various docstrings; release
[cxml.git] / xml / xmls-compat.lisp
1 ;;;; xml-compat.lisp -- XMLS-compatible data structures
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; This file is part of the CXML parser, released under Lisp-LGPL.
4 ;;;; See file COPYING for details.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; Developed 2004 for headcraft -
7 ;;;; Copyright: David Lichteblau
9 (defpackage cxml-xmls
10 (:use :cl :runes)
11 (:export #:make-node #:node-name #:node-ns #:node-attrs #:node-children
12 #:make-xmls-builder #:map-node #:make-xpath-navigator))
14 (in-package :cxml-xmls)
17 ;;;; Knoten
19 (defun make-node (&key name ns attrs children)
20 `(,(if ns (cons name ns) name)
21 ,attrs
22 ,@children))
24 (defun node-name (node)
25 (let ((car (car node)))
26 (if (consp car)
27 (car car)
28 car)))
30 (defun (setf node-name) (newval node)
31 (let ((car (car node)))
32 (if (consp car)
33 (setf (car car) newval)
34 (setf (car node) newval))))
36 (defun node-ns (node)
37 (let ((car (car node)))
38 (if (consp car)
39 (cdr car)
40 nil)))
42 (defun (setf node-ns) (newval node)
43 (let ((car (car node)))
44 (if (consp car)
45 (setf (cdr car) newval)
46 (setf (car node) (cons car newval)))
47 newval))
49 (defun node-attrs (node)
50 (cadr node))
52 (defun (setf node-attrs) (newval node)
53 (setf (cadr node) newval))
55 (defun node-children (node)
56 (cddr node))
58 (defun (setf node-children) (newval node)
59 (setf (cddr node) newval))
62 ;;;; SAX-Handler (Parser)
64 (defclass xmls-builder (sax:default-handler)
65 ((element-stack :initform nil :accessor element-stack)
66 (root :initform nil :accessor root)
67 (include-default-values :initform t
68 :initarg :include-default-values
69 :accessor include-default-values)
70 (include-namespace-uri :initform t
71 :initarg :include-namespace-uri
72 :accessor include-namespace-uri)))
74 (defun make-xmls-builder (&key (include-default-values t)
75 (include-namespace-uri t))
76 "Make a XMLS style builder. When 'include-namespace-uri is true a modified
77 XMLS tree is generated that includes the element namespace URI rather than
78 the qualified name prefix and also includes the namespace URI for attributes."
79 (make-instance 'xmls-builder
80 :include-default-values include-default-values
81 :include-namespace-uri include-namespace-uri))
83 (defmethod sax:end-document ((handler xmls-builder))
84 (root handler))
86 (defmethod sax:start-element
87 ((handler xmls-builder) namespace-uri local-name qname attributes)
88 (let* ((include-default-values (include-default-values handler))
89 (include-namespace-uri (include-namespace-uri handler))
90 (attributes
91 (loop
92 for attr in attributes
93 for attr-namespace-uri = (sax:attribute-namespace-uri attr)
94 for attr-local-name = (sax:attribute-local-name attr)
95 when (and (or (sax:attribute-specified-p attr)
96 include-default-values)
97 #+(or)
98 (or (not include-namespace-uri)
99 (not attr-namespace-uri)
100 attr-local-name))
101 collect
102 (list (cond (include-namespace-uri
103 (cond (attr-namespace-uri
104 (cons attr-local-name attr-namespace-uri))
106 (sax:attribute-qname attr))))
108 (sax:attribute-qname attr)))
109 (sax:attribute-value attr))))
110 (namespace (when include-namespace-uri namespace-uri))
111 (node (make-node :name local-name
112 :ns namespace
113 :attrs attributes))
114 (parent (car (element-stack handler))))
115 (if parent
116 (push node (node-children parent))
117 (setf (root handler) node))
118 (push node (element-stack handler))))
120 (defmethod sax:end-element
121 ((handler xmls-builder) namespace-uri local-name qname)
122 (declare (ignore namespace-uri local-name qname))
123 (let ((node (pop (element-stack handler))))
124 (setf (node-children node) (reverse (node-children node)))))
126 (defmethod sax:characters ((handler xmls-builder) data)
127 (let* ((parent (car (element-stack handler)))
128 (prev (car (node-children parent))))
129 ;; Be careful to accept both rods and strings here, so that xmls can be
130 ;; used with strings even if cxml is configured to use octet string rods.
131 (if (typep prev '(or rod string))
132 ;; um entities herum wird SAX:CHARACTERS mehrfach aufgerufen fuer
133 ;; den gleichen Textknoten. Hier muessen wir den bestehenden Knoten
134 ;; erweitern, sonst ist das Dokument nicht normalisiert.
135 ;; (XXX Oder sollte man besser den Parser entsprechend aendern?)
136 (setf (car (node-children parent))
137 (concatenate `(vector ,(array-element-type prev))
138 prev
139 data))
140 (push data (node-children parent)))))
143 ;;;; SAX-Treiber (fuer Serialisierung)
145 (defun map-node
146 (handler node
147 &key (include-xmlns-attributes sax:*include-xmlns-attributes*)
148 (include-namespace-uri t))
149 (if include-namespace-uri
150 (map-node/lnames (cxml:make-namespace-normalizer handler)
151 node
152 include-xmlns-attributes)
153 (map-node/qnames handler node include-xmlns-attributes)))
155 (defun map-node/lnames (handler node include-xmlns-attributes)
156 (sax:start-document handler)
157 (labels ((walk (node)
158 (unless (node-ns node)
159 (error "serializing with :INCLUDE-NAMESPACE-URI, but node ~
160 was created without namespace URI"))
161 (let* ((attlist
162 (compute-attributes/lnames node include-xmlns-attributes))
163 (uri (node-ns node))
164 (lname (node-name node))
165 (qname lname) ;let the normalizer fix it
167 (sax:start-element handler uri lname qname attlist)
168 (dolist (child (node-children node))
169 (typecase child
170 (list (walk child))
171 ((or string rod)
172 (sax:characters handler (string-rod child)))))
173 (sax:end-element handler uri lname qname))))
174 (walk node))
175 (sax:end-document handler))
177 (defun map-node/qnames (handler node include-xmlns-attributes)
178 (sax:start-document handler)
179 (labels ((walk (node)
180 (when (node-ns node)
181 (error "serializing without :INCLUDE-NAMESPACE-URI, but node ~
182 was created with a namespace URI"))
183 (let* ((attlist
184 (compute-attributes/qnames node include-xmlns-attributes))
185 (qname (string-rod (node-name node)))
186 (lname (nth-value 1 (cxml::split-qname qname))))
187 (sax:start-element handler nil lname qname attlist)
188 (dolist (child (node-children node))
189 (typecase child
190 (list (walk child))
191 ((or string rod)
192 (sax:characters handler (string-rod child)))))
193 (sax:end-element handler nil lname qname))))
194 (walk node))
195 (sax:end-document handler))
197 (defun compute-attributes/lnames (node xmlnsp)
198 (remove nil
199 (mapcar (lambda (a)
200 (destructuring-bind (name value) a
201 (unless (listp name)
202 (setf name (cons name nil)))
203 (destructuring-bind (lname &rest uri) name
204 (cond
205 ((not (equal uri ""))
206 (sax:make-attribute
207 ;; let the normalizer fix the qname
208 :qname (if uri
209 (string-rod (concatenate 'string
210 "dummy:"
211 lname))
212 (string-rod lname))
213 :local-name (string-rod lname)
214 :namespace-uri uri
215 :value (string-rod value)
216 :specified-p t))
217 (xmlnsp
218 (sax:make-attribute
219 :qname (string-rod
220 (if lname
221 (concatenate 'string "xmlns:" lname)
222 "xmlns"))
223 :local-name (string-rod lname)
224 :namespace-uri uri
225 :value (string-rod value)
226 :specified-p t))))))
227 (node-attrs node))))
229 (defun compute-attributes/qnames (node xmlnsp)
230 (remove nil
231 (mapcar (lambda (a)
232 (destructuring-bind (name value) a
233 (when (listp name)
234 (error "serializing without :INCLUDE-NAMESPACE-URI, ~
235 but attribute was created with a namespace ~
236 URI"))
237 (if (or xmlnsp
238 (not (cxml::xmlns-attr-p (string-rod name))))
239 (sax:make-attribute :qname (string-rod name)
240 :value (string-rod value)
241 :specified-p t)
242 nil)))
243 (node-attrs node))))
245 ;;;; XPath
247 (defun make-xpath-navigator ()
248 (make-instance 'xpath-navigator))
250 (defclass xpath-navigator ()
251 ((parents :initform (make-hash-table))
252 (prefixes :initform (make-hash-table))
253 (children :initform (make-hash-table))
254 (attributes :initform (make-hash-table))
255 (namespaces :initform (make-hash-table))))
257 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance xpath-navigator) &key)
258 (with-slots (prefixes) instance
259 (setf (gethash "" prefixes)
260 "xml")))