Document restrictions on use of /run for wheezy
[debian-policy.git] / policy.sgml
1 <!doctype debiandoc system [
2 <!-- include version information so we don't have to hard code it
3 within the document -->
4 <!entity % versiondata SYSTEM "version.ent"> %versiondata;
5 <!-- current Debian changes file format -->
6 <!entity changesversion "1.8">
7 ]>
8 <debiandoc>
10 <book>
11 <titlepag>
12 <title>Debian Policy Manual</title>
13 <author><qref id="authors">The Debian Policy Mailing List</qref></author>
14 <version>version &version;, &date;</version>
16 <abstract>
17 This manual describes the policy requirements for the Debian
18 distribution. This includes the structure and
19 contents of the Debian archive and several design issues of
20 the operating system, as well as technical requirements that
21 each package must satisfy to be included in the distribution.
22 </abstract>
24 <copyright>
25 <copyrightsummary>
26 Copyright &copy; 1996,1997,1998 Ian Jackson
27 and Christian Schwarz.
28 </copyrightsummary>
29 <p>
30 These are the copyright dates of the original Policy manual.
31 Since then, this manual has been updated by many others. No
32 comprehensive collection of copyright notices for subsequent
33 work exists.
34 </p>
36 <p>
37 This manual is free software; you may redistribute it and/or
38 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
39 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
40 2, or (at your option) any later version.
41 </p>
43 <p>
44 This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
45 <em>without any warranty</em>; without even the implied
46 warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular
47 purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more
48 details.
49 </p>
51 <p>
52 A copy of the GNU General Public License is available as
53 <file>/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL</file> in the Debian
54 distribution or on the World Wide Web at
55 <url id=""
56 name="the GNU General Public Licence">. You can also
57 obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
58 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
59 </p>
60 </copyright>
61 </titlepag>
63 <toc detail="sect1">
65 <chapt id="scope">
66 <heading>About this manual</heading>
67 <sect>
68 <heading>Scope</heading>
69 <p>
70 This manual describes the policy requirements for the Debian
71 distribution. This includes the structure and
72 contents of the Debian archive and several design issues of the
73 operating system, as well as technical requirements that
74 each package must satisfy to be included in the
75 distribution.
76 </p>
78 <p>
79 This manual also describes Debian policy as it relates to
80 creating Debian packages. It is not a tutorial on how to build
81 packages, nor is it exhaustive where it comes to describing
82 the behavior of the packaging system. Instead, this manual
83 attempts to define the interface to the package management
84 system that the developers have to be conversant with.<footnote>
85 Informally, the criteria used for inclusion is that the
86 material meet one of the following requirements:
87 <taglist compact="compact">
88 <tag>Standard interfaces</tag>
89 <item>
90 The material presented represents an interface to
91 the packaging system that is mandated for use, and
92 is used by, a significant number of packages, and
93 therefore should not be changed without peer
94 review. Package maintainers can then rely on this
95 interface not changing, and the package management
96 software authors need to ensure compatibility with
97 this interface definition. (Control file and
98 changelog file formats are examples.)
99 </item>
100 <tag>Chosen Convention</tag>
101 <item>
102 If there are a number of technically viable choices
103 that can be made, but one needs to select one of
104 these options for inter-operability. The version
105 number format is one example.
106 </item>
107 </taglist>
108 Please note that these are not mutually exclusive;
109 selected conventions often become parts of standard
110 interfaces.
111 </footnote>
112 </p>
115 The footnotes present in this manual are
116 merely informative, and are not part of Debian policy itself.
117 </p>
120 The appendices to this manual are not necessarily normative,
121 either. Please see <ref id="pkg-scope"> for more information.
122 </p>
125 In the normative part of this manual,
126 the words <em>must</em>, <em>should</em> and
127 <em>may</em>, and the adjectives <em>required</em>,
128 <em>recommended</em> and <em>optional</em>, are used to
129 distinguish the significance of the various guidelines in
130 this policy document. Packages that do not conform to the
131 guidelines denoted by <em>must</em> (or <em>required</em>)
132 will generally not be considered acceptable for the Debian
133 distribution. Non-conformance with guidelines denoted by
134 <em>should</em> (or <em>recommended</em>) will generally be
135 considered a bug, but will not necessarily render a package
136 unsuitable for distribution. Guidelines denoted by
137 <em>may</em> (or <em>optional</em>) are truly optional and
138 adherence is left to the maintainer's discretion.
139 </p>
142 These classifications are roughly equivalent to the bug
143 severities <em>serious</em> (for <em>must</em> or
144 <em>required</em> directive violations), <em>minor</em>,
145 <em>normal</em> or <em>important</em>
146 (for <em>should</em> or <em>recommended</em> directive
147 violations) and <em>wishlist</em> (for <em>optional</em>
148 items).
149 <footnote>
150 Compare RFC 2119. Note, however, that these words are
151 used in a different way in this document.
152 </footnote>
153 </p>
156 Much of the information presented in this manual will be
157 useful even when building a package which is to be
158 distributed in some other way or is intended for local use
159 only.
160 </p>
161 </sect>
163 <sect>
164 <heading>New versions of this document</heading>
167 This manual is distributed via the Debian package
168 <package><url name="debian-policy"
169 id=""></package>
170 (<httpsite></httpsite>
171 <httppath>/debian-policy</httppath>).
172 </p>
175 The current version of this document is also available from
176 the Debian web mirrors at
177 <tt><url name="/doc/debian-policy/"
178 id=""></tt>.
180 <httpsite></httpsite>
181 <httppath>/doc/debian-policy/</httppath>)
182 Also available from the same directory are several other
183 formats: <file>policy.html.tar.gz</file>
184 (<httppath>/doc/debian-policy/policy.html.tar.gz</httppath>),
185 <file>policy.pdf.gz</file>
186 (<httppath>/doc/debian-policy/policy.pdf.gz</httppath>)
187 and <file></file>
188 (<httppath>/doc/debian-policy/</httppath>).
189 </p>
192 The <package>debian-policy</package> package also includes the file
193 <file>upgrading-checklist.txt.gz</file> which indicates policy
194 changes between versions of this document.
195 </p>
196 </sect>
198 <sect id="authors">
199 <heading>Authors and Maintainers</heading>
202 Originally called "Debian GNU/Linux Policy Manual", this
203 manual was initially written in 1996 by Ian Jackson.
204 It was revised on November 27th, 1996 by David A. Morris.
205 Christian Schwarz added new sections on March 15th, 1997,
206 and reworked/restructured it in April-July 1997.
207 Christoph Lameter contributed the "Web Standard".
208 Julian Gilbey largely restructured it in 2001.
209 </p>
212 Since September 1998, the responsibility for the contents of
213 this document lies on the <url name="debian-policy mailing list"
214 id="">. Proposals
215 are discussed there and inserted into policy after a certain
216 consensus is established.
217 <!-- insert shameless policy-process plug here eventually -->
218 The actual editing is done by a group of maintainers that have
219 no editorial powers. These are the current maintainers:
221 <enumlist>
222 <item>Russ Allbery</item>
223 <item>Bill Allombert</item>
224 <item>Andrew McMillan</item>
225 <item>Manoj Srivastava</item>
226 <item>Colin Watson</item>
227 </enumlist>
228 </p>
231 While the authors of this document have tried hard to avoid
232 typos and other errors, these do still occur. If you discover
233 an error in this manual or if you want to give any
234 comments, suggestions, or criticisms please send an email to
235 the Debian Policy List,
236 <email></email>, or submit a
237 bug report against the <tt>debian-policy</tt> package.
238 </p>
241 Please do not try to reach the individual authors or maintainers
242 of the Policy Manual regarding changes to the Policy.
243 </p>
244 </sect>
246 <sect id="related">
247 <heading>Related documents</heading>
250 There are several other documents other than this Policy Manual
251 that are necessary to fully understand some Debian policies and
252 procedures.
253 </p>
256 The external "sub-policy" documents are referred to in:
257 <list compact="compact">
258 <item><ref id="fhs"></item>
259 <item><ref id="virtual_pkg"></item>
260 <item><ref id="menus"></item>
261 <item><ref id="perl"></item>
262 <item><ref id="maintscriptprompt"></item>
263 <item><ref id="emacs"></item>
264 </list>
265 </p>
268 In addition to those, which carry the weight of policy, there
269 is the Debian Developer's Reference. This document describes
270 procedures and resources for Debian developers, but it is
271 <em>not</em> normative; rather, it includes things that don't
272 belong in the Policy, such as best practices for developers.
273 </p>
276 The Developer's Reference is available in the
277 <package>developers-reference</package> package.
278 It's also available from the Debian web mirrors at
279 <tt><url name="/doc/developers-reference/"
280 id=""></tt>.
281 </p>
284 Finally, a <qref id="copyrightformat">specification for
285 machine-readable copyright files</qref> is maintained as part of
286 the <package>debian-policy</package> package using the same
287 procedure as the other policy documents. Use of this format is
288 optional.
289 </p>
290 </sect>
292 <sect id="definitions">
293 <heading>Definitions</heading>
296 The following terms are used in this Policy Manual:
297 <taglist>
298 <tag>ASCII</tag>
299 <item>
300 The character encoding specified by ANSI X3.4-1986 and its
301 predecessor standards, referred to in MIME as US-ASCII, and
302 corresponding to an encoding in eight bits per character of
303 the first 128 <url id=""
304 name="Unicode"> characters, with the eighth bit always zero.
305 </item>
306 <tag>UTF-8</tag>
307 <item>
308 The transformation format (sometimes called encoding) of
309 <url id="" name="Unicode"> defined by
310 <url id=""
311 name="RFC 3629">. UTF-8 has the useful property of having
312 ASCII as a subset, so any text encoded in ASCII is trivially
313 also valid UTF-8.
314 </item>
315 </taglist>
316 </p>
317 </sect>
318 </chapt>
321 <chapt id="archive">
322 <heading>The Debian Archive</heading>
325 The Debian system is maintained and distributed as a
326 collection of <em>packages</em>. Since there are so many of
327 them (currently well over 15000), they are split into
328 <em>sections</em> and given <em>priorities</em> to simplify
329 the handling of them.
330 </p>
333 The effort of the Debian project is to build a free operating
334 system, but not every package we want to make accessible is
335 <em>free</em> in our sense (see the Debian Free Software
336 Guidelines, below), or may be imported/exported without
337 restrictions. Thus, the archive is split into areas<footnote>
338 The Debian archive software uses the term "component" internally
339 and in the Release file format to refer to the division of an
340 archive. The Debian Social Contract simply refers to "areas."
341 This document uses terminology similar to the Social Contract.
342 </footnote> based on their licenses and other restrictions.
343 </p>
346 The aims of this are:
348 <list compact="compact">
349 <item>to allow us to make as much software available as we can</item>
350 <item>to allow us to encourage everyone to write free software,
351 and</item>
352 <item>to allow us to make it easy for people to produce
353 CD-ROMs of our system without violating any licenses,
354 import/export restrictions, or any other laws.</item>
355 </list>
356 </p>
359 The <em>main</em> archive area forms the <em>Debian distribution</em>.
360 </p>
363 Packages in the other archive areas (<tt>contrib</tt>,
364 <tt>non-free</tt>) are not considered to be part of the Debian
365 distribution, although we support their use and provide
366 infrastructure for them (such as our bug-tracking system and
367 mailing lists). This Debian Policy Manual applies to these
368 packages as well.
369 </p>
371 <sect id="dfsg">
372 <heading>The Debian Free Software Guidelines</heading>
374 The Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG) form our
375 definition of "free software". These are:
376 <taglist>
377 <tag>1. Free Redistribution
378 </tag>
379 <item>
380 The license of a Debian component may not restrict any
381 party from selling or giving away the software as a
382 component of an aggregate software distribution
383 containing programs from several different
384 sources. The license may not require a royalty or
385 other fee for such sale.
386 </item>
387 <tag>2. Source Code
388 </tag>
389 <item>
390 The program must include source code, and must allow
391 distribution in source code as well as compiled form.
392 </item>
393 <tag>3. Derived Works
394 </tag>
395 <item>
396 The license must allow modifications and derived
397 works, and must allow them to be distributed under the
398 same terms as the license of the original software.
399 </item>
400 <tag>4. Integrity of The Author's Source Code
401 </tag>
402 <item>
403 The license may restrict source-code from being
404 distributed in modified form <em>only</em> if the
405 license allows the distribution of "patch files"
406 with the source code for the purpose of modifying the
407 program at build time. The license must explicitly
408 permit distribution of software built from modified
409 source code. The license may require derived works to
410 carry a different name or version number from the
411 original software. (This is a compromise. The Debian
412 Project encourages all authors to not restrict any
413 files, source or binary, from being modified.)
414 </item>
415 <tag>5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups
416 </tag>
417 <item>
418 The license must not discriminate against any person
419 or group of persons.
420 </item>
421 <tag>6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor
422 </tag>
423 <item>
424 The license must not restrict anyone from making use
425 of the program in a specific field of endeavor. For
426 example, it may not restrict the program from being
427 used in a business, or from being used for genetic
428 research.
429 </item>
430 <tag>7. Distribution of License
431 </tag>
432 <item>
433 The rights attached to the program must apply to all
434 to whom the program is redistributed without the need
435 for execution of an additional license by those
436 parties.
437 </item>
438 <tag>8. License Must Not Be Specific to Debian
439 </tag>
440 <item>
441 The rights attached to the program must not depend on
442 the program's being part of a Debian system. If the
443 program is extracted from Debian and used or
444 distributed without Debian but otherwise within the
445 terms of the program's license, all parties to whom
446 the program is redistributed must have the same
447 rights as those that are granted in conjunction with
448 the Debian system.
449 </item>
450 <tag>9. License Must Not Contaminate Other Software
451 </tag>
452 <item>
453 The license must not place restrictions on other
454 software that is distributed along with the licensed
455 software. For example, the license must not insist
456 that all other programs distributed on the same medium
457 must be free software.
458 </item>
459 <tag>10. Example Licenses
460 </tag>
461 <item>
462 The "GPL," "BSD," and "Artistic" licenses are examples of
463 licenses that we consider <em>free</em>.
464 </item>
465 </taglist>
466 </p>
467 </sect>
469 <sect id="sections">
470 <heading>Archive areas</heading>
472 <sect1 id="main">
473 <heading>The main archive area</heading>
476 The <em>main</em> archive area comprises the Debian
477 distribution. Only the packages in this area are considered
478 part of the distribution. None of the packages in
479 the <em>main</em> archive area require software outside of
480 that area to function. Anyone may use, share, modify and
481 redistribute the packages in this archive area
482 freely<footnote>
483 See <url id=""
484 name="What Does Free Mean?"> for
485 more about what we mean by free software.
486 </footnote>.
487 </p>
490 Every package in <em>main</em> must comply with the DFSG
491 (Debian Free Software Guidelines).
492 </p>
495 In addition, the packages in <em>main</em>
496 <list compact="compact">
497 <item>
498 must not require or recommend a package outside
499 of <em>main</em> for compilation or execution (thus, the
500 package must not declare a "Pre-Depends", "Depends",
501 "Recommends", "Build-Depends", or "Build-Depends-Indep"
502 relationship on a non-<em>main</em> package),
503 </item>
504 <item>
505 must not be so buggy that we refuse to support them,
507 </item>
508 <item>
509 must meet all policy requirements presented in this
510 manual.
511 </item>
512 </list>
513 </p>
515 </sect1>
517 <sect1 id="contrib">
518 <heading>The contrib archive area</heading>
521 The <em>contrib</em> archive area contains supplemental
522 packages intended to work with the Debian distribution, but
523 which require software outside of the distribution to either
524 build or function.
525 </p>
528 Every package in <em>contrib</em> must comply with the DFSG.
529 </p>
532 In addition, the packages in <em>contrib</em>
533 <list compact="compact">
534 <item>
535 must not be so buggy that we refuse to support them,
537 </item>
538 <item>
539 must meet all policy requirements presented in this
540 manual.
541 </item>
542 </list>
543 </p>
546 Examples of packages which would be included in
547 <em>contrib</em> are:
548 <list compact="compact">
549 <item>
550 free packages which require <em>contrib</em>,
551 <em>non-free</em> packages or packages which are not
552 in our archive at all for compilation or execution,
554 </item>
555 <item>
556 wrapper packages or other sorts of free accessories for
557 non-free programs.
558 </item>
559 </list>
560 </p>
561 </sect1>
563 <sect1 id="non-free">
564 <heading>The non-free archive area</heading>
567 The <em>non-free</em> archive area contains supplemental
568 packages intended to work with the Debian distribution that do
569 not comply with the DFSG or have other problems that make
570 their distribution problematic. They may not comply with all
571 of the policy requirements in this manual due to restrictions
572 on modifications or other limitations.
573 </p>
576 Packages must be placed in <em>non-free</em> if they are
577 not compliant with the DFSG or are encumbered by patents
578 or other legal issues that make their distribution
579 problematic.
580 </p>
583 In addition, the packages in <em>non-free</em>
584 <list compact="compact">
585 <item>
586 must not be so buggy that we refuse to support them,
588 </item>
589 <item>
590 must meet all policy requirements presented in this
591 manual that it is possible for them to meet.
592 <footnote>
593 It is possible that there are policy
594 requirements which the package is unable to
595 meet, for example, if the source is
596 unavailable. These situations will need to be
597 handled on a case-by-case basis.
598 </footnote>
599 </item>
600 </list>
601 </p>
602 </sect1>
604 </sect>
606 <sect id="pkgcopyright">
607 <heading>Copyright considerations</heading>
610 Every package must be accompanied by a verbatim copy of its
611 copyright information and distribution license in the file
612 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var>/copyright</file>
613 (see <ref id="copyrightfile"> for further details).
614 </p>
617 We reserve the right to restrict files from being included
618 anywhere in our archives if
619 <list compact="compact">
620 <item>
621 their use or distribution would break a law,
622 </item>
623 <item>
624 there is an ethical conflict in their distribution or
625 use,
626 </item>
627 <item>
628 we would have to sign a license for them, or
629 </item>
630 <item>
631 their distribution would conflict with other project
632 policies.
633 </item>
634 </list>
635 </p>
638 Programs whose authors encourage the user to make
639 donations are fine for the main distribution, provided
640 that the authors do not claim that not donating is
641 immoral, unethical, illegal or something similar; in such
642 a case they must go in <em>non-free</em>.
643 </p>
646 Packages whose copyright permission notices (or patent
647 problems) do not even allow redistribution of binaries
648 only, and where no special permission has been obtained,
649 must not be placed on the Debian FTP site and its mirrors
650 at all.
651 </p>
654 Note that under international copyright law (this applies
655 in the United States, too), <em>no</em> distribution or
656 modification of a work is allowed without an explicit
657 notice saying so. Therefore a program without a copyright
658 notice <em>is</em> copyrighted and you may not do anything
659 to it without risking being sued! Likewise if a program
660 has a copyright notice but no statement saying what is
661 permitted then nothing is permitted.
662 </p>
665 Many authors are unaware of the problems that restrictive
666 copyrights (or lack of copyright notices) can cause for
667 the users of their supposedly-free software. It is often
668 worthwhile contacting such authors diplomatically to ask
669 them to modify their license terms. However, this can be a
670 politically difficult thing to do and you should ask for
671 advice on the <tt>debian-legal</tt> mailing list first, as
672 explained below.
673 </p>
676 When in doubt about a copyright, send mail to
677 <email></email>. Be prepared
678 to provide us with the copyright statement. Software
679 covered by the GPL, public domain software and BSD-like
680 copyrights are safe; be wary of the phrases "commercial
681 use prohibited" and "distribution restricted".
682 </p>
683 </sect>
685 <sect id="subsections">
686 <heading>Sections</heading>
689 The packages in the archive areas <em>main</em>,
690 <em>contrib</em> and <em>non-free</em> are grouped further into
691 <em>sections</em> to simplify handling.
692 </p>
695 The archive area and section for each package should be
696 specified in the package's <tt>Section</tt> control record (see
697 <ref id="f-Section">). However, the maintainer of the Debian
698 archive may override this selection to ensure the consistency of
699 the Debian distribution. The <tt>Section</tt> field should be
700 of the form:
701 <list compact="compact">
702 <item>
703 <em>section</em> if the package is in the
704 <em>main</em> archive area,
705 </item>
706 <item>
707 <em>area/section</em> if the package is in
708 the <em>contrib</em> or <em>non-free</em>
709 archive areas.
710 </item>
711 </list>
712 </p>
715 The Debian archive maintainers provide the authoritative
716 list of sections. At present, they are:
717 admin,
718 cli-mono,
719 comm,
720 database,
721 debug,
722 devel,
723 doc,
724 editors,
725 education,
726 electronics,
727 embedded,
728 fonts,
729 games,
730 gnome,
731 gnu-r,
732 gnustep,
733 graphics,
734 hamradio,
735 haskell,
736 httpd,
737 interpreters,
738 introspection,
739 java,
740 kde,
741 kernel,
742 libdevel,
743 libs,
744 lisp,
745 localization,
746 mail,
747 math,
748 metapackages,
749 misc,
750 net,
751 news,
752 ocaml,
753 oldlibs,
754 otherosfs,
755 perl,
756 php,
757 python,
758 ruby,
759 science,
760 shells,
761 sound,
762 tasks,
763 tex,
764 text,
765 utils,
766 vcs,
767 video,
768 web,
769 x11,
770 xfce,
771 zope.
772 The additional section <em>debian-installer</em>
773 contains special packages used by the installer and is not used
774 for normal Debian packages.
775 </p>
778 For more information about the sections and their definitions,
779 see the <url id=""
780 name="list of sections in unstable">.
781 </p>
782 </sect>
784 <sect id="priorities">
785 <heading>Priorities</heading>
788 Each package should have a <em>priority</em> value, which is
789 included in the package's <em>control record</em>
790 (see <ref id="f-Priority">).
791 This information is used by the Debian package management tools to
792 separate high-priority packages from less-important packages.
793 </p>
796 The following <em>priority levels</em> are recognized by the
797 Debian package management tools.
798 <taglist>
799 <tag><tt>required</tt></tag>
800 <item>
801 Packages which are necessary for the proper
802 functioning of the system (usually, this means that
803 dpkg functionality depends on these packages).
804 Removing a <tt>required</tt> package may cause your
805 system to become totally broken and you may not even
806 be able to use <prgn>dpkg</prgn> to put things back,
807 so only do so if you know what you are doing. Systems
808 with only the <tt>required</tt> packages are probably
809 unusable, but they do have enough functionality to
810 allow the sysadmin to boot and install more software.
811 </item>
812 <tag><tt>important</tt></tag>
813 <item>
814 Important programs, including those which one would
815 expect to find on any Unix-like system. If the
816 expectation is that an experienced Unix person who
817 found it missing would say "What on earth is going on,
818 where is <prgn>foo</prgn>?", it must be an
819 <tt>important</tt> package.<footnote>
820 This is an important criterion because we are
821 trying to produce, amongst other things, a free
822 Unix.
823 </footnote>
824 Other packages without which the system will not run
825 well or be usable must also have priority
826 <tt>important</tt>. This does
827 <em>not</em> include Emacs, the X Window System, TeX
828 or any other large applications. The
829 <tt>important</tt> packages are just a bare minimum of
830 commonly-expected and necessary tools.
831 </item>
832 <tag><tt>standard</tt></tag>
833 <item>
834 These packages provide a reasonably small but not too
835 limited character-mode system. This is what will be
836 installed by default if the user doesn't select anything
837 else. It doesn't include many large applications.
838 </item>
839 <tag><tt>optional</tt></tag>
840 <item>
841 (In a sense everything that isn't required is
842 optional, but that's not what is meant here.) This is
843 all the software that you might reasonably want to
844 install if you didn't know what it was and don't have
845 specialized requirements. This is a much larger system
846 and includes the X Window System, a full TeX
847 distribution, and many applications. Note that
848 optional packages should not conflict with each other.
849 </item>
850 <tag><tt>extra</tt></tag>
851 <item>
852 This contains all packages that conflict with others
853 with required, important, standard or optional
854 priorities, or are only likely to be useful if you
855 already know what they are or have specialized
856 requirements (such as packages containing only detached
857 debugging symbols).
858 </item>
859 </taglist>
860 </p>
863 Packages must not depend on packages with lower priority
864 values (excluding build-time dependencies). In order to
865 ensure this, the priorities of one or more packages may need
866 to be adjusted.
867 </p>
868 </sect>
870 </chapt>
873 <chapt id="binary">
874 <heading>Binary packages</heading>
877 The Debian distribution is based on the Debian
878 package management system, called <prgn>dpkg</prgn>. Thus,
879 all packages in the Debian distribution must be provided
880 in the <tt>.deb</tt> file format.
881 </p>
884 A <tt>.deb</tt> package contains two sets of files: a set of files
885 to install on the system when the package is installed, and a set
886 of files that provide additional metadata about the package or
887 which are executed when the package is installed or removed. This
888 second set of files is called <em>control information files</em>.
889 Among those files are the package maintainer scripts
890 and <file>control</file>, the <qref id="binarycontrolfiles">binary
891 package control file</qref> that contains the control fields for
892 the package. Other control information files
893 include <qref id="sharedlibs-shlibdeps">the <file>shlibs</file>
894 file</qref> used to store shared library dependency information
895 and the <file>conffiles</file> file that lists the package's
896 configuration files (described in <ref id="config-files">).
897 </p>
900 There is unfortunately a collision of terminology here between
901 control information files and files in the Debian control file
902 format. Throughout this document, a <em>control file</em> refers
903 to a file in the Debian control file format. These files are
904 documented in <ref id="controlfields">. Only files referred to
905 specifically as <em>control information files</em> are the files
906 included in the control information file member of
907 the <file>.deb</file> file format used by binary packages. Most
908 control information files are not in the Debian control file
909 format.
910 </p>
912 <sect>
913 <heading>The package name</heading>
916 Every package must have a name that's unique within the Debian
917 archive.
918 </p>
921 The package name is included in the control field
922 <tt>Package</tt>, the format of which is described
923 in <ref id="f-Package">.
924 The package name is also included as a part of the file name
925 of the <tt>.deb</tt> file.
926 </p>
927 </sect>
929 <sect id="versions">
930 <heading>The version of a package</heading>
933 Every package has a version number recorded in its
934 <tt>Version</tt> control file field, described in
935 <ref id="f-Version">.
936 </p>
939 The package management system imposes an ordering on version
940 numbers, so that it can tell whether packages are being up- or
941 downgraded and so that package system front end applications
942 can tell whether a package it finds available is newer than
943 the one installed on the system. The version number format
944 has the most significant parts (as far as comparison is
945 concerned) at the beginning.
946 </p>
949 If an upstream package has problematic version numbers they
950 should be converted to a sane form for use in the
951 <tt>Version</tt> field.
952 </p>
954 <sect1>
955 <heading>Version numbers based on dates</heading>
958 In general, Debian packages should use the same version
959 numbers as the upstream sources. However, upstream version
960 numbers based on some date formats (sometimes used for
961 development or "snapshot" releases) will not be ordered
962 correctly by the package management software. For
963 example, <prgn>dpkg</prgn> will consider "96May01" to be
964 greater than "96Dec24".
965 </p>
968 To prevent having to use epochs for every new upstream
969 version, the date-based portion of any upstream version number
970 should be given in a way that sorts correctly: four-digit year
971 first, followed by a two-digit numeric month, followed by a
972 two-digit numeric date, possibly with punctuation between the
973 components.
974 </p>
977 Native Debian packages (i.e., packages which have been written
978 especially for Debian) whose version numbers include dates
979 should also follow these rules. If punctuation is desired
980 between the date components, remember that hyphen (<tt>-</tt>)
981 cannot be used in native package versions. Period
982 (<tt>.</tt>) is normally a good choice.
983 </p>
984 </sect1>
986 </sect>
988 <sect id="maintainer">
989 <heading>The maintainer of a package</heading>
992 Every package must have a maintainer, except for orphaned
993 packages as described below. The maintainer may be one person
994 or a group of people reachable from a common email address, such
995 as a mailing list. The maintainer is responsible for
996 maintaining the Debian packaging files, evaluating and
997 responding appropriately to reported bugs, uploading new
998 versions of the package (either directly or through a sponsor),
999 ensuring that the package is placed in the appropriate archive
1000 area and included in Debian releases as appropriate for the
1001 stability and utility of the package, and requesting removal of
1002 the package from the Debian distribution if it is no longer
1003 useful or maintainable.
1004 </p>
1007 The maintainer must be specified in the <tt>Maintainer</tt>
1008 control field with their correct name and a working email
1009 address. The email address given in the <tt>Maintainer</tt>
1010 control field must accept mail from those role accounts in
1011 Debian used to send automated mails regarding the package. This
1012 includes non-spam mail from the bug-tracking system, all mail
1013 from the Debian archive maintenance software, and other role
1014 accounts or automated processes that are commonly agreed on by
1015 the project.<footnote>
1016 A sample implementation of such a whitelist written for the
1017 Mailman mailing list management software is used for mailing
1018 lists hosted by
1019 </footnote>
1020 If one person or team maintains several packages, they should
1021 use the same form of their name and email address in
1022 the <tt>Maintainer</tt> fields of those packages.
1023 </p>
1026 The format of the <tt>Maintainer</tt> control field is
1027 described in <ref id="f-Maintainer">.
1028 </p>
1031 If the maintainer of the package is a team of people with a
1032 shared email address, the <tt>Uploaders</tt> control field must
1033 be present and must contain at least one human with their
1034 personal email address. See <ref id="f-Uploaders"> for the
1035 syntax of that field.
1036 </p>
1039 An orphaned package is one with no current maintainer. Orphaned
1040 packages should have their <tt>Maintainer</tt> control field set
1041 to <tt>Debian QA Group &lt;;</tt>.
1042 These packages are considered maintained by the Debian project
1043 as a whole until someone else volunteers to take over
1044 maintenance.<footnote>
1045 The detailed procedure for gracefully orphaning a package can
1046 be found in the Debian Developer's Reference
1047 (see <ref id="related">).
1048 </footnote>
1049 </p>
1050 </sect>
1052 <sect id="descriptions">
1053 <heading>The description of a package</heading>
1056 Every Debian package must have a <tt>Description</tt> control
1057 field which contains a synopsis and extended description of the
1058 package. Technical information about the format of the
1059 <tt>Description</tt> field is in <ref id="f-Description">.
1060 </p>
1063 The description should describe the package (the program) to a
1064 user (system administrator) who has never met it before so that
1065 they have enough information to decide whether they want to
1066 install it. This description should not just be copied verbatim
1067 from the program's documentation.
1068 </p>
1071 Put important information first, both in the synopsis and
1072 extended description. Sometimes only the first part of the
1073 synopsis or of the description will be displayed. You can
1074 assume that there will usually be a way to see the whole
1075 extended description.
1076 </p>
1079 The description should also give information about the
1080 significant dependencies and conflicts between this package
1081 and others, so that the user knows why these dependencies and
1082 conflicts have been declared.
1083 </p>
1086 Instructions for configuring or using the package should
1087 not be included (that is what installation scripts,
1088 manual pages, info files, etc., are for). Copyright
1089 statements and other administrivia should not be included
1090 either (that is what the copyright file is for).
1091 </p>
1093 <sect1 id="synopsis"><heading>The single line synopsis</heading>
1096 The single line synopsis should be kept brief - certainly
1097 under 80 characters.
1098 </p>
1101 Do not include the package name in the synopsis line. The
1102 display software knows how to display this already, and you
1103 do not need to state it. Remember that in many situations
1104 the user may only see the synopsis line - make it as
1105 informative as you can.
1106 </p>
1108 </sect1>
1110 <sect1 id="extendeddesc"><heading>The extended description</heading>
1113 Do not try to continue the single line synopsis into the
1114 extended description. This will not work correctly when
1115 the full description is displayed, and makes no sense
1116 where only the summary (the single line synopsis) is
1117 available.
1118 </p>
1121 The extended description should describe what the package
1122 does and how it relates to the rest of the system (in terms
1123 of, for example, which subsystem it is which part of).
1124 </p>
1127 The description field needs to make sense to anyone, even
1128 people who have no idea about any of the things the
1129 package deals with.<footnote>
1130 The blurb that comes with a program in its
1131 announcements and/or <prgn>README</prgn> files is
1132 rarely suitable for use in a description. It is
1133 usually aimed at people who are already in the
1134 community where the package is used.
1135 </footnote>
1136 </p>
1138 </sect1>
1140 </sect>
1142 <sect id="dependencies">
1143 <heading>Dependencies</heading>
1146 Every package must specify the dependency information
1147 about other packages that are required for the first to
1148 work correctly.
1149 </p>
1152 For example, a dependency entry must be provided for any
1153 shared libraries required by a dynamically-linked executable
1154 binary in a package.
1155 </p>
1158 Packages are not required to declare any dependencies they
1159 have on other packages which are marked <tt>Essential</tt>
1160 (see below), and should not do so unless they depend on a
1161 particular version of that package.<footnote>
1163 Essential is needed in part to avoid unresolvable dependency
1164 loops on upgrade. If packages add unnecessary dependencies
1165 on packages in this set, the chances that there
1166 <strong>will</strong> be an unresolvable dependency loop
1167 caused by forcing these Essential packages to be configured
1168 first before they need to be is greatly increased. It also
1169 increases the chances that frontends will be unable to
1170 <strong>calculate</strong> an upgrade path, even if one
1171 exists.
1172 </p>
1174 Also, functionality is rarely ever removed from the
1175 Essential set, but <em>packages</em> have been removed from
1176 the Essential set when the functionality moved to a
1177 different package. So depending on these packages <em>just
1178 in case</em> they stop being essential does way more harm
1179 than good.
1180 </p>
1181 </footnote>
1182 </p>
1185 Sometimes, unpacking one package requires that another package
1186 be first unpacked <em>and</em> configured. In this case, the
1187 depending package must specify this dependency in
1188 the <tt>Pre-Depends</tt> control field.
1189 </p>
1192 You should not specify a <tt>Pre-Depends</tt> entry for a
1193 package before this has been discussed on the
1194 <tt>debian-devel</tt> mailing list and a consensus about
1195 doing that has been reached.
1196 </p>
1199 The format of the package interrelationship control fields is
1200 described in <ref id="relationships">.
1201 </p>
1202 </sect>
1204 <sect id="virtual_pkg">
1205 <heading>Virtual packages</heading>
1208 Sometimes, there are several packages which offer
1209 more-or-less the same functionality. In this case, it's
1210 useful to define a <em>virtual package</em> whose name
1211 describes that common functionality. (The virtual
1212 packages only exist logically, not physically; that's why
1213 they are called <em>virtual</em>.) The packages with this
1214 particular function will then <em>provide</em> the virtual
1215 package. Thus, any other package requiring that function
1216 can simply depend on the virtual package without having to
1217 specify all possible packages individually.
1218 </p>
1221 All packages should use virtual package names where
1222 appropriate, and arrange to create new ones if necessary.
1223 They should not use virtual package names (except privately,
1224 amongst a cooperating group of packages) unless they have
1225 been agreed upon and appear in the list of virtual package
1226 names. (See also <ref id="virtual">)
1227 </p>
1230 The latest version of the authoritative list of virtual
1231 package names can be found in the <tt>debian-policy</tt> package.
1232 It is also available from the Debian web mirrors at
1233 <tt><url name="/doc/packaging-manuals/virtual-package-names-list.txt"
1234 id=""></tt>.
1235 </p>
1238 The procedure for updating the list is described in the preface
1239 to the list.
1240 </p>
1242 </sect>
1244 <sect>
1245 <heading>Base system</heading>
1248 The <tt>base system</tt> is a minimum subset of the Debian
1249 system that is installed before everything else
1250 on a new system. Only very few packages are allowed to form
1251 part of the base system, in order to keep the required disk
1252 usage very small.
1253 </p>
1256 The base system consists of all those packages with priority
1257 <tt>required</tt> or <tt>important</tt>. Many of them will
1258 be tagged <tt>essential</tt> (see below).
1259 </p>
1260 </sect>
1262 <sect>
1263 <heading>Essential packages</heading>
1266 Essential is defined as the minimal set of functionality that
1267 must be available and usable on the system at all times, even
1268 when packages are in an unconfigured (but unpacked) state.
1269 Packages are tagged <tt>essential</tt> for a system using the
1270 <tt>Essential</tt> control field. The format of the
1271 <tt>Essential</tt> control field is described in <ref
1272 id="f-Essential">.
1273 </p>
1276 Since these packages cannot be easily removed (one has to
1277 specify an extra <em>force option</em> to
1278 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> to do so), this flag must not be used
1279 unless absolutely necessary. A shared library package
1280 must not be tagged <tt>essential</tt>; dependencies will
1281 prevent its premature removal, and we need to be able to
1282 remove it when it has been superseded.
1283 </p>
1286 Since dpkg will not prevent upgrading of other packages
1287 while an <tt>essential</tt> package is in an unconfigured
1288 state, all <tt>essential</tt> packages must supply all of
1289 their core functionality even when unconfigured. If the
1290 package cannot satisfy this requirement it must not be
1291 tagged as essential, and any packages depending on this
1292 package must instead have explicit dependency fields as
1293 appropriate.
1294 </p>
1297 Maintainers should take great care in adding any programs,
1298 interfaces, or functionality to <tt>essential</tt> packages.
1299 Packages may assume that functionality provided by
1300 <tt>essential</tt> packages is always available without
1301 declaring explicit dependencies, which means that removing
1302 functionality from the Essential set is very difficult and is
1303 almost never done. Any capability added to an
1304 <tt>essential</tt> package therefore creates an obligation to
1305 support that capability as part of the Essential set in
1306 perpetuity.
1307 </p>
1310 You must not tag any packages <tt>essential</tt> before
1311 this has been discussed on the <tt>debian-devel</tt>
1312 mailing list and a consensus about doing that has been
1313 reached.
1314 </p>
1315 </sect>
1317 <sect id="maintscripts">
1318 <heading>Maintainer Scripts</heading>
1321 The package installation scripts should avoid producing
1322 output which is unnecessary for the user to see and
1323 should rely on <prgn>dpkg</prgn> to stave off boredom on
1324 the part of a user installing many packages. This means,
1325 amongst other things, using the <tt>--quiet</tt> option on
1326 <prgn>install-info</prgn>.
1327 </p>
1330 Errors which occur during the execution of an installation
1331 script must be checked and the installation must not
1332 continue after an error.
1333 </p>
1336 Note that in general <ref id="scripts"> applies to package
1337 maintainer scripts, too.
1338 </p>
1341 You should not use <prgn>dpkg-divert</prgn> on a file belonging
1342 to another package without consulting the maintainer of that
1343 package first. When adding or removing diversions, package
1344 maintainer scripts must provide the <tt>--package</tt> flag
1345 to <prgn>dpkg-divert</prgn> and must not use <tt>--local</tt>.
1346 </p>
1349 All packages which supply an instance of a common command
1350 name (or, in general, filename) should generally use
1351 <prgn>update-alternatives</prgn>, so that they may be
1352 installed together. If <prgn>update-alternatives</prgn>
1353 is not used, then each package must use
1354 <tt>Conflicts</tt> to ensure that other packages are
1355 de-installed. (In this case, it may be appropriate to
1356 specify a conflict against earlier versions of something
1357 that previously did not use
1358 <prgn>update-alternatives</prgn>; this is an exception to
1359 the usual rule that versioned conflicts should be
1360 avoided.)
1361 </p>
1363 <sect1 id="maintscriptprompt">
1364 <heading>Prompting in maintainer scripts</heading>
1366 Package maintainer scripts may prompt the user if
1367 necessary. Prompting must be done by communicating
1368 through a program, such as <prgn>debconf</prgn>, which
1369 conforms to the Debian Configuration Management
1370 Specification, version 2 or higher.
1371 </p>
1374 Packages which are essential, or which are dependencies of
1375 essential packages, may fall back on another prompting method
1376 if no such interface is available when they are executed.
1377 </p>
1380 The Debian Configuration Management Specification is included
1381 in the <file>debconf_specification</file> files in the
1382 <package>debian-policy</package> package.
1383 It is also available from the Debian web mirrors at
1384 <tt><url name="/doc/packaging-manuals/debconf_specification.html"
1385 id=""></tt>.
1386 </p>
1389 Packages which use the Debian Configuration Management
1390 Specification may contain the additional control information
1391 files <file>config</file>
1392 and <file>templates</file>. <file>config</file> is an
1393 additional maintainer script used for package configuration,
1394 and <file>templates</file> contains templates used for user
1395 prompting. The <prgn>config</prgn> script might be run before
1396 the <prgn>preinst</prgn> script and before the package is
1397 unpacked or any of its dependencies or pre-dependencies are
1398 satisfied. Therefore it must work using only the tools
1399 present in <em>essential</em> packages.<footnote>
1400 <package>Debconf</package> or another tool that
1401 implements the Debian Configuration Management
1402 Specification will also be installed, and any
1403 versioned dependencies on it will be satisfied
1404 before preconfiguration begins.
1405 </footnote>
1406 </p>
1409 Packages which use the Debian Configuration Management
1410 Specification must allow for translation of their user-visible
1411 messages by using a gettext-based system such as the one
1412 provided by the <package>po-debconf</package> package.
1413 </p>
1416 Packages should try to minimize the amount of prompting
1417 they need to do, and they should ensure that the user
1418 will only ever be asked each question once. This means
1419 that packages should try to use appropriate shared
1420 configuration files (such as <file>/etc/papersize</file> and
1421 <file>/etc/news/server</file>), and shared
1422 <package>debconf</package> variables rather than each
1423 prompting for their own list of required pieces of
1424 information.
1425 </p>
1428 It also means that an upgrade should not ask the same
1429 questions again, unless the user has used
1430 <tt>dpkg --purge</tt> to remove the package's configuration.
1431 The answers to configuration questions should be stored in an
1432 appropriate place in <file>/etc</file> so that the user can
1433 modify them, and how this has been done should be
1434 documented.
1435 </p>
1438 If a package has a vitally important piece of
1439 information to pass to the user (such as "don't run me
1440 as I am, you must edit the following configuration files
1441 first or you risk your system emitting badly-formatted
1442 messages"), it should display this in the
1443 <prgn>config</prgn> or <prgn>postinst</prgn> script and
1444 prompt the user to hit return to acknowledge the
1445 message. Copyright messages do not count as vitally
1446 important (they belong in
1447 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var>/copyright</file>);
1448 neither do instructions on how to use a program (these
1449 should be in on-line documentation, where all the users
1450 can see them).
1451 </p>
1454 Any necessary prompting should almost always be confined
1455 to the <prgn>config</prgn> or <prgn>postinst</prgn>
1456 script. If it is done in the <prgn>postinst</prgn>, it
1457 should be protected with a conditional so that
1458 unnecessary prompting doesn't happen if a package's
1459 installation fails and the <prgn>postinst</prgn> is
1460 called with <tt>abort-upgrade</tt>,
1461 <tt>abort-remove</tt> or <tt>abort-deconfigure</tt>.
1462 </p>
1463 </sect1>
1465 </sect>
1467 </chapt>
1470 <chapt id="source">
1471 <heading>Source packages</heading>
1473 <sect id="standardsversion">
1474 <heading>Standards conformance</heading>
1477 Source packages should specify the most recent version number
1478 of this policy document with which your package complied
1479 when it was last updated.
1480 </p>
1483 This information may be used to file bug reports
1484 automatically if your package becomes too much out of date.
1485 </p>
1488 The version is specified in the <tt>Standards-Version</tt>
1489 control field.
1490 The format of the <tt>Standards-Version</tt> field is
1491 described in <ref id="f-Standards-Version">.
1492 </p>
1495 You should regularly, and especially if your package has
1496 become out of date, check for the newest Policy Manual
1497 available and update your package, if necessary. When your
1498 package complies with the new standards you should update the
1499 <tt>Standards-Version</tt> source package field and
1500 release it.<footnote>
1501 See the file <file>upgrading-checklist</file> for
1502 information about policy which has changed between
1503 different versions of this document.
1504 </footnote>
1505 </p>
1507 </sect>
1509 <sect id="pkg-relations">
1510 <heading>Package relationships</heading>
1513 Source packages should specify which binary packages they
1514 require to be installed or not to be installed in order to
1515 build correctly. For example, if building a package
1516 requires a certain compiler, then the compiler should be
1517 specified as a build-time dependency.
1518 </p>
1521 It is not necessary to explicitly specify build-time
1522 relationships on a minimal set of packages that are always
1523 needed to compile, link and put in a Debian package a
1524 standard "Hello World!" program written in C or C++. The
1525 required packages are called <em>build-essential</em>, and
1526 an informational list can be found in
1527 <file>/usr/share/doc/build-essential/list</file> (which is
1528 contained in the <tt>build-essential</tt>
1529 package).<footnote>
1530 Rationale:
1531 <list compact="compact">
1532 <item>
1533 This allows maintaining the list separately
1534 from the policy documents (the list does not
1535 need the kind of control that the policy
1536 documents do).
1537 </item>
1538 <item>
1539 Having a separate package allows one to install
1540 the build-essential packages on a machine, as
1541 well as allowing other packages such as tasks to
1542 require installation of the build-essential
1543 packages using the depends relation.
1544 </item>
1545 <item>
1546 The separate package allows bug reports against
1547 the list to be categorized separately from
1548 the policy management process in the BTS.
1549 </item>
1550 </list>
1551 </footnote>
1552 </p>
1555 When specifying the set of build-time dependencies, one
1556 should list only those packages explicitly required by the
1557 build. It is not necessary to list packages which are
1558 required merely because some other package in the list of
1559 build-time dependencies depends on them.<footnote>
1560 The reason for this is that dependencies change, and
1561 you should list all those packages, and <em>only</em>
1562 those packages that <em>you</em> need directly. What
1563 others need is their business. For example, if you
1564 only link against <file>libimlib</file>, you will need to
1565 build-depend on <package>libimlib2-dev</package> but
1566 not against any <tt>libjpeg*</tt> packages, even
1567 though <tt>libimlib2-dev</tt> currently depends on
1568 them: installation of <package>libimlib2-dev</package>
1569 will automatically ensure that all of its run-time
1570 dependencies are satisfied.
1571 </footnote>
1572 </p>
1575 If build-time dependencies are specified, it must be
1576 possible to build the package and produce working binaries
1577 on a system with only essential and build-essential
1578 packages installed and also those required to satisfy the
1579 build-time relationships (including any implied
1580 relationships). In particular, this means that version
1581 clauses should be used rigorously in build-time
1582 relationships so that one cannot produce bad or
1583 inconsistently configured packages when the relationships
1584 are properly satisfied.
1585 </p>
1588 <ref id="relationships"> explains the technical details.
1589 </p>
1590 </sect>
1592 <sect>
1593 <heading>Changes to the upstream sources</heading>
1596 If changes to the source code are made that are not
1597 specific to the needs of the Debian system, they should be
1598 sent to the upstream authors in whatever form they prefer
1599 so as to be included in the upstream version of the
1600 package.
1601 </p>
1604 If you need to configure the package differently for
1605 Debian or for Linux, and the upstream source doesn't
1606 provide a way to do so, you should add such configuration
1607 facilities (for example, a new <prgn>autoconf</prgn> test
1608 or <tt>#define</tt>) and send the patch to the upstream
1609 authors, with the default set to the way they originally
1610 had it. You can then easily override the default in your
1611 <file>debian/rules</file> or wherever is appropriate.
1612 </p>
1615 You should make sure that the <prgn>configure</prgn> utility
1616 detects the correct architecture specification string
1617 (refer to <ref id="arch-spec"> for details).
1618 </p>
1621 If you need to edit a <prgn>Makefile</prgn> where GNU-style
1622 <prgn>configure</prgn> scripts are used, you should edit the
1623 <file>.in</file> files rather than editing the
1624 <prgn>Makefile</prgn> directly. This allows the user to
1625 reconfigure the package if necessary. You should
1626 <em>not</em> configure the package and edit the generated
1627 <prgn>Makefile</prgn>! This makes it impossible for someone
1628 else to later reconfigure the package without losing the
1629 changes you made.
1630 </p>
1632 </sect>
1634 <sect id="dpkgchangelog">
1635 <heading>Debian changelog: <file>debian/changelog</file></heading>
1638 Changes in the Debian version of the package should be
1639 briefly explained in the Debian changelog file
1640 <file>debian/changelog</file>.<footnote>
1642 Mistakes in changelogs are usually best rectified by
1643 making a new changelog entry rather than "rewriting
1644 history" by editing old changelog entries.
1645 </p>
1646 </footnote>
1647 This includes modifications
1648 made in the Debian package compared to the upstream one
1649 as well as other changes and updates to the package.
1650 <footnote>
1651 Although there is nothing stopping an author who is also
1652 the Debian maintainer from using this changelog for all
1653 their changes, it will have to be renamed if the Debian
1654 and upstream maintainers become different people. In such
1655 a case, however, it might be better to maintain the package
1656 as a non-native package.
1657 </footnote>
1658 </p>
1661 The format of the <file>debian/changelog</file> allows the
1662 package building tools to discover which version of the package
1663 is being built and find out other release-specific information.
1664 </p>
1667 That format is a series of entries like this:
1669 <example compact="compact">
1670 <var>package</var> (<var>version</var>) <var>distribution(s)</var>; urgency=<var>urgency</var>
1671 <var>
1672 [optional blank line(s), stripped]
1673 </var>
1674 * <var>change details</var>
1675 <var>more change details</var>
1676 <var>
1677 [blank line(s), included in output of dpkg-parsechangelog]
1678 </var>
1679 * <var>even more change details</var>
1680 <var>
1681 [optional blank line(s), stripped]
1682 </var>
1683 -- <var>maintainer name</var> &lt;<var>email address</var>&gt;<var>[two spaces]</var> <var>date</var>
1684 </example>
1685 </p>
1688 <var>package</var> and <var>version</var> are the source
1689 package name and version number.
1690 </p>
1693 <var>distribution(s)</var> lists the distributions where
1694 this version should be installed when it is uploaded - it
1695 is copied to the <tt>Distribution</tt> field in the
1696 <file>.changes</file> file. See <ref id="f-Distribution">.
1697 </p>
1700 <var>urgency</var> is the value for the <tt>Urgency</tt>
1701 field in the <file>.changes</file> file for the upload
1702 (see <ref id="f-Urgency">). It is not possible to specify
1703 an urgency containing commas; commas are used to separate
1704 <tt><var>keyword</var>=<var>value</var></tt> settings in the
1705 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> changelog format (though there is
1706 currently only one useful <var>keyword</var>,
1707 <tt>urgency</tt>).
1708 </p>
1711 The change details may in fact be any series of lines
1712 starting with at least two spaces, but conventionally each
1713 change starts with an asterisk and a separating space and
1714 continuation lines are indented so as to bring them in
1715 line with the start of the text above. Blank lines may be
1716 used here to separate groups of changes, if desired.
1717 </p>
1720 If this upload resolves bugs recorded in the Bug Tracking
1721 System (BTS), they may be automatically closed on the
1722 inclusion of this package into the Debian archive by
1723 including the string: <tt>closes: Bug#<var>nnnnn</var></tt>
1724 in the change details.<footnote>
1725 To be precise, the string should match the following
1726 Perl regular expression:
1727 <example>
1728 /closes:\s*(?:bug)?\#?\s?\d+(?:,\s*(?:bug)?\#?\s?\d+)*/i
1729 </example>
1730 Then all of the bug numbers listed will be closed by the
1731 archive maintenance script (<prgn>katie</prgn>) using the
1732 <var>version</var> of the changelog entry.
1733 </footnote>
1734 This information is conveyed via the <tt>Closes</tt> field
1735 in the <tt>.changes</tt> file (see <ref id="f-Closes">).
1736 </p>
1739 The maintainer name and email address used in the changelog
1740 should be the details of the person uploading <em>this</em>
1741 version. They are <em>not</em> necessarily those of the
1742 usual package maintainer.<footnote>
1743 If the developer uploading the package is not one of the usual
1744 maintainers of the package (as listed in
1745 the <qref id="f-Maintainer"><tt>Maintainer</tt></qref>
1746 or <qref id="f-Uploaders"><tt>Uploaders</tt></qref> control
1747 fields of the package), the first line of the changelog is
1748 conventionally used to explain why a non-maintainer is
1749 uploading the package. The Debian Developer's Reference
1750 (see <ref id="related">) documents the conventions
1751 used.</footnote>
1752 The information here will be copied to the <tt>Changed-By</tt>
1753 field in the <tt>.changes</tt> file
1754 (see <ref id="f-Changed-By">), and then later used to send an
1755 acknowledgement when the upload has been installed.
1756 </p>
1759 The <var>date</var> has the following format<footnote>
1760 This is the same as the format generated by <tt>date
1761 -R</tt>.
1762 </footnote> (compatible and with the same semantics of
1763 RFC 2822 and RFC 5322):
1764 <example>day-of-week, dd month yyyy hh:mm:ss +zzzz</example>
1765 where:
1766 <list compact="compact">
1767 <item>
1768 day-of week is one of: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
1769 </item>
1770 <item>
1771 dd is a one- or two-digit day of the month (01-31)
1772 </item>
1773 <item>
1774 month is one of: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug,
1775 Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
1776 </item>
1777 <item>yyyy is the four-digit year (e.g. 2010)</item>
1778 <item>hh is the two-digit hour (00-23)</item>
1779 <item>mm is the two-digit minutes (00-59)</item>
1780 <item>ss is the two-digit seconds (00-60)</item>
1781 <item>
1782 +zzzz or -zzzz is the the time zone offset from Coordinated
1783 Universal Time (UTC). "+" indicates that the time is ahead
1784 of (i.e., east of) UTC and "-" indicates that the time is
1785 behind (i.e., west of) UTC. The first two digits indicate
1786 the hour difference from UTC and the last two digits
1787 indicate the number of additional minutes difference from
1788 UTC. The last two digits must be in the range 00-59.
1789 </item>
1790 </list>
1791 </p>
1794 The first "title" line with the package name must start
1795 at the left hand margin. The "trailer" line with the
1796 maintainer and date details must be preceded by exactly
1797 one space. The maintainer details and the date must be
1798 separated by exactly two spaces.
1799 </p>
1802 The entire changelog must be encoded in UTF-8.
1803 </p>
1806 For more information on placement of the changelog files
1807 within binary packages, please see <ref id="changelogs">.
1808 </p>
1809 </sect>
1811 <sect id="dpkgcopyright">
1812 <heading>Copyright: <file>debian/copyright</file></heading>
1814 Every package must be accompanied by a verbatim copy of its
1815 copyright information and distribution license in the file
1816 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var>/copyright</file>
1817 (see <ref id="copyrightfile"> for further details). Also see
1818 <ref id="pkgcopyright"> for further considerations related
1819 to copyrights for packages.
1820 </p>
1821 </sect>
1822 <sect>
1823 <heading>Error trapping in makefiles</heading>
1826 When <prgn>make</prgn> invokes a command in a makefile
1827 (including your package's upstream makefiles and
1828 <file>debian/rules</file>), it does so using <prgn>sh</prgn>. This
1829 means that <prgn>sh</prgn>'s usual bad error handling
1830 properties apply: if you include a miniature script as one
1831 of the commands in your makefile you'll find that if you
1832 don't do anything about it then errors are not detected
1833 and <prgn>make</prgn> will blithely continue after
1834 problems.
1835 </p>
1838 Every time you put more than one shell command (this
1839 includes using a loop) in a makefile command you
1840 must make sure that errors are trapped. For
1841 simple compound commands, such as changing directory and
1842 then running a program, using <tt>&amp;&amp;</tt> rather
1843 than semicolon as a command separator is sufficient. For
1844 more complex commands including most loops and
1845 conditionals you should include a separate <tt>set -e</tt>
1846 command at the start of every makefile command that's
1847 actually one of these miniature shell scripts.
1848 </p>
1849 </sect>
1851 <sect id="timestamps">
1852 <heading>Time Stamps</heading>
1854 Maintainers should preserve the modification times of the
1855 upstream source files in a package, as far as is reasonably
1856 possible.<footnote>
1857 The rationale is that there is some information conveyed
1858 by knowing the age of the file, for example, you could
1859 recognize that some documentation is very old by looking
1860 at the modification time, so it would be nice if the
1861 modification time of the upstream source would be
1862 preserved.
1863 </footnote>
1864 </p>
1865 </sect>
1867 <sect id="restrictions">
1868 <heading>Restrictions on objects in source packages</heading>
1871 The source package may not contain any hard links<footnote>
1873 This is not currently detected when building source
1874 packages, but only when extracting
1875 them.
1876 </p>
1878 Hard links may be permitted at some point in the
1879 future, but would require a fair amount of
1880 work.
1881 </p>
1882 </footnote>, device special files, sockets or setuid or
1883 setgid files.<footnote>
1884 Setgid directories are allowed.
1885 </footnote>
1886 </p>
1887 </sect>
1889 <sect id="debianrules">
1890 <heading>Main building script: <file>debian/rules</file></heading>
1893 This file must be an executable makefile, and contains the
1894 package-specific recipes for compiling the package and
1895 building binary package(s) from the source.
1896 </p>
1899 It must start with the line <tt>#!/usr/bin/make -f</tt>,
1900 so that it can be invoked by saying its name rather than
1901 invoking <prgn>make</prgn> explicitly. That is, invoking
1902 either of <tt>make -f debian/rules <em>args...</em></tt>
1903 or <tt>./debian/rules <em>args...</em></tt> must result in
1904 identical behavior.
1905 </p>
1908 The following targets are required and must be implemented
1909 by <file>debian/rules</file>: <tt>clean</tt>, <tt>binary</tt>,
1910 <tt>binary-arch</tt>, <tt>binary-indep</tt>, and <tt>build</tt>.
1911 These are the targets called by <prgn>dpkg-buildpackage</prgn>.
1912 </p>
1915 Since an interactive <file>debian/rules</file> script makes it
1916 impossible to auto-compile that package and also makes it hard
1917 for other people to reproduce the same binary package, all
1918 required targets must be non-interactive. It also follows that
1919 any target that these targets depend on must also be
1920 non-interactive.
1921 </p>
1924 The targets are as follows:
1925 <taglist>
1926 <tag><tt>build</tt> (required)</tag>
1927 <item>
1929 The <tt>build</tt> target should perform all the
1930 configuration and compilation of the package.
1931 If a package has an interactive pre-build
1932 configuration routine, the Debian source package
1933 must either be built after this has taken place (so
1934 that the binary package can be built without rerunning
1935 the configuration) or the configuration routine
1936 modified to become non-interactive. (The latter is
1937 preferable if there are architecture-specific features
1938 detected by the configuration routine.)
1939 </p>
1942 For some packages, notably ones where the same
1943 source tree is compiled in different ways to produce
1944 two binary packages, the <tt>build</tt> target
1945 does not make much sense. For these packages it is
1946 good enough to provide two (or more) targets
1947 (<tt>build-a</tt> and <tt>build-b</tt> or whatever)
1948 for each of the ways of building the package, and a
1949 <tt>build</tt> target that does nothing. The
1950 <tt>binary</tt> target will have to build the
1951 package in each of the possible ways and make the
1952 binary package out of each.
1953 </p>
1956 The <tt>build</tt> target must not do anything
1957 that might require root privilege.
1958 </p>
1961 The <tt>build</tt> target may need to run the
1962 <tt>clean</tt> target first - see below.
1963 </p>
1966 When a package has a configuration and build routine
1967 which takes a long time, or when the makefiles are
1968 poorly designed, or when <tt>build</tt> needs to
1969 run <tt>clean</tt> first, it is a good idea to
1970 <tt>touch build</tt> when the build process is
1971 complete. This will ensure that if <tt>debian/rules
1972 build</tt> is run again it will not rebuild the whole
1973 program.<footnote>
1974 Another common way to do this is for <tt>build</tt>
1975 to depend on <prgn>build-stamp</prgn> and to do
1976 nothing else, and for the <prgn>build-stamp</prgn>
1977 target to do the building and to <tt>touch
1978 build-stamp</tt> on completion. This is
1979 especially useful if the build routine creates a
1980 file or directory called <tt>build</tt>; in such a
1981 case, <tt>build</tt> will need to be listed as
1982 a phony target (i.e., as a dependency of the
1983 <tt>.PHONY</tt> target). See the documentation of
1984 <prgn>make</prgn> for more information on phony
1985 targets.
1986 </footnote>
1987 </p>
1988 </item>
1990 <tag><tt>build-arch</tt> (optional),
1991 <tt>build-indep</tt> (optional)
1992 </tag>
1993 <item>
1995 A package may also provide one or both of the targets
1996 <tt>build-arch</tt> and <tt>build-indep</tt>.
1997 The <tt>build-arch</tt> target, if provided, should
1998 perform all the configuration and compilation required for
1999 producing all architecture-dependant binary packages
2000 (those packages for which the body of the
2001 <tt>Architecture</tt> field in <tt>debian/control</tt> is
2002 not <tt>all</tt>). Similarly, the <tt>build-indep</tt>
2003 target, if provided, should perform all the configuration
2004 and compilation required for producing all
2005 architecture-independent binary packages (those packages
2006 for which the body of the <tt>Architecture</tt> field
2007 in <tt>debian/control</tt> is <tt>all</tt>).
2008 </p>
2011 If <tt>build-arch</tt> or <tt>build-indep</tt> targets are
2012 provided in the rules file, the <tt>build</tt> target
2013 should either depend on those targets or take the same
2014 actions as invoking those targets would perform.<footnote>
2015 The intent of this split is so that binary-only builds
2016 need not install the dependencies required for
2017 the <tt>build-indep</tt> target. However, this is not
2018 yet used in practice since <tt>dpkg-buildpackage
2019 -B</tt>, and therefore the autobuilders,
2020 invoke <tt>build</tt> rather than <tt>build-arch</tt>
2021 due to the difficulties in determining whether the
2022 optional <tt>build-arch</tt> target exists.
2023 </footnote>
2024 </p>
2027 If one or both of the targets <tt>build-arch</tt> and
2028 <tt>build-indep</tt> are not provided, then invoking
2029 <file>debian/rules</file> with one of the not-provided
2030 targets as arguments should produce a exit status code
2031 of 2. Usually this is provided automatically by make
2032 if the target is missing.
2033 </p>
2036 The <tt>build-arch</tt> and <tt>build-indep</tt> targets
2037 must not do anything that might require root privilege.
2038 </p>
2039 </item>
2041 <tag><tt>binary</tt> (required), <tt>binary-arch</tt>
2042 (required), <tt>binary-indep</tt> (required)
2043 </tag>
2044 <item>
2046 The <tt>binary</tt> target must be all that is
2047 necessary for the user to build the binary package(s)
2048 produced from this source package. It is
2049 split into two parts: <prgn>binary-arch</prgn> builds
2050 the binary packages which are specific to a particular
2051 architecture, and <tt>binary-indep</tt> builds
2052 those which are not.
2053 </p>
2055 <tt>binary</tt> may be (and commonly is) a target with
2056 no commands which simply depends on
2057 <tt>binary-arch</tt> and <tt>binary-indep</tt>.
2058 </p>
2060 Both <tt>binary-*</tt> targets should depend on the
2061 <tt>build</tt> target, or on the appropriate
2062 <tt>build-arch</tt> or <tt>build-indep</tt> target, if
2063 provided, so that the package is built if it has not
2064 been already. It should then create the relevant
2065 binary package(s), using <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn> to
2066 make their control files and <prgn>dpkg-deb</prgn> to
2067 build them and place them in the parent of the top
2068 level directory.
2069 </p>
2072 Both the <tt>binary-arch</tt> and
2073 <tt>binary-indep</tt> targets <em>must</em> exist.
2074 If one of them has nothing to do (which will always be
2075 the case if the source generates only a single binary
2076 package, whether architecture-dependent or not), it
2077 must still exist and must always succeed.
2078 </p>
2081 The <tt>binary</tt> targets must be invoked as
2082 root.<footnote>
2083 The <prgn>fakeroot</prgn> package often allows one
2084 to build a package correctly even without being
2085 root.
2086 </footnote>
2087 </p>
2088 </item>
2090 <tag><tt>clean</tt> (required)</tag>
2091 <item>
2093 This must undo any effects that the <tt>build</tt>
2094 and <tt>binary</tt> targets may have had, except
2095 that it should leave alone any output files created in
2096 the parent directory by a run of a <tt>binary</tt>
2097 target.
2098 </p>
2101 If a <tt>build</tt> file is touched at the end of
2102 the <tt>build</tt> target, as suggested above, it
2103 should be removed as the first action that
2104 <tt>clean</tt> performs, so that running
2105 <tt>build</tt> again after an interrupted
2106 <tt>clean</tt> doesn't think that everything is
2107 already done.
2108 </p>
2111 The <tt>clean</tt> target may need to be
2112 invoked as root if <tt>binary</tt> has been
2113 invoked since the last <tt>clean</tt>, or if
2114 <tt>build</tt> has been invoked as root (since
2115 <tt>build</tt> may create directories, for
2116 example).
2117 </p>
2118 </item>
2120 <tag><tt>get-orig-source</tt> (optional)</tag>
2121 <item>
2123 This target fetches the most recent version of the
2124 original source package from a canonical archive site
2125 (via FTP or WWW, for example), does any necessary
2126 rearrangement to turn it into the original source
2127 tar file format described below, and leaves it in the
2128 current directory.
2129 </p>
2132 This target may be invoked in any directory, and
2133 should take care to clean up any temporary files it
2134 may have left.
2135 </p>
2138 This target is optional, but providing it if
2139 possible is a good idea.
2140 </p>
2141 </item>
2143 <tag><tt>patch</tt> (optional)</tag>
2144 <item>
2146 This target performs whatever additional actions are
2147 required to make the source ready for editing (unpacking
2148 additional upstream archives, applying patches, etc.).
2149 It is recommended to be implemented for any package where
2150 <tt>dpkg-source -x</tt> does not result in source ready
2151 for additional modification. See
2152 <ref id="readmesource">.
2153 </p>
2154 </item>
2155 </taglist>
2158 The <tt>build</tt>, <tt>binary</tt> and
2159 <tt>clean</tt> targets must be invoked with the current
2160 directory being the package's top-level directory.
2161 </p>
2165 Additional targets may exist in <file>debian/rules</file>,
2166 either as published or undocumented interfaces or for the
2167 package's internal use.
2168 </p>
2171 The architectures we build on and build for are determined
2172 by <prgn>make</prgn> variables using the
2173 utility <qref id="pkg-dpkg-architecture"><prgn>dpkg-architecture</prgn></qref>.
2174 You can determine the Debian architecture and the GNU style
2175 architecture specification string for the build architecture as
2176 well as for the host architecture. The build architecture is
2177 the architecture on which <file>debian/rules</file> is run and
2178 the package build is performed. The host architecture is the
2179 architecture on which the resulting package will be installed
2180 and run. These are normally the same, but may be different in
2181 the case of cross-compilation (building packages for one
2182 architecture on machines of a different architecture).
2183 </p>
2186 Here is a list of supported <prgn>make</prgn> variables:
2187 <list compact="compact">
2188 <item>
2189 <tt>DEB_*_ARCH</tt> (the Debian architecture)
2190 </item>
2191 <item>
2192 <tt>DEB_*_ARCH_CPU</tt> (the Debian CPU name)
2193 </item>
2194 <item>
2195 <tt>DEB_*_ARCH_OS</tt> (the Debian System name)
2196 </item>
2197 <item>
2198 <tt>DEB_*_GNU_TYPE</tt> (the GNU style architecture
2199 specification string)
2200 </item>
2201 <item>
2202 <tt>DEB_*_GNU_CPU</tt> (the CPU part of
2203 <tt>DEB_*_GNU_TYPE</tt>)
2204 </item>
2205 <item>
2206 <tt>DEB_*_GNU_SYSTEM</tt> (the System part of
2207 <tt>DEB_*_GNU_TYPE</tt>)
2208 </list>
2209 where <tt>*</tt> is either <tt>BUILD</tt> for specification of
2210 the build architecture or <tt>HOST</tt> for specification of the
2211 host architecture.
2212 </p>
2215 Backward compatibility can be provided in the rules file
2216 by setting the needed variables to suitable default
2217 values; please refer to the documentation of
2218 <prgn>dpkg-architecture</prgn> for details.
2219 </p>
2222 It is important to understand that the <tt>DEB_*_ARCH</tt>
2223 string only determines which Debian architecture we are
2224 building on or for. It should not be used to get the CPU
2225 or system information; the <tt>DEB_*_ARCH_CPU</tt> and
2226 <tt>DEB_*_ARCH_OS</tt> variables should be used for that.
2227 GNU style variables should generally only be used with upstream
2228 build systems.
2229 </p>
2231 <sect1 id="debianrules-options">
2232 <heading><file>debian/rules</file> and
2233 <tt>DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS</tt></heading>
2236 Supporting the standardized environment variable
2237 <tt>DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS</tt> is recommended. This variable can
2238 contain several flags to change how a package is compiled and
2239 built. Each flag must be in the form <var>flag</var> or
2240 <var>flag</var>=<var>options</var>. If multiple flags are
2241 given, they must be separated by whitespace.<footnote>
2242 Some packages support any delimiter, but whitespace is the
2243 easiest to parse inside a makefile and avoids ambiguity with
2244 flag values that contain commas.
2245 </footnote>
2246 <var>flag</var> must start with a lowercase letter
2247 (<tt>a-z</tt>) and consist only of lowercase letters,
2248 numbers (<tt>0-9</tt>), and the characters
2249 <tt>-</tt> and <tt>_</tt> (hyphen and underscore).
2250 <var>options</var> must not contain whitespace. The same
2251 tag should not be given multiple times with conflicting
2252 values. Package maintainers may assume that
2253 <tt>DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS</tt> will not contain conflicting tags.
2254 </p>
2257 The meaning of the following tags has been standardized:
2258 <taglist>
2259 <tag>nocheck</tag>
2260 <item>
2261 This tag says to not run any build-time test suite
2262 provided by the package.
2263 </item>
2264 <tag>noopt</tag>
2265 <item>
2266 The presence of this tag means that the package should
2267 be compiled with a minimum of optimization. For C
2268 programs, it is best to add <tt>-O0</tt> to
2269 <tt>CFLAGS</tt> (although this is usually the default).
2270 Some programs might fail to build or run at this level
2271 of optimization; it may be necessary to use
2272 <tt>-O1</tt>, for example.
2273 </item>
2274 <tag>nostrip</tag>
2275 <item>
2276 This tag means that the debugging symbols should not be
2277 stripped from the binary during installation, so that
2278 debugging information may be included in the package.
2279 </item>
2280 <tag>parallel=n</tag>
2281 <item>
2282 This tag means that the package should be built using up
2283 to <tt>n</tt> parallel processes if the package build
2284 system supports this.<footnote>
2285 Packages built with <tt>make</tt> can often implement
2286 this by passing the <tt>-j</tt><var>n</var> option to
2287 <tt>make</tt>.
2288 </footnote>
2289 If the package build system does not support parallel
2290 builds, this string must be ignored. If the package
2291 build system only supports a lower level of concurrency
2292 than <var>n</var>, the package should be built using as
2293 many parallel processes as the package build system
2294 supports. It is up to the package maintainer to decide
2295 whether the package build times are long enough and the
2296 package build system is robust enough to make supporting
2297 parallel builds worthwhile.
2298 </item>
2299 </taglist>
2300 </p>
2303 Unknown flags must be ignored by <file>debian/rules</file>.
2304 </p>
2307 The following makefile snippet is an example of how one may
2308 implement the build options; you will probably have to
2309 massage this example in order to make it work for your
2310 package.
2311 <example compact="compact">
2312 CFLAGS = -Wall -g
2313 INSTALL = install
2314 INSTALL_FILE = $(INSTALL) -p -o root -g root -m 644
2315 INSTALL_PROGRAM = $(INSTALL) -p -o root -g root -m 755
2316 INSTALL_SCRIPT = $(INSTALL) -p -o root -g root -m 755
2317 INSTALL_DIR = $(INSTALL) -p -d -o root -g root -m 755
2319 ifneq (,$(filter noopt,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
2320 CFLAGS += -O0
2321 else
2322 CFLAGS += -O2
2323 endif
2324 ifeq (,$(filter nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
2326 endif
2327 ifneq (,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
2328 NUMJOBS = $(patsubst parallel=%,%,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
2330 endif
2332 build:
2333 # ...
2334 ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
2335 # Code to run the package test suite.
2336 endif
2337 </example>
2338 </p>
2339 </sect1>
2340 </sect>
2342 <!-- FIXME: section pkg-srcsubstvars is the same as substvars -->
2343 <sect id="substvars">
2344 <heading>Variable substitutions: <file>debian/substvars</file></heading>
2347 When <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn>
2348 generates <qref id="binarycontrolfiles">binary package control
2349 files</qref> (<file>DEBIAN/control</file>), it performs variable
2350 substitutions on its output just before writing it. Variable
2351 substitutions have the form <tt>${<var>variable</var>}</tt>.
2352 The optional file <file>debian/substvars</file> contains
2353 variable substitutions to be used; variables can also be set
2354 directly from <file>debian/rules</file> using the <tt>-V</tt>
2355 option to the source packaging commands, and certain predefined
2356 variables are also available.
2357 </p>
2360 The <file>debian/substvars</file> file is usually generated and
2361 modified dynamically by <file>debian/rules</file> targets, in
2362 which case it must be removed by the <tt>clean</tt> target.
2363 </p>
2366 See <manref name="deb-substvars" section="5"> for full
2367 details about source variable substitutions, including the
2368 format of <file>debian/substvars</file>.</p>
2369 </sect>
2371 <sect id="debianwatch">
2372 <heading>Optional upstream source location: <file>debian/watch</file></heading>
2375 This is an optional, recommended configuration file for the
2376 <tt>uscan</tt> utility which defines how to automatically scan
2377 ftp or http sites for newly available updates of the
2378 package. This is used
2379 by <url id=""> and other Debian QA
2380 tools to help with quality control and maintenance of the
2381 distribution as a whole.
2382 </p>
2384 </sect>
2386 <sect id="debianfiles">
2387 <heading>Generated files list: <file>debian/files</file></heading>
2390 This file is not a permanent part of the source tree; it
2391 is used while building packages to record which files are
2392 being generated. <prgn>dpkg-genchanges</prgn> uses it
2393 when it generates a <file>.changes</file> file.
2394 </p>
2397 It should not exist in a shipped source package, and so it
2398 (and any backup files or temporary files such as
2399 <file></file><footnote>
2400 <file></file> is used as a temporary file by
2401 <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn> and
2402 <prgn>dpkg-distaddfile</prgn> - they write a new
2403 version of <tt>files</tt> here before renaming it,
2404 to avoid leaving a corrupted copy if an error
2405 occurs.
2406 </footnote>) should be removed by the
2407 <tt>clean</tt> target. It may also be wise to
2408 ensure a fresh start by emptying or removing it at the
2409 start of the <tt>binary</tt> target.
2410 </p>
2413 When <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn> is run for a binary
2414 package, it adds an entry to <file>debian/files</file> for the
2415 <file>.deb</file> file that will be created when <tt>dpkg-deb
2416 --build</tt> is run for that binary package. So for most
2417 packages all that needs to be done with this file is to
2418 delete it in the <tt>clean</tt> target.
2419 </p>
2422 If a package upload includes files besides the source
2423 package and any binary packages whose control files were
2424 made with <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn> then they should be
2425 placed in the parent of the package's top-level directory
2426 and <prgn>dpkg-distaddfile</prgn> should be called to add
2427 the file to the list in <file>debian/files</file>.</p>
2428 </sect>
2430 <sect id="embeddedfiles">
2431 <heading>Convenience copies of code</heading>
2434 Some software packages include in their distribution convenience
2435 copies of code from other software packages, generally so that
2436 users compiling from source don't have to download multiple
2437 packages. Debian packages should not make use of these
2438 convenience copies unless the included package is explicitly
2439 intended to be used in this way.<footnote>
2440 For example, parts of the GNU build system work like this.
2441 </footnote>
2442 If the included code is already in the Debian archive in the
2443 form of a library, the Debian packaging should ensure that
2444 binary packages reference the libraries already in Debian and
2445 the convenience copy is not used. If the included code is not
2446 already in Debian, it should be packaged separately as a
2447 prerequisite if possible.
2448 <footnote>
2449 Having multiple copies of the same code in Debian is
2450 inefficient, often creates either static linking or shared
2451 library conflicts, and, most importantly, increases the
2452 difficulty of handling security vulnerabilities in the
2453 duplicated code.
2454 </footnote>
2455 </p>
2456 </sect>
2458 <sect id="readmesource">
2459 <heading>Source package handling:
2460 <file>debian/README.source</file></heading>
2463 If running <prgn>dpkg-source -x</prgn> on a source package
2464 doesn't produce the source of the package, ready for editing,
2465 and allow one to make changes and run
2466 <prgn>dpkg-buildpackage</prgn> to produce a modified package
2467 without taking any additional steps, creating a
2468 <file>debian/README.source</file> documentation file is
2469 recommended. This file should explain how to do all of the
2470 following:
2471 <enumlist>
2472 <item>Generate the fully patched source, in a form ready for
2473 editing, that would be built to create Debian
2474 packages. Doing this with a <tt>patch</tt> target in
2475 <file>debian/rules</file> is recommended; see
2476 <ref id="debianrules">.</item>
2477 <item>Modify the source and save those modifications so that
2478 they will be applied when building the package.</item>
2479 <item>Remove source modifications that are currently being
2480 applied when building the package.</item>
2481 <item>Optionally, document what steps are necessary to
2482 upgrade the Debian source package to a new upstream version,
2483 if applicable.</item>
2484 </enumlist>
2485 This explanation should include specific commands and mention
2486 any additional required Debian packages. It should not assume
2487 familiarity with any specific Debian packaging system or patch
2488 management tools.
2489 </p>
2492 This explanation may refer to a documentation file installed by
2493 one of the package's build dependencies provided that the
2494 referenced documentation clearly explains these tasks and is not
2495 a general reference manual.
2496 </p>
2499 <file>debian/README.source</file> may also include any other
2500 information that would be helpful to someone modifying the
2501 source package. Even if the package doesn't fit the above
2502 description, maintainers are encouraged to document in a
2503 <file>debian/README.source</file> file any source package with a
2504 particularly complex or unintuitive source layout or build
2505 system (for example, a package that builds the same source
2506 multiple times to generate different binary packages).
2507 </p>
2508 </sect>
2509 </chapt>
2512 <chapt id="controlfields">
2513 <heading>Control files and their fields</heading>
2516 The package management system manipulates data represented in
2517 a common format, known as <em>control data</em>, stored in
2518 <em>control files</em>.
2519 Control files are used for source packages, binary packages and
2520 the <file>.changes</file> files which control the installation
2521 of uploaded files<footnote>
2522 <prgn>dpkg</prgn>'s internal databases are in a similar
2523 format.
2524 </footnote>.
2525 </p>
2527 <sect id="controlsyntax">
2528 <heading>Syntax of control files</heading>
2531 A control file consists of one or more paragraphs of
2532 fields<footnote>
2533 The paragraphs are also sometimes referred to as stanzas.
2534 </footnote>.
2535 The paragraphs are separated by empty lines. Parsers may accept
2536 lines consisting solely of spaces and tabs as paragraph
2537 separators, but control files should use empty lines. Some control
2538 files allow only one paragraph; others allow several, in
2539 which case each paragraph usually refers to a different
2540 package. (For example, in source packages, the first
2541 paragraph refers to the source package, and later paragraphs
2542 refer to binary packages generated from the source.) The
2543 ordering of the paragraphs in control files is significant.
2544 </p>
2547 Each paragraph consists of a series of data fields. Each field
2548 consists of the field name followed by a colon and then the
2549 data/value associated with that field. The field name is
2550 composed of US-ASCII characters excluding control characters,
2551 space, and colon (i.e., characters in the ranges 33-57 and
2552 59-126, inclusive). Field names must not begin with the comment
2553 character, <tt>#</tt>.
2554 </p>
2557 The field ends at the end of the line or at the end of the last
2558 continuation line (see below). Horizontal whitespace (spaces
2559 and tabs) may occur immediately before or after the value and is
2560 ignored there; it is conventional to put a single space after
2561 the colon. For example, a field might be:
2562 <example compact="compact">
2563 Package: libc6
2564 </example>
2565 the field name is <tt>Package</tt> and the field value
2566 <tt>libc6</tt>.
2567 </p>
2570 A paragraph must not contain more than one instance of a
2571 particular field name.
2572 </p>
2575 There are three types of fields:
2576 <taglist>
2577 <tag>simple</tag>
2578 <item>
2579 The field, including its value, must be a single line. Folding
2580 of the field is not permitted. This is the default field type
2581 if the definition of the field does not specify a different
2582 type.
2583 </item>
2584 <tag>folded</tag>
2585 <item>
2586 The value of a folded field is a logical line that may span
2587 several lines. The lines after the first are called
2588 continuation lines and must start with a space or a tab.
2589 Whitespace, including any newlines, is not significant in the
2590 field values of folded fields.<footnote>
2591 This folding method is similar to RFC 5322, allowing control
2592 files that contain only one paragraph and no multiline fields
2593 to be read by parsers written for RFC 5322.
2594 </footnote>
2595 </item>
2596 <tag>multiline</tag>
2597 <item>
2598 The value of a multiline field may comprise multiple continuation
2599 lines. The first line of the value, the part on the same line as
2600 the field name, often has special significance or may have to be
2601 empty. Other lines are added following the same syntax as the
2602 continuation lines of the folded fields. Whitespace, including newlines,
2603 is significant in the values of multiline fields.
2604 </item>
2605 </taglist>
2606 </p>
2609 Whitespace must not appear
2610 inside names (of packages, architectures, files or anything
2611 else) or version numbers, or between the characters of
2612 multi-character version relationships.
2613 </p>
2616 The presence and purpose of a field, and the syntax of its
2617 value may differ between types of control files.
2618 </p>
2621 Field names are not case-sensitive, but it is usual to
2622 capitalize the field names using mixed case as shown below.
2623 Field values are case-sensitive unless the description of the
2624 field says otherwise.
2625 </p>
2628 Paragraph separators (empty lines) and lines consisting only of
2629 spaces and tabs are not allowed within field values or between
2630 fields. Empty lines in field values are usually escaped by
2631 representing them by a space followed by a dot.
2632 </p>
2635 Lines starting with # without any preceding whitespace are comments
2636 lines that are only permitted in source package control files
2637 (<file>debian/control</file>). These comment lines are ignored, even
2638 between two continuation lines. They do not end logical lines.
2639 </p>
2642 All control files must be encoded in UTF-8.
2643 </p>
2644 </sect>
2646 <sect id="sourcecontrolfiles">
2647 <heading>Source package control files -- <file>debian/control</file></heading>
2650 The <file>debian/control</file> file contains the most vital
2651 (and version-independent) information about the source package
2652 and about the binary packages it creates.
2653 </p>
2656 The first paragraph of the control file contains information about
2657 the source package in general. The subsequent sets each describe a
2658 binary package that the source tree builds.
2659 </p>
2662 The fields in the general paragraph (the first one, for the source
2663 package) are:
2665 <list compact="compact">
2666 <item><qref id="f-Source"><tt>Source</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2667 <item><qref id="f-Maintainer"><tt>Maintainer</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2668 <item><qref id="f-Uploaders"><tt>Uploaders</tt></qref></item>
2669 <item><qref id="f-DM-Upload-Allowed"><tt>DM-Upload-Allowed</tt></qref></item>
2670 <item><qref id="f-Section"><tt>Section</tt></qref> (recommended)</item>
2671 <item><qref id="f-Priority"><tt>Priority</tt></qref> (recommended)</item>
2672 <item><qref id="sourcebinarydeps"><tt>Build-Depends</tt> et al</qref></item>
2673 <item><qref id="f-Standards-Version"><tt>Standards-Version</tt></qref> (recommended)</item>
2674 <item><qref id="f-Homepage"><tt>Homepage</tt></qref></item>
2675 <item><qref id="f-VCS-fields"><tt>Vcs-Browser</tt>, <tt>Vcs-Git</tt>, et al.</qref></item>
2676 </list>
2677 </p>
2680 The fields in the binary package paragraphs are:
2682 <list compact="compact">
2683 <item><qref id="f-Package"><tt>Package</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2684 <item><qref id="f-Architecture"><tt>Architecture</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2685 <item><qref id="f-Section"><tt>Section</tt></qref> (recommended)</item>
2686 <item><qref id="f-Priority"><tt>Priority</tt></qref> (recommended)</item>
2687 <item><qref id="f-Essential"><tt>Essential</tt></qref></item>
2688 <item><qref id="binarydeps"><tt>Depends</tt> et al</qref></item>
2689 <item><qref id="f-Description"><tt>Description</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2690 <item><qref id="f-Homepage"><tt>Homepage</tt></qref></item>
2691 <item><qref id="built-using"><tt>Built-Using</tt></qref></item>
2692 </list>
2693 </p>
2696 The syntax and semantics of the fields are described below.
2697 </p>
2700 These fields are used by <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn> to
2701 generate control files for binary packages (see below), by
2702 <prgn>dpkg-genchanges</prgn> to generate the
2703 <file>.changes</file> file to accompany the upload, and by
2704 <prgn>dpkg-source</prgn> when it creates the
2705 <file>.dsc</file> source control file as part of a source
2706 archive. Some fields are folded in <file>debian/control</file>,
2707 but not in any other control
2708 file. These tools are responsible for removing the line
2709 breaks from such fields when using fields from
2710 <file>debian/control</file> to generate other control files.
2711 </p>
2714 The fields here may contain variable references - their
2715 values will be substituted by <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn>,
2716 <prgn>dpkg-genchanges</prgn> or <prgn>dpkg-source</prgn>
2717 when they generate output control files.
2718 See <ref id="substvars"> for details.
2719 </p>
2720 </sect>
2722 <sect id="binarycontrolfiles">
2723 <heading>Binary package control files -- <file>DEBIAN/control</file></heading>
2726 The <file>DEBIAN/control</file> file contains the most vital
2727 (and version-dependent) information about a binary package. It
2728 consists of a single paragraph.
2729 </p>
2732 The fields in this file are:
2734 <list compact="compact">
2735 <item><qref id="f-Package"><tt>Package</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2736 <item><qref id="f-Source"><tt>Source</tt></qref></item>
2737 <item><qref id="f-Version"><tt>Version</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2738 <item><qref id="f-Section"><tt>Section</tt></qref> (recommended)</item>
2739 <item><qref id="f-Priority"><tt>Priority</tt></qref> (recommended)</item>
2740 <item><qref id="f-Architecture"><tt>Architecture</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2741 <item><qref id="f-Essential"><tt>Essential</tt></qref></item>
2742 <item><qref id="binarydeps"><tt>Depends</tt> et al</qref></item>
2743 <item><qref id="f-Installed-Size"><tt>Installed-Size</tt></qref></item>
2744 <item><qref id="f-Maintainer"><tt>Maintainer</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2745 <item><qref id="f-Description"><tt>Description</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2746 <item><qref id="f-Homepage"><tt>Homepage</tt></qref></item>
2747 <item><qref id="built-using"><tt>Built-Using</tt></qref></item>
2748 </list>
2749 </p>
2750 </sect>
2752 <sect id="debiansourcecontrolfiles">
2753 <heading>Debian source control files -- <tt>.dsc</tt></heading>
2756 This file consists of a single paragraph, possibly surrounded by
2757 a PGP signature. The fields of that paragraph are listed below.
2758 Their syntax is described above, in <ref id="controlsyntax">.
2760 <list compact="compact">
2761 <item><qref id="f-Format"><tt>Format</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2762 <item><qref id="f-Source"><tt>Source</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2763 <item><qref id="f-Binary"><tt>Binary</tt></qref></item>
2764 <item><qref id="f-Architecture"><tt>Architecture</tt></qref></item>
2765 <item><qref id="f-Version"><tt>Version</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2766 <item><qref id="f-Maintainer"><tt>Maintainer</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2767 <item><qref id="f-Uploaders"><tt>Uploaders</tt></qref></item>
2768 <item><qref id="f-DM-Upload-Allowed"><tt>DM-Upload-Allowed</tt></qref></item>
2769 <item><qref id="f-Homepage"><tt>Homepage</tt></qref></item>
2770 <item><qref id="f-VCS-fields"><tt>Vcs-Browser</tt>, <tt>Vcs-Git</tt>, et al.</qref></item>
2771 <item><qref id="f-Standards-Version"><tt>Standards-Version</tt></qref> (recommended)</item>
2772 <item><qref id="sourcebinarydeps"><tt>Build-Depends</tt> et al</qref></item>
2773 <item><qref id="f-Checksums"><tt>Checksums-Sha1</tt>
2774 and <tt>Checksums-Sha256</tt></qref> (recommended)</item>
2775 <item><qref id="f-Files"><tt>Files</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2776 </list>
2777 </p>
2780 The Debian source control file is generated by
2781 <prgn>dpkg-source</prgn> when it builds the source
2782 archive, from other files in the source package,
2783 described above. When unpacking, it is checked against
2784 the files and directories in the other parts of the
2785 source package.
2786 </p>
2788 </sect>
2790 <sect id="debianchangesfiles">
2791 <heading>Debian changes files -- <file>.changes</file></heading>
2794 The <file>.changes</file> files are used by the Debian archive
2795 maintenance software to process updates to packages. They
2796 consist of a single paragraph, possibly surrounded by a PGP
2797 signature. That paragraph contains information from the
2798 <file>debian/control</file> file and other data about the
2799 source package gathered via <file>debian/changelog</file>
2800 and <file>debian/rules</file>.
2801 </p>
2804 <file>.changes</file> files have a format version that is
2805 incremented whenever the documented fields or their meaning
2806 change. This document describes format &changesversion;.
2807 </p>
2810 The fields in this file are:
2812 <list compact="compact">
2813 <item><qref id="f-Format"><tt>Format</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2814 <item><qref id="f-Date"><tt>Date</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2815 <item><qref id="f-Source"><tt>Source</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2816 <item><qref id="f-Binary"><tt>Binary</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2817 <item><qref id="f-Architecture"><tt>Architecture</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2818 <item><qref id="f-Version"><tt>Version</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2819 <item><qref id="f-Distribution"><tt>Distribution</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2820 <item><qref id="f-Urgency"><tt>Urgency</tt></qref> (recommended)</item>
2821 <item><qref id="f-Maintainer"><tt>Maintainer</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2822 <item><qref id="f-Changed-By"><tt>Changed-By</tt></qref></item>
2823 <item><qref id="f-Description"><tt>Description</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2824 <item><qref id="f-Closes"><tt>Closes</tt></qref></item>
2825 <item><qref id="f-Changes"><tt>Changes</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2826 <item><qref id="f-Checksums"><tt>Checksums-Sha1</tt>
2827 and <tt>Checksums-Sha256</tt></qref> (recommended)</item>
2828 <item><qref id="f-Files"><tt>Files</tt></qref> (mandatory)</item>
2829 </list>
2830 </p>
2831 </sect>
2833 <sect id="controlfieldslist">
2834 <heading>List of fields</heading>
2836 <sect1 id="f-Source">
2837 <heading><tt>Source</tt></heading>
2840 This field identifies the source package name.
2841 </p>
2844 In <file>debian/control</file> or a <file>.dsc</file> file,
2845 this field must contain only the name of the source package.
2846 </p>
2849 In a binary package control file or a <file>.changes</file>
2850 file, the source package name may be followed by a version
2851 number in parentheses<footnote>
2852 It is customary to leave a space after the package name
2853 if a version number is specified.
2854 </footnote>.
2855 This version number may be omitted (and is, by
2856 <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn>) if it has the same value as
2857 the <tt>Version</tt> field of the binary package in
2858 question. The field itself may be omitted from a binary
2859 package control file when the source package has the same
2860 name and version as the binary package.
2861 </p>
2864 Package names (both source and binary,
2865 see <ref id="f-Package">) must consist only of lower case
2866 letters (<tt>a-z</tt>), digits (<tt>0-9</tt>), plus
2867 (<tt>+</tt>) and minus (<tt>-</tt>) signs, and periods
2868 (<tt>.</tt>). They must be at least two characters long and
2869 must start with an alphanumeric character.
2870 </p>
2871 </sect1>
2873 <sect1 id="f-Maintainer">
2874 <heading><tt>Maintainer</tt></heading>
2877 The package maintainer's name and email address. The name
2878 must come first, then the email address inside angle
2879 brackets <tt>&lt;&gt;</tt> (in RFC822 format).
2880 </p>
2883 If the maintainer's name contains a full stop then the
2884 whole field will not work directly as an email address due
2885 to a misfeature in the syntax specified in RFC822; a
2886 program using this field as an address must check for this
2887 and correct the problem if necessary (for example by
2888 putting the name in round brackets and moving it to the
2889 end, and bringing the email address forward).
2890 </p>
2893 See <ref id="maintainer"> for additional requirements and
2894 information about package maintainers.
2895 </p>
2896 </sect1>
2898 <sect1 id="f-Uploaders">
2899 <heading><tt>Uploaders</tt></heading>
2902 List of the names and email addresses of co-maintainers of the
2903 package, if any. If the package has other maintainers besides
2904 the one named in the <qref id="f-Maintainer">Maintainer
2905 field</qref>, their names and email addresses should be listed
2906 here. The format of each entry is the same as that of the
2907 Maintainer field, and multiple entries must be comma
2908 separated.
2909 </p>
2912 This is normally an optional field, but if
2913 the <tt>Maintainer</tt> control field names a group of people
2914 and a shared email address, the <tt>Uploaders</tt> field must
2915 be present and must contain at least one human with their
2916 personal email address.
2917 </p>
2920 The Uploaders field in <file>debian/control</file> can be folded.
2921 </p>
2922 </sect1>
2924 <sect1 id="f-Changed-By">
2925 <heading><tt>Changed-By</tt></heading>
2928 The name and email address of the person who prepared this
2929 version of the package, usually a maintainer. The syntax is
2930 the same as for the <qref id="f-Maintainer">Maintainer
2931 field</qref>.
2932 </p>
2933 </sect1>
2935 <sect1 id="f-Section">
2936 <heading><tt>Section</tt></heading>
2939 This field specifies an application area into which the package
2940 has been classified. See <ref id="subsections">.
2941 </p>
2944 When it appears in the <file>debian/control</file> file,
2945 it gives the value for the subfield of the same name in
2946 the <tt>Files</tt> field of the <file>.changes</file> file.
2947 It also gives the default for the same field in the binary
2948 packages.
2949 </p>
2950 </sect1>
2952 <sect1 id="f-Priority">
2953 <heading><tt>Priority</tt></heading>
2956 This field represents how important it is that the user
2957 have the package installed. See <ref id="priorities">.
2958 </p>
2961 When it appears in the <file>debian/control</file> file,
2962 it gives the value for the subfield of the same name in
2963 the <tt>Files</tt> field of the <file>.changes</file> file.
2964 It also gives the default for the same field in the binary
2965 packages.
2966 </p>
2967 </sect1>
2969 <sect1 id="f-Package">
2970 <heading><tt>Package</tt></heading>
2973 The name of the binary package.
2974 </p>
2977 Binary package names must follow the same syntax and
2978 restrictions as source package names. See <ref id="f-Source">
2979 for the details.
2980 </p>
2981 </sect1>
2983 <sect1 id="f-Architecture">
2984 <heading><tt>Architecture</tt></heading>
2987 Depending on context and the control file used, the
2988 <tt>Architecture</tt> field can include the following sets of
2989 values:
2990 <list>
2991 <item>
2992 A unique single word identifying a Debian machine
2993 architecture as described in <ref id="arch-spec">.
2994 </item>
2995 <item>
2996 An architecture wildcard identifying a set of Debian
2997 machine architectures, see <ref id="arch-wildcard-spec">.
2998 <tt>any</tt> matches all Debian machine architectures
2999 and is the most frequently used.
3000 </item>
3001 <item>
3002 <tt>all</tt>, which indicates an
3003 architecture-independent package.
3004 </item>
3005 <item>
3006 <tt>source</tt>, which indicates a source package.
3007 </item>
3008 </list>
3009 </p>
3012 In the main <file>debian/control</file> file in the source
3013 package, this field may contain the special
3014 value <tt>all</tt>, the special architecture
3015 wildcard <tt>any</tt>, or a list of specific and wildcard
3016 architectures separated by spaces. If <tt>all</tt>
3017 or <tt>any</tt> appears, that value must be the entire
3018 contents of the field. Most packages will use
3019 either <tt>all</tt> or <tt>any</tt>.
3020 </p>
3023 Specifying a specific list of architectures indicates that the
3024 source will build an architecture-dependent package only on
3025 architectures included in the list. Specifying a list of
3026 architecture wildcards indicates that the source will build an
3027 architecture-dependent package on only those architectures
3028 that match any of the specified architecture wildcards.
3029 Specifying a list of architectures or architecture wildcards
3030 other than <tt>any</tt> is for the minority of cases where a
3031 program is not portable or is not useful on some
3032 architectures. Where possible, the program should be made
3033 portable instead.
3034 </p>
3037 In the Debian source control file <file>.dsc</file>, this
3038 field contains a list of architectures and architecture
3039 wildcards separated by spaces. When the list contains the
3040 architecture wildcard <tt>any</tt>, the only other value
3041 allowed in the list is <tt>all</tt>.
3042 </p>
3045 The list may include (or consist solely of) the special
3046 value <tt>all</tt>. In other words, in <file>.dsc</file>
3047 files unlike the <file>debian/control</file>, <tt>all</tt> may
3048 occur in combination with specific architectures.
3049 The <tt>Architecture</tt> field in the Debian source control
3050 file <file>.dsc</file> is generally constructed from
3051 the <tt>Architecture</tt> fields in
3052 the <file>debian/control</file> in the source package.
3053 </p>
3056 Specifying only <tt>any</tt> indicates that the source package
3057 isn't dependent on any particular architecture and should
3058 compile fine on any one. The produced binary package(s)
3059 will be specific to whatever the current build architecture is.
3060 </p>
3063 Specifying only <tt>all</tt> indicates that the source package
3064 will only build architecture-independent packages.
3065 </p>
3068 Specifying <tt>any all</tt> indicates that the source package
3069 isn't dependent on any particular architecture. The set of
3070 produced binary packages will include at least one
3071 architecture-dependant package and one architecture-independent
3072 package.
3073 </p>
3076 Specifying a list of architectures or architecture wildcards
3077 indicates that the source will build an architecture-dependent
3078 package, and will only work correctly on the listed or
3079 matching architectures. If the source package also builds at
3080 least one architecture-independent package, <tt>all</tt> will
3081 also be included in the list.
3082 </p>
3085 In a <file>.changes</file> file, the <tt>Architecture</tt>
3086 field lists the architecture(s) of the package(s) currently
3087 being uploaded. This will be a list; if the source for the
3088 package is also being uploaded, the special
3089 entry <tt>source</tt> is also present. <tt>all</tt> will be
3090 present if any architecture-independent packages are being
3091 uploaded. Architecture wildcards such as <tt>any</tt> must
3092 never occur in the <tt>Architecture</tt> field in
3093 the <file>.changes</file> file.
3094 </p>
3097 See <ref id="debianrules"> for information on how to get
3098 the architecture for the build process.
3099 </p>
3100 </sect1>
3102 <sect1 id="f-Essential">
3103 <heading><tt>Essential</tt></heading>
3106 This is a boolean field which may occur only in the
3107 control file of a binary package or in a per-package fields
3108 paragraph of a source package control file.
3109 </p>
3112 If set to <tt>yes</tt> then the package management system
3113 will refuse to remove the package (upgrading and replacing
3114 it is still possible). The other possible value is <tt>no</tt>,
3115 which is the same as not having the field at all.
3116 </p>
3117 </sect1>
3119 <sect1>
3120 <heading>Package interrelationship fields:
3121 <tt>Depends</tt>, <tt>Pre-Depends</tt>,
3122 <tt>Recommends</tt>, <tt>Suggests</tt>,
3123 <tt>Breaks</tt>, <tt>Conflicts</tt>,
3124 <tt>Provides</tt>, <tt>Replaces</tt>, <tt>Enhances</tt>
3125 </heading>
3128 These fields describe the package's relationships with
3129 other packages. Their syntax and semantics are described
3130 in <ref id="relationships">.</p>
3131 </sect1>
3133 <sect1 id="f-Standards-Version">
3134 <heading><tt>Standards-Version</tt></heading>
3137 The most recent version of the standards (the policy
3138 manual and associated texts) with which the package
3139 complies.
3140 </p>
3143 The version number has four components: major and minor
3144 version number and major and minor patch level. When the
3145 standards change in a way that requires every package to
3146 change the major number will be changed. Significant
3147 changes that will require work in many packages will be
3148 signaled by a change to the minor number. The major patch
3149 level will be changed for any change to the meaning of the
3150 standards, however small; the minor patch level will be
3151 changed when only cosmetic, typographical or other edits
3152 are made which neither change the meaning of the document
3153 nor affect the contents of packages.
3154 </p>
3157 Thus only the first three components of the policy version
3158 are significant in the <em>Standards-Version</em> control
3159 field, and so either these three components or all four
3160 components may be specified.<footnote>
3161 In the past, people specified the full version number
3162 in the Standards-Version field, for example "".
3163 Since minor patch-level changes don't introduce new
3164 policy, it was thought it would be better to relax
3165 policy and only require the first 3 components to be
3166 specified, in this example "2.3.0". All four
3167 components may still be used if someone wishes to do so.
3168 </footnote>
3169 </p>
3171 </sect1>
3173 <sect1 id="f-Version">
3174 <heading><tt>Version</tt></heading>
3177 The version number of a package. The format is:
3178 [<var>epoch</var><tt>:</tt>]<var>upstream_version</var>[<tt>-</tt><var>debian_revision</var>]
3179 </p>
3182 The three components here are:
3183 <taglist>
3184 <tag><var>epoch</var></tag>
3185 <item>
3187 This is a single (generally small) unsigned integer. It
3188 may be omitted, in which case zero is assumed. If it is
3189 omitted then the <var>upstream_version</var> may not
3190 contain any colons.
3191 </p>
3194 It is provided to allow mistakes in the version numbers
3195 of older versions of a package, and also a package's
3196 previous version numbering schemes, to be left behind.
3197 </p>
3198 </item>
3200 <tag><var>upstream_version</var></tag>
3201 <item>
3203 This is the main part of the version number. It is
3204 usually the version number of the original ("upstream")
3205 package from which the <file>.deb</file> file has been made,
3206 if this is applicable. Usually this will be in the same
3207 format as that specified by the upstream author(s);
3208 however, it may need to be reformatted to fit into the
3209 package management system's format and comparison
3210 scheme.
3211 </p>
3214 The comparison behavior of the package management system
3215 with respect to the <var>upstream_version</var> is
3216 described below. The <var>upstream_version</var>
3217 portion of the version number is mandatory.
3218 </p>
3221 The <var>upstream_version</var> may contain only
3222 alphanumerics<footnote>
3223 Alphanumerics are <tt>A-Za-z0-9</tt> only.
3224 </footnote>
3225 and the characters <tt>.</tt> <tt>+</tt> <tt>-</tt>
3226 <tt>:</tt> <tt>~</tt> (full stop, plus, hyphen, colon,
3227 tilde) and should start with a digit. If there is no
3228 <var>debian_revision</var> then hyphens are not allowed;
3229 if there is no <var>epoch</var> then colons are not
3230 allowed.
3231 </p>
3232 </item>
3234 <tag><var>debian_revision</var></tag>
3235 <item>
3237 This part of the version number specifies the version of
3238 the Debian package based on the upstream version. It
3239 may contain only alphanumerics and the characters
3240 <tt>+</tt> <tt>.</tt> <tt>~</tt> (plus, full stop,
3241 tilde) and is compared in the same way as the
3242 <var>upstream_version</var> is.
3243 </p>
3246 It is optional; if it isn't present then the
3247 <var>upstream_version</var> may not contain a hyphen.
3248 This format represents the case where a piece of
3249 software was written specifically to be a Debian
3250 package, where the Debian package source must always
3251 be identical to the pristine source and therefore no
3252 revision indication is required.
3253 </p>
3256 It is conventional to restart the
3257 <var>debian_revision</var> at <tt>1</tt> each time the
3258 <var>upstream_version</var> is increased.
3259 </p>
3262 The package management system will break the version
3263 number apart at the last hyphen in the string (if there
3264 is one) to determine the <var>upstream_version</var> and
3265 <var>debian_revision</var>. The absence of a
3266 <var>debian_revision</var> is equivalent to a
3267 <var>debian_revision</var> of <tt>0</tt>.
3268 </p>
3269 </item>
3270 </taglist>
3271 </p>
3274 When comparing two version numbers, first the <var>epoch</var>
3275 of each are compared, then the <var>upstream_version</var> if
3276 <var>epoch</var> is equal, and then <var>debian_revision</var>
3277 if <var>upstream_version</var> is also equal.
3278 <var>epoch</var> is compared numerically. The
3279 <var>upstream_version</var> and <var>debian_revision</var>
3280 parts are compared by the package management system using the
3281 following algorithm:
3282 </p>
3285 The strings are compared from left to right.
3286 </p>
3289 First the initial part of each string consisting entirely of
3290 non-digit characters is determined. These two parts (one of
3291 which may be empty) are compared lexically. If a difference
3292 is found it is returned. The lexical comparison is a
3293 comparison of ASCII values modified so that all the letters
3294 sort earlier than all the non-letters and so that a tilde
3295 sorts before anything, even the end of a part. For example,
3296 the following parts are in sorted order from earliest to
3297 latest: <tt>~~</tt>, <tt>~~a</tt>, <tt>~</tt>, the empty part,
3298 <tt>a</tt>.<footnote>
3299 One common use of <tt>~</tt> is for upstream pre-releases.
3300 For example, <tt>1.0~beta1~svn1245</tt> sorts earlier than
3301 <tt>1.0~beta1</tt>, which sorts earlier than <tt>1.0</tt>.
3302 </footnote>
3303 </p>
3306 Then the initial part of the remainder of each string which
3307 consists entirely of digit characters is determined. The
3308 numerical values of these two parts are compared, and any
3309 difference found is returned as the result of the comparison.
3310 For these purposes an empty string (which can only occur at
3311 the end of one or both version strings being compared) counts
3312 as zero.
3313 </p>
3316 These two steps (comparing and removing initial non-digit
3317 strings and initial digit strings) are repeated until a
3318 difference is found or both strings are exhausted.
3319 </p>
3322 Note that the purpose of epochs is to allow us to leave behind
3323 mistakes in version numbering, and to cope with situations
3324 where the version numbering scheme changes. It is
3325 <em>not</em> intended to cope with version numbers containing
3326 strings of letters which the package management system cannot
3327 interpret (such as <tt>ALPHA</tt> or <tt>pre-</tt>), or with
3328 silly orderings.<footnote>
3329 The author of this manual has heard of a package whose
3330 versions went <tt>1.1</tt>, <tt>1.2</tt>, <tt>1.3</tt>,
3331 <tt>1</tt>, <tt>2.1</tt>, <tt>2.2</tt>, <tt>2</tt> and so
3332 forth.
3333 </footnote>
3334 </p>
3335 </sect1>
3337 <sect1 id="f-Description">
3338 <heading><tt>Description</tt></heading>
3341 In a source or binary control file, the <tt>Description</tt>
3342 field contains a description of the binary package, consisting
3343 of two parts, the synopsis or the short description, and the
3344 long description. It is a multiline field with the following
3345 format:
3346 </p>
3349 <example>
3350 Description: &lt;single line synopsis&gt;
3351 &lt;extended description over several lines&gt;
3352 </example>
3353 </p>
3356 The lines in the extended description can have these formats:
3357 </p>
3359 <p><list>
3361 <item>
3362 Those starting with a single space are part of a paragraph.
3363 Successive lines of this form will be word-wrapped when
3364 displayed. The leading space will usually be stripped off.
3365 The line must contain at least one non-whitespace character.
3366 </item>
3368 <item>
3369 Those starting with two or more spaces. These will be
3370 displayed verbatim. If the display cannot be panned
3371 horizontally, the displaying program will line wrap them "hard"
3372 (i.e., without taking account of word breaks). If it can they
3373 will be allowed to trail off to the right. None, one or two
3374 initial spaces may be deleted, but the number of spaces
3375 deleted from each line will be the same (so that you can have
3376 indenting work correctly, for example). The line must
3377 contain at least one non-whitespace character.
3378 </item>
3380 <item>
3381 Those containing a single space followed by a single full stop
3382 character. These are rendered as blank lines. This is the
3383 <em>only</em> way to get a blank line<footnote>
3384 Completely empty lines will not be rendered as blank lines.
3385 Instead, they will cause the parser to think you're starting
3386 a whole new record in the control file, and will therefore
3387 likely abort with an error.
3388 </footnote>.
3389 </item>
3391 <item>
3392 Those containing a space, a full stop and some more characters.
3393 These are for future expansion. Do not use them.
3394 </item>
3396 </list></p>
3399 Do not use tab characters. Their effect is not predictable.
3400 </p>
3403 See <ref id="descriptions"> for further information on this.
3404 </p>
3407 In a <file>.changes</file> file, the <tt>Description</tt>
3408 field contains a summary of the descriptions for the packages
3409 being uploaded. For this case, the first line of the field
3410 value (the part on the same line as <tt>Description:</tt>) is
3411 always empty. It is a multiline field, with one
3412 line per package. Each line is
3413 indented by one space and contains the name of a binary
3414 package, a space, a hyphen (<tt>-</tt>), a space, and the
3415 short description line from that package.
3416 </p>
3417 </sect1>
3419 <sect1 id="f-Distribution">
3420 <heading><tt>Distribution</tt></heading>
3423 In a <file>.changes</file> file or parsed changelog output
3424 this contains the (space-separated) name(s) of the
3425 distribution(s) where this version of the package should
3426 be installed. Valid distributions are determined by the
3427 archive maintainers.<footnote>
3428 Example distribution names in the Debian archive used in
3429 <file>.changes</file> files are:
3430 <taglist compact="compact">
3431 <tag><em>unstable</em></tag>
3432 <item>
3433 This distribution value refers to the
3434 <em>developmental</em> part of the Debian distribution
3435 tree. Most new packages, new upstream versions of
3436 packages and bug fixes go into the <em>unstable</em>
3437 directory tree.
3438 </item>
3440 <tag><em>experimental</em></tag>
3441 <item>
3442 The packages with this distribution value are deemed
3443 by their maintainers to be high risk. Oftentimes they
3444 represent early beta or developmental packages from
3445 various sources that the maintainers want people to
3446 try, but are not ready to be a part of the other parts
3447 of the Debian distribution tree.
3448 </item>
3449 </taglist>
3452 Others are used for updating stable releases or for
3453 security uploads. More information is available in the
3454 Debian Developer's Reference, section "The Debian
3455 archive".
3456 </p>
3457 </footnote>
3458 The Debian archive software only supports listing a single
3459 distribution. Migration of packages to other distributions is
3460 handled outside of the upload process.
3461 </p>
3462 </sect1>
3464 <sect1 id="f-Date">
3465 <heading><tt>Date</tt></heading>
3468 This field includes the date the package was built or last
3469 edited. It must be in the same format as the <var>date</var>
3470 in a <file>debian/changelog</file> entry.
3471 </p>
3474 The value of this field is usually extracted from the
3475 <file>debian/changelog</file> file - see
3476 <ref id="dpkgchangelog">).
3477 </p>
3478 </sect1>
3480 <sect1 id="f-Format">
3481 <heading><tt>Format</tt></heading>
3484 In <qref id="debianchangesfiles"><file>.changes</file></qref>
3485 files, this field declares the format version of that file.
3486 The syntax of the field value is the same as that of
3487 a <qref id="f-Version">package version number</qref> except
3488 that no epoch or Debian revision is allowed. The format
3489 described in this document is <tt>&changesversion;</tt>.
3490 </p>
3493 In <qref id="debiansourcecontrolfiles"><file>.dsc</file>
3494 Debian source control</qref> files, this field declares the
3495 format of the source package. The field value is used by
3496 programs acting on a source package to interpret the list of
3497 files in the source package and determine how to unpack it.
3498 The syntax of the field value is a numeric major revision, a
3499 period, a numeric minor revision, and then an optional subtype
3500 after whitespace, which if specified is an alphanumeric word
3501 in parentheses. The subtype is optional in the syntax but may
3502 be mandatory for particular source format revisions.
3503 <footnote>
3504 The source formats currently supported by the Debian archive
3505 software are <tt>1.0</tt>, <tt>3.0 (native)</tt>,
3506 and <tt>3.0 (quilt)</tt>.
3507 </footnote>
3508 </p>
3509 </sect1>
3511 <sect1 id="f-Urgency">
3512 <heading><tt>Urgency</tt></heading>
3515 This is a description of how important it is to upgrade to
3516 this version from previous ones. It consists of a single
3517 keyword taking one of the values <tt>low</tt>,
3518 <tt>medium</tt>, <tt>high</tt>, <tt>emergency</tt>, or
3519 <tt>critical</tt><footnote>
3520 Other urgency values are supported with configuration
3521 changes in the archive software but are not used in Debian.
3522 The urgency affects how quickly a package will be considered
3523 for inclusion into the <tt>testing</tt> distribution and
3524 gives an indication of the importance of any fixes included
3525 in the upload. <tt>Emergency</tt> and <tt>critical</tt> are
3526 treated as synonymous.
3527 </footnote> (not case-sensitive) followed by an optional
3528 commentary (separated by a space) which is usually in
3529 parentheses. For example:
3531 <example>
3532 Urgency: low (HIGH for users of diversions)
3533 </example>
3535 </p>
3538 The value of this field is usually extracted from the
3539 <file>debian/changelog</file> file - see
3540 <ref id="dpkgchangelog">.
3541 </p>
3542 </sect1>
3544 <sect1 id="f-Changes">
3545 <heading><tt>Changes</tt></heading>
3548 This multiline field contains the human-readable changes data, describing
3549 the differences between the last version and the current one.
3550 </p>
3553 The first line of the field value (the part on the same line
3554 as <tt>Changes:</tt>) is always empty. The content of the
3555 field is expressed as continuation lines, with each line
3556 indented by at least one space. Blank lines must be
3557 represented by a line consisting only of a space and a full
3558 stop (<tt>.</tt>).
3559 </p>
3562 The value of this field is usually extracted from the
3563 <file>debian/changelog</file> file - see
3564 <ref id="dpkgchangelog">).
3565 </p>
3568 Each version's change information should be preceded by a
3569 "title" line giving at least the version, distribution(s)
3570 and urgency, in a human-readable way.
3571 </p>
3574 If data from several versions is being returned the entry
3575 for the most recent version should be returned first, and
3576 entries should be separated by the representation of a
3577 blank line (the "title" line may also be followed by the
3578 representation of a blank line).
3579 </p>
3580 </sect1>
3582 <sect1 id="f-Binary">
3583 <heading><tt>Binary</tt></heading>
3586 This folded field is a list of binary packages. Its syntax and
3587 meaning varies depending on the control file in which it
3588 appears.
3589 </p>
3592 When it appears in the <file>.dsc</file> file, it lists binary
3593 packages which a source package can produce, separated by
3594 commas<footnote>
3595 A space after each comma is conventional.
3596 </footnote>. The source package
3597 does not necessarily produce all of these binary packages for
3598 every architecture. The source control file doesn't contain
3599 details of which architectures are appropriate for which of
3600 the binary packages.
3601 </p>
3604 When it appears in a <file>.changes</file> file, it lists the
3605 names of the binary packages being uploaded, separated by
3606 whitespace (not commas).
3607 </p>
3608 </sect1>
3610 <sect1 id="f-Installed-Size">
3611 <heading><tt>Installed-Size</tt></heading>
3614 This field appears in the control files of binary packages,
3615 and in the <file>Packages</file> files. It gives an estimate
3616 of the total amount of disk space required to install the
3617 named package. Actual installed size may vary based on block
3618 size, file system properties, or actions taken by package
3619 maintainer scripts.
3620 </p>
3623 The disk space is given as the integer value of the estimated
3624 installed size in bytes, divided by 1024 and rounded up.
3625 </p>
3626 </sect1>
3628 <sect1 id="f-Files">
3629 <heading><tt>Files</tt></heading>
3632 This field contains a list of files with information about
3633 each one. The exact information and syntax varies with
3634 the context.
3635 </p>
3638 In all cases, Files is a multiline field. The first line of
3639 the field value (the part on the same line as <tt>Files:</tt>)
3640 is always empty. The content of the field is expressed as
3641 continuation lines, one line per file. Each line must be
3642 indented by one space and contain a number of sub-fields,
3643 separated by spaces, as described below.
3644 </p>
3647 In the <file>.dsc</file> file, each line contains the MD5
3648 checksum, size and filename of the tar file and (if
3649 applicable) diff file which make up the remainder of the
3650 source package<footnote>
3651 That is, the parts which are not the <tt>.dsc</tt>.
3652 </footnote>. For example:
3653 <example>
3654 Files:
3655 c6f698f19f2a2aa07dbb9bbda90a2754 571925 example_1.2.orig.tar.gz
3656 938512f08422f3509ff36f125f5873ba 6220 example_1.2-1.diff.gz
3657 </example>
3658 The exact forms of the filenames are described
3659 in <ref id="pkg-sourcearchives">.
3660 </p>
3663 In the <file>.changes</file> file this contains one line per
3664 file being uploaded. Each line contains the MD5 checksum,
3665 size, section and priority and the filename. For example:
3666 <example>
3667 Files:
3668 4c31ab7bfc40d3cf49d7811987390357 1428 text extra example_1.2-1.dsc
3669 c6f698f19f2a2aa07dbb9bbda90a2754 571925 text extra example_1.2.orig.tar.gz
3670 938512f08422f3509ff36f125f5873ba 6220 text extra example_1.2-1.diff.gz
3671 7c98fe853b3bbb47a00e5cd129b6cb56 703542 text extra example_1.2-1_i386.deb
3672 </example>
3673 The <qref id="f-Section">section</qref>
3674 and <qref id="f-Priority">priority</qref> are the values of
3675 the corresponding fields in the main source control file. If
3676 no section or priority is specified then <tt>-</tt> should be
3677 used, though section and priority values must be specified for
3678 new packages to be installed properly.
3679 </p>
3682 The special value <tt>byhand</tt> for the section in a
3683 <tt>.changes</tt> file indicates that the file in question
3684 is not an ordinary package file and must by installed by
3685 hand by the distribution maintainers. If the section is
3686 <tt>byhand</tt> the priority should be <tt>-</tt>.
3687 </p>
3690 If a new Debian revision of a package is being shipped and
3691 no new original source archive is being distributed the
3692 <tt>.dsc</tt> must still contain the <tt>Files</tt> field
3693 entry for the original source archive
3694 <file><var>package</var>_<var>upstream-version</var>.orig.tar.gz</file>,
3695 but the <file>.changes</file> file should leave it out. In
3696 this case the original source archive on the distribution
3697 site must match exactly, byte-for-byte, the original
3698 source archive which was used to generate the
3699 <file>.dsc</file> file and diff which are being uploaded.</p>
3700 </sect1>
3702 <sect1 id="f-Closes">
3703 <heading><tt>Closes</tt></heading>
3706 A space-separated list of bug report numbers that the upload
3707 governed by the .changes file closes.
3708 </p>
3709 </sect1>
3711 <sect1 id="f-Homepage">
3712 <heading><tt>Homepage</tt></heading>
3715 The URL of the web site for this package, preferably (when
3716 applicable) the site from which the original source can be
3717 obtained and any additional upstream documentation or
3718 information may be found. The content of this field is a
3719 simple URL without any surrounding characters such as
3720 <tt>&lt;&gt;</tt>.
3721 </p>
3722 </sect1>
3724 <sect1 id="f-Checksums">
3725 <heading><tt>Checksums-Sha1</tt>
3726 and <tt>Checksums-Sha256</tt></heading>
3729 These multiline fields contain a list of files with a checksum and size
3730 for each one. Both <tt>Checksums-Sha1</tt>
3731 and <tt>Checksums-Sha256</tt> have the same syntax and differ
3732 only in the checksum algorithm used: SHA-1
3733 for <tt>Checksums-Sha1</tt> and SHA-256
3734 for <tt>Checksums-Sha256</tt>.
3735 </p>
3738 <tt>Checksums-Sha1</tt> and <tt>Checksums-Sha256</tt> are
3739 multiline fields. The first line of the field value (the part
3740 on the same line as <tt>Checksums-Sha1:</tt>
3741 or <tt>Checksums-Sha256:</tt>) is always empty. The content
3742 of the field is expressed as continuation lines, one line per
3743 file. Each line consists of the checksum, a space, the file
3744 size, a space, and the file name. For example (from
3745 a <file>.changes</file> file):
3746 <example>
3747 Checksums-Sha1:
3748 1f418afaa01464e63cc1ee8a66a05f0848bd155c 1276 example_1.0-1.dsc
3749 a0ed1456fad61116f868b1855530dbe948e20f06 171602 example_1.0.orig.tar.gz
3750 5e86ecf0671e113b63388dac81dd8d00e00ef298 6137 example_1.0-1.debian.tar.gz
3751 71a0ff7da0faaf608481195f9cf30974b142c183 548402 example_1.0-1_i386.deb
3752 Checksums-Sha256:
3753 ac9d57254f7e835bed299926fd51bf6f534597cc3fcc52db01c4bffedae81272 1276 example_1.0-1.dsc
3754 0d123be7f51e61c4bf15e5c492b484054be7e90f3081608a5517007bfb1fd128 171602 example_1.0.orig.tar.gz
3755 f54ae966a5f580571ae7d9ef5e1df0bd42d63e27cb505b27957351a495bc6288 6137 example_1.0-1.debian.tar.gz
3756 3bec05c03974fdecd11d020fc2e8250de8404867a8a2ce865160c250eb723664 548402 example_1.0-1_i386.deb
3757 </example>
3758 </p>
3761 In the <file>.dsc</file> file, these fields should list all
3762 files that make up the source package. In
3763 the <file>.changes</file> file, these fields should list all
3764 files being uploaded. The list of files in these fields
3765 must match the list of files in the <tt>Files</tt> field.
3766 </p>
3767 </sect1>
3769 <sect1 id="f-DM-Upload-Allowed">
3770 <heading><tt>DM-Upload-Allowed</tt></heading>
3773 Indicates that Debian Maintainers may upload this package to
3774 the Debian archive. The only valid value is <tt>yes</tt>. If
3775 the field <tt>DM-Upload-Allowed: yes</tt> is present in the
3776 source section of the source control file of the most recent
3777 version of a package in unstable or experimental, the Debian
3778 archive will accept uploads of this package signed with a key
3779 in the Debian Maintainer keyring. See the General
3780 Resolution <url id=""
3781 name="Endorse the concept of Debian Maintainers"> for more
3782 details.
3783 </p>
3784 </sect1>
3786 <sect1 id="f-VCS-fields">
3787 <heading>Version Control System (VCS) fields</heading>
3790 Debian source packages are increasingly developed using VCSs. The
3791 purpose of the following fields is to indicate a publicly accessible
3792 repository where the Debian source package is developed.
3794 <taglist>
3795 <tag><tt>Vcs-Browser</tt></tag>
3796 <item>
3798 URL of a web interface for browsing the repository.
3799 </p>
3800 </item>
3802 <tag>
3803 <tt>Vcs-Arch</tt>, <tt>Vcs-Bzr</tt> (Bazaar), <tt>Vcs-Cvs</tt>,
3804 <tt>Vcs-Darcs</tt>, <tt>Vcs-Git</tt>, <tt>Vcs-Hg</tt>
3805 (Mercurial), <tt>Vcs-Mtn</tt> (Monotone), <tt>Vcs-Svn</tt>
3806 (Subversion)
3807 </tag>
3808 <item>
3810 The field name identifies the VCS. The field's value uses the
3811 version control system's conventional syntax for describing
3812 repository locations and should be sufficient to locate the
3813 repository used for packaging. Ideally, it also locates the
3814 branch used for development of new versions of the Debian
3815 package.
3816 </p>
3818 In the case of Git, the value consists of a URL, optionally
3819 followed by the word <tt>-b</tt> and the name of a branch in
3820 the indicated repository, following the syntax of the
3821 <tt>git clone</tt> command. If no branch is specified, the
3822 packaging should be on the default branch.
3823 </p>
3825 More than one different VCS may be specified for the same
3826 package.
3827 </p>
3828 </item>
3829 </taglist>
3830 </p>
3831 </sect1>
3832 </sect>
3834 <sect>
3835 <heading>User-defined fields</heading>
3838 Additional user-defined fields may be added to the
3839 source package control file. Such fields will be
3840 ignored, and not copied to (for example) binary or
3841 Debian source control files or upload control files.
3842 </p>
3845 If you wish to add additional unsupported fields to
3846 these output files you should use the mechanism
3847 described here.
3848 </p>
3851 Fields in the main source control information file with
3852 names starting <tt>X</tt>, followed by one or more of
3853 the letters <tt>BCS</tt> and a hyphen <tt>-</tt>, will
3854 be copied to the output files. Only the part of the
3855 field name after the hyphen will be used in the output
3856 file. Where the letter <tt>B</tt> is used the field
3857 will appear in binary package control files, where the
3858 letter <tt>S</tt> is used in Debian source control
3859 files and where <tt>C</tt> is used in upload control
3860 (<tt>.changes</tt>) files.
3861 </p>
3864 For example, if the main source information control file
3865 contains the field
3866 <example>
3867 XBS-Comment: I stand between the candle and the star.
3868 </example>
3869 then the binary and Debian source control files will contain the
3870 field
3871 <example>
3872 Comment: I stand between the candle and the star.
3873 </example>
3874 </p>
3876 </sect>
3878 </chapt>
3881 <chapt id="maintainerscripts">
3882 <heading>Package maintainer scripts and installation procedure</heading>
3884 <sect>
3885 <heading>Introduction to package maintainer scripts</heading>
3888 It is possible to supply scripts as part of a package which
3889 the package management system will run for you when your
3890 package is installed, upgraded or removed.
3891 </p>
3894 These scripts are the control information
3895 files <prgn>preinst</prgn>, <prgn>postinst</prgn>, <prgn>prerm</prgn>
3896 and <prgn>postrm</prgn>. They must be proper executable files;
3897 if they are scripts (which is recommended), they must start with
3898 the usual <tt>#!</tt> convention. They should be readable and
3899 executable by anyone, and must not be world-writable.
3900 </p>
3903 The package management system looks at the exit status from
3904 these scripts. It is important that they exit with a
3905 non-zero status if there is an error, so that the package
3906 management system can stop its processing. For shell
3907 scripts this means that you <em>almost always</em> need to
3908 use <tt>set -e</tt> (this is usually true when writing shell
3909 scripts, in fact). It is also important, of course, that
3910 they exit with a zero status if everything went well.
3911 </p>
3914 Additionally, packages interacting with users
3915 using <prgn>debconf</prgn> in the <prgn>postinst</prgn> script
3916 should install a <prgn>config</prgn> script as a control
3917 information file. See <ref id="maintscriptprompt"> for details.
3918 </p>
3921 When a package is upgraded a combination of the scripts from
3922 the old and new packages is called during the upgrade
3923 procedure. If your scripts are going to be at all
3924 complicated you need to be aware of this, and may need to
3925 check the arguments to your scripts.
3926 </p>
3929 Broadly speaking the <prgn>preinst</prgn> is called before
3930 (a particular version of) a package is unpacked, and the
3931 <prgn>postinst</prgn> afterwards; the <prgn>prerm</prgn>
3932 before (a version of) a package is removed and the
3933 <prgn>postrm</prgn> afterwards.
3934 </p>
3937 Programs called from maintainer scripts should not normally
3938 have a path prepended to them. Before installation is
3939 started, the package management system checks to see if the
3940 programs <prgn>ldconfig</prgn>,
3941 <prgn>start-stop-daemon</prgn>, <prgn>install-info</prgn>,
3942 and <prgn>update-rc.d</prgn> can be found via the
3943 <tt>PATH</tt> environment variable. Those programs, and any
3944 other program that one would expect to be in the
3945 <tt>PATH</tt>, should thus be invoked without an absolute
3946 pathname. Maintainer scripts should also not reset the
3947 <tt>PATH</tt>, though they might choose to modify it by
3948 prepending or appending package-specific directories. These
3949 considerations really apply to all shell scripts.</p>
3950 </sect>
3952 <sect id="idempotency">
3953 <heading>Maintainer scripts idempotency</heading>
3956 It is necessary for the error recovery procedures that the
3957 scripts be idempotent. This means that if it is run
3958 successfully, and then it is called again, it doesn't bomb
3959 out or cause any harm, but just ensures that everything is
3960 the way it ought to be. If the first call failed, or
3961 aborted half way through for some reason, the second call
3962 should merely do the things that were left undone the first
3963 time, if any, and exit with a success status if everything
3964 is OK.<footnote>
3965 This is so that if an error occurs, the user interrupts
3966 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> or some other unforeseen circumstance
3967 happens you don't leave the user with a badly-broken
3968 package when <prgn>dpkg</prgn> attempts to repeat the
3969 action.
3970 </footnote>
3971 </p>
3972 </sect>
3974 <sect id="controllingterminal">
3975 <heading>Controlling terminal for maintainer scripts</heading>
3978 Maintainer scripts are not guaranteed to run with a controlling
3979 terminal and may not be able to interact with the user. They
3980 must be able to fall back to noninteractive behavior if no
3981 controlling terminal is available. Maintainer scripts that
3982 prompt via a program conforming to the Debian Configuration
3983 Management Specification (see <ref id="maintscriptprompt">) may
3984 assume that program will handle falling back to noninteractive
3985 behavior.
3986 </p>
3989 For high-priority prompts without a reasonable default answer,
3990 maintainer scripts may abort if there is no controlling
3991 terminal. However, this situation should be avoided if at all
3992 possible, since it prevents automated or unattended installs.
3993 In most cases, users will consider this to be a bug in the
3994 package.
3995 </p>
3996 </sect>
3998 <sect id="exitstatus">
3999 <heading>Exit status</heading>
4002 Each script must return a zero exit status for
4003 success, or a nonzero one for failure, since the package
4004 management system looks for the exit status of these scripts
4005 and determines what action to take next based on that datum.
4006 </p>
4007 </sect>
4009 <sect id="mscriptsinstact"><heading>Summary of ways maintainer
4010 scripts are called
4011 </heading>
4014 What follows is a summary of all the ways in which maintainer
4015 scripts may be called along with what facilities those scripts
4016 may rely on being available at that time. Script names preceded
4017 by <var>new-</var> are the scripts from the new version of a
4018 package being installed, upgraded to, or downgraded to. Script
4019 names preceded by <var>old-</var> are the scripts from the old
4020 version of a package that is being upgraded from or downgraded
4021 from.
4022 </p>
4025 The <prgn>preinst</prgn> script may be called in the following
4026 ways:
4027 <taglist>
4028 <tag><var>new-preinst</var> <tt>install</tt></tag>
4029 <tag><var>new-preinst</var> <tt>install</tt>
4030 <var>old-version</var></tag>
4031 <tag><var>new-preinst</var> <tt>upgrade</tt>
4032 <var>old-version</var></tag>
4033 <item>
4034 The package will not yet be unpacked, so
4035 the <prgn>preinst</prgn> script cannot rely on any files
4036 included in its package. Only essential packages and
4037 pre-dependencies (<tt>Pre-Depends</tt>) may be assumed to be
4038 available. Pre-dependencies will have been configured at
4039 least once, but at the time the <prgn>preinst</prgn> is
4040 called they may only be in an unpacked or "Half-Configured"
4041 state if a previous version of the pre-dependency was
4042 completely configured and has not been removed since then.
4043 </item>
4045 <tag><var>old-preinst</var> <tt>abort-upgrade</tt>
4046 <var>new-version</var></tag>
4047 <item>
4048 Called during error handling of an upgrade that failed after
4049 unpacking the new package because the <tt>postrm
4050 upgrade</tt> action failed. The unpacked files may be
4051 partly from the new version or partly missing, so the script
4052 cannot rely on files included in the package. Package
4053 dependencies may not be available. Pre-dependencies will be
4054 at least unpacked following the same rules as above, except
4055 they may be only "Half-Installed" if an upgrade of the
4056 pre-dependency failed.<footnote>
4057 This can happen if the new version of the package no
4058 longer pre-depends on a package that had been partially
4059 upgraded.
4060 </footnote>
4061 </item>
4062 </taglist>
4063 </p>
4066 The <prgn>postinst</prgn> script may be called in the following
4067 ways:
4068 <taglist>
4069 <tag><var>postinst</var> <tt>configure</tt>
4070 <var>most-recently-configured-version</var></tag>
4071 <item>
4072 The files contained in the package will be unpacked. All
4073 package dependencies will at least be unpacked. If there
4074 are no circular dependencies involved, all package
4075 dependencies will be configured. For behavior in the case
4076 of circular dependencies, see the discussion
4077 in <ref id="binarydeps">.
4078 </item>
4080 <tag><var>old-postinst</var> <tt>abort-upgrade</tt>
4081 <var>new-version</var></tag>
4082 <tag><var>conflictor's-postinst</var> <tt>abort-remove</tt>
4083 <tt>in-favour</tt> <var>package</var>
4084 <var>new-version</var></tag>
4085 <tag><var>postinst</var> <tt>abort-remove</tt></tag>
4086 <tag><var>deconfigured's-postinst</var>
4087 <tt>abort-deconfigure</tt> <tt>in-favour</tt>
4088 <var>failed-install-package</var> <var>version</var>
4089 [<tt>removing</tt> <var>conflicting-package</var>
4090 <var>version</var>]</tag>
4091 <item>
4092 The files contained in the package will be unpacked. All
4093 package dependencies will at least be "Half-Installed" and
4094 will have previously been configured and not removed.
4095 However, dependencies may not be configured or even fully
4096 unpacked in some error situations.<footnote>
4097 For example, suppose packages foo and bar are installed
4098 with foo depending on bar. If an upgrade of bar were
4099 started and then aborted, and then an attempt to remove
4100 foo failed because its <prgn>prerm</prgn> script failed,
4101 foo's <tt>postinst abort-remove</tt> would be called with
4102 bar only "Half-Installed".
4103 </footnote>
4104 The <prgn>postinst</prgn> should still attempt any actions
4105 for which its dependencies are required, since they will
4106 normally be available, but consider the correct error
4107 handling approach if those actions fail. Aborting
4108 the <prgn>postinst</prgn> action if commands or facilities
4109 from the package dependencies are not available is often the
4110 best approach.
4111 </item>
4112 </taglist>
4113 </p>
4116 The <prgn>prerm</prgn> script may be called in the following
4117 ways:
4118 <taglist>
4119 <tag><var>prerm</var> <tt>remove</tt></tag>
4120 <tag><var>old-prerm</var>
4121 <tt>upgrade</tt><var>new-version</var></tag>
4122 <tag><var>conflictor's-prerm</var> <tt>remove</tt>
4123 <tt>in-favour</tt> <var>package</var>
4124 <var>new-version</var></tag>
4125 <tag><var>deconfigured's-prerm</var> <tt>deconfigure</tt>
4126 <tt>in-favour</tt> <var>package-being-installed</var>
4127 <var>version</var> [<tt>removing</tt>
4128 <var>conflicting-package</var> <var>version</var>]</tag>
4129 <item>
4130 The package whose <prgn>prerm</prgn> is being called will be
4131 at least "Half-Installed". All package dependencies will at
4132 least be "Half-Installed" and will have previously been
4133 configured and not removed. If there was no error, all
4134 dependencies will at least be unpacked, but these actions
4135 may be called in various error states where dependencies are
4136 only "Half-Installed" due to a partial upgrade.
4137 </item>
4139 <tag><var>new-prerm</var> <tt>failed-upgrade</tt>
4140 <var>old-version</var></tag>
4141 <item>
4142 Called during error handling when <tt>prerm upgrade</tt>
4143 fails. The new package will not yet be unpacked, and all
4144 the same constraints as for <tt>preinst upgrade</tt> apply.
4145 </item>
4146 </taglist>
4147 </p>
4150 The <prgn>postrm</prgn> script may be called in the following
4151 ways:
4152 <taglist>
4153 <tag><var>postrm</var> <tt>remove</tt></tag>
4154 <tag><var>postrm</var> <tt>purge</tt></tag>
4155 <tag><var>old-postrm</var> <tt>upgrade</tt>
4156 <var>new-version</var></tag>
4157 <tag><var>disappearer's-postrm</var> <tt>disappear</tt>
4158 <var>overwriter</var> <var>overwriter-version</var></tag>
4159 <item>
4160 The <prgn>postrm</prgn> script is called after the package's
4161 files have been removed or replaced. The package
4162 whose <prgn>postrm</prgn> is being called may have
4163 previously been deconfigured and only be unpacked, at which
4164 point subsequent package changes do not consider its
4165 dependencies. Therefore, all <prgn>postrm</prgn> actions
4166 may only rely on essential packages and must gracefully skip
4167 any actions that require the package's dependencies if those
4168 dependencies are unavailable.<footnote>
4169 This is often done by checking whether the command or
4170 facility the <prgn>postrm</prgn> intends to call is
4171 available before calling it. For example:
4172 <example>
4173 if [ "$1" = purge ] && [ -e /usr/share/debconf/confmodule ]; then
4174 . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
4175 db_purge
4177 </example>
4178 in <prgn>postrm</prgn> purges the <prgn>debconf</prgn>
4179 configuration for the package
4180 if <package>debconf</package> is installed.
4181 </footnote>
4182 </item>
4184 <tag><var>new-postrm</var> <tt>failed-upgrade</tt>
4185 <var>old-version</var></tag>
4186 <item>
4187 Called when the old <tt>postrm upgrade</tt> action fails.
4188 The new package will be unpacked, but only essential
4189 packages and pre-dependencies can be relied on.
4190 Pre-dependencies will either be configured or will be
4191 "Unpacked" or "Half-Configured" but previously had been
4192 configured and was never removed.
4193 </item>
4195 <tag><var>new-postrm</var> <tt>abort-install</tt></tag>
4196 <tag><var>new-postrm</var> <tt>abort-install</tt>
4197 <var>old-version</var></tag>
4198 <tag><var>new-postrm</var> <tt>abort-upgrade</tt>
4199 <var>old-version</var></tag>
4200 <item>
4201 Called before unpacking the new package as part of the
4202 error handling of <prgn>preinst</prgn> failures. May assume
4203 the same state as <prgn>preinst</prgn> can assume.
4204 </item>
4205 </taglist>
4206 </p>
4207 </sect>
4209 <sect id="unpackphase">
4210 <heading>Details of unpack phase of installation or upgrade</heading>
4213 The procedure on installation/upgrade/overwrite/disappear
4214 (i.e., when running <tt>dpkg --unpack</tt>, or the unpack
4215 stage of <tt>dpkg --install</tt>) is as follows. In each
4216 case, if a major error occurs (unless listed below) the
4217 actions are, in general, run backwards - this means that the
4218 maintainer scripts are run with different arguments in
4219 reverse order. These are the "error unwind" calls listed
4220 below.
4222 <enumlist>
4223 <item>
4224 <enumlist>
4225 <item>
4226 If a version of the package is already installed, call
4227 <example compact="compact">
4228 <var>old-prerm</var> upgrade <var>new-version</var>
4229 </example>
4230 </item>
4231 <item>
4232 If the script runs but exits with a non-zero
4233 exit status, <prgn>dpkg</prgn> will attempt:
4234 <example compact="compact">
4235 <var>new-prerm</var> failed-upgrade <var>old-version</var>
4236 </example>
4237 If this works, the upgrade continues. If this
4238 does not work, the error unwind:
4239 <example compact="compact">
4240 <var>old-postinst</var> abort-upgrade <var>new-version</var>
4241 </example>
4242 If this works, then the old-version is
4243 "Installed", if not, the old version is in a
4244 "Half-Configured" state.
4245 </item>
4246 </enumlist>
4247 </item>
4249 <item>
4250 If a "conflicting" package is being removed at the same time,
4251 or if any package will be broken (due to <tt>Breaks</tt>):
4252 <enumlist>
4253 <item>
4254 If <tt>--auto-deconfigure</tt> is
4255 specified, call, for each package to be deconfigured
4256 due to <tt>Breaks</tt>:
4257 <example compact="compact">
4258 <var>deconfigured's-prerm</var> deconfigure \
4259 in-favour <var>package-being-installed</var> <var>version</var>
4260 </example>
4261 Error unwind:
4262 <example compact="compact">
4263 <var>deconfigured's-postinst</var> abort-deconfigure \
4264 in-favour <var>package-being-installed-but-failed</var> <var>version</var>
4265 </example>
4266 The deconfigured packages are marked as
4267 requiring configuration, so that if
4268 <tt>--install</tt> is used they will be
4269 configured again if possible.
4270 </item>
4271 <item>
4272 If any packages depended on a conflicting
4273 package being removed and <tt>--auto-deconfigure</tt> is
4274 specified, call, for each such package:
4275 <example compact="compact">
4276 <var>deconfigured's-prerm</var> deconfigure \
4277 in-favour <var>package-being-installed</var> <var>version</var> \
4278 removing <var>conflicting-package</var> <var>version</var>
4279 </example>
4280 Error unwind:
4281 <example compact="compact">
4282 <var>deconfigured's-postinst</var> abort-deconfigure \
4283 in-favour <var>package-being-installed-but-failed</var> <var>version</var> \
4284 removing <var>conflicting-package</var> <var>version</var>
4285 </example>
4286 The deconfigured packages are marked as
4287 requiring configuration, so that if
4288 <tt>--install</tt> is used they will be
4289 configured again if possible.
4290 </item>
4291 <item>
4292 To prepare for removal of each conflicting package, call:
4293 <example compact="compact">
4294 <var>conflictor's-prerm</var> remove \
4295 in-favour <var>package</var> <var>new-version</var>
4296 </example>
4297 Error unwind:
4298 <example compact="compact">
4299 <var>conflictor's-postinst</var> abort-remove \
4300 in-favour <var>package</var> <var>new-version</var>
4301 </example>
4302 </item>
4303 </enumlist>
4304 </item>
4306 <item>
4307 <enumlist>
4308 <item>
4309 If the package is being upgraded, call:
4310 <example compact="compact">
4311 <var>new-preinst</var> upgrade <var>old-version</var>
4312 </example>
4313 If this fails, we call:
4314 <example>
4315 <var>new-postrm</var> abort-upgrade <var>old-version</var>
4316 </example>
4317 <enumlist>
4318 <item>
4320 If that works, then
4321 <example>
4322 <var>old-postinst</var> abort-upgrade <var>new-version</var>
4323 </example>
4324 is called. If this works, then the old version
4325 is in an "Installed" state, or else it is left
4326 in an "Unpacked" state.
4327 </p>
4328 </item>
4329 <item>
4331 If it fails, then the old version is left
4332 in an "Half-Installed" state.
4333 </p>
4334 </item>
4335 </enumlist>
4337 </item>
4338 <item>
4339 Otherwise, if the package had some configuration
4340 files from a previous version installed (i.e., it
4341 is in the "configuration files only" state):
4342 <example compact="compact">
4343 <var>new-preinst</var> install <var>old-version</var>
4344 </example>
4345 Error unwind:
4346 <example>
4347 <var>new-postrm</var> abort-install <var>old-version</var>
4348 </example>
4349 If this fails, the package is left in a
4350 "Half-Installed" state, which requires a
4351 reinstall. If it works, the packages is left in
4352 a "Config-Files" state.
4353 </item>
4354 <item>
4355 Otherwise (i.e., the package was completely purged):
4356 <example compact="compact">
4357 <var>new-preinst</var> install
4358 </example>
4359 Error unwind:
4360 <example compact="compact">
4361 <var>new-postrm</var> abort-install
4362 </example>
4363 If the error-unwind fails, the package is in a
4364 "Half-Installed" phase, and requires a
4365 reinstall. If the error unwind works, the
4366 package is in a not installed state.
4367 </item>
4368 </enumlist>
4369 </item>
4371 <item>
4373 The new package's files are unpacked, overwriting any
4374 that may be on the system already, for example any
4375 from the old version of the same package or from
4376 another package. Backups of the old files are kept
4377 temporarily, and if anything goes wrong the package
4378 management system will attempt to put them back as
4379 part of the error unwind.
4380 </p>
4383 It is an error for a package to contain files which
4384 are on the system in another package, unless
4385 <tt>Replaces</tt> is used (see <ref id="replaces">).
4386 <!--
4387 The following paragraph is not currently the case:
4388 Currently the <tt>- - force-overwrite</tt> flag is
4389 enabled, downgrading it to a warning, but this may not
4390 always be the case.
4392 </p>
4395 It is a more serious error for a package to contain a
4396 plain file or other kind of non-directory where another
4397 package has a directory (again, unless
4398 <tt>Replaces</tt> is used). This error can be
4399 overridden if desired using
4400 <tt>--force-overwrite-dir</tt>, but this is not
4401 advisable.
4402 </p>
4405 Packages which overwrite each other's files produce
4406 behavior which, though deterministic, is hard for the
4407 system administrator to understand. It can easily
4408 lead to "missing" programs if, for example, a package
4409 is unpacked which overwrites a file from another
4410 package, and is then removed again.<footnote>
4411 Part of the problem is due to what is arguably a
4412 bug in <prgn>dpkg</prgn>.
4413 </footnote>
4414 </p>
4417 A directory will never be replaced by a symbolic link
4418 to a directory or vice versa; instead, the existing
4419 state (symlink or not) will be left alone and
4420 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> will follow the symlink if there is
4421 one.
4422 </p>
4423 </item>
4425 <item>
4427 <enumlist>
4428 <item>
4429 If the package is being upgraded, call
4430 <example compact="compact">
4431 <var>old-postrm</var> upgrade <var>new-version</var>
4432 </example>
4433 </item>
4434 <item>
4435 If this fails, <prgn>dpkg</prgn> will attempt:
4436 <example compact="compact">
4437 <var>new-postrm</var> failed-upgrade <var>old-version</var>
4438 </example>
4439 If this works, installation continues. If not,
4440 Error unwind:
4441 <example compact="compact">
4442 <var>old-preinst</var> abort-upgrade <var>new-version</var>
4443 </example>
4444 If this fails, the old version is left in a
4445 "Half-Installed" state. If it works, dpkg now
4446 calls:
4447 <example compact="compact">
4448 <var>new-postrm</var> abort-upgrade <var>old-version</var>
4449 </example>
4450 If this fails, the old version is left in a
4451 "Half-Installed" state. If it works, dpkg now
4452 calls:
4453 <example compact="compact">
4454 <var>old-postinst</var> abort-upgrade <var>new-version</var>
4455 </example>
4456 If this fails, the old version is in an
4457 "Unpacked" state.
4458 </item>
4459 </enumlist>
4460 </p>
4463 This is the point of no return - if
4464 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> gets this far, it won't back off
4465 past this point if an error occurs. This will
4466 leave the package in a fairly bad state, which
4467 will require a successful re-installation to clear
4468 up, but it's when <prgn>dpkg</prgn> starts doing
4469 things that are irreversible.
4470 </p>
4471 </item>
4473 <item>
4474 Any files which were in the old version of the package
4475 but not in the new are removed.
4476 </item>
4478 <item>
4479 The new file list replaces the old.
4480 </item>
4482 <item>
4483 The new maintainer scripts replace the old.
4484 </item>
4486 <item>
4487 Any packages all of whose files have been overwritten
4488 during the installation, and which aren't required for
4489 dependencies, are considered to have been removed.
4490 For each such package
4491 <enumlist>
4492 <item>
4493 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> calls:
4494 <example compact="compact">
4495 <var>disappearer's-postrm</var> disappear \
4496 <var>overwriter</var> <var>overwriter-version</var>
4497 </example>
4498 </item>
4499 <item>
4500 The package's maintainer scripts are removed.
4501 </item>
4502 <item>
4503 It is noted in the status database as being in a
4504 sane state, namely not installed (any conffiles
4505 it may have are ignored, rather than being
4506 removed by <prgn>dpkg</prgn>). Note that
4507 disappearing packages do not have their prerm
4508 called, because <prgn>dpkg</prgn> doesn't know
4509 in advance that the package is going to
4510 vanish.
4511 </item>
4512 </enumlist>
4513 </item>
4515 <item>
4516 Any files in the package we're unpacking that are also
4517 listed in the file lists of other packages are removed
4518 from those lists. (This will lobotomize the file list
4519 of the "conflicting" package if there is one.)
4520 </item>
4522 <item>
4523 The backup files made during installation, above, are
4524 deleted.
4525 </item>
4527 <item>
4529 The new package's status is now sane, and recorded as
4530 "unpacked".
4531 </p>
4534 Here is another point of no return - if the
4535 conflicting package's removal fails we do not unwind
4536 the rest of the installation; the conflicting package
4537 is left in a half-removed limbo.
4538 </p>
4539 </item>
4541 <item>
4542 If there was a conflicting package we go and do the
4543 removal actions (described below), starting with the
4544 removal of the conflicting package's files (any that
4545 are also in the package being unpacked have already
4546 been removed from the conflicting package's file list,
4547 and so do not get removed now).
4548 </item>
4549 </enumlist>
4550 </p>
4551 </sect>
4553 <sect id="configdetails"><heading>Details of configuration</heading>
4556 When we configure a package (this happens with <tt>dpkg
4557 --install</tt> and <tt>dpkg --configure</tt>), we first
4558 update any <tt>conffile</tt>s and then call:
4559 <example compact="compact">
4560 <var>postinst</var> configure <var>most-recently-configured-version</var>
4561 </example>
4562 </p>
4565 No attempt is made to unwind after errors during
4566 configuration. If the configuration fails, the package is in
4567 a "Failed Config" state, and an error message is generated.
4568 </p>
4571 If there is no most recently configured version
4572 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> will pass a null argument.
4573 <footnote>
4575 Historical note: Truly ancient (pre-1997) versions of
4576 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> passed <tt>&lt;unknown&gt;</tt>
4577 (including the angle brackets) in this case. Even older
4578 ones did not pass a second argument at all, under any
4579 circumstance. Note that upgrades using such an old dpkg
4580 version are unlikely to work for other reasons, even if
4581 this old argument behavior is handled by your postinst script.
4582 </p>
4583 </footnote>
4584 </p>
4585 </sect>
4587 <sect id="removedetails"><heading>Details of removal and/or
4588 configuration purging</heading>
4591 <enumlist>
4592 <item>
4594 <example compact="compact">
4595 <var>prerm</var> remove
4596 </example>
4597 </p>
4599 If prerm fails during replacement due to conflict
4600 <example>
4601 <var>conflictor's-postinst</var> abort-remove \
4602 in-favour <var>package</var> <var>new-version</var>
4603 </example>
4604 Or else we call:
4605 <example>
4606 <var>postinst</var> abort-remove
4607 </example>
4608 </p>
4610 If this fails, the package is in a "Half-Configured"
4611 state, or else it remains "Installed".
4612 </p>
4613 </item>
4614 <item>
4615 The package's files are removed (except <tt>conffile</tt>s).
4616 </item>
4617 <item>
4618 <example compact="compact">
4619 <var>postrm</var> remove
4620 </example>
4623 If it fails, there's no error unwind, and the package is in
4624 an "Half-Installed" state.
4625 </p>
4626 </item>
4627 <item>
4629 All the maintainer scripts except the <prgn>postrm</prgn>
4630 are removed.
4631 </p>
4634 If we aren't purging the package we stop here. Note
4635 that packages which have no <prgn>postrm</prgn> and no
4636 <tt>conffile</tt>s are automatically purged when
4637 removed, as there is no difference except for the
4638 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> status.
4639 </p>
4640 </item>
4641 <item>
4642 The <tt>conffile</tt>s and any backup files
4643 (<tt>~</tt>-files, <tt>#*#</tt> files,
4644 <tt>%</tt>-files, <tt>.dpkg-{old,new,tmp}</tt>, etc.)
4645 are removed.
4646 </item>
4647 <item>
4649 <example compact="compact">
4650 <var>postrm</var> purge
4651 </example>
4652 </p>
4654 If this fails, the package remains in a "Config-Files"
4655 state.
4656 </p>
4657 </item>
4658 <item>
4659 The package's file list is removed.
4660 </item>
4661 </enumlist>
4663 </p>
4664 </sect>
4665 </chapt>
4668 <chapt id="relationships">
4669 <heading>Declaring relationships between packages</heading>
4671 <sect id="depsyntax">
4672 <heading>Syntax of relationship fields</heading>
4675 These fields all have a uniform syntax. They are a list of
4676 package names separated by commas.
4677 </p>
4680 In the <tt>Depends</tt>, <tt>Recommends</tt>,
4681 <tt>Suggests</tt>, <tt>Pre-Depends</tt>,
4682 <tt>Build-Depends</tt> and <tt>Build-Depends-Indep</tt>
4683 control fields of the package, which declare
4684 dependencies on other packages, the package names listed may
4685 also include lists of alternative package names, separated
4686 by vertical bar (pipe) symbols <tt>|</tt>. In such a case,
4687 if any one of the alternative packages is installed, that
4688 part of the dependency is considered to be satisfied.
4689 </p>
4692 All of the fields except for <tt>Provides</tt> may restrict
4693 their applicability to particular versions of each named
4694 package. This is done in parentheses after each individual
4695 package name; the parentheses should contain a relation from
4696 the list below followed by a version number, in the format
4697 described in <ref id="f-Version">.
4698 </p>
4701 The relations allowed are <tt>&lt;&lt;</tt>, <tt>&lt;=</tt>,
4702 <tt>=</tt>, <tt>&gt;=</tt> and <tt>&gt;&gt;</tt> for strictly
4703 earlier, earlier or equal, exactly equal, later or equal and
4704 strictly later, respectively. The deprecated
4705 forms <tt>&lt;</tt> and <tt>&gt;</tt> were confusingly used to
4706 mean earlier/later or equal, rather than strictly earlier/later,
4707 and must not appear in new packages (though <prgn>dpkg</prgn>
4708 still supports them with a warning).
4709 </p>
4712 Whitespace may appear at any point in the version
4713 specification subject to the rules in <ref
4714 id="controlsyntax">, and must appear where it's necessary to
4715 disambiguate; it is not otherwise significant. All of the
4716 relationship fields can only be folded in source package control files. For
4717 consistency and in case of future changes to
4718 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> it is recommended that a single space be
4719 used after a version relationship and before a version
4720 number; it is also conventional to put a single space after
4721 each comma, on either side of each vertical bar, and before
4722 each open parenthesis. When opening a continuation line in a relationship field, it
4723 is conventional to do so after a comma and before the space
4724 following that comma.
4725 </p>
4728 For example, a list of dependencies might appear as:
4729 <example compact="compact">
4730 Package: mutt
4731 Version: 1.3.17-1
4732 Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.1), exim | mail-transport-agent
4733 </example>
4734 </p>
4737 Relationships may be restricted to a certain set of
4738 architectures. This is indicated in brackets after each
4739 individual package name and the optional version specification.
4740 The brackets enclose a non-empty list of Debian architecture names
4741 in the format described in <ref id="arch-spec">,
4742 separated by whitespace. Exclamation marks may be prepended to
4743 each of the names. (It is not permitted for some names to be
4744 prepended with exclamation marks while others aren't.)
4745 </p>
4748 For build relationship fields
4749 (<tt>Build-Depends</tt>, <tt>Build-Depends-Indep</tt>,
4750 <tt>Build-Conflicts</tt> and <tt>Build-Conflicts-Indep</tt>), if
4751 the current Debian host architecture is not in this list and
4752 there are no exclamation marks in the list, or it is in the list
4753 with a prepended exclamation mark, the package name and the
4754 associated version specification are ignored completely for the
4755 purposes of defining the relationships.
4756 </p>
4759 For example:
4760 <example compact="compact">
4761 Source: glibc
4762 Build-Depends-Indep: texinfo
4763 Build-Depends: kernel-headers-2.2.10 [!hurd-i386],
4764 hurd-dev [hurd-i386], gnumach-dev [hurd-i386]
4765 </example>
4766 requires <tt>kernel-headers-2.2.10</tt> on all architectures
4767 other than hurd-i386 and requires <tt>hurd-dev</tt> and
4768 <tt>gnumach-dev</tt> only on hurd-i386.
4769 </p>
4772 For binary relationship fields and the <tt>Built-Using</tt>
4773 field, the architecture restriction
4774 syntax is only supported in the source package control
4775 file <file>debian/control</file>. When the corresponding binary
4776 package control file is generated, the relationship will either
4777 be omitted or included without the architecture restriction
4778 based on the architecture of the binary package. This means
4779 that architecture restrictions must not be used in binary
4780 relationship fields for architecture-independent packages
4781 (<tt>Architecture: all</tt>).
4782 </p>
4785 For example:
4786 <example compact="compact">
4787 Depends: foo [i386], bar [amd64]
4788 </example>
4789 becomes <tt>Depends: foo</tt> when the package is built on
4790 the <tt>i386</tt> architecture, <tt>Depends: bar</tt> when the
4791 package is built on the <tt>amd64</tt> architecture, and omitted
4792 entirely in binary packages built on all other architectures.
4793 </p>
4796 If the architecture-restricted dependency is part of a set of
4797 alternatives using <tt>|</tt>, that alternative is ignored
4798 completely on architectures that do not match the restriction.
4799 For example:
4800 <example compact="compact">
4801 Build-Depends: foo [!i386] | bar [!amd64]
4802 </example>
4803 is equivalent to <tt>bar</tt> on the i386 architecture, to
4804 <tt>foo</tt> on the amd64 architecture, and to <tt>foo |
4805 bar</tt> on all other architectures.
4806 </p>
4809 Relationships may also be restricted to a certain set of
4810 architectures using architecture wildcards in the format
4811 described in <ref id="arch-wildcard-spec">. The syntax for
4812 declaring such restrictions is the same as declaring
4813 restrictions using a certain set of architectures without
4814 architecture wildcards. For example:
4815 <example compact="compact">
4816 Build-Depends: foo [linux-any], bar [any-i386], baz [!linux-any]
4817 </example>
4818 is equivalent to <tt>foo</tt> on architectures using the Linux
4819 kernel and any cpu, <tt>bar</tt> on architectures using any
4820 kernel and an i386 cpu, and <tt>baz</tt> on any architecture
4821 using a kernel other than Linux.
4822 </p>
4825 Note that the binary package relationship fields such as
4826 <tt>Depends</tt> appear in one of the binary package
4827 sections of the control file, whereas the build-time
4828 relationships such as <tt>Build-Depends</tt> appear in the
4829 source package section of the control file (which is the
4830 first section).
4831 </p>
4832 </sect>
4834 <sect id="binarydeps">
4835 <heading>Binary Dependencies - <tt>Depends</tt>,
4836 <tt>Recommends</tt>, <tt>Suggests</tt>, <tt>Enhances</tt>,
4837 <tt>Pre-Depends</tt>
4838 </heading>
4841 Packages can declare in their control file that they have
4842 certain relationships to other packages - for example, that
4843 they may not be installed at the same time as certain other
4844 packages, and/or that they depend on the presence of others.
4845 </p>
4848 This is done using the <tt>Depends</tt>, <tt>Pre-Depends</tt>,
4849 <tt>Recommends</tt>, <tt>Suggests</tt>, <tt>Enhances</tt>,
4850 <tt>Breaks</tt> and <tt>Conflicts</tt> control fields.
4851 <tt>Breaks</tt> is described in <ref id="breaks">, and
4852 <tt>Conflicts</tt> is described in <ref id="conflicts">. The
4853 rest are described below.
4854 </p>
4857 These seven fields are used to declare a dependency
4858 relationship by one package on another. Except for
4859 <tt>Enhances</tt> and <tt>Breaks</tt>, they appear in the
4860 depending (binary) package's control file.
4861 (<tt>Enhances</tt> appears in the recommending package's
4862 control file, and <tt>Breaks</tt> appears in the version of
4863 depended-on package which causes the named package to
4864 break).
4865 </p>
4868 A <tt>Depends</tt> field takes effect <em>only</em> when a
4869 package is to be configured. It does not prevent a package
4870 being on the system in an unconfigured state while its
4871 dependencies are unsatisfied, and it is possible to replace
4872 a package whose dependencies are satisfied and which is
4873 properly installed with a different version whose
4874 dependencies are not and cannot be satisfied; when this is
4875 done the depending package will be left unconfigured (since
4876 attempts to configure it will give errors) and will not
4877 function properly. If it is necessary, a
4878 <tt>Pre-Depends</tt> field can be used, which has a partial
4879 effect even when a package is being unpacked, as explained
4880 in detail below. (The other three dependency fields,
4881 <tt>Recommends</tt>, <tt>Suggests</tt> and
4882 <tt>Enhances</tt>, are only used by the various front-ends
4883 to <prgn>dpkg</prgn> such as <prgn>apt-get</prgn>,
4884 <prgn>aptitude</prgn>, and <prgn>dselect</prgn>.)
4885 </p>
4888 Since <tt>Depends</tt> only places requirements on the order in
4889 which packages are configured, packages in an installation run
4890 are usually all unpacked first and all configured later.
4891 <footnote>
4892 This approach makes dependency resolution easier. If two
4893 packages A and B are being upgraded, the installed package A
4894 depends on exactly the installed package B, and the new
4895 package A depends on exactly the new package B (a common
4896 situation when upgrading shared libraries and their
4897 corresponding development packages), satisfying the
4898 dependencies at every stage of the upgrade would be
4899 impossible. This relaxed restriction means that both new
4900 packages can be unpacked together and then configured in their
4901 dependency order.
4902 </footnote>
4903 </p>
4906 If there is a circular dependency among packages being installed
4907 or removed, installation or removal order honoring the
4908 dependency order is impossible, requiring the dependency loop be
4909 broken at some point and the dependency requirements violated
4910 for at least one package. Packages involved in circular
4911 dependencies may not be able to rely on their dependencies being
4912 configured before they themselves are configured, depending on
4913 which side of the break of the circular dependency loop they
4914 happen to be on. If one of the packages in the loop has
4915 no <prgn>postinst</prgn> script, then the cycle will be broken
4916 at that package; this ensures that all <prgn>postinst</prgn>
4917 scripts are run with their dependencies properly configured if
4918 this is possible. Otherwise the breaking point is arbitrary.
4919 Packages should therefore avoid circular dependencies where
4920 possible, particularly if they have <prgn>postinst</prgn>
4921 scripts.
4922 </p>
4925 The meaning of the five dependency fields is as follows:
4926 <taglist>
4927 <tag><tt>Depends</tt></tag>
4928 <item>
4930 This declares an absolute dependency. A package will
4931 not be configured unless all of the packages listed in
4932 its <tt>Depends</tt> field have been correctly
4933 configured (unless there is a circular dependency as
4934 described above).
4935 </p>
4938 The <tt>Depends</tt> field should be used if the
4939 depended-on package is required for the depending
4940 package to provide a significant amount of
4941 functionality.
4942 </p>
4945 The <tt>Depends</tt> field should also be used if the
4946 <prgn>postinst</prgn> or <prgn>prerm</prgn> scripts
4947 require the depended-on package to be unpacked or
4948 configured in order to run. In the case of <tt>postinst
4949 configure</tt>, the depended-on packages will be unpacked
4950 and configured first. (If both packages are involved in a
4951 dependency loop, this might not work as expected; see the
4952 explanation a few paragraphs back.) In the case
4953 of <prgn>prerm</prgn> or other <prgn>postinst</prgn>
4954 actions, the package dependencies will normally be at
4955 least unpacked, but they may be only "Half-Installed" if a
4956 previous upgrade of the dependency failed.
4957 </p>
4960 Finally, the <tt>Depends</tt> field should be used if the
4961 depended-on package is needed by the <prgn>postrm</prgn>
4962 script to fully clean up after the package removal. There
4963 is no guarantee that package dependencies will be
4964 available when <prgn>postrm</prgn> is run, but the
4965 depended-on package is more likely to be available if the
4966 package declares a dependency (particularly in the case
4967 of <tt>postrm remove</tt>). The <prgn>postrm</prgn>
4968 script must gracefully skip actions that require a
4969 dependency if that dependency isn't available.
4970 </p>
4971 </item>
4973 <tag><tt>Recommends</tt></tag>
4974 <item>
4976 This declares a strong, but not absolute, dependency.
4977 </p>
4980 The <tt>Recommends</tt> field should list packages
4981 that would be found together with this one in all but
4982 unusual installations.
4983 </p>
4984 </item>
4986 <tag><tt>Suggests</tt></tag>
4987 <item>
4988 This is used to declare that one package may be more
4989 useful with one or more others. Using this field
4990 tells the packaging system and the user that the
4991 listed packages are related to this one and can
4992 perhaps enhance its usefulness, but that installing
4993 this one without them is perfectly reasonable.
4994 </item>
4996 <tag><tt>Enhances</tt></tag>
4997 <item>
4998 This field is similar to Suggests but works in the
4999 opposite direction. It is used to declare that a
5000 package can enhance the functionality of another
5001 package.
5002 </item>
5004 <tag><tt>Pre-Depends</tt></tag>
5005 <item>
5007 This field is like <tt>Depends</tt>, except that it
5008 also forces <prgn>dpkg</prgn> to complete installation
5009 of the packages named before even starting the
5010 installation of the package which declares the
5011 pre-dependency, as follows:
5012 </p>
5015 When a package declaring a pre-dependency is about to
5016 be <em>unpacked</em> the pre-dependency can be
5017 satisfied if the depended-on package is either fully
5018 configured, <em>or even if</em> the depended-on
5019 package(s) are only unpacked or in the "Half-Configured"
5020 state, provided that they have been configured
5021 correctly at some point in the past (and not removed
5022 or partially removed since). In this case, both the
5023 previously-configured and currently unpacked or
5024 "Half-Configured" versions must satisfy any version
5025 clause in the <tt>Pre-Depends</tt> field.
5026 </p>
5029 When the package declaring a pre-dependency is about to
5030 be <em>configured</em>, the pre-dependency will be treated
5031 as a normal <tt>Depends</tt>. It will be considered
5032 satisfied only if the depended-on package has been
5033 correctly configured. However, unlike
5034 with <tt>Depends</tt>, <tt>Pre-Depends</tt> does not
5035 permit circular dependencies to be broken. If a circular
5036 dependency is encountered while attempting to honor
5037 <tt>Pre-Depends</tt>, the installation will be aborted.
5038 </p>
5041 <tt>Pre-Depends</tt> are also required if the
5042 <prgn>preinst</prgn> script depends on the named package.
5043 It is best to avoid this situation if possible.
5044 </p>
5047 <tt>Pre-Depends</tt> should be used sparingly,
5048 preferably only by packages whose premature upgrade or
5049 installation would hamper the ability of the system to
5050 continue with any upgrade that might be in progress.
5051 </p>
5054 You should not specify a <tt>Pre-Depends</tt> entry for a
5055 package before this has been discussed on the
5056 <tt>debian-devel</tt> mailing list and a consensus about
5057 doing that has been reached. See <ref id="dependencies">.
5058 </p>
5059 </item>
5060 </taglist>
5061 </p>
5064 When selecting which level of dependency to use you should
5065 consider how important the depended-on package is to the
5066 functionality of the one declaring the dependency. Some
5067 packages are composed of components of varying degrees of
5068 importance. Such a package should list using
5069 <tt>Depends</tt> the package(s) which are required by the
5070 more important components. The other components'
5071 requirements may be mentioned as Suggestions or
5072 Recommendations, as appropriate to the components' relative
5073 importance.
5074 </p>
5075 </sect>
5077 <sect id="breaks">
5078 <heading>Packages which break other packages - <tt>Breaks</tt></heading>
5081 When one binary package declares that it breaks another,
5082 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> will refuse to allow the package which
5083 declares <tt>Breaks</tt> to be unpacked unless the broken
5084 package is deconfigured first, and it will refuse to
5085 allow the broken package to be reconfigured.
5086 </p>
5089 A package will not be regarded as causing breakage merely
5090 because its configuration files are still installed; it must
5091 be at least "Half-Installed".
5092 </p>
5095 A special exception is made for packages which declare that
5096 they break their own package name or a virtual package which
5097 they provide (see below): this does not count as a real
5098 breakage.
5099 </p>
5102 Normally a <tt>Breaks</tt> entry will have an "earlier than"
5103 version clause; such a <tt>Breaks</tt> is introduced in the
5104 version of an (implicit or explicit) dependency which violates
5105 an assumption or reveals a bug in earlier versions of the broken
5106 package, or which takes over a file from earlier versions of the
5107 package named in <tt>Breaks</tt>. This use of <tt>Breaks</tt>
5108 will inform higher-level package management tools that the
5109 broken package must be upgraded before the new one.
5110 </p>
5113 If the breaking package also overwrites some files from the
5114 older package, it should use <tt>Replaces</tt> to ensure this
5115 goes smoothly. See <ref id="replaces"> for a full discussion
5116 of taking over files from other packages, including how to
5117 use <tt>Breaks</tt> in those cases.
5118 </p>
5121 Many of the cases where <tt>Breaks</tt> should be used were
5122 previously handled with <tt>Conflicts</tt>
5123 because <tt>Breaks</tt> did not yet exist.
5124 Many <tt>Conflicts</tt> fields should now be <tt>Breaks</tt>.
5125 See <ref id="conflicts"> for more information about the
5126 differences.
5127 </p>
5128 </sect>
5130 <sect id="conflicts">
5131 <heading>Conflicting binary packages - <tt>Conflicts</tt></heading>
5134 When one binary package declares a conflict with another using
5135 a <tt>Conflicts</tt> field, <prgn>dpkg</prgn> will refuse to
5136 allow them to be unpacked on the system at the same time. This
5137 is a stronger restriction than <tt>Breaks</tt>, which prevents
5138 the broken package from being configured while the breaking
5139 package is in the "Unpacked" state but allows both packages to
5140 be unpacked at the same time.
5141 </p>
5144 If one package is to be unpacked, the other must be removed
5145 first. If the package being unpacked is marked as replacing
5146 (see <ref id="replaces">, but note that <tt>Breaks</tt> should
5147 normally be used in this case) the one on the system, or the one
5148 on the system is marked as deselected, or both packages are
5149 marked <tt>Essential</tt>, then <prgn>dpkg</prgn> will
5150 automatically remove the package which is causing the conflict.
5151 Otherwise, it will halt the installation of the new package with
5152 an error. This mechanism is specifically designed to produce an
5153 error when the installed package is <tt>Essential</tt>, but the
5154 new package is not.
5155 </p>
5158 A package will not cause a conflict merely because its
5159 configuration files are still installed; it must be at least
5160 "Half-Installed".
5161 </p>
5164 A special exception is made for packages which declare a
5165 conflict with their own package name, or with a virtual
5166 package which they provide (see below): this does not
5167 prevent their installation, and allows a package to conflict
5168 with others providing a replacement for it. You use this
5169 feature when you want the package in question to be the only
5170 package providing some feature.
5171 </p>
5174 Normally, <tt>Breaks</tt> should be used instead
5175 of <tt>Conflicts</tt> since <tt>Conflicts</tt> imposes a
5176 stronger restriction on the ordering of package installation or
5177 upgrade and can make it more difficult for the package manager
5178 to find a correct solution to an upgrade or installation
5179 problem. <tt>Breaks</tt> should be used
5180 <list>
5181 <item>when moving a file from one package to another (see
5182 <ref id="replaces">),</item>
5183 <item>when splitting a package (a special case of the previous
5184 one), or</item>
5185 <item>when the breaking package exposes a bug in or interacts
5186 badly with particular versions of the broken
5187 package.</item>
5188 </list>
5189 <tt>Conflicts</tt> should be used
5190 <list>
5191 <item>when two packages provide the same file and will
5192 continue to do so,</item>
5193 <item>in conjunction with <tt>Provides</tt> when only one
5194 package providing a given virtual facility may be unpacked
5195 at a time (see <ref id="virtual">),</item>
5196 <item>in other cases where one must prevent simultaneous
5197 installation of two packages for reasons that are ongoing
5198 (not fixed in a later version of one of the packages) or
5199 that must prevent both packages from being unpacked at the
5200 same time, not just configured.</item>
5201 </list>
5202 Be aware that adding <tt>Conflicts</tt> is normally not the best
5203 solution when two packages provide the same files. Depending on
5204 the reason for that conflict, using alternatives or renaming the
5205 files is often a better approach. See, for
5206 example, <ref id="binaries">.
5207 </p>
5210 Neither <tt>Breaks</tt> nor <tt>Conflicts</tt> should be used
5211 unless two packages cannot be installed at the same time or
5212 installing them both causes one of them to be broken or
5213 unusable. Having similar functionality or performing the same
5214 tasks as another package is not sufficient reason to
5215 declare <tt>Breaks</tt> or <tt>Conflicts</tt> with that package.
5216 </p>
5219 A <tt>Conflicts</tt> entry may have an "earlier than" version
5220 clause if the reason for the conflict is corrected in a later
5221 version of one of the packages. However, normally the presence
5222 of an "earlier than" version clause is a sign
5223 that <tt>Breaks</tt> should have been used instead. An "earlier
5224 than" version clause in <tt>Conflicts</tt>
5225 prevents <prgn>dpkg</prgn> from upgrading or installing the
5226 package which declares such a conflict until the upgrade or
5227 removal of the conflicted-with package has been completed, which
5228 is a strong restriction.
5229 </p>
5230 </sect>
5232 <sect id="virtual"><heading>Virtual packages - <tt>Provides</tt>
5233 </heading>
5236 As well as the names of actual ("concrete") packages, the
5237 package relationship fields <tt>Depends</tt>,
5238 <tt>Recommends</tt>, <tt>Suggests</tt>, <tt>Enhances</tt>,
5239 <tt>Pre-Depends</tt>, <tt>Breaks</tt>, <tt>Conflicts</tt>,
5240 <tt>Build-Depends</tt>, <tt>Build-Depends-Indep</tt>,
5241 <tt>Build-Conflicts</tt> and <tt>Build-Conflicts-Indep</tt>
5242 may mention "virtual packages".
5243 </p>
5246 A <em>virtual package</em> is one which appears in the
5247 <tt>Provides</tt> control field of another package. The effect
5248 is as if the package(s) which provide a particular virtual
5249 package name had been listed by name everywhere the virtual
5250 package name appears. (See also <ref id="virtual_pkg">)
5251 </p>
5254 If there are both concrete and virtual packages of the same
5255 name, then the dependency may be satisfied (or the conflict
5256 caused) by either the concrete package with the name in
5257 question or any other concrete package which provides the
5258 virtual package with the name in question. This is so that,
5259 for example, supposing we have
5260 <example compact="compact">
5261 Package: foo
5262 Depends: bar
5263 </example> and someone else releases an enhanced version of
5264 the <tt>bar</tt> package they can say:
5265 <example compact="compact">
5266 Package: bar-plus
5267 Provides: bar
5268 </example>
5269 and the <tt>bar-plus</tt> package will now also satisfy the
5270 dependency for the <tt>foo</tt> package.
5271 </p>
5274 If a relationship field has a version number attached, only real
5275 packages will be considered to see whether the relationship is
5276 satisfied (or the prohibition violated, for a conflict or
5277 breakage). In other words, if a version number is specified,
5278 this is a request to ignore all <tt>Provides</tt> for that
5279 package name and consider only real packages. The package
5280 manager will assume that a package providing that virtual
5281 package is not of the "right" version. A <tt>Provides</tt>
5282 field may not contain version numbers, and the version number of
5283 the concrete package which provides a particular virtual package
5284 will not be considered when considering a dependency on or
5285 conflict with the virtual package name.<footnote>
5286 It is possible that a future release of <prgn>dpkg</prgn> may
5287 add the ability to specify a version number for each virtual
5288 package it provides. This feature is not yet present,
5289 however, and is expected to be used only infrequently.
5290 </footnote>
5291 </p>
5294 To specify which of a set of real packages should be the default
5295 to satisfy a particular dependency on a virtual package, list
5296 the real package as an alternative before the virtual one.
5297 </p>
5300 If the virtual package represents a facility that can only be
5301 provided by one real package at a time, such as
5302 the <package>mail-transport-agent</package> virtual package that
5303 requires installation of a binary that would conflict with all
5304 other providers of that virtual package (see
5305 <ref id="mail-transport-agents">), all packages providing that
5306 virtual package should also declare a conflict with it
5307 using <tt>Conflicts</tt>. This will ensure that at most one
5308 provider of that virtual package is unpacked or installed at a
5309 time.
5310 </p>
5311 </sect>
5313 <sect id="replaces"><heading>Overwriting files and replacing
5314 packages - <tt>Replaces</tt></heading>
5317 Packages can declare in their control file that they should
5318 overwrite files in certain other packages, or completely replace
5319 other packages. The <tt>Replaces</tt> control field has these
5320 two distinct purposes.
5321 </p>
5323 <sect1><heading>Overwriting files in other packages</heading>
5326 It is usually an error for a package to contain files which
5327 are on the system in another package. However, if the
5328 overwriting package declares that it <tt>Replaces</tt> the one
5329 containing the file being overwritten, then <prgn>dpkg</prgn>
5330 will replace the file from the old package with that from the
5331 new. The file will no longer be listed as "owned" by the old
5332 package and will be taken over by the new package.
5333 Normally, <tt>Breaks</tt> should be used in conjunction
5334 with <tt>Replaces</tt>.<footnote>
5335 To see why <tt>Breaks</tt> is normally needed in addition
5336 to <tt>Replaces</tt>, consider the case of a file in the
5337 package <package>foo</package> being taken over by the
5338 package <package>foo-data</package>.
5339 <tt>Replaces</tt> will allow <package>foo-data</package> to
5340 be installed and take over that file. However,
5341 without <tt>Breaks</tt>, nothing
5342 requires <package>foo</package> to be upgraded to a newer
5343 version that knows it does not include that file and instead
5344 depends on <package>foo-data</package>. Nothing would
5345 prevent the new <package>foo-data</package> package from
5346 being installed and then removed, removing the file that it
5347 took over from <package>foo</package>. After that
5348 operation, the package manager would think the system was in
5349 a consistent state, but the <package>foo</package> package
5350 would be missing one of its files.
5351 </footnote>
5352 </p>
5355 For example, if a package <package>foo</package> is split
5356 into <package>foo</package> and <package>foo-data</package>
5357 starting at version 1.2-3, <package>foo-data</package> would
5358 have the fields
5359 <example compact="compact">
5360 Replaces: foo (&lt;&lt; 1.2-3)
5361 Breaks: foo (&lt;&lt; 1.2-3)
5362 </example>
5363 in its control file. The new version of the
5364 package <package>foo</package> would normally have the field
5365 <example compact="compact">
5366 Depends: foo-data (&gt;= 1.2-3)
5367 </example>
5368 (or possibly <tt>Recommends</tt> or even <tt>Suggests</tt> if
5369 the files moved into <package>foo-data</package> are not
5370 required for normal operation).
5371 </p>
5374 If a package is completely replaced in this way, so that
5375 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> does not know of any files it still
5376 contains, it is considered to have "disappeared". It will
5377 be marked as not wanted on the system (selected for
5378 removal) and not installed. Any <tt>conffile</tt>s
5379 details noted for the package will be ignored, as they
5380 will have been taken over by the overwriting package. The
5381 package's <prgn>postrm</prgn> script will be run with a
5382 special argument to allow the package to do any final
5383 cleanup required. See <ref id="mscriptsinstact">.
5384 <footnote>
5385 Replaces is a one way relationship. You have to install
5386 the replacing package after the replaced package.
5387 </footnote>
5388 </p>
5391 For this usage of <tt>Replaces</tt>, virtual packages (see
5392 <ref id="virtual">) are not considered when looking at a
5393 <tt>Replaces</tt> field. The packages declared as being
5394 replaced must be mentioned by their real names.
5395 </p>
5398 This usage of <tt>Replaces</tt> only takes effect when both
5399 packages are at least partially on the system at once. It is
5400 not relevant if the packages conflict unless the conflict has
5401 been overridden.
5402 </p>
5403 </sect1>
5405 <sect1><heading>Replacing whole packages, forcing their
5406 removal</heading>
5409 Second, <tt>Replaces</tt> allows the packaging system to
5410 resolve which package should be removed when there is a
5411 conflict (see <ref id="conflicts">). This usage only takes
5412 effect when the two packages <em>do</em> conflict, so that the
5413 two usages of this field do not interfere with each other.
5414 </p>
5417 In this situation, the package declared as being replaced
5418 can be a virtual package, so for example, all mail
5419 transport agents (MTAs) would have the following fields in
5420 their control files:
5421 <example compact="compact">
5422 Provides: mail-transport-agent
5423 Conflicts: mail-transport-agent
5424 Replaces: mail-transport-agent
5425 </example>
5426 ensuring that only one MTA can be unpacked at any one
5427 time. See <ref id="virtual"> for more information about this
5428 example.
5429 </sect1>
5430 </sect>
5432 <sect id="sourcebinarydeps">
5433 <heading>Relationships between source and binary packages -
5434 <tt>Build-Depends</tt>, <tt>Build-Depends-Indep</tt>,
5435 <tt>Build-Conflicts</tt>, <tt>Build-Conflicts-Indep</tt>
5436 </heading>
5439 Source packages that require certain binary packages to be
5440 installed or absent at the time of building the package
5441 can declare relationships to those binary packages.
5442 </p>
5445 This is done using the <tt>Build-Depends</tt>,
5446 <tt>Build-Depends-Indep</tt>, <tt>Build-Conflicts</tt> and
5447 <tt>Build-Conflicts-Indep</tt> control fields.
5448 </p>
5451 Build-dependencies on "build-essential" binary packages can be
5452 omitted. Please see <ref id="pkg-relations"> for more information.
5453 </p>
5456 The dependencies and conflicts they define must be satisfied
5457 (as defined earlier for binary packages) in order to invoke
5458 the targets in <tt>debian/rules</tt>, as follows:<footnote>
5460 There is no Build-Depends-Arch; this role is essentially
5461 met with Build-Depends. Anyone building the
5462 <tt>build-indep</tt> and <tt>binary-indep</tt> targets is
5463 assumed to be building the whole package, and therefore
5464 installation of all build dependencies is required.
5465 </p>
5467 The autobuilders use <tt>dpkg-buildpackage -B</tt>, which
5468 calls <tt>build</tt>, not <tt>build-arch</tt> since it does
5469 not yet know how to check for its existence, and
5470 <tt>binary-arch</tt>. The purpose of the original split
5471 between <tt>Build-Depends</tt> and
5472 <tt>Build-Depends-Indep</tt> was so that the autobuilders
5473 wouldn't need to install extra packages needed only for the
5474 binary-indep targets. But without a build-arch/build-indep
5475 split, this didn't work, since most of the work is done in
5476 the build target, not in the binary target.
5477 </p>
5478 </footnote>
5479 <taglist>
5480 <tag><tt>clean</tt>, <tt>build-arch</tt>, and
5481 <tt>binary-arch</tt></tag>
5482 <item>
5483 Only the <tt>Build-Depends</tt> and <tt>Build-Conflicts</tt>
5484 fields must be satisfied when these targets are invoked.
5485 </item>
5486 <tag><tt>build</tt>, <tt>build-indep</tt>, <tt>binary</tt>,
5487 and <tt>binary-indep</tt></tag>
5488 <item>
5489 The <tt>Build-Depends</tt>, <tt>Build-Conflicts</tt>,
5490 <tt>Build-Depends-Indep</tt>, and
5491 <tt>Build-Conflicts-Indep</tt> fields must be satisfied when
5492 these targets are invoked.
5493 </item>
5494 </taglist>
5495 </p>
5496 </sect>
5498 <sect id="built-using">
5499 <heading>Additional source packages used to build the binary
5500 - <tt>Built-Using</tt>
5501 </heading>
5504 Some binary packages incorporate parts of other packages when built
5505 but do not have to depend on those packages. Examples include
5506 linking with static libraries or incorporating source code from
5507 another package during the build. In this case, the source packages
5508 of those other packages are a required part of the complete source
5509 (the binary package is not reproducible without them).
5510 </p>
5513 A <tt>Built-Using</tt> field must list the corresponding source
5514 package for any such binary package incorporated during the build
5515 <footnote>
5516 <tt>Build-Depends</tt> in the source package is not adequate since
5517 it (rightfully) does not document the exact version used in the
5518 build.
5519 </footnote>,
5520 including an "exactly equal" ("=") version relation on the version
5521 that was used to build that binary package<footnote>
5522 The archive software might reject packages that refer to
5523 non-existent sources.
5524 </footnote>.
5525 </p>
5528 A package using the source code from the gcc-4.6-source
5529 binary package built from the gcc-4.6 source package would
5530 have this field in its control file:
5531 <example compact="compact">
5532 Built-Using: gcc-4.6 (= 4.6.0-11)
5533 </example>
5534 </p>
5537 A package including binaries from grub2 and loadlin would
5538 have this field in its control file:
5539 <example compact="compact">
5540 Built-Using: grub2 (= 1.99-9), loadlin (= 1.6e-1)
5541 </example>
5542 </p>
5543 </sect>
5544 </chapt>
5547 <chapt id="sharedlibs"><heading>Shared libraries</heading>
5550 Packages containing shared libraries must be constructed with
5551 a little care to make sure that the shared library is always
5552 available. This is especially important for packages whose
5553 shared libraries are vitally important, such as the C library
5554 (currently <tt>libc6</tt>).
5555 </p>
5558 This section deals only with public shared libraries: shared
5559 libraries that are placed in directories searched by the dynamic
5560 linker by default or which are intended to be linked against
5561 normally and possibly used by other, independent packages. Shared
5562 libraries that are internal to a particular package or that are
5563 only loaded as dynamic modules are not covered by this section and
5564 are not subject to its requirements.
5565 </p>
5568 A shared library is identified by the <tt>SONAME</tt> attribute
5569 stored in its dynamic section. When a binary is linked against a
5570 shared library, the <tt>SONAME</tt> of the shared library is
5571 recorded in the binary's <tt>NEEDED</tt> section so that the
5572 dynamic linker knows that library must be loaded at runtime. The
5573 shared library file's full name (which usually contains additional
5574 version information not needed in the <tt>SONAME</tt>) is
5575 therefore normally not referenced directly. Instead, the shared
5576 library is loaded by its <tt>SONAME</tt>, which exists on the file
5577 system as a symlink pointing to the full name of the shared
5578 library. This symlink must be provided by the
5579 package. <ref id="sharedlibs-runtime"> describes how to do this.
5580 <footnote>
5581 This is a convention of shared library versioning, but not a
5582 requirement. Some libraries use the <tt>SONAME</tt> as the full
5583 library file name instead and therefore do not need a symlink.
5584 Most, however, encode additional information about
5585 backwards-compatible revisions as a minor version number in the
5586 file name. The <tt>SONAME</tt> itself only changes when
5587 binaries linked with the earlier version of the shared library
5588 may no longer work, but the filename may change with each
5589 release of the library. See <ref id="sharedlibs-runtime"> for
5590 more information.
5591 </footnote>
5592 </p>
5595 When linking a binary or another shared library against a shared
5596 library, the <tt>SONAME</tt> for that shared library is not yet
5597 known. Instead, the shared library is found by looking for a file
5598 matching the library name with <tt>.so</tt> appended. This file
5599 exists on the file system as a symlink pointing to the shared
5600 library.
5601 </p>
5604 Shared libraries are normally split into several binary packages.
5605 The <tt>SONAME</tt> symlink is installed by the runtime shared
5606 library package, and the bare <tt>.so</tt> symlink is installed in
5607 the development package since it's only used when linking binaries
5608 or shared libraries. However, there are some exceptions for
5609 unusual shared libraries or for shared libraries that are also
5610 loaded as dynamic modules by other programs.
5611 </p>
5614 This section is primarily concerned with how the separation of
5615 shared libraries into multiple packages should be done and how
5616 dependencies on and between shared library binary packages are
5617 managed in Debian. <ref id="libraries"> should be read in
5618 conjunction with this section and contains additional rules for
5619 the files contained in the shared library packages.
5620 </p>
5622 <sect id="sharedlibs-runtime">
5623 <heading>Run-time shared libraries</heading>
5626 The run-time shared library must be placed in a package
5627 whose name changes whenever the <tt>SONAME</tt> of the shared
5628 library changes. This allows several versions of the shared
5629 library to be installed at the same time, allowing installation
5630 of the new version of the shared library without immediately
5631 breaking binaries that depend on the old version. Normally, the
5632 run-time shared library and its <tt>SONAME</tt> symlink should
5633 be placed in a package named
5634 <package><var>libraryname</var><var>soversion</var></package>,
5635 where <var>soversion</var> is the version number in
5636 the <tt>SONAME</tt> of the shared library.
5637 See <ref id="shlibs"> for detailed information on how to
5638 determine this version. Alternatively, if it would be confusing
5639 to directly append <var>soversion</var>
5640 to <var>libraryname</var> (if, for example, <var>libraryname</var>
5641 itself ends in a number), you should use
5642 <package><var>libraryname</var>-<var>soversion</var></package>
5643 instead.
5644 </p>
5647 If you have several shared libraries built from the same source
5648 tree, you may lump them all together into a single shared
5649 library package provided that all of their <tt>SONAME</tt>s will
5650 always change together. Be aware that this is not normally the
5651 case, and if the <tt>SONAME</tt>s do not change together,
5652 upgrading such a merged shared library package will be
5653 unnecessarily difficult because of file conflicts with the old
5654 version of the package. When in doubt, always split shared
5655 library packages so that each binary package installs a single
5656 shared library.
5657 </p>
5660 Every time the shared library ABI changes in a way that may
5661 break binaries linked against older versions of the shared
5662 library, the <tt>SONAME</tt> of the library and the
5663 corresponding name for the binary package containing the runtime
5664 shared library should change. Normally, this means
5665 the <tt>SONAME</tt> should change any time an interface is
5666 removed from the shared library or the signature of an interface
5667 (the number of parameters or the types of parameters that it
5668 takes, for example) is changed. This practice is vital to
5669 allowing clean upgrades from older versions of the package and
5670 clean transitions between the old ABI and new ABI without having
5671 to upgrade every affected package simultaneously.
5672 </p>
5675 The <tt>SONAME</tt> and binary package name need not, and indeed
5676 normally should not, change if new interfaces are added but none
5677 are removed or changed, since this will not break binaries
5678 linked against the old shared library. Correct versioning of
5679 dependencies on the newer shared library by binaries that use
5680 the new interfaces is handled via
5681 the <qref id="sharedlibs-shlibdeps"><tt>shlibs</tt>
5682 system</qref> or via symbols files (see
5683 <manref name="deb-symbols" section="5">).
5684 </p>
5687 The package should install the shared libraries under
5688 their normal names. For example, the <package>libgdbm3</package>
5689 package should install <file></file> as
5690 <file>/usr/lib/</file>. The files should not be
5691 renamed or re-linked by any <prgn>prerm</prgn> or
5692 <prgn>postrm</prgn> scripts; <prgn>dpkg</prgn> will take care
5693 of renaming things safely without affecting running programs,
5694 and attempts to interfere with this are likely to lead to
5695 problems.
5696 </p>
5699 Shared libraries should not be installed executable, since
5700 the dynamic linker does not require this and trying to
5701 execute a shared library usually results in a core dump.
5702 </p>
5705 The run-time library package should include the symbolic link for
5706 the <tt>SONAME</tt> that <prgn>ldconfig</prgn> would create for
5707 the shared libraries. For example,
5708 the <package>libgdbm3</package> package should include a symbolic
5709 link from <file>/usr/lib/</file> to
5710 <file></file>. This is needed so that the dynamic
5711 linker (for example <prgn></prgn> or
5712 <prgn>*</prgn>) can find the library between the
5713 time that <prgn>dpkg</prgn> installs it and the time that
5714 <prgn>ldconfig</prgn> is run in the <prgn>postinst</prgn>
5715 script.<footnote>
5716 The package management system requires the library to be
5717 placed before the symbolic link pointing to it in the
5718 <file>.deb</file> file. This is so that when
5719 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> comes to install the symlink
5720 (overwriting the previous symlink pointing at an older
5721 version of the library), the new shared library is already
5722 in place. In the past, this was achieved by creating the
5723 library in the temporary packaging directory before
5724 creating the symlink. Unfortunately, this was not always
5725 effective, since the building of the tar file in the
5726 <file>.deb</file> depended on the behavior of the underlying
5727 file system. Some file systems (such as reiserfs) reorder
5728 the files so that the order of creation is forgotten.
5729 Since version 1.7.0, <prgn>dpkg</prgn>
5730 reorders the files itself as necessary when building a
5731 package. Thus it is no longer important to concern
5732 oneself with the order of file creation.
5733 </footnote>
5734 </p>
5736 <sect1 id="ldconfig">
5737 <heading><tt>ldconfig</tt></heading>
5740 Any package installing shared libraries in one of the default
5741 library directories of the dynamic linker (which are currently
5742 <file>/usr/lib</file> and <file>/lib</file>) or a directory that is
5743 listed in <file>/etc/</file><footnote>
5744 These are currently <file>/usr/local/lib</file> plus
5745 directories under <file>/lib</file> and <file>/usr/lib</file>
5746 matching the multiarch triplet for the system architecture.
5747 </footnote>
5748 must use <prgn>ldconfig</prgn> to update the shared library
5749 system.
5750 </p>
5753 The package maintainer scripts must only call
5754 <prgn>ldconfig</prgn> under these circumstances:
5755 <list compact="compact">
5756 <item>When the <prgn>postinst</prgn> script is run with a
5757 first argument of <tt>configure</tt>, the script must call
5758 <prgn>ldconfig</prgn>, and may optionally invoke
5759 <prgn>ldconfig</prgn> at other times.
5760 </item>
5761 <item>When the <prgn>postrm</prgn> script is run with a
5762 first argument of <tt>remove</tt>, the script should call
5763 <prgn>ldconfig</prgn>.
5764 </item>
5765 </list>
5766 <footnote>
5768 During install or upgrade, the preinst is called before
5769 the new files are unpacked, so calling "ldconfig" is
5770 pointless. The preinst of an existing package can also be
5771 called if an upgrade fails. However, this happens during
5772 the critical time when a shared libs may exist on-disk
5773 under a temporary name. Thus, it is dangerous and
5774 forbidden by current policy to call "ldconfig" at this
5775 time.
5776 </p>
5779 When a package is installed or upgraded, "postinst
5780 configure" runs after the new files are safely on-disk.
5781 Since it is perfectly safe to invoke ldconfig
5782 unconditionally in a postinst, it is OK for a package to
5783 simply put ldconfig in its postinst without checking the
5784 argument. The postinst can also be called to recover from
5785 a failed upgrade. This happens before any new files are
5786 unpacked, so there is no reason to call "ldconfig" at this
5787 point.
5788 </p>
5791 For a package that is being removed, prerm is
5792 called with all the files intact, so calling ldconfig is
5793 useless. The other calls to "prerm" happen in the case of
5794 upgrade at a time when all the files of the old package
5795 are on-disk, so again calling "ldconfig" is pointless.
5796 </p>
5799 postrm, on the other hand, is called with the "remove"
5800 argument just after the files are removed, so this is
5801 the proper time to call "ldconfig" to notify the system
5802 of the fact that the shared libraries from the package
5803 are removed. The postrm can be called at several other
5804 times. At the time of "postrm purge", "postrm
5805 abort-install", or "postrm abort-upgrade", calling
5806 "ldconfig" is useless because the shared lib files are
5807 not on-disk. However, when "postrm" is invoked with
5808 arguments "upgrade", "failed-upgrade", or "disappear", a
5809 shared lib may exist on-disk under a temporary filename.
5810 </p>
5811 </footnote>
5812 </p>
5813 </sect1>
5815 </sect>
5817 <sect id="sharedlibs-support-files">
5818 <heading>Shared library support files</heading>
5821 If your package contains files whose names do not change with
5822 each change in the library shared object version, you must not
5823 put them in the shared library package. Otherwise, several
5824 versions of the shared library cannot be installed at the same
5825 time without filename clashes, making upgrades and transitions
5826 unnecessarily difficult.
5827 </p>
5830 It is recommended that supporting files and run-time support
5831 programs that do not need to be invoked manually by users, but
5832 are nevertheless required for the package to function, be placed
5833 (if they are binary) in a subdirectory of <file>/usr/lib</file>,
5834 preferably under <file>/usr/lib/</file><var>package-name</var>.
5835 If the program or file is architecture independent, the
5836 recommendation is for it to be placed in a subdirectory of
5837 <file>/usr/share</file> instead, preferably under
5838 <file>/usr/share/</file><var>package-name</var>. Following the
5839 <var>package-name</var> naming convention ensures that the file
5840 names change when the shared object version changes.
5841 </p>
5844 Run-time support programs that use the shared library but are
5845 not required for the library to function or files used by the
5846 shared library that can be used by any version of the shared
5847 library package should instead be put in a separate package.
5848 This package might typically be named
5849 <package><var>libraryname</var>-tools</package>; note the
5850 absence of the <var>soversion</var> in the package name.
5851 </p>
5854 Files and support programs only useful when compiling software
5855 against the library should be included in the development
5856 package for the library.<footnote>
5857 For example, a <file><var>package-name</var>-config</file>
5858 script or <package>pkg-config</package> configuration files.
5859 </footnote>
5860 </p>
5861 </sect>
5863 <sect id="sharedlibs-static">
5864 <heading>Static libraries</heading>
5867 The static library (<file><var>libraryname.a</var></file>)
5868 is usually provided in addition to the shared version.
5869 It is placed into the development package (see below).
5870 </p>
5873 In some cases, it is acceptable for a library to be
5874 available in static form only; these cases include:
5875 <list>
5876 <item>libraries for languages whose shared library support
5877 is immature or unstable</item>
5878 <item>libraries whose interfaces are in flux or under
5879 development (commonly the case when the library's
5880 major version number is zero, or where the ABI breaks
5881 across patchlevels)</item>
5882 <item>libraries which are explicitly intended to be
5883 available only in static form by their upstream
5884 author(s)</item>
5885 </list>
5886 </p>
5888 <sect id="sharedlibs-dev">
5889 <heading>Development files</heading>
5892 If there are development files associated with a shared library,
5893 the source package needs to generate a binary development package
5894 named <package><var>libraryname</var><var>soversion</var>-dev</package>,
5895 or if you prefer only to support one development version at a
5896 time, <package><var>libraryname</var>-dev</package>. Installing
5897 the development package must result in installation of all the
5898 development files necessary for compiling programs against that
5899 shared library.<footnote>
5900 This wording allows the development files to be split into
5901 several packages, such as a separate architecture-independent
5902 <package><var>libraryname</var>-headers</package>, provided that
5903 the development package depends on all the required additional
5904 packages.
5905 </footnote>
5906 </p>
5909 In case several development versions of a library exist, you may
5910 need to use <prgn>dpkg</prgn>'s Conflicts mechanism (see
5911 <ref id="conflicts">) to ensure that the user only installs one
5912 development version at a time (as different development versions are
5913 likely to have the same header files in them, which would cause a
5914 filename clash if both were unpacked).
5915 </p>
5918 The development package should contain a symlink for the associated
5919 shared library without a version number. For example, the
5920 <package>libgdbm-dev</package> package should include a symlink
5921 from <file>/usr/lib/</file> to
5922 <file></file>. This symlink is needed by the linker
5923 (<prgn>ld</prgn>) when compiling packages, as it will only look for
5924 <file></file> when compiling dynamically.
5925 </p>
5928 If the package provides Ada Library Information
5929 (<file>*.ali</file>) files for use with GNAT, these files must be
5930 installed read-only (mode 0444) so that GNAT will not attempt to
5931 recompile them. This overrides the normal file mode requirements
5932 given in <ref id="permissions-owners">.
5933 </p>
5934 </sect>
5936 <sect id="sharedlibs-intradeps">
5937 <heading>Dependencies between the packages of the same library</heading>
5940 Typically the development version should have an exact
5941 version dependency on the runtime library, to make sure that
5942 compilation and linking happens correctly. The
5943 <tt>${binary:Version}</tt> substitution variable can be
5944 useful for this purpose.
5945 <footnote>
5946 Previously, <tt>${Source-Version}</tt> was used, but its name
5947 was confusing and it has been deprecated since dpkg 1.13.19.
5948 </footnote>
5949 </p>
5950 </sect>
5952 <sect id="sharedlibs-shlibdeps">
5953 <heading>Dependencies between the library and other packages -
5954 the <tt>shlibs</tt> system</heading>
5957 If a package contains a binary or library which links to a
5958 shared library, we must ensure that when the package is
5959 installed on the system, all of the libraries needed are
5960 also installed. This requirement led to the creation of the
5961 <tt>shlibs</tt> system, which is very simple in its design:
5962 any package which <em>provides</em> a shared library also
5963 provides information on the package dependencies required to
5964 ensure the presence of this library, and any package which
5965 <em>uses</em> a shared library uses this information to
5966 determine the dependencies it requires. The files which
5967 contain the mapping from shared libraries to the necessary
5968 dependency information are called <file>shlibs</file> files.
5969 </p>
5972 When a package is built which contains any shared libraries, it
5973 must provide a <file>shlibs</file> file for other packages to
5974 use. When a package is built which contains any shared
5975 libraries or compiled binaries, it must run
5976 <qref id="pkg-dpkg-shlibdeps"><prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn></qref>
5977 on these to determine the libraries used and hence the
5978 dependencies needed by this package.<footnote>
5980 <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> will use a program
5981 like <prgn>objdump</prgn> or <prgn>readelf</prgn> to find
5982 the libraries directly needed by the binaries or shared
5983 libraries in the package.
5984 </p>
5987 We say that a binary <tt>foo</tt> <em>directly</em> uses
5988 a library <tt>libbar</tt> if it is explicitly linked
5989 with that library (that is, the library is listed in the ELF
5990 <tt>NEEDED</tt> attribute, caused by adding <tt>-lbar</tt>
5991 to the link line when the binary is created). Other
5992 libraries that are needed by <tt>libbar</tt> are linked
5993 <em>indirectly</em> to <tt>foo</tt>, and the dynamic
5994 linker will load them automatically when it loads
5995 <tt>libbar</tt>. A package should depend on the libraries
5996 it directly uses, but not the libraries it indirectly uses.
5997 The dependencies for those libraries will automatically pull
5998 in the other libraries.
5999 </p>
6002 A good example of where this helps is the following. We
6003 could update <tt>libimlib</tt> with a new version that
6004 supports a new graphics format called dgf (but retaining the
6005 same major version number) and depends on <tt>libdgf</tt>.
6006 If we used <prgn>ldd</prgn> to add dependencies for every
6007 library directly or indirectly linked with a binary, every
6008 package that uses <tt>libimlib</tt> would need to be
6009 recompiled so it would also depend on <tt>libdgf</tt> or it
6010 wouldn't run due to missing symbols. Since dependencies are
6011 only added based on ELF <tt>NEEDED</tt> attribute, packages
6012 using <tt>libimlib</tt> can rely on <tt>libimlib</tt> itself
6013 having the dependency on <tt>libdgf</tt> and so they would
6014 not need rebuilding.
6015 </p>
6016 </footnote>
6017 </p>
6020 In the following sections, we will first describe where the
6021 various <tt>shlibs</tt> files are to be found, then how to
6022 use <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn>, and finally the <tt>shlibs</tt>
6023 file format and how to create them if your package contains a
6024 shared library.
6025 </p>
6027 <sect1>
6028 <heading>The <tt>shlibs</tt> files present on the system</heading>
6031 There are several places where <tt>shlibs</tt> files are
6032 found. The following list gives them in the order in which
6033 they are read by
6034 <qref id="pkg-dpkg-shlibdeps"><prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn></qref>.
6035 (The first one which gives the required information is used.)
6036 </p>
6039 <list>
6040 <item>
6041 <p><file>debian/shlibs.local</file></p>
6044 This lists overrides for this package. This file should
6045 normally not be used, but may be needed temporarily in
6046 unusual situations to work around bugs in other packages,
6047 or in unusual cases where the normally declared dependency
6048 information in the installed <file>shlibs</file> file for
6049 a library cannot be used. This file overrides information
6050 obtained from any other source.
6051 </p>
6052 </item>
6054 <item>
6055 <p><file>/etc/dpkg/shlibs.override</file></p>
6058 This lists global overrides. This list is normally
6059 empty. It is maintained by the local system
6060 administrator.
6061 </p>
6062 </item>
6064 <item>
6065 <p><file>DEBIAN/shlibs</file> files in the "build directory"</p>
6068 When packages are being built,
6069 any <file>debian/shlibs</file> files are copied into the
6070 control information file area of the temporary build
6071 directory and given the name <file>shlibs</file>. These
6072 files give details of any shared libraries included in the
6073 same package.<footnote>
6074 An example may help here. Let us say that the source
6075 package <tt>foo</tt> generates two binary
6076 packages, <tt>libfoo2</tt> and <tt>foo-runtime</tt>.
6077 When building the binary packages, the two packages are
6078 created in the directories <file>debian/libfoo2</file>
6079 and <file>debian/foo-runtime</file> respectively.
6080 (<file>debian/tmp</file> could be used instead of one of
6081 these.) Since <tt>libfoo2</tt> provides the
6082 <tt>libfoo</tt> shared library, it will require a
6083 <tt>shlibs</tt> file, which will be installed in
6084 <file>debian/libfoo2/DEBIAN/shlibs</file>, eventually to
6085 become <file>/var/lib/dpkg/info/libfoo2.shlibs</file>.
6086 When <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> is run on the
6087 executable <file>debian/foo-runtime/usr/bin/foo-prog</file>,
6088 it will examine
6089 the <file>debian/libfoo2/DEBIAN/shlibs</file> file to
6090 determine whether <tt>foo-prog</tt>'s library
6091 dependencies are satisfied by any of the libraries
6092 provided by <tt>libfoo2</tt>. For this reason,
6093 <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> must only be run once all of
6094 the individual binary packages' <tt>shlibs</tt> files
6095 have been installed into the build directory.
6096 </footnote>
6097 </p>
6098 </item>
6100 <item>
6101 <p><file>/var/lib/dpkg/info/*.shlibs</file></p>
6104 These are the <file>shlibs</file> files corresponding to
6105 all of the packages installed on the system, and are
6106 maintained by the relevant package maintainers.
6107 </p>
6108 </item>
6110 <item>
6111 <p><file>/etc/dpkg/shlibs.default</file></p>
6114 This file lists any shared libraries whose packages
6115 have failed to provide correct <file>shlibs</file> files.
6116 It was used when the <file>shlibs</file> setup was first
6117 introduced, but it is now normally empty. It is
6118 maintained by the <tt>dpkg</tt> maintainer.
6119 </p>
6120 </item>
6121 </list>
6122 </p>
6123 </sect1>
6125 <sect1>
6126 <heading>How to use <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> and the
6127 <file>shlibs</file> files</heading>
6130 Put a call to
6131 <qref id="pkg-dpkg-shlibdeps"><prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn></qref>
6132 into your <file>debian/rules</file> file. If your package
6133 contains only compiled binaries and libraries (but no scripts),
6134 you can use a command such as:
6135 <example compact="compact">
6136 dpkg-shlibdeps debian/tmp/usr/bin/* debian/tmp/usr/sbin/* \
6137 debian/tmp/usr/lib/*
6138 </example>
6139 Otherwise, you will need to explicitly list the compiled
6140 binaries and libraries.<footnote>
6141 If you are using <tt>debhelper</tt>, the
6142 <prgn>dh_shlibdeps</prgn> program will do this work for you.
6143 It will also correctly handle multi-binary packages.
6144 </footnote>
6145 </p>
6148 This command puts the dependency information into the
6149 <file>debian/substvars</file> file, which is then used by
6150 <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn>. You will need to place a
6151 <tt>${shlibs:Depends}</tt> variable in the <tt>Depends</tt>
6152 field in the control file for this to work.
6153 </p>
6156 If you have multiple binary packages, you will need to call
6157 <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> on each one which contains
6158 compiled libraries or binaries. In such a case, you will
6159 need to use the <tt>-T</tt> option to the <tt>dpkg</tt>
6160 utilities to specify a different <file>substvars</file> file.
6161 </p>
6164 If you are creating a udeb for use in the Debian Installer,
6165 you will need to specify that <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn>
6166 should use the dependency line of type <tt>udeb</tt> by
6167 adding the <tt>-tudeb</tt> option<footnote>
6168 <prgn>dh_shlibdeps</prgn> from the <tt>debhelper</tt> suite
6169 will automatically add this option if it knows it is
6170 processing a udeb.
6171 </footnote>. If there is no dependency line of
6172 type <tt>udeb</tt> in the <file>shlibs</file>
6173 file, <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> will fall back to the regular
6174 dependency line.
6175 </p>
6178 For more details on <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn>, please see
6179 <ref id="pkg-dpkg-shlibdeps"> and
6180 <manref name="dpkg-shlibdeps" section="1">.
6181 </p>
6182 </sect1>
6184 <sect1 id="shlibs">
6185 <heading>The <file>shlibs</file> File Format</heading>
6188 Each <file>shlibs</file> file has the same format. Lines
6189 beginning with <tt>#</tt> are considered to be comments and
6190 are ignored. Each line is of the form:
6191 <example compact="compact">
6192 [<var>type</var>: ]<var>library-name</var> <var>soname-version</var> <var>dependencies ...</var>
6193 </example>
6194 </p>
6197 We will explain this by reference to the example of the
6198 <tt>zlib1g</tt> package, which (at the time of writing)
6199 installs the shared library <file>/usr/lib/</file>.
6200 </p>
6203 <var>type</var> is an optional element that indicates the type
6204 of package for which the line is valid. The only type currently
6205 in use is <tt>udeb</tt>. The colon and space after the type are
6206 required.
6207 </p>
6210 <var>library-name</var> is the name of the shared library,
6211 in this case <tt>libz</tt>. (This must match the name part
6212 of the soname, see below.)
6213 </p>
6216 <var>soname-version</var> is the version part of the soname of
6217 the library. The soname is the thing that must exactly match
6218 for the library to be recognized by the dynamic linker, and is
6219 usually of the form
6220 <tt><var>name</var>.so.<var>major-version</var></tt>, in our
6221 example, <tt></tt>.<footnote>
6222 This can be determined using the command
6223 <example compact="compact">
6224 objdump -p /usr/lib/ | grep SONAME
6225 </example>
6226 </footnote>
6227 The version part is the part which comes after
6228 <tt>.so.</tt>, so in our case, it is <tt>1</tt>. The soname may
6229 instead be of the form
6230 <tt><var>name</var>-<var>major-version</var>.so</tt>, such
6231 as <tt></tt>, in which case the name would
6232 be <tt>libdb</tt> and the version would be <tt>4.8</tt>.
6233 </p>
6236 <var>dependencies</var> has the same syntax as a dependency
6237 field in a binary package control file. It should give
6238 details of which packages are required to satisfy a binary
6239 built against the version of the library contained in the
6240 package. See <ref id="depsyntax"> for details.
6241 </p>
6244 In our example, if the first version of the <tt>zlib1g</tt>
6245 package which contained a minor number of at least
6246 <tt>1.3</tt> was <var>1:1.1.3-1</var>, then the
6247 <tt>shlibs</tt> entry for this library could say:
6248 <example compact="compact">
6249 libz 1 zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.3)
6250 </example>
6251 The version-specific dependency is to avoid warnings from
6252 the dynamic linker about using older shared libraries with
6253 newer binaries.
6254 </p>
6257 As zlib1g also provides a udeb containing the shared library,
6258 there would also be a second line:
6259 <example compact="compact">
6260 udeb: libz 1 zlib1g-udeb (>= 1:1.1.3)
6261 </example>
6262 </p>
6263 </sect1>
6265 <sect1>
6266 <heading>Providing a <file>shlibs</file> file</heading>
6269 If your package provides a shared library, you need to create
6270 a <file>shlibs</file> file following the format described above.
6271 It is usual to call this file <file>debian/shlibs</file> (but if
6272 you have multiple binary packages, you might want to call it
6273 <file>debian/shlibs.<var>package</var></file> instead). Then
6274 let <file>debian/rules</file> install it in the control
6275 information file area:
6276 <example compact="compact">
6277 install -m644 debian/shlibs debian/tmp/DEBIAN
6278 </example>
6279 or, in the case of a multi-binary package:
6280 <example compact="compact">
6281 install -m644 debian/shlibs.<var>package</var> debian/<var>package</var>/DEBIAN/shlibs
6282 </example>
6283 An alternative way of doing this is to create the
6284 <file>shlibs</file> file in the control information file area
6285 directly from <file>debian/rules</file> without using
6286 a <file>debian/shlibs</file> file at all,<footnote>
6287 This is what <prgn>dh_makeshlibs</prgn> in
6288 the <package>debhelper</package> suite does. If your package
6289 also has a udeb that provides a shared
6290 library, <prgn>dh_makeshlibs</prgn> can automatically generate
6291 the <tt>udeb:</tt> lines if you specify the name of the udeb
6292 with the <tt>--add-udeb</tt> option.
6293 </footnote>
6294 since the <file>debian/shlibs</file> file itself is ignored by
6295 <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn>.
6296 </p>
6299 As <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> reads the
6300 <file>DEBIAN/shlibs</file> files in all of the binary packages
6301 being built from this source package, all of the
6302 <file>DEBIAN/shlibs</file> files should be installed before
6303 <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> is called on any of the binary
6304 packages.
6305 </p>
6306 </sect1>
6307 </sect>
6308 </chapt>
6311 <chapt id="opersys"><heading>The Operating System</heading>
6313 <sect>
6314 <heading>File system hierarchy</heading>
6317 <sect1 id="fhs">
6318 <heading>File System Structure</heading>
6321 The location of all files and directories must comply with the
6322 Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS), version 2.3, with the
6323 exceptions noted below, and except where doing so would
6324 violate other terms of Debian Policy. The following
6325 exceptions to the FHS apply:
6327 <enumlist>
6328 <item>
6330 The optional rules related to user specific
6331 configuration files for applications are stored in
6332 the user's home directory are relaxed. It is
6333 recommended that such files start with the
6334 '<tt>.</tt>' character (a "dot file"), and if an
6335 application needs to create more than one dot file
6336 then the preferred placement is in a subdirectory
6337 with a name starting with a '.' character, (a "dot
6338 directory"). In this case it is recommended the
6339 configuration files not start with the '.'
6340 character.
6341 </p>
6342 </item>
6343 <item>
6345 The requirement for amd64 to use <file>/lib64</file>
6346 for 64 bit binaries is removed.
6347 </p>
6348 </item>
6349 <item>
6351 The requirement for object files, internal binaries, and
6352 libraries, including <file>*</file>, to be located
6353 directly under <file>/lib{,32}</file> and
6354 <file>/usr/lib{,32}</file> is amended, permitting files
6355 to instead be installed to
6356 <file>/lib/<var>triplet</var></file> and
6357 <file>/usr/lib/<var>triplet</var></file>, where
6358 <tt><var>triplet</var></tt> is the value returned by
6359 <tt>dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH</tt> for the
6360 architecture of the package. Packages may <em>not</em>
6361 install files to any <var>triplet</var> path other
6362 than the one matching the architecture of that package;
6363 for instance, an <tt>Architecture: amd64</tt> package
6364 containing 32-bit x86 libraries may not install these
6365 libraries to <file>/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu</file>.
6366 <footnote>
6367 This is necessary in order to reserve the directories for
6368 use in cross-installation of library packages from other
6369 architectures, as part of the planned deployment of
6370 <tt>multiarch</tt>.
6371 </footnote>
6372 </p>
6374 Applications may also use a single subdirectory under
6375 <file>/usr/lib/<var>triplet</var></file>.
6376 </p>
6378 The execution time linker/loader, ld*, must still be made
6379 available in the existing location under /lib or /lib64
6380 since this is part of the ELF ABI for the architecture.
6381 </p>
6382 </item>
6383 <item>
6385 The requirement that
6386 <file>/usr/local/share/man</file> be "synonymous"
6387 with <file>/usr/local/man</file> is relaxed to a
6388 recommendation</p>
6389 </item>
6390 <item>
6392 The requirement that windowmanagers with a single
6393 configuration file call it <file>system.*wmrc</file>
6394 is removed, as is the restriction that the window
6395 manager subdirectory be named identically to the
6396 window manager name itself.
6397 </p>
6398 </item>
6399 <item>
6401 The requirement that boot manager configuration
6402 files live in <file>/etc</file>, or at least are
6403 symlinked there, is relaxed to a recommendation.
6404 </p>
6405 </item>
6406 <item>
6408 The additional directory <file>/run</file> in the root
6409 file system is allowed. <file>/run</file>
6410 replaces <file>/var/run</file>, and the
6411 subdirectory <file>/run/lock</file>
6412 replaces <file>/var/lock</file>, with
6413 the <file>/var</file> directories replaced by symlinks
6414 for backwards compatibility. <file>/run</file>
6415 and <file>/run/lock</file> must follow all of the
6416 requirements in the FHS for <file>/var/run</file>
6417 and <file>/var/lock</file>, respectively, such as file
6418 naming conventions, file format requirements, or the
6419 requirement that files be cleared during the boot
6420 process. Files and directories residing
6421 in <file>/run</file> should be stored on a temporary
6422 file system.
6423 </p>
6425 Packages must not assume the <file>/run</file>
6426 directory exists or is usable without a dependency
6427 on <tt>initscripts (>= 2.88dsf-13.3)</tt> until the
6428 stable release of Debian supports <file>/run</file>.
6429 </p>
6430 </item>
6431 <item>
6433 The following directories in the root filesystem are
6434 additionally allowed: <file>/sys</file> and
6435 <file>/selinux</file>. <footnote>These directories
6436 are used as mount points to mount virtual filesystems
6437 to get access to kernel information.</footnote>
6438 </p>
6439 </item>
6440 <item>
6442 On GNU/Hurd systems, the following additional
6443 directories are allowed in the root
6444 filesystem: <file>/hurd</file>
6445 and <file>/servers</file>.<footnote>
6446 These directories are used to store translators and as
6447 a set of standard names for mount points,
6448 respectively.
6449 </footnote>
6450 </p>
6451 </item>
6452 </enumlist>
6453 </p>
6456 The version of this document referred here can be
6457 found in the <tt>debian-policy</tt> package or on <url
6458 id=""
6459 name="FHS (Debian copy)"> alongside this manual (or, if
6460 you have the <package>debian-policy</package> installed,
6461 you can try <url
6462 id="file:///usr/share/doc/debian-policy/fhs/" name="FHS
6463 (local copy)">). The
6464 latest version, which may be a more recent version, may
6465 be found on
6466 <url id="" name="FHS (upstream)">.
6467 Specific questions about following the standard may be
6468 asked on the <tt>debian-devel</tt> mailing list, or
6469 referred to the FHS mailing list (see the
6470 <url id="" name="FHS web site"> for
6471 more information).
6472 </p>
6473 </sect1>
6475 <sect1>
6476 <heading>Site-specific programs</heading>
6479 As mandated by the FHS, packages must not place any
6480 files in <file>/usr/local</file>, either by putting them in
6481 the file system archive to be unpacked by <prgn>dpkg</prgn>
6482 or by manipulating them in their maintainer scripts.
6483 </p>
6486 However, the package may create empty directories below
6487 <file>/usr/local</file> so that the system administrator knows
6488 where to place site-specific files. These are not
6489 directories <em>in</em> <file>/usr/local</file>, but are
6490 children of directories in <file>/usr/local</file>. These
6491 directories (<file>/usr/local/*/dir/</file>)
6492 should be removed on package removal if they are
6493 empty.
6494 </p>
6497 Note that this applies only to
6498 directories <em>below</em> <file>/usr/local</file>,
6499 not <em>in</em> <file>/usr/local</file>. Packages must
6500 not create sub-directories in the
6501 directory <file>/usr/local</file> itself, except those
6502 listed in FHS, section 4.5. However, you may create
6503 directories below them as you wish. You must not remove
6504 any of the directories listed in 4.5, even if you created
6505 them.
6506 </p>
6509 Since <file>/usr/local</file> can be mounted read-only from a
6510 remote server, these directories must be created and
6511 removed by the <prgn>postinst</prgn> and <prgn>prerm</prgn>
6512 maintainer scripts and not be included in the
6513 <file>.deb</file> archive. These scripts must not fail if
6514 either of these operations fail.
6515 </p>
6518 For example, the <tt>emacsen-common</tt> package could
6519 contain something like
6520 <example compact="compact">
6521 if [ ! -e /usr/local/share/emacs ]; then
6522 if mkdir /usr/local/share/emacs 2>/dev/null; then
6523 if chown root:staff /usr/local/share/emacs; then
6524 chmod 2775 /usr/local/share/emacs || true
6528 </example>
6529 in its <prgn>postinst</prgn> script, and
6530 <example compact="compact">
6531 rmdir /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp 2>/dev/null || true
6532 rmdir /usr/local/share/emacs 2>/dev/null || true
6533 </example>
6534 in the <prgn>prerm</prgn> script. (Note that this form is
6535 used to ensure that if the script is interrupted, the
6536 directory <file>/usr/local/share/emacs</file> will still be
6537 removed.)
6538 </p>
6541 If you do create a directory in <file>/usr/local</file> for
6542 local additions to a package, you should ensure that
6543 settings in <file>/usr/local</file> take precedence over the
6544 equivalents in <file>/usr</file>.
6545 </p>
6548 However, because <file>/usr/local</file> and its contents are
6549 for exclusive use of the local administrator, a package
6550 must not rely on the presence or absence of files or
6551 directories in <file>/usr/local</file> for normal operation.
6552 </p>
6555 The <file>/usr/local</file> directory itself and all the
6556 subdirectories created by the package should (by default) have
6557 permissions 2775 (group-writable and set-group-id) and be
6558 owned by <tt>root:staff</tt>.
6559 </p>
6560 </sect1>
6562 <sect1>
6563 <heading>The system-wide mail directory</heading>
6565 The system-wide mail directory
6566 is <file>/var/mail</file>. This directory is part of the
6567 base system and should not be owned by any particular mail
6568 agents. The use of the old
6569 location <file>/var/spool/mail</file> is deprecated, even
6570 though the spool may still be physically located there.
6571 </p>
6572 </sect1>
6574 <sect1 id="fhs-run">
6575 <heading><file>/run</file> and <file>/run/lock</file></heading>
6578 The directory <file>/run</file> is cleared at boot, normally
6579 by being a mount point for a temporary file system. Packages
6580 therefore must not assume that any files or directories
6581 under <file>/run</file> other than <file>/run/lock</file>
6582 exist unless the package has arranged to create those files or
6583 directories since the last reboot. Normally, this is done by
6584 the package via an init script. See <ref id="writing-init">
6585 for more information.
6586 </p>
6589 Packages must not include files or directories
6590 under <file>/run</file>, or under the
6591 older <file>/var/run</file> and <file>/var/lock</file> paths.
6592 The latter paths will normally be symlinks or other
6593 redirections to <file>/run</file> for backwards compatibility.
6594 </p>
6595 </sect1>
6596 </sect>
6598 <sect>
6599 <heading>Users and groups</heading>
6601 <sect1>
6602 <heading>Introduction</heading>
6604 The Debian system can be configured to use either plain or
6605 shadow passwords.
6606 </p>
6609 Some user ids (UIDs) and group ids (GIDs) are reserved
6610 globally for use by certain packages. Because some
6611 packages need to include files which are owned by these
6612 users or groups, or need the ids compiled into binaries,
6613 these ids must be used on any Debian system only for the
6614 purpose for which they are allocated. This is a serious
6615 restriction, and we should avoid getting in the way of
6616 local administration policies. In particular, many sites
6617 allocate users and/or local system groups starting at 100.
6618 </p>
6621 Apart from this we should have dynamically allocated ids,
6622 which should by default be arranged in some sensible
6623 order, but the behavior should be configurable.
6624 </p>
6627 Packages other than <tt>base-passwd</tt> must not modify
6628 <file>/etc/passwd</file>, <file>/etc/shadow</file>,
6629 <file>/etc/group</file> or <file>/etc/gshadow</file>.
6630 </p>
6631 </sect1>
6633 <sect1>
6634 <heading>UID and GID classes</heading>
6636 The UID and GID numbers are divided into classes as
6637 follows:
6638 <taglist>
6639 <tag>0-99:</tag>
6640 <item>
6642 Globally allocated by the Debian project, the same
6643 on every Debian system. These ids will appear in
6644 the <file>passwd</file> and <file>group</file> files of all
6645 Debian systems, new ids in this range being added
6646 automatically as the <tt>base-passwd</tt> package is
6647 updated.
6648 </p>
6651 Packages which need a single statically allocated
6652 uid or gid should use one of these; their
6653 maintainers should ask the <tt>base-passwd</tt>
6654 maintainer for ids.
6655 </p>
6656 </item>
6658 <tag>100-999:</tag>
6659 <item>
6661 Dynamically allocated system users and groups.
6662 Packages which need a user or group, but can have
6663 this user or group allocated dynamically and
6664 differently on each system, should use <tt>adduser
6665 --system</tt> to create the group and/or user.
6666 <prgn>adduser</prgn> will check for the existence of
6667 the user or group, and if necessary choose an unused
6668 id based on the ranges specified in
6669 <file>adduser.conf</file>.
6670 </p>
6671 </item>
6673 <tag>1000-59999:</tag>
6674 <item>
6676 Dynamically allocated user accounts. By default
6677 <prgn>adduser</prgn> will choose UIDs and GIDs for
6678 user accounts in this range, though
6679 <file>adduser.conf</file> may be used to modify this
6680 behavior.
6681 </p>
6682 </item>
6684 <tag>60000-64999:</tag>
6685 <item>
6687 Globally allocated by the Debian project, but only
6688 created on demand. The ids are allocated centrally
6689 and statically, but the actual accounts are only
6690 created on users' systems on demand.
6691 </p>
6694 These ids are for packages which are obscure or
6695 which require many statically-allocated ids. These
6696 packages should check for and create the accounts in
6697 <file>/etc/passwd</file> or <file>/etc/group</file> (using
6698 <prgn>adduser</prgn> if it has this facility) if
6699 necessary. Packages which are likely to require
6700 further allocations should have a "hole" left after
6701 them in the allocation, to give them room to
6702 grow.
6703 </p>
6704 </item>
6706 <tag>65000-65533:</tag>
6707 <item>
6708 <p>Reserved.</p>
6709 </item>
6711 <tag>65534:</tag>
6712 <item>
6714 User <tt>nobody</tt>. The corresponding gid refers
6715 to the group <tt>nogroup</tt>.
6716 </p>
6717 </item>
6719 <tag>65535:</tag>
6720 <item>
6722 <tt>(uid_t)(-1) == (gid_t)(-1)</tt> <em>must
6723 not</em> be used, because it is the error return
6724 sentinel value.
6725 </p>
6726 </item>
6727 </taglist>
6728 </p>
6729 </sect1>
6730 </sect>
6732 <sect id="sysvinit">
6733 <heading>System run levels and <file>init.d</file> scripts</heading>
6735 <sect1 id="/etc/init.d">
6736 <heading>Introduction</heading>
6739 The <file>/etc/init.d</file> directory contains the scripts
6740 executed by <prgn>init</prgn> at boot time and when the
6741 init state (or "runlevel") is changed (see <manref
6742 name="init" section="8">).
6743 </p>
6746 There are at least two different, yet functionally
6747 equivalent, ways of handling these scripts. For the sake
6748 of simplicity, this document describes only the symbolic
6749 link method. However, it must not be assumed by maintainer
6750 scripts that this method is being used, and any automated
6751 manipulation of the various runlevel behaviors by
6752 maintainer scripts must be performed using
6753 <prgn>update-rc.d</prgn> as described below and not by
6754 manually installing or removing symlinks. For information
6755 on the implementation details of the other method,
6756 implemented in the <tt>file-rc</tt> package, please refer
6757 to the documentation of that package.
6758 </p>
6761 These scripts are referenced by symbolic links in the
6762 <file>/etc/rc<var>n</var>.d</file> directories. When changing
6763 runlevels, <prgn>init</prgn> looks in the directory
6764 <file>/etc/rc<var>n</var>.d</file> for the scripts it should
6765 execute, where <tt><var>n</var></tt> is the runlevel that
6766 is being changed to, or <tt>S</tt> for the boot-up
6767 scripts.
6768 </p>
6771 The names of the links all have the form
6772 <file>S<var>mm</var><var>script</var></file> or
6773 <file>K<var>mm</var><var>script</var></file> where
6774 <var>mm</var> is a two-digit number and <var>script</var>
6775 is the name of the script (this should be the same as the
6776 name of the actual script in <file>/etc/init.d</file>).
6777 </p>
6780 When <prgn>init</prgn> changes runlevel first the targets
6781 of the links whose names start with a <tt>K</tt> are
6782 executed, each with the single argument <tt>stop</tt>,
6783 followed by the scripts prefixed with an <tt>S</tt>, each
6784 with the single argument <tt>start</tt>. (The links are
6785 those in the <file>/etc/rc<var>n</var>.d</file> directory
6786 corresponding to the new runlevel.) The <tt>K</tt> links
6787 are responsible for killing services and the <tt>S</tt>
6788 link for starting services upon entering the runlevel.
6789 </p>
6792 For example, if we are changing from runlevel 2 to
6793 runlevel 3, init will first execute all of the <tt>K</tt>
6794 prefixed scripts it finds in <file>/etc/rc3.d</file>, and then
6795 all of the <tt>S</tt> prefixed scripts in that directory.
6796 The links starting with <tt>K</tt> will cause the
6797 referred-to file to be executed with an argument of
6798 <tt>stop</tt>, and the <tt>S</tt> links with an argument
6799 of <tt>start</tt>.
6800 </p>
6803 The two-digit number <var>mm</var> is used to determine
6804 the order in which to run the scripts: low-numbered links
6805 have their scripts run first. For example, the
6806 <tt>K20</tt> scripts will be executed before the
6807 <tt>K30</tt> scripts. This is used when a certain service
6808 must be started before another. For example, the name
6809 server <prgn>bind</prgn> might need to be started before
6810 the news server <prgn>inn</prgn> so that <prgn>inn</prgn>
6811 can set up its access lists. In this case, the script
6812 that starts <prgn>bind</prgn> would have a lower number
6813 than the script that starts <prgn>inn</prgn> so that it
6814 runs first:
6815 <example compact="compact">
6816 /etc/rc2.d/S17bind
6817 /etc/rc2.d/S70inn
6818 </example>
6819 </p>
6822 The two runlevels 0 (halt) and 6 (reboot) are slightly
6823 different. In these runlevels, the links with an
6824 <tt>S</tt> prefix are still called after those with a
6825 <tt>K</tt> prefix, but they too are called with the single
6826 argument <tt>stop</tt>.
6827 </p>
6828 </sect1>
6830 <sect1 id="writing-init">
6831 <heading>Writing the scripts</heading>
6834 Packages that include daemons for system services should
6835 place scripts in <file>/etc/init.d</file> to start or stop
6836 services at boot time or during a change of runlevel.
6837 These scripts should be named
6838 <file>/etc/init.d/<var>package</var></file>, and they should
6839 accept one argument, saying what to do:
6841 <taglist>
6842 <tag><tt>start</tt></tag>
6843 <item>start the service,</item>
6845 <tag><tt>stop</tt></tag>
6846 <item>stop the service,</item>
6848 <tag><tt>restart</tt></tag>
6849 <item>stop and restart the service if it's already running,
6850 otherwise start the service</item>
6852 <tag><tt>reload</tt></tag>
6853 <item><p>cause the configuration of the service to be
6854 reloaded without actually stopping and restarting
6855 the service,</item>
6857 <tag><tt>force-reload</tt></tag>
6858 <item>cause the configuration to be reloaded if the
6859 service supports this, otherwise restart the
6860 service.</item>
6861 </taglist>
6863 The <tt>start</tt>, <tt>stop</tt>, <tt>restart</tt>, and
6864 <tt>force-reload</tt> options should be supported by all
6865 scripts in <file>/etc/init.d</file>, the <tt>reload</tt>
6866 option is optional.
6867 </p>
6870 The <file>init.d</file> scripts must ensure that they will
6871 behave sensibly (i.e., returning success and not starting
6872 multiple copies of a service) if invoked with <tt>start</tt>
6873 when the service is already running, or with <tt>stop</tt>
6874 when it isn't, and that they don't kill unfortunately-named
6875 user processes. The best way to achieve this is usually to
6876 use <prgn>start-stop-daemon</prgn> with the <tt>--oknodo</tt>
6877 option.
6878 </p>
6881 Be careful of using <tt>set -e</tt> in <file>init.d</file>
6882 scripts. Writing correct <file>init.d</file> scripts requires
6883 accepting various error exit statuses when daemons are already
6884 running or already stopped without aborting
6885 the <file>init.d</file> script, and common <file>init.d</file>
6886 function libraries are not safe to call with <tt>set -e</tt>
6887 in effect<footnote>
6888 <tt>/lib/lsb/init-functions</tt>, which assists in writing
6889 LSB-compliant init scripts, may fail if <tt>set -e</tt> is
6890 in effect and echoing status messages to the console fails,
6891 for example.
6892 </footnote>. For <tt>init.d</tt> scripts, it's often easier
6893 to not use <tt>set -e</tt> and instead check the result of
6894 each command separately.
6895 </p>
6898 If a service reloads its configuration automatically (as
6899 in the case of <prgn>cron</prgn>, for example), the
6900 <tt>reload</tt> option of the <file>init.d</file> script
6901 should behave as if the configuration has been reloaded
6902 successfully.
6903 </p>
6906 The <file>/etc/init.d</file> scripts must be treated as
6907 configuration files, either (if they are present in the
6908 package, that is, in the .deb file) by marking them as
6909 <tt>conffile</tt>s, or, (if they do not exist in the .deb)
6910 by managing them correctly in the maintainer scripts (see
6911 <ref id="config-files">). This is important since we want
6912 to give the local system administrator the chance to adapt
6913 the scripts to the local system, e.g., to disable a
6914 service without de-installing the package, or to specify
6915 some special command line options when starting a service,
6916 while making sure their changes aren't lost during the next
6917 package upgrade.
6918 </p>
6921 These scripts should not fail obscurely when the
6922 configuration files remain but the package has been
6923 removed, as configuration files remain on the system after
6924 the package has been removed. Only when <prgn>dpkg</prgn>
6925 is executed with the <tt>--purge</tt> option will
6926 configuration files be removed. In particular, as the
6927 <file>/etc/init.d/<var>package</var></file> script itself is
6928 usually a <tt>conffile</tt>, it will remain on the system
6929 if the package is removed but not purged. Therefore, you
6930 should include a <tt>test</tt> statement at the top of the
6931 script, like this:
6932 <example compact="compact">
6933 test -f <var>program-executed-later-in-script</var> || exit 0
6934 </example>
6935 </p>
6938 Often there are some variables in the <file>init.d</file>
6939 scripts whose values control the behavior of the scripts,
6940 and which a system administrator is likely to want to
6941 change. As the scripts themselves are frequently
6942 <tt>conffile</tt>s, modifying them requires that the
6943 administrator merge in their changes each time the package
6944 is upgraded and the <tt>conffile</tt> changes. To ease
6945 the burden on the system administrator, such configurable
6946 values should not be placed directly in the script.
6947 Instead, they should be placed in a file in
6948 <file>/etc/default</file>, which typically will have the same
6949 base name as the <file>init.d</file> script. This extra file
6950 should be sourced by the script when the script runs. It
6951 must contain only variable settings and comments in SUSv3
6952 <prgn>sh</prgn> format. It may either be a
6953 <tt>conffile</tt> or a configuration file maintained by
6954 the package maintainer scripts. See <ref id="config-files">
6955 for more details.
6956 </p>
6959 To ensure that vital configurable values are always
6960 available, the <file>init.d</file> script should set default
6961 values for each of the shell variables it uses, either
6962 before sourcing the <file>/etc/default/</file> file or
6963 afterwards using something like the <tt>:
6964 ${VAR:=default}</tt> syntax. Also, the <file>init.d</file>
6965 script must behave sensibly and not fail if the
6966 <file>/etc/default</file> file is deleted.
6967 </p>
6970 Files and directories under <file>/run</file>, including ones
6971 referred to via the compatibility paths <file>/var/run</file>
6972 and <file>/var/lock</file>, are normally stored on a temporary
6973 filesystem and are normally not persistent across a reboot.
6974 The <file>init.d</file> scripts must handle this correctly.
6975 This will typically mean creating any required subdirectories
6976 dynamically when the <file>init.d</file> script is run.
6977 See <ref id="fhs-run"> for more information.
6978 </p>
6979 </sect1>
6981 <sect1>
6982 <heading>Interfacing with the initscript system</heading>
6985 Maintainers should use the abstraction layer provided by
6986 the <prgn>update-rc.d</prgn> and <prgn>invoke-rc.d</prgn>
6987 programs to deal with initscripts in their packages'
6988 scripts such as <prgn>postinst</prgn>, <prgn>prerm</prgn>
6989 and <prgn>postrm</prgn>.
6990 </p>
6993 Directly managing the /etc/rc?.d links and directly
6994 invoking the <file>/etc/init.d/</file> initscripts should
6995 be done only by packages providing the initscript
6996 subsystem (such as <prgn>sysv-rc</prgn> and
6997 <prgn>file-rc</prgn>).
6998 </p>
7000 <sect2>
7001 <heading>Managing the links</heading>
7004 The program <prgn>update-rc.d</prgn> is provided for
7005 package maintainers to arrange for the proper creation and
7006 removal of <file>/etc/rc<var>n</var>.d</file> symbolic links,
7007 or their functional equivalent if another method is being
7008 used. This may be used by maintainers in their packages'
7009 <prgn>postinst</prgn> and <prgn>postrm</prgn> scripts.
7010 </p>
7013 You must not include any <file>/etc/rc<var>n</var>.d</file>
7014 symbolic links in the actual archive or manually create or
7015 remove the symbolic links in maintainer scripts; you must
7016 use the <prgn>update-rc.d</prgn> program instead. (The
7017 former will fail if an alternative method of maintaining
7018 runlevel information is being used.) You must not include
7019 the <file>/etc/rc<var>n</var>.d</file> directories themselves
7020 in the archive either. (Only the <tt>sysvinit</tt>
7021 package may do so.)
7022 </p>
7025 By default <prgn>update-rc.d</prgn> will start services in
7026 each of the multi-user state runlevels (2, 3, 4, and 5)
7027 and stop them in the halt runlevel (0), the single-user
7028 runlevel (1) and the reboot runlevel (6). The system
7029 administrator will have the opportunity to customize
7030 runlevels by simply adding, moving, or removing the
7031 symbolic links in <file>/etc/rc<var>n</var>.d</file> if
7032 symbolic links are being used, or by modifying
7033 <file>/etc/runlevel.conf</file> if the <tt>file-rc</tt> method
7034 is being used.
7035 </p>
7038 To get the default behavior for your package, put in your
7039 <prgn>postinst</prgn> script
7040 <example compact="compact">
7041 update-rc.d <var>package</var> defaults
7042 </example>
7043 and in your <prgn>postrm</prgn>
7044 <example compact="compact">
7045 if [ "$1" = purge ]; then
7046 update-rc.d <var>package</var> remove
7048 </example>. Note that if your package changes runlevels
7049 or priority, you may have to remove and recreate the links,
7050 since otherwise the old links may persist. Refer to the
7051 documentation of <prgn>update-rc.d</prgn>.
7052 </p>
7055 This will use a default sequence number of 20. If it does
7056 not matter when or in which order the <file>init.d</file>
7057 script is run, use this default. If it does, then you
7058 should talk to the maintainer of the <prgn>sysvinit</prgn>
7059 package or post to <tt>debian-devel</tt>, and they will
7060 help you choose a number.
7061 </p>
7064 For more information about using <tt>update-rc.d</tt>,
7065 please consult its man page <manref name="update-rc.d"
7066 section="8">.
7067 </p>
7068 </sect2>
7070 <sect2>
7071 <heading>Running initscripts</heading>
7073 The program <prgn>invoke-rc.d</prgn> is provided to make
7074 it easier for package maintainers to properly invoke an
7075 initscript, obeying runlevel and other locally-defined
7076 constraints that might limit a package's right to start,
7077 stop and otherwise manage services. This program may be
7078 used by maintainers in their packages' scripts.
7079 </p>
7082 The package maintainer scripts must use
7083 <prgn>invoke-rc.d</prgn> to invoke the
7084 <file>/etc/init.d/*</file> initscripts, instead of
7085 calling them directly.
7086 </p>
7089 By default, <prgn>invoke-rc.d</prgn> will pass any
7090 action requests (start, stop, reload, restart...) to the
7091 <file>/etc/init.d</file> script, filtering out requests
7092 to start or restart a service out of its intended
7093 runlevels.
7094 </p>
7097 Most packages will simply need to change:
7098 <example compact="compact">/etc/init.d/&lt;package&gt;
7099 &lt;action&gt;</example> in their <prgn>postinst</prgn>
7100 and <prgn>prerm</prgn> scripts to:
7101 <example compact="compact">
7102 if which invoke-rc.d >/dev/null 2>&1; then
7103 invoke-rc.d <var>package</var> &lt;action&gt;
7104 else
7105 /etc/init.d/<var>package</var> &lt;action&gt;
7107 </example>
7108 </p>
7111 A package should register its initscript services using
7112 <prgn>update-rc.d</prgn> before it tries to invoke them
7113 using <prgn>invoke-rc.d</prgn>. Invocation of
7114 unregistered services may fail.
7115 </p>
7118 For more information about using
7119 <prgn>invoke-rc.d</prgn>, please consult its man page
7120 <manref name="invoke-rc.d" section="8">.
7121 </p>
7122 </sect2>
7123 </sect1>
7125 <sect1>
7126 <heading>Boot-time initialization</heading>
7129 There used to be another directory, <file>/etc/rc.boot</file>,
7130 which contained scripts which were run once per machine
7131 boot. This has been deprecated in favour of links from
7132 <file>/etc/rcS.d</file> to files in <file>/etc/init.d</file> as
7133 described in <ref id="/etc/init.d">. Packages must not
7134 place files in <file>/etc/rc.boot</file>.
7135 </p>
7136 </sect1>
7138 <sect1>
7139 <heading>Example</heading>
7142 An example on which you can base your
7143 <file>/etc/init.d</file> scripts is found in
7144 <file>/etc/init.d/skeleton</file>.
7145 </p>
7147 </sect1>
7148 </sect>
7150 <sect>
7151 <heading>Console messages from <file>init.d</file> scripts</heading>
7154 This section describes the formats to be used for messages
7155 written to standard output by the <file>/etc/init.d</file>
7156 scripts. The intent is to improve the consistency of
7157 Debian's startup and shutdown look and feel. For this
7158 reason, please look very carefully at the details. We want
7159 the messages to have the same format in terms of wording,
7160 spaces, punctuation and case of letters.
7161 </p>
7164 Here is a list of overall rules that should be used for
7165 messages generated by <file>/etc/init.d</file> scripts.
7166 </p>
7169 <list>
7170 <item>
7171 The message should fit in one line (fewer than 80
7172 characters), start with a capital letter and end with
7173 a period (<tt>.</tt>) and line feed (<tt>"\n"</tt>).
7174 </item>
7176 <item>
7177 If the script is performing some time consuming task in
7178 the background (not merely starting or stopping a
7179 program, for instance), an ellipsis (three dots:
7180 <tt>...</tt>) should be output to the screen, with no
7181 leading or tailing whitespace or line feeds.
7182 </item>
7184 <item>
7185 The messages should appear as if the computer is telling
7186 the user what it is doing (politely :-), but should not
7187 mention "it" directly. For example, instead of:
7188 <example compact="compact">
7189 I'm starting network daemons: nfsd mountd.
7190 </example>
7191 the message should say
7192 <example compact="compact">
7193 Starting network daemons: nfsd mountd.
7194 </example>
7195 </item>
7196 </list>
7197 </p>
7200 <tt>init.d</tt> script should use the following standard
7201 message formats for the situations enumerated below.
7202 </p>
7205 <list>
7206 <item>
7207 <p>When daemons are started</p>
7210 If the script starts one or more daemons, the output
7211 should look like this (a single line, no leading
7212 spaces):
7213 <example compact="compact">
7214 Starting <var>description</var>: <var>daemon-1</var> ... <var>daemon-n</var>.
7215 </example>
7216 The <var>description</var> should describe the
7217 subsystem the daemon or set of daemons are part of,
7218 while <var>daemon-1</var> up to <var>daemon-n</var>
7219 denote each daemon's name (typically the file name of
7220 the program).
7221 </p>
7224 For example, the output of <file>/etc/init.d/lpd</file>
7225 would look like:
7226 <example compact="compact">
7227 Starting printer spooler: lpd.
7228 </example>
7229 </p>
7232 This can be achieved by saying
7233 <example compact="compact">
7234 echo -n "Starting printer spooler: lpd"
7235 start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/lpd
7236 echo "."
7237 </example>
7238 in the script. If there are more than one daemon to
7239 start, the output should look like this:
7240 <example compact="compact">
7241 echo -n "Starting remote file system services:"
7242 echo -n " nfsd"; start-stop-daemon --start --quiet nfsd
7243 echo -n " mountd"; start-stop-daemon --start --quiet mountd
7244 echo -n " ugidd"; start-stop-daemon --start --quiet ugidd
7245 echo "."
7246 </example>
7247 This makes it possible for the user to see what is
7248 happening and when the final daemon has been started.
7249 Care should be taken in the placement of white spaces:
7250 in the example above the system administrators can
7251 easily comment out a line if they don't want to start
7252 a specific daemon, while the displayed message still
7253 looks good.
7254 </p>
7255 </item>
7257 <item>
7258 <p>When a system parameter is being set</p>
7261 If you have to set up different system parameters
7262 during the system boot, you should use this format:
7263 <example compact="compact">
7264 Setting <var>parameter</var> to "<var>value</var>".
7265 </example>
7266 </p>
7269 You can use a statement such as the following to get
7270 the quotes right:
7271 <example compact="compact">
7272 echo "Setting DNS domainname to \"$domainname\"."
7273 </example>
7274 </p>
7277 Note that the same symbol (<tt>"</tt>) <!-- " --> is used
7278 for the left and right quotation marks. A grave accent
7279 (<tt>`</tt>) is not a quote character; neither is an
7280 apostrophe (<tt>'</tt>).
7281 </p>
7282 </item>
7284 <item>
7285 <p>When a daemon is stopped or restarted</p>
7288 When you stop or restart a daemon, you should issue a
7289 message identical to the startup message, except that
7290 <tt>Starting</tt> is replaced with <tt>Stopping</tt>
7291 or <tt>Restarting</tt> respectively.
7292 </p>
7295 For example, stopping the printer daemon will look like
7296 this:
7297 <example compact="compact">
7298 Stopping printer spooler: lpd.
7299 </example>
7300 </p>
7301 </item>
7303 <item>
7304 <p>When something is executed</p>
7307 There are several examples where you have to run a
7308 program at system startup or shutdown to perform a
7309 specific task, for example, setting the system's clock
7310 using <prgn>netdate</prgn> or killing all processes
7311 when the system shuts down. Your message should look
7312 like this:
7313 <example compact="compact">
7314 Doing something very useful...done.
7315 </example>
7316 You should print the <tt>done.</tt> immediately after
7317 the job has been completed, so that the user is
7318 informed why they have to wait. You can get this
7319 behavior by saying
7320 <example compact="compact">
7321 echo -n "Doing something very useful..."
7322 do_something
7323 echo "done."
7324 </example>
7325 in your script.
7326 </p>
7327 </item>
7329 <item>
7330 <p>When the configuration is reloaded</p>
7333 When a daemon is forced to reload its configuration
7334 files you should use the following format:
7335 <example compact="compact">
7336 Reloading <var>description</var> configuration...done.
7337 </example>
7338 where <var>description</var> is the same as in the
7339 daemon starting message.
7340 </p>
7341 </item>
7342 </list>
7343 </p>
7344 </sect>
7346 <sect id="cron-jobs">
7347 <heading>Cron jobs</heading>
7350 Packages must not modify the configuration file
7351 <file>/etc/crontab</file>, and they must not modify the files in
7352 <file>/var/spool/cron/crontabs</file>.
7353 </p>
7356 If a package wants to install a job that has to be executed via
7357 cron, it should place a file named as specified
7358 in <ref id="cron-files"> into one or more of the following
7359 directories:
7360 <example compact="compact">
7361 /etc/cron.hourly
7362 /etc/cron.daily
7363 /etc/cron.weekly
7364 /etc/cron.monthly
7365 </example>
7366 As these directory names imply, the files within them are
7367 executed on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis,
7368 respectively. The exact times are listed in
7369 <file>/etc/crontab</file>.
7370 </p>
7373 All files installed in any of these directories must be
7374 scripts (e.g., shell scripts or Perl scripts) so that they
7375 can easily be modified by the local system administrator.
7376 In addition, they must be treated as configuration files.
7377 </p>
7380 If a certain job has to be executed at some other frequency or
7381 at a specific time, the package should install a file in
7382 <file>/etc/cron.d</file> with a name as specified
7383 in <ref id="cron-files">. This file uses the same syntax
7384 as <file>/etc/crontab</file> and is processed
7385 by <prgn>cron</prgn> automatically. The file must also be
7386 treated as a configuration file. (Note that entries in the
7387 <file>/etc/cron.d</file> directory are not handled by
7388 <prgn>anacron</prgn>. Thus, you should only use this
7389 directory for jobs which may be skipped if the system is not
7390 running.)
7391 </p>
7394 Unlike <file>crontab</file> files described in the IEEE Std
7395 1003.1-2008 (POSIX.1) available from
7396 <url id=""
7397 name="The Open Group">, the files in
7398 <file>/etc/cron.d</file> and the file
7399 <file>/etc/crontab</file> have seven fields; namely:
7400 <enumlist>
7401 <item>Minute [0,59]</item>
7402 <item>Hour [0,23]</item>
7403 <item>Day of the month [1,31]</item>
7404 <item>Month of the year [1,12]</item>
7405 <item>Day of the week ([0,6] with 0=Sunday)</item>
7406 <item>Username</item>
7407 <item>Command to be run</item>
7408 </enumlist>
7409 Ranges of numbers are allowed. Ranges are two numbers
7410 separated with a hyphen. The specified range is inclusive.
7411 Lists are allowed. A list is a set of numbers (or ranges)
7412 separated by commas. Step values can be used in conjunction
7413 with ranges.
7414 </p>
7417 The scripts or <tt>crontab</tt> entries in these directories should
7418 check if all necessary programs are installed before they
7419 try to execute them. Otherwise, problems will arise when a
7420 package was removed but not purged since configuration files
7421 are kept on the system in this situation.
7422 </p>
7425 Any <tt>cron</tt> daemon must provide
7426 <file>/usr/bin/crontab</file> and support normal
7427 <tt>crontab</tt> entries as specified in POSIX. The daemon
7428 must also support names for days and months, ranges, and
7429 step values. It has to support <file>/etc/crontab</file>,
7430 and correctly execute the scripts in
7431 <file>/etc/cron.d</file>. The daemon must also correctly
7432 execute scripts in
7433 <file>/etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly}</file>.
7434 </p>
7436 <sect1 id="cron-files">
7437 <heading>Cron job file names</heading>
7440 The file name of a cron job file should normally match the
7441 name of the package from which it comes.
7442 </p>
7445 If a package supplies multiple cron job files files in the
7446 same directory, the file names should all start with the name
7447 of the package (possibly modified as described below) followed
7448 by a hyphen (<tt>-</tt>) and a suitable suffix.
7449 </p>
7452 A cron job file name must not include any period or plus
7453 characters (<tt>.</tt> or <tt>+</tt>) characters as this will
7454 cause cron to ignore the file. Underscores (<tt>_</tt>)
7455 should be used instead of <tt>.</tt> and <tt>+</tt>
7456 characters.
7457 </p>
7458 </sect1>
7459 </sect>
7461 <sect id="menus">
7462 <heading>Menus</heading>
7465 The Debian <tt>menu</tt> package provides a standard
7466 interface between packages providing applications and
7467 <em>menu programs</em> (either X window managers or
7468 text-based menu programs such as <prgn>pdmenu</prgn>).
7469 </p>
7472 All packages that provide applications that need not be
7473 passed any special command line arguments for normal
7474 operation should register a menu entry for those
7475 applications, so that users of the <tt>menu</tt> package
7476 will automatically get menu entries in their window
7477 managers, as well in shells like <tt>pdmenu</tt>.
7478 </p>
7481 Menu entries should follow the current menu policy.
7482 </p>
7485 The menu policy can be found in the <tt>menu-policy</tt>
7486 files in the <tt>debian-policy</tt> package.
7487 It is also available from the Debian web mirrors at
7488 <tt><url name="/doc/packaging-manuals/menu-policy/"
7489 id=""></tt>.
7490 </p>
7493 Please also refer to the <em>Debian Menu System</em>
7494 documentation that comes with the <package>menu</package>
7495 package for information about how to register your
7496 applications.
7497 </p>
7498 </sect>
7500 <sect id="mime">
7501 <heading>Multimedia handlers</heading>
7504 MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, RFCs 2045-2049)
7505 is a mechanism for encoding files and data streams and
7506 providing meta-information about them, in particular their
7507 type (e.g. audio or video) and format (e.g. PNG, HTML,
7508 MP3).
7509 </p>
7512 Registration of MIME type handlers allows programs like mail
7513 user agents and web browsers to invoke these handlers to
7514 view, edit or display MIME types they don't support directly.
7515 </p>
7518 Packages which provide the ability to view/show/play,
7519 compose, edit or print MIME types should register themselves
7520 as such following the current MIME support policy.
7521 </p>
7524 The <package>mime-support</package> package provides the
7525 <prgn>update-mime</prgn> program which allows packages to
7526 register programs that can show, compose, edit or print
7527 MIME types.
7528 </p>
7531 Packages containing such programs must register them
7532 with <prgn>update-mime</prgn> as documented in <manref
7533 name="update-mime" section="8">. They should <em>not</em> depend
7534 on, recommend, or suggest <prgn>mime-support</prgn>. Instead,
7535 they should just put something like the following in the
7536 <tt>postinst</tt> and <tt>postrm</tt> scripts:
7538 <example>
7539 if [ -x /usr/sbin/update-mime ]; then
7540 update-mime
7542 </example>
7543 </p>
7545 </sect>
7547 <sect>
7548 <heading>Keyboard configuration</heading>
7551 To achieve a consistent keyboard configuration so that all
7552 applications interpret a keyboard event the same way, all
7553 programs in the Debian distribution must be configured to
7554 comply with the following guidelines.
7555 </p>
7558 The following keys must have the specified interpretations:
7560 <taglist>
7561 <tag><tt>&lt;--</tt></tag>
7562 <item>delete the character to the left of the cursor</item>
7564 <tag><tt>Delete</tt></tag>
7565 <item>delete the character to the right of the cursor</item>
7567 <tag><tt>Control+H</tt></tag>
7568 <item>emacs: the help prefix</item>
7569 </taglist>
7571 The interpretation of any keyboard events should be
7572 independent of the terminal that is used, be it a virtual
7573 console, an X terminal emulator, an rlogin/telnet session,
7574 etc.
7575 </p>
7578 The following list explains how the different programs
7579 should be set up to achieve this:
7580 </p>
7583 <list>
7584 <item>
7585 <tt>&lt;--</tt> generates <tt>KB_BackSpace</tt> in X.
7586 </item>
7588 <item>
7589 <tt>Delete</tt> generates <tt>KB_Delete</tt> in X.
7590 </item>
7592 <item>
7593 X translations are set up to make
7594 <tt>KB_Backspace</tt> generate ASCII DEL, and to make
7595 <tt>KB_Delete</tt> generate <tt>ESC [ 3 ~</tt> (this
7596 is the vt220 escape code for the "delete character"
7597 key). This must be done by loading the X resources
7598 using <prgn>xrdb</prgn> on all local X displays, not
7599 using the application defaults, so that the
7600 translation resources used correspond to the
7601 <prgn>xmodmap</prgn> settings.
7602 </item>
7604 <item>
7605 The Linux console is configured to make
7606 <tt>&lt;--</tt> generate DEL, and <tt>Delete</tt>
7607 generate <tt>ESC [ 3 ~</tt>.
7608 </item>
7610 <item>
7611 X applications are configured so that <tt>&lt;</tt>
7612 deletes left, and <tt>Delete</tt> deletes right. Motif
7613 applications already work like this.
7614 </item>
7616 <item>
7617 Terminals should have <tt>stty erase ^?</tt> .
7618 </item>
7620 <item>
7621 The <tt>xterm</tt> terminfo entry should have <tt>ESC
7622 [ 3 ~</tt> for <tt>kdch1</tt>, just as for
7623 <tt>TERM=linux</tt> and <tt>TERM=vt220</tt>.
7624 </item>
7626 <item>
7627 Emacs is programmed to map <tt>KB_Backspace</tt> or
7628 the <tt>stty erase</tt> character to
7629 <tt>delete-backward-char</tt>, and <tt>KB_Delete</tt>
7630 or <tt>kdch1</tt> to <tt>delete-forward-char</tt>, and
7631 <tt>^H</tt> to <tt>help</tt> as always.
7632 </item>
7634 <item>
7635 Other applications use the <tt>stty erase</tt>
7636 character and <tt>kdch1</tt> for the two delete keys,
7637 with ASCII DEL being "delete previous character" and
7638 <tt>kdch1</tt> being "delete character under
7639 cursor".
7640 </item>
7642 </list>
7643 </p>
7646 This will solve the problem except for the following
7647 cases:
7648 </p>
7651 <list>
7652 <item>
7653 Some terminals have a <tt>&lt;--</tt> key that cannot
7654 be made to produce anything except <tt>^H</tt>. On
7655 these terminals Emacs help will be unavailable on
7656 <tt>^H</tt> (assuming that the <tt>stty erase</tt>
7657 character takes precedence in Emacs, and has been set
7658 correctly). <tt>M-x help</tt> or <tt>F1</tt> (if
7659 available) can be used instead.
7660 </item>
7662 <item>
7663 Some operating systems use <tt>^H</tt> for <tt>stty
7664 erase</tt>. However, modern telnet versions and all
7665 rlogin versions propagate <tt>stty</tt> settings, and
7666 almost all UNIX versions honour <tt>stty erase</tt>.
7667 Where the <tt>stty</tt> settings are not propagated
7668 correctly, things can be made to work by using
7669 <tt>stty</tt> manually.
7670 </item>
7672 <item>
7673 Some systems (including previous Debian versions) use
7674 <prgn>xmodmap</prgn> to arrange for both
7675 <tt>&lt;--</tt> and <tt>Delete</tt> to generate
7676 <tt>KB_Delete</tt>. We can change the behavior of
7677 their X clients using the same X resources that we use
7678 to do it for our own clients, or configure our clients
7679 using their resources when things are the other way
7680 around. On displays configured like this
7681 <tt>Delete</tt> will not work, but <tt>&lt;--</tt>
7682 will.
7683 </item>
7685 <item>
7686 Some operating systems have different <tt>kdch1</tt>
7687 settings in their <tt>terminfo</tt> database for
7688 <tt>xterm</tt> and others. On these systems the
7689 <tt>Delete</tt> key will not work correctly when you
7690 log in from a system conforming to our policy, but
7691 <tt>&lt;--</tt> will.
7692 </item>
7693 </list>
7694 </p>
7695 </sect>
7697 <sect>
7698 <heading>Environment variables</heading>
7701 A program must not depend on environment variables to get
7702 reasonable defaults. (That's because these environment
7703 variables would have to be set in a system-wide
7704 configuration file like <file>/etc/profile</file>, which is not
7705 supported by all shells.)
7706 </p>
7709 If a program usually depends on environment variables for its
7710 configuration, the program should be changed to fall back to
7711 a reasonable default configuration if these environment
7712 variables are not present. If this cannot be done easily
7713 (e.g., if the source code of a non-free program is not
7714 available), the program must be replaced by a small
7715 "wrapper" shell script which sets the environment variables
7716 if they are not already defined, and calls the original program.
7717 </p>
7720 Here is an example of a wrapper script for this purpose:
7722 <example compact="compact">
7723 #!/bin/sh
7724 BAR=${BAR:-/var/lib/fubar}
7725 export BAR
7726 exec /usr/lib/foo/foo "$@"
7727 </example>
7728 </p>
7731 Furthermore, as <file>/etc/profile</file> is a configuration
7732 file of the <prgn>base-files</prgn> package, other packages must
7733 not put any environment variables or other commands into that
7734 file.
7735 </p>
7736 </sect>
7738 <sect id="doc-base">
7739 <heading>Registering Documents using doc-base</heading>
7742 The <package>doc-base</package> package implements a
7743 flexible mechanism for handling and presenting
7744 documentation. The recommended practice is for every Debian
7745 package that provides online documentation (other than just
7746 manual pages) to register these documents with
7747 <package>doc-base</package> by installing a
7748 <package>doc-base</package> control file in
7749 <file>/usr/share/doc-base/</file>.
7750 </p>
7752 Please refer to the documentation that comes with the
7753 <package>doc-base</package> package for information and
7754 details.
7755 </p>
7756 </sect>
7758 </chapt>
7761 <chapt id="files">
7762 <heading>Files</heading>
7764 <sect id="binaries">
7765 <heading>Binaries</heading>
7768 Two different packages must not install programs with
7769 different functionality but with the same filenames. (The
7770 case of two programs having the same functionality but
7771 different implementations is handled via "alternatives" or
7772 the "Conflicts" mechanism. See <ref id="maintscripts"> and
7773 <ref id="conflicts"> respectively.) If this case happens,
7774 one of the programs must be renamed. The maintainers should
7775 report this to the <tt>debian-devel</tt> mailing list and
7776 try to find a consensus about which program will have to be
7777 renamed. If a consensus cannot be reached, <em>both</em>
7778 programs must be renamed.
7779 </p>
7782 By default, when a package is being built, any binaries
7783 created should include debugging information, as well as
7784 being compiled with optimization. You should also turn on
7785 as many reasonable compilation warnings as possible; this
7786 makes life easier for porters, who can then look at build
7787 logs for possible problems. For the C programming language,
7788 this means the following compilation parameters should be
7789 used:
7790 <example compact="compact">
7791 CC = gcc
7792 CFLAGS = -O2 -g -Wall # sane warning options vary between programs
7793 LDFLAGS = # none
7794 INSTALL = install -s # (or use strip on the files in debian/tmp)
7795 </example>
7796 </p>
7799 Note that by default all installed binaries should be stripped,
7800 either by using the <tt>-s</tt> flag to
7801 <prgn>install</prgn>, or by calling <prgn>strip</prgn> on
7802 the binaries after they have been copied into
7803 <file>debian/tmp</file> but before the tree is made into a
7804 package.
7805 </p>
7808 Although binaries in the build tree should be compiled with
7809 debugging information by default, it can often be difficult to
7810 debug programs if they are also subjected to compiler
7811 optimization. For this reason, it is recommended to support the
7812 standardized environment variable <tt>DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS</tt>
7813 (see <ref id="debianrules-options">). This variable can contain
7814 several flags to change how a package is compiled and built.
7815 </p>
7818 It is up to the package maintainer to decide what
7819 compilation options are best for the package. Certain
7820 binaries (such as computationally-intensive programs) will
7821 function better with certain flags (<tt>-O3</tt>, for
7822 example); feel free to use them. Please use good judgment
7823 here. Don't use flags for the sake of it; only use them
7824 if there is good reason to do so. Feel free to override
7825 the upstream author's ideas about which compilation
7826 options are best: they are often inappropriate for our
7827 environment.
7828 </p>
7829 </sect>
7832 <sect id="libraries">
7833 <heading>Libraries</heading>
7836 If the package is <strong>architecture: any</strong>, then
7837 the shared library compilation and linking flags must have
7838 <tt>-fPIC</tt>, or the package shall not build on some of
7839 the supported architectures<footnote>
7841 If you are using GCC, <tt>-fPIC</tt> produces code with
7842 relocatable position independent code, which is required for
7843 most architectures to create a shared library, with i386 and
7844 perhaps some others where non position independent code is
7845 permitted in a shared library.
7846 </p>
7848 Position independent code may have a performance penalty,
7849 especially on <tt>i386</tt>. However, in most cases the
7850 speed penalty must be measured against the memory wasted on
7851 the few architectures where non position independent code is
7852 even possible.
7853 </p>
7854 </footnote>. Any exception to this rule must be discussed on
7855 the mailing list <em></em>, and
7856 a rough consensus obtained. The reasons for not compiling
7857 with <tt>-fPIC</tt> flag must be recorded in the file
7858 <tt>README.Debian</tt>, and care must be taken to either
7859 restrict the architecture or arrange for <tt>-fPIC</tt> to
7860 be used on architectures where it is required.<footnote>
7862 Some of the reasons why this might be required is if the
7863 library contains hand crafted assembly code that is not
7864 relocatable, the speed penalty is excessive for compute
7865 intensive libs, and similar reasons.
7866 </p>
7867 </footnote>
7868 </p>
7870 As to the static libraries, the common case is not to have
7871 relocatable code, since there is no benefit, unless in specific
7872 cases; therefore the static version must not be compiled
7873 with the <tt>-fPIC</tt> flag. Any exception to this rule
7874 should be discussed on the mailing list
7875 <em></em>, and the reasons for
7876 compiling with the <tt>-fPIC</tt> flag must be recorded in
7877 the file <tt>README.Debian</tt>. <footnote>
7879 Some of the reasons for linking static libraries with
7880 the <tt>-fPIC</tt> flag are if, for example, one needs a
7881 Perl API for a library that is under rapid development,
7882 and has an unstable API, so shared libraries are
7883 pointless at this phase of the library's development. In
7884 that case, since Perl needs a library with relocatable
7885 code, it may make sense to create a static library with
7886 relocatable code. Another reason cited is if you are
7887 distilling various libraries into a common shared
7888 library, like <tt>mklibs</tt> does in the Debian
7889 installer project.
7890 </p>
7891 </footnote>
7892 </p>
7894 In other words, if both a shared and a static library is
7895 being built, each source unit (<tt>*.c</tt>, for example,
7896 for C files) will need to be compiled twice, for the normal
7897 case.
7898 </p>
7901 Libraries should be built with threading support and to be
7902 thread-safe if the library supports this.
7903 </p>
7906 Although not enforced by the build tools, shared libraries
7907 must be linked against all libraries that they use symbols from
7908 in the same way that binaries are. This ensures the correct
7909 functioning of the <qref id="sharedlibs-shlibdeps">shlibs</qref>
7910 system and guarantees that all libraries can be safely opened
7911 with <tt>dlopen()</tt>. Packagers may wish to use the gcc
7912 option <tt>-Wl,-z,defs</tt> when building a shared library.
7913 Since this option enforces symbol resolution at build time,
7914 a missing library reference will be caught early as a fatal
7915 build error.
7916 </p>
7919 All installed shared libraries should be stripped with
7920 <example compact="compact">
7921 strip --strip-unneeded <var>your-lib</var>
7922 </example>
7923 (The option <tt>--strip-unneeded</tt> makes
7924 <prgn>strip</prgn> remove only the symbols which aren't
7925 needed for relocation processing.) Shared libraries can
7926 function perfectly well when stripped, since the symbols for
7927 dynamic linking are in a separate part of the ELF object
7928 file.<footnote>
7929 You might also want to use the options
7930 <tt>--remove-section=.comment</tt> and
7931 <tt>--remove-section=.note</tt> on both shared libraries
7932 and executables, and <tt>--strip-debug</tt> on static
7933 libraries.
7934 </footnote>
7935 </p>
7938 Note that under some circumstances it may be useful to
7939 install a shared library unstripped, for example when
7940 building a separate package to support debugging.
7941 </p>
7944 Shared object files (often <file>.so</file> files) that are not
7945 public libraries, that is, they are not meant to be linked
7946 to by third party executables (binaries of other packages),
7947 should be installed in subdirectories of the
7948 <file>/usr/lib</file> directory. Such files are exempt from the
7949 rules that govern ordinary shared libraries, except that
7950 they must not be installed executable and should be
7951 stripped.<footnote>
7952 A common example are the so-called "plug-ins",
7953 internal shared objects that are dynamically loaded by
7954 programs using <manref name="dlopen" section="3">.
7955 </footnote>
7956 </p>
7959 Packages that use <prgn>libtool</prgn> to create and install
7960 their shared libraries install a file containing additional
7961 metadata (ending in <file>.la</file>) alongside the library.
7962 For public libraries intended for use by other packages, these
7963 files normally should not be included in the Debian package,
7964 since the information they include is not necessary to link with
7965 the shared library on Debian and can add unnecessary additional
7966 dependencies to other programs or libraries.<footnote>
7967 These files store, among other things, all libraries on which
7968 that shared library depends. Unfortunately, if
7969 the <file>.la</file> file is present and contains that
7970 dependency information, using <prgn>libtool</prgn> when
7971 linking against that library will cause the resulting program
7972 or library to be linked against those dependencies as well,
7973 even if this is unnecessary. This can create unneeded
7974 dependencies on shared library packages that would otherwise
7975 be hidden behind the library ABI, and can make library
7976 transitions to new SONAMEs unnecessarily complicated and
7977 difficult to manage.
7978 </footnote>
7979 If the <file>.la</file> file is required for that library (if,
7980 for instance, it's loaded via <tt>libltdl</tt> in a way that
7981 requires that meta-information), the <tt>dependency_libs</tt>
7982 setting in the <file>.la</file> file should normally be set to
7983 the empty string. If the shared library development package has
7984 historically included the <file>.la</file>, it must be retained
7985 in the development package (with <tt>dependency_libs</tt>
7986 emptied) until all libraries that depend on it have removed or
7987 emptied <tt>dependency_libs</tt> in their <file>.la</file>
7988 files to prevent linking with those other libraries
7989 using <prgn>libtool</prgn> from failing.
7990 </p>
7993 If the <file>.la</file> must be included, it should be included
7994 in the development (<tt>-dev</tt>) package, unless the library
7995 will be loaded by <prgn>libtool</prgn>'s <tt>libltdl</tt>
7996 library. If it is intended for use with <tt>libltdl</tt>,
7997 the <file>.la</file> files must go in the run-time library
7998 package.
7999 </p>
8002 These requirements for handling of <file>.la</file> files do not
8003 apply to loadable modules or libraries not installed in
8004 directories searched by default by the dynamic linker. Packages
8005 installing loadable modules will frequently need to install
8006 the <file>.la</file> files alongside the modules so that they
8007 can be loaded by <tt>libltdl</tt>. <tt>dependency_libs</tt>
8008 does not need to be modified for libraries or modules that are
8009 not installed in directories searched by the dynamic linker by
8010 default and not intended for use by other packages.
8011 </p>
8014 You must make sure that you use only released versions of
8015 shared libraries to build your packages; otherwise other
8016 users will not be able to run your binaries
8017 properly. Producing source packages that depend on
8018 unreleased compilers is also usually a bad
8019 idea.
8020 </p>
8021 </sect>
8024 <sect>
8025 <heading>Shared libraries</heading>
8027 This section has moved to <ref id="sharedlibs">.
8028 </p>
8029 </sect>
8032 <sect id="scripts">
8033 <heading>Scripts</heading>
8036 All command scripts, including the package maintainer
8037 scripts inside the package and used by <prgn>dpkg</prgn>,
8038 should have a <tt>#!</tt> line naming the shell to be used
8039 to interpret them.
8040 </p>
8043 In the case of Perl scripts this should be
8044 <tt>#!/usr/bin/perl</tt>.
8045 </p>
8048 When scripts are installed into a directory in the system
8049 PATH, the script name should not include an extension such
8050 as <tt>.sh</tt> or <tt>.pl</tt> that denotes the scripting
8051 language currently used to implement it.
8052 </p>
8054 Shell scripts (<prgn>sh</prgn> and <prgn>bash</prgn>) other than
8055 <file>init.d</file> scripts should almost certainly start
8056 with <tt>set -e</tt> so that errors are detected.
8057 <file>init.d</file> scripts are something of a special case, due
8058 to how frequently they need to call commands that are allowed to
8059 fail, and it may instead be easier to check the exit status of
8060 commands directly. See <ref id="writing-init"> for more
8061 information about writing <file>init.d</file> scripts.
8062 </p>
8064 Every script should use <tt>set -e</tt> or check the exit status
8065 of <em>every</em> command.
8066 </p>
8068 Scripts may assume that <file>/bin/sh</file> implements the
8069 SUSv3 Shell Command Language<footnote>
8070 Single UNIX Specification, version 3, which is also IEEE
8071 1003.1-2004 (POSIX), and is available on the World Wide Web
8072 from <url id=""
8073 name="The Open Group"> after free
8074 registration.</footnote>
8075 plus the following additional features not mandated by
8076 SUSv3:<footnote>
8077 These features are in widespread use in the Linux community
8078 and are implemented in all of bash, dash, and ksh, the most
8079 common shells users may wish to use as <file>/bin/sh</file>.
8080 </footnote>
8081 <list>
8082 <item><tt>echo -n</tt>, if implemented as a shell built-in,
8083 must not generate a newline.</item>
8084 <item><tt>test</tt>, if implemented as a shell built-in, must
8085 support <tt>-a</tt> and <tt>-o</tt> as binary logical
8086 operators.</item>
8087 <item><tt>local</tt> to create a scoped variable must be
8088 supported, including listing multiple variables in a single
8089 local command and assigning a value to a variable at the
8090 same time as localizing it. <tt>local</tt> may or
8091 may not preserve the variable value from an outer scope if
8092 no assignment is present. Uses such as:
8093 <example compact>
8094 fname () {
8095 local a b c=delta d
8096 # ... use a, b, c, d ...
8098 </example>
8099 must be supported and must set the value of <tt>c</tt> to
8100 <tt>delta</tt>.
8101 </item>
8102 <item>The XSI extension to <prgn>kill</prgn> allowing <tt>kill
8103 -<var>signal</var></tt>, where <var>signal</var> is either
8104 the name of a signal or one of the numeric signals listed in
8105 the XSI extension (0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 14, and 15), must be
8106 supported if <prgn>kill</prgn> is implemented as a shell
8107 built-in.
8108 </item>
8109 <item>The XSI extension to <prgn>trap</prgn> allowing numeric
8110 signals must be supported. In addition to the signal
8111 numbers listed in the extension, which are the same as for
8112 <prgn>kill</prgn> above, 13 (SIGPIPE) must be allowed.
8113 </item>
8114 </list>
8115 If a shell script requires non-SUSv3 features from the shell
8116 interpreter other than those listed above, the appropriate shell
8117 must be specified in the first line of the script (e.g.,
8118 <tt>#!/bin/bash</tt>) and the package must depend on the package
8119 providing the shell (unless the shell package is marked
8120 "Essential", as in the case of <prgn>bash</prgn>).
8121 </p>
8124 You may wish to restrict your script to SUSv3 features plus the
8125 above set when possible so that it may use <file>/bin/sh</file>
8126 as its interpreter. Checking your script
8127 with <prgn>checkbashisms</prgn> from
8128 the <package>devscripts</package> package or running your script
8129 with an alternate shell such as <prgn>posh</prgn> may help
8130 uncover violations of the above requirements. If in doubt
8131 whether a script complies with these requirements,
8132 use <file>/bin/bash</file>.
8133 </p>
8136 Perl scripts should check for errors when making any
8137 system calls, including <tt>open</tt>, <tt>print</tt>,
8138 <tt>close</tt>, <tt>rename</tt> and <tt>system</tt>.
8139 </p>
8142 <prgn>csh</prgn> and <prgn>tcsh</prgn> should be avoided as
8143 scripting languages. See <em>Csh Programming Considered
8144 Harmful</em>, one of the <tt>comp.unix.*</tt> FAQs, which
8145 can be found at <url id="">.
8146 If an upstream package comes with <prgn>csh</prgn> scripts
8147 then you must make sure that they start with
8148 <tt>#!/bin/csh</tt> and make your package depend on the
8149 <prgn>c-shell</prgn> virtual package.
8150 </p>
8153 Any scripts which create files in world-writeable
8154 directories (e.g., in <file>/tmp</file>) must use a
8155 mechanism which will fail atomically if a file with the same
8156 name already exists.
8157 </p>
8160 The Debian base system provides the <prgn>tempfile</prgn>
8161 and <prgn>mktemp</prgn> utilities for use by scripts for
8162 this purpose.
8163 </p>
8164 </sect>
8167 <sect>
8168 <heading>Symbolic links</heading>
8171 In general, symbolic links within a top-level directory should
8172 be relative, and symbolic links pointing from one top-level
8173 directory to or into another should be absolute. (A top-level
8174 directory is a sub-directory of the root
8175 directory <file>/</file>.) For example, a symbolic link
8176 from <file>/usr/lib/foo</file> to <file>/usr/share/bar</file>
8177 should be relative (<file>../share/bar</file>), but a symbolic
8178 link from <file>/var/run</file> to <file>/run</file> should be
8179 absolute.<footnote>
8180 This is necessary to allow top-level directories to be
8181 symlinks. If linking <file>/var/run</file>
8182 to <file>/run</file> were done with the relative symbolic
8183 link <file>../run</file>, but <file>/var</file> were a
8184 symbolic link to <file>/srv/disk1</file>, the symbolic link
8185 would point to <file>/srv/run</file> rather than the intended
8186 target.
8187 </footnote>
8188 </p>
8191 In addition, symbolic links should be specified as short as
8192 possible, i.e., link targets like <file>foo/../bar</file> are
8193 deprecated.
8194 </p>
8197 Note that when creating a relative link using
8198 <prgn>ln</prgn> it is not necessary for the target of the
8199 link to exist relative to the working directory you're
8200 running <prgn>ln</prgn> from, nor is it necessary to change
8201 directory to the directory where the link is to be made.
8202 Simply include the string that should appear as the target
8203 of the link (this will be a pathname relative to the
8204 directory in which the link resides) as the first argument
8205 to <prgn>ln</prgn>.
8206 </p>
8209 For example, in your <prgn>Makefile</prgn> or
8210 <file>debian/rules</file>, you can do things like:
8211 <example compact="compact">
8212 ln -fs gcc $(prefix)/bin/cc
8213 ln -fs gcc debian/tmp/usr/bin/cc
8214 ln -fs ../sbin/sendmail $(prefix)/bin/runq
8215 ln -fs ../sbin/sendmail debian/tmp/usr/bin/runq
8216 </example>
8217 </p>
8220 A symbolic link pointing to a compressed file should always
8221 have the same file extension as the referenced file. (For
8222 example, if a file <file>foo.gz</file> is referenced by a
8223 symbolic link, the filename of the link has to end with
8224 "<file>.gz</file>" too, as in <file>bar.gz</file>.)
8225 </p>
8226 </sect>
8228 <sect>
8229 <heading>Device files</heading>
8232 Packages must not include device files or named pipes in the
8233 package file tree.
8234 </p>
8237 If a package needs any special device files that are not
8238 included in the base system, it must call
8239 <prgn>MAKEDEV</prgn> in the <prgn>postinst</prgn> script,
8240 after notifying the user<footnote>
8241 This notification could be done via a (low-priority)
8242 debconf message, or an echo (printf) statement.
8243 </footnote>.
8244 </p>
8247 Packages must not remove any device files in the
8248 <prgn>postrm</prgn> or any other script. This is left to the
8249 system administrator.
8250 </p>
8253 Debian uses the serial devices
8254 <file>/dev/ttyS*</file>. Programs using the old
8255 <file>/dev/cu*</file> devices should be changed to use
8256 <file>/dev/ttyS*</file>.
8257 </p>
8260 Named pipes needed by the package must be created in
8261 the <prgn>postinst</prgn> script<footnote>
8262 It's better to use <prgn>mkfifo</prgn> rather
8263 than <prgn>mknod</prgn> to create named pipes so that
8264 automated checks for packages incorrectly creating device
8265 files with <prgn>mknod</prgn> won't have false positives.
8266 </footnote> and removed in
8267 the <prgn>prerm</prgn> or <prgn>postrm</prgn> script as
8268 appropriate.
8269 </p>
8270 </sect>
8272 <sect id="config-files">
8273 <heading>Configuration files</heading>
8275 <sect1>
8276 <heading>Definitions</heading>
8279 <taglist>
8280 <tag>configuration file</tag>
8281 <item>
8282 A file that affects the operation of a program, or
8283 provides site- or host-specific information, or
8284 otherwise customizes the behavior of a program.
8285 Typically, configuration files are intended to be
8286 modified by the system administrator (if needed or
8287 desired) to conform to local policy or to provide
8288 more useful site-specific behavior.
8289 </item>
8291 <tag><tt>conffile</tt></tag>
8292 <item>
8293 A file listed in a package's <tt>conffiles</tt>
8294 file, and is treated specially by <prgn>dpkg</prgn>
8295 (see <ref id="configdetails">).
8296 </item>
8297 </taglist>
8298 </p>
8301 The distinction between these two is important; they are
8302 not interchangeable concepts. Almost all
8303 <tt>conffile</tt>s are configuration files, but many
8304 configuration files are not <tt>conffiles</tt>.
8305 </p>
8308 As noted elsewhere, <file>/etc/init.d</file> scripts,
8309 <file>/etc/default</file> files, scripts installed in
8310 <file>/etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly}</file>, and cron
8311 configuration installed in <file>/etc/cron.d</file> must be
8312 treated as configuration files. In general, any script that
8313 embeds configuration information is de-facto a configuration
8314 file and should be treated as such.
8315 </p>
8316 </sect1>
8318 <sect1>
8319 <heading>Location</heading>
8322 Any configuration files created or used by your package
8323 must reside in <file>/etc</file>. If there are several,
8324 consider creating a subdirectory of <file>/etc</file>
8325 named after your package.
8326 </p>
8329 If your package creates or uses configuration files
8330 outside of <file>/etc</file>, and it is not feasible to modify
8331 the package to use <file>/etc</file> directly, put the files
8332 in <file>/etc</file> and create symbolic links to those files
8333 from the location that the package requires.
8334 </p>
8335 </sect1>
8337 <sect1>
8338 <heading>Behavior</heading>
8341 Configuration file handling must conform to the following
8342 behavior:
8343 <list compact="compact">
8344 <item>
8345 local changes must be preserved during a package
8346 upgrade, and
8347 </item>
8348 <item>
8349 configuration files must be preserved when the
8350 package is removed, and only deleted when the
8351 package is purged.
8352 </item>
8353 </list>
8354 Obsolete configuration files without local changes may be
8355 removed by the package during upgrade.
8356 </p>
8359 The easy way to achieve this behavior is to make the
8360 configuration file a <tt>conffile</tt>. This is
8361 appropriate only if it is possible to distribute a default
8362 version that will work for most installations, although
8363 some system administrators may choose to modify it. This
8364 implies that the default version will be part of the
8365 package distribution, and must not be modified by the
8366 maintainer scripts during installation (or at any other
8367 time).
8368 </p>
8371 In order to ensure that local changes are preserved
8372 correctly, no package may contain or make hard links to
8373 conffiles.<footnote>
8374 Rationale: There are two problems with hard links.
8375 The first is that some editors break the link while
8376 editing one of the files, so that the two files may
8377 unwittingly become unlinked and different. The second
8378 is that <prgn>dpkg</prgn> might break the hard link
8379 while upgrading <tt>conffile</tt>s.
8380 </footnote>
8381 </p>
8384 The other way to do it is via the maintainer scripts. In
8385 this case, the configuration file must not be listed as a
8386 <tt>conffile</tt> and must not be part of the package
8387 distribution. If the existence of a file is required for
8388 the package to be sensibly configured it is the
8389 responsibility of the package maintainer to provide
8390 maintainer scripts which correctly create, update and
8391 maintain the file and remove it on purge. (See <ref
8392 id="maintainerscripts"> for more information.) These
8393 scripts must be idempotent (i.e., must work correctly if
8394 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> needs to re-run them due to errors
8395 during installation or removal), must cope with all the
8396 variety of ways <prgn>dpkg</prgn> can call maintainer
8397 scripts, must not overwrite or otherwise mangle the user's
8398 configuration without asking, must not ask unnecessary
8399 questions (particularly during upgrades), and must
8400 otherwise be good citizens.
8401 </p>
8404 The scripts are not required to configure every possible
8405 option for the package, but only those necessary to get
8406 the package running on a given system. Ideally the
8407 sysadmin should not have to do any configuration other
8408 than that done (semi-)automatically by the
8409 <prgn>postinst</prgn> script.
8410 </p>
8413 A common practice is to create a script called
8414 <file><var>package</var>-configure</file> and have the
8415 package's <prgn>postinst</prgn> call it if and only if the
8416 configuration file does not already exist. In certain
8417 cases it is useful for there to be an example or template
8418 file which the maintainer scripts use. Such files should
8419 be in <file>/usr/share/<var>package</var></file> or
8420 <file>/usr/lib/<var>package</var></file> (depending on whether
8421 they are architecture-independent or not). There should
8422 be symbolic links to them from
8423 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var>/examples</file> if
8424 they are examples, and should be perfectly ordinary
8425 <prgn>dpkg</prgn>-handled files (<em>not</em>
8426 configuration files).
8427 </p>
8430 These two styles of configuration file handling must
8431 not be mixed, for that way lies madness:
8432 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> will ask about overwriting the file
8433 every time the package is upgraded.
8434 </p>
8435 </sect1>
8437 <sect1>
8438 <heading>Sharing configuration files</heading>
8441 If two or more packages use the same configuration file
8442 and it is reasonable for both to be installed at the same
8443 time, one of these packages must be defined as
8444 <em>owner</em> of the configuration file, i.e., it will be
8445 the package which handles that file as a configuration
8446 file. Other packages that use the configuration file must
8447 depend on the owning package if they require the
8448 configuration file to operate. If the other package will
8449 use the configuration file if present, but is capable of
8450 operating without it, no dependency need be declared.
8451 </p>
8454 If it is desirable for two or more related packages to
8455 share a configuration file <em>and</em> for all of the
8456 related packages to be able to modify that configuration
8457 file, then the following should be done:
8458 <enumlist compact="compact">
8459 <item>
8460 One of the related packages (the "owning" package)
8461 will manage the configuration file with maintainer
8462 scripts as described in the previous section.
8463 </item>
8464 <item>
8465 The owning package should also provide a program
8466 that the other packages may use to modify the
8467 configuration file.
8468 </item>
8469 <item>
8470 The related packages must use the provided program
8471 to make any desired modifications to the
8472 configuration file. They should either depend on
8473 the core package to guarantee that the configuration
8474 modifier program is available or accept gracefully
8475 that they cannot modify the configuration file if it
8476 is not. (This is in addition to the fact that the
8477 configuration file may not even be present in the
8478 latter scenario.)
8479 </item>
8480 </enumlist>
8481 </p>
8484 Sometimes it's appropriate to create a new package which
8485 provides the basic infrastructure for the other packages
8486 and which manages the shared configuration files. (The
8487 <tt>sgml-base</tt> package is a good example.)
8488 </p>
8491 If the configuration file cannot be shared as described above,
8492 the packages must be marked as conflicting with each other.
8493 Two packages that specify the same file as
8494 a <tt>conffile</tt> must conflict. This is an instance of the
8495 general rule about not sharing files. Neither alternatives
8496 nor diversions are likely to be appropriate in this case; in
8497 particular, <prgn>dpkg</prgn> does not handle diverted
8498 <tt>conffile</tt>s well.
8499 </p>
8502 When two packages both declare the same <tt>conffile</tt>, they
8503 may see left-over configuration files from each other even
8504 though they conflict with each other. If a user removes
8505 (without purging) one of the packages and installs the other,
8506 the new package will take over the <tt>conffile</tt> from the
8507 old package. If the file was modified by the user, it will be
8508 treated the same as any other locally
8509 modified <tt>conffile</tt> during an upgrade.
8510 </p>
8513 The maintainer scripts must not alter a <tt>conffile</tt>
8514 of <em>any</em> package, including the one the scripts
8515 belong to.
8516 </p>
8517 </sect1>
8519 <sect1>
8520 <heading>User configuration files ("dotfiles")</heading>
8523 The files in <file>/etc/skel</file> will automatically be
8524 copied into new user accounts by <prgn>adduser</prgn>.
8525 No other program should reference the files in
8526 <file>/etc/skel</file>.
8527 </p>
8530 Therefore, if a program needs a dotfile to exist in
8531 advance in <file>$HOME</file> to work sensibly, that dotfile
8532 should be installed in <file>/etc/skel</file> and treated as a
8533 configuration file.
8534 </p>
8537 However, programs that require dotfiles in order to
8538 operate sensibly are a bad thing, unless they do create
8539 the dotfiles themselves automatically.
8540 </p>
8543 Furthermore, programs should be configured by the Debian
8544 default installation to behave as closely to the upstream
8545 default behavior as possible.
8546 </p>
8549 Therefore, if a program in a Debian package needs to be
8550 configured in some way in order to operate sensibly, that
8551 should be done using a site-wide configuration file placed
8552 in <file>/etc</file>. Only if the program doesn't support a
8553 site-wide default configuration and the package maintainer
8554 doesn't have time to add it may a default per-user file be
8555 placed in <file>/etc/skel</file>.
8556 </p>
8559 <file>/etc/skel</file> should be as empty as we can make it.
8560 This is particularly true because there is no easy (or
8561 necessarily desirable) mechanism for ensuring that the
8562 appropriate dotfiles are copied into the accounts of
8563 existing users when a package is installed.
8564 </p>
8565 </sect1>
8566 </sect>
8568 <sect>
8569 <heading>Log files</heading>
8571 Log files should usually be named
8572 <file>/var/log/<var>package</var>.log</file>. If you have many
8573 log files, or need a separate directory for permission
8574 reasons (<file>/var/log</file> is writable only by
8575 <file>root</file>), you should usually create a directory named
8576 <file>/var/log/<var>package</var></file> and place your log
8577 files there.
8578 </p>
8581 Log files must be rotated occasionally so that they don't grow
8582 indefinitely. The best way to do this is to install a log
8583 rotation configuration file in the
8584 directory <file>/etc/logrotate.d</file>, normally
8585 named <file>/etc/logrotate.d/<var>package</var></file>, and use
8586 the facilities provided by <prgn>logrotate</prgn>.
8587 <footnote>
8589 The traditional approach to log files has been to set up
8590 <em>ad hoc</em> log rotation schemes using simple shell
8591 scripts and cron. While this approach is highly
8592 customizable, it requires quite a lot of sysadmin work.
8593 Even though the original Debian system helped a little
8594 by automatically installing a system which can be used
8595 as a template, this was deemed not enough.
8596 </p>
8599 The use of <prgn>logrotate</prgn>, a program developed
8600 by Red Hat, is better, as it centralizes log management.
8601 It has both a configuration file
8602 (<file>/etc/logrotate.conf</file>) and a directory where
8603 packages can drop their individual log rotation
8604 configurations (<file>/etc/logrotate.d</file>).
8605 </p>
8606 </footnote>
8607 Here is a good example for a logrotate config
8608 file (for more information see <manref name="logrotate"
8609 section="8">):
8610 <example compact="compact">
8611 /var/log/foo/*.log {
8612 rotate 12
8613 weekly
8614 compress
8615 missingok
8616 postrotate
8617 start-stop-daemon -K -p /var/run/ -s HUP -x /usr/sbin/foo -q
8618 endscript
8620 </example>
8621 This rotates all files under <file>/var/log/foo</file>, saves 12
8622 compressed generations, and tells the daemon to reopen its log
8623 files after the log rotation. It skips this log rotation
8624 (via <tt>missingok</tt>) if no such log file is present, which
8625 avoids errors if the package is removed but not purged.
8626 </p>
8629 Log files should be removed when the package is
8630 purged (but not when it is only removed). This should be
8631 done by the <prgn>postrm</prgn> script when it is called
8632 with the argument <tt>purge</tt> (see <ref
8633 id="removedetails">).
8634 </p>
8635 </sect>
8637 <sect id="permissions-owners">
8638 <heading>Permissions and owners</heading>
8641 The rules in this section are guidelines for general use.
8642 If necessary you may deviate from the details below.
8643 However, if you do so you must make sure that what is done
8644 is secure and you should try to be as consistent as possible
8645 with the rest of the system. You should probably also
8646 discuss it on <prgn>debian-devel</prgn> first.
8647 </p>
8650 Files should be owned by <tt>root:root</tt>, and made
8651 writable only by the owner and universally readable (and
8652 executable, if appropriate), that is mode 644 or 755.
8653 </p>
8656 Directories should be mode 755 or (for group-writability)
8657 mode 2775. The ownership of the directory should be
8658 consistent with its mode: if a directory is mode 2775, it
8659 should be owned by the group that needs write access to
8660 it.<footnote>
8662 When a package is upgraded, and the owner or permissions
8663 of a file included in the package has changed, dpkg
8664 arranges for the ownership and permissions to be
8665 correctly set upon installation. However, this does not
8666 extend to directories; the permissions and ownership of
8667 directories already on the system does not change on
8668 install or upgrade of packages. This makes sense, since
8669 otherwise common directories like <tt>/usr</tt> would
8670 always be in flux. To correctly change permissions of a
8671 directory the package owns, explicit action is required,
8672 usually in the <tt>postinst</tt> script. Care must be
8673 taken to handle downgrades as well, in that case.
8674 </p>
8675 </footnote>
8676 </p>
8679 Control information files should be owned by <tt>root:root</tt>
8680 and either mode 644 (for most files) or mode 755 (for
8681 executables such as <qref id="maintscripts">maintainer
8682 scripts</qref>).
8683 </p>
8686 Setuid and setgid executables should be mode 4755 or 2755
8687 respectively, and owned by the appropriate user or group.
8688 They should not be made unreadable (modes like 4711 or
8689 2711 or even 4111); doing so achieves no extra security,
8690 because anyone can find the binary in the freely available
8691 Debian package; it is merely inconvenient. For the same
8692 reason you should not restrict read or execute permissions
8693 on non-set-id executables.
8694 </p>
8697 Some setuid programs need to be restricted to particular
8698 sets of users, using file permissions. In this case they
8699 should be owned by the uid to which they are set-id, and by
8700 the group which should be allowed to execute them. They
8701 should have mode 4754; again there is no point in making
8702 them unreadable to those users who must not be allowed to
8703 execute them.
8704 </p>
8707 It is possible to arrange that the system administrator can
8708 reconfigure the package to correspond to their local
8709 security policy by changing the permissions on a binary:
8710 they can do this by using <prgn>dpkg-statoverride</prgn>, as
8711 described below.<footnote>
8712 Ordinary files installed by <prgn>dpkg</prgn> (as
8713 opposed to <tt>conffile</tt>s and other similar objects)
8714 normally have their permissions reset to the distributed
8715 permissions when the package is reinstalled. However,
8716 the use of <prgn>dpkg-statoverride</prgn> overrides this
8717 default behavior.
8718 </footnote>
8719 Another method you should consider is to create a group for
8720 people allowed to use the program(s) and make any setuid
8721 executables executable only by that group.
8722 </p>
8725 If you need to create a new user or group for your package
8726 there are two possibilities. Firstly, you may need to
8727 make some files in the binary package be owned by this
8728 user or group, or you may need to compile the user or
8729 group id (rather than just the name) into the binary
8730 (though this latter should be avoided if possible, as in
8731 this case you need a statically allocated id).</p>
8734 If you need a statically allocated id, you must ask for a
8735 user or group id from the <tt>base-passwd</tt> maintainer,
8736 and must not release the package until you have been
8737 allocated one. Once you have been allocated one you must
8738 either make the package depend on a version of the
8739 <tt>base-passwd</tt> package with the id present in
8740 <file>/etc/passwd</file> or <file>/etc/group</file>, or arrange for
8741 your package to create the user or group itself with the
8742 correct id (using <tt>adduser</tt>) in its
8743 <prgn>preinst</prgn> or <prgn>postinst</prgn>. (Doing it in
8744 the <prgn>postinst</prgn> is to be preferred if it is
8745 possible, otherwise a pre-dependency will be needed on the
8746 <tt>adduser</tt> package.)
8747 </p>
8750 On the other hand, the program might be able to determine
8751 the uid or gid from the user or group name at runtime, so
8752 that a dynamically allocated id can be used. In this case
8753 you should choose an appropriate user or group name,
8754 discussing this on <prgn>debian-devel</prgn> and checking
8755 with the <package/base-passwd/ maintainer that it is unique and that
8756 they do not wish you to use a statically allocated id
8757 instead. When this has been checked you must arrange for
8758 your package to create the user or group if necessary using
8759 <prgn>adduser</prgn> in the <prgn>preinst</prgn> or
8760 <prgn>postinst</prgn> script (again, the latter is to be
8761 preferred if it is possible).
8762 </p>
8765 Note that changing the numeric value of an id associated
8766 with a name is very difficult, and involves searching the
8767 file system for all appropriate files. You need to think
8768 carefully whether a static or dynamic id is required, since
8769 changing your mind later will cause problems.
8770 </p>
8772 <sect1><heading>The use of <prgn>dpkg-statoverride</prgn></heading>
8774 This section is not intended as policy, but as a
8775 description of the use of <prgn>dpkg-statoverride</prgn>.
8776 </p>
8779 If a system administrator wishes to have a file (or
8780 directory or other such thing) installed with owner and
8781 permissions different from those in the distributed Debian
8782 package, they can use the <prgn>dpkg-statoverride</prgn>
8783 program to instruct <prgn>dpkg</prgn> to use the different
8784 settings every time the file is installed. Thus the
8785 package maintainer should distribute the files with their
8786 normal permissions, and leave it for the system
8787 administrator to make any desired changes. For example, a
8788 daemon which is normally required to be setuid root, but
8789 in certain situations could be used without being setuid,
8790 should be installed setuid in the <tt>.deb</tt>. Then the
8791 local system administrator can change this if they wish.
8792 If there are two standard ways of doing it, the package
8793 maintainer can use <tt>debconf</tt> to find out the
8794 preference, and call <prgn>dpkg-statoverride</prgn> in the
8795 maintainer script if necessary to accommodate the system
8796 administrator's choice. Care must be taken during
8797 upgrades to not override an existing setting.
8798 </p>
8801 Given the above, <prgn>dpkg-statoverride</prgn> is
8802 essentially a tool for system administrators and would not
8803 normally be needed in the maintainer scripts. There is
8804 one type of situation, though, where calls to
8805 <prgn>dpkg-statoverride</prgn> would be needed in the
8806 maintainer scripts, and that involves packages which use
8807 dynamically allocated user or group ids. In such a
8808 situation, something like the following idiom can be very
8809 helpful in the package's <prgn>postinst</prgn>, where
8810 <tt>sysuser</tt> is a dynamically allocated id:
8811 <example>
8812 for i in /usr/bin/foo /usr/sbin/bar
8814 # only do something when no setting exists
8815 if ! dpkg-statoverride --list $i >/dev/null 2>&1
8816 then
8817 #include: debconf processing, question about foo and bar
8818 if [ "$RET" = "true" ] ; then
8819 dpkg-statoverride --update --add sysuser root 4755 $i
8822 done
8823 </example>
8824 The corresponding code to remove the override when the package
8825 is purged would be:
8826 <example>
8827 for i in /usr/bin/foo /usr/sbin/bar
8829 if dpkg-statoverride --list $i >/dev/null 2>&1
8830 then
8831 dpkg-statoverride --remove $i
8833 done
8834 </example>
8835 </p>
8836 </sect1>
8837 </sect>
8838 </chapt>
8841 <chapt id="customized-programs">
8842 <heading>Customized programs</heading>
8844 <sect id="arch-spec">
8845 <heading>Architecture specification strings</heading>
8848 If a program needs to specify an <em>architecture specification
8849 string</em> in some place, it should select one of the strings
8850 provided by <tt>dpkg-architecture -L</tt>. The strings are in
8851 the format <tt><var>os</var>-<var>arch</var></tt>, though the OS
8852 part is sometimes elided, as when the OS is Linux.
8853 </p>
8856 Note that we don't want to use
8857 <tt><var>arch</var>-debian-linux</tt> to apply to the rule
8858 <tt><var>architecture</var>-<var>vendor</var>-<var>os</var></tt>
8859 since this would make our programs incompatible with other
8860 Linux distributions. We also don't use something like
8861 <tt><var>arch</var>-unknown-linux</tt>, since the
8862 <tt>unknown</tt> does not look very good.
8863 </p>
8865 <sect1 id="arch-wildcard-spec">
8866 <heading>Architecture wildcards</heading>
8869 A package may specify an architecture wildcard. Architecture
8870 wildcards are in the format <tt>any</tt> (which matches every
8871 architecture), <tt><var>os</var></tt>-any, or
8872 any-<tt><var>cpu</var></tt>. <footnote>
8873 Internally, the package system normalizes the GNU triplets
8874 and the Debian arches into Debian arch triplets (which are
8875 kind of inverted GNU triplets), with the first component of
8876 the triplet representing the libc and ABI in use, and then
8877 does matching against those triplets. However, such
8878 triplets are an internal implementation detail that should
8879 not be used by packages directly. The libc and ABI portion
8880 is handled internally by the package system based on
8881 the <var>os</var> and <var>cpu</var>.
8882 </footnote>
8883 </p>
8884 </sect1>
8885 </sect>
8887 <sect>
8888 <heading>Daemons</heading>
8891 The configuration files <file>/etc/services</file>,
8892 <file>/etc/protocols</file>, and <file>/etc/rpc</file> are managed
8893 by the <prgn>netbase</prgn> package and must not be modified
8894 by other packages.
8895 </p>
8898 If a package requires a new entry in one of these files, the
8899 maintainer should get in contact with the
8900 <prgn>netbase</prgn> maintainer, who will add the entries
8901 and release a new version of the <prgn>netbase</prgn>
8902 package.
8903 </p>
8906 The configuration file <file>/etc/inetd.conf</file> must not be
8907 modified by the package's scripts except via the
8908 <prgn>update-inetd</prgn> script or the
8909 <file></file> Perl module. See their documentation
8910 for details on how to add entries.
8911 </p>
8914 If a package wants to install an example entry into
8915 <file>/etc/inetd.conf</file>, the entry must be preceded with
8916 exactly one hash character (<tt>#</tt>). Such lines are
8917 treated as "commented out by user" by the
8918 <prgn>update-inetd</prgn> script and are not changed or
8919 activated during package updates.
8920 </p>
8921 </sect>
8923 <sect>
8924 <heading>Using pseudo-ttys and modifying wtmp, utmp and
8925 lastlog</heading>
8928 Some programs need to create pseudo-ttys. This should be done
8929 using Unix98 ptys if the C library supports it. The resulting
8930 program must not be installed setuid root, unless that
8931 is required for other functionality.
8932 </p>
8935 The files <file>/var/run/utmp</file>, <file>/var/log/wtmp</file> and
8936 <file>/var/log/lastlog</file> must be installed writable by
8937 group <tt>utmp</tt>. Programs which need to modify those
8938 files must be installed setgid <tt>utmp</tt>.
8939 </p>
8940 </sect>
8942 <sect>
8943 <heading>Editors and pagers</heading>
8946 Some programs have the ability to launch an editor or pager
8947 program to edit or display a text document. Since there are
8948 lots of different editors and pagers available in the Debian
8949 distribution, the system administrator and each user should
8950 have the possibility to choose their preferred editor and
8951 pager.
8952 </p>
8955 In addition, every program should choose a good default
8956 editor/pager if none is selected by the user or system
8957 administrator.
8958 </p>
8961 Thus, every program that launches an editor or pager must
8962 use the EDITOR or PAGER environment variable to determine
8963 the editor or pager the user wishes to use. If these
8964 variables are not set, the programs <file>/usr/bin/editor</file>
8965 and <file>/usr/bin/pager</file> should be used, respectively.
8966 </p>
8969 These two files are managed through the <prgn>dpkg</prgn>
8970 "alternatives" mechanism. Every package providing an editor or
8971 pager must call the <prgn>update-alternatives</prgn> script to
8972 register as an alternative for <file>/usr/bin/editor</file>
8973 or <file>/usr/bin/pager</file> as appropriate. The alternative
8974 should have a slave alternative
8975 for <file>/usr/share/man/man1/editor.1.gz</file>
8976 or <file>/usr/share/man/man1/pager.1.gz</file> pointing to the
8977 corresponding manual page.
8978 </p>
8981 If it is very hard to adapt a program to make use of the
8982 EDITOR or PAGER variables, that program may be configured to
8983 use <file>/usr/bin/sensible-editor</file> and
8984 <file>/usr/bin/sensible-pager</file> as the editor or pager
8985 program respectively. These are two scripts provided in the
8986 <package>sensible-utils</package> package that check the EDITOR
8987 and PAGER variables and launch the appropriate program, and fall
8988 back to <file>/usr/bin/editor</file>
8989 and <file>/usr/bin/pager</file> if the variable is not set.
8990 </p>
8993 A program may also use the VISUAL environment variable to
8994 determine the user's choice of editor. If it exists, it
8995 should take precedence over EDITOR. This is in fact what
8996 <file>/usr/bin/sensible-editor</file> does.
8997 </p>
9000 It is not required for a package to depend on
9001 <tt>editor</tt> and <tt>pager</tt>, nor is it required for a
9002 package to provide such virtual packages.<footnote>
9003 The Debian base system already provides an editor and a
9004 pager program.
9005 </footnote>
9006 </p>
9007 </sect>
9009 <sect id="web-appl">
9010 <heading>Web servers and applications</heading>
9013 This section describes the locations and URLs that should
9014 be used by all web servers and web applications in the
9015 Debian system.
9016 </p>
9019 <enumlist>
9020 <item>
9021 Cgi-bin executable files are installed in the
9022 directory
9023 <example compact="compact">
9024 /usr/lib/cgi-bin/<var>cgi-bin-name</var>
9025 </example>
9026 or a subdirectory of that directory, and should be
9027 referred to as
9028 <example compact="compact">
9029 http://localhost/cgi-bin/<var>cgi-bin-name</var>
9030 </example>
9031 (possibly with a subdirectory name
9032 before <var>cgi-bin-name</var>).
9033 </item>
9035 <item>
9036 <p>Access to HTML documents</p>
9039 HTML documents for a package are stored in
9040 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var></file>
9041 and can be referred to as
9042 <example compact="compact">
9043 http://localhost/doc/<var>package</var>/<var>filename</var>
9044 </example>
9045 </p>
9048 The web server should restrict access to the document
9049 tree so that only clients on the same host can read
9050 the documents. If the web server does not support such
9051 access controls, then it should not provide access at
9052 all, or ask about providing access during installation.
9053 </p>
9054 </item>
9056 <item>
9057 <p>Access to images</p>
9059 It is recommended that images for a package be stored
9060 in <tt>/usr/share/images/<var>package</var></tt> and
9061 may be referred to through an alias <tt>/images/</tt>
9063 <example>
9064 http://localhost/images/&lt;package&gt;/&lt;filename&gt;
9065 </example>
9067 </p>
9068 </item>
9070 <item>
9071 <p>Web Document Root</p>
9074 Web Applications should try to avoid storing files in
9075 the Web Document Root. Instead they should use the
9076 /usr/share/doc/<var>package</var> directory for
9077 documents and register the Web Application via the
9078 <package>doc-base</package> package. If access to the
9079 web document root is unavoidable then use
9080 <example compact="compact">
9081 /var/www
9082 </example>
9083 as the Document Root. This might be just a symbolic
9084 link to the location where the system administrator
9085 has put the real document root.
9086 </p>
9087 </item>
9088 <item><p>Providing httpd and/or httpd-cgi</p>
9090 All web servers should provide the virtual package
9091 <tt>httpd</tt>. If a web server has CGI support it should
9092 provide <tt>httpd-cgi</tt> additionally.
9093 </p>
9095 All web applications which do not contain CGI scripts should
9096 depend on <tt>httpd</tt>, all those web applications which
9097 <tt>do</tt> contain CGI scripts, should depend on
9098 <tt>httpd-cgi</tt>.
9099 </p>
9100 </item>
9101 </enumlist>
9102 </p>
9103 </sect>
9105 <sect id="mail-transport-agents">
9106 <heading>Mail transport, delivery and user agents</heading>
9109 Debian packages which process electronic mail, whether mail
9110 user agents (MUAs) or mail transport agents (MTAs), must
9111 ensure that they are compatible with the configuration
9112 decisions below. Failure to do this may result in lost
9113 mail, broken <tt>From:</tt> lines, and other serious brain
9114 damage!
9115 </p>
9118 The mail spool is <file>/var/mail</file> and the interface to
9119 send a mail message is <file>/usr/sbin/sendmail</file> (as per
9120 the FHS). On older systems, the mail spool may be
9121 physically located in <file>/var/spool/mail</file>, but all
9122 access to the mail spool should be via the
9123 <file>/var/mail</file> symlink. The mail spool is part of the
9124 base system and not part of the MTA package.
9125 </p>
9128 All Debian MUAs, MTAs, MDAs and other mailbox accessing
9129 programs (such as IMAP daemons) must lock the mailbox in an
9130 NFS-safe way. This means that <tt>fcntl()</tt> locking must
9131 be combined with dot locking. To avoid deadlocks, a program
9132 should use <tt>fcntl()</tt> first and dot locking after
9133 this, or alternatively implement the two locking methods in
9134 a non blocking way<footnote>
9135 If it is not possible to establish both locks, the
9136 system shouldn't wait for the second lock to be
9137 established, but remove the first lock, wait a (random)
9138 time, and start over locking again.
9139 </footnote>. Using the functions <tt>maillock</tt> and
9140 <tt>mailunlock</tt> provided by the
9141 <tt>liblockfile*</tt><footnote>
9142 You will need to depend on <tt>liblockfile1 (&gt;&gt;1.01)</tt>
9143 to use these functions.
9144 </footnote> packages is the recommended way to realize this.
9145 </p>
9148 Mailboxes are generally either mode 600 and owned by
9149 <var>user</var> or mode 660 and owned by
9150 <tt><var>user</var>:mail</tt><footnote>
9151 There are two traditional permission schemes for mail spools:
9152 mode 600 with all mail delivery done by processes running as
9153 the destination user, or mode 660 and owned by group mail with
9154 mail delivery done by a process running as a system user in
9155 group mail. Historically, Debian required mode 660 mail
9156 spools to enable the latter model, but that model has become
9157 increasingly uncommon and the principle of least privilege
9158 indicates that mail systems that use the first model should
9159 use permissions of 600. If delivery to programs is permitted,
9160 it's easier to keep the mail system secure if the delivery
9161 agent runs as the destination user. Debian Policy therefore
9162 permits either scheme.
9163 </footnote>. The local system administrator may choose a
9164 different permission scheme; packages should not make
9165 assumptions about the permission and ownership of mailboxes
9166 unless required (such as when creating a new mailbox). A MUA
9167 may remove a mailbox (unless it has nonstandard permissions) in
9168 which case the MTA or another MUA must recreate it if needed.
9169 </p>
9172 The mail spool is 2775 <tt>root:mail</tt>, and MUAs should
9173 be setgid mail to do the locking mentioned above (and
9174 must obviously avoid accessing other users' mailboxes
9175 using this privilege).</p>
9178 <file>/etc/aliases</file> is the source file for the system mail
9179 aliases (e.g., postmaster, usenet, etc.), it is the one
9180 which the sysadmin and <prgn>postinst</prgn> scripts may
9181 edit. After <file>/etc/aliases</file> is edited the program or
9182 human editing it must call <prgn>newaliases</prgn>. All MTA
9183 packages must come with a <prgn>newaliases</prgn> program,
9184 even if it does nothing, but older MTA packages did not do
9185 this so programs should not fail if <prgn>newaliases</prgn>
9186 cannot be found. Note that because of this, all MTA
9187 packages must have <tt>Provides</tt>, <tt>Conflicts</tt> and
9188 <tt>Replaces: mail-transport-agent</tt> control fields.
9189 </p>
9192 The convention of writing <tt>forward to
9193 <var>address</var></tt> in the mailbox itself is not
9194 supported. Use a <tt>.forward</tt> file instead.</p>
9197 The <prgn>rmail</prgn> program used by UUCP
9198 for incoming mail should be <file>/usr/sbin/rmail</file>.
9199 Likewise, <prgn>rsmtp</prgn>, for receiving
9200 batch-SMTP-over-UUCP, should be <file>/usr/sbin/rsmtp</file> if it
9201 is supported.</p>
9204 If your package needs to know what hostname to use on (for
9205 example) outgoing news and mail messages which are generated
9206 locally, you should use the file <file>/etc/mailname</file>. It
9207 will contain the portion after the username and <tt>@</tt>
9208 (at) sign for email addresses of users on the machine
9209 (followed by a newline).
9210 </p>
9213 Such a package should check for the existence of this file
9214 when it is being configured. If it exists, it should be
9215 used without comment, although an MTA's configuration script
9216 may wish to prompt the user even if it finds that this file
9217 exists. If the file does not exist, the package should
9218 prompt the user for the value (preferably using
9219 <prgn>debconf</prgn>) and store it in <file>/etc/mailname</file>
9220 as well as using it in the package's configuration. The
9221 prompt should make it clear that the name will not just be
9222 used by that package. For example, in this situation the
9223 <tt>inn</tt> package could say something like:
9224 <example compact="compact">
9225 Please enter the "mail name" of your system. This is the
9226 hostname portion of the address to be shown on outgoing
9227 news and mail messages. The default is
9228 <var>syshostname</var>, your system's host name. Mail
9229 name ["<var>syshostname</var>"]:
9230 </example>
9231 where <var>syshostname</var> is the output of <tt>hostname
9232 --fqdn</tt>.
9233 </p>
9234 </sect>
9236 <sect>
9237 <heading>News system configuration</heading>
9240 All the configuration files related to the NNTP (news)
9241 servers and clients should be located under
9242 <file>/etc/news</file>.</p>
9245 There are some configuration issues that apply to a number
9246 of news clients and server packages on the machine. These
9247 are:
9249 <taglist>
9250 <tag><file>/etc/news/organization</file></tag>
9251 <item>
9252 A string which should appear as the
9253 organization header for all messages posted
9254 by NNTP clients on the machine
9255 </item>
9257 <tag><file>/etc/news/server</file></tag>
9258 <item>
9259 Contains the FQDN of the upstream NNTP
9260 server, or localhost if the local machine is
9261 an NNTP server.
9262 </item>
9263 </taglist>
9265 Other global files may be added as required for cross-package news
9266 configuration.
9267 </p>
9268 </sect>
9271 <sect>
9272 <heading>Programs for the X Window System</heading>
9274 <sect1>
9275 <heading>Providing X support and package priorities</heading>
9278 Programs that can be configured with support for the X
9279 Window System must be configured to do so and must declare
9280 any package dependencies necessary to satisfy their
9281 runtime requirements when using the X Window System. If
9282 such a package is of higher priority than the X packages
9283 on which it depends, it is required that either the
9284 X-specific components be split into a separate package, or
9285 that an alternative version of the package, which includes
9286 X support, be provided, or that the package's priority be
9287 lowered.
9288 </p>
9289 </sect1>
9291 <sect1>
9292 <heading>Packages providing an X server</heading>
9295 Packages that provide an X server that, directly or
9296 indirectly, communicates with real input and display
9297 hardware should declare in their <tt>Provides</tt> control
9298 field that they provide the virtual
9299 package <tt>xserver</tt>.<footnote>
9300 This implements current practice, and provides an
9301 actual policy for usage of the <tt>xserver</tt>
9302 virtual package which appears in the virtual packages
9303 list. In a nutshell, X servers that interface
9304 directly with the display and input hardware or via
9305 another subsystem (e.g., GGI) should provide
9306 <tt>xserver</tt>. Things like <tt>Xvfb</tt>,
9307 <tt>Xnest</tt>, and <tt>Xprt</tt> should not.
9308 </footnote>
9309 </p>
9310 </sect1>
9312 <sect1>
9313 <heading>Packages providing a terminal emulator</heading>
9316 Packages that provide a terminal emulator for the X Window
9317 System which meet the criteria listed below should declare in
9318 their <tt>Provides</tt> control field that they provide the
9319 virtual package <tt>x-terminal-emulator</tt>. They should
9320 also register themselves as an alternative for
9321 <file>/usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator</file>, with a priority of
9322 20. That alternative should have a slave alternative
9323 for <file>/usr/share/man/man1/x-terminal-emulator.1.gz</file>
9324 pointing to the corresponding manual page.
9325 </p>
9328 To be an <tt>x-terminal-emulator</tt>, a program must:
9329 <list compact="compact">
9330 <item>
9331 Be able to emulate a DEC VT100 terminal, or a
9332 compatible terminal.
9333 </item>
9335 <item>
9336 Support the command-line option <tt>-e
9337 <var>command</var></tt>, which creates a new
9338 terminal window<footnote>
9339 "New terminal window" does not necessarily mean
9340 a new top-level X window directly parented by
9341 the window manager; it could, if the terminal
9342 emulator application were so coded, be a new
9343 "view" in a multiple-document interface (MDI).
9344 </footnote>
9345 and runs the specified <var>command</var>,
9346 interpreting the entirety of the rest of the command
9347 line as a command to pass straight to exec, in the
9348 manner that <tt>xterm</tt> does.
9349 </item>
9351 <item>
9352 Support the command-line option <tt>-T
9353 <var>title</var></tt>, which creates a new terminal
9354 window with the window title <var>title</var>.
9355 </item>
9356 </list>
9357 </p>
9358 </sect1>
9360 <sect1>
9361 <heading>Packages providing a window manager</heading>
9364 Packages that provide a window manager should declare in
9365 their <tt>Provides</tt> control field that they provide the
9366 virtual package <tt>x-window-manager</tt>. They should also
9367 register themselves as an alternative for
9368 <file>/usr/bin/x-window-manager</file>, with a priority
9369 calculated as follows:
9370 <list compact="compact">
9371 <item>
9372 Start with a priority of 20.
9373 </item>
9375 <item>
9376 If the window manager supports the Debian menu
9377 system, add 20 points if this support is available
9378 in the package's default configuration (i.e., no
9379 configuration files belonging to the system or user
9380 have to be edited to activate the feature); if
9381 configuration files must be modified, add only 10
9382 points.
9383 </p>
9384 </item>
9386 <item>
9387 If the window manager complies with <url
9388 id=""
9389 name="The Window Manager Specification Project">,
9390 written by the <url id=""
9391 name="Free Desktop Group">, add 40 points.
9392 </item>
9394 <item>
9395 If the window manager permits the X session to be
9396 restarted using a <em>different</em> window manager
9397 (without killing the X server) in its default
9398 configuration, add 10 points; otherwise add none.
9399 </item>
9400 </list>
9401 That alternative should have a slave alternative
9402 for <file>/usr/share/man/man1/x-window-manager.1.gz</file>
9403 pointing to the corresponding manual page.
9404 </p>
9405 </sect1>
9407 <sect1>
9408 <heading>Packages providing fonts</heading>
9411 Packages that provide fonts for the X Window
9412 System<footnote>
9413 For the purposes of Debian Policy, a "font for the X
9414 Window System" is one which is accessed via X protocol
9415 requests. Fonts for the Linux console, for PostScript
9416 renderer, or any other purpose, do not fit this
9417 definition. Any tool which makes such fonts available
9418 to the X Window System, however, must abide by this
9419 font policy.
9420 </footnote>
9421 must do a number of things to ensure that they are both
9422 available without modification of the X or font server
9423 configuration, and that they do not corrupt files used by
9424 other font packages to register information about
9425 themselves.
9426 <enumlist>
9427 <item>
9428 Fonts of any type supported by the X Window System
9429 must be in a separate binary package from any
9430 executables, libraries, or documentation (except
9431 that specific to the fonts shipped, such as their
9432 license information). If one or more of the fonts
9433 so packaged are necessary for proper operation of
9434 the package with which they are associated the font
9435 package may be Recommended; if the fonts merely
9436 provide an enhancement, a Suggests relationship may
9437 be used. Packages must not Depend on font
9438 packages.<footnote>
9439 This is because the X server may retrieve fonts
9440 from the local file system or over the network
9441 from an X font server; the Debian package system
9442 is empowered to deal only with the local
9443 file system.
9444 </footnote>
9445 </item>
9447 <item>
9448 BDF fonts must be converted to PCF fonts with the
9449 <prgn>bdftopcf</prgn> utility (available in the
9450 <tt>xfonts-utils</tt> package, <prgn>gzip</prgn>ped, and
9451 placed in a directory that corresponds to their
9452 resolution:
9453 <list compact="compact">
9454 <item>
9455 100 dpi fonts must be placed in
9456 <file>/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/</file>.
9457 </item>
9459 <item>
9460 75 dpi fonts must be placed in
9461 <file>/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/</file>.
9462 </item>
9464 <item>
9465 Character-cell fonts, cursor fonts, and other
9466 low-resolution fonts must be placed in
9467 <file>/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/</file>.
9468 </item>
9469 </list>
9470 </item>
9472 <item>
9473 Type 1 fonts must be placed in
9474 <file>/usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1/</file>. If font
9475 metric files are available, they must be placed here
9476 as well.
9477 </item>
9479 <item>
9480 Subdirectories of <file>/usr/share/fonts/X11/</file>
9481 other than those listed above must be neither
9482 created nor used. (The <file>PEX</file>, <file>CID</file>,
9483 <file>Speedo</file>, and <file>cyrillic</file> directories
9484 are excepted for historical reasons, but installation of
9485 files into these directories remains discouraged.)
9486 </item>
9488 <item>
9489 Font packages may, instead of placing files directly
9490 in the X font directories listed above, provide
9491 symbolic links in that font directory pointing to
9492 the files' actual location in the filesystem. Such
9493 a location must comply with the FHS.
9494 </item>
9496 <item>
9497 Font packages should not contain both 75dpi and
9498 100dpi versions of a font. If both are available,
9499 they should be provided in separate binary packages
9500 with <tt>-75dpi</tt> or <tt>-100dpi</tt> appended to
9501 the names of the packages containing the
9502 corresponding fonts.
9503 </item>
9505 <item>
9506 Fonts destined for the <file>misc</file> subdirectory
9507 should not be included in the same package as 75dpi
9508 or 100dpi fonts; instead, they should be provided in
9509 a separate package with <tt>-misc</tt> appended to
9510 its name.
9511 </item>
9513 <item>
9514 Font packages must not provide the files
9515 <file>fonts.dir</file>, <file>fonts.alias</file>, or
9516 <file>fonts.scale</file> in a font directory:
9517 <list>
9518 <item>
9519 <file>fonts.dir</file> files must not be provided at all.
9520 </item>
9522 <item>
9523 <file>fonts.alias</file> and <file>fonts.scale</file>
9524 files, if needed, should be provided in the
9525 directory
9526 <file>/etc/X11/fonts/<var>fontdir</var>/<var>package</var>.<var>extension</var></file>,
9527 where <var>fontdir</var> is the name of the
9528 subdirectory of
9529 <file>/usr/share/fonts/X11/</file> where the
9530 package's corresponding fonts are stored
9531 (e.g., <tt>75dpi</tt> or <tt>misc</tt>),
9532 <var>package</var> is the name of the package
9533 that provides these fonts, and
9534 <var>extension</var> is either <tt>scale</tt>
9535 or <tt>alias</tt>, whichever corresponds to
9536 the file contents.
9537 </item>
9538 </list>
9539 </item>
9541 <item>
9542 Font packages must declare a dependency on
9543 <tt>xfonts-utils</tt> in their <tt>Depends</tt>
9544 or <tt>Pre-Depends</tt> control field.
9545 </item>
9547 <item>
9548 Font packages that provide one or more
9549 <file>fonts.scale</file> files as described above must
9550 invoke <prgn>update-fonts-scale</prgn> on each
9551 directory into which they installed fonts
9552 <em>before</em> invoking
9553 <prgn>update-fonts-dir</prgn> on that directory.
9554 This invocation must occur in both the
9555 <prgn>postinst</prgn> (for all arguments) and
9556 <prgn>postrm</prgn> (for all arguments except
9557 <tt>upgrade</tt>) scripts.
9558 </item>
9560 <item>
9561 Font packages that provide one or more
9562 <file>fonts.alias</file> files as described above must
9563 invoke <prgn>update-fonts-alias</prgn> on each
9564 directory into which they installed fonts. This
9565 invocation must occur in both the
9566 <prgn>postinst</prgn> (for all arguments) and
9567 <prgn>postrm</prgn> (for all arguments except
9568 <tt>upgrade</tt>) scripts.
9569 </item>
9571 <item>
9572 Font packages must invoke
9573 <prgn>update-fonts-dir</prgn> on each directory into
9574 which they installed fonts. This invocation must
9575 occur in both the <prgn>postinst</prgn> (for all
9576 arguments) and <prgn>postrm</prgn> (for all
9577 arguments except <tt>upgrade</tt>) scripts.
9578 </item>
9580 <item>
9581 Font packages must not provide alias names for the
9582 fonts they include which collide with alias names
9583 already in use by fonts already packaged.
9584 </item>
9586 <item>
9587 Font packages must not provide fonts with the same
9588 XLFD registry name as another font already packaged.
9589 </item>
9590 </enumlist>
9591 </p>
9592 </sect1>
9594 <sect1 id="appdefaults">
9595 <heading>Application defaults files</heading>
9598 Application defaults files must be installed in the
9599 directory <file>/etc/X11/app-defaults/</file> (use of a
9600 localized subdirectory of <file>/etc/X11/</file> as described
9601 in the <em>X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language
9602 Interface</em> manual is also permitted). They must be
9603 registered as <tt>conffile</tt>s or handled as
9604 configuration files.
9605 </p>
9608 Customization of programs' X resources may also be
9609 supported with the provision of a file with the same name
9610 as that of the package placed in
9611 the <file>/etc/X11/Xresources/</file> directory, which
9612 must be registered as a <tt>conffile</tt> or handled as a
9613 configuration file.<footnote>
9614 Note that this mechanism is not the same as using
9615 app-defaults; app-defaults are tied to the client
9616 binary on the local file system, whereas X resources
9617 are stored in the X server and affect all connecting
9618 clients.
9619 </footnote>
9620 </p>
9621 </sect1>
9623 <sect1>
9624 <heading>Installation directory issues</heading>
9627 Historically, packages using the X Window System used a
9628 separate set of installation directories from other packages.
9629 This practice has been discontinued and packages using the X
9630 Window System should now generally be installed in the same
9631 directories as any other package. Specifically, packages must
9632 not install files under the <file>/usr/X11R6/</file> directory
9633 and the <file>/usr/X11R6/</file> directory hierarchy should be
9634 regarded as obsolete.
9635 </p>
9638 Include files previously installed under
9639 <file>/usr/X11R6/include/X11/</file> should be installed into
9640 <file>/usr/include/X11/</file>. For files previously
9641 installed into subdirectories of
9642 <file>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/</file>, package maintainers should
9643 determine if subdirectories of <file>/usr/lib/</file> and
9644 <file>/usr/share/</file> can be used. If not, a subdirectory
9645 of <file>/usr/lib/X11/</file> should be used.
9646 </p>
9649 Configuration files for window, display, or session managers
9650 or other applications that are tightly integrated with the X
9651 Window System may be placed in a subdirectory
9652 of <file>/etc/X11/</file> corresponding to the package name.
9653 Other X Window System applications should use
9654 the <file>/etc/</file> directory unless otherwise mandated by
9655 policy (such as for <ref id="appdefaults">).
9656 </p>
9657 </sect1>
9658 </sect>
9660 <sect id="perl">
9661 <heading>Perl programs and modules</heading>
9664 Perl programs and modules should follow the current Perl policy.
9665 </p>
9668 The Perl policy can be found in the <tt>perl-policy</tt>
9669 files in the <tt>debian-policy</tt> package.
9670 It is also available from the Debian web mirrors at
9671 <tt><url name="/doc/packaging-manuals/perl-policy/"
9672 id=""></tt>.
9673 </p>
9674 </sect>
9676 <sect id="emacs">
9677 <heading>Emacs lisp programs</heading>
9680 Please refer to the "Debian Emacs Policy" for details of how to
9681 package emacs lisp programs.
9682 </p>
9685 The Emacs policy is available in
9686 <file>debian-emacs-policy.gz</file> of the
9687 <package>emacsen-common</package> package.
9688 It is also available from the Debian web mirrors at
9689 <tt><url name="/doc/packaging-manuals/debian-emacs-policy"
9690 id=""></tt>.
9691 </p>
9692 </sect>
9694 <sect>
9695 <heading>Games</heading>
9698 The permissions on <file>/var/games</file> are mode 755, owner
9699 <tt>root</tt> and group <tt>root</tt>.
9700 </p>
9703 Each game decides on its own security policy.</p>
9706 Games which require protected, privileged access to
9707 high-score files, saved games, etc., may be made
9708 set-<em>group</em>-id (mode 2755) and owned by
9709 <tt>root:games</tt>, and use files and directories with
9710 appropriate permissions (770 <tt>root:games</tt>, for
9711 example). They must not be made
9712 set-<em>user</em>-id, as this causes security problems. (If
9713 an attacker can subvert any set-user-id game they can
9714 overwrite the executable of any other, causing other players
9715 of these games to run a Trojan horse program. With a
9716 set-group-id game the attacker only gets access to less
9717 important game data, and if they can get at the other
9718 players' accounts at all it will take considerably more
9719 effort.)</p>
9722 Some packages, for example some fortune cookie programs, are
9723 configured by the upstream authors to install with their
9724 data files or other static information made unreadable so
9725 that they can only be accessed through set-id programs
9726 provided. You should not do this in a Debian package: anyone can
9727 download the <file>.deb</file> file and read the data from it,
9728 so there is no point making the files unreadable. Not
9729 making the files unreadable also means that you don't have
9730 to make so many programs set-id, which reduces the risk of a
9731 security hole.</p>
9734 As described in the FHS, binaries of games should be
9735 installed in the directory <file>/usr/games</file>. This also
9736 applies to games that use the X Window System. Manual pages
9737 for games (X and non-X games) should be installed in
9738 <file>/usr/share/man/man6</file>.</p>
9739 </sect>
9740 </chapt>
9743 <chapt id="docs">
9744 <heading>Documentation</heading>
9746 <sect>
9747 <heading>Manual pages</heading>
9750 You should install manual pages in <prgn>nroff</prgn> source
9751 form, in appropriate places under <file>/usr/share/man</file>.
9752 You should only use sections 1 to 9 (see the FHS for more
9753 details). You must not install a pre-formatted "cat page".
9754 </p>
9757 Each program, utility, and function should have an
9758 associated manual page included in the same package. It is
9759 suggested that all configuration files also have a manual
9760 page included as well. Manual pages for protocols and other
9761 auxiliary things are optional.
9762 </p>
9765 If no manual page is available, this is considered as a bug
9766 and should be reported to the Debian Bug Tracking System (the
9767 maintainer of the package is allowed to write this bug report
9768 themselves, if they so desire). Do not close the bug report
9769 until a proper man page is available.<footnote>
9770 It is not very hard to write a man page. See the
9771 <url id=""
9772 name="Man-Page-HOWTO">,
9773 <manref name="man" section="7">, the examples created
9774 by <prgn>dh_make</prgn>, the helper
9775 program <prgn>help2man</prgn>, or the
9776 directory <file>/usr/share/doc/man-db/examples</file>.
9777 </footnote>
9778 </p>
9781 You may forward a complaint about a missing man page to the
9782 upstream authors, and mark the bug as forwarded in the
9783 Debian bug tracking system. Even though the GNU Project do
9784 not in general consider the lack of a man page to be a bug,
9785 we do; if they tell you that they don't consider it a bug
9786 you should leave the bug in our bug tracking system open
9787 anyway.
9788 </p>
9791 Manual pages should be installed compressed using <tt>gzip -9</tt>.
9792 </p>
9795 If one man page needs to be accessible via several names it
9796 is better to use a symbolic link than the <file>.so</file>
9797 feature, but there is no need to fiddle with the relevant
9798 parts of the upstream source to change from <file>.so</file> to
9799 symlinks: don't do it unless it's easy. You should not
9800 create hard links in the manual page directories, nor put
9801 absolute filenames in <file>.so</file> directives. The filename
9802 in a <file>.so</file> in a man page should be relative to the
9803 base of the man page tree (usually
9804 <file>/usr/share/man</file>). If you do not create any links
9805 (whether symlinks, hard links, or <tt>.so</tt> directives)
9806 in the file system to the alternate names of the man page,
9807 then you should not rely on <prgn>man</prgn> finding your
9808 man page under those names based solely on the information in
9809 the man page's header.<footnote>
9810 Supporting this in <prgn>man</prgn> often requires
9811 unreasonable processing time to find a manual page or to
9812 report that none exists, and moves knowledge into man's
9813 database that would be better left in the file system.
9814 This support is therefore deprecated and will cease to
9815 be present in the future.
9816 </footnote>
9817 </p>
9820 Manual pages in locale-specific subdirectories of
9821 <file>/usr/share/man</file> should use either UTF-8 or the usual
9822 legacy encoding for that language (normally the one corresponding
9823 to the shortest relevant locale name in
9824 <file>/usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED</file>). For example, pages under
9825 <file>/usr/share/man/fr</file> should use either UTF-8 or
9826 ISO-8859-1.<footnote>
9827 <prgn>man</prgn> will automatically detect whether UTF-8 is in
9828 use. In future, all manual pages will be required to use
9829 UTF-8.
9830 </footnote>
9831 </p>
9834 A country name (the <tt>DE</tt> in <tt>de_DE</tt>) should not be
9835 included in the subdirectory name unless it indicates a
9836 significant difference in the language, as this excludes
9837 speakers of the language in other countries.<footnote>
9838 At the time of writing, Chinese and Portuguese are the main
9839 languages with such differences, so <file>pt_BR</file>,
9840 <file>zh_CN</file>, and <file>zh_TW</file> are all allowed.
9841 </footnote>
9842 </p>
9845 If a localized version of a manual page is provided, it should
9846 either be up-to-date or it should be obvious to the reader that
9847 it is outdated and the original manual page should be used
9848 instead. This can be done either by a note at the beginning of
9849 the manual page or by showing the missing or changed portions in
9850 the original language instead of the target language.
9851 </p>
9852 </sect>
9854 <sect>
9855 <heading>Info documents</heading>
9858 Info documents should be installed in <file>/usr/share/info</file>.
9859 They should be compressed with <tt>gzip -9</tt>.
9860 </p>
9863 The <prgn>install-info</prgn> program maintains a directory of
9864 installed info documents in <file>/usr/share/info/dir</file> for
9865 the use of info readers.<footnote>
9866 It was previously necessary for packages installing info
9867 documents to run <prgn>install-info</prgn> from maintainer
9868 scripts. This is no longer necessary. The installation
9869 system now uses dpkg triggers.
9870 </footnote>
9871 This file must not be included in packages. Packages containing
9872 info documents should depend on <tt>dpkg (>= 1.15.4) |
9873 install-info</tt> to ensure that the directory file is properly
9874 rebuilt during partial upgrades from Debian 5.0 (lenny) and
9875 earlier.
9876 </p>
9879 Info documents should contain section and directory entry
9880 information in the document for the use
9881 of <prgn>install-info</prgn>. The section should be specified
9882 via a line starting with <tt>INFO-DIR-SECTION</tt> followed by a
9883 space and the section of this info page. The directory entry or
9884 entries should be included between
9885 a <tt>START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY</tt> line and
9886 an <tt>END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY</tt> line. For example:
9887 <example>
9888 INFO-DIR-SECTION Individual utilities
9890 * example: (example). An example info directory entry.
9892 </example>
9893 To determine which section to use, you should look
9894 at <file>/usr/share/info/dir</file> on your system and choose
9895 the most relevant (or create a new section if none of the
9896 current sections are relevant).<footnote>
9897 Normally, info documents are generated from Texinfo source.
9898 To include this information in the generated info document, if
9899 it is absent, add commands like:
9900 <example>
9901 @dircategory Individual utilities
9902 @direntry
9903 * example: (example). An example info directory entry.
9904 @end direntry
9905 </example>
9906 to the Texinfo source of the document and ensure that the info
9907 documents are rebuilt from source during the package build.
9908 </footnote>
9909 </p>
9910 </sect>
9912 <sect>
9913 <heading>Additional documentation</heading>
9916 Any additional documentation that comes with the package may
9917 be installed at the discretion of the package maintainer.
9918 Plain text documentation should be installed in the directory
9919 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var></file>, where
9920 <var>package</var> is the name of the package, and
9921 compressed with <tt>gzip -9</tt> unless it is small.
9922 </p>
9925 If a package comes with large amounts of documentation which
9926 many users of the package will not require you should create
9927 a separate binary package to contain it, so that it does not
9928 take up disk space on the machines of users who do not need
9929 or want it installed.</p>
9932 It is often a good idea to put text information files
9933 (<file>README</file>s, changelogs, and so forth) that come with
9934 the source package in <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var></file>
9935 in the binary package. However, you don't need to install
9936 the instructions for building and installing the package, of
9937 course!</p>
9940 Packages must not require the existence of any files in
9941 <file>/usr/share/doc/</file> in order to function
9942 <footnote>
9943 The system administrator should be able to
9944 delete files in <file>/usr/share/doc/</file> without causing
9945 any programs to break.
9946 </footnote>.
9947 Any files that are referenced by programs but are also
9948 useful as stand alone documentation should be installed under
9949 <file>/usr/share/<var>package</var>/</file> with symbolic links from
9950 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var></file>.
9951 </p>
9954 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var></file> may be a symbolic
9955 link to another directory in <file>/usr/share/doc</file> only if
9956 the two packages both come from the same source and the
9957 first package Depends on the second.<footnote>
9959 Please note that this does not override the section on
9960 changelog files below, so the file
9961 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var>/changelog.Debian.gz</file>
9962 must refer to the changelog for the current version of
9963 <var>package</var> in question. In practice, this means
9964 that the sources of the target and the destination of the
9965 symlink must be the same (same source package and
9966 version).
9967 </p>
9968 </footnote>
9969 </p>
9972 Former Debian releases placed all additional documentation
9973 in <file>/usr/doc/<var>package</var></file>. This has been
9974 changed to <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var></file>,
9975 and packages must not put documentation in the directory
9976 <file>/usr/doc/<var>package</var></file>. <footnote>
9977 At this phase of the transition, we no longer require a
9978 symbolic link in <file>/usr/doc/</file>. At a later point,
9979 policy shall change to make the symbolic links a bug.
9980 </footnote>
9981 </p>
9982 </sect>
9984 <sect>
9985 <heading>Preferred documentation formats</heading>
9988 The unification of Debian documentation is being carried out
9989 via HTML.</p>
9992 If your package comes with extensive documentation in a
9993 markup format that can be converted to various other formats
9994 you should if possible ship HTML versions in a binary
9995 package, in the directory
9996 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>appropriate-package</var></file> or
9997 its subdirectories.<footnote>
9998 The rationale: The important thing here is that HTML
9999 docs should be available in <em>some</em> package, not
10000 necessarily in the main binary package.
10001 </footnote>
10002 </p>
10005 Other formats such as PostScript may be provided at the
10006 package maintainer's discretion.
10007 </p>
10008 </sect>
10010 <sect id="copyrightfile">
10011 <heading>Copyright information</heading>
10014 Every package must be accompanied by a verbatim copy of its
10015 copyright information and distribution license in the file
10016 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var>/copyright</file>. This
10017 file must neither be compressed nor be a symbolic link.
10018 </p>
10021 In addition, the copyright file must say where the upstream
10022 sources (if any) were obtained, and should name the original
10023 authors.
10024 </p>
10027 Packages in the <em>contrib</em> or <em>non-free</em> archive
10028 areas should state in the copyright file that the package is not
10029 part of the Debian distribution and briefly explain why.
10030 </p>
10033 A copy of the file which will be installed in
10034 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var>/copyright</file> should
10035 be in <file>debian/copyright</file> in the source package.
10036 </p>
10039 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var></file> may be a symbolic
10040 link to another directory in <file>/usr/share/doc</file> only if
10041 the two packages both come from the same source and the
10042 first package Depends on the second. These rules are important
10043 because <file>copyright</file> files must be extractable by
10044 mechanical means.
10045 </p>
10048 Packages distributed under the Apache license (version 2.0), the
10049 Artistic license, the GNU GPL (versions 1, 2, or 3), the GNU
10050 LGPL (versions 2, 2.1, or 3), and the GNU FDL (versions 1.2 or
10051 1.3) should refer to the corresponding files
10052 under <file>/usr/share/common-licenses</file>,<footnote>
10054 In particular,
10055 <file>/usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0</file>,
10056 <file>/usr/share/common-licenses/Artistic</file>,
10057 <file>/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-1</file>,
10058 <file>/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2</file>,
10059 <file>/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3</file>,
10060 <file>/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2</file>,
10061 <file>/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2.1</file>,
10062 <file>/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-3</file>,
10063 <file>/usr/share/common-licenses/GFDL-1.2</file>, and
10064 <file>/usr/share/common-licenses/GFDL-1.3</file>
10065 respectively. The University of California BSD license is
10066 also included in <package>base-files</package> as
10067 <file>/usr/share/common-licenses/BSD</file>, but given the
10068 brevity of this license, its specificity to code whose
10069 copyright is held by the Regents of the University of
10070 California, and the frequency of minor wording changes, its
10071 text should be included in the copyright file rather than
10072 referencing this file.
10073 </p>
10074 </footnote> rather than quoting them in the copyright
10075 file.
10076 </p>
10079 You should not use the copyright file as a general <file>README</file>
10080 file. If your package has such a file it should be
10081 installed in <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var>/README</file> or
10082 <file>README.Debian</file> or some other appropriate place.
10083 </p>
10086 All copyright files must be encoded in UTF-8.
10087 </p>
10089 <sect1 id="copyrightformat">
10090 <heading>Machine-readable copyright information</heading>
10093 A specification for a standard, machine-readable format
10094 for <file>debian/copyright</file> files is maintained as part
10095 of the <package>debian-policy</package> package. This
10096 document may be found in the <file>copyright-format</file>
10097 files in the <package>debian-policy</package> package. It is
10098 also available from the Debian web mirrors at
10099 <tt><url name="/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/"
10100 id=""></tt>.
10101 </p>
10104 Use of this format is optional.
10105 </p>
10106 </sect1>
10107 </sect>
10109 <sect>
10110 <heading>Examples</heading>
10113 Any examples (configurations, source files, whatever),
10114 should be installed in a directory
10115 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var>/examples</file>. These
10116 files should not be referenced by any program: they're there
10117 for the benefit of the system administrator and users as
10118 documentation only. Architecture-specific example files
10119 should be installed in a directory
10120 <file>/usr/lib/<var>package</var>/examples</file> with symbolic
10121 links to them from
10122 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var>/examples</file>, or the
10123 latter directory itself may be a symbolic link to the
10124 former.
10125 </p>
10128 If the purpose of a package is to provide examples, then the
10129 example files may be installed into
10130 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var></file>.
10131 </p>
10132 </sect>
10134 <sect id="changelogs">
10135 <heading>Changelog files</heading>
10138 Packages that are not Debian-native must contain a
10139 compressed copy of the <file>debian/changelog</file> file from
10140 the Debian source tree in
10141 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var></file> with the name
10142 <file>changelog.Debian.gz</file>.
10143 </p>
10146 If an upstream changelog is available, it should be accessible as
10147 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var>/changelog.gz</file> in
10148 plain text. If the upstream changelog is distributed in
10149 HTML, it should be made available in that form as
10150 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var>/changelog.html.gz</file>
10151 and a plain text <file>changelog.gz</file> should be generated
10152 from it using, for example, <tt>lynx -dump -nolist</tt>. If
10153 the upstream changelog files do not already conform to this
10154 naming convention, then this may be achieved either by
10155 renaming the files, or by adding a symbolic link, at the
10156 maintainer's discretion.<footnote>
10157 Rationale: People should not have to look in places for
10158 upstream changelogs merely because they are given
10159 different names or are distributed in HTML format.
10160 </footnote>
10161 </p>
10164 All of these files should be installed compressed using
10165 <tt>gzip -9</tt>, as they will become large with time even
10166 if they start out small.
10167 </p>
10170 If the package has only one changelog which is used both as
10171 the Debian changelog and the upstream one because there is
10172 no separate upstream maintainer then that changelog should
10173 usually be installed as
10174 <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var>/changelog.gz</file>; if
10175 there is a separate upstream maintainer, but no upstream
10176 changelog, then the Debian changelog should still be called
10177 <file>changelog.Debian.gz</file>.
10178 </p>
10181 For details about the format and contents of the Debian
10182 changelog file, please see <ref id="dpkgchangelog">.
10183 </p>
10184 </sect>
10185 </chapt>
10187 <appendix id="pkg-scope">
10188 <heading>Introduction and scope of these appendices</heading>
10191 These appendices are taken essentially verbatim from the
10192 now-deprecated Packaging Manual, version They are
10193 the chapters which are likely to be of use to package
10194 maintainers and which have not already been included in the
10195 policy document itself. Most of these sections are very likely
10196 not relevant to policy; they should be treated as
10197 documentation for the packaging system. Please note that these
10198 appendices are included for convenience, and for historical
10199 reasons: they used to be part of policy package, and they have
10200 not yet been incorporated into dpkg documentation. However,
10201 they still have value, and hence they are presented here.
10202 </p>
10205 They have not yet been checked to ensure that they are
10206 compatible with the contents of policy, and if there are any
10207 contradictions, the version in the main policy document takes
10208 precedence. The remaining chapters of the old Packaging
10209 Manual have also not been read in detail to ensure that there
10210 are not parts which have been left out. Both of these will be
10211 done in due course.
10212 </p>
10215 Certain parts of the Packaging manual were integrated into the
10216 Policy Manual proper, and removed from the appendices. Links
10217 have been placed from the old locations to the new ones.
10218 </p>
10221 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> is a suite of programs for creating binary
10222 package files and installing and removing them on Unix
10223 systems.<footnote>
10224 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> is targeted primarily at Debian, but may
10225 work on or be ported to other systems.
10226 </footnote>
10227 </p>
10230 The binary packages are designed for the management of
10231 installed executable programs (usually compiled binaries) and
10232 their associated data, though source code examples and
10233 documentation are provided as part of some packages.</p>
10236 This manual describes the technical aspects of creating Debian
10237 binary packages (<file>.deb</file> files). It documents the
10238 behavior of the package management programs
10239 <prgn>dpkg</prgn>, <prgn>dselect</prgn> et al. and the way
10240 they interact with packages.</p>
10243 It also documents the interaction between
10244 <prgn>dselect</prgn>'s core and the access method scripts it
10245 uses to actually install the selected packages, and describes
10246 how to create a new access method.</p>
10249 This manual does not go into detail about the options and
10250 usage of the package building and installation tools. It
10251 should therefore be read in conjunction with those programs'
10252 man pages.
10253 </p>
10256 The utility programs which are provided with <prgn>dpkg</prgn>
10257 for managing various system configuration and similar issues,
10258 such as <prgn>update-rc.d</prgn> and
10259 <prgn>install-info</prgn>, are not described in detail here -
10260 please see their man pages.
10261 </p>
10264 It is assumed that the reader is reasonably familiar with the
10265 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> System Administrators' manual.
10266 Unfortunately this manual does not yet exist.
10267 </p>
10270 The Debian version of the FSF's GNU hello program is provided as
10271 an example for people wishing to create Debian packages. However,
10272 while the examples are helpful, they do not replace the need to
10273 read and follow the Policy and Programmer's Manual.</p>
10274 </appendix>
10276 <appendix id="pkg-binarypkg">
10277 <heading>Binary packages (from old Packaging Manual)</heading>
10280 The binary package has two main sections. The first part
10281 consists of various control information files and scripts used
10282 by <prgn>dpkg</prgn> when installing and removing. See <ref
10283 id="pkg-controlarea">.
10284 </p>
10287 The second part is an archive containing the files and
10288 directories to be installed.
10289 </p>
10292 In the future binary packages may also contain other
10293 components, such as checksums and digital signatures. The
10294 format for the archive is described in full in the
10295 <file>deb(5)</file> man page.
10296 </p>
10299 <sect id="pkg-bincreating"><heading>Creating package files -
10300 <prgn>dpkg-deb</prgn>
10301 </heading>
10304 All manipulation of binary package files is done by
10305 <prgn>dpkg-deb</prgn>; it's the only program that has
10306 knowledge of the format. (<prgn>dpkg-deb</prgn> may be
10307 invoked by calling <prgn>dpkg</prgn>, as <prgn>dpkg</prgn>
10308 will spot that the options requested are appropriate to
10309 <prgn>dpkg-deb</prgn> and invoke that instead with the same
10310 arguments.)
10311 </p>
10314 In order to create a binary package you must make a
10315 directory tree which contains all the files and directories
10316 you want to have in the file system data part of the package.
10317 In Debian-format source packages this directory is usually
10318 <file>debian/tmp</file>, relative to the top of the package's
10319 source tree.
10320 </p>
10323 They should have the locations (relative to the root of the
10324 directory tree you're constructing) ownerships and
10325 permissions which you want them to have on the system when
10326 they are installed.
10327 </p>
10330 With current versions of <prgn>dpkg</prgn> the uid/username
10331 and gid/groupname mappings for the users and groups being
10332 used should be the same on the system where the package is
10333 built and the one where it is installed.
10334 </p>
10337 You need to add one special directory to the root of the
10338 miniature file system tree you're creating:
10339 <prgn>DEBIAN</prgn>. It should contain the control
10340 information files, notably the binary package control file
10341 (see <ref id="pkg-controlfile">).
10342 </p>
10345 The <prgn>DEBIAN</prgn> directory will not appear in the
10346 file system archive of the package, and so won't be installed
10347 by <prgn>dpkg</prgn> when the package is unpacked.
10348 </p>
10351 When you've prepared the package, you should invoke:
10352 <example>
10353 dpkg --build <var>directory</var>
10354 </example>
10355 </p>
10358 This will build the package in
10359 <file><var>directory</var>.deb</file>. (<prgn>dpkg</prgn> knows
10360 that <tt>--build</tt> is a <prgn>dpkg-deb</prgn> option, so
10361 it invokes <prgn>dpkg-deb</prgn> with the same arguments to
10362 build the package.)
10363 </p>
10366 See the man page <manref name="dpkg-deb" section="8"> for details of how
10367 to examine the contents of this newly-created file. You may find the
10368 output of following commands enlightening:
10369 <example>
10370 dpkg-deb --info <var>filename</var>.deb
10371 dpkg-deb --contents <var>filename</var>.deb
10372 dpkg --contents <var>filename</var>.deb
10373 </example>
10374 To view the copyright file for a package you could use this command:
10375 <example>
10376 dpkg --fsys-tarfile <var>filename</var>.deb | tar xOf - --wildcards \*/copyright | pager
10377 </example>
10378 </p>
10379 </sect>
10381 <sect id="pkg-controlarea">
10382 <heading>Package control information files</heading>
10385 The control information portion of a binary package is a
10386 collection of files with names known to <prgn>dpkg</prgn>.
10387 It will treat the contents of these files specially - some
10388 of them contain information used by <prgn>dpkg</prgn> when
10389 installing or removing the package; others are scripts which
10390 the package maintainer wants <prgn>dpkg</prgn> to run.
10391 </p>
10394 It is possible to put other files in the package control
10395 information file area, but this is not generally a good idea
10396 (though they will largely be ignored).
10397 </p>
10400 Here is a brief list of the control information files supported
10401 by <prgn>dpkg</prgn> and a summary of what they're used for.
10402 </p>
10405 <taglist>
10406 <tag><tt>control</tt>
10407 <item>
10409 This is the key description file used by
10410 <prgn>dpkg</prgn>. It specifies the package's name
10411 and version, gives its description for the user,
10412 states its relationships with other packages, and so
10413 forth. See <ref id="sourcecontrolfiles"> and
10414 <ref id="binarycontrolfiles">.
10415 </p>
10418 It is usually generated automatically from information
10419 in the source package by the
10420 <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn> program, and with
10421 assistance from <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn>.
10422 See <ref id="pkg-sourcetools">.
10423 </p>
10424 </item>
10426 <tag><tt>postinst</tt>, <tt>preinst</tt>, <tt>postrm</tt>,
10427 <tt>prerm</tt>
10428 </tag>
10429 <item>
10431 These are executable files (usually scripts) which
10432 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> runs during installation, upgrade
10433 and removal of packages. They allow the package to
10434 deal with matters which are particular to that package
10435 or require more complicated processing than that
10436 provided by <prgn>dpkg</prgn>. Details of when and
10437 how they are called are in <ref id="maintainerscripts">.
10438 </p>
10441 It is very important to make these scripts idempotent.
10442 See <ref id="idempotency">.
10443 </p>
10446 The maintainer scripts are not guaranteed to run with a
10447 controlling terminal and may not be able to interact with
10448 the user. See <ref id="controllingterminal">.
10449 </p>
10450 </item>
10452 <tag><tt>conffiles</tt>
10453 </tag>
10454 <item>
10455 This file contains a list of configuration files which
10456 are to be handled automatically by <prgn>dpkg</prgn>
10457 (see <ref id="pkg-conffiles">). Note that not necessarily
10458 every configuration file should be listed here.
10459 </item>
10461 <tag><tt>shlibs</tt>
10462 </tag>
10463 <item>
10464 This file contains a list of the shared libraries
10465 supplied by the package, with dependency details for
10466 each. This is used by <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn>
10467 when it determines what dependencies are required in a
10468 package control file. The <tt>shlibs</tt> file format
10469 is described on <ref id="shlibs">.
10470 </item>
10471 </taglist>
10472 </p>
10474 <sect id="pkg-controlfile">
10475 <heading>The main control information file: <tt>control</tt></heading>
10478 The most important control information file used by
10479 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> when it installs a package is
10480 <tt>control</tt>. It contains all the package's "vital
10481 statistics".
10482 </p>
10485 The binary package control files of packages built from
10486 Debian sources are made by a special tool,
10487 <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn>, which reads
10488 <file>debian/control</file> and <file>debian/changelog</file> to
10489 find the information it needs. See <ref id="pkg-sourcepkg"> for
10490 more details.
10491 </p>
10494 The fields in binary package control files are listed in
10495 <ref id="binarycontrolfiles">.
10496 </p>
10499 A description of the syntax of control files and the purpose
10500 of the fields is available in <ref id="controlfields">.
10501 </p>
10502 </sect>
10504 <sect>
10505 <heading>Time Stamps</heading>
10508 See <ref id="timestamps">.
10509 </p>
10510 </sect>
10511 </appendix>
10513 <appendix id="pkg-sourcepkg">
10514 <heading>Source packages (from old Packaging Manual) </heading>
10517 The Debian binary packages in the distribution are generated
10518 from Debian sources, which are in a special format to assist
10519 the easy and automatic building of binaries.
10520 </p>
10522 <sect id="pkg-sourcetools">
10523 <heading>Tools for processing source packages</heading>
10526 Various tools are provided for manipulating source packages;
10527 they pack and unpack sources and help build of binary
10528 packages and help manage the distribution of new versions.
10529 </p>
10532 They are introduced and typical uses described here; see
10533 <manref name="dpkg-source" section="1"> for full
10534 documentation about their arguments and operation.
10535 </p>
10538 For examples of how to construct a Debian source package,
10539 and how to use those utilities that are used by Debian
10540 source packages, please see the <prgn>hello</prgn> example
10541 package.
10542 </p>
10544 <sect1 id="pkg-dpkg-source">
10545 <heading>
10546 <prgn>dpkg-source</prgn> - packs and unpacks Debian source
10547 packages
10548 </heading>
10551 This program is frequently used by hand, and is also
10552 called from package-independent automated building scripts
10553 such as <prgn>dpkg-buildpackage</prgn>.
10554 </p>
10557 To unpack a package it is typically invoked with
10558 <example>
10559 dpkg-source -x <var>.../path/to/filename</var>.dsc
10560 </example>
10561 </p>
10564 with the <file><var>filename</var>.tar.gz</file> and
10565 <file><var>filename</var>.diff.gz</file> (if applicable) in
10566 the same directory. It unpacks into
10567 <file><var>package</var>-<var>version</var></file>, and if
10568 applicable
10569 <file><var>package</var>-<var>version</var>.orig</file>, in
10570 the current directory.
10571 </p>
10574 To create a packed source archive it is typically invoked:
10575 <example>
10576 dpkg-source -b <var>package</var>-<var>version</var>
10577 </example>
10578 </p>
10581 This will create the <file>.dsc</file>, <file>.tar.gz</file> and
10582 <file>.diff.gz</file> (if appropriate) in the current
10583 directory. <prgn>dpkg-source</prgn> does not clean the
10584 source tree first - this must be done separately if it is
10585 required.
10586 </p>
10589 See also <ref id="pkg-sourcearchives">.</p>
10590 </sect1>
10593 <sect1 id="pkg-dpkg-buildpackage">
10594 <heading>
10595 <prgn>dpkg-buildpackage</prgn> - overall package-building
10596 control script
10597 </heading>
10600 <prgn>dpkg-buildpackage</prgn> is a script which invokes
10601 <prgn>dpkg-source</prgn>, the <file>debian/rules</file>
10602 targets <tt>clean</tt>, <tt>build</tt> and
10603 <tt>binary</tt>, <prgn>dpkg-genchanges</prgn> and
10604 <prgn>gpg</prgn> (or <prgn>pgp</prgn>) to build a signed
10605 source and binary package upload.
10606 </p>
10609 It is usually invoked by hand from the top level of the
10610 built or unbuilt source directory. It may be invoked with
10611 no arguments; useful arguments include:
10612 <taglist compact="compact">
10613 <tag><tt>-uc</tt>, <tt>-us</tt></tag>
10614 <item>
10616 Do not sign the <tt>.changes</tt> file or the
10617 source package <tt>.dsc</tt> file, respectively.</p>
10618 </item>
10619 <tag><tt>-p<var>sign-command</var></tt></tag>
10620 <item>
10622 Invoke <var>sign-command</var> instead of finding
10623 <tt>gpg</tt> or <tt>pgp</tt> on the <prgn>PATH</prgn>.
10624 <var>sign-command</var> must behave just like
10625 <prgn>gpg</prgn> or <tt>pgp</tt>.</p>
10626 </item>
10627 <tag><tt>-r<var>root-command</var></tt></tag>
10628 <item>
10630 When root privilege is required, invoke the command
10631 <var>root-command</var>. <var>root-command</var>
10632 should invoke its first argument as a command, from
10633 the <prgn>PATH</prgn> if necessary, and pass its
10634 second and subsequent arguments to the command it
10635 calls. If no <var>root-command</var> is supplied
10636 then <var>dpkg-buildpackage</var> will use
10637 the <prgn>fakeroot</prgn> command, which is sufficient
10638 to build most packages without actually requiring root
10639 privileges.</p>
10640 </item>
10641 <tag><tt>-b</tt>, <tt>-B</tt></tag>
10642 <item>
10644 Two types of binary-only build and upload - see
10645 <manref name="dpkg-source" section="1">.
10646 </p>
10647 </item>
10648 </taglist>
10649 </p>
10650 </sect1>
10652 <sect1 id="pkg-dpkg-gencontrol">
10653 <heading>
10654 <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn> - generates binary package
10655 control files
10656 </heading>
10659 This program is usually called from <file>debian/rules</file>
10660 (see <ref id="pkg-sourcetree">) in the top level of the source
10661 tree.
10662 </p>
10665 This is usually done just before the files and directories in the
10666 temporary directory tree where the package is being built have their
10667 permissions and ownerships set and the package is constructed using
10668 <prgn>dpkg-deb/</prgn>
10669 <footnote>
10670 This is so that the control file which is produced has
10671 the right permissions
10672 </footnote>.
10673 </p>
10676 <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn> must be called after all the
10677 files which are to go into the package have been placed in
10678 the temporary build directory, so that its calculation of
10679 the installed size of a package is correct.
10680 </p>
10683 It is also necessary for <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn> to
10684 be run after <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> so that the
10685 variable substitutions created by
10686 <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> in <file>debian/substvars</file>
10687 are available.
10688 </p>
10691 For a package which generates only one binary package, and
10692 which builds it in <file>debian/tmp</file> relative to the top
10693 of the source package, it is usually sufficient to call
10694 <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn>.
10695 </p>
10698 Sources which build several binaries will typically need
10699 something like:
10700 <example>
10701 dpkg-gencontrol -Pdebian/tmp-<var>pkg</var> -p<var>package</var>
10702 </example> The <tt>-P</tt> tells
10703 <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn> that the package is being
10704 built in a non-default directory, and the <tt>-p</tt>
10705 tells it which package's control file should be generated.
10706 </p>
10709 <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn> also adds information to the
10710 list of files in <file>debian/files</file>, for the benefit of
10711 (for example) a future invocation of
10712 <prgn>dpkg-genchanges</prgn>.</p>
10713 </sect1>
10715 <sect1 id="pkg-dpkg-shlibdeps">
10716 <heading>
10717 <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> - calculates shared library
10718 dependencies
10719 </heading>
10722 This program is usually called from <file>debian/rules</file>
10723 just before <prgn>dpkg-gencontrol</prgn> (see <ref
10724 id="pkg-sourcetree">), in the top level of the source tree.
10725 </p>
10728 Its arguments are executables and shared libraries
10729 <footnote>
10731 They may be specified either in the locations in the
10732 source tree where they are created or in the locations
10733 in the temporary build tree where they are installed
10734 prior to binary package creation.
10735 </p>
10736 </footnote> for which shared library dependencies should
10737 be included in the binary package's control file.
10738 </p>
10741 If some of the found shared libraries should only
10742 warrant a <tt>Recommends</tt> or <tt>Suggests</tt>, or if
10743 some warrant a <tt>Pre-Depends</tt>, this can be achieved
10744 by using the <tt>-d<var>dependency-field</var></tt> option
10745 before those executable(s). (Each <tt>-d</tt> option
10746 takes effect until the next <tt>-d</tt>.)
10747 </p>
10750 <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> does not directly cause the
10751 output control file to be modified. Instead by default it
10752 adds to the <file>debian/substvars</file> file variable
10753 settings like <tt>shlibs:Depends</tt>. These variable
10754 settings must be referenced in dependency fields in the
10755 appropriate per-binary-package sections of the source
10756 control file.
10757 </p>
10760 For example, a package that generates an essential part
10761 which requires dependencies, and optional parts that
10762 which only require a recommendation, would separate those
10763 two sets of dependencies into two different fields.<footnote>
10764 At the time of writing, an example for this was the
10765 <package/xmms/ package, with Depends used for the xmms
10766 executable, Recommends for the plug-ins and Suggests for
10767 even more optional features provided by unzip.
10768 </footnote>
10769 It can say in its <file>debian/rules</file>:
10770 <example>
10771 dpkg-shlibdeps -dDepends <var>program anotherprogram ...</var> \
10772 -dRecommends <var>optionalpart anotheroptionalpart</var>
10773 </example>
10774 and then in its main control file <file>debian/control</file>:
10775 <example>
10776 <var>...</var>
10777 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
10778 Recommends: ${shlibs:Recommends}
10779 <var>...</var>
10780 </example>
10781 </p>
10784 Sources which produce several binary packages with
10785 different shared library dependency requirements can use
10786 the <tt>-p<var>varnameprefix</var></tt> option to override
10787 the default <tt>shlibs:</tt> prefix (one invocation of
10788 <prgn>dpkg-shlibdeps</prgn> per setting of this option).
10789 They can thus produce several sets of dependency
10790 variables, each of the form
10791 <tt><var>varnameprefix</var>:<var>dependencyfield</var></tt>,
10792 which can be referred to in the appropriate parts of the
10793 binary package control files.
10794 </p>
10795 </sect1>
10798 <sect1 id="pkg-dpkg-distaddfile">
10799 <heading>
10800 <prgn>dpkg-distaddfile</prgn> - adds a file to
10801 <file>debian/files</file>
10802 </heading>
10805 Some packages' uploads need to include files other than
10806 the source and binary package files.
10807 </p>
10810 <prgn>dpkg-distaddfile</prgn> adds a file to the
10811 <file>debian/files</file> file so that it will be included in
10812 the <file>.changes</file> file when
10813 <prgn>dpkg-genchanges</prgn> is run.
10814 </p>
10817 It is usually invoked from the <tt>binary</tt> target of
10818 <file>debian/rules</file>:
10819 <example>
10820 dpkg-distaddfile <var>filename</var> <var>section</var> <var>priority</var>
10821 </example>
10822 The <var>filename</var> is relative to the directory where
10823 <prgn>dpkg-genchanges</prgn> will expect to find it - this
10824 is usually the directory above the top level of the source
10825 tree. The <file>debian/rules</file> target should put the
10826 file there just before or just after calling
10827 <prgn>dpkg-distaddfile</prgn>.
10828 </p>
10831 The <var>section</var> and <var>priority</var> are passed
10832 unchanged into the resulting <file>.changes</file> file.
10833 </p>
10834 </sect1>
10837 <sect1 id="pkg-dpkg-genchanges">
10838 <heading>
10839 <prgn>dpkg-genchanges</prgn> - generates a <file>.changes</file>
10840 upload control file
10841 </heading>
10844 This program is usually called by package-independent
10845 automatic building scripts such as
10846 <prgn>dpkg-buildpackage</prgn>, but it may also be called
10847 by hand.
10848 </p>
10851 It is usually called in the top level of a built source
10852 tree, and when invoked with no arguments will print out a
10853 straightforward <file>.changes</file> file based on the
10854 information in the source package's changelog and control
10855 file and the binary and source packages which should have
10856 been built.
10857 </p>
10858 </sect1>
10861 <sect1 id="pkg-dpkg-parsechangelog">
10862 <heading>
10863 <prgn>dpkg-parsechangelog</prgn> - produces parsed
10864 representation of a changelog
10865 </heading>
10868 This program is used internally by
10869 <prgn>dpkg-source</prgn> et al. It may also occasionally
10870 be useful in <file>debian/rules</file> and elsewhere. It
10871 parses a changelog, <file>debian/changelog</file> by default,
10872 and prints a control-file format representation of the
10873 information in it to standard output.
10874 </p>
10875 </sect1>
10877 <sect1 id="pkg-dpkg-architecture">
10878 <heading>
10879 <prgn>dpkg-architecture</prgn> - information about the build and
10880 host system
10881 </heading>
10884 This program can be used manually, but is also invoked by
10885 <tt>dpkg-buildpackage</tt> or <file>debian/rules</file> to set
10886 environment or make variables which specify the build and host
10887 architecture for the package building process.
10888 </p>
10889 </sect1>
10890 </sect>
10892 <sect id="pkg-sourcetree">
10893 <heading>The Debian package source tree</heading>
10896 The source archive scheme described later is intended to
10897 allow a Debian package source tree with some associated
10898 control information to be reproduced and transported easily.
10899 The Debian package source tree is a version of the original
10900 program with certain files added for the benefit of the
10901 packaging process, and with any other changes required
10902 made to the rest of the source code and installation
10903 scripts.
10904 </p>
10907 The extra files created for Debian are in the subdirectory
10908 <file>debian</file> of the top level of the Debian package
10909 source tree. They are described below.
10910 </p>
10912 <sect1 id="pkg-debianrules">
10913 <heading><file>debian/rules</file> - the main building script</heading>
10916 See <ref id="debianrules">.
10917 </p>
10918 </sect1>
10920 <sect1 id="pkg-srcsubstvars">
10921 <heading><file>debian/substvars</file> and variable substitutions</heading>
10924 See <ref id="substvars">.
10925 </p>
10927 </sect1>
10929 <sect1>
10930 <heading><file>debian/files</file></heading>
10933 See <ref id="debianfiles">.
10934 </p>
10935 </sect1>
10937 <sect1><heading><file>debian/tmp</file>
10938 </heading>
10941 This is the canonical temporary location for the
10942 construction of binary packages by the <tt>binary</tt>
10943 target. The directory <file>tmp</file> serves as the root of
10944 the file system tree as it is being constructed (for
10945 example, by using the package's upstream makefiles install
10946 targets and redirecting the output there), and it also
10947 contains the <tt>DEBIAN</tt> subdirectory. See <ref
10948 id="pkg-bincreating">.
10949 </p>
10952 If several binary packages are generated from the same
10953 source tree it is usual to use several
10954 <file>debian/tmp<var>something</var></file> directories, for
10955 example <file>tmp-a</file> or <file>tmp-doc</file>.
10956 </p>
10959 Whatever <file>tmp</file> directories are created and used by
10960 <tt>binary</tt> must of course be removed by the
10961 <tt>clean</tt> target.</p></sect1>
10962 </sect>
10965 <sect id="pkg-sourcearchives"><heading>Source packages as archives
10966 </heading>
10969 As it exists on the FTP site, a Debian source package
10970 consists of three related files. You must have the right
10971 versions of all three to be able to use them.
10972 </p>
10975 <taglist>
10976 <tag>Debian source control file - <tt>.dsc</tt></tag>
10977 <item>
10978 This file is a control file used by <prgn>dpkg-source</prgn>
10979 to extract a source package.
10980 See <ref id="debiansourcecontrolfiles">.
10981 </item>
10983 <tag>
10984 Original source archive -
10985 <file>
10986 <var>package</var>_<var>upstream-version</var>.orig.tar.gz
10987 </file>
10988 </tag>
10990 <item>
10992 This is a compressed (with <tt>gzip -9</tt>)
10993 <prgn>tar</prgn> file containing the source code from
10994 the upstream authors of the program.
10995 </p>
10996 </item>
10998 <tag>
10999 Debian package diff -
11000 <file>
11001 <var>package</var>_<var>upstream_version-revision</var>.diff.gz
11002 </file>
11003 </tag>
11004 <item>
11007 This is a unified context diff (<tt>diff -u</tt>)
11008 giving the changes which are required to turn the
11009 original source into the Debian source. These changes
11010 may only include editing and creating plain files.
11011 The permissions of files, the targets of symbolic
11012 links and the characteristics of special files or
11013 pipes may not be changed and no files may be removed
11014 or renamed.
11015 </p>
11018 All the directories in the diff must exist, except the
11019 <file>debian</file> subdirectory of the top of the source
11020 tree, which will be created by
11021 <prgn>dpkg-source</prgn> if necessary when unpacking.
11022 </p>
11025 The <prgn>dpkg-source</prgn> program will
11026 automatically make the <file>debian/rules</file> file
11027 executable (see below).</p></item>
11028 </taglist>
11029 </p>
11032 If there is no original source code - for example, if the
11033 package is specially prepared for Debian or the Debian
11034 maintainer is the same as the upstream maintainer - the
11035 format is slightly different: then there is no diff, and the
11036 tarfile is named
11037 <file><var>package</var>_<var>version</var>.tar.gz</file>,
11038 and preferably contains a directory named
11039 <file><var>package</var>-<var>version</var></file>.
11040 </p>
11041 </sect>
11043 <sect>
11044 <heading>Unpacking a Debian source package without <prgn>dpkg-source</prgn></heading>
11047 <tt>dpkg-source -x</tt> is the recommended way to unpack a
11048 Debian source package. However, if it is not available it
11049 is possible to unpack a Debian source archive as follows:
11050 <enumlist compact="compact">
11051 <item>
11053 Untar the tarfile, which will create a <file>.orig</file>
11054 directory.</p>
11055 </item>
11056 <item>
11057 <p>Rename the <file>.orig</file> directory to
11058 <file><var>package</var>-<var>version</var></file>.</p>
11059 </item>
11060 <item>
11062 Create the subdirectory <file>debian</file> at the top of
11063 the source tree.</p>
11064 </item>
11065 <item><p>Apply the diff using <tt>patch -p0</tt>.</p>
11066 </item>
11067 <item><p>Untar the tarfile again if you want a copy of the original
11068 source code alongside the Debian version.</p>
11069 </item>
11070 </enumlist>
11073 It is not possible to generate a valid Debian source archive
11074 without using <prgn>dpkg-source</prgn>. In particular,
11075 attempting to use <prgn>diff</prgn> directly to generate the
11076 <file>.diff.gz</file> file will not work.
11077 </p>
11079 <sect1>
11080 <heading>Restrictions on objects in source packages</heading>
11083 The source package may not contain any hard links
11084 <footnote>
11085 This is not currently detected when building source
11086 packages, but only when extracting
11087 them.
11088 </footnote>
11089 <footnote>
11090 Hard links may be permitted at some point in the
11091 future, but would require a fair amount of
11092 work.
11093 </footnote>, device special files, sockets or setuid or
11094 setgid files.
11095 <footnote>
11096 Setgid directories are allowed.
11097 </footnote>
11098 </p>
11101 The source packaging tools manage the changes between the
11102 original and Debian source using <prgn>diff</prgn> and
11103 <prgn>patch</prgn>. Turning the original source tree as
11104 included in the <file>.orig.tar.gz</file> into the Debian
11105 package source must not involve any changes which cannot be
11106 handled by these tools. Problematic changes which cause
11107 <prgn>dpkg-source</prgn> to halt with an error when
11108 building the source package are:
11109 <list compact="compact">
11110 <item><p>Adding or removing symbolic links, sockets or pipes.</p>
11111 </item>
11112 <item><p>Changing the targets of symbolic links.</p>
11113 </item>
11114 <item><p>Creating directories, other than <file>debian</file>.</p>
11115 </item>
11116 <item><p>Changes to the contents of binary files.</p></item>
11117 </list> Changes which cause <prgn>dpkg-source</prgn> to
11118 print a warning but continue anyway are:
11119 <list compact="compact">
11120 <item>
11122 Removing files, directories or symlinks.
11123 <footnote>
11124 Renaming a file is not treated specially - it is
11125 seen as the removal of the old file (which
11126 generates a warning, but is otherwise ignored),
11127 and the creation of the new one.
11128 </footnote>
11129 </p>
11130 </item>
11131 <item>
11133 Changed text files which are missing the usual final
11134 newline (either in the original or the modified
11135 source tree).
11136 </p>
11137 </item>
11138 </list>
11139 Changes which are not represented, but which are not detected by
11140 <prgn>dpkg-source</prgn>, are:
11141 <list compact="compact">
11142 <item><p>Changing the permissions of files (other than
11143 <file>debian/rules</file>) and directories.</p></item>
11144 </list>
11145 </p>
11148 The <file>debian</file> directory and <file>debian/rules</file>
11149 are handled specially by <prgn>dpkg-source</prgn> - before
11150 applying the changes it will create the <file>debian</file>
11151 directory, and afterwards it will make
11152 <file>debian/rules</file> world-executable.
11153 </p>
11154 </sect1>
11155 </sect>
11156 </appendix>
11158 <appendix id="pkg-controlfields">
11159 <heading>Control files and their fields (from old Packaging Manual)</heading>
11162 Many of the tools in the <prgn>dpkg</prgn> suite manipulate
11163 data in a common format, known as control files. Binary and
11164 source packages have control data as do the <file>.changes</file>
11165 files which control the installation of uploaded files, and
11166 <prgn>dpkg</prgn>'s internal databases are in a similar
11167 format.
11168 </p>
11170 <sect>
11171 <heading>Syntax of control files</heading>
11174 See <ref id="controlsyntax">.
11175 </p>
11178 It is important to note that there are several fields which
11179 are optional as far as <prgn>dpkg</prgn> and the related
11180 tools are concerned, but which must appear in every Debian
11181 package, or whose omission may cause problems.
11182 </p>
11183 </sect>
11185 <sect>
11186 <heading>List of fields</heading>
11189 See <ref id="controlfieldslist">.
11190 </p>
11193 This section now contains only the fields that didn't belong
11194 to the Policy manual.
11195 </p>
11197 <sect1 id="pkg-f-Filename">
11198 <heading><tt>Filename</tt> and <tt>MSDOS-Filename</tt></heading>
11201 These fields in <tt>Packages</tt> files give the
11202 filename(s) of (the parts of) a package in the
11203 distribution directories, relative to the root of the
11204 Debian hierarchy. If the package has been split into
11205 several parts the parts are all listed in order, separated
11206 by spaces.
11207 </p>
11208 </sect1>
11210 <sect1 id="pkg-f-Size">
11211 <heading><tt>Size</tt> and <tt>MD5sum</tt></heading>
11214 These fields in <file>Packages</file> files give the size (in
11215 bytes, expressed in decimal) and MD5 checksum of the
11216 file(s) which make(s) up a binary package in the
11217 distribution. If the package is split into several parts
11218 the values for the parts are listed in order, separated by
11219 spaces.
11220 </p>
11221 </sect1>
11223 <sect1 id="pkg-f-Status">
11224 <heading><tt>Status</tt></heading>
11227 This field in <prgn>dpkg</prgn>'s status file records
11228 whether the user wants a package installed, removed or
11229 left alone, whether it is broken (requiring
11230 re-installation) or not and what its current state on the
11231 system is. Each of these pieces of information is a
11232 single word.
11233 </p>
11234 </sect1>
11236 <sect1 id="pkg-f-Config-Version">
11237 <heading><tt>Config-Version</tt></heading>
11240 If a package is not installed or not configured, this
11241 field in <prgn>dpkg</prgn>'s status file records the last
11242 version of the package which was successfully
11243 configured.
11244 </p>
11245 </sect1>
11247 <sect1 id="pkg-f-Conffiles">
11248 <heading><tt>Conffiles</tt></heading>
11251 This field in <prgn>dpkg</prgn>'s status file contains
11252 information about the automatically-managed configuration
11253 files held by a package. This field should <em>not</em>
11254 appear anywhere in a package!
11255 </p>
11256 </sect1>
11258 <sect1>
11259 <heading>Obsolete fields</heading>
11262 These are still recognized by <prgn>dpkg</prgn> but should
11263 not appear anywhere any more.
11265 <taglist compact="compact">
11267 <tag><tt>Revision</tt></tag>
11268 <tag><tt>Package-Revision</tt></tag>
11269 <tag><tt>Package_Revision</tt></tag>
11270 <item>
11271 The Debian revision part of the package version was
11272 at one point in a separate control field. This
11273 field went through several names.
11274 </item>
11276 <tag><tt>Recommended</tt></tag>
11277 <item>Old name for <tt>Recommends</tt>.</item>
11279 <tag><tt>Optional</tt></tag>
11280 <item>Old name for <tt>Suggests</tt>.</item>
11282 <tag><tt>Class</tt></tag>
11283 <item>Old name for <tt>Priority</tt>.</item>
11285 </taglist>
11286 </p>
11287 </sect1>
11288 </sect>
11290 </appendix>
11292 <appendix id="pkg-conffiles">
11293 <heading>Configuration file handling (from old Packaging Manual)</heading>
11296 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> can do a certain amount of automatic
11297 handling of package configuration files.
11298 </p>
11301 Whether this mechanism is appropriate depends on a number of
11302 factors, but basically there are two approaches to any
11303 particular configuration file.
11304 </p>
11307 The easy method is to ship a best-effort configuration in the
11308 package, and use <prgn>dpkg</prgn>'s conffile mechanism to
11309 handle updates. If the user is unlikely to want to edit the
11310 file, but you need them to be able to without losing their
11311 changes, and a new package with a changed version of the file
11312 is only released infrequently, this is a good approach.
11313 </p>
11316 The hard method is to build the configuration file from
11317 scratch in the <prgn>postinst</prgn> script, and to take the
11318 responsibility for fixing any mistakes made in earlier
11319 versions of the package automatically. This will be
11320 appropriate if the file is likely to need to be different on
11321 each system.
11322 </p>
11324 <sect><heading>Automatic handling of configuration files by
11325 <prgn>dpkg</prgn>
11326 </heading>
11329 A package may contain a control information file called
11330 <tt>conffiles</tt>. This file should be a list of filenames
11331 of configuration files needing automatic handling, separated
11332 by newlines. The filenames should be absolute pathnames,
11333 and the files referred to should actually exist in the
11334 package.
11335 </p>
11338 When a package is upgraded <prgn>dpkg</prgn> will process
11339 the configuration files during the configuration stage,
11340 shortly before it runs the package's <prgn>postinst</prgn>
11341 script,
11342 </p>
11345 For each file it checks to see whether the version of the
11346 file included in the package is the same as the one that was
11347 included in the last version of the package (the one that is
11348 being upgraded from); it also compares the version currently
11349 installed on the system with the one shipped with the last
11350 version.
11351 </p>
11354 If neither the user nor the package maintainer has changed
11355 the file, it is left alone. If one or the other has changed
11356 their version, then the changed version is preferred - i.e.,
11357 if the user edits their file, but the package maintainer
11358 doesn't ship a different version, the user's changes will
11359 stay, silently, but if the maintainer ships a new version
11360 and the user hasn't edited it the new version will be
11361 installed (with an informative message). If both have
11362 changed their version the user is prompted about the problem
11363 and must resolve the differences themselves.
11364 </p>
11367 The comparisons are done by calculating the MD5 message
11368 digests of the files, and storing the MD5 of the file as it
11369 was included in the most recent version of the package.
11370 </p>
11373 When a package is installed for the first time
11374 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> will install the file that comes with it,
11375 unless that would mean overwriting a file already on the
11376 file system.
11377 </p>
11380 However, note that <prgn>dpkg</prgn> will <em>not</em>
11381 replace a conffile that was removed by the user (or by a
11382 script). This is necessary because with some programs a
11383 missing file produces an effect hard or impossible to
11384 achieve in another way, so that a missing file needs to be
11385 kept that way if the user did it.
11386 </p>
11389 Note that a package should <em>not</em> modify a
11390 <prgn>dpkg</prgn>-handled conffile in its maintainer
11391 scripts. Doing this will lead to <prgn>dpkg</prgn> giving
11392 the user confusing and possibly dangerous options for
11393 conffile update when the package is upgraded.</p>
11394 </sect>
11396 <sect><heading>Fully-featured maintainer script configuration
11397 handling
11398 </heading>
11401 For files which contain site-specific information such as
11402 the hostname and networking details and so forth, it is
11403 better to create the file in the package's
11404 <prgn>postinst</prgn> script.
11405 </p>
11408 This will typically involve examining the state of the rest
11409 of the system to determine values and other information, and
11410 may involve prompting the user for some information which
11411 can't be obtained some other way.
11412 </p>
11415 When using this method there are a couple of important
11416 issues which should be considered:
11417 </p>
11420 If you discover a bug in the program which generates the
11421 configuration file, or if the format of the file changes
11422 from one version to the next, you will have to arrange for
11423 the postinst script to do something sensible - usually this
11424 will mean editing the installed configuration file to remove
11425 the problem or change the syntax. You will have to do this
11426 very carefully, since the user may have changed the file,
11427 perhaps to fix the very problem that your script is trying
11428 to deal with - you will have to detect these situations and
11429 deal with them correctly.
11430 </p>
11433 If you do go down this route it's probably a good idea to
11434 make the program that generates the configuration file(s) a
11435 separate program in <file>/usr/sbin</file>, by convention called
11436 <file><var>package</var>config</file> and then run that if
11437 appropriate from the post-installation script. The
11438 <tt><var>package</var>config</tt> program should not
11439 unquestioningly overwrite an existing configuration - if its
11440 mode of operation is geared towards setting up a package for
11441 the first time (rather than any arbitrary reconfiguration
11442 later) you should have it check whether the configuration
11443 already exists, and require a <tt>--force</tt> flag to
11444 overwrite it.</p></sect>
11445 </appendix>
11447 <appendix id="pkg-alternatives"><heading>Alternative versions of
11448 an interface - <prgn>update-alternatives</prgn> (from old
11449 Packaging Manual)
11450 </heading>
11453 When several packages all provide different versions of the
11454 same program or file it is useful to have the system select a
11455 default, but to allow the system administrator to change it
11456 and have their decisions respected.
11457 </p>
11460 For example, there are several versions of the <prgn>vi</prgn>
11461 editor, and there is no reason to prevent all of them from
11462 being installed at once, each under their own name
11463 (<prgn>nvi</prgn>, <prgn>vim</prgn> or whatever).
11464 Nevertheless it is desirable to have the name <tt>vi</tt>
11465 refer to something, at least by default.
11466 </p>
11469 If all the packages involved cooperate, this can be done with
11470 <prgn>update-alternatives</prgn>.
11471 </p>
11474 Each package provides its own version under its own name, and
11475 calls <prgn>update-alternatives</prgn> in its postinst to
11476 register its version (and again in its prerm to deregister
11477 it).
11478 </p>
11481 See the man page <manref name="update-alternatives"
11482 section="8"> for details.
11483 </p>
11486 If <prgn>update-alternatives</prgn> does not seem appropriate
11487 you may wish to consider using diversions instead.</p>
11488 </appendix>
11490 <appendix id="pkg-diversions"><heading>Diversions - overriding a
11491 package's version of a file (from old Packaging Manual)
11492 </heading>
11495 It is possible to have <prgn>dpkg</prgn> not overwrite a file
11496 when it reinstalls the package it belongs to, and to have it
11497 put the file from the package somewhere else instead.
11498 </p>
11501 This can be used locally to override a package's version of a
11502 file, or by one package to override another's version (or
11503 provide a wrapper for it).
11504 </p>
11507 Before deciding to use a diversion, read <ref
11508 id="pkg-alternatives"> to see if you really want a diversion
11509 rather than several alternative versions of a program.
11510 </p>
11513 There is a diversion list, which is read by <prgn>dpkg</prgn>,
11514 and updated by a special program <prgn>dpkg-divert</prgn>.
11515 Please see <manref name="dpkg-divert" section="8"> for full
11516 details of its operation.
11517 </p>
11520 When a package wishes to divert a file from another, it should
11521 call <prgn>dpkg-divert</prgn> in its preinst to add the
11522 diversion and rename the existing file. For example,
11523 supposing that a <prgn>smailwrapper</prgn> package wishes to
11524 install a wrapper around <file>/usr/sbin/smail</file>:
11525 <example>
11526 dpkg-divert --package smailwrapper --add --rename \
11527 --divert /usr/sbin/smail.real /usr/sbin/smail
11528 </example> The <tt>--package smailwrapper</tt> ensures that
11529 <prgn>smailwrapper</prgn>'s copy of <file>/usr/sbin/smail</file>
11530 can bypass the diversion and get installed as the true version.
11531 It's safe to add the diversion unconditionally on upgrades since
11532 it will be left unchanged if it already exists, but
11533 <prgn>dpkg-divert</prgn> will display a message. To suppress that
11534 message, make the command conditional on the version from which
11535 the package is being upgraded:
11536 <example>
11537 if [ upgrade != "$1" ] || dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt 1.0-2; then
11538 dpkg-divert --package smailwrapper --add --rename \
11539 --divert /usr/sbin/smail.real /usr/sbin/smail
11541 </example> where <tt>1.0-2</tt> is the version at which the
11542 diversion was first added to the package. Running the command
11543 during abort-upgrade is pointless but harmless.
11544 </p>
11547 The postrm has to do the reverse:
11548 <example>
11549 if [ remove = "$1" -o abort-install = "$1" -o disappear = "$1" ]; then
11550 dpkg-divert --package smailwrapper --remove --rename \
11551 --divert /usr/sbin/smail.real /usr/sbin/smail
11553 </example> If the diversion was added at a particular version, the
11554 postrm should also handle the failure case of upgrading from an
11555 older version (unless the older version is so old that direct
11556 upgrades are no longer supported):
11557 <example>
11558 if [ abort-upgrade = "$1" ] && dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt 1.0-2; then
11559 dpkg-divert --package smailwrapper --remove --rename \
11560 --divert /usr/sbin/smail.real /usr/sbin/smail
11562 </example> where <tt>1.0-2</tt> is the version at which the
11563 diversion was first added to the package. The postrm should not
11564 remove the diversion on upgrades both because there's no reason to
11565 remove the diversion only to immediately re-add it and since the
11566 postrm of the old package is run after unpacking so the removal of
11567 the diversion will fail.
11568 </p>
11571 Do not attempt to divert a file which is vitally important for
11572 the system's operation - when using <prgn>dpkg-divert</prgn>
11573 there is a time, after it has been diverted but before
11574 <prgn>dpkg</prgn> has installed the new version, when the file
11575 does not exist.</p>
11576 </appendix>
11578 </book>
11579 </debiandoc>
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