* debian/changelog: Add entry for new release.
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1 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
3 <!-- Begin Document Specific Declarations -->
5 <?Fm: Validation Off>
7 <!ENTITY version "1.4">
8 <!ENTITY dj "DejaGnu">
10 <!ENTITY dejagnu-copyright "
11 <YEAR>2001</YEAR>
12 <HOLDER>Free Software Foundation, Inc.</HOLDER>">
14 <!ENTITY dejagnu-code-copyright "
15 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
16 This file documents the GNU Testing Framework ``DejaGnu''
18 Copyright (C) 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 2001 Free Software
19 Foundation, Inc.
21 This text may be freely distributed under the terms of the GNU
22 General Public License.
23 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
26 <!ENTITY dejagnu-copyright "
27 Copyright 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 2001 Free Software
28 Foundation, Inc.
30 Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
31 this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
32 are preserved on all copies.
34 Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
35 manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that
36 the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
37 permission notice identical to this one.
39 Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
40 into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.
43 <!-- The reference material -->
44 <!entity ref SYSTEM "ref.sgml">
46 <!-- The user manual -->
47 <!entity user SYSTEM "user.sgml">
49 <!-- End Document Specific Declarations -->
53 <book>
54 <bookinfo>
55 <title>&dj;</title>
56 <subtitle>The GNU Testing Framework</subtitle>
57 <date>2001 Feb 16</date>
58 <edition> &version</edition>
59 <releaseinfo> for circulation within Cygnus</releaseinfo>
60 <authorgroup>
61 <author>
62 <firstname>Rob Savoye</firstname>
63 <affiliation>
64 <orgname>Free Software Foundation</orgname></affiliation>
65 <!-- <authorblurb>
66 <title>Rob Savoye</title>
67 <para>
68 His home page is at <ulink>
69 URL="http://www.welcomehome.org/rob.html">this
70 location</ulink>
71 </para>
72 </authorblurb>
73 -->
74 </author>
75 </authorgroup>
76 <address>
77 <email>rob@welcomehome.org</email>
78 </address>
79 <!-- &cygnus-street-address; -->
80 <copyright>&dejagnu-copyright;</copyright>
81 <!-- <legalnotice>
82 <para> -->
83 <!-- [FIXME: must put legal notice here] -->
84 <!-- </para> -->
85 <!-- &cygnus-legal-notice; -->
86 <!-- </legalnotice> -->
87 <revhistory>
88 <revision>
89 <revnumber>0.6</revnumber>
90 <date>2001-2-16</date>
91 <authorinitials>rob@welcomehome.org</authorinitials>
92 <revremark>Updated for new release.</revremark>
93 </revision>
94 <revision>
95 <revnumber>0.5</revnumber>
96 <date>2000-1-24</date>
97 <authorinitials>rob@welcomehome.org</authorinitials>
98 <revremark>Initial version after conversion to DocBook.</revremark>
99 </revision>
100 </revhistory>
102 </bookinfo>
104 <toc></toc>
106 <preface id=preface>
107 <title>Abstract</title>
109 <para>This document attempts to describe the functionality of
110 DejaGnu, the GNU Testing Framework. DejaGnu is entirely written in
111 <productname>Expect</productname>, which uses
112 <productname>Tcl</productname> as a command
113 language. <productname>Expect</productname> serves as a very
114 programmable shell; you can run any program, as with the usual
115 Unix command shells---but once the program is started, your
116 test script has fully programmable control of
117 its input and output. This does not just apply to the programs
118 under test; <command>expect</command> can also run any auxiliary
119 program, such as <command>diff</command> or <command>sh</command>,
120 with full control over its input and output.</para>
122 <para>DejaGnu itself is merely a framework for creation of a test
123 suites. Test suites are distributed separately for each GNU
124 tool.</para>
126 </preface>
128 <chapter id=overview xreflabel=Overview>
129 <title>Overview</title>
131 <sect1 id=whatis xreflabel="What is &dj; ?">
132 <title>What is &dj; ?</title>
134 <para><productname>DejaGnu</productname> is a framework for
135 testing other programs. Its purpose is to provide a single
136 front end for all tests. Think of it as a custom library of
137 Tcl procedures crafted to support writing a test harness. A
138 <emphasis>Test Harness</emphasis> is the testing
139 infrastructure that is created to support a specific program
140 or tool. Each program can have multiple test suites, all
141 supported by a single test harness. DejaGnu is written in
142 <productname>Expect</productname>, which in turn uses
143 <productname>Tcl</productname> -- Tool command
144 language. There is more information on Tcl at the <ulink
145 URL="http://www.scriptics.com">Scriptics</ulink> web site, and the
146 Expect web site is at <ulink
147 URL="http://expect.nist.gov">NIST</ulink>.</para>
149 <para>DejaGnu offers several advantages for testing:</para>
151 <itemizedlist mark="bullet" spacing="compact">
153 <listitem><para>The flexibility and consistency of the DejaGnu
154 framework make it easy to write tests for any program, with
155 either batch oriented, or interactive programs.</para>
156 </listitem>
158 <listitem><para>DejaGnu provides a layer of abstraction which
159 allows you to write tests that are portable to any host or
160 target where a program must be tested. For instance, a test
161 for <command>GDB</command> can run (from any Unix
162 based host) on any target architecture that DejaGnu
163 supports. Currently DejaGnu runs tests on many single board
164 computers, whose operating software ranges from just a boot
165 monitor to a full-fledged, Unix-like realtime OS.</para>
166 </listitem>
168 <listitem><para>All tests have the same output format. This
169 makes it easy to integrate testing into other software
170 development processes. DejaGnu's output is designed to be
171 parsed by other filtering script, and it is also human
172 readable.</para>
173 </listitem>
175 <listitem><para>Using Tcl and expect, it's easy to create wrappers
176 for existing test suites. By incorporating existing tests under
177 DejaGnu, it's easier to have a single set of report analyse
178 programs..</para>
180 </listitem>
181 </itemizedlist>
183 <para>Running tests requires two things: the testing framework, and
184 the test suites themselves. Tests are usually written in
185 <productname>Expect</productname> using Tcl, but you can also use a
186 Tcl script to run a test suite that is not based on
187 <productname>Expect</productname>.
188 (<productname>expect</productname> script filenames conventionally
189 use <emphasis>.exp</emphasis> as a suffix; for example, the main
190 implementation of the DejaGnu test driver is in the file
191 <productname>runtest.exp</productname>.)</para>
193 <para>Julia Menapace first coined the term ``Deja Gnu'' to describe an
194 earlier testing framework at Cygnus Support she had written for
195 <command>GDB</command>. When we replaced it with the Expect-based
196 framework, it was like DejaGnu all over again... But more importantly, it
197 was also named after my daughter,<ulink
198 URL="mailto:deja@welcomehome.org">Deja Snow Savoye</ulink> (now 9
199 years old in Dec of 1998), who was a toddler during DejaGnu's
200 creation.</para>
202 </sect1>
204 <sect1 id=new xreflabel="Release Notes">
205 <title>What's New In This Release</title>
207 <para>This release has a number of substantial changes over version
208 1.3. The most visible change is that the version of Expect and Tcl
209 included in the release are up-to-date with the current stable net
210 releases. The biggest change is years of modifications to the
211 target configuration system, used for cross testing. While this
212 greatly improved cross testing, is has made that subsystem very
213 complicated. The goal is to have this entirely rewritten using
214 <productname>iTcl</productname> by the next release. Other changes
215 are:</para>
217 <itemizedlist>
218 <listitem><para>More builtin support for building target binaries
219 with the correct linker flags. Currently this only works with
220 <productname>GCC</productname> as the cross compiler,
221 preferably with a target supported by
222 <xref linkend=libgloss>.</para></listitem>
224 <listitem><para>Lots of little bug fixes from years of heavy
225 use at Cygnus Solutions.</para></listitem>
227 <listitem><para>DejaGnu now uses
228 <productname>Automake</productname> for Makefile
229 configuration.</para></listitem>
231 <listitem><para>Updated documentation, now in SGML
232 (using the <ulink
233 URL="http://nis-www.lanl.gov/~rosalia/mydocs/docbook-intro.html">free
234 GNU DocBook tools</ulink>) format.</para></listitem>
236 <listitem><para>NT support. There is beta level support for NT
237 that is still a work in progress. This requires the <ulink
238 URL="http://sources.redhat.com">Cygwin</ulink> POSIX system
239 for NT.</para></listitem>
241 </itemizedlist>
243 <sect2 id=cygwin xreflabel="NT Support">
244 <title>NT Support</title>
246 <para>To use DejaGnu on NT, you need to first install the
247 <ulink URL="http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin">Cygwin</ulink>
248 release. This works as of the B20.1 release. Cygwin is a POSIX
249 system for NT. This covers both utility programs, and a libray
250 that adds POSIX system calls to NT. Among them is pseudo tty
251 support for NT that emulates the POSIX pty standard. The
252 latest Cygwin is always available from <ulink
253 URL="http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin">this location</ulink>. This
254 works well enough to run <emphasis>"make check"</emphasis> of
255 the GNU development tree on NT after a native build. But the
256 nature of pty's on NT is still evolving. Your mileage may
257 vary...</para>
259 </sect2>
261 </sect1>
263 <sect1 id=designgoals xreflabel="Design Goals">
264 <title>Design Goals</title>
266 <para>DejaGnu grew out of the internal needs of Cygnus Solutions. (then
267 Cygnus Support). Cygnus maintained and enhanced a variety of free
268 programs in many different environments, and we needed a testing
269 tool that:</para>
271 <itemizedlist mark="bullet">
272 <listitem><para>was useful to developers while fixing
273 bugs.</para></listitem>
274 <listitem><para>automated running many tests during a software
275 release process.</para></listitem>
276 <listitem><para>was portable among a variety of host
277 computers.</para></listitem>
278 <listitem><para>supported cross-development
279 testing.</para></listitem>
280 <listitem><para>permited testing interactive programs, like
281 <command>GDB</command>; and </para></listitem>
282 <listitem><para>permited testing batch oriented programs, like
283 <command>GCC</command>.</para></listitem>
284 </itemizedlist>
286 <para>Some of the requirements proved challenging. For example,
287 interactive programs do not lend themselves very well to automated testing.
288 But all the requirements are important: for instance, it is imperative to
289 make sure that <command>GDB</command> works as well when cross-debugging
290 as it does in a native configuration. </para>
292 <para>Probably the greatest challenge was testing in a cross-development
293 environment (which can be a real nightmare). Most cross-development
294 environments are customized by each developer. Even when buying packaged
295 boards from vendors there are many differences. The communication
296 interfaces vary from a serial line to ethernet. DejaGnu was designed with
297 a modular communication setup, so that each kind of communication can be
298 added as required, and supported thereafter. Once a communication
299 procedure is coded, any test can use it. Currently DejaGnu can use
300 <command>rsh</command>, <command>rlogin</command>,
301 <command>telnet</command>, <command>tip</command>,
302 <command>kermit</command>, and <command>mondfe</command> for remote
303 communications.</para>
305 </sect1>
307 <sect1 id=posix xreflabel="A POSIX Conforming Test Framework">
308 <title>A POSIX conforming test framework</title>
310 <para>DejaGnu conforms to the POSIX 1003.3 standard for test
311 frameworks. I was also a member of that committe.</para>
313 <para>The POSIX standard 1003.3 defines what a testing framework needs to
314 provide, in order to permit the creation of POSIX conformance test
315 suites. This standard is primarily oriented to running POSIX conformance
316 tests, but its requirements also support testing of features not related
317 to POSIX conformance. POSIX 1003.3 does not specify a particular testing
318 framework, but at this time there is only one other POSIX conforming test
319 framework: TET. TET was created by Unisoft for a consortium comprised of
320 X/Open, Unix International, and the Open Software Foundation.</para>
322 <para>The POSIX documentation refers to <firstterm>assertions</firstterm>.
323 An assertion is a description of behavior. For example, if a standard
324 says ``The sun shall shine'', a corresponding assertion might be ``The
325 sun is shining.'' A test based on this assertion would pass or fail
326 depending on whether it is daytime or nighttime. It is important to note
327 that the standard being tested is never 1003.3; the standard being tested
328 is some other standard, for which the assertions were written.</para>
330 <para>As there is no test suite to test testing frameworks for POSIX
331 1003.3 conformance, verifying conformance to this standard is done by
332 repeatedly reading the standard and experimenting. One of the main
333 things 1003.3 does specify is the set of allowed output messages, and
334 their definitions. Four messages are supported for a required feature of
335 POSIX conforming systems, and a fifth for a conditional feature. DejaGnu
336 supports the use of all five output messages; in this sense a test suite
337 that uses exactly these messages can be considered POSIX conforming.
338 These definitions specify the output of a test
339 case:</para>
341 <variablelist>
342 <varlistentry>
343 <term>PASS</term>
344 <listitem><para>A test has succeeded. That is, it demonstrated that
345 the assertion is true.</para></listitem>
346 </varlistentry>
348 <varlistentry>
349 <term>XFAIL</term>
350 <listitem><para>POSIX 1003.3 does not incorporate the notion of
351 expected failures, so <emphasis>PASS</emphasis>, instead of
352 <emphasis>XPASS</emphasis>, must also be returned for test cases
353 which were expected to fail and did not. This means that
354 <emphasis>PASS</emphasis> is in some sense more ambiguous than if
355 <emphasis>XPASS</emphasis> is also used.</para></listitem>
356 </varlistentry>
358 <varlistentry>
359 <term>FAIL</term>
360 <listitem><para>A test has produced the bug it was intended to
361 capture. That is, it has demonstrated that the assertion is false.
362 The <emphasis>FAIL</emphasis> message is based on the test case only.
363 Other messages are used to indicate a failure of the framework. As
364 with <emphasis>PASS</emphasis>, POSIX tests must return
365 <emphasis>FAIL</emphasis> rather than <emphasis>XFAIL</emphasis> even
366 if a failure was expected.</para></listitem>
367 </varlistentry>
369 <varlistentry>
370 <term>UNRESOLVED</term>
371 <listitem><para>A test produced indeterminate results. Usually, this
372 means the test executed in an unexpected fashion; this outcome
373 requires that a human being go over results, to determine if the test
374 should have passed or failed. This message is also used for any test
375 that requires human intervention because it is beyond the abilities
376 of the testing framework. Any unresolved test should resolved to
377 <emphasis>PASS</emphasis> or <emphasis>FAIL</emphasis> before a test
378 run can be considered finished.</para>
380 <para>Note that for POSIX, each assertion must produce a test result
381 code. If the test isn't actually run, it must produce
382 <emphasis>UNRESOLVED</emphasis> rather than just leaving that test
383 out of the output. This means that you have to be careful when
384 writing tests, to not carelessly use tcl statements like
385 <emphasis>return</emphasis>---if you alter the flow of control of the
386 tcl code you must insure that every test still produces some result
387 code.</para>
389 <para>Here are some of the ways a test may wind up
390 <emphasis>UNRESOLVED</emphasis>:</para></listitem>
392 </varlistentry>
393 </variablelist>
395 <itemizedlist mark=bullet>
396 <listitem><para>A test's execution is
397 interrupted.</para></listitem>
399 <listitem><para>A test does not produce a clear
400 result. This is usually because there was an
401 <emphasis>ERROR</emphasis> from DejaGnu while processing
402 the test, or because there were three or more
403 <emphasis>WARNING</emphasis> messages. Any
404 <emphasis>WARNING</emphasis> or <emphasis>ERROR</emphasis>
405 messages can invalidate the output of the test. This
406 usually requires a human being to examine the output to
407 determine what really happened---and to improve the test
408 case.</para></listitem>
410 <listitem><para>A test depends on a previous test, which
411 fails.</para></listitem>
413 <listitem><para>The test was set up
414 incorrectly.</para></listitem>
415 </itemizedlist>
417 <variablelist>
418 <varlistentry>
419 <term>UNTESTED</term>
420 <listitem><para>A test was not run. This is a placeholder, used
421 when there is no real test case yet.</para></listitem>
422 </varlistentry>
423 </variablelist>
425 <para>The only remaining output message left is intended to test
426 features that are specified by the applicable POSIX standard as
427 conditional:</para>
429 <variablelist>
430 <varlistentry>
431 <term>UNSUPPORTED</term>
432 <listitem><para>There is no support for the tested case. This may
433 mean that a conditional feature of an operating system, or of a
434 compiler, is not implemented. DejaGnu also uses this message when
435 a testing environment (often a ``bare board'' target) lacks basic
436 support for compiling or running the test case. For example, a
437 test for the system subroutine <emphasis>gethostname</emphasis>
438 would never work on a target board running only a boot
439 monitor.</para></listitem>
440 </varlistentry>
441 </variablelist>
443 <para>DejaGnu uses the same output procedures to produce these messages
444 for all test suites, and these procedures are already known to conform
445 to POSIX 1003.3. For a DejaGnu test suite to conform to POSIX 1003.3,
446 you must avoid the <emphasis>setup</emphasis>xfail} procedure as
447 described in the <emphasis>PASS</emphasis> section above, and you must
448 be careful to return <emphasis>UNRESOLVED</emphasis> where appropriate,
449 as described in the <emphasis>UNRESOLVED</emphasis> section
450 above.</para>
451 </sect1>
453 </chapter>
455 <!-- include the user manual -->
456 &user;
458 <!-- include the reference manual -->
459 &ref;
461 </book>
463 <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
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