2 - accept the free/busy information as a POST
3 - more translations of the administration interface
4 - translations of the website.
5 - the ability to see a better list of event data in the admin interface
8 - Add ability to delete users & collections
9 - Expose the Admin option to maintenance by admins.
10 - Implement support for the ACL method
11 - Implement support for updating the acl via PROPPATCH
12 - Implement the DAV::acl-principal-prop-set report from RFC3744
13 - Implement the DAV::principal-match report from RFC3744
14 - Implement the DAV::principal-search-property-set report from RFC3744
15 - Implement draft-desruisseaux-caldav-sched specifications.
18 - Check for read-acl privilege to PROPFIND acl
19 - Check for read-current-user-privilege-set to PROPFIND current user privs.