Merged Delight changes to D1 into D2
[delight/core.git] / dmd2 / lexer.h
2 // Compiler implementation of the D programming language
3 // Copyright (c) 1999-2008 by Digital Mars
4 // All Rights Reserved
5 // written by Walter Bright
6 //
7 // License for redistribution is by either the Artistic License
8 // in artistic.txt, or the GNU General Public License in gnu.txt.
9 // See the included readme.txt for details.
11 #ifndef DMD_LEXER_H
12 #define DMD_LEXER_H
14 #ifdef __DMC__
15 #pragma once
16 #endif /* __DMC__ */
18 #include "root.h"
19 #include "mars.h"
21 struct StringTable;
22 struct Identifier;
23 struct Module;
25 /* Tokens:
26 ( )
27 [ ]
28 { }
29 < > <= >= == != === !==
30 << >> <<= >>= >>> >>>=
31 + - += -=
32 * / % *= /= %=
33 & | ^ &= |= ^=
34 = ! ~
35 ++ --
36 . -> : ,
37 ? && ||
41 enum TOK
43 TOKreserved,
45 // Other
46 TOKlparen, TOKrparen,
47 TOKlbracket, TOKrbracket,
48 TOKlcurly, TOKrcurly,
49 TOKcolon, TOKneg,
50 TOKsemicolon, TOKdotdotdot,
51 TOKeof, TOKcast,
52 TOKnull, TOKassert,
53 TOKtrue, TOKfalse,
54 TOKarray, TOKcall,
55 TOKaddress, TOKtypedot,
56 TOKtype, TOKthrow,
57 TOKnew, TOKdelete,
58 TOKstar, TOKsymoff,
59 TOKvar, TOKdotvar,
60 TOKdotti, TOKdotexp,
61 TOKdottype, TOKslice,
62 TOKarraylength, TOKversion,
63 TOKmodule, TOKdollar,
64 TOKtemplate, TOKdottd,
65 TOKdeclaration, TOKtypeof,
66 TOKpragma, TOKdsymbol,
67 TOKtypeid, TOKuadd,
68 TOKremove,
69 TOKnewanonclass, TOKcomment,
70 TOKarrayliteral, TOKassocarrayliteral,
71 TOKstructliteral,
73 // Operators
74 TOKlt, TOKgt,
75 TOKle, TOKge,
76 TOKequal, TOKnotequal,
77 TOKidentity, TOKnotidentity,
78 TOKindex, TOKis,
79 TOKtobool,
81 // 60
82 // NCEG floating point compares
83 // !<>= <> <>= !> !>= !< !<= !<>
84 TOKunord,TOKlg,TOKleg,TOKule,TOKul,TOKuge,TOKug,TOKue,
86 TOKshl, TOKshr,
87 TOKshlass, TOKshrass,
88 TOKushr, TOKushrass,
89 TOKcat, TOKcatass, // ~ ~=
90 TOKadd, TOKmin, TOKaddass, TOKminass,
91 TOKmul, TOKdiv, TOKmod,
92 TOKmulass, TOKdivass, TOKmodass,
93 TOKand, TOKor, TOKxor,
94 TOKandass, TOKorass, TOKxorass,
95 TOKassign, TOKnot, TOKtilde,
96 TOKplusplus, TOKminusminus, TOKconstruct, TOKblit,
97 TOKdot, TOKarrow, TOKcomma,
98 TOKquestion, TOKandand, TOKoror,
100 // 104
101 // Numeric literals
102 TOKint32v, TOKuns32v,
103 TOKint64v, TOKuns64v,
104 TOKfloat32v, TOKfloat64v, TOKfloat80v,
105 TOKimaginary32v, TOKimaginary64v, TOKimaginary80v,
107 // Char constants
108 TOKcharv, TOKwcharv, TOKdcharv,
110 // Leaf operators
111 TOKidentifier, TOKstring,
112 TOKthis, TOKsuper,
113 TOKhalt, TOKtuple,
115 // Basic types
116 TOKvoid,
117 TOKint8, TOKuns8,
118 TOKint16, TOKuns16,
119 TOKint32, TOKuns32,
120 TOKint64, TOKuns64,
121 TOKfloat32, TOKfloat64, TOKfloat80,
122 TOKimaginary32, TOKimaginary64, TOKimaginary80,
123 TOKcomplex32, TOKcomplex64, TOKcomplex80,
124 TOKchar, TOKwchar, TOKdchar, TOKbit, TOKbool,
125 TOKcent, TOKucent,
127 // Aggregates
128 TOKstruct, TOKclass, TOKinterface, TOKunion, TOKenum, TOKimport,
129 TOKtypedef, TOKalias, TOKoverride, TOKdelegate, TOKfunction,
130 TOKmixin,
132 TOKalign, TOKextern, TOKprivate, TOKprotected, TOKpublic, TOKexport,
133 TOKstatic, /*TOKvirtual,*/ TOKfinal, TOKconst, TOKabstract, TOKvolatile,
134 TOKdebug, TOKdeprecated, TOKin, TOKout, TOKinout, TOKlazy,
135 TOKauto, TOKpackage, TOKmanifest,
137 // Statements
138 TOKif, TOKelse, TOKwhile, TOKfor, TOKdo, TOKswitch,
139 TOKcase, TOKdefault, TOKbreak, TOKcontinue, TOKwith,
140 TOKsynchronized, TOKreturn, TOKgoto, TOKtry, TOKcatch, TOKfinally,
141 TOKasm, TOKforeach, TOKforeach_reverse, TOKreversed,
142 TOKscope,
143 TOKon_scope_exit, TOKon_scope_failure, TOKon_scope_success,
144 TOKlog_error, TOKlog_warning, TOKlog_info, TOKlog_trace,
146 // Contracts
147 TOKbody, TOKinvariant,
149 // Testing
150 TOKunittest,
152 // Added after 1.0
153 TOKref,
154 TOKmacro,
155 #if V2
156 TOKtraits,
157 TOKoverloadset,
158 TOKpure,
159 TOKnothrow,
160 TOKtls,
161 TOKline,
162 TOKfile,
163 #endif
165 // TAL
166 TOKextends,
167 TOKimplements,
168 TOKendline,
169 TOKat,
170 TOKlogger, // Not a real symbol
175 #define CASE_BASIC_TYPES \
176 case TOKwchar: case TOKdchar: \
177 case TOKbit: case TOKbool: case TOKchar: \
178 case TOKint8: case TOKuns8: \
179 case TOKint16: case TOKuns16: \
180 case TOKint32: case TOKuns32: \
181 case TOKint64: case TOKuns64: \
182 case TOKfloat32: case TOKfloat64: case TOKfloat80: \
183 case TOKimaginary32: case TOKimaginary64: case TOKimaginary80: \
184 case TOKcomplex32: case TOKcomplex64: case TOKcomplex80: \
185 case TOKvoid
187 #define CASE_BASIC_TYPES_X(t) \
188 case TOKvoid: t = Type::tvoid; goto LabelX; \
189 case TOKint8: t = Type::tint8; goto LabelX; \
190 case TOKuns8: t = Type::tuns8; goto LabelX; \
191 case TOKint16: t = Type::tint16; goto LabelX; \
192 case TOKuns16: t = Type::tuns16; goto LabelX; \
193 case TOKint32: t = Type::tint32; goto LabelX; \
194 case TOKuns32: t = Type::tuns32; goto LabelX; \
195 case TOKint64: t = Type::tint64; goto LabelX; \
196 case TOKuns64: t = Type::tuns64; goto LabelX; \
197 case TOKfloat32: t = Type::tfloat32; goto LabelX; \
198 case TOKfloat64: t = Type::tfloat64; goto LabelX; \
199 case TOKfloat80: t = Type::tfloat80; goto LabelX; \
200 case TOKimaginary32: t = Type::timaginary32; goto LabelX; \
201 case TOKimaginary64: t = Type::timaginary64; goto LabelX; \
202 case TOKimaginary80: t = Type::timaginary80; goto LabelX; \
203 case TOKcomplex32: t = Type::tcomplex32; goto LabelX; \
204 case TOKcomplex64: t = Type::tcomplex64; goto LabelX; \
205 case TOKcomplex80: t = Type::tcomplex80; goto LabelX; \
206 case TOKbit: t = Type::tbit; goto LabelX; \
207 case TOKbool: t = Type::tbool; goto LabelX; \
208 case TOKchar: t = Type::tchar; goto LabelX; \
209 case TOKwchar: t = Type::twchar; goto LabelX; \
210 case TOKdchar: t = Type::tdchar; goto LabelX; \
211 LabelX
213 struct Token
215 Token *next;
216 unsigned char *ptr; // pointer to first character of this token within buffer
217 enum TOK value;
218 unsigned char *blockComment; // doc comment string prior to this token
219 unsigned char *lineComment; // doc comment for previous token
220 union
222 // Integers
223 d_int32 int32value;
224 d_uns32 uns32value;
225 d_int64 int64value;
226 d_uns64 uns64value;
228 // Floats
229 #ifdef IN_GCC
230 // real_t float80value; // can't use this in a union!
231 #else
232 d_float80 float80value;
233 #endif
235 struct
236 { unsigned char *ustring; // UTF8 string
237 unsigned len;
238 unsigned char postfix; // 'c', 'w', 'd'
241 Identifier *ident;
243 #ifdef IN_GCC
244 real_t float80value; // can't use this in a union!
245 #endif
247 static char *tochars[TOKMAX];
248 static void *operator new(size_t sz);
250 int isKeyword();
251 void print();
252 char *toChars();
253 static char *toChars(enum TOK);
256 struct Lexer
258 static StringTable stringtable;
259 static OutBuffer stringbuffer;
260 static Token *freelist;
262 Loc loc; // for error messages
264 unsigned char *base; // pointer to start of buffer
265 unsigned char *end; // past end of buffer
266 unsigned char *p; // current character
267 Token token;
268 Module *mod;
269 int doDocComment; // collect doc comment information
270 int anyToken; // !=0 means seen at least one token
271 int commentToken; // !=0 means comments are TOKcomment's
273 bool dltSyntax;
274 unsigned int indent; // Current indent level
275 int atStartOfLine;
276 int nesting; // Counts { [ (; we ignore indents inside these
277 int incLineno; // Increate line number at next opportunity
279 Lexer(Module *mod,
280 unsigned char *base, unsigned begoffset, unsigned endoffset,
281 int doDocComment, int commentToken, bool dltSyntax);
283 static void initKeywords();
284 static Identifier *idPool(const char *s);
285 static Identifier *uniqueId(const char *s);
286 static Identifier *uniqueId(const char *s, int num);
288 TOK nextToken();
289 void scan(Token *t);
290 Token *peek(Token *t);
291 Token *peekPastParen(Token *t);
292 unsigned escapeSequence();
293 TOK wysiwygStringConstant(Token *t, int tc);
294 TOK hexStringConstant(Token *t);
295 #if V2
296 TOK delimitedStringConstant(Token *t);
297 TOK tokenStringConstant(Token *t);
298 #endif
299 TOK escapeStringConstant(Token *t, int wide);
300 TOK charConstant(Token *t, int wide);
301 void stringPostfix(Token *t);
302 unsigned wchar(unsigned u);
303 TOK number(Token *t);
304 TOK inreal(Token *t);
305 void error(const char *format, ...);
306 void error(Loc loc, const char *format, ...);
307 void pragma();
308 unsigned decodeUTF();
309 void getDocComment(Token *t, unsigned lineComment);
311 static int isValidIdentifier(char *p);
312 static unsigned char *combineComments(unsigned char *c1, unsigned char *c2);
315 #endif /* DMD_LEXER_H */