Changelog update.
[debian_buildbot.git] / master / contrib /
1 #!/usr/bin/python
3 # this requires python >=2.3 for the 'sets' module.
5 # The from python-2.3 appears to work fine under python2.2 . To
6 # install this script on a host with only python2.2, copy
7 # /usr/lib/python2.3/ from a newer python into somewhere on your
8 # PYTHONPATH, then edit the #! line above to invoke python2.2
10 # python2.1 is right out
12 # If you run this program as part of your SVN post-commit hooks, it will
13 # deliver Change notices to a buildmaster that is running a PBChangeSource
14 # instance.
16 # edit your svn-repository/hooks/post-commit file, and add lines that look
17 # like this:
19 '''
20 # set up PYTHONPATH to contain Twisted/buildbot perhaps, if not already
21 # installed site-wide
22 . ~/.environment
24 /path/to/ --repository "$REPOS" --revision "$REV" \
25 --bbserver localhost --bbport 9989
26 '''
28 import commands
29 import sys
30 import os
31 import re
32 import sets
34 # We have hackish "-d" handling here rather than in the Options
35 # subclass below because a common error will be to not have twisted in
36 # PYTHONPATH; we want to be able to print that error to the log if
37 # debug mode is on, so we set it up before the imports.
39 DEBUG = None
41 if '-d' in sys.argv:
42 i = sys.argv.index('-d')
43 DEBUG = sys.argv[i+1]
44 del sys.argv[i]
45 del sys.argv[i]
47 if DEBUG:
48 f = open(DEBUG, 'a')
49 sys.stderr = f
50 sys.stdout = f
53 from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
54 from twisted.python import usage
55 from twisted.spread import pb
56 from twisted.cred import credentials
59 class Options(usage.Options):
60 optParameters = [
61 ['repository', 'r', None,
62 "The repository that was changed."],
63 ['revision', 'v', None,
64 "The revision that we want to examine (default: latest)"],
65 ['bbserver', 's', 'localhost',
66 "The hostname of the server that buildbot is running on"],
67 ['bbport', 'p', 8007,
68 "The port that buildbot is listening on"],
69 ['include', 'f', None,
70 '''\
71 Search the list of changed files for this regular expression, and if there is
72 at least one match notify buildbot; otherwise buildbot will not do a build.
73 You may provide more than one -f argument to try multiple
74 patterns. If no filter is given, buildbot will always be notified.'''],
75 ['filter', 'f', None, "Same as --include. (Deprecated)"],
76 ['exclude', 'F', None,
77 '''\
78 The inverse of --filter. Changed files matching this expression will never
79 be considered for a build.
80 You may provide more than one -F argument to try multiple
81 patterns. Excludes override includes, that is, patterns that match both an
82 include and an exclude will be excluded.'''],
83 ['encoding', 'e', "utf8",
84 "The encoding of the strings from subversion (default: utf8)" ],
86 optFlags = [
87 ['dryrun', 'n', "Do not actually send changes"],
90 def __init__(self):
91 usage.Options.__init__(self)
92 self._includes = []
93 self._excludes = []
94 self['includes'] = None
95 self['excludes'] = None
97 def opt_include(self, arg):
98 self._includes.append('.*%s.*' % (arg, ))
100 opt_filter = opt_include
102 def opt_exclude(self, arg):
103 self._excludes.append('.*%s.*' % (arg, ))
105 def postOptions(self):
106 if self['repository'] is None:
107 raise usage.error("You must pass --repository")
108 if self._includes:
109 self['includes'] = '(%s)' % ('|'.join(self._includes), )
110 if self._excludes:
111 self['excludes'] = '(%s)' % ('|'.join(self._excludes), )
114 def split_file_dummy(changed_file):
115 """Split the repository-relative filename into a tuple of (branchname,
116 branch_relative_filename). If you have no branches, this should just
117 return (None, changed_file).
119 return (None, changed_file)
122 # this version handles repository layouts that look like:
123 # trunk/files.. -> trunk
124 # branches/branch1/files.. -> branches/branch1
125 # branches/branch2/files.. -> branches/branch2
129 def split_file_branches(changed_file):
130 pieces = changed_file.split(os.sep)
131 if pieces[0] == 'branches':
132 return (os.path.join(*pieces[:2]),
133 os.path.join(*pieces[2:]))
134 if pieces[0] == 'trunk':
135 return (pieces[0], os.path.join(*pieces[1:]))
136 ## there are other sibilings of 'trunk' and 'branches'. Pretend they are
137 ## all just funny-named branches, and let the Schedulers ignore them.
138 #return (pieces[0], os.path.join(*pieces[1:]))
140 raise RuntimeError("cannot determine branch for '%s'" % changed_file)
143 split_file = split_file_dummy
146 class ChangeSender:
148 def getChanges(self, opts):
149 """Generate and stash a list of Change dictionaries, ready to be sent
150 to the buildmaster's PBChangeSource."""
152 # first we extract information about the files that were changed
153 repo = opts['repository']
154 print "Repo:", repo
155 rev_arg = ''
156 if opts['revision']:
157 rev_arg = '-r %s' % (opts['revision'], )
158 changed = commands.getoutput('svnlook changed %s "%s"' % (
159 rev_arg, repo)).split('\n')
160 # the first 4 columns can contain status information
161 changed = [x[4:] for x in changed]
163 message = commands.getoutput('svnlook log %s "%s"' % (rev_arg, repo))
164 who = commands.getoutput('svnlook author %s "%s"' % (rev_arg, repo))
165 revision = opts.get('revision')
166 if revision is not None:
167 revision = str(int(revision))
169 # see if we even need to notify buildbot by looking at filters first
170 changestring = '\n'.join(changed)
171 fltpat = opts['includes']
172 if fltpat:
173 included = sets.Set(re.findall(fltpat, changestring))
174 else:
175 included = sets.Set(changed)
177 expat = opts['excludes']
178 if expat:
179 excluded = sets.Set(re.findall(expat, changestring))
180 else:
181 excluded = sets.Set([])
182 if len(included.difference(excluded)) == 0:
183 print changestring
184 print """\
185 Buildbot was not interested, no changes matched any of these filters:\n %s
186 or all the changes matched these exclusions:\n %s\
187 """ % (fltpat, expat)
188 sys.exit(0)
190 # now see which branches are involved
191 files_per_branch = {}
192 for f in changed:
193 branch, filename = split_file(f)
194 if branch in files_per_branch.keys():
195 files_per_branch[branch].append(filename)
196 else:
197 files_per_branch[branch] = [filename]
199 # now create the Change dictionaries
200 changes = []
201 encoding = opts['encoding']
202 for branch in files_per_branch.keys():
203 d = {'who': unicode(who, encoding=encoding),
204 'repository': unicode(repo, encoding=encoding),
205 'comments': unicode(message, encoding=encoding),
206 'revision': revision
208 if branch:
209 d['branch'] = unicode(branch, encoding=encoding)
210 else:
211 d['branch'] = branch
213 files = []
214 for file in files_per_branch[branch]:
215 files.append(unicode(file, encoding=encoding))
216 d['files'] = files
218 changes.append(d)
220 return changes
222 def sendChanges(self, opts, changes):
223 pbcf = pb.PBClientFactory()
224 reactor.connectTCP(opts['bbserver'], int(opts['bbport']), pbcf)
225 d = pbcf.login(credentials.UsernamePassword('change', 'changepw'))
226 d.addCallback(self.sendAllChanges, changes)
227 return d
229 def sendAllChanges(self, remote, changes):
230 dl = [remote.callRemote('addChange', change)
231 for change in changes]
232 return defer.DeferredList(dl)
234 def run(self):
235 opts = Options()
236 try:
237 opts.parseOptions()
238 except usage.error, ue:
239 print opts
240 print "%s: %s" % (sys.argv[0], ue)
241 sys.exit()
243 changes = self.getChanges(opts)
244 if opts['dryrun']:
245 for i, c in enumerate(changes):
246 print "CHANGE #%d" % (i+1)
247 keys = c.keys()
248 keys.sort()
249 for k in keys:
250 print "[%10s]: %s" % (k, c[k])
251 print "*NOT* sending any changes"
252 return
254 d = self.sendChanges(opts, changes)
256 def quit(*why):
257 print "quitting! because", why
258 reactor.stop()
260 def failed(f):
261 print "FAILURE"
262 print f
263 reactor.stop()
265 d.addCallback(quit, "SUCCESS")
266 d.addErrback(failed)
267 reactor.callLater(60, quit, "TIMEOUT")
271 if __name__ == '__main__':
272 s = ChangeSender()