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[cslatevm.git] / doc / progman.bib
2 @article{ ungar91organizing,
3 author = "David Ungar and Craig Chambers and Bay-Wei Chang and Urs
4 Holzle",
5 title = "Organizing Programs Without Classes",
6 journal = "Lisp and Symbolic Computation",
7 volume = "4",
8 number = "3",
9 pages = "0-",
10 year = "1991",
11 url = "" }
13 @inproceedings{ chambers92objectoriented,
14 author = "Craig Chambers",
15 title = "Object-oriented multi-methods in Cecil",
16 booktitle = "Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on
17 Object-Oriented Programming ({ECOOP})",
18 volume = "615",
19 publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
20 address = "Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo",
21 editor = "Ole Lehrmann Madsen",
22 isbn = "3-540-55668-0",
23 pages = "33--56",
24 year = "1992",
25 url = "" }
27 @unpublished{ chambers95cecil,
28 author = "Craig Chambers",
29 title = "The {Cecil} Language Specification and Rationale: Version
30 2.0",
31 year = "1995",
32 url = "" }