Changes due to responding that VPOLL/VAVAILABILITY are OK.
[davical.git] / testing / tests / regression-suite / 0558-iPhone-PROPFIND.result
1 HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status\r
2 Date: Dow, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT\r
3 DAV: 1, 2, 3, access-control, calendar-access, calendar-schedule\r
4 DAV: extended-mkcol, calendar-proxy, bind, addressbook, calendar-auto-schedule\r
5 ETag: "23d5188e972ee46de551b1dd2cf1073a"\r
6 Content-Length: 4933\r
7 Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"\r
8 \r
9 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
10 <multistatus xmlns="DAV:" xmlns:C="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav" xmlns:C1="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav" xmlns:C2="">
11  <response>
12   <href>/caldav.php/user1/</href>
13   <propstat>
14    <prop>
15     <displayname>User 1</displayname>
16     <resourcetype>
17      <collection/>
18      <principal/>
19     </resourcetype>
20    </prop>
21    <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
22   </propstat>
23   <propstat>
24    <prop>
25     <C:supported-calendar-component-set/>
26    </prop>
27    <status>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found</status>
28   </propstat>
29  </response>
30  <response>
31   <href>/caldav.php/user1/home/</href>
32   <propstat>
33    <prop>
34     <displayname>user1 home</displayname>
35     <C:supported-calendar-component-set>
36      <C:comp name="VEVENT"/>
37      <C:comp name="VTODO"/>
38      <C:comp name="VJOURNAL"/>
39      <C:comp name="VTIMEZONE"/>
40      <C:comp name="VFREEBUSY"/>
41      <C:comp name="VPOLL"/>
42      <C:comp name="VAVAILABILITY"/>
43     </C:supported-calendar-component-set>
44     <resourcetype>
45      <collection/>
46      <C:calendar/>
47     </resourcetype>
48    </prop>
49    <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
50   </propstat>
51  </response>
52  <response>
53   <href>/caldav.php/user1/addresses/</href>
54   <propstat>
55    <prop>
56     <displayname>user1 addresses</displayname>
57     <resourcetype>
58      <collection/>
59      <C1:addressbook/>
60     </resourcetype>
61    </prop>
62    <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
63   </propstat>
64   <propstat>
65    <prop>
66     <C:supported-calendar-component-set/>
67    </prop>
68    <status>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found</status>
69   </propstat>
70  </response>
71  <response>
72   <href>/caldav.php/user1/created/</href>
73   <propstat>
74    <prop>
75     <displayname>created</displayname>
76     <C:supported-calendar-component-set>
77      <C:comp name="VEVENT"/>
78      <C:comp name="VTODO"/>
79      <C:comp name="VJOURNAL"/>
80      <C:comp name="VTIMEZONE"/>
81      <C:comp name="VFREEBUSY"/>
82      <C:comp name="VPOLL"/>
83      <C:comp name="VAVAILABILITY"/>
84     </C:supported-calendar-component-set>
85     <resourcetype>
86      <collection/>
87      <C:calendar/>
88     </resourcetype>
89    </prop>
90    <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
91   </propstat>
92  </response>
93  <response>
94   <href>/caldav.php/user1/.in/</href>
95   <propstat>
96    <prop>
97     <displayname>User 1 Inbox</displayname>
98     <C:supported-calendar-component-set>
99      <C:comp name="VEVENT"/>
100      <C:comp name="VTODO"/>
101      <C:comp name="VFREEBUSY"/>
102     </C:supported-calendar-component-set>
103     <resourcetype>
104      <collection/>
105      <C:schedule-inbox/>
106     </resourcetype>
107    </prop>
108    <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
109   </propstat>
110  </response>
111  <response>
112   <href>/caldav.php/user1/.out/</href>
113   <propstat>
114    <prop>
115     <displayname>User 1 Outbox</displayname>
116     <C:supported-calendar-component-set>
117      <C:comp name="VEVENT"/>
118      <C:comp name="VTODO"/>
119      <C:comp name="VFREEBUSY"/>
120     </C:supported-calendar-component-set>
121     <resourcetype>
122      <collection/>
123      <C:schedule-outbox/>
124     </resourcetype>
125    </prop>
126    <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
127   </propstat>
128  </response>
129  <response>
130   <href>/caldav.php/user1/6E20BB7C-EFD9-4F0F-9BDC-5335E04D47E0/</href>
131   <propstat>
132    <prop>
133     <displayname>iCal Calendar</displayname>
134     <C:supported-calendar-component-set>
135      <C:comp name="VEVENT"/>
136      <C:comp name="VTODO"/>
137      <C:comp name="VJOURNAL"/>
138      <C:comp name="VTIMEZONE"/>
139      <C:comp name="VFREEBUSY"/>
140      <C:comp name="VPOLL"/>
141      <C:comp name="VAVAILABILITY"/>
142     </C:supported-calendar-component-set>
143     <resourcetype>
144      <collection/>
145      <C:calendar/>
146     </resourcetype>
147    </prop>
148    <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
149   </propstat>
150  </response>
151  <response>
152   <href>/caldav.php/user1/VTODO-EFD9-4F0F-9BDC-5335E04D47E0/</href>
153   <propstat>
154    <prop>
155     <displayname>Untitled</displayname>
156     <C:supported-calendar-component-set>
157      <C:comp name="VTODO"/>
158     </C:supported-calendar-component-set>
159     <resourcetype>
160      <collection/>
161      <C:calendar/>
162     </resourcetype>
163    </prop>
164    <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
165   </propstat>
166  </response>
167  <response>
168   <href>/caldav.php/user1/calendar-proxy-read/</href>
169   <propstat>
170    <prop>
171     <displayname>/user1/calendar-proxy-read/</displayname>
172     <resourcetype>
173      <collection/>
174      <C2:calendar-proxy-read/>
175     </resourcetype>
176    </prop>
177    <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
178   </propstat>
179   <propstat>
180    <prop>
181     <C:supported-calendar-component-set/>
182    </prop>
183    <status>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found</status>
184   </propstat>
185  </response>
186  <response>
187   <href>/caldav.php/user1/calendar-proxy-write/</href>
188   <propstat>
189    <prop>
190     <displayname>/user1/calendar-proxy-write/</displayname>
191     <resourcetype>
192      <collection/>
193      <C2:calendar-proxy-write/>
194     </resourcetype>
195    </prop>
196    <status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</status>
197   </propstat>
198   <propstat>
199    <prop>
200     <C:supported-calendar-component-set/>
201    </prop>
202    <status>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found</status>
203   </propstat>
204  </response>
205 </multistatus>