc_R)
66 if not (s,t,LHS,loc_h) in keepichart:
67 keepichart[(s,t,LHS,loc_h)] = keep
68 else: # eg. if previously some parent rule had 0.0, but then a
69 # later rule said "No, I've got a use for this subtree"
70 keepichart[(s,t,LHS,loc_h)] += keep
71 return None
73 keepichart = {}
74 for loc_h,h in enumerate(sent_nums):
75 keep = ichart[(s,t,LHS,loc_h)] > 0.0
76 keepichart[(s,t,LHS,loc_h)] = keep
77 prune_helper(keep,s,t,LHS,loc_h)
79 for (s,t,LHS,loc_h),v in keepichart.iteritems():
80 if not v:
81 if 'PRUNE' in io.DEBUG:
82 print "popping s:%d t:%d LHS:%s loc_h:%d" % (s,t,LHS,loc_h)
83 ichart.pop((s,t,LHS,loc_h))
84 # end prune(s,t,LHS,loc_h, g, sent_nums, ichart)
86 def prune_sent(g, sent_nums, ichart):
87 return prune(0, len(sent_nums)-1, ROOT, g, sent_nums, ichart)
91 def P_STOP(STOP, h, dir, adj, g, corpus):
92 P_STOP_num = 0
93 P_STOP_den = 0
94 h_tag = g.numtag(h)
95 for sent in corpus:
96 chart = {}
97 locs_h = locs(h_tag, sent)
98 io.debug( "locs_h:%s, sent:%s"%(locs_h,sent) , 'PSTOP')
99 for loc_h in locs_h:
100 inner(0, len(sent)-1, ROOT, loc_h, g, sent, chart)
101 for s in range(loc_h): # s<loc(h), range gives strictly less
102 for t in range(loc_h, len(sent)):
103 io.debug( "s:%s t:%s loc:%d"%(s,t,loc_h) , 'PSTOP')
104 if (s, t, (LRBAR,h), loc_h) in chart:
105 io.debug( "num+=%s"%chart[(s, t, (LRBAR,h), loc_h)] , 'PSTOP')
106 P_STOP_num += chart[(s, t, (LRBAR,h), loc_h)]
107 if (s, t, (RBAR,h), loc_h) in chart:
108 io.debug( "den+=%s"%chart[(s, t, (RBAR,h), loc_h)] , 'PSTOP')
109 P_STOP_den += chart[(s, t, (RBAR,h), loc_h)]
111 io.debug( "num/den: %s / %s"%(P_STOP_num, P_STOP_den) , 'PSTOP')
112 if P_STOP_den > 0.0:
113 io.debug( "num/den: %s / %s = %s"%(P_STOP_num, P_STOP_den,P_STOP_num / P_STOP_den) , 'PSTOP')
114 return P_STOP_num / P_STOP_den # upside down in article
115 else:
116 return 0.0
119 def DMV(sent, g):
120 '''Here it seems like they store rule information on a per-head (per
121 direction) basis, in deps_D(h, dir) which gives us a list. '''
122 def P_h(h):
123 P_h = 1 # ?
124 for dir in ['l', 'r']:
125 for a in deps(h, dir):
126 # D(a)??
127 P_h *= \
128 P_STOP (0, h, dir, adj) * \
129 P_CHOOSE (a, h, dir) * \
130 P_h(D(a)) * \
131 P_STOP (STOP | h, dir, adj)
132 return P_h
133 return P_h(root(sent))
136 if __name__ == "__main__": # from dmv.py
137 # these are not Real rules, just testing the classes. todo: make
138 # a rule-set to test inner() on.
139 b = {}
140 s = DMV_Rule((LRBAR,0), (NOBAR,1),(NOBAR,2), 1.0, 0.0) # s->np vp
141 np = DMV_Rule((NOBAR,1), (NOBAR,3),(NOBAR,4), 0.3, 0.0) # np->n p
142 b[(NOBAR,1), 'n'] = 0.7 # np->'n'
143 b[(NOBAR,3), 'n'] = 1.0 # n->'n'
144 b[(NOBAR,4), 'p'] = 1.0 # p->'p'
145 vp = DMV_Rule((NOBAR,2), (NOBAR,5),(NOBAR,1), 0.1, 0.0) # vp->v np (two parses use this rule)
146 vp2 = DMV_Rule((NOBAR,2), (NOBAR,2),(NOBAR,4), 0.9, 0.0) # vp->vp p
147 b[(NOBAR,5), 'v'] = 1.0 # v->'v'
149 g = DMV_Grammar([s,np,vp,vp2], b, "todo","todo", "todo")
151 io.DEBUG = 0
152 test1 = io.inner(0,0, (NOBAR,1), g, ['n'], {})
153 if test1[0] != 0.7:
154 print "should be 0.70 : %.2f" % test1[0]
155 print ""
157 test2 = io.inner(0,2, (NOBAR,2), g, ['v','n','p'], {})
158 if "%.2f" % test2[0] != "0.09": # 0.092999 etc, don't care about that
159 print "should be 0.09 if the io.py-test is right : %.2f" % test2[0]
160 # the following should manage to look stuff up in the chart:
161 test2 = io.inner(0,2, (NOBAR,2), g, ['v','n','p'], test2[1])
162 if "%.2f" % test2[0] != "0.09":
163 print "should be 0.09 if the io.py-test is right : %.2f" % test2[0]