Some further wording tweaks to additional documentation
[debian-policy.git] / upgrading-checklist.sgml
1 <!doctype debiandoc system>
3 <debiandoc>
4 <book>
5 <title> Policy checklist for upgrading your packages </title>
6 <author> Bill Allombert <email/ </author>
7 <author> Josip Rodin </author>
8 <author> Julian Gilbey </author>
9 <author> Russ Allbery <email/ </author>
10 <author> Manoj Srivastava <email/
12 <chapt> About the checklist
13 <p>
14 The checklist below has been created to simplify the upgrading process
15 of old packages. Note that this list is not "official"; it simply
16 gives an indication of what has changed and whether you are likely to
17 need to make changes to your package in light of this. If you have
18 doubts about a certain topic, if you need more details, or if you
19 think some other package does not comply with policy, please refer to
20 the Policy Manual itself. All of the changes from version 3.0.0
21 onwards indicate which section of the Policy Manual discusses the
22 issue: [3.4] means section 3.4. The section numbering changed when
23 the packaging manual was incorporated into policy; the section numbers
24 used below refer to the current version.
25 <p>
26 Here is how the check list works: Check which policy version your
27 package was checked against last (indicated in the "Standards-Version"
28 field of the source package). Then move upwards until the top and
29 check which of the items on the list might concern your package. Note
30 which sections of policy discuss this, and then check out the Policy
31 Manual for details. If you are upgrading from Policy version &lt; 2.5.0,
32 it may be easier to check through the whole of policy instead of
33 picking your way through this list.
35 <chapt> The checklist
37 <sect id=""> Version
38 <p>
40 Released xxx, 2015.
42 </p><p><taglist>
43 <tag>10.5</tag>
44 <item> Symbolic links must not traverse above the root directory.
45 </item>
46 <tag>9.2.2</tag>
47 <item> 32bit UIDs in the range 65536-4294967293 are reserved for dynamically
48 allocated user accounts.
49 <tag>5.1</tag>
50 <item> Empty field values in control files are only permitted in the
51 <file>debian/control</file> file of a source package.
52 <tag>4.9</tag>
53 <item> <file>debian/rules</file>: required targets must not attempt
54 network access.
55 </item> </taglist></p>
57 <sect id=""> Version
58 <p>
60 Released September, 2014.
62 </p><p><taglist>
63 <tag>9.1</tag>
64 <item> The FHS is relaxed to allow a subdirectory of <file>/usr/lib</file>
65 to hold a mixture of architecture-independent and architecture-dependent
66 files, though directories entirely composed of architecture-independent files
67 should be located in <file>/usr/share</file>.
68 </item>
69 <tag>9.1</tag>
70 <item>The FHS requirement for <file>/usr/local/lib64</file> to exist
71 if <file>/lib64</file> or <file>/usr/lib64</file> exists is removed.
72 </item>
73 <tag>9.1</tag>
74 <item> An FHS exception has been granted for multiarch include files,
75 permitting header files to instead be installed to
76 <file>/usr/include/triplet</file>.
77 </item>
78 <tag>10.1</tag>
79 <item> Binaries must not be statically linked with the GNU C library,
80 see policy for exceptions.
81 </item>
82 <tag>4.4</tag>
83 <item> It is clarified that signature appearing in debian/changelog should be
84 the details of the person who prepared this release of the package.
85 </item>
86 <tag>11.5</tag>
87 <item> The default web document root is now <file>/var/www/html</file>
88 </item>
89 <tag>virtual</tag>
90 <item><tt>java1-runtime</tt> and <tt>java2-runtime</tt> are removed,
91 <tt>javaN-runtime</tt> and <tt>javaN-runtime-headless</tt> are added
92 for all N between 5 and 9.
93 </item>
94 <tag>virtual</tag>
95 <item>Added <tt>httpd-wsgi</tt> for WSGI capable HTTP servers.
96 </item>
97 <tag>perl</tag>
98 <item> Perl packages should use the <tt>%Config</tt> hash to locate module
99 paths instead of hardcoding paths in <tt>@INC</tt>.
100 </item>
101 <tag>perl</tag>
102 <item> Perl binary modules and any modules installed into
103 <tt>$Config{vendorarch}</tt> must depend on the relevant
104 <package>perlapi-*</package> package.
105 </item> </taglist></p>
107 <sect id=""> Version
110 Released October, 2013.
112 </p><p><taglist>
113 <tag>5.1</tag>
114 <item>Control data fields must not start with the hyphen character
115 (<tt>-</tt>), to avoid potential confusions when parsing clearsigned control
116 data files that were not properly unescaped.
117 </item>
118 <tag>5.4, 5.6.24</tag>
119 <item><tt>Checksums-Sha1</tt> and <tt>Checksums-Sha256</tt> are now
120 mandatory in <file>.dsc</file> files.
121 </item>
122 <tag>5.6.25, 5.8.1</tag>
123 <item>The <tt>DM-Upload-Allowed</tt> field is obsolete. Permissions
124 are now granted via <em>dak-commands</em> files.
125 <tag>5.6.27</tag>
126 <item>New section documenting the <tt>Package-List</tt> field in Debian
127 source control files.
128 </item>
129 <tag>5.6.28</tag>
130 <item>New section documenting the <tt>Package-Type</tt> field in source
131 package control files.
132 </item>
133 <tag>5.6.29</tag>
134 <item>New section documenting the <tt>Dgit</tt> field in Debian
135 source control files.
136 </item>
137 <tag></tag>
138 <item>The exception to the FHS for the <file>/selinux</file> was removed.
139 </item>
140 <tag>10.7.3</tag>
141 <item>Packages should remove all obsolete configuration files without
142 local changes during upgrades. The <prgn>dpkg-maintscript-helper</prgn>
143 tool, available from the <package>dpkg</package> package since
144 <em>Wheezy</em>, can help with this.
145 </item>
146 <tag>10.10</tag>
147 <item>The name of the files and directories installed by binary packages
148 must be encoded in UTF-8 and should be restricted to ASCII when possible.
149 In the system PATH, they must be restricted to ASCII.
150 </item>
151 <tag>11.5.2</tag>
152 <item>Stop recommending to serve HTML documents from
153 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var></file>.
154 </item>
155 <tag>12.2</tag>
156 <item>Packages distributing Info documents should use
157 <package>install-info</package>'s trigger, and do not need anymore
158 to depend on <tt>dpkg (>= 1.15.4) | install-info</tt>.
159 </item>
160 <tag>debconf</tag>
161 <item>The <tt>escape</tt> capability is now documented.
162 </item>
163 <tag>virtual</tag>
164 <item><tt>mp3-decoder</tt> and <tt>mp3-encoder</tt> are removed.</item>
165 </taglist></p>
167 <sect id=""> Version
170 Released August, 2012.
172 </p><p><taglist>
173 <tag>2.4</tag>
174 <item>New <em>tasks</em> archive section.
175 </item>
176 <tag>4.9</tag>
177 <item><tt>build-arch</tt> and <tt>build-indep</tt> are now mandatory
178 targets in <file>debian/rules</file>.
179 </item>
180 <tag>5.6.26</tag>
181 <item>New section documenting the <tt>Vcs-*</tt> fields, which are
182 already in widespread use. Note the mechanism for specifying the Git
183 branch used for packaging in the Vcs-Git field.
184 </item>
185 <tag>7.1</tag>
186 <item>The deprecated relations &lt; and &gt; now must not be used.
187 </item>
188 <tag>7.8</tag>
189 <item>New <tt>Built-Using</tt> field, which must be used to document the
190 source packages for any binaries that are incorporated into this package
191 at build time. This is used to ensure that the archive meets license
192 requirements for providing source for all binaries.
193 </item>
194 <tag>8.6</tag>
195 <item>Policy for dependencies between shared libraries and other
196 packages has been largely rewritten to document the <tt>symbols</tt>
197 system and more clearly document handling of shared library ABI
198 changes. <file>symbols</file> files are now recommended
199 over <file>shlibs</file> files in most situations. All maintainers of
200 shared library packages should review the entirety of this section.
201 </item>
202 <tag>9.1.1</tag>
203 <item>Packages must not assume the <file>/run</file> directory exists or
204 is usable without a dependency on <tt>initscripts (>= 2.88dsf-13.3)</tt>
205 until the stable release of Debian supports <file>/run</file>.
206 </item>
207 <tag>9.7</tag>
208 <item>Packages including MIME configuration can now rely on triggers and
209 do not need to call update-mime.</item>
210 <tag>9.11</tag>
211 <item>New section documenting general requirements for alternate init
212 systems and specific requirements for integrating with upstart.
213 </item>
214 <tag>12.5</tag>
215 <item>All copyright files must be encoded in UTF-8.
216 </item>
217 </taglist></p>
219 <sect id=""> Version
222 Released February, 2012.
224 </p><p><taglist>
225 <tag>2.4</tag>
226 <item>New archive sections <em>education</em>, <em>introspection</em>,
227 and <em>metapackages</em> added.
228 </item>
229 <tag>5.6.8</tag>
230 <item>The <tt>Architecture</tt> field in <file>*.dsc</file> files may
231 now contain the value <tt>any all</tt> for source packages building both
232 architecture-independent and architecture-dependent packages.
233 </item>
234 <tag>7.1</tag>
235 <item>If a dependency is restricted to particular architectures, the
236 list of architectures must be non-empty.
237 </item>
238 <tag>9.1.1</tag>
239 <item><file>/run</file> is allowed as an exception to the FHS and
240 replaces <file>/var/run</file>. <file>/run/lock</file>
241 replaces <file>/var/lock</file>. The FHS requirements for the older
242 directories apply to these directories as well. Backward compatibility
243 links will be maintained and packages need not switch to
244 referencing <file>/run</file> directly yet. Files in <file>/run</file>
245 should be stored in a temporary file system.
246 </item>
247 <tag>9.1.4</tag>
248 <item>New section spelling out the requirements for packages that use
249 files in <file>/run</file>, <file>/var/run</file>,
250 or <file>/var/lock</file>. This generalizes information previously only
251 in 9.3.2.
252 </item>
253 <tag>9.5</tag>
254 <item>Cron job file names must not contain <tt>.</tt> or <tt>+</tt> or
255 they will be ignored by cron. They should replace those characters
256 with <tt>_</tt>. If a package provides multiple cron job files in the
257 same directory, they should each start with the package name (possibly
258 modified as above), <tt>-</tt>, and then some suitable suffix.
259 </item>
260 <tag>9.10</tag>
261 <item>Packages using doc-base do not need to call install-docs anymore.
262 </item>
263 <tag>10.7.4</tag>
264 <item>Packages that declare the same <tt>conffile</tt> may see left-over
265 configuration files from each other even if they conflict.
266 </item>
267 <tag>11.8</tag>
268 <item>The Policy rules around Motif libraries were just a special case
269 of normal rules for non-free dependencies and were largely obsolete, so
270 they have been removed.
271 </item>
272 <tag>12.5</tag>
273 <item><file>debian/copyright</file> is no longer required to list the
274 Debian maintainers involved in the creation of the package (although
275 note that the requirement to list copyright information is unchanged).
276 </item>
277 <tag>copyright-format</tag>
278 <item>Version 1.0 of the "Machine-readable <file>debian/copyright</file>
279 file" specification is included.
280 </item>
281 <tag>mime</tag>
282 <item>This separate document has been retired and and its (short)
283 contents merged into Policy section 9.7. There are no changes to the
284 requirements.
285 </item>
286 <tag>perl</tag>
287 <item>Packages may declare an interest in the <var>perl-major-upgrade</var>
288 trigger to be notified of major upgrades of perl.
289 </item>
290 <tag>virtual</tag>
291 <item><tt>ttf-japanese-{mincho, gothic}</tt> is renamed to
292 <tt>fonts-japanese-{mincho, gothic}</tt>.
293 </item>
294 </taglist></p>
296 <sect id=""> Version
299 Released April, 2011.
301 </p><p><taglist>
302 <tag>*</tag>
303 <item>Multiple clarifications throughout Policy where "installed" was
304 used and the more precise terms "unpacked" or "configured" were
305 intended.
306 </item>
307 <tag>3.3</tag>
308 <item>The maintainer address must accept mail from Debian role accounts
309 and the BTS. At least one human must be listed with their personal
310 email address in <tt>Uploaders</tt> if the maintainer is a shared email
311 address. The duties of a maintainer are also clearer.
312 </item>
313 <tag>5</tag>
314 <item>All control fields are now classified as simple, folded, or
315 multiline, which governs whether their values must be a single line or
316 may be continued across multiple lines and whether line breaks are
317 significant.
318 </item>
319 <tag>5.1</tag>
320 <item>Parsers are allowed to accept paragraph separation lines
321 containing whitespace, but control files should use completely empty
322 lines. Ordering of paragraphs is significant. Field names must be
323 composed of printable ASCII characters except colon and must not begin
324 with #.
325 </item>
326 <tag>5.6.25</tag>
327 <item>The <tt>DM-Upload-Allowed</tt> field is now documented.
328 </item>
329 <tag>6.5</tag>
330 <item>The system state maintainer scripts can rely upon during each
331 possible invocation is now documented. In several less-common cases,
332 this is stricter than Policy had previously documented. Packages with
333 complex maintainer scripts should be reviewed in light of this new
334 documentation.
335 </item>
336 <tag>7.2</tag>
337 <item>The impact on system state when maintainer scripts that are part
338 of a circular dependency are run is now documented. Circular
339 dependencies are now a should not.
340 </item>
341 <tag>7.2</tag>
342 <item>The system state when <prgn>postinst</prgn> and <prgn>prerm</prgn>
343 scripts are run is now documented, and the documentation of the special
344 case of dependency state for <prgn>postrm</prgn> scripts has been
345 improved. <prgn>postrm</prgn> scripts are required to gracefully skip
346 actions if their dependencies are not available.
347 </item>
348 <tag>9.1.1</tag>
349 <item>GNU/Hurd systems are allowed <file>/hurd</file>
350 and <file>/servers</file> directories in the root filesystem.
351 </item>
352 <tag>9.1.1</tag>
353 <item>Packages installing to architecture-specific subdirectories of
354 <file>/usr/lib</file> must use the value returned by
355 <prgn>dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH</prgn>, not by
356 <prgn>dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE</prgn>; this is a path change
357 on i386 architectures and a no-op for other architectures.
358 </item>
359 <tag>virtual</tag>
360 <item><tt>mailx</tt> is now a virtual package provided by packages that
361 install <prgn>/usr/bin/mailx</prgn> and implement at least the
362 POSIX-required interface.
363 </item>
364 </taglist></p>
366 <sect id=""> Version
369 Released July, 2010.
371 </p><p><taglist>
372 <tag>3.2.1</tag>
373 <item>Date-based version components should be given as the four-digit
374 year, two-digit month, and then two-digit day, but may have embedded
375 punctuation.
376 </item>
377 <tag>3.9</tag>
378 <item>Maintainer scripts must pass <tt>--package</tt>
379 to <prgn>dpkg-divert</prgn> when creating or removing diversions and
380 must not use <tt>--local</tt>.
381 </item>
382 <tag>4.10</tag>
383 <item>Only <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn> supports variable substitution.
384 <prgn>dpkg-genchanges</prgn> (for <file>*.changes</file>)
385 and <prgn>dpkg-source</prgn> (for <file>*.dsc</file>) do not.
386 </item>
387 <tag>7.1</tag>
388 <item>Architecture restrictions and wildcards are also allowed in binary
389 package relationships provided that the binary package is not
390 architecture-independent.
391 </item>
392 <tag>7.4</tag>
393 <item><tt>Conflicts</tt> and <tt>Breaks</tt> should only be used when
394 there are file conflicts or one package breaks the other, not just
395 because two packages provide similar functionality but don't interfere.
396 </item>
397 <tag>8.1</tag>
398 <item>The SONAME of a library should change whenever the ABI of the
399 library changes in a way that isn't backward-compatible. It should not
400 change if the library ABI changes are backward-compatible. Discourage
401 bundling shared libraries together in one package.
402 </item>
403 <tag>8.4</tag>
404 <item>Ada Library Information (<file>*.ali</file>) files must be
405 installed read-only.
406 </item>
407 <tag>8.6.1, 8.6.2, 8.6.5</tag>
408 <item>Packages should normally not include a <file>shlibs.local</file>
409 file since we now have complete <file>shlibs</file> coverage.
410 </item>
411 <tag>8.6.3</tag>
412 <item>The SONAME of a library may instead be of the
413 form <tt><var>name</var>-<var>major-version</var>.so</tt>.
414 </item>
415 <tag>10.2</tag>
416 <item>Libtool <file>.la</file> files should not be installed for public
417 libraries. If they're required (for <tt>libltdl</tt>, for instance),
418 the <tt>dependency_libs</tt> setting should be emptied. Library
419 packages historically including <file>.la</file> files must continue to
420 include them (with <tt>dependency_libs</tt> emptied) until all libraries
421 that depend on that library have removed or emptied
422 their <file>.la</file> files.
423 </item>
424 <tag>10.2</tag>
425 <item>Libraries no longer need to be built with <tt>-D_REENTRANT</tt>,
426 which was an obsolete LinuxThreads requirement. Instead, say explicitly
427 that libraries should be built with threading support and to be
428 thread-safe if the library supports this.
429 </item>
430 <tag>10.4</tag>
431 <item><file>/bin/sh</file> scripts may assume that <prgn>kill</prgn>
432 supports an argument of <tt>-<var>signal</var></tt>,
433 that <prgn>kill</prgn> and <prgn>trap</prgn> support the numeric signals
434 listed in the XSI extension, and that signal 13 (SIGPIPE) can be trapped
435 with <prgn>trap</prgn>.
436 </item>
437 <tag>10.8</tag>
438 <item>Use of <file>/etc/logrotate.d/<var>package</var></file> for
439 logrotate rules is now recommended.
440 </item>
441 <tag>10.9</tag>
442 <item>Control information files should be owned by <tt>root:root</tt>
443 and either mode 644 or mode 755.
444 </item>
445 <tag>11.4, 11.8.3, 11.8.4</tag>
446 <item>Packages providing alternatives for <prgn>editor</prgn>,
447 <prgn>pager</prgn>, <prgn>x-terminal-emulator</prgn>, or
448 <prgn>x-window-manager</prgn> should also provide a slave alternative
449 for the corresponding manual page.
450 </item>
451 <tag>11.5</tag>
452 <item>Cgi-bin executable files may be installed in subdirectories
453 of <file>/usr/lib/cgi-bin</file> and web servers should serve out
454 executables in those subdirectories.
455 </item>
456 <tag>12.5</tag>
457 <item>The GPL version 1 is now included in common-licenses and should be
458 referenced from there instead of included in the <file>copyright</file>
459 file.
460 </item>
461 </taglist></p>
463 <sect id=""> Version
466 Released June, 2010.
468 </p><p><taglist>
469 <tag>4.4, 5.6.15</tag>
470 <item>The required format for the date in a changelog entry and in the
471 Date control field is now precisely specified.
472 </item>
473 <tag>5.1</tag>
474 <item>A control paragraph must not contain more than one instance of a
475 particular field name.
476 </item>
477 <tag>5.4, 5.5, 5.6.24</tag>
478 <item>The <tt>Checksums-Sha1</tt> and <tt>Checksums-Sha256</tt> fields
479 in <file>*.dsc</file> and <file>*.changes</file> files are now
480 documented and recommended.
481 </item>
482 <tag>5.5, 5.6.16</tag>
483 <item>The <tt>Format</tt> field of <file>.changes</file> files is now
484 1.8. The <tt>Format</tt> field syntax for source
485 package <file>.dsc</file> files allows a subtype in parentheses, and it
486 is used for a different purpose than the <tt>Format</tt> field
487 for <file>.changes</file> files.
488 </item>
489 <tag>5.6.2</tag>
490 <item>The syntax of the <tt>Maintainer</tt> field is now must rather
491 than should.
492 </item>
493 <tag>5.6.3</tag>
494 <item>The comma separating entries in <tt>Uploaders</tt> is now must
495 rather than should.
496 </item>
497 <tag>5.6.8, 7.1, 11.1.1</tag>
498 <item>Architecture wildcards may be used in addition to specific
499 architectures in <file>debian/control</file> and <file>*.dsc</file>
500 Architecture fields, and in architecture restrictions in build
501 relationships.
502 </item>
503 <tag>6.3</tag>
504 <item>Maintainer scripts are no longer guaranteed to run with a
505 controlling terminal and must be able to fall back to noninteractive
506 behavior (debconf handles this). Maintainer scripts may abort if there
507 is no controlling terminal and no reasonable default for a high-priority
508 question, but should avoid this if possible.
509 </item>
510 <tag>7.3, 7.6.1</tag>
511 <item><tt>Breaks</tt> should be used with <tt>Replaces</tt> for moving
512 files between packages.
513 </item>
514 <tag>7.4</tag>
515 <item><tt>Breaks</tt> should normally be used instead
516 of <tt>Conflicts</tt> for transient issues and moving files between
517 packages. New documentation of when each should be used.
518 </item>
519 <tag>7.5</tag>
520 <item>Use <tt>Conflicts</tt> with <tt>Provides</tt> if only one provider
521 of a virtual facility can be installed at a time.
522 </item>
523 <tag>8.4</tag>
524 <item>All shared library development files are no longer required to be
525 in the <tt>-dev</tt> package, only be available when the <tt>-dev</tt>
526 package is installed. This allows the <tt>-dev</tt> package to be split
527 as long as it depends on the additional packages.
528 </item>
529 <tag>9.2.2</tag>
530 <item>The UID range of user accounts is extended to 1000-59999.
531 </item>
532 <tag>9.3.2, 10.4</tag>
533 <item><file>init.d</file> scripts are a possible exception from the
534 normal requirement to use <tt>set -e</tt> in each shell script.
535 </item>
536 <tag>12.5</tag>
537 <item>The UCB BSD license was removed from the list of licenses that
538 should be referenced from <file>/usr/share/common-licenses/BSD</file>.
539 It should instead be included directly
540 in <file>debian/copyright</file>, although it will still be in
541 common-licenses for the time being.
542 </item>
543 <tag>debconf</tag>
544 <item><tt>SETTITLE</tt> is now documented (it has been supported for
545 some time). <tt>SETTITLE</tt> is like <tt>TITLE</tt> but takes a
546 template instead of a string to allow translation.
547 </item>
548 <tag>perl</tag>
549 <item><package>perl-base</package> now
550 provides <package>perlapi-<var>abiname</var></package> instead of a
551 package based solely on the Perl version. Perl packages must now depend
552 on <package>perlapi-$Config{debian_abi}</package>, falling back
553 on <tt>$Config{version}</tt> if <tt>$Config{debian_abi}</tt> is not set.
554 </item>
555 <tag>perl</tag>
556 <item>Packages using <file>Makefile.PL</file> should use
557 <tt>DESTDIR</tt> rather than <tt>PREFIX</tt> to install into the package
558 staging area. <tt>PREFIX</tt> only worked due to a Debian-local patch.
559 </item>
560 </taglist></p>
562 <sect id=""> Version
565 Release Jan 2010.
567 </p><p><taglist>
568 <tag>9.1.1</tag>
569 <item> An FHS exception has been granted for multiarch libraries.
570 Permitting files to instead be installed to <file>/lib/triplet</file> and
571 <file>/usr/lib/triplet</file> directories.
572 </item>
573 <tag>10.6</tag>
574 <item>Packages may not contain named pipes and should instead create
575 them in postinst and remove them in prerm or postrm.
576 </item>
577 <tag>9.1.1</tag>
578 <item><file>/sys</file> and <file>/selinux</file> directories are explicitly
579 allowed as an exception to the FHS.
580 </item>
581 </taglist></p>
583 <sect id=""> Version
585 Released Aug 2009.
587 </p><p><taglist>
588 <tag>4.9</tag>
589 <item>DEB_*_ARCH_CPU and DEB_*_ARCH_OS variables are now documented and
590 recommended over GNU-style variables for that information.
591 </item>
592 <tag>5.6.8</tag>
593 <item>Source package Architecture fields may contain <em/all/ in
594 combination with other architectures. Clarify when <em/all/ and <em/any/
595 may be used in different versions of the field.
596 </item>
597 <tag>5.6.14</tag>
598 <item>The Debian archive software does not support uploading
599 to multiple distributions with one <file>*.changes</file> file.
600 </item>
601 <tag>5.6.19</tag>
602 <item>The Binary field may span multiple lines.
603 </item>
604 <tag>10.2</tag>
605 <item>Shared library packages are no longer allowed to install libraries
606 in a non-standard location and modify <file/ Packages
607 should either be installed in a standard library directory or packages
608 using them should be built with RPATH.
609 </item>
610 <tag>11.8.7</tag>
611 <item>Installation directories for X programs have been clarified.
612 Packages are no longer required to pre-depend on x11-common before
613 installing into <file>/usr/include/X11</file>
614 and <file>/usr/lib/X11</file>.
615 </item>
616 <tag>12.1</tag>
617 <item>Manual pages are no longer required to contain only characters
618 representable in the legacy encoding for that language.
619 </item>
620 <tag>12.1</tag>
621 <item>Localized man pages should either be kept up-to-date with
622 the original version or warn that they're not up-to-date, either
623 with warning text or by showing missing or changed portions in the
624 original language.
625 </item>
626 <tag>12.2</tag>
627 <item>install-info is now handled via triggers so packages no
628 longer need to invoke it in maintainer scripts. Info documents
629 should now have directory sections and entries in the document.
630 Packages containing info documents should add a dependency to
631 support partial upgrades.
632 </item>
633 <tag>perl</tag>
634 <item>The requirement for Perl modules to have a versioned
635 Depend and Build-Depend on <tt>perl &gt;= 5.6.0-16</tt> has been removed.
636 </item>
637 </taglist></p>
639 <sect id=""> Version
642 Released Jun 2009.
644 </p><p><taglist>
645 <tag>2.4</tag>
646 <item>The list of archive sections has been significantly expanded. See
647 <url id=""
648 name="this debian-devel-announce message">
649 for the list of new sections and rules for how to categorize
650 packages.
651 </item>
652 <tag>3.9.1</tag>
653 <item>All packages must use debconf or equivalent for user prompting,
654 though essential packages or their dependencies may also fall
655 back on other methods.
656 </item>
657 <tag>5.6.1</tag>
658 <item>The requirements for source package names are now explicitly
659 spelled out.
660 </item>
661 <tag>9.1</tag>
662 <item>Legacy XFree86 servers no longer get a special exception from the
663 FHS permitting <file>/etc/X11/XF86Config-4</file>.
664 </item>
665 <tag>9.1.3</tag>
666 <item>Removed obsolete dependency requirements for packages that use
667 <file>/var/mail</file>.
668 </item>
669 <tag>11.8.5</tag>
670 <item>Speedo fonts are now deprecated. The X backend was disabled
671 starting in lenny.
672 </item>
673 <tag>12.5</tag>
674 <item>The GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 is included in
675 common-licenses and should be referenced from there.
676 </item>
677 </taglist></p>
679 <sect id=""> Version
682 Released Mar 2009.
684 </p><p><taglist>
685 <tag>3.8</tag>
686 <item>Care should be taken when adding functionality to essential and
687 such additions create an obligation to support that functionality
688 in essential forever unless significant work is done.
689 </item>
690 <tag>4.4</tag>
691 <item>Changelog files must be encoded in UTF-8.
692 </item>
693 <tag>4.4</tag>
694 <item>Some format requirements for changelog files are now "must"
695 instead of "should."
696 </item>
697 <tag>4.4.1</tag>
698 <item>Alternative changelog formats have been removed. Debian only
699 supports one changelog format for the Debian Archive.
700 </item>
701 <tag>4.9.1</tag>
702 <item>New nocheck option for DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS indicating any build-time
703 test suite provided by the package should not be run.
704 </item>
705 <tag>5.1</tag>
706 <item>All control files must be encoded in UTF-8.
707 </item>
708 <tag>5.2</tag>
709 <item><file>debian/control</file> allows comment lines starting with #
710 with no preceding whitespace.
711 </item>
712 <tag>9.3</tag>
713 <item>Init scripts ending in .sh are not handled specially. They are not
714 sourced and are not guaranteed to be run by <prgn>/bin/sh</prgn> regardless
715 of the #! line. This brings Policy in line with the long-standing
716 behavior of the init system in Debian.
717 </item>
718 <tag>9.3.2</tag>
719 <item>The start action of an init script must exit successfully and not
720 start the daemon again if it's already running.
721 </item>
722 <tag>9.3.2</tag>
723 <item><file>/var/run</file> and <file>/var/lock</file> may be mounted as
724 temporary filesystems, and init scripts must therefore create any necessary
725 subdirectories dynamically.
726 </item>
727 <tag>10.4</tag>
728 <item> <file>/bin/sh</file> scripts may assume that local can take multiple
729 variable arguments and supports assignment.
730 </item>
731 <tag>11.6</tag>
732 <item>User mailboxes may be mode 600 and owned by the user rather than
733 mode 660, owned by user, and group mail.
734 </item>
735 </taglist></p>
737 <sect id=""> Version
740 Released Jun 2008.
742 </p><p><taglist>
743 <tag>2.4, 3.7</tag>
744 <item>The base section has been removed. contrib and non-free have been
745 removed from the section list; they are only categories. The base
746 system is now defined by priority.
747 <tag>4.9</tag>
748 <item>If <prgn>dpkg-source -x</prgn> doesn't provide the source that will be
749 compiled, a debian/rules patch target is recommended and should do whatever
750 else is necessary.
751 <tag>4.9.1, 10.1</tag>
752 <item>Standardized the format of DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS. Specified permitted
753 characters for tags, required that tags be whitespace-separated,
754 allowed packages to assume non-conflicting tags, and required
755 unknown flags be ignored.
756 <tag>4.9.1</tag>
757 <item>Added parallel=n to the standardized DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS tags,
758 indicating that a package should be built using up to n parallel
759 processes if the package supports it
760 <tag>4.13</tag>
761 <item>Debian packages should not use convenience copies of code from other
762 packages unless the included package is explicitly intended to be
763 used that way.
764 <tag>4.14</tag>
765 <item>If dpkg-source -x doesn't produce source ready for editing and
766 building with dpkg-buildpackage, packages should include a
767 <file>debian/README.source</file> file explaining how to generate
768 the patched source, add a new modification, and remove an existing
769 modification. This file may also be used to document packaging a
770 new upstream release and any other complexity of the Debian build
771 process.
772 <tag>5.6.3</tag>
773 <item>The Uploaders field in debian/control may be wrapped.
774 <tag>5.6.12</tag>
775 <item>An empty Debian revision is equivalent to a Debian revision of 0 in
776 a version number.
777 <tag>5.6.23</tag>
778 <item>New Homepage field for upstream web sites.
779 <tag>6.5, 6.6, 7</tag>
780 <item>The Breaks field declares that this package breaks another and
781 prevents installation of the breaking package unless the package
782 named in Breaks is deconfigured first. This field should not be
783 used until the dpkg in Debian stable supports it.
784 <tag>8.1, 8.2</tag>
785 <item>Clarify which files should go into a shared library package, into a
786 separate package, or into the -dev package. Suggest -tools instead
787 of -runtime for runtime support programs, since that naming is more
788 common in Debian.
789 <tag>9.5</tag>
790 <item>Files in <file>/etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly}</file> must be
791 configuration files (upgraded from should). Mention the hourly
792 directory.
793 <tag>11.8.6</tag>
794 <item>Packages providing <file>/etc/X11/Xresources</file> files need not
795 conflict with <tt> xbase (&lt;&lt;</tt>, which is
796 long-obsolete.
797 <tag>12.1</tag>
798 <item>Manual pages in locale-specific directories should use either the
799 legacy encoding for that directory or UTF-8. Country names should
800 not be included in locale-specific manual page directories unless
801 indicating a significant difference in the language. All
802 characters in the manual page source should be representable in the
803 legacy encoding for a locale even if the man page is encoded in
804 UTF-8.
805 <tag>12.5</tag>
806 <item>The Apache 2.0 license is now in common-licenses and should be
807 referenced rather than quoted in <file>debian/copyright</file>.
808 <tag>12.5</tag>
809 <item>Packages in contrib and non-free should state in the copyright file
810 that the package is not part of Debian GNU/Linux and briefly
811 explain why.
812 <tag>debconf</tag>
813 <item>Underscore (_) is allowed in debconf template names.
814 </taglist></p>
816 <sect id=""> Version
819 Released Dec 2007.
821 </p><p><taglist>
822 <tag>5.6.12</tag>
823 <item>Package version numbers may contain tildes, which sort before
824 anything, even the end of a part.
825 <tag>10.4</tag>
826 <item>Scripts may assume that <file>/bin/sh</file> supports local (at a basic
827 level) and that its test builtin (if any) supports -a and -o binary
828 logical operators.
829 <tag>8.5</tag>
830 <item>The substitution variable ${binary:Version} should be used in place
831 of ${Source-Version} for dependencies between packages of the same
832 library.
833 <tag>menu policy</tag>
834 <item>Substantial reorganization and renaming of sections in the Debian
835 menu structure. Packages with menu entries should be reviewed to
836 see if the menu section has been renamed or if one of the new
837 sections would be more appropriate.
838 <tag>5.6.1</tag>
839 <item>The Source field in a .changes file may contain a version number
840 in parentheses.
841 <tag>5.6.17</tag>
842 <item>The acceptable values for the Urgency field are low, medium, high,
843 critical, or emergency.
844 <tag>8.6</tag>
845 <item>The shlibs file now allows an optional type field, indicating the
846 type of package for which the line is valid. The only currently
847 supported type is udeb, used with packages for the Debian
848 Installer.
849 <tag>3.9.1</tag>
850 <item>Packages following the Debian Configuration management
851 specification must allow for translation of their messages by using
852 a gettext-based system such as po-debconf.
853 <tag>12.5</tag>
854 <item>GFDL 1.2, GPL 3, and LGPL 3 are now in common-licenses and should
855 be referenced rather than quoted in debian/copyright.
856 </taglist></p>
858 <sect id=""> Version
861 Released Oct 2006.
863 </p><p><taglist>
864 <tag>6.1</tag> <item>Maintainer scripts must not be world writeable (up from a
865 should to a must)</item>
866 </taglist></p>
868 <sect id=""> Version
871 Released Apr 2006.
873 </p><p><taglist>
874 <tag>11.5</tag> <item>Revert the cgi-lib change. </item>
875 </taglist></p>
877 <sect id=""> Version
880 Released Apr 2006.
882 </p><p><taglist>
883 <tag>10.2</tag>
884 <item>It is now possible to create shared libraries without
885 relocatable code (using -fPIC) in certain exceptional cases,
886 provided some procedures are followed, and for creating static
887 libraries with relocatable code (again, using -fPIC).
888 Discussion on, getting a rough
889 consensus, and documenting it in README.Debian constitute most
890 of the process.
891 <tag>11.8.7</tag>
892 <item>Packages should install any relevant files into the directories
893 <file>/usr/include/X11/</file> and <file>/usr/lib/X11/</file>, but if
894 they do so, they must pre-depend on <tt>x11-common (&gt;= 1:7.0.0)</tt>
895 </taglist></p>
897 <sect id=""> Version
900 Released Apr 2006.
902 </p><p><taglist>
903 <tag>11.5</tag>
904 <item>Packages shipping web server CGI files are expected to install
905 them in <file>/usr/lib/cgi-lib/</file> directories. This location change
906 perhaps should be documented in NEWS
907 <tag>11.5</tag>
908 <item>Web server packages should include a standard scriptAlias of
909 cgi-lib to <file>/usr/lib/cgi-lib</file>.
910 <tag>9.1.1</tag>
911 <item>The version of FHS mandated by policy has been upped to
912 2.3. There should be no changes required for most packages,
913 though new top level directories <file>/media</file>, <file>/srv</file>,
914 etc. may be of interest.
915 <tag>5.1, 5.6.3</tag>
916 <item>All fields, apart from the Uploaders field, in the control file
917 are supposed to be a single logical line, which may be spread
918 over multiple physical lines (newline followed by space is
919 elided). However, any parser for the control file must allow
920 the Uploaders field to be spread over multiple physical lines
921 as well, to prepare for future changes.
922 <tag>10.4</tag>
923 <item>When scripts are installed into a directory in the system
924 PATH, the script name should not include an extension that
925 denotes the scripting language currently used to implement it.
927 <tag></tag>
928 <item>packages that invoke initscripts now must use invoke-rc.d to do
929 so since it also pays attention to run levels and other local
930 constraints.
931 <tag>, 11.8.7, etc</tag>
932 <item>We no longer use <file>/usr/X11R6</file>, since we have
933 migrated away to using Xorg paths. This means, for one thing, fonts
934 live in <file>/usr/share/fonts/X11/</file> now, and <file>/usr/X11R6</file>
935 is gone.
936 </taglist></p>
938 <sect id=""> Version
941 Released 2005
943 </p><p><taglist>
944 <tag></tag>
945 <item>Recommend. doc-base, and not menu, for registering package documentation.
946 </item>
947 <tag>8.1</tag>
948 <item>Run time support programs should live in subdirectories of
949 <file>/usr/lib/</file> or <file>/usr/share</file>, and preferably the shared
950 lib is named the same as the package name (to avoid name collisions).
951 </item>
952 <tag>11.5</tag>
953 <item>It is recommended that HTTP servers provide an alias /images to
954 allow packages to share image files with the web server
955 </item>
956 </taglist></p>
958 <sect id=""> Version
961 Released Aug 2003.
963 </p><p><taglist>
964 <tag>3.10.1</tag>
965 <item>Prompting the user should be done using debconf. Non debconf
966 user prompts are now deprecated.
967 </taglist></p>
969 <sect id=""> Version 3.6.0
972 Released Jul 2003.
974 </p><p><taglist>
975 <tag></tag>
976 <item>Restructuring causing shifts in section numbers and bumping of
977 the minor version number:
978 <tag></tag>
979 <item>Many packaging manual appendices that were integrated into policy
980 sections are now empty, and replaced with links to the Policy.
981 In particular, the appendices that included the list of control
982 fields were updated (new fields like Closes, Changed-By were added)
983 and the list of fields for each of control, .changes and .dsc files
984 is now in Policy, and they're marked mandatory, recommended or
985 optional based on the current practice and the behavior of the
986 deb-building tool-chain.
987 <tag></tag>
988 <item>Elimination of needlessly deep section levels, primarily in the
989 chapter Debian Archive, from which two new chapters were split out,
990 Binary packages and Source packages. What remained was reordered
991 properly, that is, some sects became sects etc.
992 <tag></tag>
993 <item>Several sections that were redundant, crufty or simply not designed
994 with any sort of vision, were rearranged according to the formula that
995 everything should be either in the same place or properly interlinked.
996 Some things remained split up between different chapters when they
997 talked about different aspects of files: their content, their syntax,
998 and their placement in the file system. In particular, see the new
999 sections about changelog files.
1000 <tag>menu policy</tag>
1001 <item>Added Games/Simulation and Apps/Education to menu
1002 sub-policy
1003 <tag>C.2.2</tag>
1004 <item>Debian changelogs should be UTF-8 encoded.
1005 <tag>10.2</tag>
1006 <item>shared libraries must be linked against all libraries that they
1007 use symbols from in the same way that binaries are.
1008 <tag>7.6</tag>
1009 <item>build-depends-indep need not be satisfied during clean
1010 target.
1011 </taglist></p>
1013 <sect id=""> Version 3.5.10
1016 Released May 2003.
1018 </p><p><taglist>
1019 <tag>11.8.3</tag>
1020 <item>packages providing the x-terminal-emulator virtual package
1021 ought to ensure that they interpret the command line exactly
1022 like xterm does.
1023 <tag>11.8.4</tag>
1024 <item>Window managers compliant with the Window Manager Specification
1025 Project may add 40 points for ranking in the alternatives
1026 </taglist></p>
1028 <sect id=""> Version
1031 Released Mar 2003.
1033 </p><p><taglist>
1034 <tag>3.4.2</tag>
1035 <item>The section describing the Description: package field once again has
1036 full details of the long description format.
1037 <tag>4.2</tag>
1038 <item>Clarified that if a package has non-build-essential
1039 build-dependencies, it should have them listed in the Build-Depends
1040 and related fields (i.e. it's not merely optional).
1041 <tag>9.3.2</tag>
1042 <item>When asked to restart a service that isn't already running,
1043 the init script should start the service.
1044 <tag>12.6</tag>
1045 <item>If the purpose of a package is to provide examples, then the
1046 example files can be installed into <file>/usr/share/doc/package</file>
1047 (rather than <file>/usr/share/doc/package/examples</file>).
1048 </taglist></p>
1050 <sect id=""> Version
1053 Released Nov 2002.
1055 </p><p><taglist>
1056 <tag>12.7</tag>
1057 <item>It is no longer necessary to keep a log of changes to the upstream
1058 sources in the copyright file. Instead, all such changes should be
1059 documented in the changelog file.
1060 <tag>7.6</tag>
1061 <item><var/Build-Depends/, <var/Build-Conflicts/, <var/Build-Depends-Indep/,
1062 and <var/Build-Conflicts-Indep/ must also be satisfied when the clean
1063 target is called.
1064 <tag>menu policy</tag>
1065 <item>A new Apps/Science menu section is available
1066 <tag>debconf policy</tag>
1067 <item>debconf specification cleared up, various changes.
1068 <tag>12.1</tag>
1069 <item>It is no longer recommended to create symlinks from nonexistent
1070 manual pages to undocumented(7). Missing manual pages for programs
1071 are still a bug.
1072 </taglist></p>
1074 <sect id=""> Version
1077 Released Aug 2002.
1079 </p><p><taglist>
1080 <tag></tag>
1081 <item>Packages no longer have to ask permission to call MAKEDEV in
1082 postinst, merely notifying the user ought to be enough.
1083 <tag>2.2.4</tag>
1084 <item>cryptographic software may now be included in the main
1085 archive.
1086 <tag>3.9</tag>
1087 <item>task packages are no longer permitted; tasks are now created by a
1088 special Tasks: field in the control file.
1089 <tag>11.8.4</tag>
1090 <item>window managers that support netwm can now add 20 points when
1091 they add themselves as an alternative for
1092 <file>/usr/bin/x-window-manager</file>
1093 <tag>10.1</tag>
1094 <item>The default compilation options have now changed, one should
1095 provide debugging symbols in all cases, and optionally step
1096 back optimization to -O0, depending on the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS
1097 environment variable.
1098 <tag>7.6, 4.8</tag>
1099 <item>Added mention of build-arch, build-indep, etc, in describing
1100 the relationships with `Build-Depends', `Build-Conflicts',
1101 `Build-Depends-Indep', and `Build-Conflicts-Indep'. May need to
1102 review the new rules.
1103 <tag>8</tag>
1104 <item>Changed rules on how, and when, to invoke ldconfig in maintainer
1105 scripts. Long rationale.
1106 </taglist></p>
1108 <p><em>
1109 Added the last note in 3.5.6 upgrading checklist item regarding build
1110 rules, please see below
1111 </em></p>
1113 <sect id=""> Version
1116 Released Jul 2001.
1118 </p><p><taglist>
1119 <tag>2.5</tag>
1120 <item>Emacs and TeX are no longer mandated by policy to be priority
1121 standard packages
1122 <tag>11.5</tag>
1123 <item>Programs that access docs need to do so via <file>/usr/share/doc</file>,
1124 and not via <file>/usr/doc/</file> as was the policy previously
1125 <tag>12.3</tag>
1126 <item>Putting documentation in <file>/usr/doc</file> versus
1127 <file>/usr/share/doc</file> is now a ``serious'' policy violation.
1128 <tag>11.5</tag>
1129 <item>For web servers, one should not provide non-local access to the
1130 <file>/usr/share/doc</file> hierarchy. If one can't provide access
1131 controls for the http://localhost/doc/ directory, then it is preferred
1132 that one ask permission to expose that information during the install.
1133 <tag>7</tag>
1134 <item>There are new rules for build-indep/build-arch targets and
1135 there is a new Build-Depend-Indep semantic.
1136 </taglist></p>
1138 <sect id=""> Version
1141 Released May 2001.
1143 </p><p><taglist>
1144 <tag>12.1</tag>
1145 <item>Manpages should not rely on header information to have
1146 alternative manpage names available; it should only use
1147 symlinks or .so pages to do this
1148 </item>
1149 <tag></tag>
1150 <item><em> Clarified note in upgrading checklist regarding
1151 examples and templates: this refers only to those examples used
1152 by scripts; see section 10.7.3 for the whole story</em>
1153 </item>
1154 <tag></tag>
1155 <item>Included a new section 10.9.1 describing the use of
1156 dpkg-statoverride; this does not have the weight of policy
1157 </item>
1158 <tag></tag>
1159 <item>Clarify Standards-Version: you don't need to rebuild your
1160 packages just to change the Standards-Version!
1161 </item>
1162 <tag>10.2</tag>
1163 <item>Plugins are no longer bound by all the rules of shared
1164 libraries
1165 </item>
1166 <tag>X Windows related things:</tag>
1167 <item><taglist>
1168 <tag>11.8.1</tag>
1169 <item>Clarification of priority levels of X Window System related
1170 packages
1171 </item>
1172 <tag>11.8.3</tag>
1173 <item>Rules for defining x-terminal-emulator improved </item>
1174 <tag>11.8.5</tag>
1175 <item>X Font policy rewritten: you must read this if you provide
1176 fonts for the X Window System
1177 </item>
1178 <tag>11.8.6</tag>
1179 <item>Packages must not ship <file>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/</file>
1180 </item>
1181 <tag>11.8.7</tag>
1182 <item>X-related packages should usually use the regular FHS
1183 locations; imake-using packages are exempted from this
1184 </item>
1185 <tag>11.8.8</tag>
1186 <item>OpenMotif linked binaries have the same rules as
1187 OSF/Motif-linked ones
1188 </item>
1189 </taglist></item>
1190 </taglist></p>
1192 <sect id=""> Version
1193 <p> Released Apr 2001.
1195 </p><p><taglist>
1196 <tag>11.6</tag>
1197 <item>The system-wide mail directory is now /var/mail, no longer
1198 /var/spool/mail. Any packages accessing the mail spool should
1199 access it via /var/mail and include a suitable Depends field;
1200 </item>
1201 <tag>11.9; perl-policy</tag>
1202 <item>The perl policy is now part of Debian policy
1203 proper. Perl programs and modules should follow the current Perl
1204 policy
1205 </item>
1206 </taglist></p>
1208 <sect id=""> Version
1209 <p> Released Apr 2001
1211 </p><p><taglist>
1212 <tag>7.1</tag>
1213 <item>Build-Depends arch syntax has been changed to be less
1214 ambiguous. This should not affect any current packages
1215 </item>
1216 <tag>10.7.3</tag>
1217 <item>Examples and templates files for use by scripts should now live
1218 in <file>/usr/share/&lt;package&gt;</file> or
1219 <file>/usr/lib/&lt;package&gt;</file>, with symbolic links from
1220 <file>/usr/share/doc/&lt;package&gt;/examples</file> as needed
1221 </item>
1222 </taglist></p>
1224 <sect id=""> Version
1226 <p> Released Feb 2001.
1228 </p><p><taglist>
1229 <tag>11.8.6</tag>
1230 <item>X app-defaults directory has moved from
1231 <file>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults</file> to
1232 <file>/etc/X11/app-defaults</file>
1233 </item>
1234 </taglist></p>
1236 <sect id=""> Version
1238 <p> Released Feb 2001.
1240 </p><p><taglist>
1241 <tag>8.1</tag>
1242 <item>dpkg-shlibdeps now uses objdump, so shared libraries have to be
1243 run through dpkg-shlibdeps as well as executables
1244 </item>
1245 </taglist></p>
1247 <sect id=""> Version
1249 <p> Released Jan 2001.
1251 </p><p><taglist>
1252 <tag>11.8.5</tag>
1253 <item>Font packages for the X Window System must now declare a
1254 dependency on xutils (>= 4.0.2)
1255 </item>
1256 </taglist></p>
1258 <sect id=""> Version
1260 <p> Released Jan 2001.
1262 </p><p><taglist>
1263 <tag>9.3.2</tag>
1264 <item>Daemon startup scripts in <file>/etc/init.d/</file> should not contain
1265 modifiable parameters; these should be moved to a file in
1266 <file>/etc/default/</file>
1267 </item>
1268 <tag>12.3</tag>
1269 <item>Files in <file>/usr/share/doc</file> must not be referenced by any
1270 program. If such files are needed, they must be placed in
1271 <file>/usr/share/&lt;package&gt;/</file>, and symbolic links
1272 created as required in <file>/usr/share/doc/&lt;package&gt;/</file>
1273 </item>
1274 <tag></tag>
1275 <item>Much of the packaging manual has now been imported into the
1276 policy document
1277 </item>
1278 </taglist></p>
1280 <sect id=""> Version
1282 <p> Released Aug 00.
1284 </p><p><taglist>
1285 <tag>11.8.1</tag>
1286 <item>A package of priority standard or higher may provide two
1287 binaries, one compiled with support for the X Window System,
1288 and the other without
1289 </item>
1290 </taglist></p>
1292 <sect id=""> Version
1294 <p> Released Aug 00.
1296 </p><p><taglist>
1297 <tag>10.1</tag>
1298 <item>By default executables should not be built with the debugging
1299 option -g. Instead, it is recommended to support building the
1300 package with debugging information optionally.
1301 </item>
1302 <tag>12.8</tag>
1303 <item>Policy for packages where the upstream uses HTML changelog
1304 files has been expanded. In short, a plain text changelog file
1305 should always be generated for the upstream changes
1306 </item>
1307 <tag></tag>
1308 <item>Please note that the new release of the X window system (3.2)
1309 shall probably need sweeping changes in policy
1310 </item>
1311 <tag></tag>
1312 <item>Policy for packages providing the following X-based features
1313 has been codified:
1314 <taglist>
1315 <tag>11.8.2</tag>
1316 <item>X server (virtual package xserver) </item>
1317 <tag>11.8.3</tag>
1318 <item>X terminal emulator (virtual package x-terminal-emulator) </item>
1319 <tag>11.8.4</tag>
1320 <item>X window manager (virtual package x-window-manager, and
1321 <file>/usr/bin/x-window-manager</file> alternative, with priority
1322 calculation guidelines)
1323 </item>
1324 <tag>12.8.5</tag>
1325 <item>X fonts (this section has been written from scratch) </item>
1326 <tag>11.8.6</tag>
1327 <item>X application defaults </item>
1328 </taglist>
1329 </item>
1330 <tag>11.8.7</tag>
1331 <item>Policy for packages using the X Window System and FHS issues
1332 has been clarified;
1333 </item>
1334 <tag>11.7.3</tag>
1335 <item>No package may contain or make hard links to conffiles </item>
1336 <tag>8</tag>
1337 <item>Noted that newer dpkg versions do not require extreme care in
1338 always creating the shared lib before the symlink, so the unpack
1339 order be correct
1340 </item>
1341 </taglist></p>
1343 <sect id=""> Version
1345 <p> Released Nov 1999.
1347 </p><p><taglist>
1348 <tag>7.1</tag>
1349 <item>Correction to semantics of architecture lists in Build-Depends
1350 etc. Should not affect many packages
1351 </item>
1352 </taglist></p>
1354 <sect id=""> Version
1356 <p> Released Oct 1999.
1358 </p><p><taglist>
1359 <tag>defunct</tag>
1360 <item><file>/usr/doc/&lt;package&gt;</file> has to be a symlink pointing to
1361 <file>/usr/share/doc/&lt;package&gt;</file>, to be maintained by postinst
1362 and prerm scripts.
1363 </item>
1364 <tag>7.1, 7.6</tag>
1365 <item>Introduced source dependencies (Build-Depends, etc.) </item>
1366 <tag>9.3.4</tag>
1367 <item><file>/etc/rc.boot</file> has been deprecated in favour of
1368 <file>/etc/rcS.d</file>. (Packages should not be touching this directory,
1369 but should use update-rc.d instead)
1370 </item>
1371 <tag>9.3.3</tag>
1372 <item>update-rc.d is now the <em>only</em> allowable way of accessing the
1373 <file>/etc/rc?.d/[SK]??*</file> links. Any scripts which manipulate them
1374 directly must be changed to use update-rc.d instead. (This is
1375 because the file-rc package handles this information in an
1376 incompatible way.)
1377 </item>
1378 <tag>12.7</tag>
1379 <item>Architecture-specific examples go in
1380 <file>/usr/lib/&lt;package&gt;/examples</file>
1381 with symlinks from <file>/usr/share/doc/&lt;package&gt;/examples/*</file>
1382 or from <file>/usr/share/doc/&lt;package&gt;/examples</file> itself
1383 </item>
1384 <tag>9.1.1</tag>
1385 <item>Updated FHS to a 2.1 draft; this reverts <file>/var/state</file> to
1386 <file>/var/lib</file>
1387 </item>
1388 <tag>9.7; mime-policy</tag>
1389 <item>Added MIME sub-policy document </item>
1390 <tag>12.4</tag>
1391 <item>VISUAL is allowed as a (higher priority) alternative to EDITOR
1392 </item>
1393 <tag>11.6</tag>
1394 <item>Modified liblockfile description, which affects
1395 mailbox-accessing programs. Please see the policy document for
1396 details
1397 </item>
1398 <tag>12.7</tag>
1399 <item>If a package provides a changelog in HTML format, a text-only
1400 version should also be included. (Such a version may be prepared
1401 using <prgn>lynx -dump -nolist</prgn>.)
1402 </item>
1403 <tag>3.2.1</tag>
1404 <item>Description of how to handle version numbers based on dates
1405 added
1406 </item>
1407 </taglist></p>
1409 <sect id=""> Version
1411 <p> Released Jul 1999.
1413 </p><p><taglist>
1414 <tag>10.2</tag>
1415 <item>Added the clarification that the .la files are essential for
1416 the packages using libtool's libltdl library, in which case the .la
1417 files must go in the run-time library package
1418 </item>
1419 </taglist></p>
1421 <sect id=""> Version
1423 <p> Released Jun 1999.
1425 </p><p><taglist>
1426 <tag>9.1</tag>
1427 <item>Debian formally moves from the FSSTND to the FHS. This is a
1428 major change, and the implications of this move are probably
1429 not all known.
1430 </item>
1431 <tag>4.1</tag>
1432 <item>Only 3 digits of the Standards version need be included in
1433 control files, though all four digits are still permitted.
1434 </item>
1435 <tag>12.6</tag>
1436 <item>The location of the GPL has changed to
1437 <file>/usr/share/common-licenses</file>. This may require changing the
1438 copyright files to point to the correct location of the GPL and
1439 other major licenses
1440 </item>
1441 <tag>10.2</tag>
1442 <item>Packages that use libtool to create shared libraries must
1443 include the .la files in the -dev packages
1444 </item>
1445 <tag>10.8</tag>
1446 <item>Use logrotate to rotate log files
1447 </item>
1448 <tag>now 11.8</tag>
1449 <item>section 5.8 has been rewritten (Programs for the X Window
1450 System)
1451 </item>
1452 <tag>9.6; menu-policy</tag>
1453 <item>There is now an associated menu policy, in a separate document,
1454 that carries the full weight of Debian policy
1455 </item>
1456 <tag>11.3</tag>
1457 <item>Programs which need to modify the files <file>/var/run/utmp</file>,
1458 <file>/var/log/wtmp</file> and <file>/var/log/lastlog</file> must be
1459 installed setgid utmp
1460 </item>
1461 </taglist></p>
1462 <p><em>
1463 Please note that section numbers below this point may not be up to date
1464 </em></p>
1466 <sect id=""> Version
1468 <p> Released Oct 1998.
1470 Policy Manual:
1471 </p><p><list>
1472 <item>Rearranged the manual to create a new Section 4, Files
1473 <list>
1474 <item>Section 3.3 ("Files") was moved to Section 4. The Sections
1475 that were Section 4 and Section 5 were moved down to become
1476 Section 5 and Section 6.
1477 </item>
1478 <item>What was Section 5.5 ("Log files") is now a subsection of the
1479 new Section 4 ("Files"), becoming section 4.8, placed after
1480 "Configuration files", moving the Section 4.8 ("Permissions
1481 and owners") to Section 4.9. All subsections of the old
1482 Section 5 after 5.5 were moved down to fill in the number
1483 gap.
1484 </item>
1485 </list></item>
1486 <item>Modified the section about changelog files to accommodate
1487 upstream changelogs which were formatted as HTML. These
1488 upstream changelog files should now be accessible as
1489 <file>/usr/doc/package/changelog.html.gz</file>
1490 </item>
1491 <item>Symlinks are permissible to link the real, or upstream,
1492 changelog name to the Debian mandated name.
1493 </item>
1494 <item>Clarified that HTML documentation should be present in some
1495 package, though not necessarily the main binary package.
1496 </item>
1497 <item>Corrected all references to the location of the copyright
1498 files. The correct location is <file>/usr/doc/package/copyright</file>
1499 </item>
1500 <item>Ratified the architecture specification strings to cater to the
1501 HURD.
1502 </item>
1503 </list></p>
1505 <sect id=""> Version
1507 <p> Released Apr 1998.
1508 </p>
1509 <sect1> Policy Manual:
1510 <p><taglist>
1511 <tag>Updated section 3.3.5 Symbolic links:</tag>
1512 <item>symbolic links within a toplevel directory should be relative,
1513 symbolic links between toplevel directories should be absolute
1514 (cf., Policy Weekly Issue#6, topic 2)
1515 </item>
1517 <tag>Updated section 4.9 Games:</tag>
1518 <item>manpages for games should be installed in <file>/usr/man/man6</file>
1519 (cf., Policy Weekly Issue#6, topic 3)
1520 </item>
1521 </taglist></p>
1523 <sect1> Packaging Manual:
1524 <p><list>
1525 <item>Updated prefix of chapter 12, Shared Libraries:
1526 ldconfig must be called in the postinst script if the package
1527 installs shared libraries
1528 (cf., Policy Weekly Issue #6, fixes:bug#20515)
1529 </item>
1530 </list></p>
1532 <sect id=""> Version
1534 <p> Released Jan 1998
1536 </p><p><taglist>
1537 <tag>Updated section 3.3.4 Scripts:</tag>
1538 <item><list>
1539 <item>/bin/sh may be any POSIX compatible shell
1540 <item>scripts including bashisms have to specify <file>/bin/bash</file>
1541 as interpreter
1542 <item>scripts which create files in world-writable directories
1543 (e.g., in <file>/tmp</file>) should use tempfile or mktemp for creating
1544 the directory
1545 </list></item>
1547 <tag>Updated section 3.3.5 Symbolic Links:</tag>
1548 <item>symbolic links referencing compressed files must have the same
1549 file extension as the referenced file
1550 </item>
1552 <tag>Updated section 3.3.6 Device files:</tag>
1553 <item><file>/dev/tty*</file> serial devices should be used instead of
1554 <file>/dev/cu*</file>
1555 </item>
1557 <tag>Updated section 3.4.2 Writing the scripts in <file>/etc/init.d</file>:
1558 <item><list>
1559 <item>all <file>/etc/init.d</file> scripts have to provide the following
1560 options: start, stop, restart, force-reload
1561 <item>the reload option is optional and must never stop and restart
1562 the service
1563 </list></item>
1565 <tag>Updated section 3.5 Cron jobs:
1566 <item>cron jobs that need to be executed more often than daily should
1567 be installed into <file>/etc/cron.d</file>
1568 </item>
1570 <tag>Updated section 3.7 Menus:
1571 <item>removed section about how to register HTML docs to `menu'
1572 (the corresponding section in 4.4, Web servers and applications,
1573 has been removed in policy already, so this one was
1574 obsolete)
1575 </item>
1577 <tag>New section 3.8 Keyboard configuration:
1578 <item>details about how the backspace and delete keys should be
1579 handled
1580 </item>
1582 <tag>New section 3.9 Environment variables:
1583 <item>no program must depend on environment variables to get a
1584 reasonable default configuration
1585 </item>
1587 <tag>New section 4.6 News system configuration:
1588 <item><file>/etc/news/organization</file> and <file>/etc/news/server</file>
1589 should be supported by all news servers and clients
1590 </item>
1592 <tag>Updated section 4.7 Programs for the X Window System:
1593 <item><list>
1594 <item>programs requiring a non-free Motif library should be provided
1595 as foo-smotif and foo-dmotif package
1596 </item>
1597 <item>if lesstif works reliably for such program, it should be linked
1598 against lesstif and not against a non-free Motif library
1599 </item>
1600 </list></item>
1602 <tag>Updated section 4.9 Games:
1603 <item>games for X Windows have to be installed in <file>/usr/games</file>,
1604 just as non-X games
1605 </item>
1606 </taglist></p>
1608 <sect id=""> Version,
1610 <p> Released Sep 1997.
1612 <p><list>
1613 <item>new section `4.2 Daemons' including rules for
1614 <file>/etc/services</file>, <file>/etc/protocols</file>,
1615 <file>/etc/rpc</file>, and <file>/etc/inetd.conf</file>
1616 </item>
1618 <item>updated section about `Configuration files':
1619 packages may not touch other packages' configuration files
1620 </item>
1622 <item>MUAs and MTAs have to use liblockfile</item>
1623 </list></p>
1625 <sect id=""> Version
1627 <p> Released July 1997.
1629 <p><list>
1630 <item>added section 4.1 `Architecture specification strings':
1632 &lt;arch&gt;-linux
1633 where &lt;arch&gt; is one of the following:
1634 i386, alpha, arm, m68k, powerpc, sparc.
1635 </item>
1637 <item>detailed rules for <file>/usr/local</file></item>
1639 <item>user ID's</item>
1641 <item>editor/pager policy</item>
1643 <item>cron jobs</item>
1645 <item>device files</item>
1647 <item>don't install shared libraries as executable</item>
1649 <item>app-defaults files may not be conffiles</item>
1650 </list></p>
1652 <sect id=""> Version,,
1654 <p> Released Mar 1997.
1656 <p><list>
1657 <item>two programs with different functionality must not have the
1658 same name </item>
1660 <item>"Webstandard 3.0"</item>
1662 <item>"Standard for Console Messages"</item>
1664 <item>Libraries should be compiled with `-D_REENTRANT'</item>
1666 <item>Libraries should be stripped with <prgn>strip --strip-unneeded</prgn>
1667 </item>
1668 </list></p>
1670 <sect id=""> Version,,
1672 <p> Released Nov 1996.
1674 <p><list>
1675 <item>Some changes WRT shared libraries
1676 </list></p>
1678 <sect id=""> Version
1680 <p> Released Sep 1996.
1682 <p><list>
1683 <item>No hard links in source packages</item>
1685 <item>Do not use <prgn>dpkg-divert</prgn> or <prgn>update-alternatives</prgn>
1686 without consultation </item>
1688 <item>Shared libraries must be installed stripped </item>
1689 </list></p>
1691 <sect id=""> Version
1693 <p> Released Aug 1996.
1695 <p><list>
1696 <item>Upstream changelog must be installed too </item>
1697 </list></p>
1698 </book>
1699 </debiandoc>