deriving (Enum) now uses Deriving_Enum module [#1]
[deriving.git] / lib /
1 (*pp deriving *)
3 (* Copyright Jeremy Yallop 2007.
4 This file is free software, distributed under the MIT license.
5 See the file COPYING for details.
6 *)
8 open Bounded
10 let rec rassoc (rkey : 'b) : ('a * 'b) list -> 'a = function
11 | [] -> raise Not_found
12 | (a,b)::_ when b = rkey -> a
13 | _::xs -> rassoc rkey xs
15 let rec last : 'a list -> 'a = function
16 | [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "last")
17 | [x] -> x
18 | _::xs -> last xs
20 module Enum =
21 struct
22 (** Enum **)
23 module type Enum = sig
24 type a
25 val succ : a -> a
26 val pred : a -> a
27 val to_enum : int -> a
28 val from_enum : a -> int
29 val enum_from : a -> a list
30 val enum_from_then : a -> a -> a list
31 val enum_from_to : a -> a -> a list
32 val enum_from_then_to : a -> a -> a -> a list
33 end
35 let startThenTo (start : int) (next : int) (until : int) : int list =
36 let step = next - start in
37 if step <= 0 then invalid_arg "startThenTo"
38 else
39 let rec upFrom current =
40 if current > until then []
41 else current :: upFrom (current+step)
43 upFrom start
45 let range : int -> int -> int list
46 = fun f t -> startThenTo f (f+1) t
48 module Defaults
49 (E : (sig
50 type a
51 val numbering : (a * int) list
52 end)) : Enum with type a = E.a =
53 struct
54 let firstCon = fst (List.hd E.numbering)
55 let lastCon = fst (last E.numbering)
57 type a = E.a
58 let from_enum a = List.assoc a E.numbering
59 let to_enum i = try rassoc i E.numbering with Not_found -> raise (Invalid_argument "to_enum")
60 let succ s = try to_enum ((from_enum s) + 1) with Invalid_argument "to_enum" -> raise (Invalid_argument "succ")
61 let pred s = try to_enum ((from_enum s) - 1) with Invalid_argument "to_enum" -> raise (Invalid_argument "pred")
62 let enum_from_to x y = to_enum (range (from_enum x) (from_enum y))
63 let enum_from_then_to x y z = to_enum (startThenTo (from_enum x) (from_enum y) (from_enum z))
64 let enum_from_then x y = (enum_from_then_to x y
65 (if from_enum y >= from_enum x then lastCon
66 else firstCon))
67 let enum_from x = enum_from_to x lastCon
68 end
71 module Defaults'
72 (E : (sig
73 type a
74 val from_enum : a -> int
75 val to_enum : int -> a
76 end))
77 (B : Bounded with type a = E.a) : Enum with type a = E.a
78 and type a = B.a =
79 struct
80 include E
81 let firstCon = B.min_bound
82 let lastCon = B.max_bound
84 let succ s = try to_enum ((from_enum s) + 1) with Invalid_argument "to_enum" -> raise (Invalid_argument "succ")
85 let pred s = try to_enum ((from_enum s) - 1) with Invalid_argument "to_enum" -> raise (Invalid_argument "pred")
86 let enum_from_to x y = to_enum (range (from_enum x) (from_enum y))
87 let enum_from_then_to x y z = to_enum (startThenTo (from_enum x) (from_enum y) (from_enum z))
88 let enum_from_then x y = (enum_from_then_to x y
89 (if from_enum y >= from_enum x then lastCon
90 else firstCon))
91 let enum_from x = enum_from_to x lastCon
92 end
94 module Enum_bool = Defaults(struct
95 type a = bool
96 let numbering = [false, 0; true, 1]
97 end)
99 module Enum_char = Defaults'(struct
100 type a = char
101 let from_enum = Char.code
102 let to_enum = Char.chr
103 end) (Bounded_char)
105 module Enum_int = Defaults' (struct
106 type a = int
107 let from_enum i = i
108 let to_enum i = i
109 end)(Bounded_int)
111 (* Can `instance Enum Float' be justified?
112 For some floats `f' we have `succ f == f'.
113 Furthermore, float is wider than int, so from_enum will necessarily
114 give nonsense on many inputs. *)
116 module Enum_unit = Defaults' (struct
117 type a = unit
118 let from_enum () = 0
119 let to_enum = function
120 | 0 -> ()
121 | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "to_enum")
122 end) (Bounded_unit)
124 include Enum
127 type open_flag = Pervasives.open_flag =
128 | Open_rdonly
129 | Open_wronly
130 | Open_append
131 | Open_creat
132 | Open_trunc
133 | Open_excl
134 | Open_binary
135 | Open_text
136 | Open_nonblock
137 deriving (Enum)
139 type fpclass = Pervasives.fpclass =
140 | FP_normal
141 | FP_subnormal
142 | FP_zero
143 | FP_infinite
144 | FP_nan
145 deriving (Enum)