two way caching changes related to config, deamon
[csql.git] / src / cache / CacheTableLoader.cxx
1 /***************************************************************************
2 * Copyright (C) 2007 by *
3 * Contact: *
4 * *
5 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
7 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
8 * (at your option) any later version. *
9 * *
10 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
13 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
14 * *
15 ***************************************************************************/
16 #include<CacheTableLoader.h>
17 #include<Util.h>
18 DbRetVal CacheTableLoader::addToCacheTableFile()
20 FILE *fp;
21 fp = fopen(Conf::config.getTableConfigFile(),"a");
22 if( fp == NULL ) {
23 printError(ErrSysInit, "Invalid path/filename in TABLE_CONFIG_FILE.\nTable will not be"
24 "recovered in case of crash");
25 return ErrSysInit;
27 //TODO::if already table present in the file, it means that the
28 //table is replicated. in this case change mode from
29 //2 to 3 (repl to replcache)
30 fprintf(fp, "%d:%s\n", 1, tableName);
31 fclose(fp);
32 return OK;
35 DbRetVal CacheTableLoader::removeFromCacheTableFile()
37 FILE *fp, *tmpfp;
38 char tmpFileName[MAX_FILE_PATH_LEN];
39 sprintf(tmpFileName, "%s.tmp", Conf::config.getTableConfigFile());
40 tmpfp = fopen(tmpFileName,"w");
41 if( tmpfp == NULL ) {
42 printError(ErrSysInit, "Invalid path/filename in TABLE_CONFIG_FILE.\n");
43 return ErrSysInit;
45 fp = fopen(Conf::config.getTableConfigFile(),"r");
46 if( fp == NULL ) {
47 printError(ErrSysInit, "csqltable.conf file does not exist");
48 return ErrSysInit;
50 char tablename[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH];
51 int mode;
52 while(!feof(fp))
54 fscanf(fp, "%d:%s\n", &mode, tablename);
55 if (strcmp (tablename, tableName) == 0) continue;
56 fprintf(tmpfp, "%d:%s\n", mode, tablename);
58 fclose(tmpfp);
59 fclose(fp);
60 char sysCommand[MAX_FILE_PATH_LEN * 2];
61 sprintf(sysCommand, "mv %s %s", tmpFileName, Conf::config.getTableConfigFile());
62 int ret = system(sysCommand);
63 if (ret != 0)
65 printError(ErrSysInit, "Check csqltable.conf file permission. unable to remove %s from file", tableName);
66 return ErrSysInit;
68 return OK;
71 DbRetVal CacheTableLoader::load(bool tabDefinition)
73 Connection conn;
74 DbRetVal rv =, password);
75 if (rv != OK) return ErrSysInit;
76 DatabaseManager *dbMgr = (DatabaseManager*) conn.getDatabaseManager();
77 if (dbMgr == NULL) { printError(ErrSysInit, "Auth failed\n"); return ErrSysInit; }
78 conn.startTransaction();
79 rv = load(dbMgr, tabDefinition);
80 conn.commit();
81 conn.close();
82 return rv;
85 DbRetVal CacheTableLoader::load(DatabaseManager *dbMgr, bool tabDefinition)
87 char dsn[72];
88 sprintf(dsn, "DSN=%s;", Conf::config.getDSN());
89 SQLCHAR outstr[1024];
90 SQLSMALLINT outstrlen;
91 DbRetVal rv = OK;
92 int retValue =0;
93 SQLHENV henv;
94 SQLHDBC hdbc;
95 SQLHSTMT hstmt;
96 retValue = SQLAllocHandle (SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &henv);
97 if (retValue) {printError(ErrSysInit, "Unable to allocate ODBC handle \n"); return ErrSysInit; }
98 SQLSetEnvAttr(henv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void *) SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0);
99 retValue = SQLAllocHandle (SQL_HANDLE_DBC, henv, &hdbc);
100 if (retValue) {printError(ErrSysInit, "Unable to allocate ODBC handle \n"); return ErrSysInit; }
101 retValue = SQLDriverConnect(hdbc, NULL, (SQLCHAR*)dsn, SQL_NTS,
102 outstr, sizeof(outstr), &outstrlen,
104 if (SQL_SUCCEEDED(retValue)) {
105 printDebug(DM_Gateway, "Connected to target database using dsn = %s\n", dsn);
106 } else {
107 fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to target database\n");
108 return ErrSysInit;
111 retValue=SQLAllocHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmt);
112 if (retValue) {printError(ErrSysInit, "Unable to allocate ODBC handle \n"); return ErrSysInit; }
113 char stmtBuf[1024];
114 sprintf(stmtBuf, "SELECT * FROM %s;", tableName);
115 retValue = SQLPrepare (hstmt, (unsigned char *) stmtBuf, SQL_NTS);
116 if (retValue) {printError(ErrSysInit, "Unable to Prepare ODBC statement \n"); return ErrSysInit; }
118 if (tabDefinition) {
119 short totalFields=0;
120 retValue = SQLNumResultCols (hstmt, &totalFields);
121 if (retValue) {printError(ErrSysInit, "Unable to retrieve ODBC total columns\n"); return ErrSysInit; }
122 UWORD icol;
124 SWORD colNameMax;
125 SWORD nameLength;
126 SWORD colType;
127 SQLULEN colLength;
128 SWORD scale;
129 SWORD nullable;
130 TableDef tabDef;
131 icol = 1; colNameMax = IDENTIFIER_LENGTH;
132 while (icol <= totalFields) {
133 retValue = SQLDescribeCol(hstmt, icol, colName, colNameMax,
134 &nameLength, &colType, &colLength,
135 &scale, &nullable);
136 if (retValue) {printError(ErrSysInit, "Unable to retrieve ODBC column info\n"); return ErrSysInit; }
138 printDebug(DM_Gateway, "Describe Column %s %d %d \n", colName, colType, colLength);
139 icol++;
140 tabDef.addField((char*) colName, AllDataType::convertFromSQLType(colType), colLength);
142 rv = dbMgr->createTable(tableName, tabDef);
143 if (rv != OK)
145 printError(ErrSysInit, "Table creation failed in csql for %s\n", tableName);
146 SQLDisconnect(hdbc);
147 return ErrSysInit;
149 char columnname[124]; char indexname[124];
150 short type; short unique;
151 SQLHSTMT hstmtmeta;
152 retValue=SQLAllocHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmtmeta);
153 if (retValue)
155 printError(ErrSysInit, "Unable to allocate ODBC handle \n");
156 return ErrSysInit;
159 retValue = SQLStatistics(hstmtmeta, NULL, 0, NULL, SQL_NTS,
161 retValue = SQLBindCol(hstmtmeta, 4, SQL_C_SHORT,
162 &unique, 2, NULL);
163 retValue = SQLBindCol(hstmtmeta, 6, SQL_C_CHAR,
164 indexname, 129, NULL);
165 retValue = SQLBindCol(hstmtmeta, 7, SQL_C_SHORT,
166 &type, 2, NULL);
167 retValue = SQLBindCol(hstmtmeta, 9, SQL_C_CHAR,
168 columnname, 129,NULL);
169 while ((retValue = SQLFetch(hstmtmeta)) == SQL_SUCCESS)
170 { //if (type != SQL_TABLE_STAT)
172 printDebug(DM_Gateway, "Column: %-18s Index Name: %-18s unique:%hd type:%hd\n",
173 columnname, indexname, unique, type);
175 if (type == 3) {
176 HashIndexInitInfo *info = new HashIndexInitInfo();
177 info->indType = hashIndex;
178 info->bucketSize = 10007;
179 info->list.append(columnname);
180 strcpy(info->tableName, tableName);
181 char indname[128];
182 sprintf(indname, "%s_%s", tableName, indexname);
183 rv = dbMgr->createIndex(indname, info);
184 if (rv != OK)
186 printError(ErrSysInit, "Index creation failed in csql for %s\n", tableName);
187 SQLDisconnect(hdbc);
188 return ErrSysInit;
190 delete info;
191 } else {
192 printError(ErrSysInit,"CSQL does not support this index type\n");
193 SQLDisconnect(hdbc);
194 return ErrSysInit;
196 }// while meta data fetch for index creation
197 SQLCloseCursor (hstmtmeta);
198 SQLFreeHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmtmeta);
200 Table *table = dbMgr->openTable(tableName);
201 if (table == NULL) {
202 printError(ErrSysInit,"unable to open table %d\n", tableName);
203 dbMgr->closeTable(table);
204 if (tabDefinition) dbMgr->dropTable(tableName);
205 SQLDisconnect(hdbc);
206 return ErrSysInit;
208 table->setUndoLogging(false);
209 //rv = table->lock(false); //no need to release this lock as it is upgrade from S to X
210 if (rv != OK)
212 dbMgr->closeTable(table);
213 if (tabDefinition) dbMgr->dropTable(tableName);
214 SQLDisconnect(hdbc);
215 return ErrSysInit;
217 List fNameList = table->getFieldNameList();
218 ListIterator fNameIter = fNameList.getIterator();
219 FieldInfo *info = new FieldInfo();
220 int fcount =1; void *valBuf; int fieldsize=0;
221 Identifier *elem = NULL;
223 BindBuffer *bBuf;
224 List valBufList;
225 while (fNameIter.hasElement()) {
226 elem = (Identifier*) fNameIter.nextElement();
227 table->getFieldInfo((const char*)elem->name, info);
228 valBuf = AllDataType::alloc(info->type, info->length);
229 table->bindFld(elem->name, valBuf);
230 fieldsize=0;
231 switch( info->type)
233 case typeString:
234 fieldsize = info->length;
235 break;
236 case typeDate:
237 bBuf = new BindBuffer();
238 bBuf->csql = valBuf;
239 bBuf->type = typeDate;
240 fieldsize = sizeof(DATE_STRUCT);
241 bBuf->targetdb = malloc(fieldsize);
242 valBuf = bBuf->targetdb;
243 valBufList.append(bBuf);
244 break;
245 case typeTime:
246 bBuf = new BindBuffer();
247 bBuf->csql = valBuf;
248 bBuf->type = typeTime;
249 fieldsize = sizeof(TIME_STRUCT);
250 bBuf->targetdb = malloc(fieldsize);
251 valBuf = bBuf->targetdb;
252 valBufList.append(bBuf);
253 break;
254 case typeTimeStamp:
255 bBuf = new BindBuffer();
256 bBuf->csql = valBuf;
257 bBuf->type = typeTimeStamp;
258 fieldsize = sizeof(TIMESTAMP_STRUCT);
259 bBuf->targetdb = malloc(fieldsize);
260 valBuf = bBuf->targetdb;
261 valBufList.append(bBuf);
262 break;
264 retValue = SQLBindCol (hstmt, fcount++, AllDataType::convertToSQLType(info->type),
265 valBuf, fieldsize, NULL);
266 if (retValue) {printError(ErrSysInit, "Unable to bind columns in ODBC\n"); return ErrSysInit; }
268 delete info;
269 retValue = SQLExecute (hstmt);
270 if (retValue) {printError(ErrSysInit, "Unable to execute ODBC statement\n"); return ErrSysInit; }
271 while(true)
273 retValue = SQLFetch (hstmt);
274 if (retValue) break;
275 ListIterator bindIter = valBufList.getIterator();
276 while (bindIter.hasElement()) {
277 bBuf = (BindBuffer*) bindIter.nextElement();
278 switch (bBuf->type) {
279 case typeDate: {
280 Date *dtCSQL = (Date*) bBuf->csql;
281 DATE_STRUCT *dtTarget = (DATE_STRUCT*) bBuf->targetdb;
282 dtCSQL->set(dtTarget->year,dtTarget->month,dtTarget->day);
283 break;
285 case typeTime: {
286 Time *dtCSQL = (Time*) bBuf->csql;
287 TIME_STRUCT *dtTarget = (TIME_STRUCT*) bBuf->targetdb;
288 dtCSQL->set(dtTarget->hour,dtTarget->minute,dtTarget->second);
289 break;
291 case typeTimeStamp: {
292 TimeStamp *dtCSQL = (TimeStamp*) bBuf->csql;
293 TIMESTAMP_STRUCT *dtTarget = (TIMESTAMP_STRUCT*) bBuf->targetdb;
294 dtCSQL->setDate(dtTarget->year,dtTarget->month,dtTarget->day);
295 dtCSQL->setTime(dtTarget->hour,dtTarget->minute,dtTarget->second, dtTarget->fraction);
296 break;
300 table->insertTuple();
302 //TODO::leak:: valBufList and its targetdb buffer
303 valBufList.reset();
304 dbMgr->closeTable(table);
305 SQLCloseCursor (hstmt);
306 SQLFreeHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt);
307 SQLDisconnect (hdbc);
308 SQLFreeHandle (SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc);
309 SQLFreeHandle (SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv);
310 return OK;
313 DbRetVal CacheTableLoader::reload()
315 DbRetVal rv = unload(false);
316 if (rv != OK) return rv;
317 rv = load(false);
318 return rv;
321 DbRetVal CacheTableLoader::unload(bool tabDefinition)
323 Connection conn;
324 DbRetVal rv =, password);
325 if (rv != OK) return ErrSysInit;
326 DatabaseManager *dbMgr = (DatabaseManager*) conn.getDatabaseManager();
327 if (dbMgr == NULL) { printError(ErrSysInit, "Auth failed\n"); return ErrSysInit; }
328 if (!tabDefinition)
330 Table *table = dbMgr->openTable(tableName);
331 if (table == NULL) { conn.close(); return ErrBadCall; }
332 rv = conn.startTransaction();
333 if (rv != OK) { dbMgr->closeTable(table); conn.close(); return ErrBadCall; }
334 table->truncate();
335 conn.commit();
336 dbMgr->closeTable(table);
338 else
340 rv = dbMgr->dropTable(tableName);
342 conn.close();
344 return rv;
347 DbRetVal CacheTableLoader::refresh()
349 return OK;
352 DbRetVal CacheTableLoader::recoverAllCachedTables()
354 FILE *fp;
355 Connection conn;
356 DbRetVal rv =, password);
357 //Note: if connection is not open, configuration veriables may be incorrect
359 fp = fopen(Conf::config.getTableConfigFile(),"r");
360 if( fp == NULL ) {
361 printError(ErrSysInit, "cachetable.conf file does not exist");
362 return OK;
364 conn.close();
365 //TODO::take exclusive lock on database
366 char tablename[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH];
367 int mode;
368 rv = OK;
369 while(!feof(fp))
371 fscanf(fp, "%d:%s\n", &mode, tablename);
372 if (mode ==2 ) //just replicated table and not cached
373 continue;
374 printDebug(DM_Gateway, "Recovering Table from target db: %s\n", tablename);
375 setTable(tablename);
376 printf("Recovering table %s\n", tablename);
377 rv = load();
378 if (rv != OK) return rv;
380 fclose(fp);
381 return OK;