1 / $FreeBSD: src/usr.bin/units/units.lib,v 1.16 2004/05/30 16:09:12 dwmalone Exp $
2 / $DragonFly: src/usr.bin/units/units.lib,v 1.3 2005/11/07 00:44:59 swildner Exp $
63 / binary prefixes introduced in 1999
64 exbi- 1152921504606846976
65 pebi- 1125899906842624
81 pi 3.14159265358979323846
82 c 2.99792458e+8 m/sec fuzz
84 bigG 6.67390e-11 m3/kg/s2
85 au 1.49597871e+11 m fuzz
86 mole 6.022169e+23 fuzz
87 e 1.6021917e-19 coul fuzz
90 mercury 1.33322e+5 kg/m2-sec2
96 degree 1|180 pi-radian
108 sphere 4 pi-steradian
122 year 365.24219879 day fuzz
160 angstrom decinanometer
174 british 1200|3937 m/ft
199 dry 268.8025 in3/gallon fuzz
208 brgallon 277.420 in3 fuzz
212 brpeck 554.84 in3 fuzz
214 brhundredweight 112 lb
244 / Wall Street Journal, July 2, 1993
248 australiadollar .66 $
249 bahraindinar 2.6522 $
250 brazilcruzeiro .000019 $
255 chinarenminbi .174856 $
256 colombiapeso .001495 $
258 ecuadorsucre .000539 $
259 greatbritainpound britainpound
260 greecedrachma .0043 $
264 indonesiarupiah .0004782 $
269 lebanonpound .000578 $
270 malaysiaringgit .338 $
272 mexicopeso .3205128 $
273 newzealanddollar .539 $
277 philippinespeso .03738 $
278 polandzloty .000059 $
279 saudiarabiariyal .26702 $
280 singaporedollar .6157 $
282 southafricarand .21 $
285 switzerlandfranc .66 $
286 taiwandollar .038285 $
287 thailandbaht .03962 $
288 turkeylira .0000929 $
289 unitedarabdirham .2723 $
290 uruguaynewpeso .246852 $
291 venezuelabolivar .011 $
293 / EMU currencies have constant exchange rate against Euro since 1.1.1999
294 austriaschilling 1|13.7603 euro
295 belgiumfranc 1|40.3399 euro
296 finlandmarkka 1|5.94573 euro
297 francefranc 1|6.55957 euro
298 germanymark 1|1.95583 euro
299 irelandpunt 1|0.787564 euro
300 italylira 1|1936.27 euro
301 netherlandsguilder 1|2.20371 euro
302 portugalescudo 1|200.482 euro
303 spainpeseta 1|166.386 euro
305 / rate of euro against dollar from 2002-07-09
309 bolivar venezuelabolivar
312 escudo portugalescudo
314 guilder netherlandsguilder
315 hollandguilder netherlandsguilder
320 drachma greecedrachma
324 poundsterling britainpound
325 cruzeiro brazilcruzeiro
334 gigabyte 1024 megabyte
335 terabyte 1024 gigabyte
336 petabyte 1024 terabyte
337 exabyte 1024 petabyte
338 zettabyte 1024 exabyte
339 yottabyte 1024 zettabyte
347 admiraltyknot 6080 ft/hr
353 atmosphere 1.01325e+5 nt/m2
355 atomicmassunit 1.66044e-27 kg fuzz
370 bottommeasure 1|40 in
371 britishthermalunit 1.05506e+3 joule fuzz
372 btu britishthermalunit
373 refrigeration 12000 btu/ton-hour
382 centesimalminute 1e-2 grade
383 centesimalsecond 1e-4 grade
387 circularinch 1|4 pi-in2
388 circularmil 1e-6|4 pi-in2
389 clusec 1e-8 mm-hg m3/s
400 displacementton 35 ft3
407 engineerschain 100 ft
408 engineerslink 100|100 ft
409 equivalentfootcandle lumen/pi-ft2
410 equivalentlux lumen/pi-m2
411 equivalentphot cd/pi-cm2
414 faraday 9.652e+4 coul
422 footlambert cd/pi-ft2
424 franklin 3.33564e-10 coul
430 geodeticfoot british-ft
431 geographicalmile 1852 m
432 gilbert 7.95775e-1 amp
444 horsepower 550 ft-lb-g/sec
448 imaginarycubicfoot 1.4 ft3
462 longhundredweight 112 lb
464 lusec 1e-6 mm-hg m3/s
465 m_earth 5.97223e24 kg
472 metriccarat 200 milligram
478 minersinch 1.5 ft3/min
488 oersted 2.5e+2 pi-amp/m
493 parsec au-radian/arcsec
513 quartersection 1|4 mi2
524 rontgen 2.58e-4 curie/kg
528 rydberg 1.36054e+1 ev
534 shorthundredweight 100 lb
551 surveyfoot british-ft
552 surveyyard 3 surveyfoot
554 surveyorslink 66|100 ft
573 k 1.38047e-16 erg/degC
578 brewster 1e-12 m2/newton
581 degrankine degreesrankine
585 poncelet 100 kg m g / sec
586 denier .05|450 gram / m
589 scottishell 37.2 inch
591 planck 6.626e-34 joule-sec
592 hbar 1.055e-34 joule-sec
593 electronmass 9.1095e-31 kg
594 protonmass 1.6726e-27 kg
595 neutronmass 1.6606e-27 kg
598 bohrradius hbar2-C2/8.988e9 N m2-e2-electronmass
599 becquerel 1|3.7e10 curie
601 statcoul 1|2.99792458e9 coul
602 statamp 1|2.99792458e9 amp
603 statvolt 2.99792458e2 volt
606 debye 3.336e-30 coul-m
612 siderealyear 365.256360417 day
613 siderealday 23.934469444 hour
614 siderealhour 1|24 sidereal day
615 lunarmonth 29.5305555 day
616 synodicmonth lunarmonth
617 siderealmonth 27.32152777 day
620 lunaryear 12 lunarmonth
624 frenchfeet frenchfoot
628 militarypace 2.5 feet
632 iudiptheria 62.8 microgram
633 iupenicillin .6 microgram
634 iuinsulin 41.67 microgram
635 cottonyarncount 2520 ft/pound
636 linenyarncount 900 ft/pound
637 worstedyarncount 1680 ft/pound
638 metricyarncount meter/gram
639 jewlerspoint 2 milligram