Updated German translation
[dasher.git] / Src / DasherCore / ExpansionPolicy.h
1 /*
2 * ExpansionPolicy.h
3 * Dasher
5 * Created by Alan Lawrence on 03/06/2009.
6 * Copyright 2009 Cavendish Laboratory. All rights reserved.
8 */
10 #ifndef __ExpansionPolicy_h__
11 #define __ExpansionPolicy_h__
13 #include <vector>
14 #include <queue>
15 #include <limits>
16 #include <algorithm>
17 #include "DasherNode.h"
19 class CNodeCreationManager;
21 namespace Dasher {
22 class CDasherModel;
23 class CExpansionPolicy
25 public:
26 virtual ~CExpansionPolicy() = default;
27 ///dMaxCost should be the value returned by pushNode from the call for the node most closely enclosing pNode (that was pushed!)
28 ///for the first (outermost) node, i.e. when no enclosing node has been passed, (+ive) INFINITY should be passed in.
29 virtual double pushNode(CDasherNode *pNode, int iDasherMinY, int iDasherMaxY, bool bExpand, double dMaxCost)=0;
30 ///Return TRUE if another frame should be forced.
31 virtual bool apply()=0;
32 ///Expand node immediately (do not wait for a call to apply()) - subclasses may use
33 /// to implement their apply() methods, but public so the view can call directly for nodes
34 /// which must be expanded during rendering. (Delegates to CDasherModel.)
35 void ExpandNode(CDasherNode *pNode);
36 protected:
37 CExpansionPolicy(CDasherModel *pModel) : m_pModel(pModel) {}
38 private:
39 CDasherModel *m_pModel;
42 class NoExpansions : public CExpansionPolicy
44 public:
45 NoExpansions() = default;
46 ~NoExpansions() override = default;
47 double pushNode(CDasherNode *pNode, int iMin, int iMax, bool bExpand, double dMaxCost) override {return dMaxCost;}
48 bool apply() override {return false;}
51 ///A policy that expands/collapses nodes to maintain a given node budget.
52 ///Also ascribes uniform costs, according to size within the range 0-4096.
53 class BudgettingPolicy : public CExpansionPolicy
55 public:
56 BudgettingPolicy(CDasherModel *pModel, unsigned int iNodeBudget);
57 ~BudgettingPolicy() override = default;
58 ///sets cost according to getCost(pNode,iMin,iMax);
59 ///then assures node is cheaper (less important) than its parent;
60 ///then adds to relevant queue
61 double pushNode(CDasherNode *pNode, int iMin, int iMax, bool bExpand, double dParentCost) override;
62 bool apply() override;
63 protected:
64 virtual double getCost(CDasherNode *pNode, int iDasherMinY, int iDasherMaxY);
65 ///return the intersection of the ranges (y1-y2) and (iMin-iMax)
66 int getRange(int y1, int y2, int iMin, int iMax);
67 std::vector<std::pair<double,CDasherNode *> > sExpand, sCollapse;
68 unsigned int m_iNodeBudget;
71 ///limits expansion to a few nodes (per instance i.e. per frame)
72 ///(collapsing is at present unlimited, have to test this...)
73 class AmortizedPolicy : public BudgettingPolicy
75 public:
76 AmortizedPolicy(CDasherModel *pModel, unsigned int iNodeBudget);
77 AmortizedPolicy(CDasherModel *pModel, unsigned int iNodeBudget, unsigned int iMaxExpands);
78 ~AmortizedPolicy() override = default;
79 bool apply() override;
80 double pushNode(CDasherNode *pNode, int iMin, int iMax, bool bExpand, double dParentCost) override;
81 private:
82 unsigned int m_iMaxExpands;
83 void trim();
86 #endif /*defined __ExpansionPolicy_h__*/