Allow dav_test to be used against random SSL certs.
[davical.git] / testing / dav_test
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 # Run a test
6 use strict;
8 use DBI;
9 use Getopt::Long qw(:config permute); # allow mixed args.
11 # Options variables
12 my $debug = 0;
13 my $dsn = "davical";
14 my $dbuser = "";
15 my $dbpass = "";
16 my $webhost = 'mycaldav';
17 my $althost = 'myempty';
18 my $testdef;
19 my $suite;
20 my $case;
21 my $helpmeplease = 0;
23 my $dbadir = $0;
24 $dbadir =~ s{/[^/]*$}{};
25 my $patchdir = $dbadir . "/patches";
28 GetOptions ('debug!' => \$debug,
29 'dsn=s' => \$dsn,
30 'dbuser=s' => \$dbuser,
31 'dbpass=s' => \$dbpass,
32 'webhost=s' => \$webhost,
33 'althost=s' => \$althost,
34 'test=s' => \$testdef,
35 'suite=s' => \$suite,
36 'case=s' => \$case,
37 'help' => \$helpmeplease );
39 usage() if ( $helpmeplease || ((!defined($suite) || !defined($case)) && !defined($testdef)));
41 my $dbh;
44 my @arguments = ( "--basic", "--proxy", "", "--insecure" );
45 push @arguments, "--silent" unless ( $debug );
46 push @arguments, "--verbose" if ( $debug );
48 my $url;
49 my $script;
50 my @scripts = ( );
51 my $is_head_request = 0;
52 my @auth = ( "--user", "user1:user1" );
54 if ( !defined($testdef) ) {
55 $testdef = "tests/$suite/$case.test";
58 my $datafile = $testdef;
59 $datafile =~ s{\.test$}{};
60 push @arguments, "--header", 'X-DAViCal-Testcase: '.$datafile;
61 $datafile .= '.data';
63 my $state = "";
64 my $data_binary;
66 my $sql_variable = "";
67 my $sql_statement = "";
68 my $sql_values = {};
69 my $queries = ();
70 my $replacements = ();
73 open( TEST, '<', $testdef ) or die "Can't open '$testdef'";
74 while( <TEST> ) {
75 my $line = $_;
77 # Do any variable replcements we have so far
78 foreach my $variable ( keys %{$sql_values} ) {
79 my $value = $sql_values->{$variable};
80 $line =~ s/##$variable##/$value/g;
83 if ( $state ne "" ) {
84 if ( /^END$state$/ ) {
85 if ( $state eq "SQL" ) {
86 get_sql_value( $sql_variable, $sql_values, $sql_statement );
88 elsif ( $state eq "DOSQL" ) {
89 do_sql( $sql_statement );
91 elsif ( $state eq "QUERY" ) {
92 push @$queries, $sql_statement;
94 $state = "";
96 elsif ( $state eq "DATA" ) {
97 $data_binary .= $line;
99 elsif ( $state eq "SQL" || $state eq "QUERY" || $state eq "DOSQL" ) {
100 $sql_statement .= $line;
102 next;
105 /^\s*(#|$)/ && next;
107 $line =~ /^\s*HEAD\s*(#|$|=)/ && do {
108 push @arguments, "--include";
111 $line =~ /^\s*VERBOSE\s*(#|$|=)/ && do {
112 push @arguments, "--verbose";
115 $line =~ /^\s*NOAUTH\s*(#|$|=)/ && do {
116 @auth = ();
119 $line =~ /^\s*DIGEST\s*(#|$|=)/ && do {
120 push @arguments, "--digest";
121 @auth = ( "--user", $1 );
124 $line =~ /^\s*AUTH\s*=\s*(\S.*)$/ && do {
125 @auth = ( "--user", $1 );
128 $line =~ /^\s*DATA\s*=\s*(\S.*)$/ && do {
129 my $basename = $1;
130 if ( defined($suite) ) {
131 if ( -e "tests/$suite/$" ) {
132 $datafile="tests/$suite/$";
134 elsif ( -e "tests/$suite/$basename" ) {
135 $datafile="tests/$suite/$basename";
139 elsif ( -e "$" ) {
140 $datafile="$";
142 elsif ( -e $basename ) {
143 $datafile=$basename;
145 else {
146 die "Can't find DATA file $basename or $";
150 $line =~ /^BEGINDATA\s*$/ && do {
151 $data_binary = "";
152 $state = "DATA";
155 $line =~ /^GETSQL\s*=\s*(\S.*)$/ && do {
156 $sql_variable = $1;
157 $sql_statement = "";
158 $state = "SQL";
161 $line =~ /^DOSQL\s*$/ && do {
162 $sql_statement = "";
163 $state = "DOSQL";
166 $line =~ /^REPLACE\s*=\s*(\S)(.*)$/ && do {
167 my $separator = $1;
168 $2 =~ /^([^$separator]*)$separator([^$separator]*)$separator$/ && do {
169 push @$replacements, { 'pattern' => $1, 'replacement' => $2 };
173 $line =~ /^QUERY\s*$/ && do {
174 $sql_statement = "";
175 $state = "QUERY";
178 $line =~ /^\s*TYPE\s*=\s*(\S.*)$/ && do {
179 if ( $1 eq "HEAD" ) {
180 $is_head_request = 1;
182 else {
183 push @arguments, "--request", $1;
187 $line =~ /^\s*HEADER\s*=\s*(\S.*)$/ && do {
188 my $arg = $1;
189 $arg =~ s{}{$webhost};
190 $arg =~ s{}{$althost};
191 push @arguments, "--header", $arg;
194 $line =~ /^\s*URL\s*=\s*(\S.*)$/ && do {
195 $url=$1;
196 $url =~ s{}{$webhost};
197 $url =~ s{}{$althost};
200 $line =~ /^\s*SCRIPT\s*=\s*(\S.*)$/ && do {
201 $script=$1;
202 $script =~ s{}{$webhost};
203 $script =~ s{}{$althost};
204 push @scripts, $script;
209 if ( !defined($url) && !defined($script) ) {
210 print <<EOERROR ;
211 The .test file must contain either a URL or a SCRIPT.
213 exit (2);
216 push @arguments, "--head" if ( $is_head_request );
218 push @arguments, @auth;
220 if ( -f $datafile ) {
221 push @arguments, "--data-binary", "\@$datafile";
223 elsif ( defined($data_binary) ) {
224 push @arguments, "--data-binary", $data_binary;
226 else {
227 undef($datafile);
231 if ( defined($url) ) {
232 push @arguments, $url;
234 print STDERR join " ", "curl", @arguments, "\n" if ( $debug );
236 open RESULTS, "-|", "curl", @arguments;
237 while( <RESULTS> ) {
238 my $line = $_;
239 foreach my $replacement ( @$replacements ) {
240 $line =~ s/$replacement->{'pattern'}/$replacement->{'replacement'}/;
242 print $line;
246 if ( defined($script) ) {
247 foreach $script ( @scripts ) {
248 open RESULTS, "-|", $script;
249 while( <RESULTS> ) {
250 my $line = $_;
251 foreach my $replacement ( @$replacements ) {
252 $line =~ s/$replacement->{'pattern'}/$replacement->{'replacement'}/;
254 print $line;
259 if ( defined(@{$queries}) && @{$queries} ) {
260 opendb() unless defined($dbh);
261 print "\n";
262 print STDERR "Processing special queries\n" if ( $debug );
263 foreach $sql_statement ( @$queries ) {
264 # run SQL statement and dump results, into array of hashes
265 my $results = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql_statement, { Slice => {} } );
266 if ( $dbh->err ) {
267 print $dbh->errstr, "\n";
268 next;
270 foreach my $row ( @$results ) {
271 print "Query result ================================================\n" if ( $debug );
272 my $sep = "";
273 foreach my $name ( sort keys %$row ) {
274 my $value = $row->{$name};
275 $value = 'NULL' unless ( defined($value) );
276 printf("%17.17s: >%s<\n", $name, $value );
278 print "\n";
283 exit(0);
286 =item do_sql( $sql_statement )
287 Queries the database using the specified statement and
288 ignores the result.
289 =cut
290 sub do_sql {
291 my $sql = shift;
293 opendb() unless defined($dbh);
294 $dbh->do($sql);
295 if ( $dbh->err ) {
296 print $dbh->errstr, "\n";
297 return;
299 print "SQL executed successfully.\n";
300 print $sql, "\n";
304 =item get_sql_value( $sql_variable, $sql_values, $sql_statement )
305 Queries the database using the specified statement and puts
306 the first column of the first row returned into the
307 hash referenced $sql_values->{$sql_variable} for replacement
308 later in the parsing process.
309 =cut
310 sub get_sql_value {
311 my $varname = shift;
312 my $values = shift;
313 my $sql = shift;
315 opendb() unless defined($dbh);
316 my $results = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql);
317 if ( $dbh->err ) {
318 print $dbh->errstr, "\n";
319 return;
321 print STDERR "RESULT for $varname is ", $results->[0][0], "\n" if ( $debug );
322 $values->{$varname} = (defined($results->[0][0]) ? $results->[0][0] : "");
325 =item opendb()
326 Opens the database connection to the global $dbh handle.
327 Note that the standard PostgreSQL environment variables will also work
328 with DBD::Pg.
329 =cut
330 sub opendb {
331 $dsn = "dbi:Pg:dbname=$dsn";
332 $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass, { AutoCommit => 1 } ) or die "Can't connect to database $dsn";
336 sub usage {
337 print <<EOERROR ;
339 Usage:
340 dav_test [DB opts] [--suite <testsuite> --case <testname>] | [--test <filename>]
342 This program will read the file 'tests/<testsuite>/<testname>.test
343 and follow the instructions there.
345 The following options are available for controlling the database, for
346 those test cases which might require it:
347 --dsn <database>[;port=NNNN][;]
348 --dbuser <user>
349 --dbpass <password>
352 The test instructions will include lines defining the test like:
353 =================================================
354 # This is an example
355 URL=http://mycaldav/caldav.php/andrew/
356 HEADER=Depth: 0
357 HEADER=Content-type: text/xml
359 HEAD
361 # This will let you use ##somename## for this value after this
362 GETSQL=somename
363 SELECT column FROM table WHERE criteria
365 # The data can be included in line
367 ... data content ...
369 # The result could be some SQL output
371 SELECT something, or, other FROM table ...
374 REPLACE=/pattern/replacement/options
375 =================================================
377 URL The URL to request from.
378 HEADER An additional header for the request
379 TYPE The type of request (e.g. GET/PUT/POST/REPORT/...)
380 HEAD Whether to include the headers in the recorded response
381 VERBOSE Whether to provide the full request / response headers.
382 DATA The name of a different test in this suite to use data from.
383 REPLACE A perl regex replacement to post-process the result through.
385 Additionally, if a file 'tests/<testsuite>/<testname>.data' exists
386 the contents of that file will be sent in the body of the request.
389 exit(1);