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2 % nasledujici radky prevzaty z xampl.bib
4 @PREAMBLE{ "\newcommand{\noopsort}[1]{} "
5 # "\newcommand{\printfirst}[2]{#1} "
6 # "\newcommand{\singleletter}[1]{#1} "
7 # "\newcommand{\switchargs}[2]{#2#1} " }
9 @STRING( JSI = "Jednota {\v{s}}kolsk{\'{y}}ch informatikù" )
10 @STRING( PEDG = "Pedagogika" )
12 @STRING( JoM = "Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission" )
13 @STRING( JCAL = "Journal of Computer Assisted Learning" )
15 @ONLINE{baldassarre01,
16 author = "Baldassarre, G.",
17 title = "Cultural evolution of 'guiding criteria' and behaviour in a population of neural-network agents",
18 note = JoM # ", 2001, 4.",
19 year = "2001",
20 url = "http://jom-emit.cfpm.org/2001/vol4/baldassarre_g.html"
23 @ONLINE{cejpek98,
24 author = "Ji{\v{r}}{\'{i}} Cejpek",
25 title = "Informace jako psychofyziologický jev a proces",
26 note = "Sborník prací Flozofické fakulty Brnìnské univerzity, B~45",
27 cited = "19.\,10.\,2005",
28 year = "1998",
29 url = "http://www.phil.muni.cz/fil/sbornik/1998/10cejpek.html"
32 @ONLINE{houser020129,
33 author = "Pavel Houser",
34 title = "Jak funguje evoluce memù",
35 cited = "27.\,4.\,2004",
36 year = "2002",
37 url = "http://www.scienceworld.cz"
40 @ONLINE{bjarneskans,
41 author ="Henrik Bjarneskans and others",
42 title = "The Lifecycle of Memes",
43 cited = "22.\,4.\,2004",
44 url = "http://www.aleph.se/Trans/Cultural/Memetics/memecycle.html"
47 @ONLINE{eurydiceictedu2000,
48 author = "Eurydice",
49 title = "Information and communication technology in the education systems in
50 Europe: National education policies, Curricula, Teacher training",
51 cited = "8.\,6.\,2004",
52 year = "2004",
53 url = "http://www.eurydice.org/Doc_intermediaires/others/en/ict.html"
56 @ONLINE{finstrategy2004,
57 key = "Education, Training and Research in the Information Society",
58 title = "Education, Training and Research in the Information Society: National
59 Strategy for 2000--2004",
60 cited = "1.\,6.\,2004",
61 url = "http://www.minedu.fi/julkaisut/information/englishU/index.html"
64 @ONLINE{oecditpolicyfinland,
65 author = "OECD",
66 title = "IT Policies: Finland",
67 cited = "1.\,6.\,2004",
68 url = "http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/18/5/2004573.pdf"
71 @ONLINE{pisa2000,
72 author = "Andreas Schleicher",
73 title = "Literacy Skills for the World of Tomorrow: Results from the OECD
74 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)",
75 cited = "1.\,6.\,2004",
76 url="http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/59/33/2960532.ppt"
79 @ONLINE{pruvodce,
80 author = "Martin Pot{\r{u}}{\v{c}}ek and others",
81 title = "Prùvodce krajinou priorit pro Èeskou republiku",
82 publisher = "Praha~: UK -- CESES",
83 note = "514~s.",
84 year = "2002",
85 cited = "8.\,6.\,2004",
86 url="http://ceses.cuni.cz/downloads/publikace/pruvodce.pdf"
89 @ONLINE{sip,
90 key = "Státní informaèní politika",
91 title = "Státní informaèní politika -- Cesta k informaèní spoleènosti",
92 note = "Usnesení vlády ÈR è.~525 ze dne 31.\,kvìtna 1999",
93 year = "1999",
94 cited = "1.\,6.\,2004",
95 url="http://www.vlada.cz/1250/vrk/rady/sip/dokumenty/sipcesta/sip.il2.htm"
98 @ONLINE{sipvzplan1,
99 author = "M{\v{S}}MT",
100 title = "Plán I. etapy realizace Státní informaèní politiky ve vzdìlávání",
101 cited = "1.\,6.\,2004",
102 url="http://www.msmt.cz"
105 @ONLINE{rvpg06,
106 author = "V{\'{U}}P",
107 title = "Rámcový vzdìlávací program pro gymnázia",
108 year = "2006",
109 cited = "13.\,11.\,2006",
110 publisher = "Praha~: Výzkumný ústav pedagogický",
111 note = "98~s.",
112 url = "http://rvp.cz/soubor/rvpg_9_10_2006.pdf"
115 @ONLINE{katalogitz,
116 author = "M{\v{S}}MT",
117 title = "Katalog po¾adavkù k maturitní zkou¹ce: Informaènì technologický základ",
118 year = "2005",
119 cited = "14.\,11.\,2006",
120 note = "Aktualizace katalogu schváleného M©MT dne 4.\,10.\,2005 pod è.\,j. 26\,674/05-2/11",
121 url = "http://www.cermat.cz/novamaturita/katalogy/Katalog_ITZ_10022006.pdf"
124 % TODO
125 %ONLINE{brdicka:web20,
126 % author = "Bo{\v{r}}ivoj Brdi{\v{c}}ka}",
127 % title = "Vzdìlávání a internet 2. generace"
129 @ONLINE{pip05,
130 author = "Amanda Lenhart and Mary Madden",
131 title = "Teen Content Creators and Consumers",
132 year = "2005",
133 cited = "6.\,12.\,2006",
134 publisher = "Washington,~D.C.~: Pew Internet \& American Life Project",
135 note = "22~s.",
136 url = "http://www.pewinternet.org/pdfs/PIP_Teens_Content_Creation.pdf"
139 @ARTICLE{mertens74,
140 author = "D. Mertens",
141 title = "Schl{\"{u}}sselqualifikationen",
142 journal = "Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung",
143 volume = "7",
144 pages = "36-43",
145 year = "1974"
148 @ARTICLE{negt90,
149 author = "O. Negt",
150 title = "{\"{U}}berlegungen zur Kategorie ``Zusammenhang'' als eine gesellschaftliche Schl{\"{u}}sselqualifikation",
151 journal = "Literatur- und Forschungsreport Weiterbildung",
152 volume = "26",
153 pages = "11-19",
154 year = "1990"
157 @ARTICLE{passens90,
158 author = "B. Passens and L. Sch{\"{o}}ll",
159 title = "Die Technik in ein Subjekt-Objekt-Verh{\"{a}}ltnis r{\"{u}}ck{\"{u}}bersetzen",
160 journal = "Literatur- und Forschungsreport Weiterbildung",
161 volume = "26",
162 year = "1990",
163 pages = "36"
166 @ARTICLE{sedova04,
167 author = "Kl{\'{a}}ra {\v{S}}edov{\'{a}}",
168 title = "M{\'{e}}dia jako pedagogick{\'{e}} t{\'{e}}ma",
169 pages = "19-33",
170 crossref = {pedg54},
171 key = "",
174 @ARTICLE{stech04pedagogika1,
175 author = "Stanislav {\v{S}}tech",
176 title = "Psychodidaktika jako obrat k tématu úèinného vyuèování: Komentáø na
177 okraj Kansanenovy úvahy Didaktika a její vztah k pedagogické psychologii",
178 pages = "58-63",
179 crossref = {pedg54},
182 @ARTICLE{pedg54,
183 journal = PEDG,
184 key = "Pedagogika54",
185 year = "2004",
186 volume = "ro{\v{c}}.~54",
187 number = "{\v{c}}.~1",
188 note = "ISSN~0031-3815"
191 @ARTICLE{riley04,
192 journal = JCAL,
193 author = "Nigel R. Riley and Mauri Ahlberg",
194 title = "Investigating the use of ICT-based concept mapping techniques on
195 creativity in literacy tasks",
196 pages = "244-256",
197 year = "2004",
198 volume = "Vol.~20",
199 number = "Issue~4",
202 @INCOLLECTION{canas05a,
203 author = "A. J. Ca{\~{n}}as and R. Carff and G. Hill and M. Carvalho and M. Arguedas and T. C. Eskridge and J. Lott and R. Carvajal",
204 title = "Concept Maps: Integrating Knowledge and Information Visualization",
205 booktitle = "Knowledge and Information Visualization: Searching for Synergies",
206 year = "2005",
207 editor = "{S.-O.} Tergan and T. Keller",
208 publisher = "Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
209 address = "Heidelberg / New York",
210 note = "Dostupné té¾ na \url{http://cmap.ihmc.us/Publications/}. [online]. [cit. 12.~10.~2005]."
213 @INCOLLECTION{rambousek05a,
214 author = "Vladim{\'{i}}r Rambousek",
215 title = "Východiska a koncepty technologické podpory edukace",
216 note = "s.~25-86",
217 crossref = {vzis05a},
220 @BOOK{vzis05a,
221 editor = "Pavel Bene{\v{s}} and Vladim{\'{i}}r Rambousek and Irena Fialov{\'{a}}",
222 booktitle = "Vzdìlávání pro ¾ivot v informaèní spoleènosti",
223 volume = "svazek I.",
224 publisher = "Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Pedagogická fakulta",
225 address = "Praha",
226 year = "2005",
227 isbn = "80-7290-198-2",
230 @BOOK{tapscot:growing98,
231 author = "Don Tapscott",
232 title = "Growing Up Digital : The Rise of the Net Generation",
233 publisher = "McGraw-Hill",
234 address = "New York",
235 year = "1998",
236 note = "338~s.",
237 isbn = "0-07-063361-4"
240 @INPROCEEDINGS{ilomaki,
241 author = "Liisa Ilom{\"{a}}ki and Minna Lakkala and Kai Hakkarainen",
242 title = "Conscious ICT policy as a strategy to promote equity in school",
243 pages = "97-108",
244 crossref = "oecdequityict",
245 key = "",
248 @INPROCEEDINGS{cernochova04poskole,
249 author = "Miroslava {\v{C}}ernochov{\'{a}}",
250 title = "Didaktika zatím k ICT ve vzdìlávání spí¹e mlèí. Není to v¹ak také
251 na¹í vinou?",
252 crossref = "poskole04",
253 key = "cernochova2004",
256 @INPROCEEDINGS{zounek04poskole,
257 author = "Jiøí Zounek",
258 title = "ICT v souèasné èeské ¹kole pohledem vybraných médií",
259 crossref = "poskole04",
260 key = "zounek",
263 @PROCEEDINGS{oecdequityict,
264 booktitle = "Promoting Equity through ICT in Education: Projects, Problems,
265 Prospects",
266 title = "Promoting Equity through ICT in Education: Projects, Problems,
267 Prospects",
268 editor = "Andrea K{\'{a}}rp{\'{a}}ti",
269 year = "2003",
270 month = "12.-13.~6.",
271 address = "Budapest",
272 publisher = "OECD",
273 note = "191.~s. Dostupné na Internetu
274 \url{http://www.oecd.org/ dataoecd/ 32/ 23/ 31558662.pdf}"
277 @PROCEEDINGS{poskole04,
278 booktitle = "Sborn{\'{i}}k n{\'{a}}rodn{\'{i}} konference " # POSKOLE,
279 title = "Sborn{\'{i}}k n{\'{a}}rodn{\'{i}} konference " # POSKOLE,
280 editor = "Miroslava {\v{C}}ernochov{\'{a}} and Irena Fialov{\'{a}} and Stanislav Si{\v{n}}or",
281 year = "2004",
282 month = "21.-23.~4.",
283 address = "L{\'{a}}zn{\v{e}} Sedmihorky",
284 publisher = JSI,
285 isbn = "80-239-2598-9",
288 @BOOK{belz01,
289 author = "Horst Belz and Marco Siegrist",
290 title = "Klíèové kompetence a jejich rozvíjení",
291 publisher = "Portál",
292 address = "Praha",
293 year = "2001",
294 volume = "Vyd.~1.",
295 isbn = "80-7178-479-6",
296 note = "376~s."
299 @BOOK{bilakniha,
300 author = "M{\v{S}}MT",
301 title = "Národní program rozvoje vzdìlávání v Èeské republice (Bílá kniha)",
302 publisher = "ÚIV -- Tauris",
303 address = "Praha",
304 year = "2001",
305 isbn = "80-211-0372-8",
306 note = "98~s."
310 @BOOK{blackmoreova99,
311 author = "Susan Blackmoreov{\'{a}}",
312 title = "Teorie memù: kultura a jej{\'{i}} evoluce",
313 volume = "1.~vyd.",
314 publisher = "Port{\'{a}}l",
315 address = "Praha",
316 year = "2001",
317 isbn = "80-7178-392-3",
318 note = "236~s. P{\v{r}}el.~z: The meme machine."
321 @BOOK{cap01,
322 author = "Jan {\v{C}}{\'{a}}p and Ji{\v{r}}{\'{i}} Mare{\v{s}}",
323 title = "Psychologie pro uèitele",
324 volume = "1. vyd.",
325 publisher = "Portál",
326 address = "Praha",
327 year = "2001",
328 isbn = "80-7178-463-X",
329 note = "656~s."
332 @BOOK{dawkins76,
333 author = "Richard Dawkins",
334 title = "Sobeck{\'{y}} gen",
335 volume = "2.~vyd.",
336 publisher = "Mlad{\'{a}} fronta",
337 address = "Praha",
338 year = "2003",
339 isbn = "80-204-0730-8",
340 note = "320~s. P{\v{r}}el.~z: The Selfish Gene."
343 @BOOK{delors,
344 author = "Jacques Delors",
345 title = "Learning: the treasure within",
346 publisher = "UNESCO Publishing",
347 address = "Paris",
348 year = "1996",
349 isbn = "92-3-103274-7",
350 note = "``Highlights'' verze dostupná na \url{http://www.unescobkk.org/ fileadmin/ user_upload/ apeid/ delors_e.pdf}, viz té¾ \url{http://www.unesco.org/ delors/ fourpil.htm}",
353 @BOOK{eisenberg99,
354 author = "Mike B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz",
355 title = "The New Improved Big6 Workshop Handbook",
356 publisher = "Linworth Publishing, Inc.",
357 address = "Worthington, OH",
358 year = "1999",
359 isbn = "0-938865-87-0",
360 note = "158~s."
363 @BOOK{eurydiceictindicators2001,
364 author = "Eurydice",
365 title = "Basic Indicators on the Incorporation of ICT into European Education
366 Systems -- Facts and figures -- 2000/01 Annual Report",
367 publisher = "Eurydice",
368 address = "Brussels",
369 year = "2001",
370 isbn = "2-87116-332-4",
371 note = "50~s. Dostupné té¾ na Internetu \url{http://www.eurydice.org}."
374 @BOOK{eurydiceictkey2004,
375 author = "Eurydice",
376 title = "Key Data on Information and Communication Technology in Schools in
377 Europe",
378 volume = "2004 Edition",
379 publisher = "Eurydice",
380 address = "Brussels",
381 year = "2004",
382 isbn = "2-87116-370-7",
383 note = "84~s. Dostupné té¾ na Internetu \url{http://www.eurydice.org}."
386 @BOOK{eurydicefinance2001,
387 author = "Eurydice",
388 title = "Diagrams showing financial flows in compulsory education in Europe",
389 volume = "2001",
390 publisher = "Eurydice",
391 address = "Brussels",
392 year = "2001",
393 isbn = "2-87116-329-4",
394 note = "72~s. Dostupné té¾ na Internetu \url{http://www.eurydice.org}."
397 @BOOK{eurydiceictsystems2001,
398 author = "Eurydice",
399 title = "ICT@Europe.edu: Information and Communication Technology in European
400 Education Systems",
401 publisher = "Eurydice",
402 address = "Brussels",
403 year = "2001",
404 note = "186~s. Dostupné té¾ na Internetu \url{http://www.eurydice.org}.",
405 isbn = "2-87116-324-4"
408 @BOOK{finimplementation2000,
409 key = "Information Strategy for Education and Research 2000--2004.",
410 title = "Information Strategy for Education and Research 2000--2004.
411 Implementation Plan",
412 publisher = "Ministry of Education",
413 address = "Helsinki",
414 year = "2000",
415 note = "28.~s. Dostupné té¾ na Internetu \url{http://www.minedu.fi/ minedu/ education/ inform_strategy_implementation_plan.pdf}.",
416 isbn = "952-442-285-9"
419 @BOOK{fisher2000,
420 author = "Kathleen M. Fisher and James H. Wandersee and David E. Moody",
421 title = "Mapping Biology Knowledge",
422 publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
423 address = "Dordrecht",
424 year = "2001",
425 note = "215~s.",
426 isbn = "1-4020-0273-4"
429 @BOOK{grey2001,
430 author = "Duncan Grey",
431 title = "The Internet in school.",
432 volume = "$2^\mathrm{nd}$~ed.",
433 publisher = "Continuum",
434 address = "London",
435 year = "2001",
436 note = "220~s.",
437 isbn = "0-8264-5365-1"
440 @BOOK{daly99,
441 author = "Steven Daly and Nathaniel Wice",
442 title = "Encyklopedie alternativn{\'{i}} kultury",
443 volume = "1.~vyd.",
444 publisher = "BOOKS",
445 address = "Brno",
446 year = "1999",
447 note = "392~s. P{\v{r}}el.~z: alt.culture.",
448 isbn = "80-7242-065-8"
451 @BOOK{houser03,
452 author = "Pavel Houser",
453 title = "Vzpoura genù: Od velk{\'{e}}ho t{\v{r}}esku k~um{\v{e}}l{\'{e}}
454 inteligenci",
455 publisher = "IDG Czech",
456 address = "Praha",
457 year = "2003",
458 note = "Citováno z výòatku zveøejnìném na Internetu:
459 \url{http://www.scienceworld.cz}."
462 @BOOK{kern99,
463 author = "Hans Kern and others",
464 title = "P{\v{r}}ehled psychologie",
465 volume = "2.~opr.~vyd.",
466 publisher = "Port{\'{a}}l",
467 address = "Praha",
468 year = "2000",
469 note = "296~s. P{\v{r}}el.~z: Projekt Psychologie.",
470 isbn = "80-7178-425-5"
473 @BOOK{mcb,
474 author = "Harvey Lodish and others",
475 title = "Molecular cell biology",
476 volume = "4th ed.",
477 publisher = "W.~H.~Freeman and Company",
478 address = "New York",
479 year = "2000",
480 isbn = "0-7167-3136-3"
483 @BOOK{oecditoutlook2000,
484 author = "OECD",
485 title = "OECD Information Technology Outlook 2000: ICTs, E-commerce and the
486 Information Economy",
487 publisher = "OECD",
488 address = "Paris",
489 year = "2000",
490 note = "256~s. Dostupné té¾ na Internetu \url{http://www.oecd.org/ dataoecd/ 30/ 56/ 1939833.pdf}.",
491 isbn = "92-64-17185-1"
494 @BOOK{oecdlearning2change,
495 author = "OECD",
496 title = "Learning to Change: ICT in Schools",
497 publisher = "OECD",
498 address = "Paris",
499 year = "2001",
500 note = "117~s.",
501 isbn = "92-64-19652-8"
504 @BOOK{petty2002,
505 author = "Geoffrey Petty",
506 title = "Moderní vyuèování",
507 volume = "Vyd. 2.",
508 publisher = "Portál",
509 address = "Praha",
510 year = "2002",
511 note = "380~s. Pøel.~z: Teaching today.",
512 isbn = "80-7178-681-0"
515 @BOOK{metody03,
516 author = "Josef Ma{\v{n}}{\'{a}}k and Vlastimil {\v{S}}vec",
517 title = "Výukové metody",
518 publisher = "Paido",
519 address = "Brno",
520 year = "2003",
521 note = "219~s.",
522 isbn = "80-7315-039-5"
525 @BOOK{piaget70,
526 author = "Jean Piaget and B{\"{a}}rbel Inhelderov{\'{a}}",
527 title = "Psychologie dítìte",
528 publisher = "SPN",
529 address = "Praha",
530 year = "1970",
531 note = "Pøel.~z: La psychologie de l'enfant. 120~s."
534 @BOOK{sinko99,
535 author = "Matti Sinko and Erno Lehtinen",
536 title = "The Challenges of ICT in Finnish Education",
537 publisher = "Atena",
538 address = "Juva",
539 year = "1999",
540 note = "252~s.",
541 isbn = "951-796-179-0"
544 @BOOK{skalkova99,
545 author = "Jarmila Skalkov{\'{a}}",
546 title = "Obecná didaktika",
547 volume = "1.~vyd.",
548 publisher = "ISV",
549 address = "Praha",
550 year = "1999",
551 note = "292~s.",
552 isbn = "80-85866-33-1",
555 @BOOK{skalkova04,
556 author = "Jarmila Skalkov{\'{a}}",
557 title = "Pedagogika a výzvy nové doby",
558 publisher = "Paido",
559 address = "Brno",
560 year = "2004",
561 isbn = "ISBN~80-7315-060-3"
564 @BOOK{card99,
565 author = "S. K. Card and J. D. Mackinlay and B. Shneiderman",
566 title = "Readings in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think",
567 publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann Publishers",
568 address = "San Francisco, CA",
569 year = "1999",
570 isbn = "ISBN~15-5860-533-9"
573 @BOOK{cernochova03,
574 author = "Miroslava Èernochová",
575 title = "Pøíprava budoucích e-uèitelù na e-instruction",
576 publisher = "UK-PedF",
577 address = "Praha",
578 year = "2003",
579 note = "137~s.",
580 isbn = "80-239-0938-X",
583 @BOOK{sedlakova04,
584 author = "Milu{\v{s}}e Sedl{\'{a}}kov{\'{a}}",
585 title = "Vybrané kapitoly z kognitivní psychologie: Mentální reprezentace a
586 mentální modely",
587 volume = "1.~vyd.",
588 publisher = "Grada",
589 address = "Praha",
590 year = "2004",
591 note = "252~s.",
592 isbn = "80-247-0375-0"
595 @BOOK{sternberg02,
596 author = "Robert J. Sternberg",
597 title = "Kognitivní psychologie",
598 volume = "Vyd.~1.",
599 publisher = "Portál",
600 address = "Praha",
601 year = "2002",
602 note = "632.~s. Pøel.~z.: Cognitive psychology.",
603 isbn = "80-7178-376-5"
606 @BOOK{thagard01,
607 author = "Paul Thagard",
608 title = "Úvod do kognitivní vìdy: mysl a my¹lení",
609 volume = "Vyd.~1.",
610 publisher = "Portál",
611 address = "Praha",
612 year = "2001",
613 note = "232.~s. Pøel.~z: Mind: introduction to cognitive science.",
614 isbn = "80-7178-445-1"
617 @PHDTHESIS{stipekphd,
618 author = "Jiøí ©típek",
619 title = "Informaèní elementaristika a systémové pojetí jejího obsahu",
620 school = "UK-PedF",
621 address = "Praha",
622 year = "2004",
623 type = "Dizertaèní práce",
626 @PHDTHESIS{leipertphd,
627 author = "Jiøí Leipert",
628 title = "Metodika elementarizace elektronického textu jako slo¾ky informaèní výchovy",
629 school = "UK-PedF",
630 address = "Praha",
631 year = "2001",
632 type = "Dizertaèní práce",
635 @MASTERSTHESIS{vano05,
636 author = "Martin Va{\v{n}}o",
637 title = "Vizualizace informací ve vyhledávání informací",
638 school = "UK-FF",
639 address = "Praha",
640 year = "2005",
641 type = "Diplomová práce",