fix for trie index
[csql.git] / src / jdbc /
2 package csql.jdbc;
4 import java.math.BigDecimal;
5 import;
7 import java.sql.Connection;
8 import java.sql.Statement;
9 import java.sql.SQLException;
10 import java.sql.ResultSet;
11 import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
12 import java.sql.SQLWarning;
14 import;
15 import;
16 import;
18 import java.sql.Clob;
19 import java.sql.Blob;
20 import java.sql.Ref;
21 import java.sql.Array;
22 import java.sql.Types;
24 import java.sql.RowId;
25 import java.sql.SQLXML;
26 import;
27 import java.sql.NClob;
28 import java.sql.Wrapper;
30 public class JdbcSqlResultSet extends JSqlError implements ResultSet, JSqlErrorType
32 public JdbcSqlStatement stmt; // This guy creates me
33 public JdbcSqlResultSetMetaData rsmd;
35 public boolean closedFlag;
36 long curRow;
37 int pos=0;
39 private java.util.ArrayList rows;
40 private FieldInfo[] fields;
41 private int[] srcBindType;
42 private boolean shouldDriverHandle;
43 int totalField;
44 JdbcSqlResultSet()
46 rsmd = new JdbcSqlResultSetMetaData();
47 closedFlag = false;
48 curRow = -1;
49 shouldDriverHandle = false ;
51 void setProjField(){
52 srcBindType = stmt.jniStmt.getProjFldTypeArray();
55 void setStmt( JdbcSqlStatement jdbcStmt )
57 stmt = jdbcStmt;
58 rsmd.setStmt( jdbcStmt );
59 closedFlag = false;
60 curRow = -1;
63 JdbcSqlResultSet(FieldInfo[] field, java.util.ArrayList row)
65 closedFlag = false;
66 curRow = -1;
67 shouldDriverHandle = true ;
68 this.fields = field;
69 this.rows = row;
70 rsmd = new JdbcSqlResultSetMetaData(field);
72 protected void finalize ()
74 try
76 if(!closedFlag) close();
78 catch(SQLException e)
80 System.out.println(e);
84 // API's
85 public void close() throws SQLException
87 if( closedFlag ) return;
89 closedFlag = true;
90 curRow = -1;
91 //rsmd.close(); //commented by praba
92 //after close the app can reexecute.
93 if (stmt != null) stmt.closeScan();
94 return;
97 // Move to next tuple
98 public boolean next () throws SQLException
100 if( closedFlag ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
102 if( shouldDriverHandle && (rows == null)) return( false );
104 if( 0 == )
106 curRow = -2;
107 return( false );
109 curRow += 1;
111 return( true );
113 public ResultSetMetaData getMetaData () throws SQLException
115 if( closedFlag ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
116 return( rsmd );
118 public SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLException
120 return( null );
122 public void clearWarnings() throws SQLException
124 return;
126 public int findColumn (String colName) throws SQLException
128 if( closedFlag ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
130 int colnum = stmt.jniStmt.findColumn( colName );
131 return( colnum );
133 public int getType() throws SQLException
135 return( ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY );
137 public int getConcurrency() throws SQLException
139 return( ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY );
141 public Statement getStatement() throws SQLException
143 if( closedFlag ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
144 return( stmt );
146 public boolean isFirst() throws SQLException
148 if( closedFlag ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
150 if( curRow == 0 )
151 return( true );
153 return( false );
155 public boolean isBeforeFirst() throws SQLException
157 if( closedFlag ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
159 if( curRow == -1 )
160 return( true );
162 return( false );
164 public boolean isAfterLast() throws SQLException
166 if( closedFlag ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
168 if( curRow == -2 )
169 return( true );
171 return( false );
174 // Provide data to application
175 // SHORT
176 public short getShort (int colNum ) throws SQLException
178 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
180 short out = stmt.jniStmt.getShort( colNum - 1, srcBindType[colNum] );
181 if( false ) throw new SQLException();
182 pos = colNum;
183 return out;
185 public short getShort (String colName ) throws SQLException
187 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
189 short out = stmt.jniStmt.getShortS( colName );
190 if( false ) throw new SQLException();
191 //pos = colNum;
192 return out;
196 // INTEGER
197 public int getInt (int colNum ) throws SQLException
199 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
200 int out = stmt.jniStmt.getInt( colNum - 1 , srcBindType[colNum]);
201 if( false ) throw new SQLException();
202 pos = colNum;
203 return out;
205 public int getInt (String colName) throws SQLException
207 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
208 int out = stmt.jniStmt.getIntS( colName );
209 if( false ) throw new SQLException();
210 return out;
213 // LONG
214 public long getLong (int colNum) throws SQLException
216 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
217 long out = stmt.jniStmt.getLong( colNum-1,srcBindType[colNum] );
218 if( false ) throw new SQLException();
219 pos = colNum;
220 return out;
222 public long getLong (String colName) throws SQLException
224 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
225 long out = stmt.jniStmt.getLongS( colName );
226 if( false ) throw new SQLException();
227 //pos = colNum;
228 return out;
231 // BYTE
232 public byte getByte (int colNum) throws SQLException
234 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
236 byte out = stmt.jniStmt.getByte( colNum-1, srcBindType[colNum] );
237 if( false ) throw new SQLException();
238 pos = colNum;
239 return out;
241 public byte getByte (String colName) throws SQLException
243 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
244 byte out = stmt.jniStmt.getByteS( colName );
245 if( false ) throw new SQLException();
246 // pos = colNum;
247 return out;
251 // FLOAT
252 public float getFloat (int colNum) throws SQLException
254 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
256 float out = stmt.jniStmt.getFloat( colNum-1, srcBindType[colNum] );
257 if( false ) throw new SQLException();
258 pos = colNum;
259 return out;
261 public float getFloat (String colName) throws SQLException
263 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
264 float out = stmt.jniStmt.getFloatS( colName );
265 if( false ) throw new SQLException();
266 //pos = colNum;
267 return out;
271 // DOUBLE
272 public double getDouble (int colNum) throws SQLException
274 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
276 double out = stmt.jniStmt.getDouble( colNum-1, srcBindType[colNum] );
277 if( false ) throw new SQLException();
278 // pos = colNum;
279 return out;
281 public double getDouble (String colName) throws SQLException
283 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
284 double out = stmt.jniStmt.getDoubleS( colName );
285 if( false ) throw new SQLException();
286 //pos = colNum;
287 return out;
291 // DECIMAL
292 public BigDecimal getBigDecimal( int colNum )
293 throws SQLException
295 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
297 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
299 // TODO
300 // BigDecimal out = new BigDecimal( stmt.jniStmt.getBigDecimal( colNum-1 ) );
301 //return out;
303 public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String colName)
304 throws SQLException
306 if( closedFlag ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
307 return( getBigDecimal( findColumn( colName ) ) );
309 public BigDecimal getBigDecimal (int colNum, int scale)
310 throws SQLException
312 return( getBigDecimal( colNum ) );
314 public BigDecimal getBigDecimal (String colName, int scale)
315 throws SQLException
317 return( getBigDecimal( colName ) );
321 public String getString(int colNum) throws SQLException
323 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
325 // Get value
326 String out = stmt.jniStmt.getString( colNum-1,srcBindType[colNum] );
327 pos = colNum;
328 return out;
330 public String getString (String colName) throws SQLException
332 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
333 String out = stmt.jniStmt.getStringS( colName );
334 // pos = colNum;
335 return out;
337 public InputStream getAsciiStream(int colNum) throws SQLException
339 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
341 String out = stmt.jniStmt.getString( colNum-1, srcBindType[colNum]);
342 pos = colNum;
343 return( new StringBufferInputStream( out ) );
345 public getAsciiStream (String colName) throws SQLException
347 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
349 String out = stmt.jniStmt.getStringS( colName );
350 //pos = colNum;
351 return( new StringBufferInputStream( out ) );
353 public getCharacterStream(int colNum)
354 throws SQLException
356 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
358 InputStream iS = getAsciiStream( colNum );
359 if( iS == null )
360 return( null );
361 pos = colNum;
362 return( new InputStreamReader( iS ) );
364 public getCharacterStream(String colName)
365 throws SQLException
367 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
369 InputStream iS = getAsciiStream( colName );
370 if( iS == null )
371 return( null );
372 //pos = colNum;
373 return( new InputStreamReader( iS ) );
377 // BOOLEAN
378 public boolean getBoolean (int colNum) throws SQLException
380 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
382 boolean out = stmt.jniStmt.getBoolean( colNum-1,srcBindType[colNum] );
383 pos = colNum;
384 return out;
386 public boolean getBoolean (String colName) throws SQLException
388 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
390 boolean out = stmt.jniStmt.getBooleanS( colName );
391 //pos = colNum;
392 return out;
397 public byte [] getBytes(int colNum) throws SQLException
399 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
401 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
402 //byte[] out = stmt.jniStmt.getBytes( colNum-1 );
403 //return out;
405 public byte[] getBytes (String colName) throws SQLException
407 return( getBytes( findColumn( colName ) ) );
410 // DATE
411 public java.sql.Date getDate (int colNum) throws SQLException
413 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
415 java.sql.Date out = stmt.jniStmt.getDate( colNum-1,srcBindType[colNum] );
416 pos = colNum;
417 return out;
419 public java.sql.Date getDate(int colNum, java.util.Calendar cal)
420 throws SQLException
422 return( getDate( colNum ) );
424 public java.sql.Date getDate (String colNum) throws SQLException
426 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
427 java.sql.Date out = stmt.jniStmt.getDateS( colNum );
428 //pos = colNum;
429 return out;
431 public java.sql.Date getDate(String colName, java.util.Calendar cal)
432 throws SQLException
434 return( getDate( colName ) );
437 // TIME
438 public java.sql.Time getTime (int colNum) throws SQLException
440 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
442 // Get value
443 java.sql.Time out = stmt.jniStmt.getTime( colNum-1, srcBindType[colNum] );
444 pos = colNum;
445 return out;
447 public java.sql.Time getTime(int colNum, java.util.Calendar cal)
448 throws SQLException
450 return( getTime( colNum ) );
452 public java.sql.Time getTime (String colName) throws SQLException
454 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
455 java.sql.Time out = stmt.jniStmt.getTimeS( colName );
456 //pos = colNum;
457 return out;
460 public java.sql.Time getTime(String colName, java.util.Calendar cal)
461 throws SQLException
463 return( getTime( colName ) );
467 public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp (int colNum)
468 throws SQLException
470 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
472 java.sql.Timestamp out = stmt.jniStmt.getTimestamp( colNum-1, srcBindType[colNum] );
473 pos = colNum;
474 return out;
476 public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int colNum,
477 java.util.Calendar cal) throws SQLException
479 return( getTimestamp( colNum ) );
481 public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp (String colName)
482 throws SQLException
484 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
486 java.sql.Timestamp out = stmt.jniStmt.getTimestampS( colName );
487 // pos = colNum;
488 return out;
491 public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(String colName,
492 java.util.Calendar cal) throws SQLException
494 return( getTimestamp( colName ) );
497 public Object getObject(int colNum) throws SQLException
499 Object obj = new String("no obj");
501 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
503 switch ( rsmd.getColumnType( colNum ) )
505 case Types.DOUBLE:
506 obj = new Double( getDouble( colNum ) ); break;
507 case Types.FLOAT:
508 obj = new Float( getFloat( colNum ) ); break;
509 case Types.DECIMAL:
510 case Types.NUMERIC:
511 obj = getBigDecimal( colNum ); break;
513 case Types.BIGINT:
514 obj = new Long( getLong( colNum ) ); break;
515 case Types.INTEGER:
516 obj = new Integer( getInt( colNum ) ); break;
517 case Types.SMALLINT:
518 obj = new Short( getShort( colNum ) ); break;
519 case Types.TINYINT:
520 obj = new Byte( getByte( colNum ) ); break;
521 case Types.BIT:
522 obj = new Boolean( getBoolean( colNum ) ); break;
524 case Types.DATE:
525 obj = getDate( colNum ); break;
526 case Types.TIME:
527 obj = getTime( colNum ); break;
528 case Types.TIMESTAMP:
529 obj = getTimestamp( colNum ); break;
531 case Types.CHAR:
532 obj = getString( colNum ); break;
533 case Types.VARCHAR:
534 obj = getString( colNum ); break;
535 case Types.BINARY:
536 case Types.VARBINARY:
537 obj = getBytes( colNum ); break;
539 default: throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_DATATYPE );
541 // Return null if value read is null //TODO
542 //if( wasNull() )
543 // return( null );
544 pos = colNum;
545 return( obj );
547 public Object getObject (String colName) throws SQLException
549 Object obj = new String("no obj");
551 if( closedFlag || curRow < 0 ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
553 switch ( rsmd.getColumnType( findColumn (colName)) )
555 case Types.DOUBLE:
556 obj = new Double( getDouble( colName) ); break;
557 case Types.FLOAT:
558 obj = new Float( getFloat( colName ) ); break;
559 case Types.DECIMAL:
560 case Types.NUMERIC:
561 obj = getBigDecimal( colName ); break;
562 case Types.BIGINT:
563 obj = new Long( getLong( colName ) ); break;
564 case Types.INTEGER:
565 obj = new Integer( getInt( colName ) ); break;
566 case Types.SMALLINT:
567 obj = new Short( getShort( colName ) ); break;
568 case Types.TINYINT:
569 obj = new Byte( getByte( colName ) ); break;
570 case Types.BIT:
571 obj = new Boolean( getBoolean( colName ) ); break;
573 case Types.DATE:
574 obj = getDate( colName ); break;
575 case Types.TIME:
576 obj = getTime( colName ); break;
577 case Types.TIMESTAMP:
578 obj = getTimestamp( colName ); break;
580 case Types.CHAR:
581 obj = getString( colName ); break;
582 case Types.VARCHAR:
583 obj = getString( colName ); break;
584 case Types.BINARY:
585 case Types.VARBINARY:
586 obj = getBytes( colName ); break;
588 default: throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_DATATYPE );
590 // pos = colNum;
591 return( obj );
594 public Object getObject(int i, java.util.Map map) throws SQLException
596 return( getObject( i ) );
598 public Object getObject(String colName, java.util.Map map)
599 throws SQLException
601 return( getObject( colName ) );
604 public int getRow() throws SQLException
606 if( curRow < 0 )
607 return( 0 );
609 return( (int) curRow + 1 );
613 public boolean wasNull () throws SQLException // TODO
615 if( closedFlag ) throw getException( CSQL_INVALID_STATE );
616 return( stmt.jniStmt.isNull(pos) );
618 public String getCursorName () throws SQLException
620 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
622 public boolean absolute( int row ) throws SQLException
624 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
626 public void beforeFirst() throws SQLException
628 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
630 public void afterLast() throws SQLException
632 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
634 public boolean first() throws SQLException
636 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
638 public boolean last() throws SQLException
640 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
642 public boolean relative( int rows ) throws SQLException
644 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
646 public boolean previous() throws SQLException
648 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
650 public void setFetchDirection(int direction) throws SQLException
652 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
654 public int getFetchDirection() throws SQLException
656 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
658 public void setFetchSize(int rows) throws SQLException
660 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
662 public int getFetchSize() throws SQLException
664 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
666 public InputStream getUnicodeStream(int colNum) throws SQLException
668 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
670 public InputStream getBinaryStream(int colNum) throws SQLException
672 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
674 public getUnicodeStream (String colName) throws SQLException
676 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
678 public getBinaryStream (String colName) throws SQLException
680 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
682 public void setMaxRows(int maxRows) throws SQLException
684 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
686 public void setMaxFieldSize(int maxFieldSize) throws SQLException
688 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
690 public boolean rowUpdated() throws SQLException
692 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
694 public boolean rowInserted() throws SQLException
696 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
698 public boolean rowDeleted() throws SQLException
700 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
702 public void updateNull(int colNum) throws SQLException
704 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
706 public void updateBoolean(int colNum, boolean x) throws SQLException
708 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
710 public void updateByte(int colNum, byte x) throws SQLException
712 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
714 public void updateShort(int colNum, short x) throws SQLException
716 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
718 public void updateInt(int colNum, int x) throws SQLException
720 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
722 public void updateLong(int colNum, long x) throws SQLException
724 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
726 public void updateFloat(int colNum, float x) throws SQLException
728 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
730 public void updateDouble(int colNum, double x) throws SQLException
732 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
734 public void updateBigDecimal(int colNum, BigDecimal x) throws SQLException
736 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
738 public void updateString(int colNum, String x) throws SQLException
740 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
742 public void updateBytes(int colNum, byte x[]) throws SQLException
744 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
746 public void updateDate(int colNum, java.sql.Date x) throws SQLException
748 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
750 public void updateTime(int colNum, java.sql.Time x) throws SQLException
752 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
754 public void updateTimestamp(int colNum, java.sql.Timestamp x)
755 throws SQLException
757 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
759 public void updateAsciiStream(int colNum,
760 x, int length) throws SQLException
762 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
764 public void updateBinaryStream(int colNum,
765 x, int length) throws SQLException
767 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
769 public void updateCharacterStream(int colNum,
770 x, int length) throws SQLException
772 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
774 public void updateNull(String colName) throws SQLException
776 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
778 public void updateBoolean(String colName, boolean x) throws SQLException
780 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
782 public void updateByte(String colName, byte x) throws SQLException
784 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
786 public void updateShort(String colName, short x) throws SQLException
788 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
790 public void updateInt(String colName, int x) throws SQLException
792 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
794 public void updateLong(String colName, long x) throws SQLException
796 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
798 public void updateFloat(String colName, float x) throws SQLException
800 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
802 public void updateDouble(String colName, double x) throws SQLException
804 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
806 public void updateBigDecimal(String colName, BigDecimal x)
807 throws SQLException
809 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
811 public void updateString(String colName, String x) throws SQLException
813 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
815 public void updateBytes(String colName, byte x[]) throws SQLException
817 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
819 public void updateDate(String colName, java.sql.Date x) throws SQLException
821 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
823 public void updateTime(String colName, java.sql.Time x) throws SQLException
825 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
827 public void updateTimestamp(String colName, java.sql.Timestamp x)
828 throws SQLException
830 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
832 public void updateAsciiStream(String colName,
833 x, int length) throws SQLException
835 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
837 public void updateBinaryStream(String colName,
838 x, int length) throws SQLException
840 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
842 public void updateCharacterStream(String colName,
843 reader, int length) throws SQLException
845 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
847 public void updateObject(int colNum, Object x, int scale)
848 throws SQLException
850 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
852 public void updateObject(int colNum, Object x) throws SQLException
854 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
856 public void insertRow() throws SQLException
858 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
860 public void updateRow() throws SQLException
862 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
864 public void deleteRow() throws SQLException
866 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
868 public void refreshRow() throws SQLException
870 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
872 public void cancelRowUpdates() throws SQLException
874 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
876 public void moveToInsertRow() throws SQLException
878 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
880 public void moveToCurrentRow() throws SQLException
882 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
884 public Ref getRef(int i) throws SQLException
886 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
888 public Blob getBlob(int i) throws SQLException
890 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
892 public Clob getClob(int i) throws SQLException
894 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
896 public Array getArray(int i) throws SQLException
898 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
900 public Ref getRef(String colName) throws SQLException
902 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
904 public Blob getBlob(String colName) throws SQLException
906 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
908 public Clob getClob(String colName) throws SQLException
910 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
912 public Array getArray(String colName) throws SQLException
914 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
916 public boolean isLast() throws SQLException
918 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
920 public void updateObject(String colName, Object x) throws SQLException
922 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
924 public void updateObject(String colName, Object x, int scale)
925 throws SQLException
927 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
929 public URL getURL(int colNum)
930 throws SQLException
932 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
934 public URL getURL(String colName)
935 throws SQLException
937 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
939 public void updateRef(int colNum, Ref x)
940 throws SQLException
942 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
944 public void updateRef(String colName, Ref x)
945 throws SQLException
947 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
949 public void updateBlob(int colNum, Blob x)
950 throws SQLException
952 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
954 public void updateBlob(String colName, Blob x)
955 throws SQLException
957 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
959 public void updateClob(int colNum, Clob x)
960 throws SQLException
962 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
964 public void updateClob(String colName, Clob x)
965 throws SQLException
967 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
969 public void updateArray(int colNum, Array x)
970 throws SQLException
972 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
974 public void updateArray(String colName, Array x)
975 throws SQLException
977 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
979 //java 1.6 methods
980 public void updateRowId(int colIndex, RowId x)
981 throws SQLException
983 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
985 public void updateRowId(String colLabel, RowId x)
986 throws SQLException
988 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
990 public void updateSQLXML(int colIndex, SQLXML x)
991 throws SQLException
993 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
995 public void updateSQLXML(String colLabel, SQLXML x)
996 throws SQLException
998 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1000 public void updateNClob(int colIndex, NClob x)
1001 throws SQLException
1003 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1005 public void updateNClob(int colIndex, Reader x)
1006 throws SQLException
1008 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1010 public void updateNClob(int colIndex, Reader x, long length)
1011 throws SQLException
1013 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1015 public void updateNClob(String colIndex, NClob x)
1016 throws SQLException
1018 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1020 public void updateNClob(String colIndex, Reader x)
1021 throws SQLException
1023 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1025 public void updateNClob(String colIndex, Reader x, long length)
1026 throws SQLException
1028 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1030 public void updateNString(int colIndex, String x)
1031 throws SQLException
1033 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1035 public void updateNString(String colIndex, String x)
1036 throws SQLException
1038 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1040 public void updateNCharacterStream(int colIndex, Reader x)
1041 throws SQLException
1043 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1045 public void updateNCharacterStream(int colIndex, Reader x, long length)
1046 throws SQLException
1048 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1050 public void updateNCharacterStream(String colIndex, Reader x)
1051 throws SQLException
1053 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1055 public void updateNCharacterStream(String colIndex, Reader x, long length)
1056 throws SQLException
1058 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1060 public void updateCharacterStream(int colIndex, Reader x)
1061 throws SQLException
1063 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1065 public void updateCharacterStream(String colIndex, Reader x)
1066 throws SQLException
1068 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1070 public void updateCharacterStream(int colIndex, Reader x, long length)
1071 throws SQLException
1073 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1075 public void updateCharacterStream(String colIndex, Reader x, long length)
1076 throws SQLException
1078 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1080 public void updateBinaryStream(int colIndex, InputStream x)
1081 throws SQLException
1083 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1085 public void updateBinaryStream(String colIndex, InputStream x)
1086 throws SQLException
1088 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1090 public void updateBinaryStream(int colIndex, InputStream x, long length)
1091 throws SQLException
1093 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1095 public void updateBinaryStream(String colIndex, InputStream x, long length)
1096 throws SQLException
1098 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1100 public void updateAsciiStream(int colIndex, InputStream x)
1101 throws SQLException
1103 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1105 public void updateAsciiStream(String colIndex, InputStream x)
1106 throws SQLException
1108 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1110 public void updateAsciiStream(int colIndex, InputStream x, long length)
1111 throws SQLException
1113 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1115 public void updateAsciiStream(String colIndex, InputStream x, long length)
1116 throws SQLException
1118 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1120 public void updateClob(int colNum, Reader x) throws SQLException
1122 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1124 public void updateClob(String colNum, Reader x) throws SQLException
1126 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1128 public void updateClob(int colNum, Reader x, long length)
1129 throws SQLException
1131 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1133 public void updateClob(String colNum, Reader x, long length)
1134 throws SQLException
1136 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1138 public void updateBlob(int colNum, InputStream x) throws SQLException
1140 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1142 public void updateBlob(String colNum, InputStream x) throws SQLException
1144 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1146 public void updateBlob(int colNum, InputStream x, long length)
1147 throws SQLException
1149 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1151 public void updateBlob(String colNum, InputStream x, long length)
1152 throws SQLException
1154 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1156 public Reader getNCharacterStream(int colIndex) throws SQLException
1158 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1160 public Reader getNCharacterStream(String colLabel) throws SQLException
1162 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1164 public NClob getNClob(int colIndex) throws SQLException
1166 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1168 public NClob getNClob(String colLabel) throws SQLException
1170 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1172 public String getNString(int colIndex) throws SQLException
1174 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1176 public String getNString(String colLabel) throws SQLException
1178 throw getException( CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED );
1180 public SQLXML getSQLXML(int colIndex) throws SQLException
1182 throw getException(CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED);
1184 public SQLXML getSQLXML(String colLabel) throws SQLException
1186 throw getException(CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED);
1188 public boolean isClosed()
1190 return closedFlag;
1192 public int getHoldability() throws SQLException
1194 throw getException(CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED);
1196 public RowId getRowId(int val) throws SQLException
1198 throw getException(CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED);
1200 public RowId getRowId(String val) throws SQLException
1202 throw getException(CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED);
1204 public boolean isWrapperFor(Class ifact) throws SQLException
1206 throw getException(CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED);
1208 public Class unwrap(Class iface) throws SQLException
1210 throw getException(CSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED);