Updated German translation
[dasher.git] / Src / DasherCore / RoutingAlphMgr.cpp
1 //
2 // RoutingAlphMgr.cpp
3 // Dasher
4 //
5 // Created by Alan Lawrence on 13/12/11.
6 // Copyright 2011 Cambridge University. All rights reserved.
7 //
9 #include "RoutingAlphMgr.h"
10 #include "DasherInterfaceBase.h"
11 using namespace std;
12 using namespace Dasher;
14 // Track memory leaks on Windows to the line that new'd the memory
15 #ifdef _WIN32
17 #define DEBUG_NEW new( _NORMAL_BLOCK, THIS_FILE, __LINE__ )
18 #define new DEBUG_NEW
19 #undef THIS_FILE
20 static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
21 #endif
22 #endif
24 CRoutingAlphMgr::CRoutingAlphMgr(CSettingsUser *pCreator, CDasherInterfaceBase *pInterface, CNodeCreationManager *pNCManager, const CAlphInfo *pAlphabet)
25 : CAlphabetManager(pCreator, pInterface, pNCManager, pAlphabet) {
27 DASHER_ASSERT(pAlphabet->m_iConversionID==3 || pAlphabet->m_iConversionID==4);
30 void CRoutingAlphMgr::InitMap() {
31 m_vBaseSyms.reserve(m_pAlphabet->iEnd); m_vBaseSyms.push_back(0); //base for unknown route = unknown!
32 m_vRoutes.push_back(set<symbol>()); //unknown base symbol has no routes
33 for (int i=1; i<m_pAlphabet->iEnd; i++) {
34 symbol s = m_map.Get(m_pAlphabet->GetText(i));
35 if (s==0) {
36 s=m_vRoutes.size();
37 m_vRoutes.push_back(set<symbol>());
38 m_map.Add(m_pAlphabet->GetText(i),s);
40 m_vBaseSyms.push_back(s);
41 m_vRoutes[s].insert(i);
43 m_vGroupsByRoute.resize(m_vBaseSyms.size());
44 vector<const SGroupInfo *> vGroups;
45 DASHER_ASSERT(!m_pAlphabet->pNext);
46 vGroups.push_back(m_pAlphabet->pChild);
47 while (!vGroups.empty()) {
48 const SGroupInfo *g(vGroups.back()); vGroups.pop_back();
49 if (!g) continue;
50 for (int i=g->iStart; i<g->iEnd; i++) m_vGroupsByRoute[i]=g;
51 vGroups.push_back(g->pNext);
52 vGroups.push_back(g->pChild);
56 void CRoutingAlphMgr::CreateLanguageModel() {
57 m_pLanguageModel = new CRoutingPPMLanguageModel(this, &m_vBaseSyms, &m_vRoutes, m_pAlphabet->m_iConversionID==4);
60 string CRoutingAlphMgr::CRoutedSym::trainText() {
61 const set<symbol> &routes(mgr()->m_vRoutes[mgr()->m_vBaseSyms[iSymbol]]);
62 DASHER_ASSERT(routes.count(iSymbol));
63 string t=CSymbolNode::trainText();
64 if (routes.size()!=1)
65 if (const SGroupInfo *g = mgr()->m_vGroupsByRoute[iSymbol])
66 return mgr()->m_pAlphabet->m_strConversionTrainStart + g->strName + mgr()->m_pAlphabet->m_strConversionTrainStop + t;
67 return t;
70 CRoutingAlphMgr::CRoutedSym::CRoutedSym(int iOffset, CDasherScreen::Label *pLabel, CRoutingAlphMgr *pMgr, symbol iSymbol)
71 : CSymbolNode(iOffset, pLabel, pMgr, iSymbol) {
75 CAlphabetManager::CAlphNode *CRoutingAlphMgr::CreateSymbolRoot(int iOffset, CLanguageModel::Context ctx, symbol sym) {
76 //sym is from the map, so a base symbol. It's at the end of the context,
77 // TODO unless this is the completely-empty context,
78 // so ask the LM for which way it's most likely to have been entered
79 sym = static_cast<CRoutingPPMLanguageModel*>(m_pLanguageModel)->GetBestRoute(ctx);
80 return new CRoutedSym(iOffset, m_vLabels[sym], this, sym);
83 int CRoutingAlphMgr::GetColour(symbol route, int iOffset) const {
84 int iColour = m_pAlphabet->GetColour(route); //colours were rehashed with CH symbol text
85 if (iColour==-1) {
86 //none specified in alphabet
87 static int colourStore[2][3] = {
88 {66,//light blue
89 64,//very light green
90 62},//light yellow
91 {78,//light purple
92 81,//brownish
93 60},//red
94 };
95 return colourStore[iOffset&1][route % 3];
97 if ((iOffset&1)==0 && iColour<130) iColour+=130;
98 return iColour;
102 CDasherNode *CRoutingAlphMgr::CreateSymbolNode(CAlphNode *pParent, symbol iSymbol) {
104 int iNewOffset = pParent->offset()+1;
105 if (m_pAlphabet->GetText(iSymbol)=="\r\n") iNewOffset++;
106 CSymbolNode *pAlphNode = new CRoutedSym(iNewOffset, m_vLabels[iSymbol], this, iSymbol);
108 pAlphNode->iContext = m_pLanguageModel->CloneContext(pParent->iContext);
110 //namely, we want to enter only the BASE symbol into the LM, not the route
111 // (which would be out of range):
112 m_pLanguageModel->EnterSymbol(pAlphNode->iContext, m_vBaseSyms[iSymbol]);
113 // (Unfortunately, we can't make EnterSymbol take route numbers, because
114 // it has base symbols passed to it from the alphabet map)
115 return pAlphNode;
119 CRoutingAlphMgr::CRoutingTrainer::CRoutingTrainer(CMessageDisplay *pMsgs, CRoutingAlphMgr *pMgr)
120 : CTrainer(pMsgs, pMgr->m_pLanguageModel, pMgr->m_pAlphabet, &pMgr->m_map), m_pMgr(pMgr) {
122 m_iStartSym=0;
123 vector<symbol> trainStartSyms;
124 m_pAlphabet->GetSymbols(trainStartSyms, m_pInfo->m_strConversionTrainStart);
125 if (trainStartSyms.size()==1)
126 m_iStartSym = trainStartSyms[0];
127 else
128 m_pMsgs->FormatMessageWithString(_("Warning: faulty alphabet definition: training-start delimiter %s must be a single unicode character. May be unable to process training file."),
129 m_pInfo->m_strConversionTrainStart.c_str());
132 symbol CRoutingAlphMgr::CRoutingTrainer::getRoute(bool bHaveRoute, const string &strRoute, symbol baseSym) {
133 const set<symbol> &candidates(m_pMgr->m_vRoutes.at(baseSym));
134 set<symbol> named;
135 for (set<symbol>::iterator it=candidates.begin(); it!=candidates.end(); it++)
136 if (const SGroupInfo *g=m_pMgr->m_vGroupsByRoute[*it])
137 if (g->strName == strRoute)
138 named.insert(*it);
139 //if no name was given, but a single group with no name exists, use it!
140 if (named.size()==1) return *(named.begin());
141 //otherwise, we will not learn a route - but this is fine, we can learn
142 // that later more-or-less independently
144 if (bHaveRoute) {
145 m_pMsgs->FormatMessageWith2Strings((named.size()==0)
146 ? _("Warning: training file contains character '%s' as member of group '%s', but no group of that name contains the character. Ignoring group specifier.")
147 : _("Warning: training file contains character '%s' as member of group '%s', but alphabet contains several such groups. Dasher will not be able to learn how you want to write this character."),
148 m_pInfo->GetDisplayText(baseSym).c_str(),
149 strRoute.c_str());
151 // don't flag a problem if no route specified
153 return 0;
156 void CRoutingAlphMgr::CRoutingTrainer::Train(CAlphabetMap::SymbolStream &syms) {
157 CLanguageModel::Context trainContext = m_pLanguageModel->CreateEmptyContext();
159 string strRoute; bool bHaveRoute(false);
160 for (symbol sym; (sym=syms.next(m_pAlphabet))!=-1;) {
161 if (sym == m_iStartSym) {
162 if (sym!=0 || syms.peekBack()==m_pInfo->m_strConversionTrainStart) {
163 if (bHaveRoute)
164 m_pMsgs->FormatMessageWithString(_("Warning: in training file, annotation '<%s>' is followed by another annotation and will be ignored"),
165 strRoute.c_str());
166 strRoute.clear(); bHaveRoute=true;
167 for (string s; (s=syms.peekAhead()).length(); strRoute+=s) {
168 syms.next(m_pAlphabet);
169 if (s==m_pInfo->m_strConversionTrainStop) break;
171 continue; //read next, hopefully a CH (!)
172 } //else, unknown symbol, but does not match pinyin delimiter; fallthrough
174 if (readEscape(trainContext, sym, syms)) continue; //TODO warn if py lost?
175 //OK, sym is a (CH) symbol to learn.
176 if (sym) {
177 if (symbol route = getRoute(bHaveRoute, strRoute, sym))
178 m_pLanguageModel->LearnSymbol(trainContext, route);
179 else
180 static_cast<CRoutingPPMLanguageModel*>(m_pLanguageModel)->LearnBaseSymbol(trainContext, sym);
181 } //else, silently drop - as standard CTrainer
182 bHaveRoute=false; strRoute.clear();
184 m_pLanguageModel->ReleaseContext(trainContext);
188 CTrainer *CRoutingAlphMgr::GetTrainer() {
189 //We pass in the pinyin alphabet to define the context-switch escape character, and the default context.
190 // Although the default context will be symbolified via the _chinese_ alphabet, this seems reasonable
191 // as it is the Pinyin alphabet which defines the conversion mapping (i.e. m_strConversionTarget!)
192 return new CRoutingTrainer(m_pInterface, this);