1 Bootimage / Installation procedure --- YUDI ---
2 ==================================
3 remove toy stuff :( common.shell
5 initrd for corvix not working
8 is busybox invoked the right way?
9 enable user interaction for networking!
11 include debootstrap stuff
15 install system scripts --- GEROLF ---
16 ======================
21 here come the low priority stuff
22 ===============================================================
26 make complete (debian) packagae lists for different scenarios
27 include better egatrop support
28 include md5 sum checking of everything
32 create independently from debian
35 make initrd image from scratch
37 provide egatrop compiled bootstraps
39 http://mirrors.sec.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/gentoo/releases/x86/2008.0/stages/stage1-x86-2008.0.tar.bz2
40 http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/faq.xml