windows porting
[csql.git] / test / system / Allocator / exp.test001.ksh
1 Table created
2 Index created for f1
3 Tables and Indexes are created
4 Total Tuples inserted is 1
5 Tuples inserted into table
6 Case 1: -T option for t1: with 1 tuple
7 <Table Info>
8 <TableName> t1 </TableName>
9 <TupleCount> 1 </TupleCount>
10 <PagesUsed> 1 </PagesUsed>
11 <SpaceUsed> 32 </SpaceUsed>
12 <Indexes> 1 <Indexes>
13 <TupleLength> 12 </TupleLength>
14 <Fields> 2 </Fields>
15 <Indexes>
16 <IndexName> t1idx1 </IndexName>
17 </Indexes>
18 </Table Info>
19 Case 2: -I option for idx1 of t1, with 1 tuple
20 <Index Info>
21 <IndexName> t1idx1 </IndexName>
22 <Unique> 1 </Unique>
23 <Type> Hash Index </Type>
24 <HashBucket>
25 <TotalPages> 1 </TotalPages>
26 <TotalBuckets> 1009 </TotalBuckets>
27 </HashBucket>
28 <IndexNodes>
29 <TotalPages> 1 </TotalPages>
30 <TotalNodes> 1 </TotalNodes>
31 <IndexNodes>
32 <Index Info>
33 Total Tuples deleted is 1
34 Tuples deleted from table
35 Case 3: -T option for t1: after removing 1 tuple
36 <Table Info>
37 <TableName> t1 </TableName>
38 <TupleCount> 0 </TupleCount>
39 <PagesUsed> 1 </PagesUsed>
40 <SpaceUsed> 16 </SpaceUsed>
41 <Indexes> 1 <Indexes>
42 <TupleLength> 12 </TupleLength>
43 <Fields> 2 </Fields>
44 <Indexes>
45 <IndexName> t1idx1 </IndexName>
46 </Indexes>
47 </Table Info>
48 Case 4: -I option for idx1 of t1, after removing 1 tuple
49 <Index Info>
50 <IndexName> t1idx1 </IndexName>
51 <Unique> 1 </Unique>
52 <Type> Hash Index </Type>
53 <HashBucket>
54 <TotalPages> 1 </TotalPages>
55 <TotalBuckets> 1009 </TotalBuckets>
56 </HashBucket>
57 <IndexNodes>
58 <TotalPages> 1 </TotalPages>
59 <TotalNodes> 0 </TotalNodes>
60 <IndexNodes>
61 <Index Info>
62 Table Dropped
63 Tables and Indexes are dropped