Output encoding support, using Babel
[cxml.git] / test / xmlconf.lisp
1 (defpackage xmlconf
2 (:use :cl :runes)
3 (:export #:run-all-tests))
4 (in-package :xmlconf)
6 (defun get-attribute (element name)
7 (rod-string (dom:get-attribute element name)))
9 (defparameter *bad-tests*
10 '(;; TS14
11 ;; http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xml-testsuite/2002Mar/0001.html
12 "ibm-valid-P28-ibm28v02.xml"
13 "ibm-valid-P29-ibm29v01.xml"
14 "ibm-valid-P29-ibm29v02.xml"))
16 (defun test-class (test)
17 (cond
18 ((not (and (let ((version (get-attribute test "RECOMMENDATION")))
19 (cond
20 ((or (equal version "") ;XXX
21 (equal version "XML1.0")
22 (equal version "NS1.0"))
23 (cond
24 ((equal (get-attribute test "NAMESPACE") "no")
25 (format t "~A: test applies to parsers without namespace support, skipping~%"
26 (get-attribute test "URI"))
27 nil)
29 t)))
30 ((equal version "XML1.1")
31 ;; not supported
32 nil)
34 (warn "unrecognized RECOMMENDATION value: ~S" version)
35 nil)))
36 (not (member (get-attribute test "ID") *bad-tests* :test 'equal))))
37 nil)
38 ((equal (get-attribute test "TYPE") "valid") :valid)
39 ((equal (get-attribute test "TYPE") "invalid") :invalid)
40 ((equal (get-attribute test "TYPE") "not-wf") :not-wf)
41 (t nil)))
43 (defun test-pathnames (directory test)
44 (let* ((sub-directory
45 (loop
46 for parent = test then (dom:parent-node parent)
47 for base = (get-attribute parent "xml:base")
48 until (plusp (length base))
49 finally (return (merge-pathnames base directory))))
50 (uri (get-attribute test "URI"))
51 (output (get-attribute test "OUTPUT")))
52 (values (merge-pathnames uri sub-directory)
53 (when (plusp (length output))
54 (merge-pathnames output sub-directory)))))
56 (defmethod serialize-document ((document t))
57 (dom:map-document (cxml:make-octet-vector-sink :canonical 2)
58 document
59 :include-doctype :canonical-notations
60 :include-default-values t))
62 (defun file-contents (pathname)
63 (with-open-file (s pathname :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
64 (let ((result
65 (make-array (file-length s) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
66 (read-sequence result s )
67 result)))
69 (defun dribble-tests (parser-fn directory)
70 (let ((base (slot-value (asdf:find-system :cxml) 'asdf::relative-pathname)))
71 (with-open-file (*standard-output*
72 (merge-pathnames "XMLCONF" base)
73 :direction :output
74 :external-format :iso-8859-1
75 :if-exists :supersede)
76 (run-all-tests parser-fn directory))))
78 (defvar *parser-fn* 'sax-test)
80 (defun sax-test (filename handler &rest args)
81 (apply #'cxml:parse-file filename handler :recode nil args))
83 (defun klacks-test (filename handler &rest args)
84 (klacks:with-open-source
85 (s (apply #'cxml:make-source (pathname filename) args))
86 (klacks:serialize-source s handler)))
88 (defun run-all-tests (parser-fn directory)
89 (let* ((*parser-fn* parser-fn)
90 (pathname (merge-pathnames "xmlconf.xml" directory))
91 (builder (rune-dom:make-dom-builder))
92 (xmlconf (cxml:parse-file pathname builder :recode nil))
93 (ntried 0)
94 (nfailed 0)
95 (nskipped 0)
96 ;; XXX someone found it funny to include invalid URIs in the
97 ;; test suite. And no, in "invalid" not "not-wf".
98 (puri:*strict-parse* nil))
99 (dom:do-node-list (test (dom:get-elements-by-tag-name xmlconf "TEST"))
100 (let ((description
101 (apply #'concatenate
102 'string
103 (map 'list
104 (lambda (child)
105 (if (dom:text-node-p child)
106 (rod-string (dom:data child))
107 ""))
108 (dom:child-nodes test))))
109 (class (test-class test)))
110 (cond
111 (class
112 (incf ntried)
113 (multiple-value-bind (pathname output)
114 (test-pathnames directory test)
115 (princ (enough-namestring pathname directory))
116 (unless (probe-file pathname)
117 (error "file not found: ~A" pathname))
118 (with-simple-restart (skip-test "Skip this test")
119 (unless (run-test class pathname output description)
120 (incf nfailed))
121 (fresh-line))))
123 (incf nskipped)))))
124 (format t "~&~D/~D tests failed; ~D test~:P were skipped"
125 nfailed ntried nskipped)))
127 (defmethod run-test :around (class pathname output description &rest args)
128 (declare (ignore class pathname output args))
129 (handler-case
130 (call-next-method)
131 (serious-condition (c)
132 (format t " FAILED:~% ~A~%[~A]~%" c description)
133 nil)))
135 (defmethod run-test ((class null) pathname output description &rest args)
136 (declare (ignore description))
137 (let ((document (apply *parser-fn*
138 pathname
139 (rune-dom:make-dom-builder)
140 args)))
141 ;; If we got here, parsing worked. Let's try to serialize the same
142 ;; document. (We do the same thing in canonical mode below to check the
143 ;; content model of the output, but that doesn't even catch obvious
144 ;; errors in DTD serialization, so even a simple here is an
145 ;; improvement.)
146 (apply *parser-fn* pathname (cxml:make-rod-sink) args)
147 (cond
148 ((null output)
149 (format t " input"))
150 ((equalp (file-contents output) (serialize-document document))
151 (format t " input/output"))
153 (let ((error-output (make-pathname :type "error" :defaults output)))
154 (with-open-file (s error-output
155 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
156 :direction :output
157 :if-exists :supersede)
158 (write-sequence (serialize-document document) s))
159 (error "well-formed, but output ~S not the expected ~S~%"
160 error-output output))))
163 (defmethod run-test
164 ((class (eql :valid)) pathname output description &rest args)
165 (assert (null args))
166 (and (progn
167 (format t " [not validating:]")
168 (run-test nil pathname output description :validate nil))
169 (progn
170 (format t " [validating:]")
171 (run-test nil pathname output description :validate t))))
173 (defmethod run-test
174 ((class (eql :invalid)) pathname output description &rest args)
175 (assert (null args))
176 (and (progn
177 (format t " [not validating:]")
178 (run-test nil pathname output description :validate nil))
179 (handler-case
180 (progn
181 (format t " [validating:]")
182 (funcall *parser-fn*
183 pathname
184 (rune-dom:make-dom-builder)
185 :validate t)
186 (error "validity error not detected")
187 nil)
188 (cxml:validity-error ()
189 (format t " invalid")
190 t))))
192 (defmethod run-test
193 ((class (eql :not-wf)) pathname output description &rest args)
194 (assert (null args))
195 (handler-case
196 (progn
197 (format t " [not validating:]")
198 (funcall *parser-fn*
199 pathname
200 (rune-dom:make-dom-builder)
201 :validate nil)
202 (error "well-formedness violation not detected")
203 nil)
204 #+fixme-stp-test
205 (error ()
206 (format t " unexpected-error")
208 (cxml:well-formedness-violation ()
209 (format t " not-wf")
211 (handler-case
212 (progn
213 (format t " [validating:]")
214 (funcall *parser-fn*
215 pathname
216 (rune-dom:make-dom-builder)
217 :validate t)
218 (error "well-formedness violation not detected")
219 nil)
220 #+fixme-stp-test
221 (error ()
222 (format t " unexpected-error")
224 (cxml:well-formedness-violation ()
225 (format t " not-wf")
227 (cxml:validity-error ()
228 ;; das erlauben wir mal auch, denn valide => wf
229 (format t " invalid")
230 t)))
232 #+(or)
233 (xmlconf::run-all-tests 'xmlconf::sax-test
234 "/home/david/2001/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf/")
236 #+(or)
237 (xmlconf::run-all-tests 'xmlconf::klacks-test
238 "/home/david/2001/XML-Test-Suite/xmlconf/")