After Direct option ,partial caching implimentation csqltable.conf option change
[csql.git] / test / cache / CacheTable / exp.test001.ksh
1 Usage: cachetable [-U username] [-P passwd] -t tablename[-D] -c "condition" -f "selected field names" -p fieldname
2 [-R] [-s] [-r]
3 username -> username to connect with csql.
4 passwd -> password for the above username to connect with csql.
5 tablename -> table name to be cached in csql from target db.
6 fieldname -> field name to be specified for the bidirectional caching on which trigger to be run .
7 R -> recover all cached tables from the target database.
8 s -> load only the records from target db. Assumes table is already created in csql
9 r -> reload the table. get the latest image of table from target db
10 u -> unload the table. if used with -s option, removes only records and preserves the schema
11 no option -> get table definition and records from target db and create in csql.
12 D -> Enable direct access option to target database